Hyperentropist 高熵狂人
Hyperentropist 高熵狂人
  • 162
  • 526 774
背景音樂: 自彈 0:00~5:18 台大合唱團《如果明天就是下一生》 5:18~8:50 初音《朧月》
English version: th-cam.com/video/StJvEzpX8WI/w-d-xo.html. But I still express myself much more accurately in Mandarin.
#研究所 #留學 #studyabroad
มุมมอง: 2 112


Reflections on my MIT PhD Qualifying Exam
มุมมอง 9114 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Pardon my rough translation. I still express myself much more accurately in Mandarin: th-cam.com/video/zITJxuaz5r0/w-d-xo.html BGM: 0:00~5:18 NTU Chorus《If Tomorrow Were The Next Life》 5:18~8:50 Hatsune Miku《Hazy Moon》that I played. BGM links: If Tomorrow Were The Next Life: th-cam.com/video/hRNW2nBedL4/w-d-xo.html Hazy Moon: th-cam.com/video/_FaXR0EgyTs/w-d-xo.html #phd #studyabroad #graduate
500 Miles|Steinway piano cover|五百英里|史坦威鋼琴版
มุมมอง 22019 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, even though I’m on the other side of the Earth, we still share the same full moon at this moment. My hometown, Taiwan, is 7,800 miles away from Boston, USA. But the real distance is not measured by miles; it is the time that has slipped away. And what has truly faded is not just time, but the people and the self I once knew. 中秋佳節,千里共嬋娟。身在地球的另一端,仍天涯共此時。我的家鄉台灣,距離美國...
Clannad《潮鳴り》| Roaring Tides | Uminari | Steinway Piano Cover
มุมมอง 7614 วันที่ผ่านมา
Clannad OST 曲名 Song:潮鳴り/Roaring Tides/ Uminari 鋼琴 Piano:Steinway Model D 作曲 Artist:折戸伸治 Shinji Orito 琴譜 Piano Sheet:蟲蟲鋼琴 ccpiano 感謝台北史坦威鋼琴中心提拱場地與熱情介紹 ‪@steinwaygallerytaipei261
魔法阿媽 BGM《看不見的朋友》鋼琴版 | 台灣經典動畫電影 | Grandma and Her Ghosts BGM | Classic Taiwanese Animation
มุมมอง 445หลายเดือนก่อน
曲名:看不見的朋友(魔法阿嬤片尾曲) 作曲:史擷詠 鋼琴:Steinway Model D 琴譜:感謝 @zouyugisanimationworld578 製作分享 感謝台北史坦威鋼琴中心提拱場地與熱情介紹 @steinwaygallerytaipei261 #中元節 #台灣動畫 #魔法阿嬤
潘瑋柏《不得不愛》|Free Style(프리스타일) - Y (Please Tell Me Why)|Bu De Bu Ai|史坦威鋼琴版 Steinway Piano Cover
มุมมอง 472หลายเดือนก่อน
曲名:不得不愛 歌手:潘瑋柏 、弦子 原曲名:Free Style(프리스타일) - Y (Please Tell Me Why) 鋼琴:Steinway Model B 琴譜:血汗聽奏 中華民國壹佰壹拾參年甲辰七夕 高熵狂人 於美國麻省新英格蘭音樂學院 08/2024 Hyperentropist @ New England Conservatory of Music
Attack on Titan - Call of Silence 進擊的巨人OST 鋼琴版|Hiroyuki Sawano 澤野弘之
มุมมอง 239หลายเดือนก่อน
曲名 Song:Call of Silence 作曲 Composer:澤野弘之 Hiroyuki Sawano 琴譜 Piano Sheet:蟲蟲鋼琴 CC Piano 地點 Location:Harvard Business School - The Class of 1959 Chapel 鋼琴 Piano:Steinway Model B
元氣少女緣結神 Kamisama Kiss BGM 鋼琴版《託された想い》|神様はじめました
มุมมอง 3703 หลายเดือนก่อน
神様はじめました/元氣少女緣結神/Kamisama Kiss BGM piano cover 《托された想い》 琴譜 Piano Sheet:蟲蟲鋼琴 CCpiano 鋼琴 Piano:Yamaha AvantGrand N3 地點 Location:美國波士頓大學音樂學院 Boston University School of Music(感謝Z的帶領進入!)
「夜夜想起媽媽的話,閃閃的淚光魯冰花」台灣電影《魯冰花》主題曲|施坦威鋼琴版 |The Dull Ice Flower piano cover|鍾肇政|吳念真|甄妮1991央視春晚
มุมมอง 9264 หลายเดือนก่อน
《魯冰花》電影改編自台灣文學之母鐘肇政的同名小說,以民國50年代初台灣農村為背景,探討了教育與貧窮等社會議題。片名「魯冰花」源自羽扇豆的學名Lupinus,音譯成「魯冰花」,與台灣客家話和台語中的「路邊花」發音相似,在劇中代表父母親為了小孩的貢獻,就像是魯冰花一樣犧牲供茶樹開的更加茂密的肥料,也象徵著默默綻放卻不被重視的花朵,正如低層社會階級的處境。 魯冰花凋謝後還會再開,但天才殞落卻難再現。這部電影描繪了深具才華卻身處社會底層、無從施展的人們。空有理想抱負,但因無法與社會功利結合,常被阻撓或扼殺,或者被消磨殆盡隨波逐流。堅持正義的行動常因眾人私利而受阻,但或許可以找到兼顧各方的中庸之道,使理想以更有同理心圓融的方式實現。比如在電影裡,眾人想要攀附權貴,權貴想要虛名,就該認清是事實難以改變他人,老師沒有必要得罪他們,使自己孤立無援。世上的比賽那麼多,大可以把兩位學生的畫作都表揚稱讚拿...
五月天【洗衣機】|FAZIOLI 鋼琴版 |Mayday - Washing Machine piano cover
มุมมอง 2744 หลายเดือนก่อน
彈奏這首五月天的「洗衣機」獻給我最敬愛的媽媽,以及全天下默默付出的母愛。 五月天 洗衣機 作詞:阿信 作曲:怪獸 鋼琴:FAZIOLI F212 @Faustharrisonpianos @FazioliPianos 歌詞: 洗衣機 穿著一身 退色塑料壓克力 獨坐在陽台上受 日曬風吹雨淋 電視機 孩子們目光都以他為中心 黑色簡約外型 多適合客廳 就算是吹風機 也有流線外型 緊握在手心 像跳舞親密 光榮的電唱機 晉身為古董級 典雅的中音比誰都 更受歡迎 木訥的洗衣機 從沒有主題曲 只有風霜灰塵 讓人不想接近 從來沒有 一句的怨言 你丟多少它都洗 脫水總是 全心又全力 直到顫抖了身體 多少年了 旋轉又旋轉 時間一眨眼過去 上了年紀 卻依然盡力 孤獨勇敢洗衣機 咖啡機 歐洲進口 帶著書卷貴族氣 孩子都長大了 愛 圍著它喝那堤 洗衣機 一直以來 度量很大沒心機 它的唯一關心 是何時放晴 就算...
任賢齊《再出發》FAZIOLI 鋼琴版 | 中華職棒|台灣勵志歌曲|Set Out Again piano cover
มุมมอง 4594 หลายเดือนก่อน
