Guys ngatitaurei chokwadi don't ever blame Obert pese panoitwa mainteviews anotaura utsinye hwaakaitirwa naPeter regai azvitaure at least moyo wake unosunungukawo but kana imimi mafans eUtakataka mukamuti anyarare moda kuti afe nemastress here arikubva Kuna Peter hezvo ataura kuti ndisenderwa mathreats paapp zvinonakidza here izvo zvakadaro Peter wacho hapana chinozivikanwa kuimba kwacho dololo basa ndomahure kutadza kuchengeta mai nagogo vana varikudzingwa kuzvikoro uko maback log ezvikwereti akurisa kana avakutsiurwa akutsamwa regai mwana akasiiwa pachigaro aiite basa,to you Obert bhora mberi usacheuka mbiti iyo zvairi kuita nguva ichakwana zvichanaka ndiwe musara pavana Utakataka brand rakasiirwa iwe rega vataurise asi vachanyarara hatingasiye band richifa ka nekuda kweudyire Peter haagone kuimba chero chero akaita 10 years practice never he won't kwake kuchihure so ngaende ikoko ngatisiire mwana akarairwa uyo aite basa
this guy is very logical and straight forward. I like his straight-forwardness. If all Zimbabweans we can say the truth about each other, we will make significant progress. Kurova imbwa takaviga mupinyi kwete. Wagona wataura chokwadi and dont listen to people who say dont talk. munhu wese ane shungu ngaapiwe mukana adurure shungu dzake and that that way, shungu will not turn into ruvengo. But if you keep shungu dzako mumoyo, this may breed ruvengo.and kuromba. take this example...if you cheat on your wife and she finds it out, you explain to her the reason and ask for forgiveness. Dont be irritated when that issue is brought up frequently coz betrayal leaves a very big would in a heart and even when the wound has healed, its eveidence can bring memories....the scar.
Haaa obert resurrection yaunotaura iyi ukuzvinyepera... Dewa ndi dewa muchina muhombe. Haufi wakaita dhewa...peter thumbs he is making us remember dewa achi builder his legacy
Blood is thicker than water. Peter always said he is better not his father. He is doing very well as a young man and if Obert wants to be in his father's shoes let him do. He should preach love and avoid to be carried away by people who want to divide the family. You should never speak about your brother negatively in public. Young man if you want to sing just sing without tarnishing your brother's name. It's bad!!!! You are good as an artist and you could do more and better so focus on that you will achieve. Love your brother regardless for anything.
You are a very talented young man Tongai and I wish you the best in music career but please as an adult my advice to you based on your minds when you were saying Peter Ndiye mukuru iwe haukwanise kuenda kwaari you are getting wrong bamunini..Starting music career means vakura you no longer a child go and play your role and try to help your brother in whatever way that can help you two.. Avoid exposing your family issues through social media bamunini.. On the issue of Peter failing to take care of family members I believe you are getting yourself too much culture believe. Being in a business doesn’t mean Peter should look after the whole family of Dewa no ane hupenyu hwake same as you bamunini. Do your best bamunini and focus on your life nemhuri yako hama haudzipedze kubatsira unofa uri tsuro Peter
Kuyimba unogona,and unechipo mfanam but nyaya yako yedaka rako namkm vako iyi ichakutadzisa kuenda mberi,shaa hamusi mega makavengana mumisha but hatizviratidze kuvanu like zvamukuita izvi
Obert, Peter kana asinei newe iwe siyana naye agara haatorinawo basa futi Peter wacho it's not like anogona kuimba kaaa nxaaa. Rova ngoma Obbie usacheuka muridzo
Obert na Peter vanhu vaviri vakasiyana chinovabatanidza i surname Moyo avangaite zvakafanana, Peter akataura wani achatanga kupinda mu industry kuti ini ndini late Dewa andikwane bhutsu dzavo wani.
