珂拉琪 Collage【TALACOWA】鋼琴版 | 附中英歌詞 | 臺灣原住民阿美族語與日語混合歌曲

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ก.ย. 2024
  • 歌名 Song:TALACOWA
    主唱 Vocal:夏子 Natsuko
    作曲 Composer:夏子 Natsuko
    作詞 Lyricist:夏子 Natsuko
    插圖 Art: 夏子 Natsuko
    樂隊 Band: 珂拉琪 Collage
    鋼琴 Piano: Roland digital piano FP-30 (2020); serial number: E0L9292
    參考影片 Reference Video: • 珂拉琪 Collage/MALIYANG
    參考琴譜 (仍多有差異):www.bilibili.c...
    多為血汗聽奏與即興 Mainly improvised after many trial-and-errors

ความคิดเห็น • 18

  • @Hyperentropist
    @Hyperentropist  ปีที่แล้ว +23

    天馬行空假設想像 (和史實不同),假如我是生活在被日本殖民統治中的台灣原住民,被迫渡海參與大東亞共榮圈的侵華戰爭,或二戰剛結束,卻被接收台灣的國民政府調去打國共內戰;或是韓戰期間青藏高原的遊牧民族,被共產黨調往鴨綠江前線送死;又或者是三國時期,被諸葛孔明所征服南蠻部落的一員,被迫加入北伐曹魏的行列;美國的印地安人,被白人們抓去打他們的南北戰爭;非洲的原始部落,為了軍閥間的爭鬥從小就得拿起AK-47⋯⋯我真的願意參與這些不屬於我的戰事嗎?儘管內心百般抗拒,卻難敵統治階層的強迫威脅,為此犧牲生命,實在是無能為力的悲哀。
    中華民國壹佰壹拾貳年癸卯秋分 高熵狂人 記於美國麻省理工學院 太平雪梨齋
    In the Amis language, "talacowa" means "Where are you going?" The lyrics of this song depict the differing perspectives of the Taiwan Amis indigenous people and the Japanese military during World War II. Through interspersed dialogues, the song weaves historical context and inner monologues, combined with condensed, poetic lyrics, to create a vibrant and life-filled story. It not only portrays the conflict between indigenous people and colonizers but also conveys the helplessness and sorrow of people whose destinies are manipulated by other powerful forces.
    Much like "MALIYANG" before it, this song "TALACOWA" delves into the challenges faced by indigenous people in seeking their identity under the rule of foreign powers. It particularly highlights the discontent of the indigenous people forced to fight for the foreign regime. While in the past, figures like Mulan may have been motivated to protect their families and homelands by joining battles against invaders, in many contemporary conflicts, wars are often waged to satisfy the desires, reputation, or economic interests of a privileged few, making it especially difficult for indigenous and minority populations to comprehend. This situation is fraught with irony and anguish.
    Put yourself in this hypothetical scenario (bearing in mind that it is purely hypothetical and not based on historical facts): Imagine being an indigenous person living in Japanese-occupied Taiwan, compelled to cross the seas to participate in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere's invasion of China. Or, consider a situation just after World War II when the Nationalist government took control of Taiwan and dispatched you to fight in the Chinese Civil War. Alternatively, think of being a nomadic tribe from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the Korean War, forcibly deployed to the Yalu River frontlines. Or, going further back in time to the Three Kingdoms era, picture yourself as a member of a southern tribe conquered by Zhuge Liang, reluctantly forced to join the campaign against Cao Wei. You might also envision Native Americans in the United States, captured by white settlers and thrust into the midst of the Civil War. Or, think about primitive tribes in Africa, who, from a young age, had to pick up AK-47s to engage in conflicts driven by warlords. Would you genuinely be willing to participate in these wars that have no inherent connection to your own life? Despite countless inner reservations, it is difficult to resist the coercive threats of those in power, and the grim reality of sacrificing lives becomes a heartbreaking and seemingly insurmountable tragedy.
    Drawing closer to my personal experience, I am a Taiwanese, having fulfilled my mandatory military service. Who could have foreseen that one day, due to the self-serving decisions of those in power and specific interest groups, or perhaps because of deliberate manipulation by external forces, Taiwan might find itself caught between foreign powers, becoming a pawn in the pursuit of interests, forced to endure a war that would only intensify suffering and resentment on our own soil? Do the people of Taiwan have the freedom to fight for themselves? Can Taiwan's future truly be determined by its own people?
    Being able to go home, who wouldn't want that? Abandoning the rising sun, putting down weapons, let's head east! Ironically, before reaching home, another sun is already rising.
    09/2023 Hyperentropist @MIT Sidney-Pacific Graduate Residence, USA

    • @簡毛-m5v
      @簡毛-m5v ปีที่แล้ว +5

      還不只彈奏了一首他們的作品 :)
      「1945 年,最後的高砂軍在臺中集結,部分前往南洋,部分留守備戰。軍營中十幾位阿美族青年眼看戰爭即將結束,而新的政權準備來接收軍隊,要派他們去打另一場不屬於自己的戰爭,於是他們在夜裡相約逃脫,徒步翻越中央山脈回到花東故鄉。」
      “領導人不夠明智” “外部勢力故意挑撥”,都不能是他國發動戰爭的藉口

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@簡毛-m5v 很謝謝您的詳細分享!以上想像我是某個地方的原住民,只是純粹假設自己想像,和史實不同哈。

    • @Ayla-0214
      @Ayla-0214 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Ayla-0214 真的立場非常多元,難以單一角度判斷對錯

    • @justdegon
      @justdegon 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @chochotete
    @chochotete 18 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @miffystars9879
    @miffystars9879 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @yunxin9896
    @yunxin9896 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @清遠你畫我猜皇帝
    @清遠你畫我猜皇帝 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @yeetlee2315
    @yeetlee2315 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    超好聽❤~~~ 好奇未來會不會有‘ADINGO

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist  ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @taniksin
    @taniksin ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist  ปีที่แล้ว +3
