Exactly. There was always a disturbing parallel between what the radicals say and the truth. Oftentimes the first half of their sentence is true. Another example: -racism- communism didn't go away it just went underground. We need to censor disinformation- yes, like how Elon Musk should have recently responded to BBC's provocation "BBC has propagated hate speech and disinformation so I guess I should block their twitter." Hillary Clinton participated in literal Russian disinformation so she should be investigated and indicted. It can be tricky, but the list of parallels goes on and on. I think it's intentional- a result of how dialectical strategy works.
I went to public school in Illinois, a suburb with a great education program in many studies, except history. I never once heard anything about communism other than communists were persecuted under Mccarthy. I never learned about Mao, Stalin, Chinese cultural revolution, Khmer Rouge, nothing. I only learned of these subjects when I studied on my own. I'm a stem major, but I was required to take a history course. Again, nothing mentioned of course. I go to school in a very progressive state and my university is highly progressive. What you are doing James, is extremely important. If anything, even if people disagree with your hypotheses, you are pointing them towards literature which will facilitate them drawing their own conclusions.
I grew up in lake county. I never even really learned about McCarthyism. I never learned much except to past tests. That’s public school for you. I learned a lot about ancient history that stuck with me. That was a good teacher.
I encountered Nien Cheng's "Life and Death in Shanghai" about 5 months before I matriculated in a Seven Sisters college. I knew about the evils of Soviet communism because I was an Army brat during the end of the Cold War, but I still was shocked to read Cheng's book and realize that NONE of what happened under Mao was taught in any of my history or geography classes in all my secondary education. It gets better, though. Mrs. Cheng inoculated me against the college orientation diversity struggle sessions. While I sat in our small discussion group, I had a strong feeling of deja vu, which really puzzled me. As student after student started confessing (sometimes tearfully) to sins that they'd never realized were sins, things clicked in my mind. It was the pattern Nien Cheng had described. The upperclasswomen who were leading the sessions likely had no idea that they were employing Marxist brainwashing techniques that break down people's moral values in order to replace them with the communist worldview (ideology). They likely thought they were just helping people be "kinder" and "more open-minded." But once I recognized the pattern, I was able to avoid drinking the Kool-ade [Jim Jones was also a Marxist]. Nien Cheng's memoir saved me from Marxist exploitation. I shall ever be grateful to her. I learned from "The Black Book of Communism" that she is the ONLY person we know of to survive the Cultural Revolution without confessing to any crime or "crime."
Fun fact, My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, has an anti-communist story arc. They come to a village where everyone has been made "equal", by literally having their special talents stripped from them by magic, replaced with an equal sign. The main characters visit this place and find everyone absolutely miserable, as well as trying in secret to develop specialities because they hate the equality regime. Of course, the leader has only pretended to do the same procedure and has only faked her own equality. Of all childrens shows out there, I really did not expect My Little Pony to be based af.
I've heard about that. You know, Marvel comics used to have their superheroes fight communists. And Steve Ditko, the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange was an Objectivist. Which is why Marvel, whose now owned by Disney and woke, released a Spider-Man comic of Spider-Man saying he hates himself for reading some Ayn Rand back in college. Back in the 60s, Steve Ditko left Marvel going back to Charlton comics. He had created Captain Atom there, years previously. He rebooted Blue Blue, which in one comic called "BB Faces The Destroyer Of Heroes" has an Objectivist message, and even criticized hippies in it. And he created an Objectivist superhero called The Question. Years later, DC comics gets the rights for Charlton's characters. The Question gets subverted by Denny O'Neil, who was a bit of a hippie. And in the 80s, there was a series of comics called The Watchmen. Alan Moore is the writer of those comics. Moore is a socialist and a hippie. He's a gnostic. The characters of Watchmen are destructions of those Charlton characters I've just named. Night Owl is a deconstructed Blue Beetle. Dr. Manhattan is a deconstructed Captain Atom. And finally, Rorshach is a deconstructed version of an Objectivist Question. The Watchmen comics are a socialistic attack on the philosophy of Objectivism. But what's interesting, is that most comic book fans side with Rorshach. Rorshach, despite being deconstructed and made to look bad, doesn't compromise in the face of Armageddon. There's a movie adaption of The Watchmen. Steve Ditko also created another Objectivist superhero called Mr. A in the 70s. Just to clear it all up. Steve Ditko was not crazy like how many people perceive him to be. He lived a private life away from the media, which made people speculate what he was like. His nephew Mark Ditko has interviews on channels like Comic Book Historians. So Mark Ditko describes what he was really like. I just wanted to share that.
I'm Polish. Many people don't realize how many of the things currently promoted we had. My dad was barred from education for social justice - his parents already had education, so it was time to give the salt of the earth a chance XD so they promoted his sister through education despite her not really being as intelligent, alongside villagers (who mostly just wanted to farm in peace and didn't care anyway) Dunno they never told us the stories through any sort of softening lens, it's actually crucial kids are told early on just how brutal commies are until you give in, and how incompetent once you're forced to give in
I'm lucky in that my parents were well read and educated, and they taught me about all of this stuff early in life. Until this current leftist paradigm really began to overstep into everyday life, I didn't truly understand leftism, but I saw the danger right away, because I knew what leftism had done in the past. You are lucky in that your people still have a brutal communist regime in living memory, so your society has some immunity to this new leftist disease infecting the West. Sometimes horrible experiences have their upsides. Most people in the West have no idea what's happening.
@@Patrick-857 true, and also they picked the worst people to mess with, long memories and in 123 years of imperial occupation we developed underground ways of preserving memory of who we are. I believe in the core of Western values being solid and unassailable on the reality level, I'd rather people listened to our stories, but it would be against freedom to try and force them. I hope the suffering won't have to be as bad as it was in my region of origin before enough people realise they allowed themselves buy a bridge to utopia. Thanks for your comment!
Also Polish. First generation American. My mom freaks out about communism and anything that looks like it around here. I have a lot of pride in our country simply because we’ve gotten fucked by all kinds of authoritarianism and we’re just done with it. Broadly speaking.
Basically I think every person who has experience or whose family had/has experience in a communist controlled territory needs to keep repeating your story like Yeonmi Park does, ad nauseum, for the sake of not allowing anyone to remain ignorant. We will meet our demise if we continue to "respect" anyone's "right" to remain ignorant. I wonder if there's any organization which gathers people with this kind of experience to educate everyone more loudly.
I became anti-communist by studying the history of the Communists regimes. The first and foremost lesson I learnt: there may be good Communists (i.e. the decent people who never did anything wrong personally and even stood against the crimes of their governments), but there may be no good Communism, since the social dynamics of the Communist society implies a strong negative selection: 1. The idealist fanatics die first. 2. The pragmatic fanatics die or get killed next. 3. The unprincipled and amoral get the power and the whole hell is let loose.
Idealism, activism, bleeding heart humanitarianism, etc seems key for communism or neo communism to work imo. And i think classical liberalism will always get subverted because it too shares these values. Many of the brainwashed people today think they are liberal, and do not realize they have adopted neo Marxism. I think caution is key, and we need to pump the brakes on societal compassion and empathy to avoid manipulation.
@@zackfair6791 The classical liberalism is open to subversion indeed, but it is its strength, for it is not a closed system. I'd focus on teaching people to avoid the solutionist basis. There are many moral and societal problems, but we cannot solve them in general and all at once. This is the kind of thinking Mary progressivists fall for and get hooked by. E.g. "less fossil fuels = less warming" won't work in Africa, because coal mining is less of a problem there than desertification caused by charcoal production. There, more coal mines will result in more forests and grasslands, and thus in general reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere. But it won't do for Russia or the USA, for example.
