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Unclassifying the classified (L RI)
1. Can you be in a other division while being in RI?
Answer: No, you cannot. However, RI haves a ALT network used to investigate on divisions for their reports. So technically they can, but not with their main account.
2. How did you become a RI member?
Answer: He became a member one of three ways. First way, most likely being selected after being recommended while he was a officer or divisional staff. Second way, attended academy, and passed it there. Third way, he joined the observation event and passed it there.
3. Do you have any advantages as a RI member?
Answer: Yes, you do. You can join other divisional servers Ig if that counts, also in-game you have a perk where you get cuffs, chat-logs, the ability to go invisible, and the ability to switch character morphs. (To detect them switching morphs, you can just easily hover the user's character. If they have no text gui, it's a RI member.)
4. Is there a room for RI?
Answer: Yeah, but its quite useless. It just includes a minigun, and some CCTV cameras..
5. Do you have RI tools in-game?
Answer: Yes, as mentioned before they have perks which includes invisibility, and able to switch characters, cuffs, and ofc chat logs.
6. Do you like me?
Answer: Yeah ofc he does, you're a kid.
observation events?
They can't join divisions AS RI, however they can join divisions as GAR.
I want to write a comment, but to quote a certain RI agent *cough cough* Lucas, all I can say is âClassifiedâ.
a few CCTV camera monitors, a free minigun and a bounty board
Everyone knows about the RI room now
You can interview me, I am a Dusk CS if you want to, I would love to be in your videos!
Itâs so cringe these kids think they have authority in a Lego game.