Still waiting single Jnr Tongai Dhewa , please iri kupi .Asi wadzoka futi south Africa here .Kkkkkk but Peter why une moyo wakaoma kudero .batsirawo umwe wako .🤔Ivo vana avadi kubuda different beches ,zvoshayisa rudo .Vharai mazip imi vaimbi mudzikame.kwete kusiyiira vana ruvengo.Vana vanobuda beche one havarasani
Obert peter is your brother you do your own things don't see someone's life chinokurwadza chii umwe neumwe ngaaimbe zvake vatsigiri vanongotsigira all you go to your brother if you have 5 senses then motaura sefamily social media haigadzirise musha
On Peter failing...there's things we wish for people and there's things they wish for themselves. and its always good to follow our own dreams, we cannot expect Peter to copy everything Mr Dhewa did. Obert, as a christian you should know that one can be older yet young spiritually, so the question of who should approach who shouldnt be based on age. There's a lot to talk about but i dont want to sound like im questioning spiritual father/Prophet/manager. We support sungura, we support Dhewa music and we wish the best for the Dhewa family because through the music produced, many relationships were mended. i hope the Dhewa family can also benefit from the same songs that brought thousands of fans together🙏, it would be great to see the same music bringing together its producers. #1Love #Family #Music #Dhewa
Haaa bamnini hamuna kukwana dai muri vamwe mambodzokera ku creche,hakuna kwamunoenda mukada zve blame game,i bet you will not fit yo dady's shoes be your own man,dont blame peter for your fathers mistakes
iwe hatisati tambonzwa Peter achitaura nyaya idzodzo isu and by being a public figure doesn't mean that u have to air your issues on social media...every family ine ma issues even kwana Jah kune zveikokowo but hativaone vachingoshama zvauri kuita izvi...kura mfana!!!
my brother be truthfull do best and pple will see it themselves. kutaura taura hakuna ndima . prove it beyond doudt that you are better. siyana ne brother wako , otherwise you are proving yourself wrong. its just a word of advice.
People will support if you stop saying such things and those who are supporting you on that they hate you, so be wise and be United with your elder blood brother
Mukoma Moyo musatevere vanhu kurwiswa nebrother yako. Uchaoedza nguva uchirwa nebrother but remember kuti one day as family munosangana kwete nekuvanhu vanofurira. Look forward nepositive mind. These people will bring you down.syay focused neupenyu don’t come to point of judging others
i like to hear peters side also. you don't eat legacy. Peter kana achida madrama rega aite vangani venyu vari kuita zvinoitwa nababa vavo nxaaa nonsense. i like orbert but murume chaaiye doesn't talk bad about other people go confront your brother une mumwe munhu kwete izvi. ari kuda publicity chete
Unogona hama asi mira kumhanya ende urimuimbi usataura mamwe manzwi ekuratidza kuvenga kana kushoora umwe ukanyarara nekuzvidzora zvinofamba focus nezvaurikuita
Obert leave dat art of dissing Peter, talking all those stuffs caz you won't go anywhere iwewe ita busy nekuimba zvisina madiss zvokupedza talent izvo just forget bout zvekutukana unoramba uri panzvimbo imwe. Wish you good luck
No younger mukuru anoti iwe uuye mkoma I was young pandaitukana nemi let's unite tiite chinhu 1 you are reporting to the media Peter akakupindura pamedia not attacking akati ngauye tiridzire vanhu magitare Enda iwe to show respect
I blame Tongai Moyo snr for all this drama. Barika ragara rine makuva mukati. Vafana ava varikuitirana shanje dzana mai. Peter Moyo don’t be dragged in all this circus
Well done my brother, God bless you. May be this fight will come to an and. I like Tongai Moyo and utakataka. I don't want to hear them fighting over their father's belongings.
