this woman literally gave up her entire life to devote herself to her daughter and that's what makes her so amazing. she loves her daughter soooo much and knows all and everything about her. She has given up any social life, all finances, all of her time, her aspirations etc. as a mother without a child with this condition it's easy to say I don't think I could do it but deep down I know if I had to I would for my child no questions asked. 36 years is a long time to have to care for your child in the way most parents only have to do for a year or so takes ALOT OF strength. she's an amazing mother for sure.
You dont stop taking care of your child after a year, Parents take care of their children until they're at least 18(if they don't have any special needs like this one), and then their job is done. But even after they turn 18 they will still take care of their child if they need it no matter what
Matt Frost celebrates are praised because they give us music, movies, books etc, this woman is a great mother, but no who's going to turn up to her talking about her disabled child
Wow, this lady has so much love towards her daughter. I have no idea what this would be like, and I have no idea if I could deal with it like she does. Props to her
I don't think I could, I love my daughter's very much but I even have a hard time taking care of myself at times, like just ensuring I eat, what a blessing for Bree to have you as her mama! I hope life is being good to you and I'm sorry for the loss of your baby girl, I know she's smiling down at you and so proud of everything you have done and continue to do
I had a Mom like you, who until her last days at 91 years of age only thought of others' well-being...the world darkened just a bit the moment she died, and watching you just now felt like the sun coming from behind a cloud. You are a light in this hard dark world.
Harley Steele - it isn't rare at all. I've been an RN for over 25 yrs and my husband is a Paramedic. Not only do MANY families take care of disabled family members for years (often a second generation taking over) - but foster parents adopt moderately to severely handicapped children, as in more than once. They are truly incredible people to meet and work with.
Angie Feingold Sorry I wasn't saying it was rare in general I was saying it's rare to see. I don't think carers get enough credit or recognition. People often overlook it.
I think you're right. Because I disliked this at first since I really felt sorry for the mum that she lived like this for so long and for Bree that she is ill like that (if I was in that condition and had the choice, I honsetly would prefer to die). But then I turned my dislike into a like because of the inspirating spirit of that mum and her positive energie.
Harrison Jones Why do people always bring that into the comment section. Just stop it's like you WANT to start and argument. Everyone has different opinions and people have faith in God, but you have to come in and start stuff. Just please stop.
Harrison Jones dud STFU if you dont believe in god then keep that to yourself and say something nice. if yoy dont want to say something nice then keep quiet. i dont believe in god either but at least i don't make rude comments. and at least i would open my mouth to say something nice. besides the lecture.... Wendy you are an amazing and wonderful mother😊 you and bree are amazing people. we all support you guys. love ya!❤
This woman did an amazing job with Bree. She learned about Bree’s disability and what would be best & helpful for her to have the best life possible. Most importantly you can see the love she has for her.
Let's give this mother a big round of applause for taking care of her child. You are a great mother to this child. I could not think of anyone more dedicated or more caring to her daughter.
Malliah Reyn and God blessed you with the heart of Satan. No such thing as perfect. Jesus knows it. Before talking about Hod, read the Ten Commandments in the bible.
God bless you. You are an amazing woman with amazing strength. This shows how great love is. You have cared for your beautiful daughter everyday for 31 years. You inspire me!!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter, Wendy. Bree was a sweetheart and so are you. You're a great mother. May Bree rest in peace and God bless you two.
A mother that does this much for her disabled kid is a hero and role model. Anyone who says anything negative must have a sorry ass life and wasn't disciplined at all. She has my prayers and bless her kind soul.
"one of her favourite things is the mirror, because she's so beautiful" (03:20min) touched my normally stonecold heart so fckng much. You're an awesome Mother, remember that.
This lady is by far a much better woman than I am.. I don't have the physical nor mental strength to raise a child with Bree's level of being handicapped. God bless this woman.
Bree is astonishing. I have NEVER seen a more relaxed, calm & contented person who has the misfortune to suffer from such profound physical, learning & communication disabilities. She is extraordinarily clean (a full time job in itself), extremely well nourished and medicated in a perfectly balanced way. On top of all this she oozes happiness and has a glow about her that only someone who is well loved can have. I am admittedly no expert on Bree's life, however I was a nurse till chronic illness took that from me. Although most of my nursing experience is in critical care, during my training and early in my career I worked with many people suffering illness similar to Bree. I therefore have experience and an understanding of both sides of the coin. Many may say people similar to Bree would be better off dead. I say every case is different. However there is no doubt to me that Bree is living a happier life than many healthy people thanks to her amazing Mom. Praying for you both.
Siobhan Beith What is wrong with you? She is not 'happy' she is a vegetable that has little awareness about anything going on around her. Everything she does is done out of a reflex it has nothing to do with her being happy, astonishing person
Certain comments on this video seem like mindless reflexes too... Sounds like Siobhan knows a lot more about these things than you do, given the experience she mentions.
bree seems to me like a baby /toddler they can be happy just they arent developed to do alot of things but still you would see if she was unhappy im sure , an she seems ok to me , she is not a vegatable she is consious, awake she eats ,is interested in mirrors so just shows she is interested in things , just like a baby/toddler im sure she is inetested in more things that the video didnt show as wendy said its just a quick glimpse into her life
how the hell do you know if she is happy or not. and she is not a vegetable, she understands some thing, if you were paying attention, when her mother asked her to put her leg on the trampoline she raised it, her mother helped her get it up but she did raise it, i agree with siobhan
Rena Ryuugu why would you bring the "God isn't real" into this? People like you give atheists bad names. You don't have to comment something negative like that. Let people trust in what they want and talk about religion without downing them.
howto42 yeah, I can see how it could be exploitative, of course how she talks about her daughter and somewhat of how she seems to treat her could be that way, but there's a lot we don't know. Such as maybe she could be doing this to bring light to such a disability, for example, I didn't know they could crawl. I thought they were wheelchair bound. But she might be doing the best she can.
This lady is a legend. Not many people would keep taking care of there disabled daughter for aslong as she has. Most people would have just put her in a home. Wendy if you read this you are a wonderful person.
Isn't it amazing how one little deletion in a tiny tiny part of the chromosome can cause such a profound effect. You're an amazing mother, she's so lucky to have you.
I have to applaud you , not only are you caring for a profoundly handicapped daughter, but you go above and beyond. My mother works in group homes as a nurse for adults with a rage of disabilities. I remember from a young age helping my mother change diapers, pour meds( of course I never actually touched them), how to clean and feed with a feeding tube and so on. The fact that you make homemade and organic food is outstanding; even without having someone with a disability that diet and life style can be difficult and expensive. Not only that you get her to "creep". I can't tell you how many people I've seen just turn to wheelchairs, no fault on them, because its "faster" and "easier". I can not stress enough how amazing you are. I know and see how frustrating and exhausting caring for someone with profound disabilities is. Keep it up, you are light, and wish you the best. I don't know what it's like in NH, but there are some lesser known programs and loopholes that can get you some help. Check out local disability day programs and talk to people in that community they usually have the best insight. (from my and my mother experience in NY)
God bless this woman keeping this beautiful child who needs very special handicaps. I don’t know if I could do this every day for 37 years. I don’t even know what to say about this amazing women who would save a fly.
You remind me of my mom, I was born with a brain defect, adhd, and a undetermined disability we still don’t have a name for. My mom was very active in my treatments such as special education and routine doctor’s visits to see what developments were made. I am 38 years old I can function on my own with a little assistance but I think I’ve come this far because my mom was dedicated to my success just like you and Bree ❤
You are by far the most caring amazing mother!! The love u have for your daughter is just selfless. I wish many more years of happiness and good health.