近期遭遇學業重大挫折。下週五,應該是我人生最後一次決定命運的大考試,壓力與緊張感遠甚以往。這次考試的分量承載了我的學習歷程,背負了他人對我的期望、支持、甚至犧牲,更即將驗證,我是否有資格繼續追求,多年來始終如一的夢想。 I recently encountered significant setbacks in my studies. Next Friday should be the last exam that will determine my destiny in life, and the pressure and nervousness are far greater than ever before. The weight of this exam carries my academic journey, bearing the expectations, suppor...
梅艷芳 Anita Mui - 夕陽之歌 | 陳慧嫻《千千闋歌》| 史坦威鋼琴版|夕焼けの歌|李翊君《風中的承諾》
มุมมอง 4735 หลายเดือนก่อน
歌名誤植為「千千闕歌」 實應為「千千闋歌」 梅艷芳 Anita Mui - 夕陽之歌 | 陳慧嫻《千千闋歌》|李翊君《風中的承諾》|近藤真彥 夕焼けの歌 (夕陽之歌) 原歌名 Original Song:夕焼けの歌 原作曲 Original composer:馬飼野康二 Kōji Makaino 鋼琴 Piano:德國漢堡 史坦威 Hamburg Steinway Model B 地點 Location: 美國麻省劍橋 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 琴譜 Piano Sheet: 蟲蟲鋼琴 CCpiano 演奏 Performer: 高熵狂人 中華民國壹佰壹拾參年甲辰穀雨 Hyperentropist 04/2024
伍佰《愛你一萬年》|沢田研二《時の過ぎゆくままに》|鐘鎮濤《讓一切隨風》|FAZIOLI 鋼琴版
มุมมอง 4915 หลายเดือนก่อน
原曲:時の過ぎゆくままに 原作曲:大野克夫 原演唱:沢田研二 翻唱:伍佰《愛你一萬年》、鐘鎮濤《讓一切隨風》、... 琴譜:蟲蟲鋼琴 自行改編 鋼琴:FAZIOLI F212
伍佰《挪威的森林》FAZIOLI 鋼琴版 Norwegian Forest piano cover
มุมมอง 1.3K5 หลายเดือนก่อน
歌曲 Song:挪威的森林 Norwegian Forest 作曲 Composer:伍佰 (Wu Bai) & China Blue 琴譜 Piano Sheet:蟲蟲鋼琴 自行改編 CC piano self-arrangement 鋼琴 Piano:法吉歐利 FAZIOLI F212 @Faustharrisonpianos 演奏 Performer:高熵狂人 Hyperentropist
風居住的街道|FAZIOLI 鋼琴版|磯村由紀子 - 风の住む街 ピアノ
มุมมอง 2355 หลายเดือนก่อน
風居住的街道|FAZIOLI 鋼琴版|磯村由紀子 - 风の住む街 ピアノ
《懸溺》 貝森多夫鋼琴版|開頭弱音踏板 | 《Edging》Bösendorfer 230VC piano cover | soft pedal
มุมมอง 1875 หลายเดือนก่อน
《懸溺》 貝森多夫鋼琴版|開頭弱音踏板 | 《Edging》Bösendorfer 230VC piano cover | soft pedal
「孝順要等到有錢嗎?」《落雨聲》史坦威鋼琴版 The Sound of Falling Rain piano cover |附中英台CC字幕
มุมมอง 9486 หลายเดือนก่อน
「孝順要等到有錢嗎?」《落雨聲》史坦威鋼琴版 The Sound of Falling Rain piano cover |附中英台CC字幕
「既然都忘不掉,不如就裝著吧」上海彩虹合唱團《道別是一件難事》施坦威鋼琴版|金承志|It’s Hard to Say Goodbye piano cover
มุมมอง 3376 หลายเดือนก่อน
「既然都忘不掉,不如就裝著吧」上海彩虹合唱團《道別是一件難事》施坦威鋼琴版|金承志|It’s Hard to Say Goodbye piano cover
上海彩虹合唱團《夏天的夢是什麼顏色的呢?》史坦威鋼琴版 附中英字幕 Rainbow Chamber Singers - What's the Color of Summer Dream piano
มุมมอง 7106 หลายเดือนก่อน
上海彩虹合唱團《夏天的夢是什麼顏色的呢?》史坦威鋼琴版 附中英字幕 Rainbow Chamber Singers - What's the Color of Summer Dream piano
《祝福》史坦威鋼琴版|上海彩虹合唱團|江蕙|中英字幕|Jody Chiang - Best Wishes to You Steinway Model D Piano Cover
มุมมอง 5596 หลายเดือนก่อน
《祝福》史坦威鋼琴版|上海彩虹合唱團|江蕙|中英字幕|Jody Chiang - Best Wishes to You Steinway Model D Piano Cover
許美靜《城裡的月光》史坦威鋼琴版 Moonlight in the City Steinway piano cover
มุมมอง 1.5K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
許美靜《城裡的月光》史坦威鋼琴版 Moonlight in the City Steinway piano cover
如果明天就是下一生,你會如何度過今天?|台大合唱團|上海彩虹 |鋼琴版 |If Tomorrow Were The Next Life piano cover
มุมมอง 9417 หลายเดือนก่อน
如果明天就是下一生,你會如何度過今天?|台大合唱團|上海彩虹 |鋼琴版 |If Tomorrow Were The Next Life piano cover
仙劍奇俠傳四《迴夢遊仙》鋼琴版|千年緣|Sword and Fairy 4 | Wandering Through Immortal Realms in Dreams
มุมมอง 4467 หลายเดือนก่อน
仙劍奇俠傳四《迴夢遊仙》鋼琴版|千年緣|Sword and Fairy 4 | Wandering Through Immortal Realms in Dreams
มุมมอง 9757 หลายเดือนก่อน
มุมมอง 7K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
仙劍奇俠傳《玉滿堂》鋼琴版 Sword and Fairy《Hall Full of Jade》piano cover
มุมมอง 5398 หลายเดือนก่อน
仙劍奇俠傳《玉滿堂》鋼琴版 Sword and Fairy《Hall Full of Jade》piano cover
Princess Mononoke - Mononoke Hime | もののけ姫 | Piano
มุมมอง 2408 หลายเดือนก่อน
Princess Mononoke - Mononoke Hime | もののけ姫 | Piano
Spinning Globe piano cover | The Boy and the Heron OST | How Do You Live
มุมมอง 6108 หลายเดือนก่อน
Spinning Globe piano cover | The Boy and the Heron OST | How Do You Live
Otakaze《夏恋》Piano Cover | feat Rhyzz&Bell&Jas Mace(The 49ers)
มุมมอง 3769 หลายเดือนก่อน
Otakaze《夏恋》Piano Cover | feat Rhyzz&Bell&Jas Mace(The 49ers)
Coco - Remember Me piano cover | Steinway Spirio r
มุมมอง 1659 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coco - Remember Me piano cover | Steinway Spirio r