I worked with your grand father and I remember him telling me how good u were on drums and he wanted to send drums but 9n a personal level. I know u are a disturbed young man. But come out the shell and stop mourning. Life dont wait for cries
Haiwa zvedu vanhu vaunoudza zvekunetsana kwako nemukoma wako havana chavanokubatsira nacho gara pasi enda kunagogo vako unotaura navo she is the only 1 anokwanisa kukubatanidzai namukoma wako
Titirewo videio resong yako st single baba mwakatisiira nhaka tose ere baba vangu zvondotamburawoo plz ndo pandakaona kuti dhewa vadzoka usati wazvitaura shas usa siya bit ramudara vako twist like dembo srs
By the looks of things Ob you have hidden agendas against your brother.If you can just leave him alone and focus on your career you will grow.Peter has never said anything bad about you.
It's my first time to see him aslo to hear him...and I didn't want to watch until the Tongai we know kt it happens kusanzwana munhuri bt kuzozvishambadza wakutsvaga maEnermies Achaku attacker vachiziva kt obvious uchatongo suspecter your brother....just know kt hamunzwane chete and do your own staff zvisina kurwa mkati..
Ichi chidzidzo varume barika harina kunaka. Kana uyu tore uyu siye haa vana havafe vakabatana kunyepa. Dai Peter n Obie vari vana vababa namai vamwechete taisanzwa ngano dzese idzi. I think Tongai mus b realising his mistake now ari muguva imomo. Havabatane vakomana ava nekuda kwekusiyana mai. Dai vari vana vanyamunhu iri tsika nditsikewo.
But ini handisati ndambonzwa Peter coming to the media achitaura bad about his young brother,not even a single day,so why is it mupfanha ndiye arikungoona kutadzirwa chete?,the earlier these boys realize kuti there's someone in a powerful and influential position trying to separate them the better,why an attack?jus to completely destroy Utakataka attacking it through the young man,the target is Peter,this person is feeding munin'ina poison,Peter is handling family issues in a very mature way..If I was Peter,I would've done the same,mupfanha took a wrong channel to solve family issues. Be very careful with Brian Samaita and Rony Mdhindo!!!
@@graceshirley6896 Haha ndovada vose,,,Uyo wekwa Lorraine anogona zvese and he is very funny and Obby ane problem yekutaurisa too much but anogona zvake handisi kuramba. They should just come to peace cz at the end of the day what we want is just a lively legacy of Tongai Moyo!
Guys ngatitaurei chokwadi don't ever blame Obert pese panoitwa mainteviews anotaura utsinye hwaakaitirwa naPeter regai azvitaure at least moyo wake unosunungukawo but kana imimi mafans eUtakataka mukamuti anyarare moda kuti afe nemastress here arikubva Kuna Peter hezvo ataura kuti ndisenderwa mathreats paapp zvinonakidza here izvo zvakadaro Peter wacho hapana chinozivikanwa kuimba kwacho dololo basa ndomahure kutadza kuchengeta mai nagogo vana varikudzingwa kuzvikoro uko maback log ezvikwereti akurisa kana avakutsiurwa akutsamwa regai mwana akasiiwa pachigaro aiite basa,to you Obert bhora mberi usacheuka mbiti iyo zvairi kuita nguva ichakwana zvichanaka ndiwe musara pavana Utakataka brand rakasiirwa iwe rega vataurise asi vachanyarara hatingasiye band richifa ka nekuda kweudyire Peter haagone kuimba chero chero akaita 10 years practice never he won't kwake kuchihure so ngaende ikoko ngatisiire mwana akarairwa uyo aite basa
Chokwadi chemahara agoni zvake pita
Zvinorwadza kuti vanhu vanoti usataura zviripo saka zvozodiii chokwadi kuburitsa zvirimumwoyo kuri nani pane kufira musagi sekitsi better for mafans kuti vayananise vana
Well spoken brother
nooo nyaya inogadzirwa semhuri shaa kufumara hapwa ndiko kudii eye ngaite zvarikuita chete then wonderera mberi saka akazvitaura ku vanhu zvozodii adii kuzvitaura kare asati akuimba
Very true zvnhu zvaakararama mazvri
This is scary stuff someone out there got a pang of jealousy may God protect this talented young man.
