Fun Fact: There were originally 12 entrees in this list but I removed one to shorten it to now just 11. So that character is super forgotten haha anyways, thanks for watching! Don't forget to LIKE the video and check out the awesome narrators in the description or right here: Bluelavasix: Mr. Davis: New videos coming soon like Shitty Ripoffs, Scary Movies, and more Serious Issues! :D
they also had blossom fall in love a self insert character of one the writers (yes, they had a child fall in love with an avatar for an actual 30 year old man). the writers are awful in so many ways
Intern_Dana That one is a bit more debatable. They designed a nerd character and realized, 'Hey this actually looks like one of our coworkers. Let's have him voice the guy' and it hasn't been the first time one of the Powerpuff Girls fell for an older character, Buttercup had a crush on Ace in the original. I still hate the 2016 version though.
Ms. Bellum was the best! As a kid I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that she was shapely, or had a seductive voice. The Mayor couldn’t do his job well without Ms. Bellum. I’ve not see the reboot, but I think I’ll definitely avoid it now.
+POODALOO TTG was an abomination anyway. Not to say there aren't good bits, some good music, etc from time to time. But it's by and large a giant dumpster fire bastardizing a fantastic and beloved show. And they know it too.
It's funny, actually. When Sara Bellum was around, the girls always seemed to have been more confident, wise, and capable as female characters and heroes in their show. Without their Sara Bellum, they devolved into the meme-mess we see them now, however. It's a real shame, since despite how provacative Sara Bellum was, she was one of the few women in the show I took serioursly, even as a kid.
She reminded me of Bayonetta. A sexualized representation that is empowered as a character because they weren't arbitrarily used to devalue her. She had a voice, something to say and wasn't just another pretty face. Literally.
Yeah, I can agree for the most part. She was one of the only stably aired female characters in the show that was a grown woman and not a child. Though she never had a lot to say and they never showed her face, it seems she DID have quite an effect on the show. Their kindergarten teacher character I guess was a constant too but I don't think now as an adult that I could name off a meaningful scene she was in from my childhood. :/
I felt the same way. It just goes to show that these political agendas are being pushed for the sake of themselves, rather than to protect children. We aren't stupid, we can recognize a strong character and we accept their design as part of their identity. Really saddening to see this character go.
"We removed miss bellum because she sends little girls a sexist message" Also writers: Has the powerpuff girls twerk Also writers: Blossom has relationship with man that looks like head writer
What exactly is inherently sexist about twerking, though? And don't say it's because it equates to them teasing with their butts because that may be sexualized, but not sexist. There's a difference. Nothing about twerking is automatically sexist. I don't really see what would be a sexist message about that caracter but I haven't watched that show at all so I wouldn't really know. Just please understand that a woman (or a man for that matter) moving their body in a certain way that emphasizes a feature you personally find attractive is absolutely not an inherently sexist thing to do and if you want to use that word, do all of us a favour and maybe look up its definition for once.
"We felt like Ms. Bellum wasn't quite indicative of the kind of messaging we wanted to be giving out at this time." *proceeds to allow the 4-year-old powerpuff girls to twerk*
considering that the writing for the new powerpuff girls isn't the best, im personally glad they got rid of ms. bellum; at least they can't screw her character up like they did for the others
If the PPG reboot really thought Ms. Bellum was "inappropriate," they should have reanimated her appearance rather than get rid of her. The idea of her character was to give the girls motherly advice at times that were needed.
That and to show that a woman could be Beautiful (curvy with a luscious voice) as well as smart. They went out of the way to hide her face for that very reason stating that the attractiveness of her face was irrelevant (though they did occasionally have other characters in the show occasionally remark how pretty her face was) and show she could be Beautiful and smart as well.
Because apparently the message PPG wants to send to young girls is that you should be ashamed of having curves or traditionally sexy appearances. So much so that you shouldn't even be seen. Wtf. It'd be different if the character used her looks to get away with being an idiot or was an otherwise negative representation of femininity.
miss bellums WHOLE POINT is that she is "hot" but also smart, sophisticated, and strong. like she more so runs townsville than the mayor does and that is the POINT. she shows young girls you can be both hot and smart. her face isnt shown because showing her body is supposed to "objectify" her but we all know she is more than just a hot body
Just a tid bit. Her name is a homophone of cerebellum. The part of the brain that literally controls all the vital non conscious functions of the body.
Exactly! She was always one of my favorite characters as a kid. and, they seem to not realize... kids don't sexually objectify things. they just see them as characters.
I'm kind of upset that Miss Bellum was removed. I also have the same idea that she was removed because modern parents found her "too provocative" for today's television.
Zwaks that’s bull crap She actually sends a pretty good message out Yea, she’s a little curvy, but she doesn’t act like a dumb model and her personality is very interesting
Jmaal Strong, I would have no problem with showing her face. But I just want to say they blat-boarded Miss Keane in this new series. If you look at her, she has no feminine qualities, she just look liked a barrel with a human head. How demeaning is that? By attacking your feminine role models, you are only attracting attention to how PC and feminist the show is. What was wrong with miss Keane and Miss Bellum? They were undoubtedly the moral center of the show, the wisest of the wise, the voice of reason. Why is it that guys can see this but the fat ugly women that ruined them see only sexism and demeaning? Isn't that in itself morally wrong?
That's what I find funny. She was one of the smartest characters of the show, had a important role, and was attractive. The reason she was removed was because of new wave feminism, that supports the idea that a woman can't be any of those things, so to avoid backlash they removed her. It's sad things have come to this.
Roosevelt Franklin is proof that you cannot please all of the people all of the time. If they had given Roosevelt a "Black" speech pattern then there would've been complaints of stereotyping the character.
Awww... I can’t believe that my beloved “Mammy Two Shoes” didn’t make the list. That amazing, beautiful black woman had such a wonderful way of keeping Tom (of Tom and Jerry fame) in line with a broom, mop, rolling pin or whatever else was handy. 😂
The Charlotte Braun image was a joke that referred to a common phrase in entertainment--"She got the Ax" or "She got axed"--which is often used when a character is abruptly removed from a comic, TV show, or play.
"The character was scrutinized for either being too black, or not black enough." This really got to me. I mean, are you even supposed to speak or act a certain way in order to be black, white, or any other nationality? I'm Filipino but speak fluent English.
And remove some breasts. Disgrace to feminism. Even Craig's wife (MLP creator) is a feminist too. Oh gawd! I heard some mob rushed to the studio for 3 seconds. *feminist chanting intensified*
Regarding Eric Cartman's father, I think the producers will never reveal that mystery, because it is fun and keeps the audience entertained. Regarding his sister... well as you said, she was meant to be a character, but failed because of air time. Those 6 minutes changed the whole show LMAO.
@@katelynthewhitewerewolf6376 not really. From what I know, the episodes 200 and 201 were aired back in 2010, which would've definitely been before this videon was made.
King Wildfang Productions That's the case with most intros since it's animated by another studio.Its pretty common in animation and anime, especially with Toei
I still don't understand the reason for removing Miss Bellum. Modern parents? What modern parents? Those are the same parents who were ok with their kids watching original PPG and all other cartoons from the early 2000's. Suddenly, they got more sensitive as they got older. Stupid parents.
