Can you please tell me who came out with this Sigma male concept and archetype?, and how did you came with this topic or idea? Because I have seen that this Topic came and grew right in front of the eyes in the social and common media. I am just surprised and curious to know. Inside I just think to myself that it is the natures gift. I am a Sigma. Everything you say about Sigma personality in this channel 99.99% matches me. I have been haunted by this world. They had deemed me awkward, girly, Taboo, anti-social, self centred and selfish because I don’t conform to the world stereotype of a man. I was popular in college days. girls loved and still loves me. I was out of myself, shape and was thin. Yet, girls were attracted to me. Getting loved by girls is good and great, I would say the first target achieved but what is more important is be the man of man, and this is what I aspired to do. Women or girls will be attracted anyway. This i know. I ain’t no womeniser. I just want a good girl to spend life with. I focus more to be the man of man. Lastly, I think this personality trait should be brought forward and made more popular so as to raise awareness so that the world has understanding and empathy for Sigma and people as a whole
All except silence. A woman who can simply be comfortably in a man's presence without getting awkward or feeling the need to talk is a woman with the emotional and mental maturity to give her man space when he needs it.
@@josephsmith2711actually it is and you will see how quickly people turn around if you do it. Also like some law of attraction, better people find end up finding you easier.
The way I look at it, though these instances have been extremely few, that the moment she ignored me, especially considering I'll never be annoying about it, to me that's a brush off, and I mean a permanent one from her. This is because I see when somebody says something to you, and there's no hint of danger, such as maybe from a stranger or it obviously being an argument, I see it as rude and discourteous and I will consider it a permanent feature of your behavior, because it is that rude. I don't want to know somebody that will ignore another human being like that, unless, of course, there's a legitimate reason for doing it, and since I never present that front, there's no reason she should ignore my rather barely there approach (by barely there, I mean I'm not being imposing at all, and would understand being ignored if I were). I got the opposite of being ignored at the grocery store yesterday, and at a pretty low moment. I had rang up all my food, but didn't have my wallet, which I thought I left at home. On the way out the door a girl started talking to me as she was leaving, and asked how much my bill was. I couldn't figure out why the hell that would matter to her, but she had a pretty face, plus I thought maybe it was some weird survey, so I just said; "Zero", then told her I forgot my wallet. She then made a very serious offer to pay for my food!!! She said just as long as I promised to pay her back. Of course I would, but it sounded too complicated, and I just told her that my driving back home to get the wallet would be easier. Now other than just being foolishly nice in trying to help me there, what was she up to? I think I know. Sooner or later I would have to have her phone number, or her address, and this was a sneaky way of giving such info to me, which, of course, didn't occur to me at the time, but it did sound like more trouble than just driving home and back. We definitely had the eye contact going between us too, but I had to be twice her age.
@@charles2241 *You may have blown that; ie; "eye contact", and "she had a pretty face", and though wide open, you didn't explore her mind.* *Now you know nothing of how this may have changed both of your lives for the better, because you assumed the gotta vibe higher Charles.*
@@tropocal2343Understood, but when you consider I'm no longer in the dating game, not that I ever was that much to begin with, it does change the situation. Getting out of the game, has gave me all sorts of insights, which unfortunately would've been better spent on one younger than myself. I'm so used to talking to women like that, whether I start it or not, that it's just another walk in the park, but I did think it was weird she would go out on a limb like that, and that's part of the sight I get from no longer being in the game, that what I experienced probably wasn't just a straight up every day encounter sort of thing, but that she may have had other things in mind. You just like to take things at face value though when you're in the immediate moment, and she wasn't going to go anywhere with me anyway, but she didn't know that. I used to say I don't look like Carey Grant, but now I'm starting to wonder.
It's called 'turning cold', just like a Kangal does it when the situation calls for it. For the rare INFJ Sigma subtype, once we have already started to care on some level, it can take a long while until we decide to flip that switch, because we know that the result will be very scary and that it will be final like nuclear fallout. It's not a choice to be taken lightly.
Sounds like you're describing the infamous "INFJ door slam"....And I agree, it can be devastating on many levels. As an elder, I just don't see very much advantage in nearly any "relationship", be it intimate or casual. Many would think this to come from some sense of false superiority... it is anything but. Women are sometimes attracted to me but my intuition and clairvoyance has returned from younger days. I usually see where things are headed, along with unspoken truths which are concealed in efforts to initially put one's best foot forward. We are all seeking that ideal, undefended "Conscious Sameness" that Harold Percival wrote about when describing love. I'm convinced it is the rarest of gifts to receive and give. @@winfriedmaus
If a woman ignores me it is at least a sign that she is not interested or she begs for attention, neither of which is good so the best thing to do is to ignore her too and pretend she does not exist, I am not feared of rejection I am feared of being manipulated and took advantage of, so I rather walk away with my head high, if she does not even say “Hello” then she is not worth it
Not seeking attention and validation from others is a strong Sigma trait, so just ignore those who ignore you and give attention to those who seek it from you, bruh
Yes, i agree, it our job as man to persue, for instance if i noticed you and you noticed me and you send me a choosing signal i would most definitely approach and introduce myself to you and being direct with what i want from you, it's as simple as that, it's a matter of being confident and at the same time assertive and taking the lead which chicks do appreciate
@@ArianaPatawaran-l1l You must be new. Men court at first, then women chase. Not sure why you chicks have such a hard time accepting your nature. It literally hundreds of thousands of evolutionary biology.
