I can't believe theyre advertising again edit: *For anyone returning;* >9k PS is dead due to unbalanced pay with money items, and >10k PS dead matchmaking. *For anyone interested;* genre uncontested cracked out lego cars with well constructed core [reason players stay], _layers of neglect and :( monetization [reason players don't]_ . Drop $80 to get into midgame, otherwise face the 50h wasteland that is the "earlygrind".
Player scavving into interchange not for the loot that spawns there but to pick over the ten billion corpses of my fallen scav brothers and leaving with like 6 labs cards.
"Let's create a high value loot location, but give the enemies aimbot for half the playerbase, but make it super exploitable if you know what to do. Then when people start exploiting it, we should make it harder for everyone else except the exploiters, and when that doesn't work we can just make the loot value worthless and keep the aimbot" -probably BSG when creating lighthouse
half the playerbase = streamers that have plot shield cause otherwise it makes the game look bad. At this point it's almost certain they get "streamer" loot and streamer exp, that one guy on twitter posted that "influencers get more exp on Arena" which means also in normal tarkov.
YEARS ago when I was a neet nighttime lighthouse runs were my shit, always brought that shitty 366 rifle to headshot the rogues. Got so much nice loot from that, sucks that literally each update made it worse. I quit the game after the insane cheaters from the streets wipe
The Interchange scavs truly are absurd this wipe, I was playing with my friend fairly early on and we got cornered trying to heal after killing some other PMCs and then got wave assaulted by so many scavs we literally COULD NOT CLOSE THE DOORS ANYMORE because the bodies were piled up so thick you couldn't find the prompt. We literally got stuck in a corner for 15 minutes because we alerted the horde and had to scavenge weapons and ammo from the dead to fend them off.
Preach, just today a was in a fight with players at tech light. And as soon as I try to heal after the fight, the scavs would agro me or walk straight to me while I was prone behind solid cover (The shop next to ultra med with the register counters). Long story short, I had 24 scav kills after killing those three players. At the end, I had to drop my guns and pick up other players’ weapons because I had no ammo.
@@trathanstargazer6421 I would say you just ate the most obivous satire ever but judging by the guy's previous comments... Yea he's just some ragebaiter
Drawers. Just drawers. There's so many at least some of them aren't looted, and Streets is one of the maps where drawers always contain loot, and the loot table is great, both for hideout and for money.
New-ish player here with a new PC that can finally run streets. That map alone causes half of the inflation in the game's economy. There's high value loot around every corner. There's so much of it that after those 10 or 12 (?) PMCs are done, there's still shitton left for horde of scavs. 1mln+ runs are the norm there if you would sell everything.
This wipe turned Ground Zero into one of my most hated maps. The fact that you can't do the age old thing of "just wait a little before moving out of your spawn" because so many people will straight up just rush all the spawns to clear them is stupid. The fact that some people have figured out how to throw grenades straight at other spawns and send you back to Therapist for another session within 15 seconds of spawning, is stupid. I'm not normally for scaling things up map-size wise, but GZ somehow feels more cramped and claustrophobic than Factory.
Im a new tarkov player (this is my first wipe) and after running almost exclusively ground zero to learn the game and do quests, i cant stand it anymore. Eventually i got sick and tired of it and started running some woods raids and instantly started enjoying the game more. I feel validated in my hatred for GZ thanks to this tier list lmfao
they need to reduce the amount of players on each map imo AND greatly reduce the amount of player scavs or GREATLY increase the timer which they can spawn in at like 10 minutwes left of raid
nah man lets let all the scav bros think streets is d, more money for us street scavs please keep not looting the tipped over filing cabinets in lexos so I can keep getting intelligence folders and flash drives every raid
@bro fr fr. I’ve never left streets not juiced. There’s so many ai scavs that you’re always gonna get a bigger bag/rig cus pmcs never waste time on looting scavs on streets. (Cus player scavs spawn in at 38-39 mins so pmcs wanna get in and gtfo fast)
He did say its in his opinion D as he does not scav there I can agree as i also get very bad performance there and have not been able to learn the map due to that.
Customs performance and windows make me suffer physical pain. This game desperately needs a cpu optimization update that increases performance at least by 40% on bad fps maps (streets, new customs) and 25% everywhere else. i feel like that is very achievable if focused on unlike a good anticheat which is extremely hard to implement this far into development. I hope they will learn and maybe even sacrifice a wipe worth of content to fix bugs and optimize the game.
Bro when I'd get bored of tasking I'd do pmc runs through there and leave with a pilgrim full of fat loot and hundreds of top tier bullets. Very under rated!
shoreline scavving is good because pc rooms dont get hit by pmc's and hideout items in general are everywhere as loose loot and don't get hit by pmc's. the entire underground rarely gets hit as well and has lots of gun crates. for whatever reason it's also a map i personally often find dead pmc's who were never looted on, but that's becoming less common now with the ai scavs being vultures who can smell loot from a mile away.