Instead of "If I was disabled i'd hope to have a parent this supportive and loyal." Many of the comments are "If my child was this way id put [IT] down." That's why the world is the way it is. Too many people with negative ways of thinking.
Sein Maestro If I was brought into the world this handicapped, I'd never forgive my parents. Yeah, it's better not to bring someone into the world if you know they'll be severely handicapped. People are just like 'well this is my child'.. You're not the one who is like this, your child is. You'll never truly understand how they feel. Theyre trapped in their body.
The kid doesn't know any better...all he or she knows is it's parent(s) love and care. Also,who the hell are you to to say what they understand or not? Have you raised a child like this for 30 plus years? Thought not.
these nasty comments really make my heart sad. this mom is the perfect example of what a mother should be. i have 3 kids that have been special needs and now young adults. 2 of my kids are high functioning autistic and 1 with mental health issues. i've raised them on my own after their dad walked out in 2003. it's been rough, but it can be done. you keep doing you Wendy. you are an amazing mom. lots of other "moms" out there would have put their kids in a home.
angela marsden having 3 children with minor mental health problems doesn't equate to having a girl or guy? idk that is physically almost crippled and has sever mental issues, I understand the quality of life but if it requires you to change the diaper of a almost grown human and treat them like a child when they're almost grown, isn't a great life worth living
Poweralth Everybody has their own conception of a good life. I'm sure this lady receives a lot of joy from her constant work for Bree. That is not to deny she works very hard and her job must be difficult.
My mother passed away recently and now I’m taking care of my 45yo disabled brother with profound intellectual disability and autism. It’s hard work but I don’t know if I could be as awesome as you are. Your passion for Bree radiates. I’m just exhausted all the time. Edit to add: I’m so sorry for your loss.
Yes it is challenging, yet just think that your brother wants to be wanted and love. You know I would always think, how would I want to be treated. If you can , I would look at the product ION - amazing results with autism. Just take it one day at a time. Yes you will feel exhausted yet and yes the hardest job yet stay in your heart. We are human and caregiving is the most stressful yet you can turn it around and make the situation the greatest blessing. My daughter was the greatest teacher I could of dreamed of. She made me better as I had to get healthier and be a better person to care for her. Yes I prayed and begged for guidance and help a lot. The constant worry about being able to keep food on the table and a roof does take a toll. Yet you have a very powerful purpose now, beyond what we can imagine. Ask for guidance and it will come at the perfect timing. You found this site - right, with all kinds of ideas. Bless you!!!
Who downvoted this? Really? This is an amazing woman whose whole life is devoted to her daughter. She's showing us what it is like and people downvote it? Either y'all are jealous because you sadly didn't have good parents or y'all are just cruel. Rock on mom. You're truly a special soul. You're daughter is so lucky to have you.
its because her daughter will always have to have someone care for her, always. and she can't do much except for eat and crawl around. her life must be miserable. sure, yeah, the mother is amazing doing all this work for her daughter, but her life must really be boring, and in the end it will amount to nothing
I know this comment is old. But I see both sides why is not okay for Wendy to take care of her daughter even though she is disabled like that's her business her perogative and her choice. However.... I do see this side too. If my child was gonna be like this and he or she was gonna be brain dead and was gonna poop and pee for the rest of its life and not know where he or she is and not even know she or he is alive. Myself personally I wouldn't be able to handle it. I would have to put her or him in a special home. Why would I choose that we'll 1 it's my choice. 2 it's because it's honestly not fair to my kids who would have to live like that. I was born premature and I damn right asked my mom 28 years ago if I was gonna not know where I'm at would you 1 take care of me 2 put me in a home or 3 pull the plug. I looked at her and said myself I would have you pull the plug and she agreed. This is not fair to Bree. Yes Bree passed away I understand she is gone and she can no longer offend herself or was she ever able to only her mom. But this is not a way to live in my book. If you want to live and take care of your kid that has a disability that's severe that's fine. But to me if I were in Bree shoes I wouldn't want to live like this I'm sorry.
I'm complaining about my life and I am now realizing how blessed I am to feed my self,walk,and many other things Bree is a warrior she is beautiful and has guts of steel I hope Bree and her mother live a long and healthy life #STAYSTRONGBREEKEEPONGOIN
fanta drinker What the hell? All lives matter, big or small, how would you feel if you had a physical disorder that was slowly killing you, and people said: "they are a waste of life, let's just leave her to die."?
Sahm Dhude you are talking about eugenics..that is some pretty sick thinking. We can't kill people because they are an inconvenience. Where do you draw the line at killing?
It’s vids like these where I tell myself “Thank God for the life I’m given.” With all these complications she’s living with, it truly is a blessing and a privilege to live our lives the way we live them. I hope she sets an inspiration and motivation to those out there who also have complications of their own. God Bless.
You are easily the best mother in the whole world. Bree is beautiful, and her spirit is amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing this. I will never complain about small stuff ever again! HUGHUGHUG!!!
it's been a few weeks now since your little angel passed..and all i want to say is that you did an amazing job to keep this girl alive♡ you tried your best but now she flew to heaven..😢 we love and support you Wendy R.I.P bree forever remember forever the love continues
I'm really surprised that there are not many mean comments. People are very rude and I'm very happy that all negative left this video and people kept it positive so this beautiful lady can keep going.
I was scared to look but I scrolled a couple times and didn't see any...I read your comment and I figured I'd stop while I was ahead lol...Sweet lady, and it takes a lot to care for someone that is handicapped in a manner such as this. Shes blessed she can afford to stay home and care for bree... a lot of people wouldn't financial be able too
I feel so terrible for you. I couldn't imagine having to take care of my disabled child for 36+ years. It must be so hard. Financially and emotionally. I applaud your extraordinary parenting. You are very dedicated.
She is so amazing and caring to Bree, I’m glad she lived a good life with a good mother ❤️🙃 These mean comments are not funny or kind, so leave positive comments so Bree’s mom can be happy 😁😇
Who is caring for the Carer? We need to give people respite care while making sure that their child is cared for with the same love and respect that they're due. Why do these parents have to fight for every little thing? As a society they should be first in line for everything.
oliviaLOVEShenry in Germany you don't have to fight for this. When you are sick or like cases like bree you get everything from the government to help you. Yes we have high taxes that everyone have to pay but it's for health and education. You got your legs broken and your child has Down Syndrom? Furthermore your other child wants to study on university? No problem. Government pays your hospital bill, helps you out with your sick child and university is free. Everything in our system concentrates on socialism and helping you out on health issues. And that's why you don't see many homeless people in Germany. If you can't afford a decent life you get helped by a program called Harzt 4. There is no chance that someone has to sell its house because medical treatment it too expensive. For me it's unbelievable.
even in Australia it's hard to get any access to this kind of help. my sister is special needs but because she doesn't come under the umbrella of autism we have no access to any form of help or sometimes fundamental carers. It's quite strange the lengths you have to go to if you're in these situations.
I have to disagree. A Mother's love knows know bounds and she is doing everything she can but her role is exhausting and her fight is relentless. We as a society should be caring for Wendy as she cares for Bree.