@@ArianaPatawaran-l1l I say its a woman's job to pursue a man. Why in the hell would it be our job to pursue a woman?! I would never pursue you or any woman and I never had. If you won't pursue me then I would never pursue you or any woman and I never will.
Women do ignore me, but then pay attention when I'm talking to another women. Then all of a sudden they seem curious, especially when they see the women I'm talking to smiling. Must be a subconscience thing.
When a woman ignores me I only care if she's that one rare girl I'm actually into as wifey material. Otherwise I simply go talk to another woman right in front of her! 😂
The other women's reactions show that you are of value. That is when they get interested. Women typically want the man another woman already has or that has been shown to be of value by their attention.
It's quite tricky. Women, as far as we know, need this validation that comes from other people, especially other women. And so when one woman finds us attractive, interesting and of value, suddenly all women around start to treat us that way. When none of women got eyes on us, then it's bound to stay that way. Now, having said this, to make all the long way short - don't try to impress your dream girl - impress ANY girl, show her your value, be funny. Then your dream girl will come along. World is a nasty place. Especially when it comes to women. Whether you like it or not - it IS a game. You better learn the rules. Well, I'm still learning. Good luck, guys 🙏
Simply WoW on the accuracy of defining S.M's emotional state and feelings. I am sure this is no drag-and-drop textbook content but it comes from an in-depth observation and personal experience. Shout Out to the writer for making me feel so true to reality. 👍
Thank you for these videos. They are reassurance that I've been true to myself many times in the past. Frankly, I'm tired of women coming back to me after they realize how they messed things up by disrespecting me.
When asking out a girl that shows interest, my rule of thumb is to only ask once. The first time is an invitation, but the second time onwards is begging. Only spend time with people that actually enjoy your company and bring the best of you, and your life quality will improve, trust me.
When I was younger I would ask 3 times. First "no"... OK, second "no".... bad timing, 3 "no"... she ain't interested. Not anymore. I haven't dated in years but the last ones I asked out were a one time invitation. "No' was accepted and I wouldn't ask again. Not worth my time at that point. Now in the current environment, asking one out more that once after the initial "no" is a risk of being called a stalker, harasser or "weirdo".
@@subterraneanhomesickalienI mean that’s like 90% of marriages dude. If we polled all married men on here you would see. Female Hypergamy wants to constantly secure the best mate, once they have you, the chase is over for them and they start evaluating you based on what you can provide them compared to other males. Sucks. But it is what it is.
@@TheEvertw Let me rephrase that. Women and relationships are not a priority to a Sigma male. Having a relationship with a woman doesn’t change any of that.
@u-Doober I wouldn't say relationships aren't a priority. They aren't the ONLY priority, though. A Sigma male will definitely go on a hunt if he is interested in a particular woman, though he will be subtle and methodical about it. She will usually not know she is being hunted. And once in a relationship, that relationship of course becomes a higher priority than before. He _may_ even skimp on time for his hobbies / friends, for a while. By being genuine, honest, compassionate and a good listener, Sigmas can make excellent husbands. Except if she becomes manipulative or expects him to change his core for her. But even in those cases, by being frank and honest they can teach their women not to do those things. Sigma's will try to avoid confrontations, but they are not afraid of them either.
I’m proud and I admit it. If a woman ignores me I will ignore them and if they change their mind I don’t give them a second chance and it’s as simple as that. If she doesn’t see my quality right from the beginning of our association and I’m interested in her, sending out clues that I like her and she preens and hee-haws then I lose interest very quickly. I’ve seen videos on Sigma males and that might be what I am but this is how I react to women and relationships.
the sigma male instinctually assumes the Stoic position of not getting worked up by things that are beyond his control, including a woman's indifference to or dislike of him.
Like WT said... have too many other creative hobbies, intellectual interests, and projects to pursue to be swayed by a woman's waffling attention span... and like James Taylor sang, "There's nothing like a hundred miles, to make me forget about you" 😎👍
Some girls, know that when you're doing the typical style of ignoring, they have to be on your mind to be "ignoring them" and I'm sure many of you have run into their phenomenon, where your ignoring them just incites them more, and they just don't give up. I'm talking girl in the first row, while you're in the back, and she spins her head around 180 to look at you virtually all class long. You more or less never return it, but she just keeps on. I've had that happen in school and in church both. One odd thing is one girl, in high school did it from the front row like that, but then I had her in another class later, and I never once caught her looking my way in that case, then next day, the earlier class, she's spun around staring at me again (this went on ALL YEAR). I haven't the faintest idea how she passed the course.
These labels are unecessary. A man, through experiences, will mature and not let insignificant games or emotions bother them. As men age and deal with people the maturation process will manifest with wisdom.
These labels are as spot on as the Miers Briggs personality tests. The labels are just words to define a certain male personality/temperament/character profile that is common. There are Alphas, there are definitely Betas, and there are Sigmas.
