We specifically bought the replica to model the rifle cases. That was the perspective from which we made the video. We feel like we outlined the replica pretty well, but sorry if it wasn’t up to your expectations.
Really been considering getting one of these for the WWII display in my house. Don't have a real Garand yet, but if I did I'd keep it in a gun safe or some other secure spot, so this seems like the best option for my "museum." Only thing that's keeping me from (pun intended) "pulling the trigger," is that they left off pretty much all of the "bells and whistles" like the adjustable sights, rear hatch for the cleaning kit, safety, and ability to take an original bayonet or en bloc clip. There are airsoft Garands that retain these features and relatively still look like the real rifle, but they are more expensive and I do not know if it makes sense for me to buy an airsoft gun when I do not even play. Might just break down and buy the Denix.
Lol what. A rack grade is $700 from the CMP. An expert grade is $1125. What are you smoking? Starting at $1200? They have inoperable display ones for less too. I understand the reason for the replica here but man they don't start at $1200
Thanks for your humbly-presented, informative comment! We make cases for multiple rifle models and I’m always happy to learn all I can about each of them. When mindlessly quoting the price of Garands, I was unaware the CMP was still selling any that low (last I’d heard they were around $500 but that was several years ago) and was loosely basing it off what I’ve seen lately at Militaria and gun shows. In at least the last 2 years I have not seen a price tag on an M1G lower than $1000- most have been considerably more. Incidentally, I must be honest about one thing: contrary to my proclaimed status as a “cool dude” I must admit I haven’t smoked for years. Decade(s) actually.
@@russjordan243 i like you lol. Yeah the CMP I think is running low. Some racks are rough. But they're still chugging along. They have racks with new stocks now for $800 range as well. They have display only models too like I said. But $200 for this looks reasonable
@@nobody4821the biggest draw on the Denix replica for me was that I’d much rather lose it than any real rifle, regardless of value. I’d hate to think I’d be arming any scumbag who stole it. If he did steal it I’d pray he got a serious case of Garand thumb attempting to load it.
@@russjordan243 yeah a small shop here in the absolute sticks had a break in scare recently. Lotta fuckos out and about. I'm concerned about my own stuff. Thinking about replacing my bedroom door with something beefier for added break in deterrence as that's where all my shits at. landlords be damned
A replica might make a great decoy. Or get one of those cheap sheet metal “safes” and put some fake jewelry and “tribute” silver and gold plated coins in there along with a replica or two like this. Display it prominently where it can be seen quickly. Chances are anyone breaking in will think he hit the jackpot and crank the safe door open, or just take the entire safe if it’s light enough. Meanwhile, your good stuff remains in some super-secret hiding spot, perhaps even in a real safe much less out in the open, covered by a sheet in the laundry area or something.
I mistook this as being about the rifle, not the box.
My mistake.
We specifically bought the replica to model the rifle cases. That was the perspective from which we made the video. We feel like we outlined the replica pretty well, but sorry if it wasn’t up to your expectations.
Really been considering getting one of these for the WWII display in my house. Don't have a real Garand yet, but if I did I'd keep it in a gun safe or some other secure spot, so this seems like the best option for my "museum."
Only thing that's keeping me from (pun intended) "pulling the trigger," is that they left off pretty much all of the "bells and whistles" like the adjustable sights, rear hatch for the cleaning kit, safety, and ability to take an original bayonet or en bloc clip. There are airsoft Garands that retain these features and relatively still look like the real rifle, but they are more expensive and I do not know if it makes sense for me to buy an airsoft gun when I do not even play. Might just break down and buy the Denix.
i think the garand is one of the coolest guns
Does the bayonet work on the replica? Im Loving the case btw!
Hi Gunny, yes, the bayonet will go right on there. Thanks for your feedback on the case!
Lol what. A rack grade is $700 from the CMP. An expert grade is $1125. What are you smoking? Starting at $1200? They have inoperable display ones for less too. I understand the reason for the replica here but man they don't start at $1200
Thanks for your humbly-presented, informative comment! We make cases for multiple rifle models and I’m always happy to learn all I can about each of them. When mindlessly quoting the price of Garands, I was unaware the CMP was still selling any that low (last I’d heard they were around $500 but that was several years ago) and was loosely basing it off what I’ve seen lately at Militaria and gun shows. In at least the last 2 years I have not seen a price tag on an M1G lower than $1000- most have been considerably more. Incidentally, I must be honest about one thing: contrary to my proclaimed status as a “cool dude” I must admit I haven’t smoked for years. Decade(s) actually.
@@russjordan243 i like you lol. Yeah the CMP I think is running low. Some racks are rough. But they're still chugging along. They have racks with new stocks now for $800 range as well. They have display only models too like I said. But $200 for this looks reasonable
@@nobody4821the biggest draw on the Denix replica for me was that I’d much rather lose it than any real rifle, regardless of value. I’d hate to think I’d be arming any scumbag who stole it. If he did steal it I’d pray he got a serious case of Garand thumb attempting to load it.
@@russjordan243 yeah a small shop here in the absolute sticks had a break in scare recently. Lotta fuckos out and about. I'm concerned about my own stuff. Thinking about replacing my bedroom door with something beefier for added break in deterrence as that's where all my shits at. landlords be damned
A replica might make a great decoy. Or get one of those cheap sheet metal “safes” and put some fake jewelry and “tribute” silver and gold plated coins in there along with a replica or two like this. Display it prominently where it can be seen quickly. Chances are anyone breaking in will think he hit the jackpot and crank the safe door open, or just take the entire safe if it’s light enough. Meanwhile, your good stuff remains in some super-secret hiding spot, perhaps even in a real safe much less out in the open, covered by a sheet in the laundry area or something.
Maybe the gap was caused by the case?..
The gap in the upper hand guard area was like that when we received it.
companion, unusual ,bye. ;)
Is there a website where i can pick up one of these crates?
Hi, Tennesseetraveler.net. It’s not an automated checkout but there is contact information. Thanks