Very interesting figure! It’s nice to see the traditional design for Scumbug since the only real exposure I have to many of the TMNT characters now is through the Mutant Mayhem/Tales line. Sometimes I’m sort of indifferent to the glow-in-the-dark figures, but this one really pops! ~Damon
This will probably be my next TMNT🪳GITD figure that I pick up...🤘🏼💯✔️
Nevermind the cartoons in the ole days. This is some quality Saturday mornin viewing. Top one Nice one
Very interesting figure! It’s nice to see the traditional design for Scumbug since the only real exposure I have to many of the TMNT characters now is through the Mutant Mayhem/Tales line. Sometimes I’m sort of indifferent to the glow-in-the-dark figures, but this one really pops!
Great figure.