Ed's Story | My life was saved by running | Why Runnabl3? -

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024
  • My life was saved by running
    Nine years ago, my mum passed away unexpectedly, and two years later, I lost my dad to prostate cancer. I spiraled into a dark place and started drinking heavily. It was tough on my wife Sarah and our three young daughters. Fortunately, I recognized I was on a path to self-destruction, and that's when I discovered running.
    Like many others, I began with Park Runs-five-kilometer fun runs around the local park. The first one was brutal, but I was hooked. I started drinking less, eating healthier, though I never imagined running much further at the time. After 5km, my legs felt like lead, and it would take me a week to recover before I could run again.
    In time, I began placing well in Park Runs, and by 2019, I decided to try the Kew 10k. I remember feeling unsure if I could finish, but I surprised myself by running a great time. I was loving running, but in 2020, disaster struck.
    The Accident
    While on holiday in Lyme Regis, I went for an early morning run, listening to music at full blast. I stepped in front of a car and was hit, or more accurately, thrown like a rag doll. My right leg broke in three places, I fractured my left shoulder, and my spine was injured in two places. I spent four weeks in Southampton hospital, completely alone due to COVID restrictions. The doctors and nurses did an incredible job of patching me up, but one of them told me I might never walk properly again.
    I was devastated, but only for a day. The next morning, I woke up with a new goal: I was going to run a marathon. I gave myself a year and a half to prepare. I committed to physiotherapy, Pilates, spinning, and strength training. I even joined a running club, something I had never considered before but now felt was necessary. Today, that club is a key part of my social life.
    The ET Diagnosis
    One month before my first marathon in May 2022 (Milton Keynes), more bad news arrived. During routine hospital check-ups after my accident, doctors noticed my platelet levels had sharply increased, and I was diagnosed with essential thrombocythaemia (ET).
    In simple terms, if cancer had a "mild" form, it would be ET. Most people with it live long, healthy lives, but there's a heightened risk of blood clots. Some aren't so lucky, facing strokes, heart attacks, or in rare cases, leukemia. When the doctor told me, "You have a rare blood cancer," it hit me hard. I didn't break down hysterically, but I felt incredibly low.
    Having lost my dad to prostate cancer, a battle I've never fully come to terms with, those words stirred up painful memories. The doctor was kind and reassuring, telling me I would likely be fine, but warned that my platelet count had risen sharply since March 2021.
    She emphasized that the best way to manage my condition was to stay fit, eat well, avoid smoking, and reduce stress. This gave me even more reason to run that marathon. Now, staying fit wasn't just about running-it was about managing my health. I'm literally running for my life!
    I hope that my Channel can give you some useful advice and maybe even a little inspiration.
    From being told I would never run again to running 4 Marathons with Berlin and Chicago to come this year is the real reason for my Channel name, Runnabl3
    My life was saved by running
    In many ways, I truly believe running saved my life. It might sound dramatic, but the mental health benefits alone have helped me through some of my darkest times. And, oddly enough, if I hadn't been out running the day I was hit by that car, I wouldn't have had the blood tests that revealed I had blood cancer. It's strange how life works out sometimes!
    Of course, running isn't for everyone. What's important is finding something-anything-that challenges you and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Everyone can find something they enjoy, something that motivates them and provides a goal to work toward. But the key is to keep moving, as much as you can. It's good not only for your physical health but for your mental wellbeing too.

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  • @johnhodgson8405
    @johnhodgson8405 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I had no idea you'd been through all this Ed. What you've achieved is incredible and very inspiring,. Massive respect! Keep up the great work, I'll be cheering you on 🏃👟🙂🙌