@@nathanstice8456 There are self-proclaimed alphas, especially in the red pill/manosphere communities, who have beta traits. Betas can turn into Alphas when they wake up, and the "sigmas," supposedly rare, are now all over, just going by the descriptive narrative from presenters of these labels.
This is spot on, I'm currently on the receiving end of this treatment, funny thing is I never expected to "get anywhere " there is no anger or irritation, I feel calm, I will be fine. It's her loss.
4:20 - "He'll simply walk away and move on". That is not quite true. He may do that, or he may let the woman know that he knows what she is doing and give her the option of behaving more maturely. Depends on whether he might be interested in her.
Disagree. By walking away, a sigma made his point very clearly. Regardless of his level of interest, he will not reach back out to her. If she is interested in him and intelligent enough (the critical point!), she should know she messed up and will try to get his attention again but without the games. Now, whether or not he accepts her it up to the individual man. Immature behaviour is consistent, so that has to be factored it at all times.
@@gabem6863Sigmas are more complex than you think. Even the same person may react to this situation differently at different times. For this situation, there are four possible actions a Sigma may take: walk away, confront her behaviour, humour her, or start playing with her instead. Sure, walking away will be the most common reaction, but the other three are possibilities as well. Some of the factors it depends on is how well they know each other, and whether the Sigma has through observation found redeeming qualities in her. If the Sigma has decided she is worth the effort, he will not be deterred by her playing "hard to get" but simply engineer the circumstances such that she will not be able to ignore him anymore.
If she’s not interested she is not interested, she’s allowed to be choosy, sometimes the shop was just temporarily closed, but it’s on her to make the first approach after this. As a self respect but also from a point of logic, I don’t see how degrading myself is going to help the situation.
I've been ignored by a few women before. I decided it's no use to pursue them and in doing so, it'll be a monumental waste of energy. The reason being is that in this case true love, appreciation, mutual respect, and true love are not involved. There's nothing in the relationship work pursuing another thought is that if she ignores you and moves on, she will never be bothered by what you did, why should we?
Thanks for the great video...filled with common sense, but easier said than done. I wish that it would have been possible for me to have seen this decades ago.
DAMN, THANKS FOR THE INFO. I am 73 years old single male no wife, no kids but had 50+ women run thru my life of those only 3 had values I liked. The last one when I walked away I never looked back once.
I did walk away and then the whole factory crashed and my boss got kicked cuz his boss started wondering wtf happened and he found out how I was treated. And now Im back in that job with higher status and lots of special tools and stuff they give me to keep me :)
I've lost 100 plus women just simply standing my ground or using basic logic and skipping the small talk. Women know if they really like you or if they can handle you but sometimes more often than not in today's times, moisten women get extremely pissed when you don't respond to them in ways they are use to. It's frustrating for them but it's very simple to me
Women ignore you as a strategy to gain your attention. It freaks them out when you just see it and ignore them. This happened to me a while back when I visited a place that my friend was known. The waitress welcomed him and ignored me. I wasn't bothered, didn't introduce myself. Later she kept visiting the table, picked up my serviette that had fallen on the floor, stroked my arm...... The whole thing was about her trying to grab my attention and it floored her when I didn't react as expected. 😄
As a Sigma male, I can attest this is the way we function, especially in long term relationships and marriages. It can be a double edged coin though, as she will constantly be coming to him, but he has to be careful not to “breadcrumb” her as we have that tendency.
Women ignore the vast majority of men all the time. Sigma's are not exempt haha. I can attest that the Sigma male will receive a type of interest and attention not shown to Alpha's or Beta's from a certain type of woman. Women who are intelligent, conscientious and embrace their own femininity. HIGH value women. Sadly, there seems to be fewer and fewer of them and those that are single do not remain single for long.
True on both points, the difference is how each male personality/temperament type responds when ignored. That’s the major difference and brings out different female responses for each type. Alpha- she gives in eventually/likes the aggressive “abuse”…beta - friendzones him…sigma - takes an ego hit and fixates/pursues him.
The idea sounds incredibly easy but will take several instances to perform the action to walk away. I used to have a tough time but the universe wanted to teach me lessons and nowadays, I walk away when a woman does not value what I have to offer.
At 9:45 was pretty deep, never heard it put into words but it's spot on how I've found myself having to treat these ladies in the workplace and in gas stations (especially this past month). It drives their desperate asses crazy and it's the only way forward. Wild times we're in. Edit- and
It's so weird listening to what I was 40 years ago before labels defined individuals. I am in no way good looking, never was. Not ugly, just average. But for some reason I always got the best looking girl. I went to a dance club I'd never been to before. I didn't even get to a table when I locked eyes with a gorgeous woman but she had 4 guys hovering around her. I walked right in the middle, didn't say a word but grabbed her hand and took her to the floor. Things like this always happened to me and I never understood why until these vids explained almost to a T. what I am. My wife passed when I was 21 and I always thought the way I kept women distant but always around me was because of not wanting to be untrue to my Terri. Thanks for letting me rant.
As to point 7: there is less value in a celebrity then in the janitorial staff at my office so I would say treating someone like a celebrity is an insult.