Yes PPG is nearly 20 years old not 50 YEARS OLD. Some of the kids who watched the original are still minors ya know (youngest would be today is about 16+). I'm not speaking of young parents (18 - 20's.) I am speaking of the parents who are entering their 50's or 60's. Who were there at that time and let their young kids watch original PPG and were ok with it. Some even watched the show with the kids. So why make such a big deal out of it now in all the wrong reasons? Like removing Miss Bellum and making the remake so heavily SJW. The remake isn't horrible but it isn't good either.
If the show was around when I was a kid in the 1970's and early 80's my parents would have thought she was cool and probably would have seen her as a good role model as she is female, good looking (for a cartoon) and very very smart. .... And they would have really really enjoyed the play on wording for her name. These days parents are too hyper sensitive about the most silliest things. Let your kids enjoy their childhood people .... Wrapping them in cottenwool as they used to say won't save them from the realities of life when they need to know about it further down the line . I'm a woman and these feminists make me sick !! You can be s strong smart female (and lesbian like I am ) without being an obsessive feminnazi !! My mother was a strong smart female (from a long line of strong minded women ) and she would have loved Ms. Bellum !! Bring back Ms. Bellum .... We all miss her!! Chriss from the UK!!
I just said the same thing! Like.... What parents? The kids that watched the OG PPG are now the parents. I don't see use tripping about Ms. Bellum. I'm more upset she's gone. Something not adding up.
Pretty sure that statement refers to different groups of people's criticism with no single individuals being on both sides simultaneousely. Nobody making both complaints at the same time.
RoachDoggJR /Raven .... That's what I loved about her name when she was in the show . The name is genius !! And so apparently was she . Silly fools couldn't handle a character with looks as well as smarts. Wonder what her head would have looked like... I always wondered that! Chriss from the UK!!
Elijah ..... Thankyou for the science lesson but I already know that 😜❤️. I'm just saying I wondered what her head looked like . If she was as nice looking as her body that's all. So thanks for the comment . Have a good holiday season now and a great new year !! Chriss
So they removed Sara Bellum because they didn't want to send girls a message of "Even if you are hot you are still strong, capable and smart" instead they want to send a message of if you are Strong, smart, and sexy you get fired.
Meya Enyo Wow. They are so sexist! There are people like Beyoncé who are absolutely stunning. They really shouldn't be sending that message to children!
You could argue that the same thing happens with any character Ash meets in an episode. He waves goodbye with his friends at the end of the episode and tells the character that he meets “we’ll meet again one day,” but they never appear again.
I never understood why they removed Porygon entirely and didn't just change the effects. It was the effects, not the pokemon itself. They should've kept him in and just redid the episode. Now that I think about it, don't creators have to see the final product before it airs? Why would you not take the rapidly flashing frames into consideration??? That sounds like more than just a mere editing mistake to me...
As someone that deals with that sort of thing, [a 'friend' told me last night he thinks it's FUNNY to mess with people with both light and sound], if you don't have those sorts of issues, something that wouldn't be an issue. For example, just to type this comment, I'm using 0% brightness and a program called Hacker Vision to make ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the white areas on my screen black.
"Not indicative of the messaging..." Please. Bellum's messaging is that, 'sexy' or not, she was the most competent damn person around and respectable as such. That's on-point messaging in any era.
Yup. She's truly a great example of what a strong woman is.... I wouldn't even say that she was a "damsel in distress". She helped the mayor a lot, and she fought the villian Sedusa by herself. There's that, along with Sara Bellum outsmarting her.....and the Powerpuff Girls didn't contact her until later on in that episode! lol
But she IS notably sexy. Her body is drawn in a way that clearly is supposed to depict maximum attractiveness, you cannot possibly argue that. It's not happenstance. Whether or not the underlying message that this is the body that's desirable if you want to play as important a role in life as she does connects with children at all, I personally find it understandable that the authors found this concerning. Yes she's also smart and witty and whatnot, but her physical appearance is no coincidence and the authors worried that a narrative correlation could be drawn. I understand that, maybe because I'm not some demented fanboy of this show who considers any changes a violation.
RangerOfAlcyone This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. You're essentially implying that White = Racist. Do you crybabies think these statements out before you regurgitate them? Or do you just like playing the victim, no matter how nonsensical and dumb you make yourself sound?
The popular definition of "racism" has been modified by Those Who Are Not White to be specific to those with the authority to enforce their racial prejudices, AKA the ones who have the most power, AKA Those Who Are White, relegating the former definition to what I once heard (comedian) Paul Mooney refer to as "The White Dictionary". That way, if you are not White, you can hate or distrust others because of their race, absolved from acknowledging that yeah, you're a racist too.
It was tongue-in-cheek to a fan who he knew of... Charlotte was going to be removed because of Lucy and Sally, who are really Charlotte combined. With Charlotte he had a one sided character, with two, he had a chance to explore the feelings of both in more detail. While the letter, appears harsh, it appears Schulz knew this person or at the least, got letters before, he was simply being tongue-in-cheek to someone who he knew of. And she kept the letter, which suggest that she knew he wasn't being serious and very likely found it funny. People today, tend to take offence to anything. Schultz, was known to joke in his letters and be very helpful to fans wishing to learn the trade, many of his letters has hand-drawings of his characters (Most common was Snoopy and Woodstock), so this was common. What made this one letter unique it had Charlotte drawn on it. I myself have one where Lucy is dancing with Charlie Brown. :D
Hey Arnold is a bit darker and has realistic moments. Not everything in life ends up in a happy moment. As an adult I can truly appreciate Hey Arnold more than I did as a kid.
A lot of old (and not so old) shows are still worth watching for what you miss in your adolescence. Even MLP, which I get a lot of flack for watching as a male, has some life lessons that some people nowadays need to relearn.
Danger Dash - It's good to give them all a fair shot, but if you're not into it then move on. If you have a lot of interests and responsibilities then you don't have the time to watch everything. It's best to spend your time on the ones you like first and then branch out from there.
Might've taught Timmy something 😆. To be fair, if not for the fact that Crocker II's addicted to fairy hunting and handing out F's, he might actually properly teach something. Not only that, but the neglectful parents aren't all that helpful either
You could make a whole video of Peanuts characters that disappeared. With 49 years of comics, minor characters came and went all the time. But Charlotte and 5 are definitely notable ones (also, 5’s twin sisters 3 and 4, also seen in A Charlie Brown Christmas).
I like the voice actress for Sparky, because she was the villain Snaptrap on Tuff Puppy. I hope she didn't get too much hate over the character she voiced. It's not her fault the writing in Fairly OddParents became obnoxious.
12:35 Jorgen Von Strangle: you don't want that one he's not too bright Timmy: that's not a nice thing to say about the dog Jorgen Von Strangle: I was warning the dog about you the best thing I have ever heard.
Kind of hypercritical that the makers of the power Puff girls removed Mrs bellum claiming that it wasn't the message they wanted. But would go onto making the girls twerking and joking about old memes
So... If Franklin had spoken a little more "black", then he would have been deemed acceptable? Thats total nonsense. And what I he hadn't spoken the way he did? Would he have been accused of being a caricature? Rigmarole.
I agree, if anything, she should have been brought back, in ALL her feminine glory, but, I guess that's what happens when you have too sexy a character in what's supposed to be a kid's show, alarms go off and sponsors have to be mollified, usually by removing, or, toning down, said character. Look at the treatment Minerva Mink got?!? Ditto, Betty Hoop.
What about Rachel Wilson aka Tobias' sister from The Amazing World of Gumball? She has not appeared since season 1 because some staff members didn't like her.
