Akai! This product is beyond amazing and it brings you instantly back to the 80's. There have not been a product like this since the 80's unfortunately. A big hand for Akai! Keep up the good work, guys! This new line has a lot of potential and can easily become a "thing" like the DX-7 or the Synclavier/Fairlight became then it was released back in the day. Some suggestions to add to the new line: - Expansion board with 16 VCF's, 16 VCA's, envelopes and analogue LFO's with midi sync (with many different types of sample and hold waves) - Feature for drawing your own waveforms - A 88 key version with either a premium hammer weighted Fatar- or Kawai keyboard mechanism - Expansion board with fully featured analogue mono synth - Expansion board with fully featured analogue poly synth with 5 to 8 or 16 voices. - Expansion board with more Midi ins and outs and CV/Gate inputs - Expansion board with hardware 8 bit or 12 bit ADC and DAC converters for that vintage 80's sound (no emulation) Cheers Daniel, host of Eat and Listen channel
I would love to see an 88-key version with Fatar-type keys! If Yamaha conceived something like this it would combine all varieties of Reface synths into one package, perhaps as the Yamaha MP 6 (61 keys,) MP7 (76 keys) and MP 8 (88 keys) with the full-color display from the PSR-SX700 and 900, the MODX and Montage and Genos.
So great. Love where Akai is going and really appreciate the ongoing investment in the MPC series - the hardware investment keeps getting better. Version 2.11 on my MPC Live is awesome.
This is what I call FAN service. I love it... The MPC's are already great machines and now... comes this. It's as if someone over at AKAI read my dreams. Congratulations AKAI, now a 76 keys... and I would be in heaven.
They need to release a 88 key flagship version for me to trade in my Fantom 8. As a piano player I need at least 76 keys. The production system is a dream come true, it has everything the Fantom lacks. I’ll keep my eye on new releases from Akai for sure.
Well it's about time Akai !! Thank you for putting those line in jacks so I can hook up my turntable for sampling...Now it's a "standalone"!!...unlike the mpk249 that I picked up in 2016..it's been sitting in its box for six years mainly because the lack of those line in jacks.. I have modular gear too so a big thank you for the cv and gate jacks !! Here's the question; can I trade in my mpk249 and pay the difference for this new Mpc key 61?? 😉😉 😁 Side note: when I bought the mpc 2000 back in 1998 I always wondered why there was never a version of the mpc with a keyboard like the asr 10... but, here we are... 👍🏼
Dang! I'm so deep and invested so much into the Native Instruments' Komplete/Maschine eco-system that I never look into anything else. Well, that's until this AKAI Key 61. Yeah, I may have to start making space both in my studio and my wallet for it. 😊 Great job AKAI!
this concept sounds awesome! Thanks for the video. My thoughts as a blind musician are, of course, focussed on its accessibility. I doubt that the touch screen is in any way accessible via speech synthesis. However, can anyone tell me if the software (preferably for Mac) is accessible? Does this work station integrate in Logic Pro? Ideas are welcome. Greetings from Germany.
We definitely need updates on more mixing capabilities and workflow. And better arranging Audio clips and midi In the daw & standalone. 16:30 . Loving these new updates and products! Definitely hyped on all the new stock sounds we got. We got everything now! Synths, Strings, Pianos! I love it! We need more bass plugings! SYNTH BASSES, ACOUSTIC BASSES, ELECTRIC BASSES GUITARS, AND ACOUSTIC & ELECTRIC GUITAR PLUGINS TOO!!!!!!!! Love u added AMPS FOR REAL GUITAR RECORDS BC THERES A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF GUITAR PLAYERS AND IM ONE OF THEM. love this mpc. Im bout to update rn! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Will there be an hardware expansion for the MPC key 61. Like an expansion board with either 8 or 16 analogue filters? Will where be other keyboard sizes like 88 hammer weighted keys for this line up? Cheers Daniel, host of Eat and Listen channel
I think some dope features will be stretching the sample across the keys like you could with the ASR and some kind of serato sample features or integration.