Fuck chasing women....They are just humans in an enormous opportunity to invest in the right one....Be charming, if you are, and leave it at that. Tread carefully brothers.
The more they want you to chase, the more they want to ultimately dominate and control you....making a fool of you. Focus on your own success. The rest will fall into place naturally.
Amazing.. 10 of 10 again. Them wimen that obviously will not go along what do I care about them? There are so many wimen out there. Something that I noticed a long time a go: most men where pushing their head against the wall it must it must, no it will not. Me keept moving..
If Sigma males are ignored, and they are in for a game, they may start engineering situations where he meets the woman in a natural circumstance, and get to know her better. That gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his sincerity and intelligence. Many women will melt as a result, and stop playing their silly game. Usually he is smart and subtle enough for her not to get the idea he is stalking her, though of course he is. But as we are not emotionally dependent on her, usually they don't feel threatened by our way of stalking. I know that when my wife of 16 years gave me the cold shoulder, I found plenty of opportunities to meet her, usually in the company of friends. I even organized group-outings just for that purpose. It was a happy hunt, with an even happier result. That was 18 years ago.
Women are different now, though. A quality woman may melt at that kind of move, but those are far and few between now- a critically endangered species. The majority will still go into "he is a stalker" mindset. Your wife was and is obviously a high quality woman. Congrats on have such a woman by your side.
On to the next even though it may not be easy at first. After a short time she will become a forgotten memory. The trust is broken and they can never come back. No 2nd chances period
I am never bothered being ignored through pre school and elementary school I get so much attention you would think I was a president a king or a person who can sing 🎤 it feels incredible singing it front of millions but if I have a sow at work keep pressing humanity with something that illuminates extremely importantly I feel like Mike Tyson training but off and when the show closes there will be no close offs and close curtains 🥊
Sigma INFJ - close the door or slam the door & walk away - not worth wasting my time or getting a headache on - either they want to be with me or not - i have other things more important than groveling or wasting time chasing them
If you enjoyed this video, hit the like button and make sure to subscribe! I really do appreciate your support. 🙏
Hey there! Any chance you know the name of this awesome song playing in the background?
Can you please tell me who came out with this Sigma male concept and archetype?, and how did you came with this topic or idea? Because I have seen that this Topic came and grew right in front of the eyes in the social and common media. I am just surprised and curious to know. Inside I just think to myself that it is the natures gift.
I am a Sigma. Everything you say about Sigma personality in this channel 99.99% matches me. I have been haunted by this world. They had deemed me awkward, girly, Taboo, anti-social, self centred and selfish because I don’t conform to the world stereotype of a man. I was popular in college days. girls loved and still loves me. I was out of myself, shape and was thin. Yet, girls were attracted to me. Getting loved by girls is good and great, I would say the first target achieved but what is more important is be the man of man, and this is what I aspired to do. Women or girls will be attracted anyway. This i know. I ain’t no womeniser. I just want a good girl to spend life with. I focus more to be the man of man.
Lastly, I think this personality trait should be brought forward and made more popular so as to raise awareness so that the world has understanding and empathy for Sigma and people as a whole
Beta males' weakness is their Hope😂. Imagine when Having Hope is your greatest weakness😂😂😂
That simple 😂😂😂
Nice 😂
correct. There are other fish in the sea.
All except silence.
A woman who can simply be comfortably in a man's presence without getting awkward or feeling the need to talk is a woman with the emotional and mental maturity to give her man space when he needs it.
@@josephsmith2711actually it is and you will see how quickly people turn around if you do it. Also like some law of attraction, better people find end up finding you easier.
If a woman ignores me that's one less problem to worry about! 🤣🤣🤣
The way I look at it, though these instances have been extremely few, that the moment she ignored me, especially considering I'll never be annoying about it, to me that's a brush off, and I mean a permanent one from her. This is because I see when somebody says something to you, and there's no hint of danger, such as maybe from a stranger or it obviously being an argument, I see it as rude and discourteous and I will consider it a permanent feature of your behavior, because it is that rude. I don't want to know somebody that will ignore another human being like that, unless, of course, there's a legitimate reason for doing it, and since I never present that front, there's no reason she should ignore my rather barely there approach (by barely there, I mean I'm not being imposing at all, and would understand being ignored if I were).
I got the opposite of being ignored at the grocery store yesterday, and at a pretty low moment. I had rang up all my food, but didn't have my wallet, which I thought I left at home. On the way out the door a girl started talking to me as she was leaving, and asked how much my bill was. I couldn't figure out why the hell that would matter to her, but she had a pretty face, plus I thought maybe it was some weird survey, so I just said; "Zero", then told her I forgot my wallet. She then made a very serious offer to pay for my food!!! She said just as long as I promised to pay her back. Of course I would, but it sounded too complicated, and I just told her that my driving back home to get the wallet would be easier.
Now other than just being foolishly nice in trying to help me there, what was she up to? I think I know. Sooner or later I would have to have her phone number, or her address, and this was a sneaky way of giving such info to me, which, of course, didn't occur to me at the time, but it did sound like more trouble than just driving home and back. We definitely had the eye contact going between us too, but I had to be twice her age.
