Tbh many Muslim men don't bother at all. Just wear t-shirt and jeans to go to jummah. This is a worldwide problem. There are a lot of Muslim men who have different hairstyle e.g. spikey hair and come into the mosque funny hairstyles or even clothing but no one talks about them. Everyone is only obsessed with female clothing.
@@saahilh2795 tbh the reason why I put my comment down because people these days judge muslim females a lot of their appearance. Whether hijab or no hijab, I feel disgusted how even some Muslims opinion are. But they unfortunately don't have the same energy for men.
The real question is “why”did prophet Muhammad pbuh used to cover his head? What made him start covering the head? Did he use to cover his head before prophethood? Did a revelation come to him to start wearing the cap? Is it some sort of protection against the jinns(devils)? Please kindly answer! It’s just to increase knowledge. I wear it during namaz only!
Its primarly a sunnah, a mustahab, not culture!! Covering the hair for male/female shows respect and humbleness, this is according to all the major scholars of fiqh.
@@hikmhshm9255 Then Abu Lahab or Abu Jahil did also Sunnah by wearing turban? Or having a donkey is also a sunnah? 🤣 The ulama said that wearing something on the head for only praying or going to masjid is a bidah. If you live in a country where people wear kufis or turban then you should also but if dont then not recommended. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If a Muslim is in a non-Muslim land that is hostile towards the Muslims, or a non-Muslim land that is not hostile, he is not enjoined to differ from them in his outward appearance, because of the harmful consequences that may result from that. Rather it may be mustahabb or obligatory for a man to be similar to them in his outward appearance sometimes, if there is a religious interest to be served by that, such as calling them to Islam and other good aims. But in Muslim lands where Allah has caused His religion to prevail and has caused the disbelievers to come under Muslim rule and pay the jizyah, it is prescribed to be different from (the disbelievers in appearance). End quote from Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, 1/471-472.
There is a difference between Sunnah and traditions. Even non Muslims used to cover their heads in that area because it's their traditions. The Prophet used to ride mules to wherever he went, let us start traveling on mules shall we ? The Prophet never said "Wear a cap when you pray". He used to have long hair. It's not Sunnah, it's a tradition.
@@lorenzomuhammad1715 It is not. What is a Sunnah ? Something that the Prophet recommended, and said, it will be rewarding for people in the afterlife to do so. Nowhere in any hadith did he recommend covering the head. It was a habit of the Prophet, white cap, or often a turban.. and it's also a cultural thing, not a sunnah. Making it so, might make one sinful. Beware.
@@jamieammar6131I don’t see the problem with this. Keep in mind that it was only a century ago that people, no matter what culture or what part of the world they were from would always go out in public wearing some sort of head covering. It’s only as of recent in human history that that has changed.
I totally agreed withu zakir bhai that how u explained abt turban or topi shub b there while offering salah atlst.... Bcz sm of my frnds were telling me its not compalsory or nor even make any diff in ur salah eg sunnah to cover ur head etc.... now i came to know abt this matter thnx so much n i want u to continu explaining things very clear like u do asusaul so we get knowledge...
Strangely, Dr Zakir naik actually misquotes Sheikh Ibn baaz and ibn uthaymeen in this video. This is not what they said 3 - Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said to his freed slave Naafi’: “Do you go and meet people bareheaded?” He said: “No.” He said: “Allaah has more right that you should be modest before Him.” This indicates that it is better to cover the head, but if we apply the words of Allaah - (interpretation of the meaning): “O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying” [al-A’raaf 7:31] - to this issue, we will see that covering the head is better among people who regard covering the head as a kind of adornment. But if we are among people who do not regard that as a kind of adornment, we do not say that covering it is better or that leaving it bare is better. It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray in a turban, and the turban is a head covering. End quote.
Strangely, Dr Zakir naik actually misquotes Sheikh Ibn baaz and ibn uthaymeen in this video. This is not what they said 3 - Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said to his freed slave Naafi’: “Do you go and meet people bareheaded?” He said: “No.” He said: “Allaah has more right that you should be modest before Him.” This indicates that it is better to cover the head, but if we apply the words of Allaah - (interpretation of the meaning): “O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying” [al-A’raaf 7:31] - to this issue, we will see that covering the head is better among people who regard covering the head as a kind of adornment. But if we are among people who do not regard that as a kind of adornment, we do not say that covering it is better or that leaving it bare is better. It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray in a turban, and the turban is a head covering. End quote.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If a Muslim is in a non-Muslim land that is hostile towards the Muslims, or a non-Muslim land that is not hostile, he is not enjoined to differ from them in his outward appearance, because of the harmful consequences that may result from that. Rather it may be mustahabb or obligatory for a man to be similar to them in his outward appearance sometimes, if there is a religious interest to be served by that, such as calling them to Islam and other good aims. But in Muslim lands where Allah has caused His religion to prevail and has caused the disbelievers to come under Muslim rule and pay the jizyah, it is prescribed to be different from (the disbelievers in appearance). End quote from Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, 1/471-472. By that argument keeping a donkey is a sunnah. Not everything that the prophet saw did, is a obligated sunnah.