Let us leave peter alone and focus on the wrk guys peter did his part and that was ok but aiwaka talent riri pana tongayi juniour.
Yes yes Peter ngaaite focus nezvake iwe mfana uite zvako izvi zvekupomera pomera izvi wont take u anywhere.Ita madhiri ako usingazore zore peter
this guy is very logical and straight forward. I like his straight-forwardness. If all Zimbabweans we can say the truth about each other, we will make significant progress. Kurova imbwa takaviga mupinyi kwete. Wagona wataura chokwadi and dont listen to people who say dont talk. munhu wese ane shungu ngaapiwe mukana adurure shungu dzake and that that way, shungu will not turn into ruvengo. But if you keep shungu dzako mumoyo, this may breed ruvengo.and kuromba. take this example...if you cheat on your wife and she finds it out, you explain to her the reason and ask for forgiveness. Dont be irritated when that issue is brought up frequently coz betrayal leaves a very big would in a heart and even when the wound has healed, its eveidence can bring memories....the scar.
Let your works speak for yourself,,,,isai energy yakwanda kumagitare,,,ukaita hit mafans anomira newe king ,,,BLESSED
Haaa obert resurrection yaunotaura iyi ukuzvinyepera... Dewa ndi dewa muchina muhombe. Haufi wakaita dhewa...peter thumbs he is making us remember dewa achi builder his legacy
Blood is thicker than water. Peter always said he is better not his father. He is doing very well as a young man and if Obert wants to be in his father's shoes let him do. He should preach love and avoid to be carried away by people who want to divide the family. You should never speak about your brother negatively in public. Young man if you want to sing just sing without tarnishing your brother's name. It's bad!!!! You are good as an artist and you could do more and better so focus on that you will achieve. Love your brother regardless for anything.
You are a very talented young man Tongai and I wish you the best in music career but please as an adult my advice to you based on your minds when you were saying Peter Ndiye mukuru iwe haukwanise kuenda kwaari you are getting wrong bamunini..Starting music career means vakura you no longer a child go and play your role and try to help your brother in whatever way that can help you two..
Avoid exposing your family issues through social media bamunini..
On the issue of Peter failing to take care of family members I believe you are getting yourself too much culture believe.
Being in a business doesn’t mean Peter should look after the whole family of Dewa no ane hupenyu hwake same as you bamunini.
Do your best bamunini and focus on your life nemhuri yako hama haudzipedze kubatsira unofa uri tsuro Peter
Well said.
Mashoko makukutu. This Obert guy talks too much. He needs to resolve their family issues vega not kushambadza like this
Ndimi varume pavarume, big up bro mashoko euchenjeri
Kuyimba unogona,and unechipo mfanam but nyaya yako yedaka rako namkm vako iyi ichakutadzisa kuenda mberi,shaa hamusi mega makavengana mumisha but hatizviratidze kuvanu like zvamukuita izvi
Yaaaaa ukanyanya kutaura hapana kwaunosvika😊
Obert, Peter kana asinei newe iwe siyana naye agara haatorinawo basa futi Peter wacho it's not like anogona kuimba kaaa nxaaa. Rova ngoma Obbie usacheuka muridzo
Obert na Peter vanhu vaviri vakasiyana chinovabatanidza i surname Moyo avangaite zvakafanana, Peter akataura wani achatanga kupinda mu industry kuti ini ndini late Dewa andikwane bhutsu dzavo wani.
