i think your right about finding your level a bit of both atm but youll get better wins breed confidence and youl develope a play style that you can count on and that suits you over time .
if you go back to transfers and highlight a player on the transfer list that your selling ( a reserve or trialist ) look at the qualities they have if they dont match what your looking for select them and give them a free trial out of the club and in a game or 2 time a new player will join its a good way to only train up reserves or trialists that only match your prfered stats scp for wingers fsv or fvs or sfv for striker and so on . That way you can keep control of your player limit too .
eventually youll get a player come to your club that matches your prefered stats when you do play him in his position at least until he gets a value otherwise you risk losing him . ( and he could turn out to be a great player ) and it wont have cost you nothing to buy him just playing him a few games .
one last thing think of the player as a clockface when you have to ball . unless the player your controlling has C in there stats the ball is always gunna wanna get away from your player ecspecially at speed . to limit this try not to go more than 45-90 degrees at a time i see you often try doing 180 lol . take a little ore time to turn rather than harshly turning . that should keep better control of the ball .
you made me laff about players always moaning take a look at bruno fernandez lol . i pld footie t a pretty high level the people on the pitch that used to pis me off the most were people like bruno lol always in the refs ear all game all over the pitch . i used to run past them and say cmon m8 get on with the game infact most of the time they wernt doing any good for there team as the ref got annoyed with them too . but sometimes it did work theyd get a pen or a second booking for our team but on the whole not so much .
i think your right about finding your level a bit of both atm but youll get better wins breed confidence and youl develope a play style that you can count on and that suits you over time .
Not watched yet but can see the time is 1 hr 41. The game is so addictive no matter how well you’re doing!
i answered your question about sub goalies in video 6
if you go back to transfers and highlight a player on the transfer list that your selling ( a reserve or trialist ) look at the qualities they have if they dont match what your looking for select them and give them a free trial out of the club and in a game or 2 time a new player will join its a good way to only train up reserves or trialists that only match your prfered stats scp for wingers fsv or fvs or sfv for striker and so on . That way you can keep control of your player limit too .
eventually youll get a player come to your club that matches your prefered stats when you do play him in his position at least until he gets a value otherwise you risk losing him . ( and he could turn out to be a great player ) and it wont have cost you nothing to buy him just playing him a few games .
one last thing think of the player as a clockface when you have to ball . unless the player your controlling has C in there stats the ball is always gunna wanna get away from your player ecspecially at speed . to limit this try not to go more than 45-90 degrees at a time i see you often try doing 180 lol . take a little ore time to turn rather than harshly turning . that should keep better control of the ball .
and once you get that message from the board about no further signing ... yep thats it for the season ingoing wise you can still sell .
thats why i did tell you from video 1 to sell them high value players to get players out and in your quad early that youll need to progress .
i notice you have tried to buy people affiliated with utd HahaHa barthez and henrik . altho i did tell you to buy henrik in many videos :)
Hey, leave Portsmouth alone lol
you made me laff about players always moaning take a look at bruno fernandez lol . i pld footie t a pretty high level the people on the pitch that used to pis me off the most were people like bruno lol always in the refs ear all game all over the pitch . i used to run past them and say cmon m8 get on with the game infact most of the time they wernt doing any good for there team as the ref got annoyed with them too . but sometimes it did work theyd get a pen or a second booking for our team but on the whole not so much .