How about Launch from Dragon Ball? She was a reoccurring character in the original series, but she then disappeared for most of Dragon Ball Z only making a brief appearance towards the end of the series. The reason? The creator of Dragon Ball, Akita Toriyama, admitted that he just straight up forgot she existed.
djmo66 Dragon Ball isn't a cartoon, it's a manga/anime. Plus she is still shown/mentioned in the video games and she appeared in "Yo! Son Goku and his friends return!" a few years before Battle of Godd
Mystic Melody Anime and cartoon are the same thing. The word "anime" is Japanese for "cartoon", so it means that they refer to the ALL cartoons (including their own).
Yeah, but she was removed first from the manga, and since the anime is an adaptation, they had no choice other to can her as well. This is a list of characters that were removed from tv directly, for reasons beyond source material
"Too dark for the light-hearted peanuts series" Have you ever actually read Peanuts? It's a horrifically dark treatise on despair, melancholy and futility. Before it became "Snoopy and Friends" it was one of the bleakest comics in print.
the whole idea of the peanuts is, that they are children, but with adult problems. So the comic relates to both kids and adults. It really was a brilliant break from the mold of what cartoons and comic strips were like, for the time.
Adding Chloe into The Fairly Odd Parents was a bad move in my opinion, she has changed the whole plot to the point were she has to be featured in every episode to make the plot work.She has also changed the opinions of many who watch the show, she kinda reminds me of Dee Dee from Dexter's Lab, except more annoying and more prevalent.
Ms. Bellum's absence is a huge kick in the stomach for myself (HUGE fan of PPG) because she was a absolutely huge role model for being more than a pretty face. She was smart, capable, independent, and often had fun scenes. I do get tweaking her image a little, but just dropping her feels all kinds of messed up.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that they got rid of Miss Bellum especially if they got rid of her just because she was gorgeous and sounded good that is so petty let's face it she was the closest thing they had to Mother besides their teacher come on now
They also got rid of their teacher's breasts and lipstick. The thinking was that they wanted to completely desexualize the series to avoid any accusations of sexism. Instead it just made long-term fans hate it, and ironically shoved the two most feminist characters to the side.
if they really want a female character to hate, why not direct that towards the very clearly one off feminist character, Femme Fatale...actually now that I think about it they probably want her to be forgotten cause shes the literal interpretation of the modern day feminist. Spoiled, arrogant, extremely misandric as well as extremely hypocritical.
I feel sorry for Porygon from Pokemon because he was forbidden from being mentioned due to an incident that not only happened in an episode (his only appearance in the franchise) that caused people to seizures, but also because of an incident that wasn't even his fault.
Amazing how the African-Americans complained that Roosevelt Franklin was offensive because he spoke PROPER ENGLISH!? Right, a kid that pays attention in school? What a terrible role model! Did anyone think maybe he spent his time after school watching "The Electric Company"?
ikr wtf are they talking about. Not every black person has to speak in Ebonics. I have met many black people who, because of where they were raised(a mostly white family/neighborhood), spoke very eloquently or, as the people said, like your typical white american.
@@ogre589 Nothing satisfies people like that. Go to the "top 10 most racist cartoons" or something like that by watchmojo and you'll hear how it's racist because it abuses the african american stereotype that they speak ebonics. Make up your fucking mind people.
I literally just had someone on Instagram try to insult me for speaking with proper grammar and punctuation. I'm not the most educated person, but it baffles me that people criticize one another for speaking "too proper". How is that even an insult??
@@johnalddrumph456 This is starting to sound more like Idiocracy. If you don't what that movie is...a brief rundown. A man and woman are put into cryogenic freeze and then forgotten. 500 years later and their pods are dropped and broken open. As the two are walking around and the two begin talking to each other, while they are speaking normally, the people around them are speaking like morons. The morons hear them and start criticizing them(and attacking them) for talking too intelligently.
Remove Me.Bellum because of the messaging kids would take from her, yet promote promiscuous behaviour through twerking and other degenerate acts in the new show. Makes sense.
My opinion, the new series was like what they did to Teen Titans, they more or less dumb down the series. Since she were the only true intelligent character in the original series, she didnt fit.
did Solar Sands tell you that, I feel as if Solar was the first to make the point about "early" people, so whenever i see people say ontime i think of him...
so the directors of the new power puff girls think that ms bellum was a bad choice for the new show but having pre school aged girls twerking is perfectly fine and for those who don't know that is how old the power puff girls are they are pre school aged children
These characters all came and served their purpose, and I'm all worried about the Amazing World of Gumball's Rachel Wilson. She only had one major role in The Party, and in Season 2, she's erased out of existence with no reason besides "we dislike her."
I know, but that was just a subtle mention, I want her to get a series of her own, maybe there'll be a big surprise about her when Gumball ends but it's been so many years she deserves something after all this time.
No, Porygon was removed because there was an episode that had flashing lights, Porygon causing it, and it gave many children seizures. That's why Porygon was 'forgotten'.
I'll miss Roosevelt from the Sesame Street series. In a sea of passive characters, his assertive confident nature stood out, and he may have been many a white middle-income's introduction to black culture. Sadly, the easiest answer is to not offend anyone, even if this means not having a black character as a Muppet on Sesame Street.
People get offended all the time. People that try to force removal of a character all because they wanna enforce a stereotype does nothing but ruin creation and, believe it or not, endorse stereotypes.
Hah, yeah. A strong role model is against the message that Powerpuff Girls was portraying, but a twerking bear was entirely necessary. As for Sparky, all I ever remember is a Simpsons episode that parodies that exact trend. I only saw a couple of episodes with Chloe, but she isn't terrible from that.
thompse412 she is horrible, her main thing is "petty my because it's hard to be perfect! Waaa!" Also they now act younger, though that part could just be me
Craig McCracken, the show's creator seems to be a fan of the movie. The Dude, Walter and Donny make a cameo in one of his other shows, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
Fun Fact: There were originally 12 entrees in this list but I removed one to shorten it to now just 11. So that character is super forgotten haha anyways, thanks for watching! Don't forget to LIKE the video and check out the awesome narrators in the description or right here:
Mr. Davis:
New videos coming soon like Shitty Ripoffs, Scary Movies, and more Serious Issues! :D
blameitonjorge who was #12
I fought there would be 10
blameitonjorge yeah who?WE MUST KNOW
Who was it Jorge
So they removed Bellum because of her body and voice?
Yet, they kept the episode where the powerpuff girls twerk???
I swear im not a pear RIP Ms. Keen's boobs.
They chopped them off
I swear im not a pear because were tighter than bark on a tree
I swear im not a pear I remember that
they also had blossom fall in love a self insert character of one the writers (yes, they had a child fall in love with an avatar for an actual 30 year old man). the writers are awful in so many ways
Intern_Dana That one is a bit more debatable. They designed a nerd character and realized, 'Hey this actually looks like one of our coworkers. Let's have him voice the guy'
and it hasn't been the first time one of the Powerpuff Girls fell for an older character, Buttercup had a crush on Ace in the original.
I still hate the 2016 version though.
Ms. Bellum was the best! As a kid I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that she was shapely, or had a seductive voice. The Mayor couldn’t do his job well without Ms. Bellum. I’ve not see the reboot, but I think I’ll definitely avoid it now.
the reboot includes the powerpuff girls twerking. definitely avoid it if you dont want your childhood ruined
Me neither. My mom wasn't happy though.
bellum was great. i always thought it was funny they never showed her face and related it to the peanuts show where you never see the adults
The Mayor couldn't do his job without her period. 🤣
exactly! she was my favorite character 😔
Miss Bellum left because she was too good for the reboot.