There has to be a fast way to Key Grouping Sample Chops across the keyboard right? I wanna see Samples across all 61 keys like I used to do on the Korg Triton Studio 76 Key...👑✨👑
I bought the live II, I kinda wanted the X but I needed the battery portability. If Akai does an MPC key49 Live that would be totally dope for me. 49 key MPC with battery and built in speakers
Hey what settings were the Time Correct recording on during this beat 12:00 ???????????????????? That’s how i been trying to record my swings at. So It doesn’t sound too perfect
Seems fairly straight but the hi hats are on 32nd rolls which is really nice and easy to do with note repeat. For that dope swinging off grid grooves you should check out J Dilla.
I’m not an MPC guy but have been really interested in seeing the Keys 61. But I have come to the conclusion that what I would really like is the composing and sounds potential but without the keyboard (and at a lower price accordingly). I already have some great keyboards that I could use via usb/midi, so a box that was effectively an MPC Keys without the Keys would be great. I don’t think any of the existing MPCs are quite the same.
Next gen mpcs we need premium analog preamps and analog circuitry incorporated. Like how the neve got mariner transformers and . Premium Balanced inputs and outputs
@@jimmyr.landry2085 how so ? What do you know about them ? They don’t seem that great in the live 2 . Im buying the new Ams Neve interface it’s fire 2 channel mobile pre. Im going to use that with my mpc cuz they both should be class compliant
I am probably not the only one in the far reach of asking this but I’d like to know if there will be a 73/76/88 version of this keyboard. I am a gospel/R&B musician and I do a lot of 10-14 finger chords and the 61 isn’t enough.
The way I see it the Akai Pro MPC Key 61 is rather like a Teenage Engineering OP-1 on steroids! It offers a mega-ton of features including synths, arranger, sequencer and sampling capabilities for no more money!
Bought 1 a few weeks ago. I love it. I will say,...that Being an avid user of the Mpc's touch screen functionality it would be well appreciated if when in "Sample Edit" mode you were able to quickly touch the screen and the Q-Link functionality followed. I feel the inclusion of this feature would be a real workflow improvement for those who choose to use the touch screen for inputting functions rather than clicking through the Q-LINK button to get to the same point. Want to edit sample start? easy touch sample start on the screen and waaa laaa the Q-Links are in place for that specific adjustment...want to edit sample end..simply tough sample end on the screen and q links follow without having to cycle the q link button and so on. Thanks hope this feature is considered.🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
You forgot to add a separate earphone volume control for the people using studio monitors. It annoying switching back and forth. Also what up with the 7 plugin max? Other than that. 👊🏾I love it.
I am new to the MPC world so pardon me if I sound like a total noob but I am more of a Finger Drumming and also Step Sequencing guy. Is it also possible to Step Sequence your drums? That would be huge for me tbh.
This is dope..game changer. I got the Renaissance ans the Live 2. But soon I will get this one too.. producing without a computer is super cool. By the way a 49keys version would be nice instead of 61 keys
I need it....the only thing i think would have been a dope addition would have 8 or 16 motorized faders but they allow to connect a usb mixer anyway...
This does indeed appear to be the ultimate "everything under one roof" production board. The "renaissance" board, I would dub it. The dawning of a new breed of hybrid workstations which truly consolidates the entire songwriter's workflow with everything that modern technology provides. However, does it have vocoder capability? You know, to be able to sample the human voice and then run it through digitized morphing effects, such as "robot voice?" Because if this system lacks a dedicated vocoder, then it got *ALMOST* everything consolidated, and I would therefore remain torn in my current pro/con considerations between either springing for this Akai MPC Key 61 or Roland's Juno DS series, particularly the flagship DS88 which has *88* keys and not 61.
AKAI, why not put FORCE LAUNCH MODE and ARRANGER on this workstation??? I'm very sad!😞 It makes perfect sense to use them on this workstation. Is it planned to bring these features in a next update? That would be very important. Working on MPC Key 61 with such great instruments in a similar way to Ableton Live would be my dream and believe me that of many thousands of musicians. I still have hope that this will happen 🙏.
@@AutisticCuriosity disk streaming is complicated tech that's no where near ready. But MPC let's you set up the time signature, so you obviously haven't read the manual, which most people don't.
@@s.gharavi1614 actually disk streaming is FULLY implemented on Akai Force and had had it for about a year now and I have read the manual and NO there is no native way to do other time signatures other that 4/4 unless you do ardous work around.
