Joyce DiDonato - Deh per questo istante solo, October 13th 2013

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024
  • Joyce DiDonato
    ''Deh per questo istante solo''
    La Clemenza di Tito, Mozart.
    James Levine and the Met Orchestra
    Carnegie Hall, October 13th 2013
    Deh, per questo istante solo Ah, for just this moment
    ti ricorda il primo amor, Remember the first affections,
    che morir mi fa di duolo that make me die of grief
    il tuo sdegno, il tuo rigor. your anger, your severity.
    Di pietade indegno, e vero. Unworthy of pity, it is true.
    sol spirar io deggio orror. I should only inspire horror.
    Pur saresti men severo Yet you would be less severe
    se vedessi questo cor. if you could see this heart.
    Disperato vado a morte, Desperate I go to death
    ma il morir non mi spaventa. but death does not frighten me.
    ll pensiero mi tormenta The thought torments me
    che fui teco un traditor! is that I betrayed you!
    (Tanto affanno soffre un core, (So much a heart can suffer,
    ne si more di dolor!) yet does not die of grief!)

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