  • @ming-kunwu3511
    @ming-kunwu3511 3 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @franziskahung233
    @franziskahung233 4 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 3 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @盧廷瑜-r4d
    @盧廷瑜-r4d 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    推一個~週六待在Lab寫文章看著這影片真的非常有感觸 來美國念博班真的發現非常多比我更聰明還更努力的人 很多時候真的感到挫折 能讓自己堅持努力下去的原因大概就是我真的很喜歡現在做的研究 加油

  • @qw0988802277
    @qw0988802277 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    演算法帶著我來恭喜你願你繼續 堅持 努力 自我懷疑 頓悟 蛻變 不斷輪迴循環 堆疊出更棒的自己,加油👍🏻

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@qw0988802277 非常謝謝欣賞和肯定!持續進步!

  • @羅仕守
    @羅仕守 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@羅仕守 感謝期待!自身繼續努力,也以待時變

  • @sing-jifung2759
    @sing-jifung2759 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@sing-jifung2759 謝謝!

  • @justdegon
    @justdegon 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    like this cmt i would read it later now im sleepy whatever gn

  • @panda8885
    @panda8885 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@panda8885 謝謝分享!非常尊敬偏鄉學伴的決定,彼此都加油!

  • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
    @AlbertYeh-gz8wu 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@AlbertYeh-gz8wu 非常感謝🥹

  • @Hyperentropist
    @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Reflections on my MIT PhD Qualifying Exam -A Kaleidoscope of Emotions Warning: This is a long read. My monk-mode journey is a swirling mess of delusions and emotions. Expect chaos and confusion ahead. On the morning of Lunar New Year's Eve, the Year of the Rabbit, I stood before a whiteboard, facing four professors firing rapid questions at me. I was in the midst of the most grueling exam of my life-the PhD qualifying exam in MIT’s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. By high noon, the familiar “Gryffindor sword of MIT” from three years ago struck me once again, with 99% of my Horcruxes vanishing in a blink. The Year of the Dragon began with my life bar flashing red, teetering on the edge. A committee of four professors administers the exam, and second-year students have two chances to pass it to continue pursuing their Ph.D. Before that, students must excel in about eight courses in the first year to be qualified to take the qualifying exam. Each semester, with four courses, the sheer volume of assignments and the intensity of knowledge imparted far exceeded anything I had previously encountered. Especially when faced with unfamiliar material, the already high-pressure learning and research environment became even more overwhelming. After meeting the academic performance threshold, second-year students face a two-hour oral exam in total, standing alone at a whiteboard while fielding questions that span personal research and theoretical knowledge. Professors may ask unpredictable questions from lectures and textbooks, requiring students to derive formulas on the spot or use mathematical reasoning to explain physical phenomena. It’s common to see the whiteboard filled and erased again with equations and diagrams. Beyond that, students must defend their logic, the significance of their research, and even demonstrate how they can apply their knowledge across different fields. If just one professor anonymously dissents, the student fails. Failing twice means expulsion, with only a master’s degree as consolation. Each cohort has around 20 new Ph.D. students, but there are always a few who don’t make it through. This year alone, I've heard that at least six of my peers have already left. Over the past two decades, I became only the fifth Taiwanese student admitted to the Ph.D. program in Nuclear Engineering at MIT. During that time, apart from myself, only two others passed the qualifying exam. Despite my passion for engineering and science, a deep-seated inferiority complex shadowed me, rooted in my struggles with math. From aptitude tests in middle and high school to nearly every major exam, my math scores were always the lowest. Furthermore, the sting of scoring just 11 out of 15 on Taiwan’s university entrance exam in math (equivalent to roughly 600 out of 800 on the SAT Math) has long crippled my self-esteem. With such a poor math foundation, how could I dream of pursuing engineering? Could I belong at MIT, this world-renowned academic pinnacle? Where did I even find the courage to enroll? Deep within, the voice that had driven me over a decade ago-"better to be a tail among lions than a head among chickens"-still echoed, urging me to place myself in an environment where everyone was more capable, pushing me to grow. But this time, it wasn’t just about my personal growth. In a niche field with very few people like nuclear engineering, individual performance often carries the weight of the entire community. Unlike in popular fields, where a single success or failure hardly impacts the reputation of a school or even a country. Taiwan’s nuclear education had dwindled to a fragile state, with only National Tsing Hua University barely keeping the program alive. In my graduating class, I was the sole student to complete the nuclear engineering track. I recall taking certain courses alongside graduate students because senior professors were on the verge of retirement, and without new faculty or student interest, these subjects might fade into history. One such course, "Applied Nuclear Physics," had only seven students, and I was the lone undergraduate from the department. There was a profound, almost melancholic sense of finality in those moments-the feeling of standing at the end of an era. How could I not be shaken by the weight of that solitude, the flickering light of a field on the verge of extinction? At that time, I sought guidance from many, hoping to either find clarity in my choice or discover another path. What remains etched in my memory are the words of my mentors, a mix of caution and encouragement. “Are you sure you can handle it?” they asked. In Taiwan, the field of nuclear engineering had long since faded from its former glory, now teetering on the edge of extinction. Resources were scarce, and the future looked grim under the weight of political and public opposition. Staying in Taiwan meant few prospects ahead. “If you're truly determined to pursue nuclear engineering, you must go abroad," they said. "Being the only one also means being the best. And if you’re going to do this, you must aim for the very best programs in the world. Don’t fear loneliness in your ideals; when you reach the top, you’ll find others who share your vision. But remember, in such a small field, your success or failure won't just be personal. You'll be carrying the reputation of Tsing Hua, the professors who recommended you, and all of Taiwan's nuclear engineering community. You'll also bear the hopes of those younger students who, like you, dream of one day studying abroad to achieve further.” Studying nuclear engineering, a field that not only runs counter to my homeland’s policies but is also shunned by public sentiment, placed immense pressure on my heart. At National Tsing Hua University, I was using up precious resources, and the guilt from this contradiction made me constantly question my path. Had my courage to be disliked crossed the line into stubborn self-destruction? Failing the qualifying exam would not only be a personal setback but a letdown to all those who supported me-mentors, family, and the societal resources invested in me. The thought of this debt felt crushing. What should have been a moment of triumph-a chance to prove myself-became an oppressive burden laden with fear and self-doubt. Without the blessing of my homeland, I carried a sense of loneliness, feeling misunderstood and exiled from my roots. I found myself asking: Do I really need to be so out of step with the world around me? Am I choosing this difficult path just to suffer in the end? Faced with the potential to harm both myself and others, I had never been so afraid of failure. On the quest for personal achievement, I had never been so mindful of its impact on others. Yet, it is precisely fear that offers a chance for bravery; it is a responsibility that starts to give life ponderance. Before me lay two diverging paths: one leading to the comfort of safety, promising ease but certain regret in the years to come; the other, a grueling challenge with the risk of ultimate defeat. Fueled by youthful vitality perhaps, I chose to confront the challenge head-on, fully committing to this high-stakes gamble. After barely meeting the academic threshold in my first year, I earned the right to take the qualifying exam. But despite everything, I still wasn’t prepared enough. I failed at the first attempt this February. The reason was made painfully clear-they didn’t think I was worth pursuing a PhD at MIT. I was given an ultimatum: a final chance to retake in three months. Though I masked my disappointment with a forced smile and a show of determination, inside, the crushing weight of failure gave rise to overwhelming fear and anxiety. Three years had passed since I left home. I had promised to go back to Taiwan this summer to be with my family, but as the date drew closer, I didn’t know if I’d be booking a one-way ticket or a round trip. My parents hadn’t visited me in the U.S. yet, always saying, "Let’s wait until you’ve truly earned the right to stay there." During our daily video calls, they would sometimes tease, "You’ve got enough tea to last well beyond graduation, and all those unnecessary decorations in your room-imagine the hassle of packing everything up! You can barely manage your affairs, yet you’ve taken on leadership roles in the Taiwanese student association and your dorm. How embarrassing will it be if you don’t pass?" But in moments of sincerity, they’d offer comfort: "You’ve worked so hard, and we’re so proud of you. But your health is paramount. If you’re too tired, just come home. Your room and bed are always ready." Hearing their words, a wave of emotion surged. At that moment, my memory flashed back to the time when I was preparing for entrance exams of private middle schools, only to find that I couldn’t even pass the entry test for a cram school. Yet, my parents showed no hint of blame or disappointment. All they asked was that I "learn happily." The indulgence from those closest to me became the most piercing form of motivation. Now, with the feeling that I'm about to let everyone down, I find that I no longer have the time, nor the right, to express any negative emotions. The only thing allowed is relentless positivity, pressing me to the edge of collapse. (continue in the following reply)