@@AutisticCuriosity had no idea about disk streaming on the force, but that's a big deal and I wish they'd have put it in the keys. It's not that difficult to set up different time sigs, but I don't use it for hip hop or R&B, so I'm used to using it in much more complex ways. It's pretty incredible what can be done. But I just wrote something in 7/8 and it worked fine.
Many pros already have korg, roland Yamaha tools. 61 is designed to integrate with everything else as well as awesome all vy itself. Turntables, Ableton link (wireless or LAN), even voltage controlled modular gear. They did a great job, released at the right time, akai has definitely been listening to customer past few years
Dear Akai, For next version of the MPC Key 61 workstation please upgrade the screen to a larger size or with tilting option and also please please add SST technology. Thank you.👍✌️✨🎹🎹🎹🎹
Okay!! OKAY!! I just found out that we can also install SSD up to 2TB (maybe 4TB?), which is absolutely a game changer but what would also add to this being the cream of the crop is if we can upgrade the RAM? Is that doable? I'm already sold but I just wanted to know if upgrading the RAM is possible! I've got a huge imagination and my creative side of my Musician Brain is running wild!!!!!
USB-C is just a connector type. There's no real downside to using the larger Standard-B connector on a machine this size, other than possibly needing to purchase a different cable to connect it to a MacBook.
I'd be more interested in this if it did what Akai FORCE software does. Isn't it time MPC and FORCE software were just merged? In other words - competition for Ableton and not just MASCHINE+.
@@hoppskippity I apologise for shortness of my reply. Stand alone in this context simply means it comes with all sounds etc without being connected to a computer whilst playing. So at minimum it needs powered speakers or an amplifier and whatever voltage used in your country. And will need to be connected to a computer to receive updates for glitches - which have already been found and so it will require an connection when you buy it as software has moved from 2.11 to 2.11.2 since release on Thursday
My advice: Put tape over the phantom power switch. On my Akai Force it was accidentally switched on and it blew up the entire internal audio card for good. I now have to use a workaround by connecting to my mixer for any sound. Just a heads up. Love Akai...but man oh man that disappointed me...bigtime.
Hi I have one question I don't know why when I save project sequence and open next day project all the samples is changed piano, guitar , pad could you do please a tutorial video save proyet thanks you
Roland, Yamaha, Korg..... Sitting on their hands! why didn't they do this 15 years ago... ?? Milking the old technology too long... you lost me, Thank you Akai for the needed solutions
I feel bad for Korg selling their super expensive stuff and still sounds cheap,,this thing really is mind blowing with these daw plugin sounds!! im hyped!!!! Thank you aka!!
Simply all my dreams come true in one machine! Bought mine already at Thomann!!!!!!!!!!
What is your TH-cam channel? I would love to hear some of your sounds.
Can you confirm that sample chops can be mapped across the keyboard as well as on the pads? No one has touched on this...
And for no more money than the original Teenage Engineering OP-1!
Are all the Akai key 61 in English even when you buy it in Germany ?
Love the MPC museum in the background.
This product is beyond amazing and it brings you instantly back to the 80's. There have not been a product like this since the 80's unfortunately.
A big hand for Akai!
Keep up the good work, guys! This new line has a lot of potential and can easily become a "thing" like the DX-7 or the Synclavier/Fairlight became then it was released back in the day.
Some suggestions to add to the new line:
- Expansion board with 16 VCF's, 16 VCA's, envelopes and analogue LFO's with midi sync (with many different types of sample and hold waves)
- Feature for drawing your own waveforms
- A 88 key version with either a premium hammer weighted Fatar- or Kawai keyboard mechanism
- Expansion board with fully featured analogue mono synth
- Expansion board with fully featured analogue poly synth with 5 to 8 or 16 voices.
- Expansion board with more Midi ins and outs and CV/Gate inputs
- Expansion board with hardware 8 bit or 12 bit ADC and DAC converters for that vintage 80's sound (no emulation)
Daniel, host of Eat and Listen channel
What's gonna be the price estimate on your wants on the new MPC Key 88? :P
I would love to see an 88-key version with Fatar-type keys! If Yamaha conceived something like this it would combine all varieties of Reface synths into one package, perhaps as the Yamaha MP 6 (61 keys,) MP7 (76 keys) and MP 8 (88 keys) with the full-color display from the PSR-SX700 and 900, the MODX and Montage and Genos.
