18:26 made the whole video for me. Love this. I already liked Luke but now I love this dude. Absolute stud. Keep doing what you're doing, you are for sure inspiring people.
Best part of the day - Alone time with Jesus - You are true champion Luke - Thank you for sharing your day with us - Keeping living the amazing life our Lord has blessed you with :)
Solid dude. Was at Rogue, he was running by to get somewhere, I asked for a quick pick and he stopped and talked with my buddy and I for a bit. Super friendly and willing to take a few minutes.
Seems like he’s at least a good teammate but the verdict on him from many people is not good…so many interviews/podcast out there bashing him as gaslighter and for being emotionally abusive. Hopefully this born again found/Jesus thing isn’t just a phase this time and he’s actually trying to be a good person.
These day in the life videos are the best. I can't believe this is the same guy that was on the Bachelor. He seems like such a down to earth and likable dude
18 minutes in he's eaten coffee, some powdery stuff with water and sorbet mixed with cinnamon toast crunch and honey ???? How do you get big eating that stuff?
When you said, right now thought id be playing professional baseball … that sounds like a life changing disappointment… do you think its shaped u as a person to not have a dream come true like that?
He looks what basball use to look like to a T. Good on him , may he know succeess in anything he goes after. Get married & have a dozen kids. The world needs more of him.
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Ask Luke what song he was playing haha
I really enjoyed this. Favorite part is that Luke starts his day with Jesus!! Awesome testimony. I like him even more. Blessings!!!
Thanks for watching!
18:26 made the whole video for me. Love this. I already liked Luke but now I love this dude. Absolute stud. Keep doing what you're doing, you are for sure inspiring people.
Thank you for watching! 🙌
Another well done Day & the Life Mayhem media team 💯🙌🏼
Thanks for watching! 💪
Best part of the day - Alone time with Jesus - You are true champion Luke - Thank you for sharing your day with us - Keeping living the amazing life our Lord has blessed you with :)
Solid dude. Was at Rogue, he was running by to get somewhere, I asked for a quick pick and he stopped and talked with my buddy and I for a bit. Super friendly and willing to take a few minutes.
So good! How he walks out from the massage though :) all the feels
That 90 minute massage had him feeling right
Total inspiration. God continues bless you. 🙆👍💪👏
You’re the man Luke!
Luke just comes across so cool and fun to be around! Great video perusal guys!
Definition of a good dude!
Seems like he’s at least a good teammate but the verdict on him from many people is not good…so many interviews/podcast out there bashing him as gaslighter and for being emotionally abusive. Hopefully this born again found/Jesus thing isn’t just a phase this time and he’s actually trying to be a good person.
@@danc4454 agreed. has a terrible reputation from his past
B/c "reality" TV never twists what film, egg people on with crazy stuff in interviews. 😂🤦 Reality shows aren't reality.
@@charistalks Who said this was based only on reality tv? 🧐There’s people off the show that feel the same way unfortunately.
Yes! Watching TH-cam videos of Rich Froning and Mayhem. I fell in love with CrossFit community is amazing!! I don't regret it at all!
Bro you totally had my google home playing music after you told yours too lol
He got us all 😂
These Day in the Life videos are fire! Great content!
My favorite part was when he was checking for mold on the blackberries because I do the same thing.
Safety first
My dude! I was laughing so hard on the Gui/bumper story because I was there and can confirm haha 😂
The best story 😂
Loving the day in the life videos. Mayhem full of cool down to earth people.
More to come!
A legend and a Scholar
The most scholarly
More like this, please!!!
They’re coming!
Luke Parker is my new #crossfitcrush. Great athlete, great person
Jukebox Hero is my all-time favorite jam. If I had to choose only one song to listen to for the rest of my life, it would be that song.
The prayer and Bible study time is major key! So happy to see that!
I’m loving these videos ! So cool getting to know the athletes a little more 💕 God bless y’all
Thanks for watching!
Luke Parker such an awesome genuine human being, would be an honor to meet him one day🔥🔥
Please continue with this videos, love them so much!
Another great vid from Mayhem Media Team!👍👍👍
Great video and thanks for sharing ! Looking forward to seeing all that you accomplish in your life ! 👍🏽😎👏🏾💪🏽👊🏽
That calorie and macro breakdown at the end made this video next level.
Enjoy seeing the different supplement and food companies used by the Mayhem Athletes. Always on the lookout for good stuff.
I really liked this… great video. Luke just seems so likeable and can’t wait to see his team in the quarterfinals!
Starting the day with a study of the Holy scriptures is the true breakfast of champions 💪🏾
This was awesome!
Love the energy! Cold showers for life!
Best way to start the day
Does anyone know the brand of those premade meals at 19:50?
Great video! Love the editing style, very informative and fun!