Women are required to cover their heads when going out but not men. It's uncalled for Muslim men to cover their heads in order to prove that they are muslims
Mr Zaik fails to describe that Sunnah is broken into two (2) categories; 1. sunnah in acts of worship ('ibadah) which should be followed, apart from the matters that refer to the pillars (arkan) of the 5 pillars of Islam, such as solat (prayer) which MUST be followed (ie'non negotiable') other acts of sunnah of ibadah are 'up for negotiation' and 2. sunnah of tradition (adab). the wearing of certain clothes (outside of those covering the awrah) are a part of sunnah of tradition. There is clear evidence that RasulAllah salAllahu alayhi wassalam wore a turban in solat-sometimes turban with kufi, sometimes turban without kufi or sometimes kufi without turban and advised to wear a turban (refer to shirmail At-Tirmidh) and there are benefits for that such as increased gentleness. The question whether wearing a head covering forms a part of the pillars of solat-the answer is NO. It is a sunnah.
Akhi, next time be more respectful. Basically, there are 2 opinions with regards to long hair, jubbah, headcover. One of them is that THEY are indeed sunnah. Reference: Islamweb
@@Xpert56 But wearing the head covering is not Sunnah. It's Adah, or tradition. Prophet used to ride donkeys, so, will you have to answer in the afterlife if you went to work on your car but not on a mule ? Don't be ridiculous lol
@@Xpert56 according to your own logic, you're going against sunnah. How dare you not use camels to travel? (Since even sunnahs related to arab culture are ibadat according to you).
Maesha Allah, but how can it be mustahab to wear a cap for salah and makruh not to wear in salah? Did I not understand it right? Thanks if someone can clarify.
Zakir Naik sir.... Pls clarify if covering head is part of the Arab culture or part of Islam. What about some masjids in India, which don't even allow a person to pray without caps or compelling a person to wear cap in order to pray
Why I love Jesus? Obviously sadhguru believes in the sun energy and yoga. Likewise; Dr Zakir naik believes in Allah and Quran. No one has experienced everything the world has presented to us. Therefore we all know just a little bit here and there then try to prove each ones points as the best. One rode is needed to sharpen another rod. Likewise, one person will be Sharpening another in this world. Love is the ultimate requirement to live peacefully among ourselves. Love is GOD not sun nor the yoga. All religion teaches to love God and love our neighbors. Lack of love creates trouble among ourselves and within the family. If love be practiced within our family, that family is living in heaven already. Bible states: Luke 17:20-21 King James Version 20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Jesus did as stated in the Bible. Romans 12:1 King James Version 12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Amen. Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. I love the teachings of Jesus Christ because he has been the living example of loving GOD and his neighbors. Amen. All religion teaches love but who is practicing it? If we practice love, then we will not fight nor argue within our families, among churches, among temples, among god's, among Muslims, between religions, between nations, countries, etc. Who doesn't know God as per the Bible? 1 John 4:8 KJV: He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. Beware of false teachings : Son of man be in the heart of the earth 3 days and nights. It didn't indicate dead or alive in the heart of the earth. It didn't indicate if Jonah was praying all 3 days and 3 nights. Jonah 1:17 And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah 2:2: “From the depths of the grave I called for help. Second, the language of Jonah’s prayer is poetic in nature. Terms such as Sheol and the reference to “the pit” (Jonah 2:6) Did Jonah die in the fish, or was he alive the whole time? In conclusion: Jonah, brings God’s message of salvation to a lost and dying people. In so doing, he became a wonderful representation of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and life-giving message. God is not looking at who knows the Bible and Quran the most, rather who loves God and his neighbors. Jesus is the perfect example to love God and his neighbors. Knowledge is earthy. Love is God. Amen
Wearing a turban or cap for prayers is not a religious requirement, it's neither sunna nor farl. It's Arabs custom to wear head gear to suit the climate, and to prevent sand storm in their country.
Assim al Hakeem also said something similar. He added that its an innovation too, normally I see Dr Naik and Hakeem agreeing, so this is à bit confusing to me
@@naveed755 He didn't say Topi is an innovation. He said, tying up a cloth to cover your head is an innovation. Even Dr. Salah of Huda Tv agrees with the point.
Women should also try to cover her hair all the time with a scarf, (then there is the obligatory hair covering hijab in public/non mahram, and in salah).
Soo many young Muslims not covering their head. They are losing their Muminin faith and identity, their Muslim Identity and covering of the head with white kuffi cap reflects light against your enemies the Jinn. So why won't you allow this blessing to be upon you Muslims of 2021 and beyond.?
Wut? 🤦 Muslim identity can be expressed through a beard or a hijab (both of which are obligatory for men and women respectively, by the way). We don't need to cover the head
Covering the head is dressing sense of arabs as well as of beloved prophet mohammed.. He never says to cover head..if it is sunnah..prophet will tell us..such as wearing the pants as not to touch the ground,...