35000 SEK / 3500 €
@@WesslansFilmprod Now it's $1,499 USD.
I thought native instrument had it right but damn akai just blew them out the water. This looks so dope
Dope, indeed Sam! Dope...indeed.
I ordered my 61 today and I can’t wait to get into it
Do it have built in speaker?
So great. Love where Akai is going and really appreciate the ongoing investment in the MPC series - the hardware investment keeps getting better. Version 2.11 on my MPC Live is awesome.
This is what I call FAN service. I love it... The MPC's are already great machines and now... comes this. It's as if someone over at AKAI read my dreams. Congratulations AKAI, now a 76 keys... and I would be in heaven.
They need to release a 88 key flagship version for me to trade in my Fantom 8. As a piano player I need at least 76 keys. The production system is a dream come true, it has everything the Fantom lacks. I’ll keep my eye on new releases from Akai for sure.
Well it's about time Akai !!
Thank you for putting those line in jacks so I can hook up my turntable for sampling...Now it's a "standalone"!!...unlike the mpk249 that I picked up in 2016..it's been sitting in its box for six years mainly because the lack of those line in jacks..
I have modular gear too so a big thank you for the cv and gate jacks !!
Here's the question; can I trade in my mpk249 and pay the difference for this new Mpc key 61?? 😉😉 😁
Side note: when I bought the mpc 2000 back in 1998 I always wondered why there was never a version of the mpc with a keyboard like the asr 10... but, here we are... 👍🏼
Dang! I'm so deep and invested so much into the Native Instruments' Komplete/Maschine eco-system that I never look into anything else. Well, that's until this AKAI Key 61. Yeah, I may have to start making space both in my studio and my wallet for it. 😊
Great job AKAI!
I made the jump from NI to Akai 3 years ago. You will be much happier.
I have the mpc x and the mk3 and I still prefer my mk3 over the mpc x. I'll see how this new update pans out.
I feel you :)
@@77majestic77 I'm wondering if the integration of the DAW/Keyboard for the MPC would make things easier in the long run.
I have both but to be honest it makes no sense, I don’t even use NI anymore.
It takes an awesome musician like yourself to make it sing !!! You're an Amazing player Herm !!!
For those asking Why Akai is now making a Work Station. The MPC One, Live, Live 2 and X are work stations without a keyboard.
you forgot the force which is the best of all of them...
@@voodoohex72 your opinion to which you are entitled to.
The Force is the only one which is a true workstation as it has the fabulous arranger.
We need a good tuner for 808s / key group instruments too! With Semi & Fine Tuning & Root note settings. Also portamento settings too 11:28
🔥🔥🔥👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾... gotta get one ASAP
this concept sounds awesome! Thanks for the video.
My thoughts as a blind musician are, of course, focussed on its accessibility. I doubt that the touch screen is in any way accessible via speech synthesis.
However, can anyone tell me if the software (preferably for Mac) is accessible?
Does this work station integrate in Logic Pro?
Ideas are welcome.
Greetings from Germany.
Can't wait to get ma hands on this! 🙌🏼💯
Many thanks for putting this overview and tutorial together. MPC Key 61 looks to be my next choice in a production synth.
We definitely need updates on more mixing capabilities and workflow. And better arranging Audio clips and midi In the daw & standalone. 16:30 .
Loving these new updates and products! Definitely hyped on all the new stock sounds we got. We got everything now! Synths, Strings, Pianos! I love it!
Nvm i spoke too soon you guys added guitars and stuff. But it would be nice if we had some new dedicated plugins for those instruments 😎
Yeah I agree with you regarding including nice guitar and bass sounds like the great ones in Yamaha keyboards thanks to their megavoice technology.
Will there be an hardware expansion for the MPC key 61. Like an expansion board with either 8 or 16 analogue filters?
Will where be other keyboard sizes like 88 hammer weighted keys for this line up?
Daniel, host of Eat and Listen channel
I think some dope features will be stretching the sample across the keys like you could with the ASR and some kind of serato sample features or integration.
That would be dope!
You can do it easily
The possibilities seem endless with this machine iam going to definitely get mine
Will there be an 88-key version of this coming?