@@charles2241 *You may have blown that; ie; "eye contact", and "she had a pretty face", and though wide open, you didn't explore her mind.*
*Now you know nothing of how this may have changed both of your lives for the better, because you assumed the gotta vibe higher Charles.*
So You are gonna fap for the rest of your life then?Woman comes into your life with both good and bad.
@@tropocal2343 I agree, also @charles2241 you need to chill and NOT over analyse situations.
@@tropocal2343Understood, but when you consider I'm no longer in the dating game, not that I ever was that much to begin with, it does change the situation. Getting out of the game, has gave me all sorts of insights, which unfortunately would've been better spent on one younger than myself. I'm so used to talking to women like that, whether I start it or not, that it's just another walk in the park, but I did think it was weird she would go out on a limb like that, and that's part of the sight I get from no longer being in the game, that what I experienced probably wasn't just a straight up every day encounter sort of thing, but that she may have had other things in mind. You just like to take things at face value though when you're in the immediate moment, and she wasn't going to go anywhere with me anyway, but she didn't know that. I used to say I don't look like Carey Grant, but now I'm starting to wonder.
If I'm ignored, I ignore them back, Forever !!!
Good thinking, sir.
That seems like a very over-emotional reaction...
Your avatar says otherwise
@@matthewwalter67 Avatar ??? What are you talking about ???
@@mdh6977 Oh !!! It's alright for a Woman to ignore me, but if I do it back I'm over emotional ??? You are a SIMP !!!
If she's not interested, just move on; be all logic no emotion.
It's called 'turning cold', just like a Kangal does it when the situation calls for it. For the rare INFJ Sigma subtype, once we have already started to care on some level, it can take a long while until we decide to flip that switch, because we know that the result will be very scary and that it will be final like nuclear fallout. It's not a choice to be taken lightly.
Sounds like you're describing the infamous "INFJ door slam"....And I agree, it can be devastating on many levels. As an
elder, I just don't see very much advantage in nearly any "relationship", be it intimate or casual. Many would think this to come from some sense of false superiority... it is anything but. Women are sometimes attracted to me but my intuition
and clairvoyance has returned from younger days. I usually see where things are headed, along with unspoken truths which are concealed in efforts to initially put one's best foot forward. We are all seeking that ideal, undefended
"Conscious Sameness" that Harold Percival wrote about when describing love. I'm convinced it is the rarest of gifts
to receive and give.
If a woman ignores me it is at least a sign that she is not interested or she begs for attention, neither of which is good so the best thing to do is to ignore her too and pretend she does not exist, I am not feared of rejection I am feared of being manipulated and took advantage of, so I rather walk away with my head high, if she does not even say “Hello” then she is not worth it
Not seeking attention and validation from others is a strong Sigma trait, so just ignore those who ignore you and give attention to those who seek it from you, bruh
Yes, i agree, it our job as man to persue, for instance if i noticed you and you noticed me and you send me a choosing signal i would most definitely approach and introduce myself to you and being direct with what i want from you, it's as simple as that, it's a matter of being confident and at the same time assertive and taking the lead which chicks do appreciate
@@ArianaPatawaran-l1l You must be new. Men court at first, then women chase. Not sure why you chicks have such a hard time accepting your nature. It literally hundreds of thousands of evolutionary biology.
@@ArianaPatawaran-l1l I say its a woman's job to pursue a man. Why in the hell would it be our job to pursue a woman?! I would never pursue you or any woman and I never had. If you won't pursue me then I would never pursue you or any woman and I never will.
Women do ignore me, but then pay attention when I'm talking to another women. Then all of a sudden they seem curious, especially when they see the women I'm talking to smiling. Must be a subconscience thing.
When a woman ignores me I only care if she's that one rare girl I'm actually into as wifey material. Otherwise I simply go talk to another woman right in front of her! 😂
The other women's reactions show that you are of value. That is when they get interested. Women typically want the man another woman already has or that has been shown to be of value by their attention.
It's quite tricky. Women, as far as we know, need this validation that comes from other people, especially other women. And so when one woman finds us attractive, interesting and of value, suddenly all women around start to treat us that way. When none of women got eyes on us, then it's bound to stay that way. Now, having said this, to make all the long way short - don't try to impress your dream girl - impress ANY girl, show her your value, be funny. Then your dream girl will come along. World is a nasty place. Especially when it comes to women. Whether you like it or not - it IS a game. You better learn the rules. Well, I'm still learning. Good luck, guys 🙏
@@MGradowskiTripYou need to write a book, we can learn a lot😊.. Nice piece well articulated points worth a read
@@Quantum945 You're welcome, brother 🙏
I'm so used to it, that it doesn't even affect me anymore.
Welcome to stoicism
i walk away and don't feel a thing. apart from walking away from a long term relationship it does bring sadness
Simply WoW on the accuracy of defining S.M's emotional state and feelings. I am sure this is no drag-and-drop textbook content but it comes from an in-depth observation and personal experience. Shout Out to the writer for making me feel so true to reality. 👍
Thank you for these videos. They are reassurance that I've been true to myself many times in the past. Frankly, I'm tired of women coming back to me after they realize how they messed things up by disrespecting me.
Sigma is basically the most mature of all. As a sigma we only accept the girl if she accepts our "advances" Otherwise we disappear quickly.