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      1. For those three months, I clung to my last chance, knowing this would likely be the final, defining exam of my life. I dove deeper into the theories from textbooks, striving for a more thorough understanding. I devoured research papers in search of inspiration, constantly seeking guidance and clarification from lab mates, professors, and senior students. I wrote an entirely new research proposal and underwent mock exams repeatedly. In short, I refused to stay down, pouring all my efforts into both self-reliance and seeking help to surpass who I once was. During this time, I truly grasped the wisdom shared by a mentor-like senior student: “How far back in time do you look and think, ‘Wow, I was an idiot’? A year? Six months? The shorter that period, the better, because it means you’re constantly updating yourself and growing fast.” ​​Since I began my journey here, I’ve constantly felt that my ability to learn and conduct research paled in comparison to my peers-never mind the professors, who seemed to operate on an entirely different level. Their time seemed so much more valuable than mine, making every moment I spent resting or slacking off feel like a greater cost. I thought that if I just worked hard enough, I might catch up to the geniuses around me. But I quickly realized I was surrounded by people who were not only smarter but also more diligent-who pushed themselves harder than I ever could. Whenever I felt a sense of competition, I couldn’t escape the frustration of being outmatched both in intelligence and effort. Yet, strangely enough, this constant pressure of being at the bottom has become a powerful catalyst for growth. Preparing for the qualifying exam made me realize that it was my competitive spirit that had led to those feelings of inferiority. The disappointment of not winning no longer stings the way it once did. Even surrounded by people far more talented than myself, I can still feel confident. I learned that true confidence comes from continuous self-improvement, not from outdoing others. There is greater joy in growing from within than in relying on external validation. In May, I passed the exam. This time, I wasn’t overwhelmed with the crippling anxiety and fear that had consumed me before. Instead, I approached it with a sense of calm, answering questions with clarity and composure. When all four MIT professors smiled at me in approval, years of a thorny academic journey flashed before my eyes like a reel of memories. It felt as though my perseverance, the expectations and sacrifices of others, and my right to continue pursuing my dreams all converged. Standing at this milestone of passing the qualifying exam, I realize I am no longer just a student. I have begun to transform into one of those who push the boundaries of human knowledge-the kind of person I once admired. I am now part of the great endeavor to advance civilization. The honor that comes with this realization fills me with immense comfort and joy. I have finally proven to the doubtful and insecure version of myself that I am worthy of my dreams in engineering and science. At last, the long-held knot in my heart is now untangled. Through this journey, I gained a rare sense of fulfillment in life: the moment of achieving a goal isn’t the most satisfying part. The true sense of accomplishment comes during the arduous journey itself-from the initial lack of confidence, sinking to the lowest point, feeling dejected and defeated, to that one moment when you suddenly realize that you will reach your goal. That is when the sense of achievement feels the most complete. Even after passing the exam, I still felt a lingering sense of unease. At MIT, a place driven by results and pragmatism, they don't just educate-they filter. Yes, they do teach, but only those they deem worthy of their time and investment. Students who aren’t seen as capable of upholding the school’s prestige can easily get kicked out. After all, why would they spend time and money patiently nurturing someone, like other schools or public education might, when they can easily replace them with more brilliant candidates? I sometimes wonder-if Morris Chang had passed his MIT Ph.D. qualifying exam in mechanical engineering, perhaps TSMC would never have been born. And then I daydream: if I didn’t pass, would "Taiwan Nuclear Energy Corporation (TNEC)" be my legacy in the future instead? Like Dr. Chang, I can’t help but feel, “I have immense respect for MIT, but only half the love.” In this harsh world of survival of the fittest, unconditional love that once nurtured me no longer exists.