Still waiting single Jnr Tongai Dhewa , please iri kupi .Asi wadzoka futi south Africa here .Kkkkkk but Peter why une moyo wakaoma kudero .batsirawo umwe wako .🤔Ivo vana avadi kubuda different beches ,zvoshayisa rudo .Vharai mazip imi vaimbi mudzikame.kwete kusiyiira vana ruvengo.Vana vanobuda beche one havarasani
Nyaya dze family hadzinasirwi ngevanhu asi kuti mugare pasi mutaurirane .You all have talents guys go further with yr father's legacy.Chuma Welkom RSA
A very well spoken young man. Speaks like a gentleman... ini neutaka taka we approve!! 👍🏽
Mfana Peter i da call 🏃🏾♂️
I think obert is using a wrong formation to fame dai angoita music akanyarara music is a journey mhani
Yes yes!
Obert peter is your brother you do your own things don't see someone's life chinokurwadza chii umwe neumwe ngaaimbe zvake vatsigiri vanongotsigira all you go to your brother if you have 5 senses then motaura sefamily social media haigadzirise musha
Obert i think kutaura bad about Peter its good nyaya dzemusha u dont solve them pasocial media wangu.Mukuru mukuru hanga aigare pfunde wangu.
Keep on the Fire burning the real DHEWA
Somandla Ndebele can you do something about this.
That it, is their father's friend. Jorris from South Africa. Limpopo
On Peter failing...there's things we wish for people and there's things they wish for themselves. and its always good to follow our own dreams, we cannot expect Peter to copy everything Mr Dhewa did.
Obert, as a christian you should know that one can be older yet young spiritually, so the question of who should approach who shouldnt be based on age.
There's a lot to talk about but i dont want to sound like im questioning spiritual father/Prophet/manager. We support sungura, we support Dhewa music and we wish the best for the Dhewa family because through the music produced, many relationships were mended. i hope the Dhewa family can also benefit from the same songs that brought thousands of fans together🙏, it would be great to see the same music bringing together its producers. #1Love #Family #Music #Dhewa
Haaa bamnini hamuna kukwana dai muri vamwe mambodzokera ku creche,hakuna kwamunoenda mukada zve blame game,i bet you will not fit yo dady's shoes be your own man,dont blame peter for your fathers mistakes
iwe hatisati tambonzwa Peter achitaura nyaya idzodzo isu and by being a public figure doesn't mean that u have to air your issues on social media...every family ine ma issues even kwana Jah kune zveikokowo but hativaone vachingoshama zvauri kuita izvi...kura mfana!!!
I suppose he's very childish there is lot he needs to learn
my brother be truthfull do best and pple will see it themselves. kutaura taura hakuna ndima . prove it beyond doudt that you are better. siyana ne brother wako , otherwise you are proving yourself wrong. its just a word of advice.
Ngavasavengana vakomana avo vana vemunhu one mukaimbana hazvinakidze wiriranai
you a man my guy Abel for real be God protected and be strong
Nyengz my presenter😍...bholato bholato 💫✨🤗🍾
People will support if you stop saying such things and those who are supporting you on that they hate you, so be wise and be United with your elder blood brother
Haaaaa ishanje dzepabarika iri akadhakwa mufana uyu
Mukoma Moyo musatevere vanhu kurwiswa nebrother yako. Uchaoedza nguva uchirwa nebrother but remember kuti one day as family munosangana kwete nekuvanhu vanofurira. Look forward nepositive mind. These people will bring you down.syay focused neupenyu don’t come to point of judging others
I think Peter tried his best bt honestly he is not born musician bt Obert is now taking over
i like to hear peters side also. you don't eat legacy. Peter kana achida madrama rega aite vangani venyu vari kuita zvinoitwa nababa vavo nxaaa nonsense. i like orbert but murume chaaiye doesn't talk bad about other people go confront your brother une mumwe munhu kwete izvi. ari kuda publicity chete
Yo speak like a mature person
Good talk
Blood is thicker than water youngman
Bamunini Obie imbodzikamai musanyanye kuwawata imboshandai makanyarara muchirikutanga rwendo
Apo vari kutoita as if vanogona tsereki
Kurwira hudofo kkkkkkkkkk
Unogona hama asi mira kumhanya ende urimuimbi usataura mamwe manzwi ekuratidza kuvenga kana kushoora umwe ukanyarara nekuzvidzora zvinofamba focus nezvaurikuita
tirikumba kushora mumwe chete
Family matters should not be preached to public. Uchirimudiki sure.