Thank you so much for this. It's appalling how little support the care givers get, and care givers need a lot of support. I was a caregiver for several years and worked with people very similar to Bree, some worse off, and there is not one day that isn't exhausting and a little scary at some point or another. It's mentally and emotionally draining knowing something could go wrong and someone could die at any moment, and every little thing you do matters drastically. People sugarcoat how hard it is to raise a child like Bree. This mom was totally honest and has a good head on her shoulders. Unfortunately she can't take care of her forever and at some point Bree will probably end up in a group home or with a relative perhaps. Where I worked, I can't tell you how rare it was that a family member came into the group home to visit one of the clients. It was so rare. Some parents can't handle it, it's a full time job, and for caregivers the pay is extremely little. It was near minimum wage for me and we did not get raises because the government kept cutting funds on us. Nobody wanted to work there. The job was tireless and it was difficult to get vacations, veeeeeeerrrry little pay and you would witness disturbing things there that many couldn't handle on a daily basis. As a result we were always so low on people, and it was common that new staff wouldn't make it past the 3rd month. They were literally hiring people off the street out of desperation, and this meant they were hiring a lot of bad people that didn't care for the clients, as well. So in the end the real victims become those with the disabilities. So it really is not selfish for a caregiver to ask for more support or pay. It is a draining job and the clients deserve and need the very best care. When people say "well the parent is just happy taking care of their child and that's all they need!" I dare you to do this work all day every day and see the sacrifices you make and what it can do to your physical and emotional health, not to mention your finances. Many don't love their family members that are in conditions like Bree and it's a terrible thing-- but those who are true family and care for them get fucked over no matter how much they love and take care of the disabled person.
Wow. I have so much respect for this Mom. Bree is blessed to have someone like you throughout her life. If only every disabled adult was treated like this!
quite sad story, personally i believe your one of the sweetest people to love and care for her when she is in this condition, however in her state I'm surprised she lived all these years, bless her. its sad that kids are born with these problems. they deserve a normal life.
This is sad, but very wonderful that you still care for her and don't give up on her. I think that Bree is very lucky to have a mother that cares. Still, I feel quite bad in a way that you were not able to do the normal parent track. I hope the future is bright.
KatieLouGaming What I was saying was putting ourselves in her position I don't know if I could do as good of a job as she does. I'd be to the point of tears. No one should have to fight for stuff like she does.
This video is so inspirational because it shows moms out their with children like this that there is hope and that miracles can be magical like bree, bree is a living breathing miracle
That's the one pet I can remember to lol. I fed them so much because I forgot if I fed them or not. (I have ADHD so I don't pay attention with out realizing it and forget what I did) *****
+kunoichi lise Maybe if you have such problems, you shouldn't have so many pets. Over feeding and not feeding a pet enough can be harmful. so can not giving them enough attention. seriously, my lizard gets real mean and his colors stay really dark when I don't mess with him for a while/ am not home.
TheMewMix I don't have a lot of pets. Just the fish and lizard. I have notes and reminders all around my house. I'm good with feeding my beardie and he's usually pretty happy. He sits with me daily while I go on my laptop and just chills. And because of when I feed my fish a lot I don't feed them large amounts at a time. And having them is more or less good for me because its basically practice for me to learn to remember stuff. With out that form of responsablility I would have a much harder time.
COOKIES FO' RHONDA I hate when people make fun of the ones with a horrible disability But it normally means none of these sports 🤸🏼♀️⛸🥋⚽️🏒🏊🏼♀️🚴🏼♀️⛹🏼♀️🎾 which is very 😢
Can't believe that your adorable bumble bee passed, Just know that you're an amazing mother! Bree is soo blessed to have a wonderful mom like you. everything you did just to keep her alive and well! ~I know it's very difficult, But just know that she's at a safe place, a place where shes at peace, a place where she can watch over you, a place where she's loved by the good lord!! So sad that she's gone! she will be sadly missed so much,breaks my heart just to even think about it. you are one blessed mom. take care
you are a good Mama God bless you and I hope you don't have to give up guardianship of her you are the only person that she knows I will be praying for you and bree
I respect so much of what you do for her. I’ve been taking care of adults with developmental disabillities for ten years and your the mom of the century. Bree is amazing.
uristits you have absolutely no right to say that. you dont know what this woman and mother have to go through. my moms cousin has four kids including a set of twins and one of the twins has autism. your lucky TH-cam won't do anything about comments, because I would report you just like that. you should be ashamed of what you have spoken.
The thing is an abomination and to keep it alive is cruel and selfish, treating it like a fucking pet. It has no quality of life and is a burden. Somebody having autism is a completely different caliber to a disabled twisted invalid. Also I do have the right to say this as I live in the U.S.A. so I get a right known as the first amendment which allows me to share ideas and thoughts that you might find distasteful or heinous. I find this thing to be heinous but I still respect the mothers right to care for it and to publicize it. I can imagine what the woman and the mother go through. Its a hell where it "creeps around" completely dependent on the mother and the mother taking care of something that will likely die before her and if it doesn't then it burdens society. The only beauty that can be found in this situation is perhaps through the profound sadness of its existence. It shits itself, cannot feed or water itself, and simply creeps. If it was even capable of being aware of its situation, it would kill itself.
+uristits you may think you are very informed on this topic but you are only thinking of how it would affect yourself. I'm glad Bree didn't turn out to be your child. Special needs children are not "things". That is just obscured. You would call someone who got hit by a car that is disabled the rest of their life a life a "thing". Life can be cruel and it's not even remotely accurate to call her a thing just because she was born with disabilities. That is the same thing as dehumanizing African Americans! And to correct your comment as to her not having a quality of life.... what do you call the relationship and bond with her mother. And all the people she listed off at the end of the video who have gotten to know Bree and fell in love with her. Just because your quality of life is different then hers, does not mean she has none or a bad one. And about her dependency on her mother the rest of her life, that's what you sign up for as a parent when you have a kid. Your kids will always be
So you don't hold 'God' responsible for the suffering inflicted? You're logic is entirely flawed. So he can choose to give caring 'mums' but completely doesn't have a say in creating life that has to live a life of pain, suffering and be unable to fulfil all aspects of the human experience? He is a vindictive, callous, jealous god, and humanity will only find true comfort in rejecting the notion of such a flawed deity and all religion.
Are religion is are religion we won't force you to like it but it would be nice if you could expect it. I did not know about them but I believe that their is God and the devil the devil brings negativity into the world while god brings positivity. One is good the other is evil to put it simply God has a plan for everything and everyone. So if you could not crap all over my religion that would be nice.
Olivia Harris *our. No this illogical framework needs questioning, it is antiquated and time to put it to bed. It's my right to point out and question this bigotry, and although you may be too set in you're ways to comprehend what I'm saying, there are people reading perspectives like mine who use it to nudge them in the direction of critical thinking and freedom from religious oppression. I'm sorry but we are in the last days of religion. Critical thinking is spreading at a pace religions has never been capable of...
What an inspiration. The mother's love, and strength are the reasons why her daughter is able to beat the odds of the doctors prognosis. Thank you for sharing this video. You give hope to a lot of people.
You rock Momma 💗💖 Love from Ireland 🍀 My son has special needs nowhere near as severe as the Beautiful Bree he has Autism and learning disabilities and is my world Bree hit the jackpot with yourself as her Momma Much love 😘😘😘😘😘
just spent a half hour screaming at all the bullys on these comments. im just in awe how absolutely ruthless and evil people are. my heart literally hurts. im so sorry for the loss of bree. you are such a strong woman and you kept her moving and clean and happy and comfortable for her time here on earth. an act of true love and dedication. Never let these bad comments hurt you no matter how hard they can sometimes be to ignore. you are an amazing mother and she was very lucky to have you, as you were her. ❤ such a moving video. bree is at peace running with strong legs in heaven.
I seriously hope your financial stress has been lifted. You are a strong inspirational woman and you deserve all the help you can get. Sending good thoughts from Scotland. If I was in any way able to help I would. Your story should be heard far and wide. Take care 🌸
It's 2017 and I have just found this video and God Wendy you are such an amazing woman. Bree was sooo lucky to have you. You were her blessing and she was yours. I looked through the comments and found out she passed away and I'm very sorry about that, but she is surely in a better place now. Unfortunately I also found several hate comments. Man, people are messed up. The world needs more people/mothers like you...