@@organd9184 yes but he doesn't command us to do that.. Arabs used to cover their head to protect themselves from desert heat.. If not wearing a cap while praying would lead us to small sin ( makrooh) then Prophet s.a.w would have command us to do that..how our Prophet failed to command us an act that would be a sin if we don't follow it while praying..In India more than 50% people won't follow authentic sunnah bt take an act which is not a sunnah and make a big issue out of it..In South India ( don't knew about how they do in North)most of the People won't raise their hands before and after rukooh which is an authentic sunnah,. They just raise their fingers in tashahud only for "ashadhu allah ilaaha illalah" while the authentic hadith mentions prophet used to move his fingers throughout tashahud.. and they'll look a person like zombie's who doesn't wear skull cap and some masjids won't even allow to pray if you don't have a topi.. our Prophet used to wear tobe all the time ..is it makrooh to pray in shirt pant while our Prophet used to pray in tobe
recommended, but not essential; fulfilment of which is rewarded, though they may be neglected without punishment (if not followed, no punishment...if followed, will be rewarded:)
What is the Sahih Dalil specifically of it being Makruh? There is no connection with wearing cap during Salah. It was His (pbuh) habitual Sunnah (Sunnah A'adah) not Sunnah Ibadah. Thanks
Jazak Allah Khair Dr. Zakir, I am one of the people who like you and appreciate defending Islam, but there is no prove that covering the head while praying is a sunnah and not doing so is Makrooh and this is supported with many many scholars fatwas. There is no hadeeth or an evidence that states that praying while covering the head is a mostahab and not doing so is makroh. The ahadeeth that Dr. mentioned indicate that at the time of the prophet peace be upon him they used to wear things on their heads the same as they used to wear thob and it is a habit the same as Dr. Zakir is wearing a suit now.
Brother it is SUNNAH to cover head for men in prayer, first thing is that there is no authentic hadees in my knowledge which shows that muhammad PBUH or his companions left their head uncovered in prayer. thobe was used because they don't had other styles of clothing for men. The things like speaker, fans and shirts, suits weren't invented. Using them is nor against sunnah neither in favor of it. But going bare headed for prayer is surely against sunnah but it is sometimes described as a bid'ah.
SUFYAN ARIF There are hadeeths brother that a companion prayed uncovered and Ibn omar may Allah be pleased with him told him how do you pray uncovered because at that time you cover your hair when seeing somebody important so it was the tradition... nor there is a hadeeth that says that the prophet peace be upon him prayed without thob... any way brother this should be to a Mufti.. read in islamqa for more info...
There is a Hadith which say when the sahaba offer Salah they covered their head. I don't know the hadith number. It's told by Dr Zakir in #unity in Muslim Ummah # lecture
Max Tan Different countries have different versions of islam, we pakistani muslims lived more than 800 years with indian hindus so we have many superstitious beliefs in common. Muslims try to copy arab culture too which was not part of islam but copied as islam. Ahadees(singular :hadith) are collection of practices prophet did himself, said or let other people do. A hadith tells that prophet said "There will be 72 sects of muslims out of which 1 will enter paradise" And that one will be one who will follow the teachings of quran and prophet but the current identity crisis we muslims are going with shows that there is no any current sect who claim that we follow them as required.
Jab hamare Pyare AAQA sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ne imama sharif pehna hai to wo sunnat hui na ... Usko mustahab kaise bolre.. Nabi ki muhabbat hona zaruri hai fir aise firke nahi ate
Mustahab means it's not fard, kyuke agar fard huwa aur bandah neh nh kiya toh ussko gunnah millega, mustahab kah Matlab hain keh agar nh kiya toh kam seh kam gunnah nh millega, lekin karro Kyuke zehda acha hain
Assim hakim is not very grounded in fiqh issues, some of the rulings he gives are strange and lacking. He goes on to say covering head is 'biddah' wheras him saying this is biddah! Its sunnah to cover hair for men women all the time, that is basic islamic ettiqute and modesty, sheikh zakir naik gave a good detailed answer.
Is it sunnah to cover head for woman while eating drinking,going to toilet,also for dhikr and recite Quran and make wudu except Salah and infront of non mahram? If yes give the authentic hadheeth please?
It is sunnah/mustahab for women also to cover her hair with scarf all the time just like its for men with cap as he mentioned in sahih hadith, but for places and times you mentioned then it is more stressed because for more humilty and especially for reading Quran then it is neccassary as it is ibadah
r u against sunna? ? bro dont u heard wht zakir said...its said in hadith our mohammod was coverd all the tym except hajj coz its haram...many things haram during hajj like sex with wife...bt aftr n bfr hajj its a sawab & its a pray accrding to quran...u will get more benefit frm tht...
@@xtreme6018 wearing a cap is not sunnah. the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, never commanded us or told us to wear a turban or headcover. it was the practice at that time. everyone wore turbans even in the time of jaahiliyyah in the arabian peninsula. it is NOT sunnah. Just because the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, it doesnt mean it is sunnah. if it was makrooh to not wear a cap during the prayer the prophet would have mentioned it.
Would have been wonderful if the host just covered his head right now after hearing this answer... If at least said that he would start covering his head... but I guess it's not fashion anymore to change when the truth is revealed.
You must learn English cause it is international Don't be sad in google or TH-cam there are many source. It will take time but study English pado kyonki Sahara log use karta hei acha sources milega Merri Hindi itne acha nani he I My Hindi is not that good forgive me if I made a mistake
Where is the Mujahid team in Kerala??? As you can see that only the Muslims in the world saying covering the head is not a Sunnah!!!! But like the Nabi wear the dress, slipper etc.....
Muslims ladies wear hizab and you can recognize them as muslima. What about Muslim men? If we dress like non Muslims, we will be treated like them in the day of judgement.