Uyu mukomana uyu chipo anachozvake🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✌
Obert leave dat art of dissing Peter, talking all those stuffs caz you won't go anywhere iwewe ita busy nekuimba zvisina madiss zvokupedza talent izvo just forget bout zvekutukana unoramba uri panzvimbo imwe. Wish you good luck
No younger mukuru anoti iwe uuye mkoma I was young pandaitukana nemi let's unite tiite chinhu 1 you are reporting to the media Peter akakupindura pamedia not attacking akati ngauye tiridzire vanhu magitare Enda iwe to show respect
but why arikutaura kt aiitirwa hutsinye na Peter hakuzii kuda kudzikisira munhu err ummm kwakuvenga mumwe woo uku why wakaita zvinhu zvako wanyarara not kuda kt vanhu vazive zve family menyu noooo
Kugona muchiri Kure chaiko, whish you the best
Munogumbura vanhu imi....for crying out loud u guys u brothers .....ini hnku i love u both n i pray 4 reconciliation
unity unity unity number 1 , unity kuvana vese veZimbabwe , Africa yese uye pasi rese mean iwe naPeter ivai chinhu chiimwechete. Peter usaomesa moyo ,tora mudiki wako uyu oita assistant wako sezvo uriwe wakatanga newewo mudiki usaomesa moyo nzwisisa zvandareva ,,unity,, tsitsi,rudo ,runyararo mugova newirirano yenyu ine rugare band renyu rinovawo nembiri serababa..
Kuda kubuilder mbiri through Peter.Build ur own thing mfana
Monyadzisa wafana makuita kunge daiton na josphate somanje, wakawengana kusvika mukufa.daiton akugara nehure ku dziwaresekwa nxaaaa what a shame
Chipfuva chemukomana uyu chizere zvikukutu pamusoro pabhudhi vake vanove musarapavana asi hazvina kunaka pahugarisani veduwee.
I blame Tongai Moyo snr for all this drama. Barika ragara rine makuva mukati. Vafana ava varikuitirana shanje dzana mai. Peter Moyo don’t be dragged in all this circus
Unogona zvako mukomana asi siyana na brother wako
Leave your brother u are very stupid young man media will never help you make peace with your brother
OBERT ndine bass guitar new one am not using it how can i send it over to you?? am in BEITBRIDGE
Well done my brother, God bless you. May be this fight will come to an and. I like Tongai Moyo and utakataka. I don't want to hear them fighting over their father's belongings.
Hie ,talked with the Prophet managing him ,he is asking for your number
wangu men unogona but gadzirisana namukoma wako zvaueikuita izvi hazvibude wakushoresa mhuri yenyu
A very good communicator.
I worked with your grand father and I remember him telling me how good u were on drums and he wanted to send drums but 9n a personal level. I know u are a disturbed young man. But come out the shell and stop mourning. Life dont wait for cries
Hes munhu wezanupf
That's my gal...My Nyenge..My personal presenter..
Kutuka mukomna uyu azvibatsire instead ngaaudzwe kut fighting namukoma azvishande ngavasevenze vese basa riende mberi bt pamuri mese kungotuka peter ahapindure mudiki achida kutaura naye wani UNITE vaviri ava
Unogona mufana but blazz vakapindwa negodo rebarika tinozviziva kwedu zvirikowo tinoti uri mwana wehure hapana chaunowana but hazvisiri bhooo Mwari vanoda munhu wese pamwe ndiwe uchatoita zvitsvene
Haaaa iweee Obert ita zvako usada usada kutaura zva Peter kwete kuda kusimuka nekutsikirira vamwe. Unongotaura nezva Peter pese. Legacy yaDehwa iriko naPeter uko. Utakataka iriko . MaDramma haan kana basa. Ita zvako like Chimbetu family. Kuna Sulu, Allan, tryson Chimbetu. Ukuti kutuka vanhu wat wat ko Dewa chaiye aiimba vnhu wani ???