Yeah the reboot is retarded
They ruined they entire show in general so it wouldnt have made any different
True, this did spare her from becoming stupid and annoying like everyone else.
Mask Gamer Everything
Actually removing Sera Bellum was a pun on the fact they removed the brains in the writing for the 2016 series.
Omg i just got that now, from all my years watching ppg this is the first time i knew about that
That is downright hilarious
that's exactly true!!! whoa!
Those damn name puns, and Ace Attorney threw a whole truckload of them at me.
IS ANYONE GONNA TALK ABOUT HOW HE HAS 666 LIKES?!?!??!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
what, you mean having 5 year olds twerk on screen was their message all along.
Maybe they thought it was going to be funny to an older audience. It is just money grab after all.
I found that so inappropriate. What were they thinking?
TickleMeTrish 13 -_-
TickleMeTrish 13 jkjk
+POODALOO TTG was an abomination anyway. Not to say there aren't good bits, some good music, etc from time to time. But it's by and large a giant dumpster fire bastardizing a fantastic and beloved show. And they know it too.
It's funny, actually. When Sara Bellum was around, the girls always seemed to have been more confident, wise, and capable as female characters and heroes in their show. Without their Sara Bellum, they devolved into the meme-mess we see them now, however. It's a real shame, since despite how provacative Sara Bellum was, she was one of the few women in the show I took serioursly, even as a kid.
She reminded me of Bayonetta. A sexualized representation that is empowered as a character because they weren't arbitrarily used to devalue her. She had a voice, something to say and wasn't just another pretty face. Literally.
especially the missing face part was interesting... I guess so children could imagine themselves into this person
Yeah, I can agree for the most part. She was one of the only stably aired female characters in the show that was a grown woman and not a child. Though she never had a lot to say and they never showed her face, it seems she DID have quite an effect on the show. Their kindergarten teacher character I guess was a constant too but I don't think now as an adult that I could name off a meaningful scene she was in from my childhood. :/
That's what usually happens when you cut out your Sara bellum...
I felt the same way. It just goes to show that these political agendas are being pushed for the sake of themselves, rather than to protect children. We aren't stupid, we can recognize a strong character and we accept their design as part of their identity. Really saddening to see this character go.
"We removed miss bellum because she sends little girls a sexist message"
Also writers: Has the powerpuff girls twerk
Also writers: Blossom has relationship with man that looks like head writer
Yeah like wtf
What exactly is inherently sexist about twerking, though? And don't say it's because it equates to them teasing with their butts because that may be sexualized, but not sexist. There's a difference. Nothing about twerking is automatically sexist. I don't really see what would be a sexist message about that caracter but I haven't watched that show at all so I wouldn't really know. Just please understand that a woman (or a man for that matter) moving their body in a certain way that emphasizes a feature you personally find attractive is absolutely not an inherently sexist thing to do and if you want to use that word, do all of us a favour and maybe look up its definition for once.
Jonas Helmke Twerking isn’t sexist, but it is sexualized.
Writers: WeLL iTs NOt oUr FaULt
@@jonashelmke2564 go watch netflix's cuties
"what makes a man...Sara Bellum."
I finally get the joke. The brain makes the man.
Big Lebowski parody.
That actually makes it even sadder tbh.
Can someone provide more context to this for me because i dont get it. im slow sometimes.
@@jakeryan776 Sara Bellum is the name of his assistant. Sara Bellum sounds like Cerebellum (the thinky thinky smart part of the human brain)
@@amyschildgamerlive4519 Thanks you for that now i can laugh too that is super funny and clever
"We felt like Ms. Bellum wasn't quite indicative of the kind of messaging we wanted to be giving out at this time."
*proceeds to allow the 4-year-old powerpuff girls to twerk*
tHaT MakEs SEnSe .
Charly Oddsox it's the equivalent of the Purity rings from South Park. As long as they're hopped up on happiness drugs they can do whatever.
Charly Oddsox Ikr
*procceeds to send the wrong message by removing the teachers boobs* because thats logical right
That's how the media convinces your stupid parents to let you watch and imitate it.
considering that the writing for the new powerpuff girls isn't the best, im personally glad they got rid of ms. bellum; at least they can't screw her character up like they did for the others
Intern_Dana EXACTLY
Intern_Dana ooh
Ripjaws from Ben 10 got removed from the reboot recently.
remember when Simpsons was good?
Yeah if they kept her, she might have fallen for one of the writers in some weird fanfictiony way *wink wink nudge nudge*
Ms. Bellum is just too cool for today's standards.
BenjiXAddictX4Ever that's a better excuse. 👍😁
BenjiXAddictX4Ever Yeah, it's more of a blessing, because that's just one less great character ruined by cartoon network.
BenjiXAddictX4Ever You are from Charmx
BenjiXAddictX4Ever she escaped the cancer. She will always be a big part of my childhood.
BenjiXAddictX4Ever damn, from charmx to blameitonjorge, we're everywhere 😂
If the PPG reboot really thought Ms. Bellum was "inappropriate," they should have reanimated her appearance rather than get rid of her. The idea of her character was to give the girls motherly advice at times that were needed.
That and to show that a woman could be Beautiful (curvy with a luscious voice) as well as smart. They went out of the way to hide her face for that very reason stating that the attractiveness of her face was irrelevant (though they did occasionally have other characters in the show occasionally remark how pretty her face was) and show she could be Beautiful and smart as well.
Well they proved something when they removed the boobs of ms. Keane
Because apparently the message PPG wants to send to young girls is that you should be ashamed of having curves or traditionally sexy appearances. So much so that you shouldn't even be seen.
It'd be different if the character used her looks to get away with being an idiot or was an otherwise negative representation of femininity.
Yeah she is attractive looking but she still had a great character
All I want is a show all can enjoy again
miss bellums WHOLE POINT is that she is "hot" but also smart, sophisticated, and strong. like she more so runs townsville than the mayor does and that is the POINT. she shows young girls you can be both hot and smart. her face isnt shown because showing her body is supposed to "objectify" her but we all know she is more than just a hot body
Just a tid bit. Her name is a homophone of cerebellum. The part of the brain that literally controls all the vital non conscious functions of the body.
Rob DC....ooooo, very clever...., No really.
the rowdy ruff Boy's aren't in the 2016 reboot
Rob DC I just realized that. I don't think that I knew that her first name was Sara as a kid, though.
Exactly! She was always one of my favorite characters as a kid.
and, they seem to not realize... kids don't sexually objectify things. they just see them as characters.
Sara Bellum = Cerebellum
"The brains behind the man"
Jacob Miller damn I didn’t think about that.
Reminds me of Isabelle from Animal Crossing.
You play as the "mayor", but Isabelle does all the work.
I was wondering who else got the pun
Very clever, creator of PPG…
Not knowing the latin names for the brain parts, I thought it was a reference to ParaBellum ("prepare to war" and famous bullet caliber)
I'm kind of upset that Miss Bellum was removed. I also have the same idea that she was removed because modern parents found her "too provocative" for today's television.
Zwaks that’s bull crap
She actually sends a pretty good message out
Yea, she’s a little curvy, but she doesn’t act like a dumb model and her personality is very interesting
Right? It's like, come on. This is not the time nor era to regress to the damn Puritans. They were wrong then, and they'd be wrong now.
Not parents, just fat ugly women who didn't want to see perfect women in cartoons.