The Christian who are knowledgeable still cover there heads thought they have fashioned it as hats or veil.enfact look at the oldest pope or the current one he too wears a cap.the Jews also cover the head.the hindu wore pagdi and so did the hindu women cover there head.the skull cap origin is not muslim it was worn long before.its wrong to criticize skull cap wearer just because of fashion and not knowing the scientific reason.
Salafis say that wearing cap or covering head is not sunnah. And they dont cover their head in daily life or salat.but in gulf they cover head for arabs. Actually it is shirk according to their belief. Because they are satisfying creation other than creator.
I was in a confusion regarding this issue. Alhamdulillah my doubts are cleared. Jazakallah hyru...Dr. Zakir Naik....May Allah reward you with Jannah..
May Allaah(SWT) bless us all with Jannatul-firdaus Aameen ya rabbul aalameen 🤲
I love you my sir. ..
I pray to Almighty to increase your knowledge and life so that we learn more. ..
Love you sir
Jazak Allah Khair Dr Naik, You have cleared up a lot of issues for this Ummah during your life may Allah bless you and your family and reward you
I covered my head while watching this elhamdulillah. May Allah reward you for sharing this knowledge elhamdulillah!
Same hahaa Alhamdulilah
Is this Dr. Zakir Naik Halal?
MashaAllah , nice explanation about covering the head.
I am practising to be a good muslim by wearing cap and Pray namaz in Jummat..
Tbh many Muslim men don't bother at all. Just wear t-shirt and jeans to go to jummah. This is a worldwide problem. There are a lot of Muslim men who have different hairstyle e.g. spikey hair and come into the mosque funny hairstyles or even clothing but no one talks about them. Everyone is only obsessed with female clothing.
Yeah it is sad. These days muslims are drifting far away from Islam. May Allah help us ameen.
@@saahilh2795 tbh the reason why I put my comment down because people these days judge muslim females a lot of their appearance. Whether hijab or no hijab, I feel disgusted how even some Muslims opinion are. But they unfortunately don't have the same energy for men.
@@Starzig123 Yeah it is true!
Saahil H Satan also believes in Allah. If you believe but disobey then your not any better than Satan.
May Allah bless you both!
Maa Shaa Allah vary clearly explained.👍👍👍
Masha Allah Zakir sir, May Allah bless you
Allah grant him jannah
May allah bless you, sir
mohammad eats chicken wings, honey sauce upon him
Allahu ungaludann erukkinran Allahu puthumanawan Alhamthulillah
آمین ماشآءاللہ
Good detailed answer
sir ,u r the most talented human ,I ever known
Jazak Allah
Brother asked a very good question
I think it’s so beautiful when men cover their hair
Of course. I love to cover my head everytime I pray and In fridays especially when I go to mosque 🕌
Masha Allahu Dukedar thakeir nayikk nalla karutthu sonniga masha Allahu ungalukku Allahu rahumath seywan Alhamthulillah Alhamthulillah puthumanawan Alhamthulillah
The real question is “why”did prophet Muhammad pbuh used to cover his head? What made him start covering the head? Did he use to cover his head before prophethood? Did a revelation come to him to start wearing the cap? Is it some sort of protection against the jinns(devils)? Please kindly answer! It’s just to increase knowledge. I wear it during namaz only!
Covering your head only for the purpose of performing Salah is an innovation. May Allah guide you.
It’s culture I think it’s cuz of that
Its primarly a sunnah, a mustahab, not culture!! Covering the hair for male/female shows respect and humbleness, this is according to all the major scholars of fiqh.
@@hikmhshm9255 Then Abu Lahab or Abu Jahil did also Sunnah by wearing turban? Or having a donkey is also a sunnah? 🤣
The ulama said that wearing something on the head for only praying or going to masjid is a bidah. If you live in a country where people wear kufis or turban then you should also but if dont then not recommended.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If a Muslim is in a non-Muslim land that is hostile towards the Muslims, or a non-Muslim land that is not hostile, he is not enjoined to differ from them in his outward appearance, because of the harmful consequences that may result from that.
Rather it may be mustahabb or obligatory for a man to be similar to them in his outward appearance sometimes, if there is a religious interest to be served by that, such as calling them to Islam and other good aims.
But in Muslim lands where Allah has caused His religion to prevail and has caused the disbelievers to come under Muslim rule and pay the jizyah, it is prescribed to be different from (the disbelievers in appearance).
End quote from Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, 1/471-472.
@@brhn9452 nice reply .👍👍
Love from INDIA
*ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ*
Aleiyhi salatul wa salam
Alhamdulillah sir,very helpful
Allahu Akhbar
There is a difference between Sunnah and traditions. Even non Muslims used to cover their heads in that area because it's their traditions. The Prophet used to ride mules to wherever he went, let us start traveling on mules shall we ? The Prophet never said "Wear a cap when you pray". He used to have long hair. It's not Sunnah, it's a tradition.
That’s a stretch. It’s sunnah to cover the head.
@@lorenzomuhammad1715 It is not. What is a Sunnah ? Something that the Prophet recommended, and said, it will be rewarding for people in the afterlife to do so. Nowhere in any hadith did he recommend covering the head. It was a habit of the Prophet, white cap, or often a turban.. and it's also a cultural thing, not a sunnah. Making it so, might make one sinful. Beware.
But he covered his head all time...😊
@@jamieammar6131I don’t see the problem with this. Keep in mind that it was only a century ago that people, no matter what culture or what part of the world they were from would always go out in public wearing some sort of head covering. It’s only as of recent in human history that that has changed.
well said brother
I totally agreed withu zakir bhai that how u explained abt turban or topi shub b there while offering salah atlst....
