Another great podcast. Mike’s idea at the end was outstanding. That’s something I need to practice. I’m one of those who will sharpen every chisel and carving tool when I have my sharpening stones out and I think by the end I’m not doing a good job because I’m tired of sharpening. Barry was a good addition to the show. He made some great points. The biggest problem of the podcast is every time I add tools to my “must buy” list. This week it was a Starrett combination square -- Ka-Ching!
Regarding the question of Sanding .vs. Planing for finishing... I think its important to mention that in Japan, they DONT sand... it's all about planes because they get such a thin shaving its far superior. Marc Spagnuolo the Wood Whisperer also did a comparison of sanded vs planed and he agreed that even though he sands, planed does look better. But in Japan... the don't sand
Metric is not easier and it in my opinion many mistakes have been made in the medical field because of metric (getting off a factor of 10 is very easy). English units are not hard to use, used them all my life.
Thanks for answering my questions guys!!! Super helpful!
The veritas router plane is fantastic and honestly really inexpensive for what you get.
More Barry!
What happen to Matt Kenny?
Another great podcast. Mike’s idea at the end was outstanding. That’s something I need to practice. I’m one of those who will sharpen every chisel and carving tool when I have my sharpening stones out and I think by the end I’m not doing a good job because I’m tired of sharpening. Barry was a good addition to the show. He made some great points. The biggest problem of the podcast is every time I add tools to my “must buy” list. This week it was a Starrett combination square -- Ka-Ching!
Hi Don, why buy a starret? There are very good ones that are half the price. Like the igaging ones.
Regarding the question of Sanding .vs. Planing for finishing... I think its important to mention that in Japan, they DONT sand... it's all about planes because they get such a thin shaving its far superior. Marc Spagnuolo the Wood Whisperer also did a comparison of sanded vs planed and he agreed that even though he sands, planed does look better. But in Japan... the don't sand
Go Metric young man, it's so much easier. Vic Tesolin rules. Great show
Metric is not easier and it in my opinion many mistakes have been made in the medical field because of metric (getting off a factor of 10 is very easy). English units are not hard to use, used them all my life.