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      2. At MIT, there’s an almost pathological obsession with perseverance, bordering on self-torturing determination. Many here willingly shoulder unhealthy amounts of pressure and challenge, some even treat their busyness as something to brag about. Almost everyone experiences anxiety to some degree here, and professors are no exception. If they don’t produce good research, they won’t get tenure at MIT-similar to how students are expelled if they don’t pass their qualifying exams. Some professors, under immense pressure, push their students to overwork as well, and those with poor emotional regulation may offload their stress on students. It is not uncommon for people to suffer from depression. Some turn to medication, with occasional extreme cases of suicide. Because of this, MIT offers nearly unlimited free psychological counseling and therapy, easily worth more than 10,000 dollars over a year. That may be what makes MIT MIT-the brilliance of its prestige indeed shines bright: the knowledge, the mindset, and the invaluable connections you gain here are treasures few other places can offer. How one chooses to wield these gifts is another profound question worth contemplating. In all the choices and sacrifices I made along the way, I find my academic achievements satisfy me, but never quite silence the soft undertone of regret. From the days I prepared for private middle school entrance exams more than a decade ago to the time leading up to my qualifying exam, I adopted a "scorched earth" approach. Focusing intensely on self-improvement for so long, this isolated and repressed state of mind seemed justified, whether in the pursuit of excellence or a mask for my self-abasement. With every step forward, a bit of the lightness and joy that youth should have offered disappeared. But at the time, I was too consumed to notice. Only now, in retrospect, do I realize how much I gave up-those pure experiences I could have relished more back then. The carefree innocence of childhood, the tighter bonds and laughter with my peers, and most regrettably, the hand I never held, the heartbeat I missed. These were moments I’ll never have the same chance to feel again, nor will I regain the purity of mind that would have allowed me to fully embrace them. Especially after entering college, everything became more distant. Everyone’s pursuits clearly drifted further apart. Achievements, failures, or even the effort itself no longer stir the same empathy or resonance as they once easily did. The journey of climbing ever-higher peaks is destined to grow colder, more rugged, and even treacherous. As I look around, the scenery becomes ever more vast and breathtaking, yet it feels desolate without the familiar companions to share it with. This solitude stirs memories of the once lush, vibrant valley I left behind-a world filled with warmth, laughter, and the comfort of shared understanding. Back then, I didn’t fully appreciate it; I even mistook it for a distraction or hindrance. Now, that valley is a painting etched into my mind. Whenever I pause to catch my breath, I gently unfurl it in my thoughts, allowing myself to be momentarily immersed in its sense of belonging. Yet along the edges of this painting, there are always a few blank spaces-they are the wabi-sabi that I can never complete. Looking back on my academic journey, I can’t help but wonder what truly brought me here. Was it really just my hard work that got me this far? And what was the deeper reason behind all the drive and determination? Is the saying “hard work pays off” truly so simple? When I think deeply about it, I realize that this seemingly natural cause-and-effect is actually a selfish and arrogant delusion. This kind of elite arrogance often seeps into the heart, quietly feeding on the weakness of inflated pride. My story is just a classic example of survivor bias. Especially after entering MIT, I’ve become painfully aware that there are countless others, far more intelligent and hardworking than I could ever be, who-due to circumstances beyond their control or plain bad luck-have had their dreams shattered or cannot even reap what they sow. Even more tragically, some never had the chance to try at all, never given the right to fight, their courage snuffed out before it could even bloom. In comparison, I’ve been incredibly lucky. I was placed in a privileged environment where even a glimmer of optimism could open doors and easily get rewarded. That inherently made it easier for me to hold onto hope, to persevere through hardships, and to push forward-creating a positive cycle that seems almost natural. The ordinary lives and complaints of others may be the luxuries I secretly yearn for. What I take for granted might be someone else's distant dream. A healthy body, a joyful childhood, an open-minded family, the freedom to study abroad without worries, and the ability to pursue my dreams… These pieces of my life, so familiar to me, are the kind of blessings that many will never have the chance to experience, no matter how much they might long for them. For some, these are the unreachable visions of a lifetime. With so many advantages and privileges, if I were to simply use them to elevate myself above those with fewer resources, living a life of refined self-interest and comfort, wouldn’t that be too easy-perhaps even a waste? To do so would be to squander my luck and the resources unfairly placed in my hands, blessings that may have come at the expense of others. Instead, I should see my good fortune as a responsibility, relishing and making the most of what I’ve been given. On the path to attaining personal growth and pursuing dreams, I should also help those who didn’t receive the same advantages, giving them the chance to enjoy the same luck and even a better life. I’ve willingly embarked on this challenging and less-traveled path. These years have been repressed, filled with a facade of strength and forced smiles, while my soul clenched tight in silence. Now, I find myself feeling a profound sense of calm and resilience. I am healthy and free, and it feels as though the world is opening up to me in ways it never has before. 中華民國壹佰壹拾參年甲辰中秋 高熵狂人 敬識於美國麻省理工學院 09/2024 Hyperentropist@ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