Ay Boris, could you give your thoughts as to why the idealist fanatics die first, and wouldn't it be the dissenters who go first, followed by the 'othered' group, the bourgeoisie?
@@vevrvivnv Teach kids the potential dangers of progressivism and idealism. Since many people seem to think it is inherently good. And of course the atrocities of communism that peoples idealism brought about.
I wonder if Anti-Communism could be taught privately, the way homeschool is. Could we start a program of teaching that is run through churches or other private orgs?
David, my man. Read books, encourage your kids to read. If you want recommendations let me know. Start with The Road To Wigan Pier by George Orwell whatever you do.
I'd say that bills should be put forth at every level possible. If we're going to have a public school system then the anticommunists need to maneuver here. Remember their slogan: your action is their reaction. To think 2 steps ahead, put forth bills. Maybe many local school districts will successfully create the law, but in districts that you know it won't get passed, you prepare a smear campaign the whole time against the democrats and teachers unions who block you. You shore up funds and organize in advance around the smear campaign rather than expecting the Law. You can even use a local jurisdiction where the local democrats don't have the resources for massive damage control under too much attention. The controversy brings the question to national attention: "WHY DONT THESE PARTICULAR GROUPS WANT REAL HISTORY TO BE TAUGHT HMM?? Are they against teaching about communist slavery? Do they only want to teach history in a way that leads to racism against white skinned people??" etc. I would also be sure to add defectors' literature to the curriculum ie Bella Dodd, whise book School of Darkness talks about her communist use of teachers unions to subvert the school system starting 100 years ago lol.
I agree 100%. My father insisted that I read about Marx, Stalin, etc al. It bored me to death and I didn't understand why he insisted on this. Fast forward to 2015 and CRT starts going overt and mainstream. My first thought was "this is basically re-branded Marxism" and everyone said I was overreacting. I believe that my Dad's insistence on teaching me about history was completely responsible for me seeing through this sham. Now, I'm having the same talks and reading sessions with my children.
Great! I teach this to my children as well, both teenagers, and have for several years now. So many people will say 'you're overreacting", until they are shown the many examples of the past century when communism was allowed to play out. China's 50+ million people dead, 1/4th of entire Cambodian population dead, Stalin's Ukraine tens of millions died. One cannot "overreact" to these horrifying atrocities, so the communists simply remove these events from high school/college history class. It is all about the Holocaust and the Jewish People who died, and rightly so, but why is everything else ignored when over half of the millions of victims were non-Jewish?
@Jim Moses It is not overreacting. At all. My father insisted that I read Marx and I hated it. I didn't understand why he was so uptight over it. Fast forward to 2014 and I'm a student recruiter. First time the CRT garbage had become more mainstream on campuses, I knew EXACTLY where it came from. I've been teaching about Mao and the Chinese Revolution. It's chilling to see the parallels with the U.S. today. Your kids may not fully understand why you want them to know these things now, but just like me, they will thank you when the education you gave them helps them stay grounded through the chaos.
The book “The Naked Communist” published in about 1960 by W Cleon Skousen, was written to educate both adults and children in the US about the evils of communism. Skousen was in the CIA I think. I read it recently and it is still very informative and has a whole list of very good ideas about how to prevent adults and children from falling for communism. Perhaps someone should write an up to date version.
I have the book but haven't read it yet. You tell me that it is intended for children as well as adults, and that helps me enormously. We homeschool our kids & listen to many audiobooks, and I will definitely add this to our school work. (They've read or listened to books by Thomas Sowell, Dinesh D'Souza, Theodore Dalrymple, F.A. Hayek, and C.S. Lewis, among others.)
@@LadyHoneybee I think the book level is about 16 years onwards, but will need adult help. Sorry if I didn’t clarify well initially. The book does however have very good suggestions on how to educate children about the dangers of communism - which was what I meant to say.
Let me tell you, folks, if there's one thing the right should rally behind, it's anti-communist teaching. Why? Because the current trajectory of the left is eerily reminiscent of communism itself, and it's high time we pushed back. Take it from someone with Eastern European roots: whenever I hear someone spout "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences," I can't help but recall the story of my dear old grandma. She was an engineer in a tractor factory who got the boot because a coworker ratted her out for being part of the anti-communist underground. They labeled her "anti-worker" and "reactionary" and, let me tell you, if that happened today, the same people would say she simply faced the consequences of her actions. Cancel culture isn't some novel invention, folks - it's a relic of a darker time. But hey, let's ruffle some feathers and put the left on the defensive for once! We should make anti-communist teaching a national issue and watch the left's darlings scramble to defend communism on the record. They've weaponized anti-fascism, so let's give 'em a taste of their own medicine and wield anti-communism like a shiny new sword. Oh, and let's not forget the added bonus of irking the Chinese Communist Party. Anything that rattles their cage is worth pursuing. It's about time the American right reclaimed its anti-communist attitudes. And let's be real here: the United States has a knack for spreading ideas. We've become a global exporter of wokeness, and while it may not bring the US down, it could wreak havoc in more vulnerable countries. This isn't just about us; it's about the world. Lastly, let's not ignore the elephant in the room: the reason anti-communism isn't taught as much in the West is because Russia emerged victorious after World War II. They've flexed their influence in institutions like the UN, pushing for "hate speech laws" and the like. Fascism and communism are two toxic ideologies, and it's a disservice to only teach about one of them. It's time to level the playing field and expose the dangers of communism as well.
In CA, we actually have this.... California Code, Education Code - EDC § 51530 "No teacher giving instruction in any school, or on any property belonging to any agencies included in the public school system, shall advocate or teach communism with the intent to indoctrinate or to inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism. In prohibiting the advocacy or teaching of communism with the intent of indoctrinating or inculcating a preference in the mind of any pupil for such doctrine, the Legislature does not intend to prevent the teaching of the facts about communism. Rather, the Legislature intends to prevent the advocacy of, or inculcation and indoctrination into, communism as is hereinafter defined, for the purpose of undermining patriotism for, and the belief in, the government of the United States and of this state. For the purposes of this section, communism is a political theory that the presently existing form of government of the United States or of this state should be changed, by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means, to a totalitarian dictatorship which is based on the principles of communism as expounded by Marx, Lenin, and Stalin." The laws are on the book.............but they go unenforced
THANK YOU FOR POSTING. The weak point might be the last part in that they might just say the principles expounded by Marcuse, Gramsci, Kendi... for example. It's definitely workable for lawsuits against teachers, unions, governments who don't enforce etc. Other states are bound to have similar laws.
I wouldn't brand it as Anti-Communist Education. I would simply brand it as Communist Education. You don't need to tell people communism is bad. You just need to tell them what Communism is and what it does and they will draw that conclusion for themselves
You are giving people too much credit. These are people who have no objection to castrating healthy boys and removing the breasts of healthy girls. Their social identity is at stake, their entire social circle, and they will go along with anything that keeps that circle intact.
@@jimmoses6617There is that. Twenty years ago, even ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed that the western world could go mad, but here we are. The sad truth is that things must have already been very far gone ten years ago for things to have changed seemingly so fast. I tried to warn my sons about this many years ago after the Patriot Act and the NDAA, but they thought I was an alarmist. I replied that you should be alarmed when you see all of the dominoes being put in place; it looks like everything is ok until someone pushes the last domino over. Then it goes down really fast and you'll wonder how it could all fall apart in an instant. It isn't instant. You just weren't paying attention to the setup.
