How does this guy not have 100,000+ subscribers? He is in the top 0.5%w of knowledgeable people on Islam / Old Testament studies. He understands Hebrew, has read the commentaries/hadiths/quran. Wish I had the mind to study this well...Oh well.
Agreed 100 percent, this channel is fantastic, we should copy some of his video links into Apostate Prophet's channel so his (AP's) subscribers can see this channel! Let's get the numbed of subscribers up!
A humble person does not assert repeatedly that he is humble; he demonstrates it in his words and deeds. A wise person does not assert repeatedly that he is wise; he demonstrates it in his words and deeds. An intelligent person does not assert repeatedly that he is intelligent; he demonstrates it in his words and deeds. Without the supporting evidence, the claims are hollow, no better than propaganda. The Qur'an assert repeatedly that Allah is merciful, wise, forgiving, etc... Where is the supporting evidence?
I've noticed that pretty much all references to Allah's mercy, love, etc. are strictly _invocational._ It was common among ancient Near Eastern traditions to try through prayers to magically manipulate gods and demons into doing something for a petitioner via _flattery,_ typically attributing qualities to the entity that one _wishes them to have._ Tellingly, gods in this tradition tend to be amoral, capricious, and prone to violent mood swings. These aren't attributes of Allah, they're hopeful entreaties/tacit begging for love and mercy.
@@Xbalanque84 Excellent observation! There is praising God for the qualities that He has consistently demonstrated, and there is asking Allah for favor by attributing to him qualities that he only demonstrates capriciously, if at all (flattery). e.g., "And Allah is merciful" = "Allah, be merciful toward me [despite your history of not showing mercy]." Not that anyone ever accused Muhammad of being manipulative...
it makes me so mad. because Ramadan is approaching the buses are plastered with "for the love of allah". i shake my head because it just doesn't exist. this is a great video. may God bless all of you and your hard work
@@chrissierestall5952 😂 you're right. Swarm of Muslims Here in London. You don't wanna debate most of them, they wouldn't even give you the light of day, just want to talk all over you..
@@igormehinagic3708 Where is your comment? What do you mean discriminate other religions? Is it wrong to critique a religion? Is that not how we stop dangerous ideas from being spread?
I watched this video for the first time today and it is much different than your usual videos - more like a sermon than an academic critique. BUT, I really like it. Perhaps your best video even. You really got to the heart of the difference between Islam (and every other religion I'm aware of) and Christianity, and did so in a poweful way. Christianity teaches that God is love and we are to place our trust is *His* righteousness. Islam teaches we should place our trust in our own righteousness, do a bunch of rituals, and hope it is enough to please an unfeeling god. Every other man made religion is essentially the same - trust in yourself (and maybe give us some money to know how to do this). No thanks! I know myself well enough to not trust in my own perfection; instead I will place my trust in the true God, as revealed in Jesus Christ.
Excellent point ! And the "rituals" part as well - I have heard of Muslims eating at daytime during Ramadan, but doing so secretly, trying not to be seen from other Muslims. But then one can ask: Doesn't Allah see who is observing and who is not? Do those people hope to escape from Allah's gaze?
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски we're talking about the same Allah who vouched that the Qur'an would be divinely preserved - and wasn't powerful enough to keep a farm animal from devouring some of the pages. I imagine it's fairly easy to hide whether you do or don't eat in the daytime during Ramadan from a deity that weak, no?