  • @Hyperentropist
    @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    麻省理工學院博士班資格考心得--五蘊皆不空 警告: 文極長,慎入貧僧修道之五蘊妄念紛飛,心懷罣礙,全是恐怖,顛倒夢想,不知所云。 兔年除夕早上,我站在白板前面對四位教授的即時問答,進行著我人生中最具挑戰性的考試--麻省理工學院核工系的博士班資格考。午時三刻,三年前熟悉的「MIT葛萊芬多寶劍」再次將我斬得我魂飛魄散,99%的分靈體瞬時灰飛煙滅。龍年開局,就殘血亮紅燈。 該考試由四位教授組成委員會,二年級的學生有兩次機會,唯有通過才能繼續攻讀博士學位。在那之前,必須在第一年完成約八門課的學業,並取得足夠優異的成績,才有「資格」考資格考。每一學期四門課,作業量之多和知識灌輸的密度遠超我以往的學習經驗。尤其遇上以前沒學過的內容,讓本就高壓的學習和研究環境更難以負荷。 學業成績門檻通過後,在二年級將面臨總共兩小時站在白板前的口試,內容涵蓋個人研究計畫和理論知識。教授們會隨機抽考諸多課堂和書本內容,要求現場推導公式,或用數學解釋物理現象。白板上不停寫滿再擦掉的方程式和圖表都是常態。此外,更會批判性地考驗學生邏輯、研究內容、影響力,甚至跨領域的靈活應用題。只要一位教授匿名反對便不及格,兩次沒過就退學,頂多美其名拿個碩士畢業。每屆大約有二十餘位博士新生,歷年都有人無法順利通過。這屆已聽聞至少有六位同學走了。 近二十多年來,我是第五位錄取麻省理工核工系博士班的台灣人。期間除我之外,僅有兩位通過資格考。這樣的身份既是榮耀,也是重擔。回想起當時被錄取的那一刻,我本應為此感到自信驕傲,反倒是強烈的自卑感刺上心頭。我雖然懷有對工程和科學的興趣與理想,但數學上的弱點成了揮之不去的心結。從國中、高中的性向測驗,到幾乎每次段考,數理成績總是最低分的項目。學測數學僅有11級分的烙印,更是長期禁錮著我的自信心。數學不好,憑什麼懷抱工科的夢想?麻省理工學院,這所全球頂尖的學術聖殿,真有我的立足之地嗎?我哪來的勇氣就讀? 內心深處,那十多年前「寧為牛後,不為雞首」的聲音不斷催促著我:去往身旁所有人都比自己厲害的環境中,快速提升自己。但這次,已不再僅能考慮自我。身處冷門領域,個人表現代表全體的效應往往會被放大。不像其他熱門科系高手雲集,個人勝敗難以影響母校系甚至故鄉名譽。如今,全台灣僅剩清華大學勉強維持核工教育,同屆大學部甚至只有我一個念完核工課程。回想起有些課,我不得不提前和研究生們一起上,因為老教授即將退休,再無新血師資加入,又沒學生有修課意願,這些課程可能就此成為歷史。比如,當我走進「應用原子核物理」這門課時,全班只有七個人,而我是唯一的系上大學部。風中殘燭般的末代孤寂,怎能不動搖內心? 當時我多方請教,盼望堅定選擇或另尋他路。記憶猶新的是師長們的告誡,既有勸退,也有激勵進取的含義:「你確定念得起?」小池難養大魚,況且台灣的核工界,早已不復數十年前的輝煌,近乎消亡殆盡。現今人才資源都匱乏,又受政治和民意打壓,留在台灣難有未來。如果你真要讀核工,那就要出國。況且唯一,就代表第一,要就要拼去全球最好的校系。不用擔心你的理想孤單,走到頂端,就會有志同道合者出現。但是,冷門領域的圈子太小,你承擔的不僅是個人成敗,而是代表清華乃至台灣核工師生的名譽,包含推薦你的教授,和那些將來可能和你一樣,夢想著出國深造的學弟妹們! 在家鄉學習與政策背道而馳、甚至飽受民怨被唾棄的核工專業,心裡本就承受著不小壓力。更何況在清華大學又消耗著寶貴的資源,這些矛盾帶來的罪惡感再再質疑自己的志向。被討厭的勇氣是否過了頭,變成了自取滅亡的一意孤行。要是資格考沒過而被退學,彷彿便辜負多年來的自己,還會讓那些貴人、親人,和社會資源的期待與付出化為我再也還不起的債,很可能從此身心俱疲、一蹶不振。本應金榜題名的喜悅,竟轉變成了畏畏縮縮、患得患失。似乎得不到家鄉的祝福,我懷著不被理解的孤獨與被迫離鄉的無奈,問自己:真的要如此不合群,甚至自討苦吃嗎? 面對這些潛在害人害己的後果,我從未如此害怕失敗;追尋個人成就的路途上,也從未有此顧及他人的牽掛。但想了想,恰恰正是因為害怕,才有機會勇敢;有了牽掛,生命才開始擁有份量。在我面前展開的是兩條分岔的道路,一是在選擇安逸,但多年後一定惋惜的不甘,二是拼盡全力,最終可能大敗的落寞。或許仗著年輕吧,終究還是直面挑戰。本著和申請大學時同樣的初衷籌碼,我繼續全押了這場左右人生命運的豪賭。 好不容易勉強通過第一年繁重課業的成績門檻,有了資格參加資格考。但是,準備仍然不足。第一次在新年時我沒考過,理由明說我的水準還不夠格在MIT繼續攻讀博士。我被下達最後通牒,三個月後是最後一次重考的機會。當時只能裝出再接再厲的強顏歡笑,內心的挫敗感卻頻頻催生出恐懼和焦慮。 離家三年了,早說好今年暑假要回台灣和家人相聚,我卻不知道,機票將買的是單程,還是來回票。爸爸媽媽也沒來美國看我過,他們總說:「等你真有資格繼續讀再說吧!」每天的視訊裡,有時也會半開玩笑的調侃我:「帶那麼多到畢業也喝不完的茶葉,還有那房間裡吃飽太閒的佈置,到時候要收拾該有多麻煩;都自身難保,還不自量力去當台灣學生會和宿舍的幹部,要是沒過該有多丟臉?」不過,在認真聊的時候,卻會安慰道:「辛苦你了,你真的已經很棒,但身體顧好最重要。累了,就回家,房間和床一直都有準備好。」 聽到這話,眼窩一陣酸軟。瞬間,記憶又回到了當年我準備考衛道私中時,連補習班都考不進,而爸媽卻毫無責怪和失望的表情,反倒只要我「快樂學習就好」的場景浮現眼前。至親之人的縱容反而是最錐心的鞭策。如今,感覺就快要辜負一切,我卻沒有時間,也沒有資格去抱怨任何負面情緒。只被容許不近人情的積極,壓得我心喘,幾近崩潰。 在三個月的期限裡強撐著最後一搏,畢竟,這應該是我人生最後一次左右命運的大考試。我把課本理論再深入研讀地更加透徹,大量閱讀文獻以尋求靈感,並且不斷請教實驗室的夥伴、教授和學長姐們的指導與解惑,再到撰寫出全新的研究計畫書,以及進行一次次的模擬考。簡而言之,我抱著一定要爬起來的心態,傾盡全力超越自我,無論是靠自身還是向外尋求幫助。這段時間,我真正領悟到一位貴人般的學姊曾分享的衡量進步之道:「覺得多久前的自己是個笨蛋?一年?半年?這個周期越短越好,因為這意味著你正在快速更新自己,成長越快。」 入學至今,我都一再感受到學習理解速度和研究能力,對比同儕,更遑論師長的望塵莫及。他們的時間似乎比我還有價值,意味著我休息偷懶的機會成本遠高於他們。想追上天才,那只要夠勤奮就有機會吧?想不到,身旁卻盡是比我更聰明還更努力、對自己更狠的教授和同學們。只要一和別人有競爭心態,就會有無論資質和勤勞都比不過的無力感。 不過,在這種自身墊底又高壓的環境中,對自我成長卻有巨大的推動力。每隔一段時間,便能感覺勝過從前自己,彷彿一次次浴火重生。準備資格考的過程讓我明白:以前就是因為好勝心,比不上別人才會產生自卑。如今已經釋懷,很難再有爭輸贏被擊敗的挫折難受。就算周圍都是比自己優秀的人,我卻照樣能感到自信。這種自信心來源於持續進步的信念,而非透過擊敗他人。我發現,自強不息,比依賴競爭取得的自信更加喜悅和持久。 ...