Bcz sm of my frnds were telling me its not compalsory or nor even make any diff in ur salah eg sunnah to cover ur head etc.... now i came to know abt this matter thnx so much n i want u to continu explaining things very clear like u do asusaul so we get knowledge...
Strangely, Dr Zakir naik actually misquotes Sheikh Ibn baaz and ibn uthaymeen in this video. This is not what they said
3 - Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said to his freed slave Naafi’: “Do you go and meet people bareheaded?” He said: “No.” He said: “Allaah has more right that you should be modest before Him.” This indicates that it is better to cover the head, but if we apply the words of Allaah - (interpretation of the meaning): “O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying” [al-A’raaf 7:31] - to this issue, we will see that covering the head is better among people who regard covering the head as a kind of adornment. But if we are among people who do not regard that as a kind of adornment, we do not say that covering it is better or that leaving it bare is better. It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray in a turban, and the turban is a head covering. End quote.
SubhanAllah ❤❤❤.
Sir thanks a lot
Since our Prophet MOHAMMAD ( Sallahu alaehi wasallam) was always in the divine presence of Allah so he covered his head most of the time.
May Allah bless you sir.
Allah bless you sir
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah WA Barakah Brother Zakir
ما شاء الله
MashaAllah, do Cover your hair sister, and in public its fard/obligatory
Your noble self have Spoken The Haqq,,,
Haqq Allahu!! Al Haqq Khatam Nabi Noor e mujassam Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam...
Strangely, Dr Zakir naik actually misquotes Sheikh Ibn baaz and ibn uthaymeen in this video. This is not what they said
3 - Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said to his freed slave Naafi’: “Do you go and meet people bareheaded?” He said: “No.” He said: “Allaah has more right that you should be modest before Him.” This indicates that it is better to cover the head, but if we apply the words of Allaah - (interpretation of the meaning): “O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying” [al-A’raaf 7:31] - to this issue, we will see that covering the head is better among people who regard covering the head as a kind of adornment. But if we are among people who do not regard that as a kind of adornment, we do not say that covering it is better or that leaving it bare is better. It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray in a turban, and the turban is a head covering. End quote.
Cab i have the Hadith number
masha allha...... all kerala mujahid people should hear it .
I would like to inform you (If you don't know?) Zakir naik is also a "salafi" (known as mujahid in kerala)
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If a Muslim is in a non-Muslim land that is hostile towards the Muslims, or a non-Muslim land that is not hostile, he is not enjoined to differ from them in his outward appearance, because of the harmful consequences that may result from that.
Rather it may be mustahabb or obligatory for a man to be similar to them in his outward appearance sometimes, if there is a religious interest to be served by that, such as calling them to Islam and other good aims.
But in Muslim lands where Allah has caused His religion to prevail and has caused the disbelievers to come under Muslim rule and pay the jizyah, it is prescribed to be different from (the disbelievers in appearance).
End quote from Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, 1/471-472.
By that argument keeping a donkey is a sunnah. Not everything that the prophet saw did, is a obligated sunnah.
exatly otherwise eating dates 3 times a day is also a sunnah
Women are required to cover their heads when going out but not men. It's uncalled for Muslim men to cover their heads in order to prove that they are muslims
Thank you sooo muchh
Mr Zaik fails to describe that Sunnah is broken into two (2) categories; 1. sunnah in acts of worship ('ibadah) which should be followed, apart from the matters that refer to the pillars (arkan) of the 5 pillars of Islam, such as solat (prayer) which MUST be followed (ie'non negotiable') other acts of sunnah of ibadah are 'up for negotiation' and 2. sunnah of tradition (adab). the wearing of certain clothes (outside of those covering the awrah) are a part of sunnah of tradition. There is clear evidence that RasulAllah salAllahu alayhi wassalam wore a turban in solat-sometimes turban with kufi, sometimes turban without kufi or sometimes kufi without turban and advised to wear a turban (refer to shirmail At-Tirmidh) and there are benefits for that such as increased gentleness. The question whether wearing a head covering forms a part of the pillars of solat-the answer is NO. It is a sunnah.
Akhi, next time be more respectful. Basically, there are 2 opinions with regards to long hair, jubbah, headcover. One of them is that THEY are indeed sunnah. Reference: Islamweb
@@Xpert56 But wearing the head covering is not Sunnah. It's Adah, or tradition. Prophet used to ride donkeys, so, will you have to answer in the afterlife if you went to work on your car but not on a mule ? Don't be ridiculous lol
@@Xpert56 according to your own logic, you're going against sunnah. How dare you not use camels to travel? (Since even sunnahs related to arab culture are ibadat according to you).
@Jamie Ammar ya3ni I know this idiom, it's from assim al hakeem right haha?
according to the adab (tradtional) sunnah, eating dates 3 times a day is also a sunnah!
I am am more interested in the purpose or meaning of wearing a kufi
Allahu Akbar
Maesha Allah, but how can it be mustahab to wear a cap for salah and makruh not to wear in salah? Did I not understand it right? Thanks if someone can clarify.
exactly that doesn't make sense, I totally disagree with dr zakir naik , I am more agree with assim al hakeem and mohamamd salah and their opinions.