iwe siyana na peter kana uchiita zvako ita zvako
Zvavakutondibhowa ISU tidzikamiteyi bamudiki
Akutinyepera tsaga uyu,,,,hatikude nekushatisa zita re umwe ,,ridxa magitare tinakirwe ,,nxaaaaa dhemeti mhani,,musoro bhanguuu
Kkkk nhy nhy akuda kuzama kusvibisa umwe uyo instead of focus nebasa Takarasima naPeter ukaita Godo aubudirire tendawo Obert siya bhudhi uite zvako Peter ndewedu shaa ende ukamusvubisa ndiwe unofa nebonzo
Mufana uyu ndiye ane talent Peter anoda kumutsara cz haagone kuimba peter anogona mahure
Uyu achatibhowa ngaite zvake anyerere ...he must follow baba shero life style yekusakendenga
Haaa iwe ita zvako peter zvake xaaa Peter ibhemba riya tikunzwa mbabvu necomedy dzake tikutoda kumukanda ma$
Anopenga mfana uyu.Peter is building his own brand.nxaaa waida kuti atevedzere baba here.Peter munhu wevanhu mhani
I see the resembla Tongai Moyo in this son of his.. He sounds legit.. His dad's voice can take him afar
Peter mighty b wrong bt this guy has his personal ambition to popularity regardless to tongai,s legacy he's preaching
tsano too much talking munopera musina kwamaenda hedu
Tsvagai mabasa vana vatongai vakomana .hamungaperi kuita vaimbi Musha wese .dzidzai kubva kune vekwachimbetu.
If you are receiving threats you should report to the police can shouldn't do your own investigations without the police.
Haiwa zvedu vanhu vaunoudza zvekunetsana kwako nemukoma wako havana chavanokubatsira nacho gara pasi enda kunagogo vako unotaura navo she is the only 1 anokwanisa kukubatanidzai namukoma wako
I think mukoma ane prob coz ndiye mukuru panezvarikutoita gudo guru petamuswe wadiki wakutye peter Jr anogona hake than akoma awo kuonawokwangu
Don't be bitter my guy ,be your own do your own thing
Dzikama chikomana ndima inemakata iyi
munovenganiranei chi chinomboita kuti muvengane,mumwe ne mumwe anogona kuita zvake ega coz nhaka yekuimba maksiirwa mese so mirai kuvengana
Titirewo videio resong yako st single baba mwakatisiira nhaka tose ere baba vangu zvondotamburawoo plz ndo pandakaona kuti dhewa vadzoka usati wazvitaura shas usa siya bit ramudara vako twist like dembo srs
Kamufana aka kavaputopengawo aka itazvako usada kutsvaka mbiri nekunyomba mukoma I'm not Peter's fan but ukutsvaka mbiri😂😂😂
By the looks of things Ob you have hidden agendas against your brother.If you can just leave him alone and focus on your career you will grow.Peter has never said anything bad about you.