Jmaal Strong, I would have no problem with showing her face. But I just want to say they blat-boarded Miss Keane in this new series. If you look at her, she has no feminine qualities, she just look liked a barrel with a human head. How demeaning is that? By attacking your feminine role models, you are only attracting attention to how PC and feminist the show is.
What was wrong with miss Keane and Miss Bellum? They were undoubtedly the moral center of the show, the wisest of the wise, the voice of reason. Why is it that guys can see this but the fat ugly women that ruined them see only sexism and demeaning? Isn't that in itself morally wrong?
What was wrong with them was exactly what Jmaal said, they never showed Miss Bellums face. Only her body. that wasn't ok.
"You will have the death of an innocent child on your hands. Can you accept such responsibility?" Dude was a goddamn savage.
yeah mrs bellum, how DARE you be attrative AND have an important job.
ratatat cat and super intelligent
That's what I find funny. She was one of the smartest characters of the show, had a important role, and was attractive. The reason she was removed was because of new wave feminism, that supports the idea that a woman can't be any of those things, so to avoid backlash they removed her. It's sad things have come to this.
*"IT SeT UNreAliSTic ExPEcTatIOnS!!"*
ratatat cat and for being strong and a good influence
@@tomcruise7319 Funny enough, new wave feminism strays far from the original idea, and sorta insults the whole movement, putting a bad name on it
Roosevelt Franklin is proof that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
If they had given Roosevelt a "Black" speech pattern then there would've been complaints of stereotyping the character.
Exactly! That's why catering to people, especially the multitude of overly-sensitive types, is not a good choice to make, creatively.
Awww... I can’t believe that my beloved “Mammy Two Shoes” didn’t make the list. That amazing, beautiful black woman had such a wonderful way of keeping Tom (of Tom and Jerry fame) in line with a broom, mop, rolling pin or whatever else was handy. 😂
Don Eduardo I was expecting her to be #1
Hey she wasn't always a black woman! In one appearance she was a blackbear lol
“I was warning the dog about you”
Lol, that’s the best roast ever
I was so pissed when they removed Ms. Sara Bellum. The original PPG was literally part of my child hood and I loved Ms. Sara Bellum
Katlyn Dobransky IKR
Actually there was another power Puff girls before that it was like a anime or something but yeah I like ms.bellum
Same here.
Nahira Fluker Powerpuff Girls Z, right?
The Charlotte Braun image was a joke that referred to a common phrase in entertainment--"She got the Ax" or "She got axed"--which is often used when a character is abruptly removed from a comic, TV show, or play.
Jesus I forgot how long Ms. Bellum’s neck was lmao
Freddie Thompson me too
She got the giraffe neck
Freddie Thompson it's over 9000!!!!!!!!!
the top 10 everying she doesnt have one eye her bangs are just covering it
Freddie Thompson and how danm thin it was
Freddie Thompson maybe bellum is Garrett
"The character was scrutinized for either being too black, or not black enough."
This really got to me. I mean, are you even supposed to speak or act a certain way in order to be black, white, or any other nationality? I'm Filipino but speak fluent English.
Stereotypes my man, stereotypes.
Nakaka badtrip dba? Tanginang politically correct culture yan.
Im filipno
It's literally a puppet, people don't have to get so worked up
Welcome to identity politics.
The loss of Miss Bellum is the main reason I don't watch Powerpuff girls (and bc the reboot is horrible).
The whole reboot is the reason why I hate reboots. There are IMPOSTERS!
And remove some breasts. Disgrace to feminism. Even Craig's wife (MLP creator) is a feminist too.
Oh gawd! I heard some mob rushed to the studio for 3 seconds. *feminist chanting intensified*
Chawa tbh
First Teen Titian’s, then ben 10, then powderpuff girls
Chawa yes
Regarding Eric Cartman's father, I think the producers will never reveal that mystery, because it is fun and keeps the audience entertained. Regarding his sister... well as you said, she was meant to be a character, but failed because of air time. Those 6 minutes changed the whole show LMAO.
Watch 200 and 201
Yeah Scott's dad is Cartman's dad although this might've been made before that.
@@katelynthewhitewerewolf6376 not really. From what I know, the episodes 200 and 201 were aired back in 2010, which would've definitely been before this videon was made.
So miss Bellum got removed for having a seductive voice and her looks....yet CN has added twerking to the 2016 reboot?
It seems like there is twerking in all the reboots. It's on Tenn Titans Go, too.
GamerNick 16 exactly. ThAT's lOGic!
Nah,they are just sexist.
Don't forget the transgender controversy, and the pedophilia too
SomeWeirdoThatLikesJapanese Crap how are they sexiest the show is about 3 girls put into a powerful place
People were mad because there was a black character that spoke regularly?
Eye..... the clown noises you just made
No, they were mad because thy made a stereotypical African American character which os especially rude to do id your not actually black
@@maddievicky He was voiced by Matt Robinson... a black man.
We don't talk about the Powerpuff Girls reboot.... Also, you forgot to mentioned they removed Ms. Keen's boobs
Mystic Melody number 12 Ms.Keen's boobs
M Clemons the best character
King Wildfang Productions That's the case with most intros since it's animated by another studio.Its pretty common in animation and anime, especially with Toei
Whoops, I've already talked about it so many times
The PPG 2016 show, not Ms. Keen's boobs
I still don't understand the reason for removing Miss Bellum. Modern parents? What modern parents? Those are the same parents who were ok with their kids watching original PPG and all other cartoons from the early 2000's. Suddenly, they got more sensitive as they got older. Stupid parents.
PPG is nearly 20 years old. Modern parents *grew up* on the original.
Yes PPG is nearly 20 years old not 50 YEARS OLD. Some of the kids who watched the original are still minors ya know (youngest would be today is about 16+). I'm not speaking of young parents (18 - 20's.) I am speaking of the parents who are entering their 50's or 60's. Who were there at that time and let their young kids watch original PPG and were ok with it. Some even watched the show with the kids. So why make such a big deal out of it now in all the wrong reasons? Like removing Miss Bellum and making the remake so heavily SJW. The remake isn't horrible but it isn't good either.
If the show was around when I was a kid in the 1970's and early 80's my parents would have thought she was cool and probably would have seen her as a good role model as she is female, good looking (for a cartoon) and very very smart. .... And they would have really really enjoyed the play on wording for her name.
These days parents are too hyper sensitive about the most silliest things. Let your kids enjoy their childhood people .... Wrapping them in cottenwool as they used to say won't save them from the realities of life when they need to know about it further down the line .
I'm a woman and these feminists make me sick !!
You can be s strong smart female (and lesbian like I am ) without being an obsessive feminnazi !! My mother was a strong smart female (from a long line of strong minded women ) and she would have loved Ms. Bellum !!
Bring back Ms. Bellum .... We all miss her!!
Chriss from the UK!!
Rozetta Vyper it’s not the parents, it’s the freaking SJWs
I just said the same thing! Like.... What parents? The kids that watched the OG PPG are now the parents. I don't see use tripping about Ms. Bellum. I'm more upset she's gone. Something not adding up.
1:00 her hair stopped but her neck kept going...
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice
Kodarpy omg 😂
Kodarpy finally someone else who noticed that
“ too black” or “not black enough”
If you’re going to complain about something, pick a damn side.
Pretty sure that statement refers to different groups of people's criticism with no single individuals being on both sides simultaneousely. Nobody making both complaints at the same time.