Books to read and get people to read as well. Especially make your kids learn about it. Some recommendations from my book shelf: Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Animal Farm - George Orwell, Warning To The West - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Road to Serfdom - F. A. Hayek, The Road To Wigan Pier - George Orwell, A Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Vampire Economy - Gunter Reimann, The Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile, Permanent Revolution: The Reformation and the Illiberal Roots of Liberalism - James Simpson, Cannibal Island - Nicolas Werth and lastly but probably most importantly *The Faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the Twentieth Century* - A James Gregor. (Note: Any books about Fascism are there because they highlight the Marxist theory used in Italian Fascism and National Socialism).
@@6Sparx9 If you prefer audio books then definitely do that. I often use both mediums, and for longer reads that I can actually find the audiobook for i'll listen to that first but I think they all contain good information and arguments that will go a long way to explaining the threat to someone so they deeply understand the point of it and when it's presented as something else.
The Orwell and Solzhenitsyn I'd wholeheartedly endorse. I'd also add Christopher Lasch (especially "The Culture of Narcissism" and "The Minimal Self"), Jacques Ellul ("Propaganda"), Viktor Frankl ("Man's Search for Meaning"), Eric Hoffer ("The True Believer"), Leon Festinger et al. ("When Prophecy Fails"), Robert Jay Lifton ("Thought Reform and The Psychology of Totalism"), Stanley Milgram ("Obedience to Authority") and Philip Zimbardo ("The Lucifer Effect"). Even though I'm an atheist myself, I think that there is much of value (especially in terms of moral psychology and social criticism) in the Christian apologetics (and fictional writings) of C. S. Lewis.
1000% Agree! I have created such a curriculum and used it this year with high schoolers and next year an age appropriate version for kids from 3rd grade up. It is taught in the context of modern world history. I’m also making it into a game for 6th-12th grade. I want to share it but don’t have a network. Can I write to you with details? Im teaching a 6th-8th grade version of it online next year to homeschool students.
...he believed in guilty until proven innocent and basically applied "believe all women" logic to "believe all anti-communists". Of all people, he's not the one to cite.
@@nemesisurvivorleon What because they were right? Pauline Kael, who was a famous film critic wrote back in the 70s that McCarthy was right. And she lived through it. The powers in Hollywood were Chardonnay Socialists then and it continues today. Now they just call themselves Woke. They have no real idea, it just assuages their imposter syndrome guilt.
For Spanish speaking people, aquí tienen; "La Gran Estafa", Eudocio Ravines La Nueva Clase de Explotadores", Milovan Djilas "Contra Toda Esperanza", Armando Valladares "Archipielago GULAG", Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
EDUCATION!! James, you should reach out to the authors of the Tuttle Twins series. They are great with making heavy, hard topics digestible for children and they have experience creating educational materials for children and the adults teaching them. Besides, this sounds like something right up their alley!
Saying the Holodomor targeted Ukraine is selling it short, the famine caused by dekulakization brought famine to all agricultural areas of the Soviet Union, including Kazakhstan and Russian farmlands like the Volga river basin, West Siberia, and the Northern Caucasus. There's voices in Kazakhstan that have been trying to have the famine declared a genocide targeting ethnic Kazakhs, similar to the arguments made in Ukraine.
My woke sister told me she just calls everyone "they" now to be safe. I said, "What if someone gets offended by that?" She looked like I just slapped her in the face. She said they don't have the right to be offended by that, and in fact she was offended I would even ask the question. It's not about being kind to others; it's about power and control.
A great regime to study to see the myriad failures of Communism is the Albanian regime under Enver Hoxha. It's interesting because even some commies now consider his regime to be the only "true" communism ever tried. It was, of course, hideously oppressive, brutal, and ironically enough somewhat Fascistic.
My family escaped Albania. Some of our cousins were not so lucky. Torture, concentration camps, starvation and insane paranoia. My grandfather had the opportunity to kill Hoxha, but people stopped him (during WWII). Later on, the people who stopped him from killing Hoxha were executed. I just wish Americans understood what we're dealing with. Not enough of them get it.
@@Fisherpriest I'm sorry that your entire family didn't escape. I found the Albanian regime to be interesting because even in Anti-Communist circles it isn't often spoken about. I know it seems that many people in the West are uninformed about the horrors of Communism, but I wouldn't lose hope. I received no education on Communism in school at any point really, and I've still managed to become informed about nearly every regime that existed. To win, all we need to do is expose people to the truth.
Some of the curriculum can be bootstrapped by use of LLMs like ChatGPT, I just asked it for brief descriptions appropriate for 5 different age groups - history major, adult with high school ed., teen frequenting middle school, child frequenting elementary, toddler reading picture books - and it complied.
Seriously folks James is nailing it to the cross! This is exactly what we need. Thats why I luv James. Wake me up when they change our flag that’s when I go active 😉
"The Jakarta Method" I just started reading and it's been an amazing view of communism in the cold war on the world stage scale. It especially focuses on Indonesia which we just dont hear about much in terms of communism or USA relations at a time when Mao was still massively relevant. ( by Vincent Bevins ).
@New Discourses We already have anti communist literature for kids. give the young ones a copy of animal farm. then, once they hit high school, give them a copy of 1984. Job Well Done. Thanks Orwell.
If you like to read, here you are: “The Yenan Way”, 1951, Eudocio Ravines (Peruvian) “The New Class”, 1957, Milovan Djilas, (Yugoslav) Against All Hope, 1987, Armando Valladares, (Cuban) The Gulag Archipelago, 1973, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Russian)
I'm Indonesian. I scrolled down the comments and did not find anyone saying they should or want to organize to make anti communism education a law in the red states. i guess your audience still don't think that the threat of communism is such a big deal, james
Yes! This is essential. I know and understand every thing you say. We need to teach this and it to be common knowledge. Then the behavior and thinking will change.
Massive blackmarket economies flourished under every communist regime. It's one common hallmark of how communism fails. Every time. Also: They deny that what happened in Cambodia (1975-79) was anything to do with communism (btw, the 'Khmer Rouge's real name was The Communist Party of Kampuchea).
"I have to crouch down on my hands and knees and hold my breath for ten minutes just to think stupid enough to talk to full grown adults, let alone children" --paraphrasing James Lindsey Maybe that's a slight over-paraphrase, but it accurately reflects how i imagined it for second.
I worked with a guy who survived for 3 years in the jungles of Cambodia before he was able to escape to Canada - his entire family was slaughtered in front of him . . .
I'm not sure anti-communist education should be treated as anti-fascist education, considering that nobody even knows what fascism is either. Can't be anti something if you can't define that something and where it ends.
“Anti-fascist” is defined as “good guy” to the woke. Completely different definition to what it historically means. Anti-communist is a great foil to this
@@LlibertarianGalt Fascism and national socialism (and many other nationalist or conservative ideologies) were in the center on economics and quite culturally traditional. Socialists are far left economically and care strictly about people's class and how to redistribute money. The purpose and goal of these ideologies aren't anywhere near comparable but libertarians act like they're the same because they were all collectivist and authoritarian.