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      (續上文) 今年五月我考過了。這一次,我不再有第一次那樣的緊張焦慮,反倒能以相對從容的平常心應試,答題都冷靜有條理許多。當四位MIT教授同時懷著笑容認可我時,多年來佈滿荊棘的學習經歷如同跑馬燈襲來,彷彿同時回應了我的堅持、他人的期望與付出,以及繼續追求夢想的資格。 站在資格考這個里程碑前,我意識到自己不再只是學生的角色,而是逐漸成為了那些開拓人類知識邊界的先行者之一。我成為了小時候自己羨慕的那些人之一,能夠參與推動文明進步的偉大工程,這種榮耀帶來無比的欣慰和喜悅。我終於向從前猶豫又自卑的自己證明,我值得擁有理工科的夢想,長久的心結也終於解開。 我從中更體驗到一種人生難遇的成就感:目標達成的那一刻,並不是最滿足的時刻。而是在那艱辛追求過程中,從一開始的毫無信心,甚至跌落谷底,沮喪受挫,到某一瞬間你突然明白,自己終將達成目標。那時的成就感才最為充實。 考完後仍是心有餘悸。在麻省理工這個現實功利的學校,只做篩選,也還是會教育,但只教他們認為值得栽培的學生。資質不夠擔當不起校譽,只會被不留情面的淘汰,畢竟隨時都有更優秀的學生可以招收取代,怎麼可能消耗時間和金錢循循善誘,像其他學校或義務教育慢慢栽培?張忠謀先生當初若有通過MIT機械系博士班的資格考,也許台積電就不會誕生。有時白日夢在想,會不會換作我沒過,以後就有了台核電?和張董事長同樣的是對MIT的感覺:「雖有十分敬,但只有五分愛」。在這實力至上、優勝劣汰的殘酷現實,不再有無私包容的愛。 大多數MIT人都有一種近乎病態的執著和不服輸的精神,有些甚至接近自虐,甘願承受不健康的壓力和挑戰。有的甚至樂在其中,還會以忙碌當作炫耀的方式。幾乎每個人都會焦慮,教授們也不例外。他們沒有良好的研究產出,就不會被MIT續聘,跟學生資格考沒過會被退學類似。因此,有些教授會要求學生一起過勞,情緒控管能力差的教授還會將壓力轉嫁給學生。就算沒有沒有他人強迫,很多MIT人也會過份苛刻自己。焦慮在這裡幾乎無所不在,甚至罹患憂鬱症到需要藥物治療的也不在少數,偶爾還會有想不開自殺的極端案例。為此,MIT免費提供近乎無限的心理醫生諮詢和治療,一整年下來輕易價值上萬美元。但也難怪MIT因此是MIT,光環確實耀眼。在這裡獲得的知識技能、思維模式和人脈資源,都是世上其他地方所難以超越的財富。至於怎麼運用獲得的這一切,又是另一個值得深思的主題了。 回顧一路走來的取捨與努力,儘管學業成就確實滿足,不至後悔,但內心卻始終縈繞著絲絲遺憾。從十多年前從考私立中學到通過資格考前的那段日子,我厲行焦土政策,把自己電阻拉到無限大,絕緣體則菩提本無樹。長期集中心力提升自我,這種既封閉又壓抑的專注,似乎以為了追求卓越,或者自身難保的自卑為由而變得理所當然。每一次前進,都像在割捨一點青春本應擁有的輕盈與歡愉,但當時的我無暇察覺。可如今回望,才驚覺犧牲了不少當時才能享有的純粹體驗--那本應盡情釋放的童心,與同儕更緊密的歸屬感和歡笑,更是那,那不曾握住的手,與錯過的心跳--這一生,我卻已經不可能有這麼單純的心境和機會了。 尤其在上大學後,一切變得更加疏離,大家的追求明顯漸行漸遠。如今的成就或失敗,甚至努力的過程,都不再像從前,能輕易引起關切與共鳴。少了理解與關懷,讓孤獨如影隨形,進而迷茫至動搖自我信念。攀登高峰的旅程,註定越加寒冷、崎嶇,甚至險惡。環顧四周,縱然風景越加壯闊殊異,少了能與之分享的故人同行,舉目卻盡是荒涼。這一切,都讓我不禁回想起當初那片生機盎然的蒼翠山谷,原來是多麽溫馨舒適的天地,洋溢著多少共情的歡聲笑語。當時我卻並未多加珍惜享受,甚至誤認為誘惑與阻礙。如今,那片谷地已化作一幅記憶畫卷,每當我停下腳步喘息,便會在腦海中緩緩展開,讓我短暫地沈浸在那歸屬感的純粹中。可這畫卷的邊緣,總有幾處留白--那是我再也無法填補的侘寂。 回顧目前達到的求學成就,不禁反思到底成因為何,能簡單歸功於自己的努力嗎?又是為了什麼動機? 「天道酬勤」真的這麼簡單嗎?當我細細思量,驚覺那看似自然的因果關係,竟是種自私又狂妄的錯覺。這般菁英的傲慢,往往會趁著自我膨脹時的虛弱,悄然滲蝕內心。我的故事就是典型的倖存者偏差。讀到麻省理工博士班,我深刻意識到,世上絕大多數是能比我更聰明、更努力,卻因為外在因素和運氣而失敗的壯志未酬者,更有許多人甚至從一開始就被扼殺了奮鬥的權利,連鼓起勇氣的機會都沒有,更不用說追求夢想的可能性。而我,只是幸運地處在一個光是積極,就能激活很多機會的優渥環境。這本身就讓我容易獲得希望,更容易努力和忍受挫折,正向循環彷彿順其自然。 他人的平凡和抱怨,可能已經是我所羨慕的奢侈;我自以為的理所當然,也或許是他人心心念念的夢。健康的身體、快樂的童年、開明的家庭,到現在能無後顧之憂的出國留學、自由地追求理想……我擁有的諸多習以為常,很可能已經是世上不少人,傾盡畢生都無從體驗、甚至想像得到的幸福。 擁有這麼多的能力優勢,若只用來凌駕於那些資源不及的人,做個追求精緻自利和舒適生活的人上人,豈不太過簡單,甚至浪費?這樣做,無異於辜負了我的幸運,也辜負了那些偏偏被不公平分配給我的資源,甚至是因他人犧牲而來的恩惠。我應當以幸運代表者之姿,善盡並享受所擁有的一切。在成就理想和自我的路上,一同幫助那些未曾擁有我這般優勢的人們,讓他們也有機會享受這份幸運,乃至更好的生活。 自願走上了這一條不討喜,又足跡罕至的未走之路。 這些年過得實在壓抑,多少故作堅強、強顏歡笑,笑容背後卻是咬緊牙關的靈魂。如今,我感到從未有過的不卑不亢。我健康,我自由,彷彿整個世界以前所未有的姿態展開在我的面前。 中華民國壹佰壹拾參年甲辰中秋 高熵狂人 敬識於美國麻省理工學院 09/2024 Hyperentropist@ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