It makes perfect sense, it is recommended/encouraged to wear it for Salah and not recommended/discouraged to not wear it.
Can someone let me know that what's the name of this programme?
I believe it's called "Ramadan, A date with Dr Zakir Naik". It gets shown every night during Ramadan
0:50 Its Volume 3... not 2... first time ever when Dr. Naik forgot
He's a human being, not an angel
I have a question. I want to wear a prayer cap outside but I wonder if I can wear one if I break my wudhu outside?
Aslam wailequm teacher you are also a medical doctor is there also a scientific reason for this apart from sins. Hope you will answer it.
Is it obligatory for the men to wear a head covering? And if it isn’t then why do Muslim men wear the covering?
no it isnt obligatory we wear it because its a sunnah
When is it haram to cover the head and clip nails i didnt understand that
But I think there is a hadith in sahih bukhari where muhammed (s.a.w) had prayer without covering his head.pls clear my doubt
He is mentioned it at 4:50
Zakir Naik sir.... Pls clarify if covering head is part of the Arab culture or part of Islam.
What about some masjids in India, which don't even allow a person to pray without caps or compelling a person to wear cap in order to pray
What happens if one called an act a fard but it's not?
Wearing a cap doesn't make you a practising Muslim, it exhibits conspicuousness and communal mindedness.
Anybody has full video of this talk show ?
Why I love Jesus?
Obviously sadhguru believes in the sun energy and yoga. Likewise; Dr Zakir naik believes in Allah and Quran. No one has experienced everything the world has presented to us. Therefore we all know just a little bit here and there then try to prove each ones points as the best. One rode is needed to sharpen another rod. Likewise, one person will be Sharpening another in this world. Love is the ultimate requirement to live peacefully among ourselves. Love is GOD not sun nor the yoga. All religion teaches to love God and love our neighbors. Lack of love creates trouble among ourselves and within the family. If love be practiced within our family, that family is living in heaven already. Bible states: Luke 17:20-21
King James Version
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Jesus did as stated in the Bible.
Romans 12:1
King James Version
12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
I love the teachings of Jesus Christ because he has been the living example of loving GOD and his neighbors. Amen.
All religion teaches love but who is practicing it?
If we practice love, then we will not fight nor argue within our families, among churches, among temples, among god's, among Muslims, between religions, between nations, countries, etc.
Who doesn't know God as per the Bible?
1 John 4:8 KJV: He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Beware of false teachings : Son of man be in the heart of the earth 3 days and nights. It didn't indicate dead or alive in the heart of the earth. It didn't indicate if Jonah was praying all 3 days and 3 nights.
Jonah 1:17
And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
Jonah 2:2: “From the depths of the grave I called for help.
Second, the language of Jonah’s prayer is poetic in nature. Terms such as Sheol and the reference to “the pit” (Jonah 2:6)
Did Jonah die in the fish, or was he alive the whole time?
In conclusion: Jonah, brings God’s message of salvation to a lost and dying people. In so doing, he became a wonderful representation of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and life-giving message.
God is not looking at who knows the Bible and Quran the most, rather who loves God and his neighbors. Jesus is the perfect example to love God and his neighbors. Knowledge is earthy. Love is God. Amen
I am a new converted to Muslim
I still don't understand why Muslim men covered their hair, The bible says, it's a sin
Please make clear for me
Wearing a turban or cap for prayers is not a religious requirement, it's neither sunna nor farl. It's Arabs custom to wear head gear to suit the climate, and to prevent sand storm in their country.
Wrong, it is sunnah and more respectful to cover head
I checked Islamqa. They're saying it's not even mustahabb, it's mubah.. permissible to cover the head. It's a cultural thing not religious.
Assim al Hakeem also said something similar. He added that its an innovation too, normally I see Dr Naik and Hakeem agreeing, so this is à bit confusing to me
@@naveed755 He didn't say Topi is an innovation. He said, tying up a cloth to cover your head is an innovation.
Even Dr. Salah of Huda Tv agrees with the point.
@@naveed755 I do think Assim Al Hakeem is actually a student of Sheikh Saleh al Munajjid who is the supervisor of Islamqa. But I'm just assuming.
@@naveed755asim alhakim has very ajib rulings he is bit lost and has crazy answers, it is sunnah and respectful to cover head for both men and women
And what about women?
Women should also try to cover her hair all the time with a scarf, (then there is the obligatory hair covering hijab in public/non mahram, and in salah).
Muslim men until modern times always covered their heads.
kya iska hindi translate hai
Soo many young Muslims not covering their head.
They are losing their Muminin faith and identity, their Muslim Identity and covering of the head with white kuffi cap reflects light against your enemies the Jinn.
So why won't you allow this blessing to be upon you Muslims of 2021 and beyond.?
Wut? 🤦 Muslim identity can be expressed through a beard or a hijab (both of which are obligatory for men and women respectively, by the way). We don't need to cover the head
@@Mahi_013 incorrect
Yes you should out of respect, modesty, ettiquete and is overall sunnah
Covering the head is dressing sense of arabs as well as of beloved prophet mohammed..
He never says to cover head..if it is sunnah..prophet will tell us..such as wearing the pants as not to touch the ground,...