@@anacc3257 You seem confused on what 'Socialism' is and what economic systems the fascists used. They were not centrist economically at all. I mean there's a ton of literature worth reading on it but "The Vampire Economy" by Gunter Reimann highlights how the Nazis only spoke of redistributing wealth and abolishing private property. And anyone who's read about Italian Fascism will know about Gentile's political leanings and the fact Fascism comes from lines of thought that originated with Marx.
Education is very important, but that also takes time to spread and solidify in the country; additionally "patriots" would need to actually know this and stand up against it in the present (which they aren't).
James, I am a public school teacher in the States who is totally on your side in just about everything, but I question the wisdom of emphasizing anything to do with bullets when discussing our political opposition - not sure what your reasoning is here, but it's not a good look for our side.
Bullet points represented by silver bullets is a great metaphore. Especially when thought of in terms of book titles like "The Vampire Economy" which highlighted the Marxist ecomomics of National Socialism.
@@LlibertarianGalt That might be so, but it's a niche perspective nested in what is already a niche movement (anti-communism) that goes over most normies' heads. When/if I try to direct my co-worked to James' content to try and get them to understand what's going on, they're going to see a bullet and draw their conclusions.
@@gratuitousfootnote1183 People reached that conclusion many years ago. The goal of fascists is always to murder socialists. Lindsey’s rhetoric mirrors this line of thinking.
Communists always target children. Once they brainwash a child it's almost always for life. I was homeschooled by parents who were very keen on thinking for one's self. As someone who has studied the current iteration of leftism a huge amount over the last few years, I am continually frustrated by just how deep the brainwashing goes. Older folk, who agree with me on almost everything, and are deeply concerned about what's going on right now for example. These are people who should be open to understanding what the root problem is, but the minute I touch on one of the leftist sacred cows that they were indoctrinated into when they were kids, I hit a brick wall, they close off and double down, no more thinking. Yuri Bezmenov was right, the communist infiltration of the education system was complete even back then. People have been conditioned to react in certain ways without thinking. I can't criticise feminism because that means I'm anti women as a really basic example. No I'm opposed to feminism because it's literally marxism.
Can anyone send me to a link that tcould help me with a real viable lesson or unit plan for a grade 3 classroom that I could viably teach without being fired?
I remember when I was in grade school, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth. One lesson had us discuss, "From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs." Sounds GREAT! We all talked about how great it sounded. They we were shown in real life how it plays out. Not well. Very good inoculation from Communism if you don't sell your soul somewhere along the line.
It's interesting how the woke doesn't want the horrors of communism and its results taught in schools yet it's reasonable to teach about apocalyptic famines in elementary.
When I learn about the horrors of communism that took place in asian countries the last thing I feel towards asian people is hate, its sympathy for all the people that had to go through that.
I wouldn’t worry about the people who imply that you are in the wrong for not creating a primary school curriculum, they are either lazy or trolls. You do more than most of us already by reading us the documents, breaking them down and disseminating your message. I can always tell that something is wrong with these ideologies, but I could never articulate it in the way that you do.
Watching russian tv and how they say things. Why they say things. How the reality is vs what's said. Is very spot on with your statements. Thanks for this. Most just say, what they said and reverse it.
Can we not simply view people's economic success as lying along a continuous line, instead of within rigidly defined, separate and distinct classes that can be pitted against each other as Marx does?
Good points, thank God we allied with the Soviets in WWII! If we had let Germany destroy communism and Stalin just think of how much WORSE everything would be!
If theu think teaching people anti-communism is wrong because they think it might lead to anti-asian hate crimes, what does that say about their 1619 project?
Some horrors are too awful to teach to children when they are very young. I wouldn't put anti-communist education in front of 2nd grade children, I do not want them to sob uncontrollably for weeks. If you go through high school without knowing *Why* The Communist Manifesto leads to Holodomor, your high school has failed you. I know that my high school failed me. And I had exemplary instruction.
8:43. I want to learn this so bad when I was in school. Nobody would teach me nobody.. I did it on my own. I didn't get a very good grade. I already made a comment earlier on this. But I have 100% agree it needs to be talked. I mean the only thing I learned was f****** democracy and how to infiltrate it that was grade six or whatever. Science was somewhat of an escape from the b******* but even that was becoming more socially involved. Marx's f****** b******* trying to come up with an idea. It was fascist.. whatever f***
Please look up the book. Dragon Elegy. She came of age when Mao came to power. Was a teacher both in China and then in America. Listen to what she said happened in schools the week Obama was elected. She was raped then publicly shamed.they took there home. Qiru Walder. Power house of a woman!
SEL education. We will teach your children how to interact with communists. We will also teach your children how to be emotionally mature and handle themselves in a debate when they defeat you with facts about the dangers and atrocities of communism.
It's not enough to not be Communist. We must be actively anti-Communist (see what I did there?).
Not clever. You used basic English and conveyed a basic idea.
Great job, I see exactly what you did there.
...but seriously!
Explain it to me like I am five.
Exactly. There was always a disturbing parallel between what the radicals say and the truth. Oftentimes the first half of their sentence is true. Another example: -racism- communism didn't go away it just went underground. We need to censor disinformation- yes, like how Elon Musk should have recently responded to BBC's provocation "BBC has propagated hate speech and disinformation so I guess I should block their twitter."
Hillary Clinton participated in literal Russian disinformation so she should be investigated and indicted. It can be tricky, but the list of parallels goes on and on. I think it's intentional- a result of how dialectical strategy works.
Yes. And it's not enough for us to not be communists, we must be actively anti-communists.
I went to public school in Illinois, a suburb with a great education program in many studies, except history. I never once heard anything about communism other than communists were persecuted under Mccarthy. I never learned about Mao, Stalin, Chinese cultural revolution, Khmer Rouge, nothing. I only learned of these subjects when I studied on my own. I'm a stem major, but I was required to take a history course. Again, nothing mentioned of course. I go to school in a very progressive state and my university is highly progressive. What you are doing James, is extremely important. If anything, even if people disagree with your hypotheses, you are pointing them towards literature which will facilitate them drawing their own conclusions.
A great book to read is The Black book of Communism.
I grew up in lake county. I never even really learned about McCarthyism. I never learned much except to past tests. That’s public school for you. I learned a lot about ancient history that stuck with me. That was a good teacher.
It seems McCarthy was right about most things.
I encountered Nien Cheng's "Life and Death in Shanghai" about 5 months before I matriculated in a Seven Sisters college. I knew about the evils of Soviet communism because I was an Army brat during the end of the Cold War, but I still was shocked to read Cheng's book and realize that NONE of what happened under Mao was taught in any of my history or geography classes in all my secondary education.
It gets better, though. Mrs. Cheng inoculated me against the college orientation diversity struggle sessions. While I sat in our small discussion group, I had a strong feeling of deja vu, which really puzzled me. As student after student started confessing (sometimes tearfully) to sins that they'd never realized were sins, things clicked in my mind. It was the pattern Nien Cheng had described. The upperclasswomen who were leading the sessions likely had no idea that they were employing Marxist brainwashing techniques that break down people's moral values in order to replace them with the communist worldview (ideology). They likely thought they were just helping people be "kinder" and "more open-minded." But once I recognized the pattern, I was able to avoid drinking the Kool-ade [Jim Jones was also a Marxist].
Nien Cheng's memoir saved me from Marxist exploitation. I shall ever be grateful to her. I learned from "The Black Book of Communism" that she is the ONLY person we know of to survive the Cultural Revolution without confessing to any crime or "crime."