😭 You and Bre are two beautiful human beings😭😭 I wanted to meet Bre after watching this video. But as I read through the comments it makes me cry too see that Bre isn't here. GOD bless you! You were a wonderful mom from the looks of this video.. hope to meet you one day.
U will be rewarded beyond imagination for your hardship and faith in keeping that beautiful soul alive and well, but most especially happy...Bless ur heart for being a wonderful and caring mother to Bree.
Believe me when I say this, you are an angel, i know words are just words but you are that little girls savior.
This is what your inspiration should look like. This woman is everything
True! ❤
Sara K this girl is an adult i believe
Pencil Sketch Yes. Her mom says that she was born in 1980, so she should be 36 years old.
Sara K I love your channel :)
this woman literally gave up her entire life to devote herself to her daughter and that's what makes her so amazing. she loves her daughter soooo much and knows all and everything about her. She has given up any social life, all finances, all of her time, her aspirations etc. as a mother without a child with this condition it's easy to say I don't think I could do it but deep down I know if I had to I would for my child no questions asked. 36 years is a long time to have to care for your child in the way most parents only have to do for a year or so takes ALOT OF strength. she's an amazing mother for sure.
Auje Chu
Auje Chu yeah that is true
Auje Chu I love this comment so much you know there aren’t a whole lot of people who realize this so thank you for this
Auje Chu damiyah ❤️💕💖
You dont stop taking care of your child after a year, Parents take care of their children until they're at least 18(if they don't have any special needs like this one), and then their job is done. But even after they turn 18 they will still take care of their child if they need it no matter what
What a sweet lady! It's people like her who deserve praise and recognition, unlike half of our "celebrities" who basically do nothing.
Matt Frost Kylie jenner...
Aly Segura Eugh...
Matt Frost g
Matt Frost we need more people like her
Matt Frost celebrates are praised because they give us music, movies, books etc, this woman is a great mother, but no who's going to turn up to her talking about her disabled child
Wow, this lady has so much love towards her daughter. I have no idea what this would be like, and I have no idea if I could deal with it like she does. Props to her
I don't think I could, I love my daughter's very much but I even have a hard time taking care of myself at times, like just ensuring I eat, what a blessing for Bree to have you as her mama! I hope life is being good to you and I'm sorry for the loss of your baby girl, I know she's smiling down at you and so proud of everything you have done and continue to do
Oh wow new London new Hampshire I'm in Claremont!!!
I had a Mom like you, who until her last days at 91 years of age only thought of others' well-being...the world darkened just a bit the moment she died, and watching you just now felt like the sun coming from behind a cloud. You are a light in this hard dark world.
rilan smith omg that made me cry
in tears..:(
I love this comment so much *in tears* ❤
may god bless her soul 😢
rilan smith god bless this made me cry
rilan smith I'm very sorry she shall be with you in your heart bless her❤️
it just makes me so happy that she puts in so much time and effort to take care of Bree. This lady is amazing, bless her.
Erin Lippitt I know right? it's sad how rare it is to see someone so selfless and caring
Harley Steele - it isn't rare at all. I've been an RN for over 25 yrs and my husband is a Paramedic. Not only do MANY families take care of disabled family members for years (often a second generation taking over) - but foster parents adopt moderately to severely handicapped children, as in more than once. They are truly incredible people to meet and work with.
+Angie Feingold kids ending up on street for as little as autism isn't uncommon either though
Angie Feingold Sorry I wasn't saying it was rare in general I was saying it's rare to see. I don't think carers get enough credit or recognition. People often overlook it.
autism can be extremely severe though its a huge spectrum
Who disliked this!? Such an amazing women. My prayers go out to you and Bree 💙
The dislikes might be people who feel terrible for this 2 pretty woman
I think you're right. Because I disliked this at first since I really felt sorry for the mum that she lived like this for so long and for Bree that she is ill like that (if I was in that condition and had the choice, I honsetly would prefer to die). But then I turned my dislike into a like because of the inspirating spirit of that mum and her positive energie.
Too bad your "God" will not hear them
Harrison Jones Why do people always bring that into the comment section. Just stop it's like you WANT to start and argument. Everyone has different opinions and people have faith in God, but you have to come in and start stuff. Just please stop.
Harrison Jones dud STFU if you dont believe in god then keep that to yourself and say something nice. if yoy dont want to say something nice then keep quiet. i dont believe in god either but at least i don't make rude comments. and at least i would open my mouth to say something nice. besides the lecture.... Wendy you are an amazing and wonderful mother😊 you and bree are amazing people. we all support you guys. love ya!❤
This woman did an amazing job with Bree. She learned about Bree’s disability and what would be best & helpful for her to have the best life possible. Most importantly you can see the love she has for her.
Let's give this mother a big round of applause for taking care of her child. You are a great mother to this child. I could not think of anyone more dedicated or more caring to her daughter.
nicktune1219 bree died
nicktune1219 i agree with u 💯
nicktune1219 so glad nobody disliked this comment. my faith in humanity has been restored!!!! 🐱🐱🐱🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😇🙂😉😉🙂😣🙂😁🙂😎😐🤗😥🙂🙂🙂😘🙂🙂🙂🤗☺☺ ☺😶☺😁
Malliah Reyn fuck you
Malliah Reyn and God blessed you with the heart of Satan. No such thing as perfect. Jesus knows it. Before talking about Hod, read the Ten Commandments in the bible.
HelloWorld that's awesome I love Satan.
Joseph Riley no thanks, i don't sleep with strangers.
God bless you. You are an amazing woman with amazing strength. This shows how great love is. You have cared for your beautiful daughter everyday for 31 years. You inspire me!!
you guys are bullies making fun for him or her messing up the years...get a life
It is 36 years.
+Kaelah Edwards Cry me a river bitch
+Magenta meow No shit you autism
I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter, Wendy. Bree was a sweetheart and so are you. You're a great mother. May Bree rest in peace and God bless you two.
Zachary, don't feel sorry
I was practically in tears. This woman is truly exceptional. God bless her for having the patience and strength the undergo such a trial.
A mother that does this much for her disabled kid is a hero and role model. Anyone who says anything negative must have a sorry ass life and wasn't disciplined at all. She has my prayers and bless her kind soul.
RhysSky I'm desabled
Tinker Tailor hope your life gets better😍😘😭
Such judgment for people you don't know who may say things to the contrary of your beliefs.
"one of her favourite things is the mirror, because she's so beautiful" (03:20min) touched my normally stonecold heart so fckng much. You're an awesome Mother, remember that.
This lady is by far a much better woman than I am.. I don't have the physical nor mental strength to raise a child with Bree's level of being handicapped. God bless this woman.
shay jefferson That's one hell of a detailed scenario.. Until I actually experienced that, I don't know what decision I'd make.
She is indeed
you are a real angel living on earth, im so ashamed of myself that i cannot have such a big patience with my son just like you. God bless you and Bree
Wow! Amazing mother! You only live for your child. God bless you and your family.
Bree is astonishing.
I have NEVER seen a more relaxed, calm & contented person who has the misfortune to suffer from such profound physical, learning & communication disabilities. She is extraordinarily clean (a full time job in itself), extremely well nourished and medicated in a perfectly balanced way. On top of all this she oozes happiness and has a glow about her that only someone who is well loved can have.
I am admittedly no expert on Bree's life, however I was a nurse till chronic illness took that from me. Although most of my nursing experience is in critical care, during my training and early in my career I worked with many people suffering illness similar to Bree. I therefore have experience and an understanding of both sides of the coin.
Many may say people similar to Bree would be better off dead. I say every case is different. However there is no doubt to me that Bree is living a happier life than many healthy people thanks to her amazing Mom. Praying for you both.
Siobhan Beith What is wrong with you? She is not 'happy' she is a vegetable that has little awareness about anything going on around her. Everything she does is done out of a reflex it has nothing to do with her being happy, astonishing person
Certain comments on this video seem like mindless reflexes too... Sounds like Siobhan knows a lot more about these things than you do, given the experience she mentions.
bree seems to me like a baby /toddler they can be happy just they arent developed to do alot of things but still you would see if she was unhappy im sure , an she seems ok to me , she is not a vegatable she is consious, awake she eats ,is interested in mirrors so just shows she is interested in things , just like a baby/toddler im sure she is inetested in more things that the video didnt show as wendy said its just a quick glimpse into her life
how the hell do you know if she is happy or not. and she is not a vegetable, she understands some thing, if you were paying attention, when her mother asked her to put her leg on the trampoline she raised it, her mother helped her get it up but she did raise it, i agree with siobhan
I'm THOURLY convinced a lot of mommas (mine included) that have disabled kids are angels.
They're parents.
Ehhhh..... yes and no
This woman deserves an award❤️❤️
Libby Evans agreed
Libby Evans
Damn she was so blessed to have a mom like her with such a tragic condition
What is Life so true
What is Life i would have killed it
What is Life that's just life
"Blessed"?? Yeah, she was blessed alright. It's so obvious.
Succ Yo Tiddys Bich LMAOO CHILL
She has been given the best mother God could find.
cheekyoziechick isn't that the truth
You mean nature and human kindness. God isn't real
Rena Ryuugu Don't start pointlessly saying god isn't real and starting debates..
Rena Ryuugu why would you bring the "God isn't real" into this? People like you give atheists bad names. You don't have to comment something negative like that. Let people trust in what they want and talk about religion without downing them.
howto42 yeah, I can see how it could be exploitative, of course how she talks about her daughter and somewhat of how she seems to treat her could be that way, but there's a lot we don't know. Such as maybe she could be doing this to bring light to such a disability, for example, I didn't know they could crawl. I thought they were wheelchair bound. But she might be doing the best she can.
RIP sweet Bree! You are always going to be an angel. You touched the lives of so many people.
What a WONDERFUL mother. GOD bless
wonderful daughter as well
This lady is a legend. Not many people would keep taking care of there disabled daughter for aslong as she has. Most people would have just put her in a home. Wendy if you read this you are a wonderful person.
glo ria you can also good soul
Kelo60 it is so beautiful that she is doing everything she can to KEEP taking care of her
A really WONDERFUL mother would have ended her daughters suffering.
Isn't it amazing how one little deletion in a tiny tiny part of the chromosome can cause such a profound effect. You're an amazing mother, she's so lucky to have you.
Sophie W Funny how we just discussed this in Biology today. what a life!
She is truly amazing!
Sophie W yes i agree she cares so much
Sophie W I SO AGREE WITH YOU :D you could be the best mother to her
Sophie W yes I agree
this was really touching to watch but its also the reason why i'm so scared to ever have children
Zeelols I feel ya.
Zeelols yeah
Zeelols Thought I was the only one, I think I'll just adopt because everything about getting pregnant seems scary
Tinyowl123 AJ hahahaha as a ace individual I agree! But like just giving birth sounds awful and bloody
My heart goes out to Wendy. No parent should have to bury their child. Rest in Peace Bree 🙏🏽
She passed away? That’s so sad😢
@@jackeyedpeas4013 Yeah :-(
She's at peace now
You gave your heart to wendy
I have to applaud you , not only are you caring for a profoundly handicapped daughter, but you go above and beyond. My mother works in group homes as a nurse for adults with a rage of disabilities. I remember from a young age helping my mother change diapers, pour meds( of course I never actually touched them), how to clean and feed with a feeding tube and so on. The fact that you make homemade and organic food is outstanding; even without having someone with a disability that diet and life style can be difficult and expensive. Not only that you get her to "creep". I can't tell you how many people I've seen just turn to wheelchairs, no fault on them, because its "faster" and "easier". I can not stress enough how amazing you are. I know and see how frustrating and exhausting caring for someone with profound disabilities is. Keep it up, you are light, and wish you the best. I don't know what it's like in NH, but there are some lesser known programs and loopholes that can get you some help. Check out local disability day programs and talk to people in that community they usually have the best insight. (from my and my mother experience in NY)
Wow! That's hard work! I commend this lady for being a wonderful mom.
Nina La Bella can she stand up $:|
LpsDogs AndCats no she can not
Nina La Bella my mom is single with two kids me my brother my brother has tics learning disability dislexia and a sleep problom
Nina La Bella yeah
Unfortunately she wasted 37 years the girl is dead now
God bless this woman keeping this beautiful child who needs very special handicaps. I don’t know if I could do this every day for 37 years. I don’t even know what to say about this amazing women who would save a fly.
Bree died on January 5th 2017. RIP Bree.
You remind me of my mom, I was born with a brain defect, adhd, and a undetermined disability we still don’t have a name for. My mom was very active in my treatments such as special education and routine doctor’s visits to see what developments were made. I am 38 years old I can function on my own with a little assistance but I think I’ve come this far because my mom was dedicated to my success just like you and Bree ❤
Now that's a mom who LOVES her daughter
g59 maya yeah and some people abort there children that don't have ANY disabilities and it's horrible
babybiscuit11 cause birth is too fucking expensive and caring for a child costs a hell lot. Abortion is cheap and effective, plus it helps the mother.
Paper Weight Potato they should've used a condom it's their fault
When condoms break
Paper Weight Potato adoption is always a choice damn
Bree is very fortunate to have such a wonderful, loving , caring mother as you!
Do you think Bree would know the difference where she was.
cassidy tracey Yes.
cassidy tracey h
I support this amazing mother!She is so nice and sweet to Bree,and Bree is so lucky to have Wendy as her mom!God bless you
You are by far the most caring amazing mother!! The love u have for your daughter is just selfless. I wish many more years of happiness and good health.
The daughter sadly passed away
Instead of "If I was disabled i'd hope to have a parent this supportive and loyal."
Many of the comments are "If my child was this way id put [IT] down."
That's why the world is the way it is. Too many people with negative ways of thinking.
Sein Maestro most people say it because they can't predict if it would be a big or girl. But it's still a bad thing to say.
You should use them
Sein Maestro If I was brought into the world this handicapped, I'd never forgive my parents. Yeah, it's better not to bring someone into the world if you know they'll be severely handicapped. People are just like 'well this is my child'.. You're not the one who is like this, your child is. You'll never truly understand how they feel. Theyre trapped in their body.
you are absolutely right. Keep up with your positivity
The kid doesn't know any better...all he or she knows is it's parent(s) love and care. Also,who the hell are you to to say what they understand or not? Have you raised a child like this for 30 plus years? Thought not.
these nasty comments really make my heart sad. this mom is the perfect example of what a mother should be. i have 3 kids that have been special needs and now young adults. 2 of my kids are high functioning autistic and 1 with mental health issues. i've raised them on my own after their dad walked out in 2003. it's been rough, but it can be done. you keep doing you Wendy. you are an amazing mom. lots of other "moms" out there would have put their kids in a home.
angela marsden having 3 children with minor mental health problems doesn't equate to having a girl or guy? idk that is physically almost crippled and has sever mental issues, I understand the quality of life but if it requires you to change the diaper of a almost grown human and treat them like a child when they're almost grown, isn't a great life worth living
Poweralth Everybody has their own conception of a good life. I'm sure this lady receives a lot of joy from her constant work for Bree. That is not to deny she works very hard and her job must be difficult.
having 3 children with disabilities in a row? did you smoke drink or do drugs because thats awfully suspicious
Perfect_ Circle girl she says her and she a lot in the vid lol
angela marsden um I haven't seen 1 mean comment
Who else, when they saw Bree first walk, got kind of scared, but smiled at the same time, because her mom is so loving
Madeline Pino wait what happened to her dad?
Carina Lizarraga that's what I was thinking 💭
Carina Lizarraga having a disabled child often leads to divorce for varying reasons, I assume that's the case here.
My mother passed away recently and now I’m taking care of my 45yo disabled brother with profound intellectual disability and autism. It’s hard work but I don’t know if I could be as awesome as you are. Your passion for Bree radiates. I’m just exhausted all the time.
Edit to add: I’m so sorry for your loss.
Yes it is challenging, yet just think that your brother wants to be wanted and love. You know I would always think, how would I want to be treated. If you can , I would look at the product ION - amazing results with autism.
Just take it one day at a time. Yes you will feel exhausted yet and yes the hardest job yet stay in your heart. We are human and caregiving is the most stressful yet you can turn it around and make the situation the greatest blessing. My daughter was the greatest teacher I could of dreamed of. She made me better as I had to get healthier and be a better person to care for her. Yes I prayed and begged for guidance and help a lot. The constant worry about being able to keep food on the table and a roof does take a toll. Yet you have a very powerful purpose now, beyond what we can imagine. Ask for guidance and it will come at the perfect timing. You found this site - right, with all kinds of ideas. Bless you!!!
I Wish All Mothers Were As loveable And Caring As You Are!
Who downvoted this? Really? This is an amazing woman whose whole life is devoted to her daughter. She's showing us what it is like and people downvote it? Either y'all are jealous because you sadly didn't have good parents or y'all are just cruel. Rock on mom. You're truly a special soul. You're daughter is so lucky to have you.
its because her daughter will always have to have someone care for her, always. and she can't do much except for eat and crawl around. her life must be miserable. sure, yeah, the mother is amazing doing all this work for her daughter, but her life must really be boring, and in the end it will amount to nothing
Amy Ann Her whole life is devoted to her daughter. That's the heart breaking part.
I know this comment is old. But I see both sides why is not okay for Wendy to take care of her daughter even though she is disabled like that's her business her perogative and her choice. However.... I do see this side too. If my child was gonna be like this and he or she was gonna be brain dead and was gonna poop and pee for the rest of its life and not know where he or she is and not even know she or he is alive. Myself personally I wouldn't be able to handle it. I would have to put her or him in a special home. Why would I choose that we'll 1 it's my choice. 2 it's because it's honestly not fair to my kids who would have to live like that. I was born premature and I damn right asked my mom 28 years ago if I was gonna not know where I'm at would you 1 take care of me 2 put me in a home or 3 pull the plug. I looked at her and said myself I would have you pull the plug and she agreed. This is not fair to Bree. Yes Bree passed away I understand she is gone and she can no longer offend herself or was she ever able to only her mom. But this is not a way to live in my book. If you want to live and take care of your kid that has a disability that's severe that's fine. But to me if I were in Bree shoes I wouldn't want to live like this I'm sorry.
Bree is extremely lucky to have such an amazing mother
Sophie Reading
Sophie Reading Yes, she's a strong mother! Bri-bri is taken care of so well!
Sophie Reading I do not think that Bree is lucky at all, no offense
Yes she is
She's lucky to have a mother that actually cares about her. Most people would either institutionalize or disown her.
I'm complaining about my life and I am now realizing how blessed I am to feed my self,walk,and many other things Bree is a warrior she is beautiful and has guts of steel I hope Bree and her mother live a long and healthy life #STAYSTRONGBREEKEEPONGOIN
You are a strong incredible woman. Bree was very lucky to have you as a mammy. I'm so sorry to hear the sad news that she passed away. Take care x
fanta drinker What the hell? All lives matter, big or small, how would you feel if you had a physical disorder that was slowly killing you, and people said: "they are a waste of life, let's just leave her to die."?
Sahm Dhude You're right, but I kinda just got mad about the way they said it.
Sahm Dhude you are talking about eugenics..that is some pretty sick thinking. We can't kill people because they are an inconvenience. Where do you draw the line at killing?
Sahm Dhude you're an idiot. eugenisist. this isn't China
Sahm Dhude Why are we still arguing about this? It doesn't really matter.
this mother is so selfless, and is an absolute saint 💗💞💝💘💓💟💜💖💕❤
We need more people like Wendy in this world. God bless you.
they are everywhere, you just have to know where to look
no, like Wendy and other loving caregivers
!00% agree with you Catherine. Valgurm's comment is not even worth a reply.
It’s vids like these where I tell myself “Thank God for the life I’m given.”
With all these complications she’s living with, it truly is a blessing and a privilege to live our lives the way we live them. I hope she sets an inspiration and motivation to those out there who also have complications of their own.
God Bless.
You are easily the best mother in the whole world. Bree is beautiful, and her spirit is amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing this. I will never complain about small stuff ever again! HUGHUGHUG!!!
I couldnt have said it better than myself :)
Moms are the most amazing humans In the world.
My mom stopped her life for me and I can never thank her enough.
it's been a few weeks now since your little angel passed..and all i want to say is that you did an amazing job to keep this girl alive♡ you tried your best but now she flew to heaven..😢 we love and support you Wendy R.I.P bree forever remember forever the love continues
Pengu. :3 she's dead?
January 5th, 2017 ;;
Sophia Loudwatcher Whhhaaaaaat!!!
She's dead?
Pengu. :3 😭😭😭😭
Such a dedicated Mother, your daughter is such a treasure. I admire your courage to keep fighting for those challenges you have faced everyday.
bree is so beautiful and so lucky to have a amazing mother like you
Ikr 💙💚❤️
Taya Cookie if you seriously think she's beautiful because she's disabled. Your very stupid
PUR3xGODZz no she is beautiful and not because she's disabled I have a brother like this and u don't know what it's like so shut up
Taya Cookie i have a sister like this. i understand.
Taya Cookie i agree so much. this mom deserves the best mom award.
I'm really surprised that there are not many mean comments. People are very rude and I'm very happy that all negative left this video and people kept it positive so this beautiful lady can keep going.
Allanna TV true
Allanna TV Or the comments got deleted
Neon_ Bae trur
Gkfhixhdgkhcgi dy🔫🗡⚔🚬🔪💣⚰
I was scared to look but I scrolled a couple times and didn't see any...I read your comment and I figured I'd stop while I was ahead lol...Sweet lady, and it takes a lot to care for someone that is handicapped in a manner such as this. Shes blessed she can afford to stay home and care for bree... a lot of people wouldn't financial be able too
I feel so terrible for you. I couldn't imagine having to take care of my disabled child for 36+ years. It must be so hard. Financially and emotionally. I applaud your extraordinary parenting. You are very dedicated.
RingWraith75 I agree she is an amazing mother
She is so amazing and caring to Bree, I’m glad she lived a good life with a good mother ❤️🙃 These mean comments are not funny or kind, so leave positive comments so Bree’s mom can be happy 😁😇
We can see the love that you have for your child. Best of luck and hope everything is going well!!!
Emily she died 5th of january sadly
This is the saddest thing I ever seen and what a good mother and im almost crying
Who is caring for the Carer? We need to give people respite care while making sure that their child is cared for with the same love and respect that they're due. Why do these parents have to fight for every little thing? As a society they should be first in line for everything.
oliviaLOVEShenry agreed!
oliviaLOVEShenry in Germany you don't have to fight for this. When you are sick or like cases like bree you get everything from the government to help you. Yes we have high taxes that everyone have to pay but it's for health and education. You got your legs broken and your child has Down Syndrom? Furthermore your other child wants to study on university? No problem. Government pays your hospital bill, helps you out with your sick child and university is free. Everything in our system concentrates on socialism and helping you out on health issues. And that's why you don't see many homeless people in Germany. If you can't afford a decent life you get helped by a program called Harzt 4. There is no chance that someone has to sell its house because medical treatment it too expensive. For me it's unbelievable.
even in Australia it's hard to get any access to this kind of help. my sister is special needs but because she doesn't come under the umbrella of autism we have no access to any form of help or sometimes fundamental carers. It's quite strange the lengths you have to go to if you're in these situations.
I have to disagree. A Mother's love knows know bounds and she is doing everything she can but her role is exhausting and her fight is relentless. We as a society should be caring for Wendy as she cares for Bree.
Thank you so much for this. It's appalling how little support the care givers get, and care givers need a lot of support.
I was a caregiver for several years and worked with people very similar to Bree, some worse off, and there is not one day that isn't exhausting and a little scary at some point or another. It's mentally and emotionally draining knowing something could go wrong and someone could die at any moment, and every little thing you do matters drastically.
People sugarcoat how hard it is to raise a child like Bree. This mom was totally honest and has a good head on her shoulders. Unfortunately she can't take care of her forever and at some point Bree will probably end up in a group home or with a relative perhaps. Where I worked, I can't tell you how rare it was that a family member came into the group home to visit one of the clients. It was so rare. Some parents can't handle it, it's a full time job, and for caregivers the pay is extremely little. It was near minimum wage for me and we did not get raises because the government kept cutting funds on us. Nobody wanted to work there. The job was tireless and it was difficult to get vacations, veeeeeeerrrry little pay and you would witness disturbing things there that many couldn't handle on a daily basis. As a result we were always so low on people, and it was common that new staff wouldn't make it past the 3rd month. They were literally hiring people off the street out of desperation, and this meant they were hiring a lot of bad people that didn't care for the clients, as well.
So in the end the real victims become those with the disabilities. So it really is not selfish for a caregiver to ask for more support or pay. It is a draining job and the clients deserve and need the very best care.
When people say "well the parent is just happy taking care of their child and that's all they need!" I dare you to do this work all day every day and see the sacrifices you make and what it can do to your physical and emotional health, not to mention your finances. Many don't love their family members that are in conditions like Bree and it's a terrible thing-- but those who are true family and care for them get fucked over no matter how much they love and take care of the disabled person.
Wow. I have so much respect for this Mom. Bree is blessed to have someone like you throughout her life. If only every disabled adult was treated like this!
This brought both happy tears and sad tears to my eyes. Bless you and your family. You are a wonderful mother.
Matty Rey ok I let it in
O ho that it it is jcrhhh
Tears of joy, that a wonderful mom
Ok besides the video it’s the fuck boys like you that make girls holes bigger fag
quite sad story, personally i believe your one of the sweetest people to love and care for her when she is in this condition, however in her state I'm surprised she lived all these years, bless her.
its sad that kids are born with these problems. they deserve a normal life.
Lps Allison well she is perfectly normal for Bree.
This is sad, but very wonderful that you still care for her and don't give up on her. I think that Bree is very lucky to have a mother that cares. Still, I feel quite bad in a way that you were not able to do the normal parent track. I hope the future is bright.
I have NO clue where my post went.
What I was saying was putting ourselves in her position I don't know if I could do as good of a job as she does. I'd be to the point of tears. No one should have to fight for stuff like she does.
Jewish Woman u copying the other people
Wendy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter. May Bree rest in peace? You are a kind mother to her 🙏
I praise this women she is a very sweet person
Yeah, she's beautiful on the inside and outside. People just need to open up their eyes.
Asriel The Dreamer j
This video is so inspirational because it shows moms out their with children like this that there is hope and that miracles can be magical like bree, bree is a living breathing miracle
Stefan Roth how is she a miracle?
sux2bu37 ^
You’re dumb as hell no one wants their kid to be disabled. Complete opposite of a miracle
Mysterious Squash So?
Massive respect for this woman, I don't think I could do this kind of thing.
This beautiful lady is just a genuine woman and I aspire to be as loving and kind as she is 💗 god bless
wow I can barely handle taking care of a lizard I can't imagine taking care of another person. your an amazing mother
lizards aren't even that bad to take care off. i manage my beardie just fine. try 6 chickens.
I grew up on a farm I'm just forget full. By berdie lives in my room so I see him and remember. He's a sweetie
That's the one pet I can remember to lol. I fed them so much because I forgot if I fed them or not. (I have ADHD so I don't pay attention with out realizing it and forget what I did) *****
+kunoichi lise Maybe if you have such problems, you shouldn't have so many pets. Over feeding and not feeding a pet enough can be harmful. so can not giving them enough attention. seriously, my lizard gets real mean and his colors stay really dark when I don't mess with him for a while/ am not home.
TheMewMix I don't have a lot of pets. Just the fish and lizard. I have notes and reminders all around my house. I'm good with feeding my beardie and he's usually pretty happy. He sits with me daily while I go on my laptop and just chills. And because of when I feed my fish a lot I don't feed them large amounts at a time. And having them is more or less good for me because its basically practice for me to learn to remember stuff. With out that form of responsablility I would have a much harder time.
Bree looks lovely. I wish I could help out. She seems fun! And for all of you haters, I'm not lying. God bless you Bree and your mom.
COOKIES FO' RHONDA I hate when people make fun of the ones with a horrible disability
But it normally means none of these sports 🤸🏼♀️⛸🥋⚽️🏒🏊🏼♀️🚴🏼♀️⛹🏼♀️🎾 which is very 😢
I love people that want to help my mom dose
COOKIES FO' RHONDA you are so right
COOKIES FO' RHONDA your so right!
COOKIES FO' RHONDA yep your right
Can't believe that your adorable bumble bee passed, Just know that you're an amazing mother! Bree is soo blessed to have a wonderful mom like you. everything you did just to keep her alive and well! ~I know it's very difficult, But just know that she's at a safe place, a place where shes at peace, a place where she can watch over you, a place where she's loved by the good lord!! So sad that she's gone! she will be sadly missed so much,breaks my heart just to even think about it. you are one blessed mom. take care
Breanaaa !+. So true!!!!
Breanaaa !
Breanaaa ! what do you mean? she had posted a month ago about her diet? she passed?
Katie Bright Yes, Sadly, She passed away. 😪
"A much better life began." Bless this woman
Wills Sports Hour! Yes
Wills Sports Hour! Sike
Wills Sports Hour! She's lying. That type of life isn't enjoyable for either of them.
Damn, I am sorry you lost you Bree I hope you are doing okay and I hope one day you and Bree are reunited with each other R. I. P.
+kitkatcoco67 you know what the fuck she meant obviously. smart ass
kitkatcoco67 lol
kitkatcoco67 no. She said sorry you LOST bree. That is correct. If it was loss it would be sorry for your LOSS of bree
I'm better than you what 😱😱 mad disrespectful mane☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ(。◕ˇ﹏ˇ◕。 )
When she called bri her princess I cried so hard :(
It's so cute
SKYYY Msp don't say it
what an amazing mother. god bless 💜
Lynn Rossi wow those words are so simple yet so beautiful God Bless your heart
Lynn Rossi she is an amazing mom #worldsgratestmom
Lynn Rossi yes
Lynn Rossi she is an amazing mother 💙💜
Lynn Rossi
You are an amazing mother to give up your whole life for your daughter.❤️❤️❤️
Veronica Menke yeah for nothing
She shouldn't have had to.
That's what you do for your children
You're such an amazing mother! you're so strong!
you are a good Mama God bless you and I hope you don't have to give up guardianship of her you are the only person that she knows I will be praying for you and bree
any child would be lucky to have you for a mom
I respect so much of what you do for her. I’ve been taking care of adults with developmental disabillities for ten years and your the mom of the century. Bree is amazing.
You're doing great! Keep it up! Your so sweet and so is she!😍❤️
By the ways she's really beautiful!😍❤️
No shes not
uristits you have absolutely no right to say that. you dont know what this woman and mother have to go through. my moms cousin has four kids including a set of twins and one of the twins has autism. your lucky TH-cam won't do anything about comments, because I would report you just like that. you should be ashamed of what you have spoken.
The thing is an abomination and to keep it alive is cruel and selfish, treating it like a fucking pet. It has no quality of life and is a burden. Somebody having autism is a completely different caliber to a disabled twisted invalid.
Also I do have the right to say this as I live in the U.S.A. so I get a right known as the first amendment which allows me to share ideas and thoughts that you might find distasteful or heinous. I find this thing to be heinous but I still respect the mothers right to care for it and to publicize it.
I can imagine what the woman and the mother go through. Its a hell where it "creeps around" completely dependent on the mother and the mother taking care of something that will likely die before her and if it doesn't then it burdens society. The only beauty that can be found in this situation is perhaps through the profound sadness of its existence. It shits itself, cannot feed or water itself, and simply creeps. If it was even capable of being aware of its situation, it would kill itself.
+uristits you may think you are very informed on this topic but you are only thinking of how it would affect yourself. I'm glad Bree didn't turn out to be your child. Special needs children are not "things". That is just obscured. You would call someone who got hit by a car that is disabled the rest of their life a life a "thing". Life can be cruel and it's not even remotely accurate to call her a thing just because she was born with disabilities. That is the same thing as dehumanizing African Americans! And to correct your comment as to her not having a quality of life.... what do you call the relationship and bond with her mother. And all the people she listed off at the end of the video who have gotten to know Bree and fell in love with her. Just because your quality of life is different then hers, does not mean she has none or a bad one. And about her dependency on her mother the rest of her life, that's what you sign up for as a parent when you have a kid. Your kids will always be
I've had to live with an autistic little brother and I thought that was hard, but here you are raising this child as a single mother👏👏👏👏
xXswagmasterXx 82 My brother has autism as well 💕💕
Thatcowz ISDAT cool my brother does but not good at coprehending things so how's it like
Thatcowz ISDAT I have autism as well
same, my twin brother is autistic, i reacted the same way
Thatcowz ISDAT same
God gives these special children special mommies
that is a beautiful statement
that is a beautiful statement
So you don't hold 'God' responsible for the suffering inflicted? You're logic is entirely flawed. So he can choose to give caring 'mums' but completely doesn't have a say in creating life that has to live a life of pain, suffering and be unable to fulfil all aspects of the human experience? He is a vindictive, callous, jealous god, and humanity will only find true comfort in rejecting the notion of such a flawed deity and all religion.
Are religion is are religion we won't force you to like it but it would be nice if you could expect it. I did not know about them but I believe that their is God and the devil the devil brings negativity into the world while god brings positivity. One is good the other is evil to put it simply God has a plan for everything and everyone. So if you could not crap all over my religion that would be nice.
Olivia Harris *our. No this illogical framework needs questioning, it is antiquated and time to put it to bed. It's my right to point out and question this bigotry, and although you may be too set in you're ways to comprehend what I'm saying, there are people reading perspectives like mine who use it to nudge them in the direction of critical thinking and freedom from religious oppression. I'm sorry but we are in the last days of religion. Critical thinking is spreading at a pace religions has never been capable of...
What an inspiration. The mother's love, and strength are the reasons why her daughter is able to beat the odds of the doctors prognosis. Thank you for sharing this video. You give hope to a lot of people.
You deserve a reward! Seriously, your an amazing person for doing this
DreadNotX the dumbass should die lolololol
Such an ignorant comment...
Kyle Chiyk >=/
Kyle Chiyka HOW RUDE
You rock Momma 💗💖 Love from Ireland 🍀 My son has special needs nowhere near as severe as the Beautiful Bree he has Autism and learning disabilities and is my world Bree hit the jackpot with yourself as her Momma Much love 😘😘😘😘😘
i hope she gets better she is very beautiful god bless you both you are a very great mother
Amaris Diaz She passed away
just spent a half hour screaming at all the bullys on these comments. im just in awe how absolutely ruthless and evil people are. my heart literally hurts. im so sorry for the loss of bree. you are such a strong woman and you kept her moving and clean and happy and comfortable for her time here on earth. an act of true love and dedication. Never let these bad comments hurt you no matter how hard they can sometimes be to ignore. you are an amazing mother and she was very lucky to have you, as you were her. ❤ such a moving video. bree is at peace running with strong legs in heaven.
tianna russo i know i put a person on report
shut up ugly bitch
People are mean no where you go brave woman
love your comment 😇
tianna russo They should I be placed in Special Education so they can experience these people's lives and learn to be humble.
I seriously hope your financial stress has been lifted. You are a strong inspirational woman and you deserve all the help you can get. Sending good thoughts from Scotland. If I was in any way able to help I would. Your story should be heard far and wide. Take care 🌸
You are an amazing women for all you do for your daughter!
+Sasha's Special Channel Thank you.
Sasha's Special Channel woman*
It's 2017 and I have just found this video and God Wendy you are such an amazing woman. Bree was sooo lucky to have you. You were her blessing and she was yours. I looked through the comments and found out she passed away and I'm very sorry about that, but she is surely in a better place now. Unfortunately I also found several hate comments. Man, people are messed up. The world needs more people/mothers like you...
An extremely dedicated mother... Can't help but wonder what'll happen after Wendy is unable to care for Bree, though.
buggld oh god yea >
buggld same like I really wonder
Most likely she'll live in a nursing home.
buggld me too but hopefully she gets better.
i'm 99% Bree will die before Wendy bc people with disabilitys die younger
your such an inspiration you are wonder mother
I cried
Emma Maclellan me too
Emma Maclellan I cried to
She is so beautiful, and she seems alway so excited to play. You rased her well it looks like. You are a amazing person.
Rea Lew no
Rea Lew Beautiful?, cute seems like a more accurate word.
😭 You and Bre are two beautiful human beings😭😭 I wanted to meet Bre after watching this video. But as I read through the comments it makes me cry too see that Bre isn't here. GOD bless you! You were a wonderful mom from the looks of this video.. hope to meet you one day.
? I thought she was alive
No, she's not watch her other videos
U will be rewarded beyond imagination for your hardship and faith in keeping that beautiful soul alive and well, but most especially happy...Bless ur heart for being a wonderful and caring mother to Bree.
such an amazing woman/mother.
sintensity ikr dang
sintensity I agree
You're a beautiful woman inside and out, I'm so sorry for your loss!
laura parkinson her daughter died?
laura parkinson
Yes she did pass away.
laura parkinson thanks for the update.
Uthman Ghaznavi He man XD
God bless you and Bree.
ashley mabe truly
ashley mabe yes, indeed
God bless the child and God won't leev you and I well pray for you and your mom.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I can't begin to comprehend that you're fine with thinking that an all-loving deity did that.
What an amazing mother.
I'm so sorry about your daughter. I know she is in heaven waiting for you!! Be brave!
Just T.J waiting for you? God damn she I hope she doesn't want her mom to die
no I wasn't trying to say she wants her mom to die. I was trying to say that bree will be watching over her.
Just T.J true i feel SO sorry
I'm she didn't die she is disabled
Just T.J why ? did bree died?