Brother everything that was done by our prophet (SAW) is also sunnah
@@organd9184 yes but he doesn't command us to do that.. Arabs used to cover their head to protect themselves from desert heat.. If not wearing a cap while praying would lead us to small sin ( makrooh) then Prophet s.a.w would have command us to do that..how our Prophet failed to command us an act that would be a sin if we don't follow it while praying..In India more than 50% people won't follow authentic sunnah bt take an act which is not a sunnah and make a big issue out of it..In South India ( don't knew about how they do in North)most of the People won't raise their hands before and after rukooh which is an authentic sunnah,. They just raise their fingers in tashahud only for "ashadhu allah ilaaha illalah" while the authentic hadith mentions prophet used to move his fingers throughout tashahud.. and they'll look a person like zombie's who doesn't wear skull cap and some masjids won't even allow to pray if you don't have a topi.. our Prophet used to wear tobe all the time ..is it makrooh to pray in shirt pant while our Prophet used to pray in tobe
@@organd9184 he ride on came;l in desert . does that mean we should also ride on camels ??
Whether we should wear topi while sleeping also
One may do so if want to, but not nessaccary
What is the meaning of mustahab?
Faizan Hasan
Very strongly recommended.
optional...it will benefit u...sawab u... its sunnah....
It s mean likeable
recommended, but not essential; fulfilment of which is rewarded, though they may be neglected without punishment
(if not followed, no punishment...if followed, will be rewarded:)
Means it’s beloved
Pagri or topi,
What to wear.... turban or that salah cap???
You didn't made it sure brother
Any or both will do.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem says otherwise. Now i need to look for a 3rd sheikh for the tie breaker.
I'm also confused
Did you found anything yet ?
@@omr1248 dr. Muhammad Salah says its not sunnah.
The real ruling is it depends on the place you live
If the norm is to wear it than that is sunnah if it's not tge norm than it would not be a sunnah
isnt it just a cultural thing ? Is it a religious act ?
Yes a religious act, will get rewarded and is sunnah. covering head/hair is act of respect for both male females.
What is the Sahih Dalil specifically of it being Makruh? There is no connection with wearing cap during Salah. It was His (pbuh) habitual Sunnah (Sunnah A'adah) not Sunnah Ibadah. Thanks
Jazak Allah Khair Dr. Zakir, I am one of the people who like you and appreciate defending Islam, but there is no prove that covering the head while praying is a sunnah and not doing so is Makrooh and this is supported with many many scholars fatwas. There is no hadeeth or an evidence that states that praying while covering the head is a mostahab and not doing so is makroh. The ahadeeth that Dr. mentioned indicate that at the time of the prophet peace be upon him they used to wear things on their heads the same as they used to wear thob and it is a habit the same as Dr. Zakir is wearing a suit now.
Brother it is SUNNAH to cover head for men in prayer, first thing is that there is no authentic hadees in my knowledge which shows that muhammad PBUH or his companions left their head uncovered in prayer. thobe was used because they don't had other styles of clothing for men. The things like speaker, fans and shirts, suits weren't invented. Using them is nor against sunnah neither in favor of it. But going bare headed for prayer is surely against sunnah but it is sometimes described as a bid'ah.
SUFYAN ARIF There are hadeeths brother that a companion prayed uncovered and Ibn omar may Allah be pleased with him told him how do you pray uncovered because at that time you cover your hair when seeing somebody important so it was the tradition... nor there is a hadeeth that says that the prophet peace be upon him prayed without thob... any way brother this should be to a Mufti.. read in islamqa for more info...
There is a Hadith which say when the sahaba offer Salah they covered their head. I don't know the hadith number. It's told by Dr Zakir in #unity in Muslim Ummah # lecture
So is Hadith stories written in the Quran ? Or you mean any person can come out their own version of Quran ?
Max Tan Different countries have different versions of islam, we pakistani muslims lived more than 800 years with indian hindus so we have many superstitious beliefs in common. Muslims try to copy arab culture too which was not part of islam but copied as islam.
Ahadees(singular :hadith) are collection of practices prophet did himself, said or let other people do. A hadith tells that prophet said "There will be 72 sects of muslims out of which 1 will enter paradise" And that one will be one who will follow the teachings of quran and prophet but the current identity crisis we muslims are going with shows that there is no any current sect who claim that we follow them as required.
Jab hamare Pyare AAQA sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ne imama sharif pehna hai to wo sunnat hui na ...
Usko mustahab kaise bolre..
Nabi ki muhabbat hona zaruri hai fir aise firke nahi ate
English Info 87 Barelvi hy kya?
Mustahab means it's not fard, kyuke agar fard huwa aur bandah neh nh kiya toh ussko gunnah millega, mustahab kah Matlab hain keh agar nh kiya toh kam seh kam gunnah nh millega, lekin karro Kyuke zehda acha hain
What is hahram? Because he said wearing a cap during hahram its haram
He said Ihram. Ihram is the white clothes you wear during Hajj or Umrah.
It is baseless, theres absolutely no consensus that it is a sunnah to cover, or its makruh to pray uncovered.
Baseless claims, make your research guys
Nope youre claim is baseless, covering head is sunnah and respectful
@@hikmhshm9255 provide me with your references
is it good to wear tie and coat
Is it good to eat, breathe, poop, sleep etc 😆😆😅😅
is it good to comment on a person who does more then you for Islam?