Fun fact, My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, has an anti-communist story arc. They come to a village where everyone has been made "equal", by literally having their special talents stripped from them by magic, replaced with an equal sign. The main characters visit this place and find everyone absolutely miserable, as well as trying in secret to develop specialities because they hate the equality regime. Of course, the leader has only pretended to do the same procedure and has only faked her own equality. Of all childrens shows out there, I really did not expect My Little Pony to be based af.
No thanks.
Same sort of story with Legend of Korra (it's first season. Probably the only good season in that show tho.)
The Fairly Odd Parents have an episode where everyone is a gray blob. I looked it up it's called The Same Game.
Make Media Based Again
I've heard about that. You know, Marvel comics used to have their superheroes fight communists. And Steve Ditko, the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange was an Objectivist. Which is why Marvel, whose now owned by Disney and woke, released a Spider-Man comic of Spider-Man saying he hates himself for reading some Ayn Rand back in college.
Back in the 60s, Steve Ditko left Marvel going back to Charlton comics. He had created Captain Atom there, years previously. He rebooted Blue Blue, which in one comic called "BB Faces The Destroyer Of Heroes" has an Objectivist message, and even criticized hippies in it. And he created an Objectivist superhero called The Question.
Years later, DC comics gets the rights for Charlton's characters. The Question gets subverted by Denny O'Neil, who was a bit of a hippie.
And in the 80s, there was a series of comics called The Watchmen. Alan Moore is the writer of those comics. Moore is a socialist and a hippie. He's a gnostic.
The characters of Watchmen are destructions of those Charlton characters I've just named.
Night Owl is a deconstructed Blue Beetle. Dr. Manhattan is a deconstructed Captain Atom. And finally, Rorshach is a deconstructed version of an Objectivist Question. The Watchmen comics are a socialistic attack on the philosophy of Objectivism.
But what's interesting, is that most comic book fans side with Rorshach. Rorshach, despite being deconstructed and made to look bad, doesn't compromise in the face of Armageddon. There's a movie adaption of The Watchmen.
Steve Ditko also created another Objectivist superhero called Mr. A in the 70s.
Just to clear it all up. Steve Ditko was not crazy like how many people perceive him to be. He lived a private life away from the media, which made people speculate what he was like. His nephew Mark Ditko has interviews on channels like Comic Book Historians. So Mark Ditko describes what he was really like.
I just wanted to share that.
I'm Polish. Many people don't realize how many of the things currently promoted we had. My dad was barred from education for social justice - his parents already had education, so it was time to give the salt of the earth a chance XD so they promoted his sister through education despite her not really being as intelligent, alongside villagers (who mostly just wanted to farm in peace and didn't care anyway)
Dunno they never told us the stories through any sort of softening lens, it's actually crucial kids are told early on just how brutal commies are until you give in, and how incompetent once you're forced to give in
I'm lucky in that my parents were well read and educated, and they taught me about all of this stuff early in life. Until this current leftist paradigm really began to overstep into everyday life, I didn't truly understand leftism, but I saw the danger right away, because I knew what leftism had done in the past.
You are lucky in that your people still have a brutal communist regime in living memory, so your society has some immunity to this new leftist disease infecting the West. Sometimes horrible experiences have their upsides.
Most people in the West have no idea what's happening.
@@Patrick-857 true, and also they picked the worst people to mess with, long memories and in 123 years of imperial occupation we developed underground ways of preserving memory of who we are. I believe in the core of Western values being solid and unassailable on the reality level, I'd rather people listened to our stories, but it would be against freedom to try and force them. I hope the suffering won't have to be as bad as it was in my region of origin before enough people realise they allowed themselves buy a bridge to utopia. Thanks for your comment!
@@Patrick-857 what did they teach you / what lasting memory or impression stuck with you?
Also Polish. First generation American. My mom freaks out about communism and anything that looks like it around here. I have a lot of pride in our country simply because we’ve gotten fucked by all kinds of authoritarianism and we’re just done with it. Broadly speaking.
Basically I think every person who has experience or whose family had/has experience in a communist controlled territory needs to keep repeating your story like Yeonmi Park does, ad nauseum, for the sake of not allowing anyone to remain ignorant. We will meet our demise if we continue to "respect" anyone's "right" to remain ignorant. I wonder if there's any organization which gathers people with this kind of experience to educate everyone more loudly.
I became anti-communist by studying the history of the Communists regimes. The first and foremost lesson I learnt: there may be good Communists (i.e. the decent people who never did anything wrong personally and even stood against the crimes of their governments), but there may be no good Communism, since the social dynamics of the Communist society implies a strong negative selection:
1. The idealist fanatics die first.
2. The pragmatic fanatics die or get killed next.
3. The unprincipled and amoral get the power and the whole hell is let loose.
Idealism, activism, bleeding heart humanitarianism, etc seems key for communism or neo communism to work imo. And i think classical liberalism will always get subverted because it too shares these values. Many of the brainwashed people today think they are liberal, and do not realize they have adopted neo Marxism. I think caution is key, and we need to pump the brakes on societal compassion and empathy to avoid manipulation.
@@zackfair6791 The classical liberalism is open to subversion indeed, but it is its strength, for it is not a closed system. I'd focus on teaching people to avoid the solutionist basis. There are many moral and societal problems, but we cannot solve them in general and all at once. This is the kind of thinking Mary progressivists fall for and get hooked by.
E.g. "less fossil fuels = less warming" won't work in Africa, because coal mining is less of a problem there than desertification caused by charcoal production. There, more coal mines will result in more forests and grasslands, and thus in general reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere. But it won't do for Russia or the USA, for example.
@@zackfair6791 pump the breaks on societal compassion and empathy?
How does a society do this?
Ay Boris, could you give your thoughts as to why the idealist fanatics die first, and wouldn't it be the dissenters who go first, followed by the 'othered' group, the bourgeoisie?
@@vevrvivnv Teach kids the potential dangers of progressivism and idealism. Since many people seem to think it is inherently good. And of course the atrocities of communism that peoples idealism brought about.
I wonder if Anti-Communism could be taught privately, the way homeschool is. Could we start a program of teaching that is run through churches or other private orgs?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe do it yourself?
David, my man. Read books, encourage your kids to read. If you want recommendations let me know. Start with The Road To Wigan Pier by George Orwell whatever you do.
Starts at home...
Remember homeschool probably isn't safe yet. As it's still unguarded from the institution that could subvert it
I'd say that bills should be put forth at every level possible. If we're going to have a public school system then the anticommunists need to maneuver here. Remember their slogan: your action is their reaction. To think 2 steps ahead, put forth bills. Maybe many local school districts will successfully create the law, but in districts that you know it won't get passed, you prepare a smear campaign the whole time against the democrats and teachers unions who block you. You shore up funds and organize in advance around the smear campaign rather than expecting the Law. You can even use a local jurisdiction where the local democrats don't have the resources for massive damage control under too much attention. The controversy brings the question to national attention: "WHY DONT THESE PARTICULAR GROUPS WANT REAL HISTORY TO BE TAUGHT HMM?? Are they against teaching about communist slavery? Do they only want to teach history in a way that leads to racism against white skinned people??" etc. I would also be sure to add defectors' literature to the curriculum ie Bella Dodd, whise book School of Darkness talks about her communist use of teachers unions to subvert the school system starting 100 years ago lol.
I agree 100%. My father insisted that I read about Marx, Stalin, etc al. It bored me to death and I didn't understand why he insisted on this. Fast forward to 2015 and CRT starts going overt and mainstream. My first thought was "this is basically re-branded Marxism" and everyone said I was overreacting. I believe that my Dad's insistence on teaching me about history was completely responsible for me seeing through this sham. Now, I'm having the same talks and reading sessions with my children.