When are we going to see a recent Day I life of rich?
Most likely after semifinals!
God & Fitness. Love to see this
But can we get “A day in the life” with everyone?! This is great content!
Yes, more to come!
These day in the life videos are the best. I can't believe this is the same guy that was on the Bachelor. He seems like such a down to earth and likable dude
Imagine that, a reality show that isn’t real 😂
@@CFProjectMayhem right?!?!
Really enjoyed this vlog!!! Great vibes 👌🏼✨
I'm interested to know the bran of the supplements and oatmeal with protein and other good stuff
Kreatures of habit oatmeal and 1 st phorm supplements
love these Day in the Life videos 🙏🏻❤️
Wow, what a nice, positive, respectful, disciplined person. Really cool to see.
Lol he wasn’t nice, positive, respectful or disciplined on the Bachelor
@@daniballard27 imagine actually thinking reality TV is real 😂😂
Biggest smile and chain in CrossFit
Too true
Love the video! Are you guys planning on doing more podcast episodes?
When our studio is finished!
@@CFProjectMayhem wooo! That’s awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
Question for Luke: How do you make a living to afford this lifestyle of massages and CrossFit all day? Legitimately curious.
He has a lot of followers and sponsors....
I was wondering the same
He was on the bachelor so he has a ton of followers
Yeah for real. Be nice to have 3 hours to kill in the am and not rush to work barely recovered with other road ragers every morning
@@rickyjames5610 and “checking my DMs” counting as work haha
Great video, way to begin your day with the Word Luke. When is there going to be a day in the life of Ben Davidson?
Love this format guys, need more of those
They are coming!
Song at 4:00?
I feel Luke on the Chickfla sauce, when I started tracking I had the same revelation 😂😪
Sad, sad day 😂
we need to teach poor luke how to make his bed without standing on it lol
Dang bro so good to see you in your element!!
Luke was ready for this one!
whats the first song in the bathroom? sounds interesting
Might need that link to the roasted sweet potatoes big dawg lol they looked good
Great video
That oatmeal looks good, but one packet costs $6 and I get get a whole box of Kodiak oatmeal for that!
Keep it up!
Great content
Se é amigo do Malheiros e nosso amigo hahah
Rich doesn’t need to be nicer to this one. If anything he needs to be even stricter 🤣
He will appreciate that haha
such a great dude!
didnt know that colagen could be added to coffee with such good benefits! good to know, I'm reading more about that. Thx :D
What’s the song he was playing. I’ve heard it but can’t remember it
I knew I recognized him in the thumbnail! Saw him in The Bachelorette!
Used to not vibe with this dude at all. Lately he’s definitely won me back. I’m a fan, best of luck Luke 🤙🤙
He’s a good dude that you should definitely vibe with
Nice biceps bro 💪🏽
Some of the best in the game
cant wait for ADL Gui with at least 1 hour
What’s the brand of the microwave food?
1stPhorm and Jesus. . . Recipe for success!
he will be a nice and funny dad👍
excellent video
do another one with Gui(Bill)
We will!
where did you play college ball at?
Song a 3:50?
How many people have Luke Parker's command to start playing music on Spotify attached to their Google account?
What bag does luke use?
The new Elevation Worship album has been on repeat in my car!
not to be mistaken for my fellow ginger Lucas Parker #legendsneverdie
Home for lunch at 1pm and also session 2 at 1pm. Time stamps are wrong.
Or Luke has superpowers?
Luke how tall are you? ....to calculate the calories and daily total equivalency to my weight.
todas las proteinas y calorias vienen de los suplementos que toma
18 minutes in he's eaten coffee, some powdery stuff with water and sorbet mixed with cinnamon toast crunch and honey ????
How do you get big eating that stuff?
nice bro!
Maybe Andrew will change his opinion after watching this lol
Never 😅
Te amo Sasha. Orgullo argentino
When you said, right now thought id be playing professional baseball … that sounds like a life changing disappointment… do you think its shaped u as a person to not have a dream come true like that?
How do the majority of these athletes earn enough money to live? I would love to know because they are literally living my dream!!!🤩
How much gear are you on?
aka "El regañado"
Next one should be gui!
He’ll come soon!
He looks what basball use to look like to a T. Good on him , may he know succeess in anything he goes after. Get married & have a dozen kids. The world needs more of him.
Lol how often do these athletes shower?
No polar plunge
Never answered my DM 😔
This guy is so good looking it’s offensive! I’m comfortable saying this.
He was the hottest and innocent bachelor in that show
Ok why does he make his bed like a five year old though 😂 not saying it’s not adorable just wondering
We wondered the same thing 😂
Curiosity, how these athletes make a living?
You need more water Luke
We didn't track his water intake in the video
So…when are we finding out that Luke and Haley are an item?! ;)