2:39 - The 8266 face-hugger (Arduino killer) :) There are commercially available prototype PCBs that you can solder the ESP8266 or ESP32 breakout boards to. With enough space to build your entire project around
Yes I know, But in those breakout board the bottom pads are not connected , these are GPIO 11,7,9,6,8,10. I have Wemos D1 mini, in that too, the bottom pads are not connected. So I decided to make a DIP version of ESP8266, In a DIY way.
2:39 - The 8266 face-hugger (Arduino killer) :)
There are commercially available prototype PCBs that you can solder the ESP8266 or ESP32 breakout boards to. With enough space to build your entire project around
Yes I know, But in those breakout board the bottom pads are not connected , these are GPIO 11,7,9,6,8,10. I have Wemos D1 mini, in that too, the bottom pads are not connected. So I decided to make a DIP version of ESP8266, In a DIY way.