@@jonashelmke2564 still, just goes to show you can't please everybody
Certifiied Twitter moment
Ms. Bellum isn't forgotten…
Ms Bellum was a beautiful woman but also strong, brave, and intelligence. She wasn't sexist. It was away of saying not just a pretty face.
[REDACTED] [REDACTED] your right
Sara Bellum. Cerebellum. BECAUSE SHE SMART
RoachDoggJR /Raven .... That's what I loved about her name when she was in the show . The name is genius !! And so apparently was she . Silly fools couldn't handle a character with looks as well as smarts. Wonder what her head would have looked like... I always wondered that!
Chriss from the UK!!
@@memorialled_zeppelin-warew1346 She's the brains of the operation.
Chriss Cevert well the cerebellum is actually for fine tuned motor skills. Posterior, just inferior in placement to the occipital lobe
But ya still part of the brain so the pun still counts
Elijah ..... Thankyou for the science lesson but I already know that 😜❤️. I'm just saying I wondered what her head looked like . If she was as nice looking as her body that's all. So thanks for the comment . Have a good holiday season now and a great new year !!
So they removed Sara Bellum because they didn't want to send girls a message of "Even if you are hot you are still strong, capable and smart" instead they want to send a message of if you are Strong, smart, and sexy you get fired.
Meya Enyo, Lol, makes alot of sense when you think about it.
Meya Enyo Wow. They are so sexist! There are people like Beyoncé who are absolutely stunning. They really shouldn't be sending that message to children!
alexandra galici the government wants everyone politically correct. Damn, even right wing feminists play the victim😂
You could argue that the same thing happens with any character Ash meets in an episode. He waves goodbye with his friends at the end of the episode and tells the character that he meets “we’ll meet again one day,” but they never appear again.
Huh. That makes sense
Porygon died for Pikachu’s sins.
I hope in Pokémon journeys, Porygon and it’s evolutions will make a return
F in the chat people !
justein da potato F
@@Alan_Marin I did actually hear about that in articles
@@sneaker_thistle F
I never understood why they removed Porygon entirely and didn't just change the effects. It was the effects, not the pokemon itself. They should've kept him in and just redid the episode. Now that I think about it, don't creators have to see the final product before it airs? Why would you not take the rapidly flashing frames into consideration??? That sounds like more than just a mere editing mistake to me...
Ironically, it was Pikachu who caused the seizures, Porygon was just a scapegoat.
Porygon got the blunt of the punishment when it was Pikachus fault
+Samantha’s chernis It was Pikachu causing the explosions, poor Porygon got blamed for no reason.
Samantha Chernis I don’t understand why 600 people in the us didn’t get seizures from bishipp getting shocked from pickachu
As someone that deals with that sort of thing, [a 'friend' told me last night he thinks it's FUNNY to mess with people with both light and sound], if you don't have those sorts of issues, something that wouldn't be an issue. For example, just to type this comment, I'm using 0% brightness and a program called Hacker Vision to make ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the white areas on my screen black.
The Flying Dutchman from Spongebob he hasn't made a appearance since 2011.
RigbyFTW yeah
neither has patchy the pirate
TigerCat AJ Oh yeah I forgot about that. But we haven't seen him in a while.
I still don't understand why they call him DUTCHman and yet he doesn't speak one Dutch word in the English dub of Spongebob.
"Not indicative of the messaging..."
Please. Bellum's messaging is that, 'sexy' or not, she was the most competent damn person around and respectable as such. That's on-point messaging in any era.
Yup. She's truly a great example of what a strong woman is....
I wouldn't even say that she was a "damsel in distress". She helped the mayor a lot, and she fought the villian Sedusa by herself. There's that, along with Sara Bellum outsmarting her.....and the Powerpuff Girls didn't contact her until later on in that episode! lol
But she IS notably sexy. Her body is drawn in a way that clearly is supposed to depict maximum attractiveness, you cannot possibly argue that. It's not happenstance. Whether or not the underlying message that this is the body that's desirable if you want to play as important a role in life as she does connects with children at all, I personally find it understandable that the authors found this concerning. Yes she's also smart and witty and whatnot, but her physical appearance is no coincidence and the authors worried that a narrative correlation could be drawn. I understand that, maybe because I'm not some demented fanboy of this show who considers any changes a violation.
Roosevelt was seen as "too black" or "not black enough" even though he's fuckin purple
His hair was black.
Precisely what I was thinking. Some people just love to complain.
RangerOfAlcyone This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. You're essentially implying that White = Racist.
Do you crybabies think these statements out before you regurgitate them? Or do you just like playing the victim, no matter how nonsensical and dumb you make yourself sound?
The popular definition of "racism" has been modified by Those Who Are Not White to be specific to those with the authority to enforce their racial prejudices, AKA the ones who have the most power, AKA Those Who Are White, relegating the former definition to what I once heard (comedian) Paul Mooney refer to as "The White Dictionary". That way, if you are not White, you can hate or distrust others because of their race, absolved from acknowledging that yeah, you're a racist too.
God Damn. Charles M. Schultz was a savage
It was tongue-in-cheek to a fan who he knew of... Charlotte was going to be removed because of Lucy and Sally, who are really Charlotte combined. With Charlotte he had a one sided character, with two, he had a chance to explore the feelings of both in more detail. While the letter, appears harsh, it appears Schulz knew this person or at the least, got letters before, he was simply being tongue-in-cheek to someone who he knew of. And she kept the letter, which suggest that she knew he wasn't being serious and very likely found it funny. People today, tend to take offence to anything.
Schultz, was known to joke in his letters and be very helpful to fans wishing to learn the trade, many of his letters has hand-drawings of his characters (Most common was Snoopy and Woodstock), so this was common. What made this one letter unique it had Charlotte drawn on it. I myself have one where Lucy is dancing with Charlie Brown. :D
God Damn. Luciano Martinez is so trendy
Literally only clicked to make sure Eric Cartman hasn't been a figment of my imagination for two decades
like matt and trey would EVER get rid of cartman
Lmao the thumbnail got me confused when Eric was on it
Me too
nah, that was cartma's sister and father
2:18 “Are you surprised by my tears? Strong men also cry. Strong men also cry.”
Miss Bellum should be revived. She shows that just because she is Stunning doesn’t mean she is stupid and only good for eye candy.
RIGHT!!!! She was like...... the smartest character in the show.
*Strong men*
*Also cry...*
*This is black text*
Yup. He's right.
Ricky Dawn I have TH-cam on dark mode so I see only white text
@@shibavekreal same dude
Hey Arnold is a bit darker and has realistic moments. Not everything in life ends up in a happy moment. As an adult I can truly appreciate Hey Arnold more than I did as a kid.
I always related to Helga even growing up as an only child.
A lot of old (and not so old) shows are still worth watching for what you miss in your adolescence. Even MLP, which I get a lot of flack for watching as a male, has some life lessons that some people nowadays need to relearn.
Danger Dash - It's good to give them all a fair shot, but if you're not into it then move on. If you have a lot of interests and responsibilities then you don't have the time to watch everything. It's best to spend your time on the ones you like first and then branch out from there.
Juichi True, just throwing my 2 cents out there.
Honestly going to rewatch it because I always thought this
My older cousin was more of a fan than I was and kinda felt that that was why
Me just trying to look at the comments
Comments: S A R A H B E L L U M
"I was warning the dog about you". Ok, for one of the biggest mistakes in Nick history, that was pretty funny.
and the *"HAH"* afterwords tho.