I hope so. ima hold out for a minute to see if this gets a 88 key version before I make my buy
Akai is doing God's work🙌
This is a dream changer. I wish the instrument was realest 20 years ago. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Does the MPC Key 61 allow disk streaming for Audio tracks, or is each project/song limited to the 4Gb of Ram?
There has to be a fast way to Key Grouping Sample Chops across the keyboard right? I wanna see Samples across all 61 keys like I used to do on the Korg Triton Studio 76 Key...👑✨👑
I bought the live II, I kinda wanted the X but I needed the battery portability. If Akai does an MPC key49 Live that would be totally dope for me. 49 key MPC with battery and built in speakers
Hey what settings were the Time Correct recording on during this beat 12:00 ????????????????????
That’s how i been trying to record my swings at. So It doesn’t sound too perfect
Seems fairly straight but the hi hats are on 32nd rolls which is really nice and easy to do with note repeat. For that dope swinging off grid grooves you should check out J Dilla.
I’m not an MPC guy but have been really interested in seeing the Keys 61. But I have come to the conclusion that what I would really like is the composing and sounds potential but without the keyboard (and at a lower price accordingly). I already have some great keyboards that I could use via usb/midi, so a box that was effectively an MPC Keys without the Keys would be great. I don’t think any of the existing MPCs are quite the same.
88 keys and Im in. Was going to get a Fantom-08 but this is what i was after.
Next gen mpcs we need premium analog preamps and analog circuitry incorporated. Like how the neve got mariner transformers and . Premium Balanced inputs and outputs
These pres and converters are next level...
@@jimmyr.landry2085 how so ? What do you know about them ? They don’t seem that great in the live 2 . Im buying the new Ams Neve interface it’s fire 2 channel mobile pre.
Im going to use that with my mpc cuz they both should be class compliant
I am probably not the only one in the far reach of asking this but I’d like to know if there will be a 73/76/88 version of this keyboard. I am a gospel/R&B musician and I do a lot of 10-14 finger chords and the 61 isn’t enough.
Any chance any of these new engines will make it to the akai force?
Definitely according to what I’ve heard fr9m testers
Great demo! Can't wait for this to hit Sweetwater!!😁
How do I copy and edit sustain pedal information on the MPC Key 61?
Mine delivers today. Waiting a long time for this. During this with the Force. Can’t wait to get cooking.
Finally!! This is a game changer right here.
Not really its a nice addition…. But if you were making records yesterday without…. You are still making records.
Looks dope
Cool. I'm retired now and learning science and math gets a bit dry at times. Playing with this little gem may be the diversion I need.
Before you do look at the Akai Force and connecting a midi keyboard to that. Cheaper and Way more flexible and exciting to use
@@AutisticCuriosity Thank You
I'm loving Akai right now. I love the 2.11 Update on my MPCX. Thia Keyboard is just awesome. I love this keyboard.
The way I see it the Akai Pro MPC Key 61 is rather like a Teenage Engineering OP-1 on steroids! It offers a mega-ton of features including synths, arranger, sequencer and sampling capabilities for no more money!
That first demonstration beat was slidin and I like the performance feature and of course the standard favorite feature.
Bought 1 a few weeks ago. I love it. I will say,...that Being an avid user of the Mpc's touch screen functionality it would be well appreciated if when in "Sample Edit" mode you were able to quickly touch the screen and the Q-Link functionality followed. I feel the inclusion of this feature would be a real workflow improvement for those who choose to use the touch screen for inputting functions rather than clicking through the Q-LINK button to get to the same point. Want to edit sample start? easy touch sample start on the screen and waaa laaa the Q-Links are in place for that specific adjustment...want to edit sample end..simply tough sample end on the screen and q links follow without having to cycle the q link button and so on. Thanks hope this feature is considered.🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
Wow 🤩 totally Dope. Now I gotta figure out how to get one.
Quality video and hardware and software. Thanks.
Dope thing about this great piece of equipment. We'll start to see the prior units price drop☺️
Nope they’ve actually been putting up the price of the other units recently and this lack some of what the other units have especially the force
This is awesome!
You forgot to add a separate earphone volume control for the people using studio monitors. It annoying switching back and forth. Also what up with the 7 plugin max?
Other than that. 👊🏾I love it.