ground zero is quite good as an almost instantly completed scav run with multiple dead pmc loot (not player pmc) bodies. 150k minumum garanteed and takes 2 min off of your pmc chad time
As a coveted player scav here are my thoughts: When going Lighthouse, check EVERY rare spawn from Crashed Helicopter to the Train Station. You're bound to find some good items that PMC's have missed. If you queue to Shoreline, you're doing it for Resort quest keys. The filing cabinets all across the map have a high chance of spawning good keys, including other maps too. If you want to go to Interchange, you want food OR you wanna loot dead PMC's laying dead in an a body pile up. Very worth finding good PMC kits. If you're running Ground Zero, you want Graphics Cards. Hella PC's while also finding lots of Duffel Bag and Filing Cabinet loot, pretty worth it. For Woods, you're looting for an entire raid looking for Ground Stashes and Loose Loot. Not that worth it when there's better options, but I get it. For Factory, you want that sweet Zabralo and Altyn PMC loot after they got full-auto'd by Tagilla. Worth scavving if you want a free kit. For Streets of Tarkov, you want to play PMC raid with the safety of running a Scav. Tons of loot options throughout the entire map, while also giving opportunities of grabbing dead PMC loot. Probably the best map for religious scav runners. It's deadly and complicated, but has great loot. For new players, I do not recommend. Luckily for Customs, some of the new areas have great loot spawns and containers. The new pathways create ample opportunities to avoid fights if you want the sweet loot PMC's are too afraid to stick around and loot. And my favorite map Reserve, there is a heap of loot in hidden little areas that, once you learn, you will always get out with good items. Not only will you find good loot, you can find ALL kinds of good loot. Raiders can have some good armor and parts as well, if you're feeling ballsy. Dead PMC's riddle the map here as well, check the areas most walked, Bunker and the Knight buildings tend to draw in player scavs for PMC's to fight - and inevitably die to - as well.
Interchange is goated because of 2 words: Water filters. At least on PvE, if I need money I just scav Interchange and dip with 1-1.5 mil in water filters and a motor or two. They go for 350-400k each despite being quite common there and only take 2 slots, motors are always good because of Jager's trade, and green batteries are always nice. Just pray Killa isn't camping in a random corner, ready to 2 tap your 30/100 paca.
i was like o il just reset my account well shit gotta wait 2 weeks or whatever it is 2 weeks later nope done tasks that i dont feel like doin again until wipe soooooo either no lighthouse for me this wipe or ima have such an amazing time 😂rip
Personally I'd put streets at a S tier for scavving. Do you know the ridiculous amount of filing cabinets on there? I've gotten Hella quest keys, labs cards, and items worth rubes countless times from them, you just gotta know where they're at.
In addition the Lexos car dealership as well as the surrounding buildings and the construction site can provide other valuable loot worth going into raid for
11:53 for my fellow scavs that go to streets, we know just how good the loot is outside of the main loot zones (lexos, Concordia, minichange (the mall on kilmov street) and Pinewood.) The filling cabinets are plentiful, and there’s rarely a time I’m not leaving the raid without 1: a good PMC kit 2: intelligence or a GPU or 3: an inventory full of lightbulbs, bolts, nuts, and everything you need for hideout upgrades.
Shoreline as scav is great because of the caches, most people don't bother touching them and you can get some pretty good loot from them. It's really chill most of the time and because you're a scav even if you do get run up on there's no big loss.
I agree with nearly everything on here, but as someone who scavs Streets nearly exclusively, if you know your routes, youll nearly always leave with 300k+ everytime, the random chad kits laying around, most often am able to yoink the Relax key and hit The Hive before leaving (even though they nerfed it to hell), and its fantastic for practically anything you need (food, tools, loose item spawns, weapons, parts, hideout items, and an incredible amount of medical spawns with injectors through Lexos and the 2 pharmacies.
Yeah something like this is wayyy overdue tbh, its already a free kit + you get to loot on a map where a lot of PMCs have already left usually, why should you get to pick the map too? This would also fix the issue of getting swarmed by a million p scavs if you stay in raid longer than 15 minutes, maps like streets come to mind
14:43 I’ve been saying for years now since d2 got added that they need to expand the map out past the Co-op extract to those buildings outside the map. Another loot zone plus it would be able to have spawns shuffled over there and alleviate some of those god awful spawns you get spawning out in the field of bunkers.
I farm hundreds of millions every wipe scavving interchange. You're right that the loot isn't anything special but quite often tech items are missed in the stores (gpu, tetris etc) and I do semi-regularly find bitcoins that players don't even check for anymore. There's also a ton of duffle bags which often spawn purple items. But the thing with interchange isn't how good or bad it is, it's more just that your chance at survival is way higher than other maps. Players are generally in and out of interchange in 15-20 mins so it's pretty rare you die from a PMC remaining on the map. Survivability also = dollars in a sense, and because the map is realistically smaller than other maps you can get in and out pretty quick too. Time is money after all.
Man, the streets is S+ tier for scavs. You just enter a house or two, loot bags and leave. There's place with 11 computers, gambling experience is crazy
Punisher part 4 is why I quit this wipe already, 12 raids and I got 3 PMC fights where it was an actual fight, if you want to get it done you rat in a bush and just watch a movie until someone comes up.
The west side of lighthouse needs to be extended by 200 meters into the ocean with like a decent new lootable area right on the water. An abandoned marine biology lab would be lit. I’d like this to stretch north far enough to give a 3rd easy way into water treatment.