Great! I teach this to my children as well, both teenagers, and have for several years now. So many people will say 'you're overreacting", until they are shown the many examples of the past century when communism was allowed to play out. China's 50+ million people dead, 1/4th of entire Cambodian population dead, Stalin's Ukraine tens of millions died. One cannot "overreact" to these horrifying atrocities, so the communists simply remove these events from high school/college history class. It is all about the Holocaust and the Jewish People who died, and rightly so, but why is everything else ignored when over half of the millions of victims were non-Jewish?
@Jim Moses It is not overreacting. At all. My father insisted that I read Marx and I hated it. I didn't understand why he was so uptight over it. Fast forward to 2014 and I'm a student recruiter. First time the CRT garbage had become more mainstream on campuses, I knew EXACTLY where it came from. I've been teaching about Mao and the Chinese Revolution. It's chilling to see the parallels with the U.S. today. Your kids may not fully understand why you want them to know these things now, but just like me, they will thank you when the education you gave them helps them stay grounded through the chaos.
James. You are the best anti-Communist educator.
His work creates more communists than Karl Marx ever did. You realize that, right?
The book “The Naked Communist” published in about 1960 by W Cleon Skousen, was written to educate both adults and children in the US about the evils of communism. Skousen was in the CIA I think. I read it recently and it is still very informative and has a whole list of very good ideas about how to prevent adults and children from falling for communism. Perhaps someone should write an up to date version.
I have the book but haven't read it yet. You tell me that it is intended for children as well as adults, and that helps me enormously. We homeschool our kids & listen to many audiobooks, and I will definitely add this to our school work. (They've read or listened to books by Thomas Sowell, Dinesh D'Souza, Theodore Dalrymple, F.A. Hayek, and C.S. Lewis, among others.)
@@LadyHoneybee I think the book level is about 16 years onwards, but will need adult help. Sorry if I didn’t clarify well initially. The book does however have very good suggestions on how to educate children about the dangers of communism - which was what I meant to say.
Let me tell you, folks, if there's one thing the right should rally behind, it's anti-communist teaching. Why? Because the current trajectory of the left is eerily reminiscent of communism itself, and it's high time we pushed back.
Take it from someone with Eastern European roots: whenever I hear someone spout "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences," I can't help but recall the story of my dear old grandma. She was an engineer in a tractor factory who got the boot because a coworker ratted her out for being part of the anti-communist underground. They labeled her "anti-worker" and "reactionary" and, let me tell you, if that happened today, the same people would say she simply faced the consequences of her actions. Cancel culture isn't some novel invention, folks - it's a relic of a darker time.
But hey, let's ruffle some feathers and put the left on the defensive for once! We should make anti-communist teaching a national issue and watch the left's darlings scramble to defend communism on the record. They've weaponized anti-fascism, so let's give 'em a taste of their own medicine and wield anti-communism like a shiny new sword.
Oh, and let's not forget the added bonus of irking the Chinese Communist Party. Anything that rattles their cage is worth pursuing. It's about time the American right reclaimed its anti-communist attitudes.
And let's be real here: the United States has a knack for spreading ideas. We've become a global exporter of wokeness, and while it may not bring the US down, it could wreak havoc in more vulnerable countries. This isn't just about us; it's about the world.
Lastly, let's not ignore the elephant in the room: the reason anti-communism isn't taught as much in the West is because Russia emerged victorious after World War II. They've flexed their influence in institutions like the UN, pushing for "hate speech laws" and the like. Fascism and communism are two toxic ideologies, and it's a disservice to only teach about one of them. It's time to level the playing field and expose the dangers of communism as well.
I’m so happy I finally found some people that know this and agree with me….. you all have made an old man happy
In CA, we actually have this.... California Code, Education Code - EDC § 51530
"No teacher giving instruction in any school, or on any property belonging to any agencies included in the public school system, shall advocate or teach communism with the intent to indoctrinate or to inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism.
In prohibiting the advocacy or teaching of communism with the intent of indoctrinating or inculcating a preference in the mind of any pupil for such doctrine, the Legislature does not intend to prevent the teaching of the facts about communism. Rather, the Legislature intends to prevent the advocacy of, or inculcation and indoctrination into, communism as is hereinafter defined, for the purpose of undermining patriotism for, and the belief in, the government of the United States and of this state.
For the purposes of this section, communism is a political theory that the presently existing form of government of the United States or of this state should be changed, by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means, to a totalitarian dictatorship which is based on the principles of communism as expounded by Marx, Lenin, and Stalin."
The laws are on the book.............but they go unenforced
THANK YOU FOR POSTING. The weak point might be the last part in that they might just say the principles expounded by Marcuse, Gramsci, Kendi... for example. It's definitely workable for lawsuits against teachers, unions, governments who don't enforce etc. Other states are bound to have similar laws.
Fire up the lawsuits
That's because the legal system is owned and operated by . .
You think I'm joking, but I'm not.
I wouldn't brand it as Anti-Communist Education. I would simply brand it as Communist Education. You don't need to tell people communism is bad. You just need to tell them what Communism is and what it does and they will draw that conclusion for themselves
You are giving people too much credit. These are people who have no objection to castrating healthy boys and removing the breasts of healthy girls. Their social identity is at stake, their entire social circle, and they will go along with anything that keeps that circle intact.
@@jimmoses6617There is that. Twenty years ago, even ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed that the western world could go mad, but here we are. The sad truth is that things must have already been very far gone ten years ago for things to have changed seemingly so fast. I tried to warn my sons about this many years ago after the Patriot Act and the NDAA, but they thought I was an alarmist. I replied that you should be alarmed when you see all of the dominoes being put in place; it looks like everything is ok until someone pushes the last domino over. Then it goes down really fast and you'll wonder how it could all fall apart in an instant. It isn't instant. You just weren't paying attention to the setup.
Books to read and get people to read as well. Especially make your kids learn about it. Some recommendations from my book shelf: Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Animal Farm - George Orwell, Warning To The West - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Road to Serfdom - F. A. Hayek, The Road To Wigan Pier - George Orwell, A Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Vampire Economy - Gunter Reimann, The Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile, Permanent Revolution: The Reformation and the Illiberal Roots of Liberalism - James Simpson, Cannibal Island - Nicolas Werth and lastly but probably most importantly *The Faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the Twentieth Century* - A James Gregor. (Note: Any books about Fascism are there because they highlight the Marxist theory used in Italian Fascism and National Socialism).
Thank you for the recommendations.
Those are some difficult reads o.o
I need to read/listen to the vampire economy, though thx for bringing it up
I'll add Bastiat's The Law
@@6Sparx9 If you prefer audio books then definitely do that. I often use both mediums, and for longer reads that I can actually find the audiobook for i'll listen to that first but I think they all contain good information and arguments that will go a long way to explaining the threat to someone so they deeply understand the point of it and when it's presented as something else.
The Orwell and Solzhenitsyn I'd wholeheartedly endorse. I'd also add Christopher Lasch (especially "The Culture of Narcissism" and "The Minimal Self"), Jacques Ellul ("Propaganda"), Viktor Frankl ("Man's Search for Meaning"), Eric Hoffer ("The True Believer"), Leon Festinger et al. ("When Prophecy Fails"), Robert Jay Lifton ("Thought Reform and The Psychology of Totalism"), Stanley Milgram ("Obedience to Authority") and Philip Zimbardo ("The Lucifer Effect"). Even though I'm an atheist myself, I think that there is much of value (especially in terms of moral psychology and social criticism) in the Christian apologetics (and fictional writings) of C. S. Lewis.