(i can't right now XD)
Might've taught Timmy something 😆. To be fair, if not for the fact that Crocker II's addicted to fairy hunting and handing out F's, he might actually properly teach something. Not only that, but the neglectful parents aren't all that helpful either
say what you will about the other characters of the fairly odd parents now but they still got it with jorgon XD
Honestly, That’s Karma For All Those Who Hated Sparky. They Get Chloe
You could make a whole video of Peanuts characters that disappeared. With 49 years of comics, minor characters came and went all the time. But Charlotte and 5 are definitely notable ones (also, 5’s twin sisters 3 and 4, also seen in A Charlie Brown Christmas).
Spike. Lila.
I like Sparky.....
I despise that blonde girl they added.....
I like the voice actress for Sparky, because she was the villain Snaptrap on Tuff Puppy. I hope she didn't get too much hate over the character she voiced. It's not her fault the writing in Fairly OddParents became obnoxious.
I agree. I liked how excited Sparky was. I mean, come on! HE'S A DOG.
my opinion
Jorgen Von Strangle: you don't want that one he's not too bright
Timmy: that's not a nice thing to say about the dog
Jorgen Von Strangle: I was warning the dog about you
the best thing I have ever heard.
Kind of hypercritical that the makers of the power Puff girls removed Mrs bellum claiming that it wasn't the message they wanted.
But would go onto making the girls twerking and joking about old memes
The Boss Stage1 Old memes?
The Boss Stage1 Not to mention the writer who self inserted himself just to ship with his waifu Blossom
Mystic Melody Wait that's a thing?
Colton Wiley yep and its as creepy as it sound
Pepsi Man *shudders*
So... If Franklin had spoken a little more "black", then he would have been deemed acceptable? Thats total nonsense. And what I he hadn't spoken the way he did? Would he have been accused of being a caricature? Rigmarole.
Gina Bby actually i'm glad they did so she can not be ruined like the other characters
Gina Bby Actually thats a good idea. I don't want her to be ruined
Duke Animates the reboot is ruined lol makes zero sense to reboot a show only to remove characters lol(:
I agree, if anything, she should have been brought back, in ALL her feminine glory, but, I guess that's what happens when you have too sexy a character in what's supposed to be a kid's show, alarms go off and sponsors have to be mollified, usually by removing, or, toning down, said character. Look at the treatment Minerva Mink got?!? Ditto, Betty Hoop.
What about Rachel Wilson aka Tobias' sister from The Amazing World of Gumball? She has not appeared since season 1 because some staff members didn't like her.
Sad since they even had a place for forgotten characters called the void, made some episodes about it, and she didn't even show up there.
@@kiwikarp9509 tobias mentioned she went to college in Darwin's yearbook
@@ftynt8698 Well, it's nice to know that she wasn't erased from existence.
Rachel Wilson is enrolled in a college, it's mentioned in 'Darwin's Yearbook'.
How about Launch from Dragon Ball? She was a reoccurring character in the original series, but she then disappeared for most of Dragon Ball Z only making a brief appearance towards the end of the series. The reason? The creator of Dragon Ball, Akita Toriyama, admitted that he just straight up forgot she existed.
djmo66 Dragon Ball isn't a cartoon, it's a manga/anime. Plus she is still shown/mentioned in the video games and she appeared in "Yo! Son Goku and his friends return!" a few years before Battle of Godd
Mystic Melody Anime means animation in Japanese. Plus, Pokemon is an anime too, and that did make it on the list.
Mystic Melody Anime and cartoon are the same thing. The word "anime" is Japanese for "cartoon", so it means that they refer to the ALL cartoons (including their own).
Yeah, but she was removed first from the manga, and since the anime is an adaptation, they had no choice other to can her as well. This is a list of characters that were removed from tv directly, for reasons beyond source material
And although I watched the entire DB-Z-GT series, so did I :p
"Too dark for the light-hearted peanuts series" Have you ever actually read Peanuts? It's a horrifically dark treatise on despair, melancholy and futility. Before it became "Snoopy and Friends" it was one of the bleakest comics in print.
the whole idea of the peanuts is, that they are children, but with adult problems. So the comic relates to both kids and adults. It really was a brilliant break from the mold of what cartoons and comic strips were like, for the time.
your video alwsys have that creepy atmosphere regardless of the topic and i gotta say i love it Keep It Up Georgie i appreciate every video you made
CN: Ms. Bellum's body and voice is offensive and inappropriate for children!
*adds twerking in 2016*
Adding Chloe into The Fairly Odd Parents was a bad move in my opinion, she has changed the whole plot to the point were she has to be featured in every episode to make the plot work.She has also changed the opinions of many who watch the show, she kinda reminds me of Dee Dee from Dexter's Lab, except more annoying and more prevalent.
i know right if they did't have any more ideas they could of stuck with sparkey
At Least Dee Dee Has Her Moments Of Intelligence Often Giving Dexter Helpful Advice
Dee Dee Was Actually Relevant To The Plot. Chloe Is Just A Cheap Cash Grab For More Viewers.
Unpopular Opinions did they cancel FOP?
Yes. She did cancelled the show. Only to find out that the creator left Nick to CN. I hope he will make good shows IF he still have a chance.
They’re mad because the puppet wasn’t a stereotype??? 😒
Apparently, he was a stereotype and not a stereotype at the same time...
Wow. I guess people even got triggered back in the 70s. Who knew??
Starz But Albert Einstein and Mister Rogers were dope.
Tell that to Detroit! or South Chicago!
Glenn Lego in a century they say America will mirror Brazil. It's so sad.
Ms. Bellum's absence is a huge kick in the stomach for myself (HUGE fan of PPG) because she was a absolutely huge role model for being more than a pretty face. She was smart, capable, independent, and often had fun scenes. I do get tweaking her image a little, but just dropping her feels all kinds of messed up.
I completely agree I loved her as a character.
Thank You!! I was dyin laughin when I heard that!!!
"Are you surprised by my tears!? Strong men also cry! Strong men.. also.. cry!!" xD
Well, that's just like your opinion, man.
Thank you!!!
You mind if I do a J?
I'm going to give you the same advice your parents gave you. Get a JOB, sir!
*i really hope Chloe has the same fate*
*Everyone hopes that, my child...*
Cartoony Draws Me too
I haven't watched FOP in a while, so can someone explain to me WHY Timmy had to share Cosmo and Wanda with Chloe?
Monique Star Because there are no more fairies left and too many kids that need them
TGC Productions Life is Strange reference?
the whole thing with porygon being removed was bs. that was all pikachu's fault
Grace Garthok they can’t ban Pikachu because he’s the series mascot
I say just ban the episode and still have Porygon & later evolutions appear
Or remove or replace the flashing parts.
I will always miss Miss Sara Bellum... She was one of my favorite characters on the original. Partly cause the mayor was very much a moron.
"I was warning the dog about you!"
background: HAH
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that they got rid of Miss Bellum especially if they got rid of her just because she was gorgeous and sounded good that is so petty let's face it she was the closest thing they had to Mother besides their teacher come on now
They also got rid of their teacher's breasts and lipstick. The thinking was that they wanted to completely desexualize the series to avoid any accusations of sexism. Instead it just made long-term fans hate it, and ironically shoved the two most feminist characters to the side.
if they really want a female character to hate, why not direct that towards the very clearly one off feminist character, Femme Fatale...actually now that I think about it they probably want her to be forgotten cause shes the literal interpretation of the modern day feminist. Spoiled, arrogant, extremely misandric as well as extremely hypocritical.