As a scav main, interchange and lighthouse are s tier. Lighthouse is really good for loot as a scav, especially when people don't do water treatment or are in the middle of doing it. And interchange has really good spawns all over for scaving imo, its really really good. Customs is hidden op imo for loot especially with all the new builds so s tier too. streets is now b tier imo, my old fav for scavving used to be so good with all the gold loose loot. ground zero never tried. Woods is a solid b. And factory is just a quick scav map so A tier.
The best part about scavving interchange is you can get tech parts and tools really easy. The tech stores are all in a good path aside from German. And then you just run along the warehouse for tools
for scaving on shoreline I suggest going to the military camp, I found almost everything for my hideout there and very rarely did I see a pmc or even other player scavs there
I had either 41 or 51 scav kills on an interchange run in under 35 minutes. Wasn’t marked nothing, literally ran out of ammo and was killing scavs with scav guns. I wasn’t chasing scavs I completed a task and was B lining extract when getting swarmed started. They ignored the duo of PMCs that threw a nade at me and ran off on my 5th attempt to surg my leg
W my mans for not hating on shoreline like everyone else, people really underestimate how fun the pvp can be in resort. I used to only run that map and probably have over half of my 2k hours in this game just in resort.
I completely agree with the ground zero assessment. When I started playing tarkov, I didn't know the map, let alone the spawns, and so I burned through my standard edition stash of gear in one day because i would spawn, run 40 feet to my left, and die to a bozo who just spawned there.
Putting scaving streets at a lower tier than Reserve is wild. Streets being big benefits scaving sooo much because there’s a very good chance that you can get a ton of loot because it’s impossible for PMC’s to hit everything. Not to mention streets loot has been nerfed multiple times every wipe since release and it STILL is the best map for loot variety and sheer amount.
Well technically I would agree that Interchange offers all the properties you would want for a pvp map. The only issue I have this wipe with this map in particular is that literally half the lobby just sits and camps somewhere in the most random spot possible and doesnt move a finger for the first 35 min of the raid. Which obviously makes it quite annoying to play if you dont want to do the same. On top of that if killa hasnt spawned, half the players in your raid often just leave after the first 10min, making the map feel quite empty.
I personally would put woods for scavving in S tier. If you learn where most of the stashes are, you can do a stash run across the map while hitting multiple places of interest like abandoned village and the PMC camps. I also have a greater than 95% survival rate as I usually do not see a single other soul on the map while running through it, which makes it very relaxing and quick (15 minute runs just picking up stuff).
People enjoy interchange due to lots of PVP, and also mostly due to a ton of hidden cache spawns that are very close. It’s def just a scav map other than quests
lighthouse is always a “bad map” for those who have never learned how to take out the rouges and also to those who don’t bother learning the spawns. you’re making life harder on yourself. that map is a walk in the park
Agree with pretty much everything here, but Streets at night is an S+ tier scav map. There's loot EVERYWHERE and most PMCs are gone by 15-20 mins. Whenever I need money or hideout supplies, its night Streets everytime.
Streets scavving is very underrated. Yeah its a big map but I have never left a scav run without a labs card and the 4 of the 5 bitcoins I've found were on this map that and if you find keys during the raid you're nigh guaranteed to get to it first even if it's later in the raid.
Last night i went from shoreline and managed to exfill to lighthouse and it was beautiful at night. That being said, I was a lone PMC on PVE and barely made it back to shoreline 💀
I belive Ground Zero spawns is more of a lore thing. Like this is where the shitshow starts, this is where majority of PMCs are, this is “hell” you are escaping from and then you sort of get into your hideout and make your way out of Tarkov thus other maps are less “head,eyes; raid time 0.01 seconds” to show that you already caught your breath, reorganized and now the fight is more controllable. Treat it like Killhouse or Rust from CoD - not as small (chaotic) as shipment (Factory) but small enough to constantly be under pressure
I played a scav raid the other day, and shit you not, I saw a 20+ ai scav line, all booking it to new gas from fortress. I feel bad for whatever pmc was there. From first scav to last, it took an entire minute for them to pass me.
Half the maps in this list would go up at least 1 tier by adjusting a few values like number of scavs, the amount of loot, the amount of pmc and where they should spawn. Do we have to make an open petition to make them balance some simple stuff?
D Tier for streets scaving is crazy, i think its the best map for scaving since you can find any kind of loot plenty and because its so big i survive more often since i dont encounter that many pmcs....
Scav run into Interchange for the specific purpose of hitting all the stashes outside the mall and then heading for extract. Usually leave with a full inventory and make a nice profit.
I played a decent amount of crossout. I don't play anymore. It's a cool concept, but one of the most important stats in it is your real-world wallet. If you're a whale, go ahead, but if you're free to play look elsewhere.
Even though I agree with your ranking on the PMC maps (maybe I would put shoreline higher cos of the resort), the scav tier doesnt make sense unless you specify what you need from a scav, specific maps are good for specific items, I run alot of customs for tech items, hideout, hoses, etc, shoreline often admin isnt looted, so I run scav for pc parts, and lighthouse for military items. If you want purely to make money on a scav then it would make more sense, woods would be s tier though; but it depends on what you need at that time. PS: I would separate resort and shoreline, resort is s tier, rest of the map is F
I dont mind lighthouse per say and its my favorite map for hunting the goons but i have 2 big gripes with it. 1st ones that the widest section in the map is about 250m. 2nd all of its loot is just crammed into 3 pois
"John Tarkov with 12,000 hours or Sir Hacks-a-lot, proprietor of the finest bullshit this side of the Mississippi." Fucking died at that, thank you Leviticus😂
Only played since the inertia update after the Christmas wipe few years back haven’t led in 3 year or so but I really liked light house back then it was my favorite for scaving it was a great money getting map for me but everyone has there own experience
I can vouch for Crossout! A truly incredible game if you give it the time and love. This is coming from someone with GENUINELY 700 hours. Ignore the PVE entirely, go straight into PVP and you’ll enjoy it!
I pretty much exclusively scav on streets, no doubt you need probably like 150 hours on streets to get good loot runs, but i usually get the relax room key and id say about 1/2 the time its never looted
Only thing I disagree is with Custom as a scav, been spamming that map early wipe as a scav and it did wonders for me lootwise. a lot of the new building that opened up have great loot that a lot people dont know yet.
Imo for both combined: S-tier: Streets of tarkov (issues: performance [still that good a map]) Interchange (issues: exit camping) Reserve (issues: exit camping) A-tier: Labs (issues: cheaters[bad enough to drop from S]) B-tier: Shoreline (issues: spawns, tiresome quests, performance) Factory (issues old>new) C-tier: Customs (issues: old version>new version, performance) Woods (issues: lesser version of shoreline) D-tier: F-tier: Ground zero (issues: almost all) Lighthouse (issues: all)
Overall a good tier list, similar to where I would rank a lot of them but the biggest mistake you got is Streets Scaving. 1 it helps learn the map risk free. But the loot.... its hands down the best I always walk out with a fat inventory, pmcs dont loot as much there beacuse if you stay in one area too long, you run into too many scavs or player scavs will W key you, leaving the loot mostly available for scavs. And most pmcs that loot streets anyway are all on key runs for a majority of their loot. Streets is for the scavs brother! S Tier, not a better map for filling up plus it has the entire variety of loot you can find any type of needed loot on one map!
Play Crossout now using playxo.link/leviticus and get a free bonus pack including 3 days of premium and 3 unique vehicles on PC #ad
can we get a Then and now Tier list or comparison?
Crossout is still a game?
i'd rather play marauders or unironically my account in World of Tanks PC again
I can't believe theyre advertising again
*For anyone returning;* >9k PS is dead due to unbalanced pay with money items, and >10k PS dead matchmaking.
*For anyone interested;* genre uncontested cracked out lego cars with well constructed core [reason players stay], _layers of neglect and :( monetization [reason players don't]_ . Drop $80 to get into midgame, otherwise face the 50h wasteland that is the "earlygrind".
Prediction lighthouse F tier
lucky guess
nah he says it like every vid
Lighthouse is A tier if youre blind
That’s a gimme
I'm surprised he didn't put it at G tier tbh
Player scavving into interchange not for the loot that spawns there but to pick over the ten billion corpses of my fallen scav brothers and leaving with like 6 labs cards.
Also the back area of the stores has a ton of weapon and tool boxes + a map as a whole has decent amount of stashes
Bro I go looking for dead PMCs
This is how I have found Electric Drills this wipe. So far the ONLY place I’ve found them lol.
@@jnicholaswildcat Bro i go looking for alive PMCs
Were not the same
@@ПредводительПельмешек That's not a flex. "I sit in a corner and listen to footsteps for 20mins with my free gear cause i cant compete as a PMC"
"Let's create a high value loot location, but give the enemies aimbot for half the playerbase, but make it super exploitable if you know what to do. Then when people start exploiting it, we should make it harder for everyone else except the exploiters, and when that doesn't work we can just make the loot value worthless and keep the aimbot"
-probably BSG when creating lighthouse
half the playerbase = streamers that have plot shield cause otherwise it makes the game look bad. At this point it's almost certain they get "streamer" loot and streamer exp, that one guy on twitter posted that "influencers get more exp on Arena" which means also in normal tarkov.
YEARS ago when I was a neet nighttime lighthouse runs were my shit, always brought that shitty 366 rifle to headshot the rogues. Got so much nice loot from that, sucks that literally each update made it worse. I quit the game after the insane cheaters from the streets wipe
I havent played tarkov in over a year but this triggered my hate for BSG fuck man im glad i stopped playing this second job of a ptsd sim
The Interchange scavs truly are absurd this wipe, I was playing with my friend fairly early on and we got cornered trying to heal after killing some other PMCs and then got wave assaulted by so many scavs we literally COULD NOT CLOSE THE DOORS ANYMORE because the bodies were piled up so thick you couldn't find the prompt. We literally got stuck in a corner for 15 minutes because we alerted the horde and had to scavenge weapons and ammo from the dead to fend them off.
Skill issue you should know how the scav wave spawning works at this point.
Preach, just today a was in a fight with players at tech light. And as soon as I try to heal after the fight, the scavs would agro me or walk straight to me while I was prone behind solid cover (The shop next to ultra med with the register counters). Long story short, I had 24 scav kills after killing those three players. At the end, I had to drop my guns and pick up other players’ weapons because I had no ammo.
@@ocoolwowDamn that is some elitest attitude right there.
@@trathanstargazer6421 I would say you just ate the most obivous satire ever but judging by the guy's previous comments...
Yea he's just some ragebaiter
@@Mordeczka1234 Here's the issue. If he's from official discord server then he is 100% serious. Worst place I've been to. And I visited Sosnowiec.