When asking out a girl that shows interest, my rule of thumb is to only ask once. The first time is an invitation, but the second time onwards is begging. Only spend time with people that actually enjoy your company and bring the best of you, and your life quality will improve, trust me.
When I was younger I would ask 3 times. First "no"... OK, second "no".... bad timing, 3 "no"... she ain't interested. Not anymore. I haven't dated in years but the last ones I asked out were a one time invitation. "No' was accepted and I wouldn't ask again. Not worth my time at that point. Now in the current environment, asking one out more that once after the initial "no" is a risk of being called a stalker, harasser or "weirdo".
That's Smart👊🤣
When my partner ignores me, she thinks she's punishing me, but for me it's quiet time to enjoy some peace!
if thats your relationship you need to re-think your life mate.
@@subterraneanhomesickalienI mean that’s like 90% of marriages dude. If we polled all married men on here you would see. Female Hypergamy wants to constantly secure the best mate, once they have you, the chase is over for them and they start evaluating you based on what you can provide them compared to other males. Sucks. But it is what it is.
A true Sigma is not afraid to be alone. In fact, he would rather be alone than be with someone who does not respect him, or want to be with him.
Na bruh, you just had to.
if woman ignores me i got finally time for myself xD
You don’t have a life I’m sure, you already have all the time in the world
A woman isn’t a priority to a Sigma male. Women ignoring is irrelevant.
Not true if they are already in a relationship and her ignoring him is a sign that there is something wrong.
@@TheEvertw Let me rephrase that. Women and relationships are not a priority to a Sigma male. Having a relationship with a woman doesn’t change any of that.
@u-Doober I wouldn't say relationships aren't a priority. They aren't the ONLY priority, though. A Sigma male will definitely go on a hunt if he is interested in a particular woman, though he will be subtle and methodical about it. She will usually not know she is being hunted.
And once in a relationship, that relationship of course becomes a higher priority than before. He _may_ even skimp on time for his hobbies / friends, for a while.
By being genuine, honest, compassionate and a good listener, Sigmas can make excellent husbands. Except if she becomes manipulative or expects him to change his core for her. But even in those cases, by being frank and honest they can teach their women not to do those things. Sigma's will try to avoid confrontations, but they are not afraid of them either.
@@TheEvertw I am honest. You don’t know Sigma Males.
@@TheEvertw Women are not a priority to a Sigma male. There is no explaining it.
I’m proud and I admit it. If a woman ignores me I will ignore them and if they change their mind I don’t give them a second chance and it’s as simple as that.
If she doesn’t see my quality right from the beginning of our association and I’m interested in her, sending out clues that I like her and she preens and hee-haws then I lose interest very quickly.
I’ve seen videos on Sigma males and that might be what I am but this is how I react to women and relationships.
the sigma male instinctually assumes the Stoic position of not getting worked up by things that are beyond his control, including a woman's indifference to or dislike of him.
Well said. I do similar videos man
I am who I am. Like it or lump it. I'm fine with walking away.
Agree. I do similar videos btw
If she doesn’t like me now, she will not like me later. And I have no desire, or intention, of being with someone who is not interested in me.
Yup I dont be bothered by it....but I am the enemy when I tell her " no I dont do friendzones"
Of course! You denied her a source of free validation and attention! In their eyes, that is unforgivable.
#8 applies to absolutely everyone. You pay back in their own coin. Delightfully!
Like WT said... have too many other creative hobbies, intellectual interests, and projects to pursue to be swayed by a woman's waffling attention span... and like James Taylor sang, "There's nothing like a hundred miles, to make me forget about you" 😎👍
Power to all of us sigmas powerful content peace to the creater
I shrug, go do what I want and never give it a second thought.
True. I do similar videos btw
Women ignore me, I ignore them. I don't need anyone in my life except my family. I could go without a woman for all of eternity.
You are gay. I am not gay at all but I was saying that I ignore women if they ignore me.
@@sarcasticrobot303 You are gay and not me.
Nah just frequent strip clubs if you want female sexual attention. You will get it in abundance.
That way your not their go for
Awesome video brothers
Some girls, know that when you're doing the typical style of ignoring, they have to be on your mind to be "ignoring them" and I'm sure many of you have run into their phenomenon, where your ignoring them just incites them more, and they just don't give up. I'm talking girl in the first row, while you're in the back, and she spins her head around 180 to look at you virtually all class long. You more or less never return it, but she just keeps on. I've had that happen in school and in church both. One odd thing is one girl, in high school did it from the front row like that, but then I had her in another class later, and I never once caught her looking my way in that case, then next day, the earlier class, she's spun around staring at me again (this went on ALL YEAR). I haven't the faintest idea how she passed the course.
Was she cute?
Never argue never fight just go away
These labels are unecessary. A man, through experiences, will mature and not let insignificant games or emotions bother them. As men age and deal with people the maturation process will manifest with wisdom.
These labels are as spot on as the Miers Briggs personality tests. The labels are just words to define a certain male personality/temperament/character profile that is common. There are Alphas, there are definitely Betas, and there are Sigmas.