Gregory from South Park the movie that came out in 1999 should be at number 1 because he hasn’t been seen in over 18 years
MrBrandonstar that British kid I think it was
Tombstone is the perk you need To survive pip
Or christophe..technically he shouldn't be dead since kenny wished for everything to go back to normal...he should come back he is great
I always found it weird that Gregory and The Mole only appear in the movie
Nibblet erased from canon I guess
Charlottte had an axe in her head because she was axed from the comics :)
Even I could figure that out.
@@patricklee1633 well sometimes people don't get the joke and need to think about it more
"I was warning the dog about you."
I know what happened to Sparky.
He had to go. His planet needed him.
I was surprised they didn't call him poochie to begin with.
MultiBeerme I’m 9 months late but I just wanted to say this is the most underrated comment in history
I hope he died on his way back to his home planet
Salvador R. Salcido WHY
@@SalvadorSalcido why though?
strong men also cry.....
Mind if I do a J?
I feel sorry for Porygon from Pokemon because he was forbidden from being mentioned due to an incident that not only happened in an episode (his only appearance in the franchise) that caused people to seizures, but also because of an incident that wasn't even his fault.
Amazing how the African-Americans complained that Roosevelt Franklin was offensive because he spoke PROPER ENGLISH!?
Right, a kid that pays attention in school? What a terrible role model! Did anyone think maybe he spent his time after school watching "The Electric Company"?
ikr wtf are they talking about. Not every black person has to speak in Ebonics. I have met many black people who, because of where they were raised(a mostly white family/neighborhood), spoke very eloquently or, as the people said, like your typical white american.
@@ogre589 Nothing satisfies people like that.
Go to the "top 10 most racist cartoons" or something like that by watchmojo and you'll hear how it's racist because it abuses the african american stereotype that they speak ebonics. Make up your fucking mind people.
I literally just had someone on Instagram try to insult me for speaking with proper grammar and punctuation. I'm not the most educated person, but it baffles me that people criticize one another for speaking "too proper". How is that even an insult??
@@johnalddrumph456 This is starting to sound more like Idiocracy. If you don't what that movie is...a brief rundown. A man and woman are put into cryogenic freeze and then forgotten. 500 years later and their pods are dropped and broken open. As the two are walking around and the two begin talking to each other, while they are speaking normally, the people around them are speaking like morons. The morons hear them and start criticizing them(and attacking them) for talking too intelligently.
I think those were white do complaining though which would make it very ironic
*I have to go now, my planet needs me*
note: Poochie died on his way back to his home planet
*+Saoirse Berry* ...Are you okay?
Peanuts character killed by ax attack. Canon.
Axe not ax
@@RareHandle It can be spelled both ways.
Did NOT expect to find you here.
"...the death of an innocent child on your conscious."
....DAAAAAMN, Charles!
Remove Me.Bellum because of the messaging kids would take from her, yet promote promiscuous behaviour through twerking and other degenerate acts in the new show. Makes sense.
My opinion, the new series was like what they did to Teen Titans, they more or less dumb down the series. Since she were the only true intelligent character in the original series, she didnt fit.
Baddah Boom
You know else why bosco never returned? Because he went back in the pen.
Jude Robson hahahaha. ha. ha woohoo
dayum, Charles Schultz was brutal!
The new power puff girls is trash
Twigg & Rae what next is water wet
Let's look on the bright side she was spared from the reboot.
And "Teen Titans Go" both of those shows need to go back to basics, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network needs to get there heads back together 😒 smh
Collin was just like a Movie-Only character. I don't think they ever thought of him continuing in the show.
people aren't early, they're on time
the real retro gamer they're* ... and you edited this?
Zoie H 😶
did Solar Sands tell you that, I feel as if Solar was the first to make the point about "early" people, so whenever i see people say ontime i think of him...
* Likes video before I start watching it because Jorge never fails to impress *
hella blush
I blame it on jorge for making me Subscribe to this channel!
16:42 But I bet you if Franklin had a black person voice people would complain that “It’s racist”
so the directors of the new power puff girls think that ms bellum was a bad choice for the new show but having pre school aged girls twerking is perfectly fine and for those who don't know that is how old the power puff girls are they are pre school aged children
These characters all came and served their purpose, and I'm all worried about the Amazing World of Gumball's Rachel Wilson.
She only had one major role in The Party, and in Season 2, she's erased out of existence with no reason besides "we dislike her."
but she was mentioned in "the matchmaker"
I know, but that was just a subtle mention, I want her to get a series of her own, maybe there'll be a big surprise about her when Gumball ends but it's been so many years she deserves something after all this time.
She was one of my favorites
Porygon was never forgotten!
Who is porygon?
( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
Bork! Pre evolution of porygon 2 and z
Its not seen as much tho
No, Porygon was removed because there was an episode that had flashing lights, Porygon causing it, and it gave many children seizures. That's why Porygon was 'forgotten'.
Deal with it porygon should have never been banned. Like if you agree
R.I.P Sara Bellum 😪
She didn't die, she got retired.
@Tr3lynverse yes
I'll miss Roosevelt from the Sesame Street series. In a sea of passive characters, his assertive confident nature stood out, and he may have been many a white middle-income's introduction to black culture. Sadly, the easiest answer is to not offend anyone, even if this means not having a black character as a Muppet on Sesame Street.
People get offended all the time. People that try to force removal of a character all because they wanna enforce a stereotype does nothing but ruin creation and, believe it or not, endorse stereotypes.
Same he was my most favorite and so was Ingrid.
Hah, yeah. A strong role model is against the message that Powerpuff Girls was portraying, but a twerking bear was entirely necessary. As for Sparky, all I ever remember is a Simpsons episode that parodies that exact trend. I only saw a couple of episodes with Chloe, but she isn't terrible from that.
thompse412 she is horrible, her main thing is "petty my because it's hard to be perfect! Waaa!" Also they now act younger, though that part could just be me
thompse412 that woman was the person who controlled the Powerpuff Girls series, now it's gone haywire.
"Do you know what it is that makes a man, Girls?" The Mayor's lines were from The Big Lebowski!
Craig McCracken, the show's creator seems to be a fan of the movie. The Dude, Walter and Donny make a cameo in one of his other shows, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
Joe Weatherford Seriously? That's so cool! 😀
If you make another one of these add Venus De Milo from the TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Man all of his videos have a somewhat Creepy vibe but don't blame me
Blame it on Jorge!!!!!
Booty O Jay I thought I was the only one who got that type of feeling. I like it though.
Zionna Edwards So do I
Doctor Science Wizard Or maybe the music idk
Booty O Jay day one ish
Esteban Martinez The Us
Why can't I blame it on Jorge?
Mr Alternator blame it on the black kid Bosco :^)
Mr Alternator I blame all these characters disapearnce on Jorge
I blame the ppg reboot on cartoon network, or whoever put the show on air. Same goes for Ms. Bellum ;)
RichChanLikesTacos Don't forget about Teen Titans Go and Teen Titans Season 6
What about Pip, from South Park?
Bobby Fett nah, they kill him off in season 14
how did that happen again? i don't remember
he gets stepped on by mechastreisand in part two of some two parter in season 14
Bobby Fett he will never coming back i will miss him😭😭😭😭
+Milomondo. Damn I forgot about Ned! He was such a funny character with his voice box. They should have kept him on.