Appreciate The Work You Do And Really Enjoy The Videos
I love you for this channel and topic!!
I am making a 10 lecture video series aimed at homeschoolers in 10-12th. Will be done filming before August 2023.
1000% Agree! I have created such a curriculum and used it this year with high schoolers and next year an age appropriate version for kids from 3rd grade up. It is taught in the context of modern world history. I’m also making it into a game for 6th-12th grade. I want to share it but don’t have a network. Can I write to you with details? Im teaching a 6th-8th grade version of it online next year to homeschool students.
I was going to start the same and would like to help.
I would like to use a curriculum like the one you described with middle school kids. Can you contact me ? Thanks.
I'm also interested in checking out the curriculum!
I'm also interested in this curriculum. I'd be willing to teach this at out co-op. Could you contact me?
Every day now, I think: "Holy crap McCarthy was right"
...he believed in guilty until proven innocent and basically applied "believe all women" logic to "believe all anti-communists". Of all people, he's not the one to cite.
That's worrying.
Patton was right
@@nemesisurvivorleon What because they were right? Pauline Kael, who was a famous film critic wrote back in the 70s that McCarthy was right. And she lived through it. The powers in Hollywood were Chardonnay Socialists then and it continues today. Now they just call themselves Woke. They have no real idea, it just assuages their imposter syndrome guilt.
The best anti-communist education is a helicopter ride followed by a swim.
For Spanish speaking people, aquí tienen;
"La Gran Estafa", Eudocio Ravines
La Nueva Clase de Explotadores", Milovan Djilas
"Contra Toda Esperanza", Armando Valladares
"Archipielago GULAG", Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
We should make May victims of communism month.
The fall of the third reich was in May so that’s appropriate.
EDUCATION!! James, you should reach out to the authors of the Tuttle Twins series. They are great with making heavy, hard topics digestible for children and they have experience creating educational materials for children and the adults teaching them. Besides, this sounds like something right up their alley!
We are very lucky to have James, who is probably the smartest person on the internet or public life.
"Anti-communist Education" is a redundant term.
Just call it Education.
Saying the Holodomor targeted Ukraine is selling it short, the famine caused by dekulakization brought famine to all agricultural areas of the Soviet Union, including Kazakhstan and Russian farmlands like the Volga river basin, West Siberia, and the Northern Caucasus. There's voices in Kazakhstan that have been trying to have the famine declared a genocide targeting ethnic Kazakhs, similar to the arguments made in Ukraine.
Nazi arguments are usually all pretty similar.
Absolutely! When I tell people that equity is what you see in Cuba ! They look at me with a strange eye!
My woke sister told me she just calls everyone "they" now to be safe. I said, "What if someone gets offended by that?" She looked like I just slapped her in the face. She said they don't have the right to be offended by that, and in fact she was offended I would even ask the question. It's not about being kind to others; it's about power and control.
I've learned so much from this channel
Keep up the educational content
JAMES: "We should be teaching the real history of Communism."
ME, AN INTELLECTUAL: "Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks."
A great regime to study to see the myriad failures of Communism is the Albanian regime under Enver Hoxha. It's interesting because even some commies now consider his regime to be the only "true" communism ever tried. It was, of course, hideously oppressive, brutal, and ironically enough somewhat Fascistic.
My family escaped Albania. Some of our cousins were not so lucky. Torture, concentration camps, starvation and insane paranoia. My grandfather had the opportunity to kill Hoxha, but people stopped him (during WWII). Later on, the people who stopped him from killing Hoxha were executed.
I just wish Americans understood what we're dealing with. Not enough of them get it.
@@Fisherpriest I'm sorry that your entire family didn't escape. I found the Albanian regime to be interesting because even in Anti-Communist circles it isn't often spoken about. I know it seems that many people in the West are uninformed about the horrors of Communism, but I wouldn't lose hope. I received no education on Communism in school at any point really, and I've still managed to become informed about nearly every regime that existed.
To win, all we need to do is expose people to the truth.
People already know the truth. That’s why communism can’t be defeated.
Some of the curriculum can be bootstrapped by use of LLMs like ChatGPT, I just asked it for brief descriptions appropriate for 5 different age groups - history major, adult with high school ed., teen frequenting middle school, child frequenting elementary, toddler reading picture books - and it complied.
We need to get private LLM, maybe some version of llama?
Great thinking and suggestion. I will write my governor and suggest it.
Seriously folks James is nailing it to the cross!
This is exactly what we need.
Thats why I luv James.
Wake me up when they change our flag that’s when I go active 😉
"The Jakarta Method" I just started reading and it's been an amazing view of communism in the cold war on the world stage scale. It especially focuses on Indonesia which we just dont hear about much in terms of communism or USA relations at a time when Mao was still massively relevant. ( by Vincent Bevins ).
@New Discourses We already have anti communist literature for kids. give the young ones a copy of animal farm. then, once they hit high school, give them a copy of 1984. Job Well Done. Thanks Orwell.
4:04. Absolutely 👍👍
If you like to read, here you are:
“The Yenan Way”, 1951, Eudocio Ravines (Peruvian)
“The New Class”, 1957, Milovan Djilas, (Yugoslav)
Against All Hope, 1987, Armando Valladares, (Cuban)
The Gulag Archipelago, 1973, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Russian)
YES - and maybe I will work on this curriculum!
We need an anti Communist handbook.
Pretty sure an Austrian painter had that very idea back in the 1930's.
Anti-Communist Education? I thought it was called home schooling.
I'm Indonesian.
I scrolled down the comments and did not find anyone saying they should or want to organize to make anti communism education a law in the red states.
i guess your audience still don't think that the threat of communism is such a big deal, james
Hey James, you got a shout out on No Aganda.
James you can do it. MAKE IT A CARTOON!!
A bullet beside "Anti Communist Education" might send a different message than you intended.
You can learn a lot of history by studying the context of paintings, films, books etc.
Yes! This is essential.
I know and understand every thing you say. We need to teach this and it to be common knowledge. Then the behavior and thinking will change.
Massive blackmarket economies flourished under every communist regime. It's one common hallmark of how communism fails. Every time. Also: They deny that what happened in Cambodia (1975-79) was anything to do with communism (btw, the 'Khmer Rouge's real name was The Communist Party of Kampuchea).
"I have to crouch down on my hands and knees and hold my breath for ten minutes just to think stupid enough to talk to full grown adults, let alone children" --paraphrasing James Lindsey
Maybe that's a slight over-paraphrase, but it accurately reflects how i imagined it for second.
I worked with a guy who survived for 3 years in the jungles of Cambodia before he was able to escape to Canada - his entire family was slaughtered in front of him . . .
And now that's just about to happen to Canada too...
I'm not sure anti-communist education should be treated as anti-fascist education, considering that nobody even knows what fascism is either. Can't be anti something if you can't define that something and where it ends.
“Anti-fascist” is defined as “good guy” to the woke. Completely different definition to what it historically means. Anti-communist is a great foil to this
Obviously, definitions are the first part of any Anti-Communist education.
Fascism was a form of Socialism. National Socialism was a form of Socialism. More people could do to read books on these things for sure.