Bro uploaded right as I sat on the shitter
Same brother
How was it
@@Fallout_Boy74 glorious
dont get hemroids
bro lit the beacon
Street scavs are extremely profitable. The map being so big is actually a benefit because pmcs cant hit all the loot spots by the time you scav in.
i agree 100% i main street scav def my favorite scav map
Drawers. Just drawers. There's so many at least some of them aren't looted, and Streets is one of the maps where drawers always contain loot, and the loot table is great, both for hideout and for money.
the only thing is, lotting streets is extremly boring, just so many drawers
I only scan streets
New-ish player here with a new PC that can finally run streets. That map alone causes half of the inflation in the game's economy. There's high value loot around every corner. There's so much of it that after those 10 or 12 (?) PMCs are done, there's still shitton left for horde of scavs. 1mln+ runs are the norm there if you would sell everything.
This wipe turned Ground Zero into one of my most hated maps. The fact that you can't do the age old thing of "just wait a little before moving out of your spawn" because so many people will straight up just rush all the spawns to clear them is stupid. The fact that some people have figured out how to throw grenades straight at other spawns and send you back to Therapist for another session within 15 seconds of spawning, is stupid. I'm not normally for scaling things up map-size wise, but GZ somehow feels more cramped and claustrophobic than Factory.
as a PvE player i am a big fan of ground zero but getting spawnkilled by a grenade in PvP sounds like absolute cancer so i feel for you here lol
So far ground zero I like but to be fair I have not really played other maps yet (Level 8) only played woods lighthouse and GZ
Im a new tarkov player (this is my first wipe) and after running almost exclusively ground zero to learn the game and do quests, i cant stand it anymore. Eventually i got sick and tired of it and started running some woods raids and instantly started enjoying the game more. I feel validated in my hatred for GZ thanks to this tier list lmfao
they need to reduce the amount of players on each map imo AND greatly reduce the amount of player scavs or GREATLY increase the timer which they can spawn in at like 10 minutwes left of raid
I have yet to see this
Streets scav at d? That is wild brother.
nah man lets let all the scav bros think streets is d, more money for us street scavs please keep not looting the tipped over filing cabinets in lexos so I can keep getting intelligence folders and flash drives every raid
@bro fr fr. I’ve never left streets not juiced. There’s so many ai scavs that you’re always gonna get a bigger bag/rig cus pmcs never waste time on looting scavs on streets. (Cus player scavs spawn in at 38-39 mins so pmcs wanna get in and gtfo fast)
@@null_wizardsneaky rat wants all the loot to himself lol
I mean he did say he never scavs on Streets, so take his opinion on that aspect of it with a grain of salt
He did say its in his opinion D as he does not scav there I can agree as i also get very bad performance there and have not been able to learn the map due to that.
10:53 "seconds per frames" I love it
Fucking, took me a while to ever register he said it that way, makes me feel like my PC when loading into streets
10:54 "*Seconds per frame* aside..." Nicely put. Well done sir.
Customs performance and windows make me suffer physical pain.
This game desperately needs a cpu optimization update that increases performance at least by 40% on bad fps maps (streets, new customs) and 25% everywhere else.
i feel like that is very achievable if focused on unlike a good anticheat which is extremely hard to implement this far into development.
I hope they will learn and maybe even sacrifice a wipe worth of content to fix bugs and optimize the game.
Lossless scaling. You're welcome.
@@kingconcerto5860 Latency.
Dont you get a big input delay bcoz of that?@@kingconcerto5860
Not giving Smugglers Camp on Shoreline a shoutout for scav runs means you haven’t found the ammo spawns there.
Bro when I'd get bored of tasking I'd do pmc runs through there and leave with a pilgrim full of fat loot and hundreds of top tier bullets. Very under rated!
It's a really weird compliment, but your hyperboles and sarcastic exaggerations were on point this episode
Lighthouse becoming a better map is basically asking for the whole game to be redesigned lol
Naah, just cut everything east of the chalets, move lighthouse itself towards the middle and extend the map west of the train station
shoreline scavving is good because pc rooms dont get hit by pmc's and hideout items in general are everywhere as loose loot and don't get hit by pmc's. the entire underground rarely gets hit as well and has lots of gun crates. for whatever reason it's also a map i personally often find dead pmc's who were never looted on, but that's becoming less common now with the ai scavs being vultures who can smell loot from a mile away.
Your videos always make me excited to play the game, good shit man
Never let this man do another map tier list ever again
Lighthouse is like Wisconsin. It shows up on the map but people dont see any point in going and if it even exists or not.
ground zero is quite good as an almost instantly completed scav run with multiple dead pmc loot (not player pmc) bodies. 150k minumum garanteed and takes 2 min off of your pmc chad time
As a coveted player scav here are my thoughts:
When going Lighthouse, check EVERY rare spawn from Crashed Helicopter to the Train Station. You're bound to find some good items that PMC's have missed.
If you queue to Shoreline, you're doing it for Resort quest keys. The filing cabinets all across the map have a high chance of spawning good keys, including other maps too.
If you want to go to Interchange, you want food OR you wanna loot dead PMC's laying dead in an a body pile up. Very worth finding good PMC kits.
If you're running Ground Zero, you want Graphics Cards. Hella PC's while also finding lots of Duffel Bag and Filing Cabinet loot, pretty worth it.
For Woods, you're looting for an entire raid looking for Ground Stashes and Loose Loot. Not that worth it when there's better options, but I get it.
For Factory, you want that sweet Zabralo and Altyn PMC loot after they got full-auto'd by Tagilla. Worth scavving if you want a free kit.
For Streets of Tarkov, you want to play PMC raid with the safety of running a Scav. Tons of loot options throughout the entire map, while also giving opportunities of grabbing dead PMC loot. Probably the best map for religious scav runners. It's deadly and complicated, but has great loot. For new players, I do not recommend.
Luckily for Customs, some of the new areas have great loot spawns and containers. The new pathways create ample opportunities to avoid fights if you want the sweet loot PMC's are too afraid to stick around and loot.
And my favorite map Reserve, there is a heap of loot in hidden little areas that, once you learn, you will always get out with good items. Not only will you find good loot, you can find ALL kinds of good loot. Raiders can have some good armor and parts as well, if you're feeling ballsy. Dead PMC's riddle the map here as well, check the areas most walked, Bunker and the Knight buildings tend to draw in player scavs for PMC's to fight - and inevitably die to - as well.
Interchange is goated because of 2 words: Water filters. At least on PvE, if I need money I just scav Interchange and dip with 1-1.5 mil in water filters and a motor or two. They go for 350-400k each despite being quite common there and only take 2 slots, motors are always good because of Jager's trade, and green batteries are always nice. Just pray Killa isn't camping in a random corner, ready to 2 tap your 30/100 paca.
Yup that or GPUs and motors
Scav rep isn't too painful to get in PvE, so hit 6.0 and become best friends with Killa.
i went bear not thinking that lighthouse was a map
i was like o il just reset my account well shit gotta wait 2 weeks or whatever it is 2 weeks later nope done tasks that i dont feel like doin again until wipe soooooo either no lighthouse for me this wipe or ima have such an amazing time 😂rip
@@ultimiteking If you know the routes its hard to get nuked by rouges that are on the guns but ofc your early game mobility is still hampered vs usecs
Just ignore the map until pretty much max traders like the rest of us, then do everything at once.
Personally I'd put streets at a S tier for scavving. Do you know the ridiculous amount of filing cabinets on there? I've gotten Hella quest keys, labs cards, and items worth rubes countless times from them, you just gotta know where they're at.
In addition the Lexos car dealership as well as the surrounding buildings and the construction site can provide other valuable loot worth going into raid for
11:53 for my fellow scavs that go to streets, we know just how good the loot is outside of the main loot zones (lexos, Concordia, minichange (the mall on kilmov street) and Pinewood.)
The filling cabinets are plentiful, and there’s rarely a time I’m not leaving the raid without 1: a good PMC kit 2: intelligence or a GPU or 3: an inventory full of lightbulbs, bolts, nuts, and everything you need for hideout upgrades.
I don't play Tarkov, but your videos are quite entertaining. Keep it up funny helmet man.
Shoreline as scav is great because of the caches, most people don't bother touching them and you can get some pretty good loot from them. It's really chill most of the time and because you're a scav even if you do get run up on there's no big loss.
I agree with nearly everything on here, but as someone who scavs Streets nearly exclusively, if you know your routes, youll nearly always leave with 300k+ everytime, the random chad kits laying around, most often am able to yoink the Relax key and hit The Hive before leaving (even though they nerfed it to hell), and its fantastic for practically anything you need (food, tools, loose item spawns, weapons, parts, hideout items, and an incredible amount of medical spawns with injectors through Lexos and the 2 pharmacies.
Scav on woods is grossly underrated. There’s a lot of good loot that most PMCs pass up because they focus on bunker/USEC/lumber.
Scavs should have 2 map vetos, not be able to choose what maps to play
That's an interesting idea. I love it.
lets make Scaving even more worthless. Remove flea remove scavs thats what people want right?
Yeah something like this is wayyy overdue tbh, its already a free kit + you get to loot on a map where a lot of PMCs have already left usually, why should you get to pick the map too?
This would also fix the issue of getting swarmed by a million p scavs if you stay in raid longer than 15 minutes, maps like streets come to mind
@@knowledge3743 ok so lets remove transfer roubles from Arena to ETF
@@kuramathewolfthats a genuinely good idea
14:43 I’ve been saying for years now since d2 got added that they need to expand the map out past the Co-op extract to those buildings outside the map. Another loot zone plus it would be able to have spawns shuffled over there and alleviate some of those god awful spawns you get spawning out in the field of bunkers.
I think interchange is my favorite, i just wish the loot was better. Love the long range corridors. And kiba is always a fun key to loot
I farm hundreds of millions every wipe scavving interchange. You're right that the loot isn't anything special but quite often tech items are missed in the stores (gpu, tetris etc) and I do semi-regularly find bitcoins that players don't even check for anymore. There's also a ton of duffle bags which often spawn purple items.
But the thing with interchange isn't how good or bad it is, it's more just that your chance at survival is way higher than other maps. Players are generally in and out of interchange in 15-20 mins so it's pretty rare you die from a PMC remaining on the map. Survivability also = dollars in a sense, and because the map is realistically smaller than other maps you can get in and out pretty quick too. Time is money after all.
Man, the streets is S+ tier for scavs. You just enter a house or two, loot bags and leave. There's place with 11 computers, gambling experience is crazy
scavving the parking garage on interchange for ammo and weapon boxes can actually be pretty insane. rarely contested, rarely picked over.
Punisher part 4 is why I quit this wipe already, 12 raids and I got 3 PMC fights where it was an actual fight, if you want to get it done you rat in a bush and just watch a movie until someone comes up.
The west side of lighthouse needs to be extended by 200 meters into the ocean with like a decent new lootable area right on the water. An abandoned marine biology lab would be lit. I’d like this to stretch north far enough to give a 3rd easy way into water treatment.
0:02 "It's been a while.." since i played this game. But nice to see a new Tier-List Video!
Scavving on the new customs is actually amazing, since PMCS avoid the main buildings almost every tool box and container is full of
New Leviticus vid just dropped and I see it shortly before lunch? Guess it’s not the worst Monday.
As a scav main, interchange and lighthouse are s tier. Lighthouse is really good for loot as a scav, especially when people don't do water treatment or are in the middle of doing it. And interchange has really good spawns all over for scaving imo, its really really good.
Customs is hidden op imo for loot especially with all the new builds so s tier too.
streets is now b tier imo, my old fav for scavving used to be so good with all the gold loose loot. ground zero never tried. Woods is a solid b. And factory is just a quick scav map so A tier.
Lighthouse is my go-to scav run when I want to top up on ammo, since so much good ammo spawns there all the time.
This. If you can make it onto the rooftops, the ammo spawns are ace.
The best part about scavving interchange is you can get tech parts and tools really easy. The tech stores are all in a good path aside from German. And then you just run along the warehouse for tools
Levi Gamma updated to! The mod got some good updates that make the game more enjoyable and more stable maybe you can give it another shot.
for scaving on shoreline I suggest going to the military camp, I found almost everything for my hideout there and very rarely did I see a pmc or even other player scavs there
The fact that I used up four 60 rounders in my rpk on interchange and had to resort to a scav sks was... unsurprising.
I had either 41 or 51 scav kills on an interchange run in under 35 minutes. Wasn’t marked nothing, literally ran out of ammo and was killing scavs with scav guns. I wasn’t chasing scavs
I completed a task and was B lining extract when getting swarmed started. They ignored the duo of PMCs that threw a nade at me and ran off on my 5th attempt to surg my leg
W my mans for not hating on shoreline like everyone else, people really underestimate how fun the pvp can be in resort. I used to only run that map and probably have over half of my 2k hours in this game just in resort.
I completely agree with the ground zero assessment. When I started playing tarkov, I didn't know the map, let alone the spawns, and so I burned through my standard edition stash of gear in one day because i would spawn, run 40 feet to my left, and die to a bozo who just spawned there.
lighthouse scav runs are amazing actually, if I do come out, I come out with a million on my pockets
1:27 Dude I literally went into PvE last wipe because I was doing Punisher 4 with a friend and it was torture
Putting scaving streets at a lower tier than Reserve is wild. Streets being big benefits scaving sooo much because there’s a very good chance that you can get a ton of loot because it’s impossible for PMC’s to hit everything. Not to mention streets loot has been nerfed multiple times every wipe since release and it STILL is the best map for loot variety and sheer amount.
Well technically I would agree that Interchange offers all the properties you would want for a pvp map. The only issue I have this wipe with this map in particular is that literally half the lobby just sits and camps somewhere in the most random spot possible and doesnt move a finger for the first 35 min of the raid. Which obviously makes it quite annoying to play if you dont want to do the same. On top of that if killa hasnt spawned, half the players in your raid often just leave after the first 10min, making the map feel quite empty.
ad end 6:57
interchange on S tier where it rightly belongs. this brought a tear to my eye
I personally would put woods for scavving in S tier. If you learn where most of the stashes are, you can do a stash run across the map while hitting multiple places of interest like abandoned village and the PMC camps. I also have a greater than 95% survival rate as I usually do not see a single other soul on the map while running through it, which makes it very relaxing and quick (15 minute runs just picking up stuff).
i enjoyed Ground Zero this wipe so far, best fights ive had.
People enjoy interchange due to lots of PVP, and also mostly due to a ton of hidden cache spawns that are very close. It’s def just a scav map other than quests
lighthouse is always a “bad map” for those who have never learned how to take out the rouges and also to those who don’t bother learning the spawns. you’re making life harder on yourself. that map is a walk in the park
Agree with pretty much everything here, but Streets at night is an S+ tier scav map. There's loot EVERYWHERE and most PMCs are gone by 15-20 mins. Whenever I need money or hideout supplies, its night Streets everytime.
Streets scavving is very underrated. Yeah its a big map but I have never left a scav run without a labs card and the 4 of the 5 bitcoins I've found were on this map that and if you find keys during the raid you're nigh guaranteed to get to it first even if it's later in the raid.
Last night i went from shoreline and managed to exfill to lighthouse and it was beautiful at night.