@@nathanstice8456 There are self-proclaimed alphas, especially in the red pill/manosphere communities, who have beta traits. Betas can turn into Alphas when they wake up, and the "sigmas," supposedly rare, are now all over, just going by the descriptive narrative from presenters of these labels.
All women are gorgeous. What matters is who they are.
This is spot on, I'm currently on the receiving end of this treatment, funny thing is I never expected to "get anywhere " there is no anger or irritation, I feel calm, I will be fine. It's her loss.
4:20 - "He'll simply walk away and move on".
That is not quite true. He may do that, or he may let the woman know that he knows what she is doing and give her the option of behaving more maturely. Depends on whether he might be interested in her.
Disagree. By walking away, a sigma made his point very clearly. Regardless of his level of interest, he will not reach back out to her. If she is interested in him and intelligent enough (the critical point!), she should know she messed up and will try to get his attention again but without the games. Now, whether or not he accepts her it up to the individual man. Immature behaviour is consistent, so that has to be factored it at all times.
@@gabem6863Sigmas are more complex than you think. Even the same person may react to this situation differently at different times.
For this situation, there are four possible actions a Sigma may take: walk away, confront her behaviour, humour her, or start playing with her instead. Sure, walking away will be the most common reaction, but the other three are possibilities as well. Some of the factors it depends on is how well they know each other, and whether the Sigma has through observation found redeeming qualities in her. If the Sigma has decided she is worth the effort, he will not be deterred by her playing "hard to get" but simply engineer the circumstances such that she will not be able to ignore him anymore.
If they ignore me I ignore them. Simple as that. I love when they slide back in a couple months later like “hey we haven’t talked in a while!”
When they ignore you. Threaten me with a good time 😎
I truly like so much this video..
Keep doing content like this 👏
Good job..
Sigmas "cut" Their losses. Very quickly.
Aftet a while, the Sigma realizes she is not worth his time and he unceremoniously LEAVES her. One and done.
Absolutely. I do similar videos Chris 😊
Be glad if she ignores you
Cuz if she won't improve
Being with her will kill your progress 🔥⚡
Everything said in this video was exactly me!
I do similar videos Jason :-)
If she’s not interested she is not interested, she’s allowed to be choosy, sometimes the shop was just temporarily closed, but it’s on her to make the first approach after this. As a self respect but also from a point of logic, I don’t see how degrading myself is going to help the situation.
I've been ignored by a few women before. I decided it's no use to pursue them and in doing so, it'll be a monumental waste of energy. The reason being is that in this case true love, appreciation, mutual respect, and true love are not involved. There's nothing in the relationship work pursuing another thought is that if she ignores you and moves on, she will never be bothered by what you did, why should we?
Nice one, Subscribed. Please keep'em comin...
Thanks for the great video...filled with common sense, but easier said than done. I wish that it would have been possible for me to have seen this decades ago.
DAMN, THANKS FOR THE INFO. I am 73 years old single male no wife, no kids but had 50+ women run thru my life of those only 3 had values I liked. The last one when I walked away I never looked back once.
“Ok sure” is all is needed - way to go brothers/sisters ✊🏾
I did walk away and then the whole factory crashed and my boss got kicked cuz his boss started wondering wtf happened and he found out how I was treated. And now Im back in that job with higher status and lots of special tools and stuff they give me to keep me :)
I've lost 100 plus women just simply standing my ground or using basic logic and skipping the small talk. Women know if they really like you or if they can handle you but sometimes more often than not in today's times, moisten women get extremely pissed when you don't respond to them in ways they are use to.
It's frustrating for them but it's very simple to me
Ignore her back! Move on!
If I get ignored. Proof...and I'm gone. Just like that... disappearing forever...
Women ignore you as a strategy to gain your attention. It freaks them out when you just see it and ignore them.
This happened to me a while back when I visited a place that my friend was known. The waitress welcomed him and ignored me. I wasn't bothered, didn't introduce myself.
Later she kept visiting the table, picked up my serviette that had fallen on the floor, stroked my arm......
The whole thing was about her trying to grab my attention and it floored her when I didn't react as expected. 😄
Sigmas make them work for their attention but women still have to work hard for it 😂
As a Sigma male, I can attest this is the way we function, especially in long term relationships and marriages. It can be a double edged coin though, as she will constantly be coming to him, but he has to be careful not to “breadcrumb” her as we have that tendency.
May God Almighty Grant Everyone a Reliable Partner❤.Calm Down Everyone Emotions and thoughts so it wont Exhaust Them😊
Thanks in Advance to Him
A sigma male always walks in slow motion.
respect to the video maker. Sigma man was born to lead
Women ignore the vast majority of men all the time. Sigma's are not exempt haha. I can attest that the Sigma male will receive a type of interest and attention not shown to Alpha's or Beta's from a certain type of woman. Women who are intelligent, conscientious and embrace their own femininity. HIGH value women. Sadly, there seems to be fewer and fewer of them and those that are single do not remain single for long.
Agree! I do similar videos bro
Very true
True on both points, the difference is how each male personality/temperament type responds when ignored. That’s the major difference and brings out different female responses for each type. Alpha- she gives in eventually/likes the aggressive “abuse”…beta - friendzones him…sigma - takes an ego hit and fixates/pursues him.