  • @DAA--ly9fk
    @DAA--ly9fk 6 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @user-zn1ne3lf1x
    @user-zn1ne3lf1x 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    名副其實的高熵狂人 恭喜 祝福 一切辛苦努力 換之而來 榮耀😊😊

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @莊伢紋
    @莊伢紋 7 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Cute_Bunny_666
    @Cute_Bunny_666 8 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @kermit548
    @kermit548 8 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 8 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @sammysu111
    @sammysu111 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    朝聖 好好聽😌

  • @Hyperentropist
    @Hyperentropist 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    中秋佳節,千里共嬋娟。身在地球的另一端,仍天涯共此時。我的家鄉台灣,距離美國波士頓有7800 英里。可離家的不是距離,而是流逝的時光;流逝的不是時光,而是從前的故人和自我。 During the Mid-Autumn Festival, even though I’m on the other side of the Earth, we still share the same full moon at this moment. My hometown, Taiwan, is 7,800 miles away from Boston, USA. But the real distance is not measured by miles; it is the time that has slipped away. And what has truly faded is not just time, but the people and the self I once knew. 中華民國壹佰壹拾參年甲辰中秋 高熵狂人 記於美國麻省理工學院 09/2024 Hyperentropist@ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

  • @otokazeprodofficialyoutubechan
    @otokazeprodofficialyoutubechan 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    nice.thanks mysong.

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      thanks for creating this wonderful music!

  • @瑞呈劉
    @瑞呈劉 14 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 14 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @瑞呈劉
      @瑞呈劉 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Hyperentropist 感謝🙏您在百忙之中抽空回覆不客氣喔!早安順心如意。🌷💐🌸🌺🥀🌹

    @LINLVSSK 14 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @張大師-y9g
    @張大師-y9g 17 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 17 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @chochotete
    @chochotete 18 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 17 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @hjg5563
    @hjg5563 18 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @潘軒任
    @潘軒任 20 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @對勇次郎型專用防具
    @對勇次郎型專用防具 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    請問有琴譜嗎 超愛這首歌 跪求

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 22 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @hjgzed
    @hjgzed 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    同心同德,貫徹始終,青天白日滿地紅... th-cam.com/video/qPj_rwmUQYY/w-d-xo.htmlsi=dO9ju9aOuynPHmQp ​前天爆出来的新闻,分享给浩扬同学

  • @eliaskuan812
    @eliaskuan812 27 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist 14 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @陈培轩-q3t
    @陈培轩-q3t หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @阿咪-s9h
    @阿咪-s9h หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @StanleyChang-h5i
      @StanleyChang-h5i หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@阿咪-s9h 非常感謝欣賞!

  • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
    @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @zouyugisanimationworld578
    @zouyugisanimationworld578 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @jerry196176
    @jerry196176 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @AdaLin-s4z
    @AdaLin-s4z หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      謝謝你! 我在廷廷鋼琴窩 蟲蟲鋼琴 或琴藝網都有找到 www.qinyipu.com/gangqin/shequ/55872.html

  • @tv-qu5tg
    @tv-qu5tg หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @RayLiu狗勾
    @RayLiu狗勾 หลายเดือนก่อน

    最近迷上這首,鋼琴版也好好聽!!! 想請問有考慮再出其他珂拉琪的 cover 嗎?

  • @張良材-e8n
    @張良材-e8n หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @anonymous-qs9nq
    @anonymous-qs9nq หลายเดือนก่อน

    Flawless performance ❤️😊

    • @StanleyChang-h5i
      @StanleyChang-h5i หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@anonymous-qs9nq thank you so much🥹

  • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
    @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
    @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
      @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AlbertYeh-gz8wu 非常謝謝欣賞,會繼續彈奏!

    • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
      @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Hyperentropist 旅行回家時,聽著會很開心。當然,想家時可以聽一下。

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AlbertYeh-gz8wu 是的!

  • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
    @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @AlbertYeh-gz8wu
      @AlbertYeh-gz8wu หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AlbertYeh-gz8wu 謝謝,原來如此!好久沒回顧楊喚先生的作品

  • @0621b-g4c
    @0621b-g4c หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @0621b-g4c
      @0621b-g4c หลายเดือนก่อน

      然後在這裡敲碗一下希望有原子邦妮跟曹雅雯的歌 --會不會太貪心--

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@0621b-g4c 謝謝欣賞!

  • @噶瑪施無畏佛教學系博
    @噶瑪施無畏佛教學系博 หลายเดือนก่อน

    在想「大同」一詞,是不是翻譯成the most harmonious and peaceful world之類的,已避免有心人士把Great Unity詮釋成統一?

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@噶瑪施無畏佛教學系博 這樣清晰不少,感謝分享!

  • @hjgzed
    @hjgzed หลายเดือนก่อน

    浩揚同學,我又看哭了,好感動啊! th-cam.com/video/rWc-CUe4MAw/w-d-xo.htmlsi=Gzwo0lepoj80C3YB

    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @wee8043
    @wee8043 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @wee8043
      @wee8043 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Hyperentropist 好的好的

  • @tv-qu5tg
    @tv-qu5tg หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @tv-qu5tg
    @tv-qu5tg หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @binglinwu4637
    @binglinwu4637 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@binglinwu4637 謝謝欣賞🥹

  • @judyhu5791
    @judyhu5791 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @chaachongtianshi
    @chaachongtianshi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน
