Stell auf den Tisch die duftenden Reseden, Die letzten roten Astern trag herbei, Und lass uns wieder von der Liebe reden, Wie einst im Mai. Gib mir die Hand,dass ich sie heimlich drücke Und wenn man's sieht mir ist es einerlei, Gib mir nur einen deiner süssen Blicke, Wie einst im Mai. Es blüht und duftet heut auf jedem Grabe, Ein Tag im Jahr ist ja den Toten frei, Komm an mein Herz,dass ich dich wieder habe, Wie einst im Mai.
I would love to. I am just so busy. I am in my last semester for my undergraduate degree and then I am studying for my entrance exam for graduate school. I do have a few hours to myself during the week, but I just do not think my head could take studying music now. But thx for the encouragement. One day I definitely will. :)
Thank you for the upload. Learning this one now. Can use this recording as a reference for the diction, as I also think it sounds very good. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@drzlecuti Elizabeth always included translations for every song in every recital program and always did them herself. It's likely her translations were also used for her parts in opera and concert programs whenever she could have her way on that. Only her translations are used in these videos. She wrote them with the audience in mind.
> Today the graves are full of lights and flowers is indeed a translation of the original poem, but I thought Strauss changed a word to make it "duftet" instead of "funkelt", which makes "scents" rather than "lights".
That translation is a bit loose--designed to scan for singing. Better for YT purposes: Place on the table the fragrant mignonettes--bring the last red asters over here, and let us talk again of love, as once [long ago] in May. Give me your hand, so I might secretly squeeze it; and if someone sees it, it's nothing to me. Give me just one of your sweet glances, as once in May. It is blooming and fragrant today on every grave--one day in the year is indeed free to the dead--(cont'd).
@charliep3 even more puzzling when you consider that brandon112586 is not a native speaker of German. Well, I am and I can tell you that her German is exquisite! Though she has slight problems, but the mistakes she does are really really minor and most German native would do these. So, all in all: She is extremely proficient in German. Just wanted to clear that up so nobody believes brandon112586
Una pregunta para algún alemán que quiera responderme. Este poema habla de una esposo que visita al tumba de su esposa? Y allí sobre su tumba, recuerdas los tiempos hermosos que vivieron junto? Si es así, la música no podría ser mas apropiada.
pentacaranday Podría ser también un esposo a esposa, un esposo a otro esposo, dos esposas, tú gato, tu perro, hasta un divorcio, separación, amantes, novios y amigos con beneficios, hijos, padres. Es el día de los muertos, realmente o alegóricamente. En ciertas creencias a las almas se les otorga un día al año para libremente puedan caminar entre los vivos en el cementerio. El disponer de ásteres rojos desplegados en la mesa para que adornen y derramen su aroma como lo hacíamos en mayo, es decir, cuando estábamos juntos puede interpretarse que en mayo, en Europa es el mes de la primavera, la estación en donde todo es vida después de un invierno muerto, ahora es noviembre y en este día de los muertos en en el que todas las tumbas germinan flores perfumadas, ven hacia mi corazón así como una vez lo hacíamos cuando entones, en mayo. La música continúa la triste realidad que ya ese ser tan querido con el cual compartíamos nuestras vidas, los momentos de alegría, nuestras costumbres, todo lo que nos complementa te lo arrebata de las manos la garantía de la muerte. Después del climax, después de despojarnos con alegría, los muertos regresan a su mundo y los vivos nos quedan solos, con el vacío de aquel ser qué pasó su vida con nosotros. Búscate en Google la traducción pero no la traduzcas muy gramáticamente sino frase a frase. Buena suerte a
a beautiful song and a beautiful tribute. thank you.
Absolutely beautiful! This was a song from my repetoire as well when I was a Music Major.
I feel so priviliged to be able to sing this gorgeous song. This here is a wonderful rendition, thank you !
What a bright, lovely voice.
Stell auf den Tisch die duftenden Reseden,
Die letzten roten Astern trag herbei,
Und lass uns wieder von der Liebe reden,
Wie einst im Mai.
Gib mir die Hand,dass ich sie heimlich drücke
Und wenn man's sieht mir ist es einerlei,
Gib mir nur einen deiner süssen Blicke,
Wie einst im Mai.