That being said, I was a lone PMC on PVE and barely made it back to shoreline 💀
I love Ground Zero in the early wipe. Cool balanced map with plenty extraction options
I belive Ground Zero spawns is more of a lore thing. Like this is where the shitshow starts, this is where majority of PMCs are, this is “hell” you are escaping from and then you sort of get into your hideout and make your way out of Tarkov thus other maps are less “head,eyes; raid time 0.01 seconds” to show that you already caught your breath, reorganized and now the fight is more controllable. Treat it like Killhouse or Rust from CoD - not as small (chaotic) as shipment (Factory) but small enough to constantly be under pressure
I played a scav raid the other day, and shit you not, I saw a 20+ ai scav line, all booking it to new gas from fortress. I feel bad for whatever pmc was there. From first scav to last, it took an entire minute for them to pass me.
woods scaving is amazing at night, nothing is looted and chance of dying is like .1%
Half the maps in this list would go up at least 1 tier by adjusting a few values like number of scavs, the amount of loot, the amount of pmc and where they should spawn. Do we have to make an open petition to make them balance some simple stuff?
Found this one at 911 views, I have a moral obligation to watch this to conclusion now.
D Tier for streets scaving is crazy, i think its the best map for scaving since you can find any kind of loot plenty and because its so big i survive more often since i dont encounter that many pmcs....
Scav run into Interchange for the specific purpose of hitting all the stashes outside the mall and then heading for extract. Usually leave with a full inventory and make a nice profit.
new leviv video wake up everyone
5:30 Hideout changes. That’s why I scav there. Back of Goshan. Toolbox for days
Scaving on Streets is quick in and out, you just need to know your route - A tier
Love you levi! dont stop making content!!!
First time I hear factory S tier for scavs. Completly agree!
This was great!
Is there a boss teir list? They be grinding my gears lately lol
I played a decent amount of crossout. I don't play anymore. It's a cool concept, but one of the most important stats in it is your real-world wallet. If you're a whale, go ahead, but if you're free to play look elsewhere.
Placing bets: Reserve A, Streets C, Customs S, Shoreline B, Lighthouse F, Factory B, Labs D, Woods B, Ground Zero D, Interchange A
Even though I agree with your ranking on the PMC maps (maybe I would put shoreline higher cos of the resort), the scav tier doesnt make sense unless you specify what you need from a scav, specific maps are good for specific items, I run alot of customs for tech items, hideout, hoses, etc, shoreline often admin isnt looted, so I run scav for pc parts, and lighthouse for military items. If you want purely to make money on a scav then it would make more sense, woods would be s tier though; but it depends on what you need at that time.
PS: I would separate resort and shoreline, resort is s tier, rest of the map is F
I dont mind lighthouse per say and its my favorite map for hunting the goons but i have 2 big gripes with it. 1st ones that the widest section in the map is about 250m. 2nd all of its loot is just crammed into 3 pois
scavving on streets got me an almost fully upgraded hideout this wipe before flea even came up
"John Tarkov with 12,000 hours or Sir Hacks-a-lot, proprietor of the finest bullshit this side of the Mississippi." Fucking died at that, thank you Leviticus😂
Only played since the inertia update after the Christmas wipe few years back haven’t led in 3 year or so but I really liked light house back then it was my favorite for scaving it was a great money getting map for me but everyone has there own experience
rushing virtex spawns on lighthouse makes up for dying while questing
Scaving on Streets is at least A Tier - there is so much loot that there is always a lot left
I kinda like lighthouse
Customs should be F for both scav and pmc
I can vouch for Crossout! A truly incredible game if you give it the time and love. This is coming from someone with GENUINELY 700 hours. Ignore the PVE entirely, go straight into PVP and you’ll enjoy it!
What an unexpected sponsor. I play Crossout daily lol
I pretty much exclusively scav on streets, no doubt you need probably like 150 hours on streets to get good loot runs, but i usually get the relax room key and id say about 1/2 the time its never looted
1:00 Massive?
You know what else is still massive?
Only thing I disagree is with Custom as a scav, been spamming that map early wipe as a scav and it did wonders for me lootwise. a lot of the new building that opened up have great loot that a lot people dont know yet.
Imo for both combined:
Streets of tarkov (issues: performance [still that good a map])
Interchange (issues: exit camping)
Reserve (issues: exit camping)
Labs (issues: cheaters[bad enough to drop from S])
Shoreline (issues: spawns, tiresome quests, performance)
Factory (issues old>new)
Customs (issues: old version>new version, performance)
Woods (issues: lesser version of shoreline)
Ground zero (issues: almost all)
Lighthouse (issues: all)
Honestly I'm sad both factory and customs got reworks and got way worse.
Lighthouse is the worst of both Woods and Shoreline thrown into one map and you can't convince me otherwise
I have been waiting for suburbs to be released since i got the game 5 years ago, thats finna be PEAK once it releases
Overall a good tier list, similar to where I would rank a lot of them but the biggest mistake you got is Streets Scaving. 1 it helps learn the map risk free. But the loot.... its hands down the best I always walk out with a fat inventory, pmcs dont loot as much there beacuse if you stay in one area too long, you run into too many scavs or player scavs will W key you, leaving the loot mostly available for scavs. And most pmcs that loot streets anyway are all on key runs for a majority of their loot. Streets is for the scavs brother! S Tier, not a better map for filling up plus it has the entire variety of loot you can find any type of needed loot on one map!
The transition to the ad was S Tier.
Tarkov is F tier.
1:12 This is why they chose to work on Customs before Lighthouse.
scavs pushing when healing in 100% a thing, when you pull out that afak they instantly get you position and start walking towards you
Good Content as always Levi