@@LlibertarianGalt Fascism and national socialism (and many other nationalist or conservative ideologies) were in the center on economics and quite culturally traditional. Socialists are far left economically and care strictly about people's class and how to redistribute money. The purpose and goal of these ideologies aren't anywhere near comparable but libertarians act like they're the same because they were all collectivist and authoritarian.
@@anacc3257 You seem confused on what 'Socialism' is and what economic systems the fascists used. They were not centrist economically at all. I mean there's a ton of literature worth reading on it but "The Vampire Economy" by Gunter Reimann highlights how the Nazis only spoke of redistributing wealth and abolishing private property. And anyone who's read about Italian Fascism will know about Gentile's political leanings and the fact Fascism comes from lines of thought that originated with Marx.
Education is very important, but that also takes time to spread and solidify in the country; additionally "patriots" would need to actually know this and stand up against it in the present (which they aren't).
I should be able create a starter curriculum. I've done it before. I'll email you some ideas and you can share it.
"I do not fear communism, I fear the day Americans defend it"
-President Ronald Reagan
If people knew about it, they'd be against it. Education is the key.
James, I am a public school teacher in the States who is totally on your side in just about everything, but I question the wisdom of emphasizing anything to do with bullets when discussing our political opposition - not sure what your reasoning is here, but it's not a good look for our side.
Bullet points represented by silver bullets is a great metaphore. Especially when thought of in terms of book titles like "The Vampire Economy" which highlighted the Marxist ecomomics of National Socialism.
@@LlibertarianGalt That might be so, but it's a niche perspective nested in what is already a niche movement (anti-communism) that goes over most normies' heads. When/if I try to direct my co-worked to James' content to try and get them to understand what's going on, they're going to see a bullet and draw their conclusions.
@@gratuitousfootnote1183 To be honest the idea of being anti-communist has reached the normies. My mother is now on the anticommie hype train lol.
People reached that conclusion many years ago. The goal of fascists is always to murder socialists. Lindsey’s rhetoric mirrors this line of thinking.
As a teacher, you don't know how much this stuff pisses me off. It really makes me worry about the future of this country.
Communists always target children. Once they brainwash a child it's almost always for life. I was homeschooled by parents who were very keen on thinking for one's self. As someone who has studied the current iteration of leftism a huge amount over the last few years, I am continually frustrated by just how deep the brainwashing goes. Older folk, who agree with me on almost everything, and are deeply concerned about what's going on right now for example. These are people who should be open to understanding what the root problem is, but the minute I touch on one of the leftist sacred cows that they were indoctrinated into when they were kids, I hit a brick wall, they close off and double down, no more thinking. Yuri Bezmenov was right, the communist infiltration of the education system was complete even back then. People have been conditioned to react in certain ways without thinking. I can't criticise feminism because that means I'm anti women as a really basic example. No I'm opposed to feminism because it's literally marxism.
how about the Road of Bones too
I’m so happy I came across this !!!!! The last eight years of my life I’ve been saying this and having it fall on ignorant ears
From the Unconscious Hell ❤️
To the Conscious Hell 💚
Until the Paradise of Consciousness 💜
Thaaannnk Yooouuu ❤️ 💚 💜
I’m working on this anti-communist curriculum. Should be done in three weeks
Shadows of Power by James Perloff was my introduction to the true US govt history
Can anyone send me to a link that tcould help me with a real viable lesson or unit plan for a grade 3 classroom that I could viably teach without being fired?
Excellent idea.
We need anti-Socialist education in general in my opinion.
We’ve had that for decades.
@@Supernautiloid Don't think you and I are living in the same reality, if you view blatantly pro-Socialist education as anti-Socialist.
My whole life I’ve been taught that socialism is evil and that communism always fails. How is that pro-socialist?
I remember when I was in grade school, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth. One lesson had us discuss, "From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs." Sounds GREAT! We all talked about how great it sounded. They we were shown in real life how it plays out. Not well. Very good inoculation from Communism if you don't sell your soul somewhere along the line.
It's interesting how the woke doesn't want the horrors of communism and its results taught in schools yet it's reasonable to teach about apocalyptic famines in elementary.
People tweet this truth this Facebook this!!!!!
Good vid 👍👍👍
Pew pew
🎉 yes.
Absolutly be anti communist !
I am anti communist , anti neo marist , anti critical theiry , anti post modern when its 2+2=5 , and proud of it .
I don’t care if someone’s “feelings” are hurt. We must teach and support anti-Communism.
In my country, it is almost impossible to find any anticommunist material.
Move to the United States. It’s everywhere here. You can’t escape it.
@@Supernautiloid I wish that was true
I’ve been here for 46 years. It’s absolutely true. Come here and see for yourself.
When I learn about the horrors of communism that took place in asian countries the last thing I feel towards asian people is hate, its sympathy for all the people that had to go through that.
I wouldn’t worry about the people who imply that you are in the wrong for not creating a primary school curriculum, they are either lazy or trolls. You do more than most of us already by reading us the documents, breaking them down and disseminating your message. I can always tell that something is wrong with these ideologies, but I could never articulate it in the way that you do.
I'll be back later to check and c if my comments r being removed
"Check your privilege!"
- Confirm your bias.
Watching russian tv and how they say things. Why they say things. How the reality is vs what's said. Is very spot on with your statements. Thanks for this. Most just say, what they said and reverse it.
I recently heard Ron Paul has a home schooling curriculum that should have some anti communist stuff in it
Can we not simply view people's economic success as lying along a continuous line, instead of within rigidly defined, separate and distinct classes that can be pitted against each other as Marx does?
Good points, thank God we allied with the Soviets in WWII! If we had let Germany destroy communism and Stalin just think of how much WORSE everything would be!
If theu think teaching people anti-communism is wrong because they think it might lead to anti-asian hate crimes, what does that say about their 1619 project?
Good luck getting that idea past the Faculty of History
6:41.. smdh 🫣🫣🤮🤢🤮
Some horrors are too awful to teach to children when they are very young. I wouldn't put anti-communist education in front of 2nd grade children, I do not want them to sob uncontrollably for weeks. If you go through high school without knowing *Why* The Communist Manifesto leads to Holodomor, your high school has failed you. I know that my high school failed me. And I had exemplary instruction.
8:43. I want to learn this so bad when I was in school. Nobody would teach me nobody.. I did it on my own. I didn't get a very good grade. I already made a comment earlier on this. But I have 100% agree it needs to be talked. I mean the only thing I learned was f****** democracy and how to infiltrate it that was grade six or whatever. Science was somewhat of an escape from the b******* but even that was becoming more socially involved. Marx's f****** b******* trying to come up with an idea. It was fascist.. whatever f***
Test.. test.. test...🙏🛐✝️✝️🛐✴️✴️
Please look up the book. Dragon Elegy. She came of age when Mao came to power. Was a teacher both in China and then in America. Listen to what she said happened in schools the week Obama was elected. She was raped then publicly shamed.they took there home. Qiru Walder. Power house of a woman!
Was going to like this but realised at the end you were talking about Communism amd not Colonialism. 😢
SEL education. We will teach your children how to interact with communists. We will also teach your children how to be emotionally mature and handle themselves in a debate when they defeat you with facts about the dangers and atrocities of communism.
The Commies make the Nazis look like rank amateurs.
Forget teaching the "true" history. Teach kids to think by themselves and resistance to cults.
6:53. It's Marx's grooming. Absolutely 100% f******
Scholastics the book sellers sell holocaust genre novels but nothing about communism the only book I know for kids is called the red scarf girl