Es blüht und duftet heut auf jedem Grabe,
Ein Tag im Jahr ist ja den Toten frei,
Komm an mein Herz,dass ich dich wieder habe,
Wie einst im Mai.
I would love to. I am just so busy. I am in my last semester for my undergraduate degree and then I am studying for my entrance exam for graduate school. I do have a few hours to myself during the week, but I just do not think my head could take studying music now. But thx for the encouragement. One day I definitely will. :)
that's puzzling, Elizabeth lived in Germany for 20 years before this was recorded and was noted for good german diction.
Thank you for the upload. Learning this one now. Can use this recording as a reference for the diction, as I also think it sounds very good. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Her placement and sense of dynamics are just gorgeous... Working on this song right now and it's a bear. Loving every minute of it, of course.
thx u posting
@drzlecuti Elizabeth always included translations for every song in every recital program and always did them herself. It's likely her translations were also used for her parts in opera and concert programs whenever she could have her way on that. Only her translations are used in these videos. She wrote them with the audience in mind.
> Today the graves are full of lights and flowers
is indeed a translation of the original poem, but I thought Strauss changed a word to make it "duftet" instead of "funkelt", which makes "scents" rather than "lights".
i'm just learning this piece and i like it. i just wish that we could hear the singer more in this video. it was a bit drowned by the piano.
you can learn how. these score animations were made to encourage people to do just that.
@brandon112586 I dont know if you are German like me but in my ears her diction is perhaps a little old-fashioned however pronounciation is excellent!
That translation is a bit loose--designed to scan for singing. Better for YT purposes: Place on the table the fragrant mignonettes--bring the last red asters over here, and let us talk again of love, as once [long ago] in May.
Give me your hand, so I might secretly squeeze it; and if someone sees it, it's nothing to me. Give me just one of your sweet glances, as once in May.
It is blooming and fragrant today on every grave--one day in the year is indeed free to the dead--(cont'd).
I wish I could read notes. :(
(Cont'd) Come to my heart, that I may have you again, as once in May; as once in May.
Not a "literary" translation, but more literal.
@charliep3 even more puzzling when you consider that brandon112586 is not a native speaker of German. Well, I am and I can tell you that her German is exquisite! Though she has slight problems, but the mistakes she does are really really minor and most German native would do these. So, all in all: She is extremely proficient in German. Just wanted to clear that up so nobody believes brandon112586
Una pregunta para algún alemán que quiera responderme. Este poema habla de una esposo que visita al tumba de su esposa? Y allí sobre su tumba, recuerdas los tiempos hermosos que vivieron junto? Si es así, la música no podría ser mas apropiada.
pentacaranday Podría ser también un esposo a esposa, un esposo a otro esposo, dos esposas, tú gato, tu perro, hasta un divorcio, separación, amantes, novios y amigos con beneficios, hijos, padres. Es el día de los muertos, realmente o alegóricamente. En ciertas creencias a las almas se les otorga un día al año para libremente puedan caminar entre los vivos en el cementerio. El disponer de ásteres rojos desplegados en la mesa para que adornen y derramen su aroma como lo hacíamos en mayo, es decir, cuando estábamos juntos puede interpretarse que en mayo, en Europa es el mes de la primavera, la estación en donde todo es vida después de un invierno muerto, ahora es noviembre y en este día de los muertos en en el que todas las tumbas germinan flores perfumadas, ven hacia mi corazón así como una vez lo hacíamos cuando entones, en mayo. La música continúa la triste realidad que ya ese ser tan querido con el cual compartíamos nuestras vidas, los momentos de alegría, nuestras costumbres, todo lo que nos complementa te lo arrebata de las manos la garantía de la muerte. Después del climax, después de despojarnos con alegría, los muertos regresan a su mundo y los vivos nos quedan solos, con el vacío de aquel ser qué pasó su vida con nosotros. Búscate en Google la traducción pero no la traduzcas muy gramáticamente sino frase a frase.
Buena suerte a
i love the singer's phrasing, voice, and interpretation..but the pianist is not up to her caliber...especially at the climax..! What a pity.. :(