Nekuti ndiye mukuru ka he never expected anything from mfana
Imi vana vadewa wiriranayi, munotsamwisa dewa akazvivatira zvake Mazuwa ekurarama mashoma panyika dananayi hama
Vana Psquare vemuzimbabwe Yananai boys kuti zvikufambirei kwazvo
nyaya haiitongwe pa media zvauri kuita izvi
Taura hko anoda titeo sei nxaaa
@@clepertonmarozwa9197 nhai zvako
That's why achizodzinganiswa nemota
@@mikerukwava9574 nhai zvako
@@mikerukwava9574 ane mukando usina basa
Ndirimurombo hangu dai ndakubatsira bema instrument nekuti unogona mwananzambe
Mwari vaona moyo wako money is coming your way
This is the craziest boy he wasa toddler and green when his father died was peter supposed to wait for him to grow so he starts music
Mufana uyu akatopusa Peter haazi baba vako satan
Chidish vanhu vaunoudza havakubatsiri,talk to your bro
Uyu anopenga mpfanha uyo
Ita zvako wechidiki Peter akasimudza band zvakaoma ratova Zita raakutotyisa iri ukaita zvekutamba unototadza kupasvikaa paasvika ipapoo
Aaaaaa kkkk mupfanha uyu at least ane song ko peter ane ipi song yaakaimba
He looks lyk his dad, jus lyk Peter, I wish they cld unite
Wakadhakwa iwe,siya zvaPeter uite zvako,ukuda mbiri nekutuka Peter shut up
It's my first time to see him aslo to hear him...and I didn't want to watch until the Tongai we know kt it happens kusanzwana munhuri bt kuzozvishambadza wakutsvaga maEnermies Achaku attacker vachiziva kt obvious uchatongo suspecter your brother....just know kt hamunzwane chete and do your own staff zvisina kurwa mkati..
Panana Moyo vanoita zvekuimba Sungura uyu Mukomana anonoti goneyi🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 Zim yosezvayo
Uyo anonz Rigerman imhata
Ndamuziya igaro rekupedzesera, kana aita problem anoziya kwekundibata @TISOTHEDRUMMER
Dzungu rinenge rakakuwandiraa dzikama
Mfana wakupenga iwew
Ichi chidzidzo varume barika harina kunaka. Kana uyu tore uyu siye haa vana havafe vakabatana kunyepa. Dai Peter n Obie vari vana vababa namai vamwechete taisanzwa ngano dzese idzi.
I think Tongai mus b realising his mistake now ari muguva imomo. Havabatane vakomana ava nekuda kwekusiyana mai. Dai vari vana vanyamunhu iri tsika nditsikewo.
Hazvidi kushamura hapwa pa vanhu.
Obert unotaurisa chenjera kuroya mukoma iwe, hauvake hauna musoro.
But ini handisati ndambonzwa Peter coming to the media achitaura bad about his young brother,not even a single day,so why is it mupfanha ndiye arikungoona kutadzirwa chete?,the earlier these boys realize kuti there's someone in a powerful and influential position trying to separate them the better,why an attack?jus to completely destroy Utakataka attacking it through the young man,the target is Peter,this person is feeding munin'ina poison,Peter is handling family issues in a very mature way..If I was Peter,I would've done the same,mupfanha took a wrong channel to solve family issues.
Be very careful with Brian Samaita and Rony Mdhindo!!!
Obert anepamuromo ita zvemusic siyana naPeter ,vakutisvota manje
Mahure aPeter marwadziwa nei siyai mwana😅
Peter moyo akanaka akadero zvese nemaComedy ake
Peter moyo ndivo mukuru,,,Obert anogona but mashoko akawanda
Junior Tongai ndiye ane yese kwete wekwa guyo uyo waunoda
@@graceshirley6896 Haha ndovada vose,,,Uyo wekwa Lorraine anogona zvese and he is very funny and Obby ane problem yekutaurisa too much but anogona zvake handisi kuramba.
They should just come to peace cz at the end of the day what we want is just a lively legacy of Tongai Moyo!
@@simonmuzungu2225 vanoda kugarwa navo pasi vana ava vawirirane
@@graceshirley6896 Yeah shuwa hamurevi nhema.
Vakabata panobuda chikuru apa
Unorevesa iwe
Kutsvaga fame nenzira isiri iyo
Musada kurwisanisa vana venyamunhu imi ,Siyai mhuri yekwaMoyo vafare
Hpna apa jls repa guru iro kna uchida carrer yko isumuke chikomana usade kusvibisa zita remkoma ukadaro nhamo inoramba yakanamira pawuri plus pafeya nowadays sunguru hayisisina mari iyi kkkk