I am new to the MPC world so pardon me if I sound like a total noob but I am more of a Finger Drumming and also Step Sequencing guy. Is it also possible to Step Sequence your drums?
That would be huge for me tbh.
It has Q-Links 😍
I would live an iPad app that works hand in had with the keyboard for a bigger screen and control.
This is dope..game changer. I got the Renaissance ans the Live 2. But soon I will get this one too.. producing without a computer is super cool.
By the way a 49keys version would be nice instead of 61 keys
Can you show us creating multisamples in one of your next video's? That is one of the main reasons why I would like to have this lady. Thanx
I need it....the only thing i think would have been a dope addition would have 8 or 16 motorized faders but they allow to connect a usb mixer anyway...
Yea, I need this.
This does indeed appear to be the ultimate "everything under one roof" production board. The "renaissance" board, I would dub it. The dawning of a new breed of hybrid workstations which truly consolidates the entire songwriter's workflow with everything that modern technology provides.
However, does it have vocoder capability? You know, to be able to sample the human voice and then run it through digitized morphing effects, such as "robot voice?"
Because if this system lacks a dedicated vocoder, then it got *ALMOST* everything consolidated, and I would therefore remain torn in my current pro/con considerations between either springing for this Akai MPC Key 61 or Roland's Juno DS series, particularly the flagship DS88 which has *88* keys and not 61.
Is there tempo change now?
BPM automation?
AKAI, why not put FORCE LAUNCH MODE and ARRANGER on this workstation??? I'm very sad!😞 It makes perfect sense to use them on this workstation. Is it planned to bring these features in a next update? That would be very important. Working on MPC Key 61 with such great instruments in a similar way to Ableton Live would be my dream and believe me that of many thousands of musicians. I still have hope that this will happen 🙏.
Isn't that just a software change? I thought they were brining that the arranger to all MPCs? I think it's in development.
@@s.gharavi1614 err no and MPCs don’t have disk streaming either and still only 4/4 timing - Akai are completely silent on all of this.
@@AutisticCuriosity disk streaming is complicated tech that's no where near ready.
But MPC let's you set up the time signature, so you obviously haven't read the manual, which most people don't.
@@s.gharavi1614 actually disk streaming is FULLY implemented on Akai Force and had had it for about a year now and I have read the manual and NO there is no native way to do other time signatures other that 4/4 unless you do ardous work around.
@@AutisticCuriosity had no idea about disk streaming on the force, but that's a big deal and I wish they'd have put it in the keys.
It's not that difficult to set up different time sigs, but I don't use it for hip hop or R&B, so I'm used to using it in much more complex ways.
It's pretty incredible what can be done. But I just wrote something in 7/8 and it worked fine.
Can you add 3rd party plugins?
The XLR In's are nice. But wish it had Optical I/O and/or (dare I say...) stereo RCA in's.
If you’ve heard the modx or Fantom, then you know these Akai sounds just aren’t gonna cut it
Many pros already have korg, roland Yamaha tools.
61 is designed to integrate with everything else as well as awesome all vy itself.
Turntables, Ableton link (wireless or LAN), even voltage controlled modular gear.
They did a great job, released at the right time, akai has definitely been listening to customer past few years
Amazing concept and design. Can we have the special editions in full black/red keys 😍
Could you please tell if all the plugins showned at this video comes with the product or not? Thanks!
Yes, MPC Key 61 includes all the plugins presented here.
Dear Akai, For next version of the MPC Key 61 workstation please upgrade the screen to a larger size or with tilting option and also please please add SST technology. Thank you.👍✌️✨🎹🎹🎹🎹
Hi, just got my amazing MPC key 61!
How to pad mute in main wiev with the pads akai mpc key 26? without hit the Pad mute knob each time
Please add an option for independent volume control between the headphones and 4 main outputs. Something like shift + volume for control of HP output
A simple mixer is the solution here. You should have something in between the MPC and your monitors. The mixer will have its own headphone controls.
@@Jesse_James_Dj Sure, I don't disagree but the utility of having output control would be a huge bonus
Will the Akai MPC Key be the most modern and practical replacement for the recently discontinued Korg Kronos?
if you produce sample heavy music yes........... if you are looking for a whole lot of good sounds, sound design etc.... no..