Rabiul Robi
Mind your own business
Don't worry about Islam or Muslim's
TAJUDDIN MOHAMMED a typical uneducated and silly reply comment to make when Dr zakir has given a very comprehensive answer regarding covering of head
Why does assim Al Hakeem say it's not sunnah?
@L Drago why?
Assim hakim is not very grounded in fiqh issues, some of the rulings he gives are strange and lacking. He goes on to say covering head is 'biddah' wheras him saying this is biddah! Its sunnah to cover hair for men women all the time, that is basic islamic ettiqute and modesty, sheikh zakir naik gave a good detailed answer.
Is it sunnah to cover head for woman while eating drinking,going to toilet,also for dhikr and recite Quran and make wudu except Salah and infront of non mahram? If yes give the authentic hadheeth please?
It is sunnah/mustahab for women also to cover her hair with scarf all the time just like its for men with cap as he mentioned in sahih hadith, but for places and times you mentioned then it is more stressed because for more humilty and especially for reading Quran then it is neccassary as it is ibadah
They covered their heads to protect themselves from sun stroke because they lived in a dessert.
r u against sunna? ? bro dont u heard wht zakir said...its said in hadith our mohammod was coverd all the tym except hajj coz its haram...many things haram during hajj like sex with wife...bt aftr n bfr hajj its a sawab & its a pray accrding to quran...u will get more benefit frm tht...
@@xtreme6018 wearing a cap is not sunnah. the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, never commanded us or told us to wear a turban or headcover. it was the practice at that time. everyone wore turbans even in the time of jaahiliyyah in the arabian peninsula. it is NOT sunnah. Just because the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, it doesnt mean it is sunnah. if it was makrooh to not wear a cap during the prayer the prophet would have mentioned it.
@@blueboy3098 agreed
@@blueboy3098 agreed... Cap is not sunnah...
A da’ee presented tonnes of evidence to support the view it is sunnah - and you just present your own opinion.
Would have been wonderful if the host just covered his head right now after hearing this answer... If at least said that he would start covering his head...
but I guess it's not fashion anymore to change when the truth is revealed.
Fashionable or not, It’s HARAM to backbite about a Muslim, when he’s not aware of what you’re saying.
@@Uthuwankanda probably not your fault
Yes he covered his head but was a religious practice or cultural? I think many people would cover their heads due to the heat of the desert sun.
Obv Its religious reason, for modesty, more covering is encouraged in religion
why there's advertisement in this official page?
Hindi me sir english mujhe kam ati aur iska hindi video bhej do
You must learn English cause it is international
Don't be sad in google or TH-cam there are many source. It will take time but study
English pado kyonki Sahara log use karta hei acha sources milega
Merri Hindi itne acha nani he I
My Hindi is not that good forgive me if I made a mistake
Y zakir doesn't wear turbins ??? which is the original sunnah..prophet (pbuh) never wore the type of cap which zakir use to wear.
He actually did wear a white kufi.
@@ßeriakJolai no he does not. He is just wearing a white IndoPak traditional cap
@@usmanali81 I was talking about the prophet. Zakir Naik is wearing a white kufi. Are your eyes blind?
@@ßeriakJolai learn something
how is it sunnah
Where is the Mujahid team in Kerala??? As you can see that only the Muslims in the world saying covering the head is not a Sunnah!!!! But like the Nabi wear the dress, slipper etc.....
Excuse me.. prophet never weared a coat suit in his life..
Then why are you people?
Wearing suit or other kind of clothes other than what our prophet is wearing is not against the Sunnah.
@@yagamilight6261 neither is not wearing a cap or turban against the sunnah.
@@blueboy3098 exactly my point
It is halal to wear a coat suit. Islam is not that restrictive.
@@blueboy3098 if you cover your head you are rewarded but if not it is okay. It is not essential for salah to be accepted
If I'm saying that
Can a Muslim wear a Jews cap while praying
Are you a muslum?, Still Better to cover the head though
0:43 Wearing a motorcycle helmet is a sunnah? 🤔
New Chap no lol
If you make niyyath as it
its. sunnah to. wear helmet when. u. drive motorcycle.
He probably means when they went to fight other armies
It's not a sunnah.😅
Muslims ladies wear hizab and you can recognize them as muslima. What about Muslim men?
If we dress like non Muslims, we will be treated like them in the day of judgement.
The Christian who are knowledgeable still cover there heads thought they have fashioned it as hats or veil.enfact look at the oldest pope or the current one he too wears a cap.the Jews also cover the head.the hindu wore pagdi and so did the hindu women cover there head.the skull cap origin is not muslim it was worn long before.its wrong to criticize skull cap wearer just because of fashion and not knowing the scientific reason.
What is makroob ?
Maybe you mean makrooh, it means that is not recommend to do. If you not do it you have a reward but if you do it nothing happens
no it's not sunnah it a part of arab culture because prophet muhhamed was a arab he did dress that way
Wrong. its out of modesty , religion encourages covering
No it's not sunnah rather it's an custom of people of Arab.
Is keeping long hair sunnah? As muhammad pbuh had.
Yes it is sunnah to cover hair, and so is keeping longer hair sometimes.
Salafis say that wearing cap or covering head is not sunnah. And they dont cover their head in daily life or salat.but in gulf they cover head for arabs. Actually it is shirk according to their belief. Because they are satisfying creation other than creator.
What is shirk? Covering head?