The psychological clip that puts a miror infront of anyone who listens splendid
Nice job
Wonderful. True. Thanks.
The idea sounds incredibly easy but will take several instances to perform the action to walk away. I used to have a tough time but the universe wanted to teach me lessons and nowadays, I walk away when a woman does not value what I have to offer.
Thank you!!!
That is me.. Forever
Accurate and accurate for life
At 9:45 was pretty deep, never heard it put into words but it's spot on how I've found myself having to treat these ladies in the workplace and in gas stations (especially this past month). It drives their desperate asses crazy and it's the only way forward. Wild times we're in. Edit- and
very true
When my wife tried ignoring me she became my ex.
WoW, I always tried to figure where I fit In, I always leaned more to an alpha, I never heard this term before, but I fit it to the T
When she tries to make you jump through hoops fer her to acknowledge you, jump through hoops to avoid her.
It's so weird listening to what I was 40 years ago before labels defined individuals.
I am in no way good looking, never was.
Not ugly, just average.
But for some reason I always got the best looking girl.
I went to a dance club I'd never been to before.
I didn't even get to a table when I locked eyes with a gorgeous woman but she had 4 guys hovering around her.
I walked right in the middle, didn't say a word but grabbed her hand and took her to the floor.
Things like this always happened to me and I never understood why until these vids explained almost to a T. what I am.
My wife passed when I was 21 and I always thought the way I kept women distant but always around me was because of not wanting to be untrue to my Terri.
Thanks for letting me rant.
A sigma wouldn't care if he's ignored by anybody.
I've always called myself a "Lazy Outfielder"....I didn't chase women to get them, and I didn't chase to keep them....
“If you have to chase her, she’s not worth catching”
Ironic its a bless to be ignored by modern day 304'
They are doing every SIGMA A huge favour by doing.
Let the Simps settle with them' 😊
I value my solitude.
I enjoy this vids it seems i'm still on the grind,good to know
Present 😊
I try to be a sigma👍
If I get ignored, I just figure "her loss" and walk away.
In the Immortal words of Popeye the sailor man, "I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam.".
Best sign for being a Sigma? Asking him- or herself whether he or she is a Sigma.
how about acknowledging that stereotypes like alpha, sigma, beta were proven to be wrong by the guy who originally came up with those.
Labels mean nothing.
Just learn to enjoy and appreciate the silence.
For me, its a permanent goodbye.....
I hope there are sigma women out there. What a good game of chess that would be.
That's correct, if you of to chase her she's not worth catching.
As to point 7: there is less value in a celebrity then in the janitorial staff at my office so I would say treating someone like a celebrity is an insult.
Fuck chasing women....They are just humans in an enormous opportunity to invest in the right one....Be charming, if you are, and leave it at that. Tread carefully brothers.
The more they want you to chase, the more they want to ultimately dominate and control you....making a fool of you. Focus on your own success. The rest will fall into place naturally.
Amazing.. 10 of 10 again. Them wimen that obviously will not go along what do I care about them? There are so many wimen out there. Something that I noticed a long time a go: most men where pushing their head against the wall it must it must, no it will not.
Me keept moving..
If Sigma males are ignored, and they are in for a game, they may start engineering situations where he meets the woman in a natural circumstance, and get to know her better. That gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his sincerity and intelligence. Many women will melt as a result, and stop playing their silly game. Usually he is smart and subtle enough for her not to get the idea he is stalking her, though of course he is. But as we are not emotionally dependent on her, usually they don't feel threatened by our way of stalking.
I know that when my wife of 16 years gave me the cold shoulder, I found plenty of opportunities to meet her, usually in the company of friends. I even organized group-outings just for that purpose. It was a happy hunt, with an even happier result. That was 18 years ago.
Women are different now, though. A quality woman may melt at that kind of move, but those are far and few between now- a critically endangered species. The majority will still go into "he is a stalker" mindset. Your wife was and is obviously a high quality woman. Congrats on have such a woman by your side.
@@gabem6863 I sure got lucky! But I didn't say that I had been looking for a truly worthwhile woman for 25 years...
Women ignoring us sigmas doesn't bother us that much. We got our own sigma pride on and don't care.
I stopped mid sentence and walked away many times because i was being ignored during a conversation.
On to the next even though it may not be easy at first. After a short time she will become a forgotten memory. The trust is broken and they can never come back. No 2nd chances period
And this is why fiction movie ain't even necessary because of the necessary reality that exists in truth bless
Kings never ask the ladies of his realm for their hand for it is a given that the answer will be yes.
I am never bothered being ignored through pre school and elementary school I get so much attention you would think I was a president a king or a person who can sing 🎤 it feels incredible singing it front of millions but if I have a sow at work keep pressing humanity with something that illuminates extremely importantly I feel like Mike Tyson training but off and when the show closes there will be no close offs and close curtains 🥊
Sigma INFJ - close the door or slam the door & walk away - not worth wasting my time or getting a headache on - either they want to be with me or not - i have other things more important than groveling or wasting time chasing them
The absolute joy of being ignored!
In this case i think: thank you GOD that you protected me. 😊
If im ignored, i see it as a bullet dodged. My life goes on