Okay!! OKAY!! I just found out that we can also install SSD up to 2TB (maybe 4TB?), which is absolutely a game changer but what would also add to this being the cream of the crop is if we can upgrade the RAM? Is that doable? I'm already sold but I just wanted to know if upgrading the RAM is possible! I've got a huge imagination and my creative side of my Musician Brain is running wild!!!!!
Audio recording and arrange page from the force?
Looks great!
Absolutely AWESOME but one disappointing flaw - USB3 - why not go with the latest standard of USB-C? Fantastic demo and awesome machine.
USB-C is just a connector type. There's no real downside to using the larger Standard-B connector on a machine this size, other than possibly needing to purchase a different cable to connect it to a MacBook.
Wow , looks great!
How much are the new plugins going to cost ? On my MPC live 2 it says I’m on a 9 day trial? And I can’t find price anywhere?
Visit thempcstore.com
A quick question! What can this MPC Key 61 do if you don't buy the sound instruments/VST's?
As I read, they are not included with the product.
MPC Key 61 includes all of the recently announced MPC Plugins; Fabric XL, Stage Piano, Stage EP, Studios Strings, OPx4, and Organ.
@@AkaiProVideo How can you add more VST to the library?
I'd be more interested in this if it did what Akai FORCE software does. Isn't it time MPC and FORCE software were just merged? In other words - competition for Ableton and not just MASCHINE+.
I own an MPC Live II. If I buy the MPC Key 61 with the all these additional plugins, can I use them on my Live as well?
Wait what. So I can click and drag each stem or channel from mpc to Ableton live link daw in arrangement view for final touches on Ableton daw.
They casually dropped that at the end...
It's a game changer
Do you have Jazz styles also available with the new model ...
I’m a guitarist and FL studio guy. I’m new to the MPC world. Can this workstation record live guitar( or vox ) and then use it as a sample to chop ?
Can this be connected to the mpc it self or just to computer?
purchased from andertons today. can we use our new plugin content on our other MPC`s ?
yes 👍
You have to pay 1000€/$ for that.
I’m serious.
@@jimmyr.landry2085 and pay 1000€/$.
Damn good overview! And they are hard to find on some product lines.
where can I found the 808 bass at 11:34 please? "trap kit am2 carlos heart 171"
Does it have a Built in Speaker? Also, does it need to be plugged in for power?
No & yes
@@AutisticCuriosity The term "Stand Alone" implies otherwise. That's disappointing. Thanks for the reply.
@@hoppskippity I apologise for shortness of my reply. Stand alone in this context simply means it comes with all sounds etc without being connected to a computer whilst playing. So at minimum it needs powered speakers or an amplifier and whatever voltage used in your country. And will need to be connected to a computer to receive updates for glitches - which have already been found and so it will require an connection when you buy it as software has moved from 2.11 to 2.11.2 since release on Thursday
@@AutisticCuriosity thanks!
Glorified loop builder/ideas scratch pad... Really needs a proper arranger like the Force
can you allocate individual samples to the keys opposed to the pads?
When a drum program is loaded, the samples are playable both on the pads and keys simultaneously.
This is like those helmet drink holders, does what it needs with extra features but still needed😂
My advice:
Put tape over the phantom power switch.
On my Akai Force it was accidentally switched on and it blew up the entire internal audio card for good.
I now have to use a workaround by connecting to my mixer for any sound.
Just a heads up.
Love Akai...but man oh man that disappointed me...bigtime.
Hi I have one question I don't know why when I save project sequence and open next day project all the samples is changed piano, guitar , pad could you do please a tutorial video save proyet thanks you
is there a 'arranger' or song mode page on this?
arrives Tuesday
Guitar Center
Are the pads the same size as the Live?
I have a MPC X. Why I feel I need this too. Lmao. Somehow, someway…..I’m getting this.
Roland, Yamaha, Korg..... Sitting on their hands! why didn't they do this 15 years ago... ?? Milking the old technology too long... you lost me, Thank you Akai for the needed solutions
The sleeper component of the unit is the touch screen
Ok cool SKILLET IS BACK!!!!!
I feel bad for Korg selling their super expensive stuff and still sounds cheap,,this thing really is mind blowing with these daw plugin sounds!! im hyped!!!! Thank you aka!!