Exmuslim here. Muslim-born in an Islamic society, unwillingly, and a Christian by own choice. And whenever a turmoil happens in my head or life, whenever someone or something tries to put seeds of doubt in me, or whatever f feel sad and hopeless and alone, among other essential things (for example listening Bible, especially the Gospel prevented me from suicidal thoughts. Prayers and talks with Jesus give me feel that I am still a human, who is loved), I just listen you brother. The fruits of thy are that type of fruits that replace the seeds of doubt with hope, love and faith. Keep it always up, please! Your speaks about the true nature of Islam is absolutely eye-opening for those who fall into the joint propaganda of both rich muslim politicians and the Left "activists" all within the Western Judeo-Christian civilization. And it is not a good practice to generalize all and entire, butbat least from my perspective I can say that the most Muslims don't need this as they know their stuff and very well aware of it, so the main reasons that they still stick to this are two: 1st fear of beheading, they would like quit the religion of atrocities but can't because of fear, 2nd because well who are those who behead others and cast fear and terror into the hearts of non-Muslims? Those who love Evil. So these two main types of Muslims and they're well aware of and about the religion of atrocities. An eye-opening revelations about it need more the Western people - until it is too late, as once a fire hyena burns a green grass to the ground it will never recover again - fire hyena here is Islam, and the green grass is Christian cities Antiochia in Syria, Alexandria in Egyp and Constantinople. Nowadays invitation for islam to freely pass over the West is not telling about getting the lessions from the history of the fate of former major Christian cities, and population, after islamic take over. You're doing the best job on opening the eyes about true nature of islam, of the thing that we openly and freely let it to flood into our communities. For now your work is heavily underrated but believe me what you're doing is has a very serious historical matter! And the fact that many exmuslims, as the insiders, are supporting this, makes Islam getting maximum angry and hateful, which proves itself.
Our heavenly Father, the one true God, He is merciful, loving, ever long suffering and wholly just. One must believe in God, in God incarnate through Yeshua and in the Holy Spirit, to be saved, to be reconciled back to the Creator. All power, all honor and all glory be His, for He is truly worthy of all praise.
@@IslamCritiqued Mmm. ..Yet by no means clearing the guilty. Protestants who insist on scripture and not tradition continually condemn Islam for what's in their Hadith; a collection collected hundreds of years later in the service of empire and domination of 'all enemies domestic and foreign'. Then of course Purgatory is a bed of roses or that sinner in the hands of an angry god is just dancing not writhing. Protestant Atonement Theology is premised on the idea that God has tortured his Son or himself in the Person of his Son depending on how you make sense of the Trinity either way PAT doesn't actually demonstrate a merciful God but rather one that suits the sadist. You know the kind of thing : look someone's bombed our temples of commerce so lets bomb a defenceless society in recompence and hey as we're Christian oh golly gosh it's even better that they're innocent - WWJD. Scripture insists that you fear the God who can destroy both soul and body in (if you're traditional) hell, that indeed the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever so it's hard to see the difference between the Orthodox God and Allah here, the actual religious texts insist behave or fry and don't get too cocky as to be self-righteous or worse a Republican Christian. California Uber Alles
I've noticed that pretty much all references to Allah's mercy, love, etc. are strictly _invocational._ It was common among ancient Near Eastern traditions to try through prayers to magically manipulate gods and demons into doing something for a petitioner via _flattery,_ typically attributing qualities to the entity that one _wishes them to have._ Tellingly, gods in this tradition tend to be amoral, capricious, and prone to violent mood swings. These aren't attributes of Allah, they're hopeful entreaties/tacit begging for love and mercy.
Along with that, I would also suggest they're formulaic. Muhammad's "revelations" were oral traditions that he linked together during his live performances. So he needed these fixed phrases to link his narratives together.
@@IslamCritiqued The "Allah does not love x" is indeed formulaic, and I would suggest it's there partly also to remind Muslims what God's laws are. There is a legalistic aspect in this, a menace, if you will, not like the loving God we trust in, but like some sort of maffioso.
@@zyzzimmortal1286 Yes, he is most merciful. He went willingly to his death and carried YOUR sins upon him. He loved YOU so much that he was willing to die for you, and rose from the dead, to give YOU the CHOICE to accept him, the freedom to accept him, and in accepting him be forgiven, no conditions, no extra work required. Meanwhile, you follow a god that demands you do good deeds in the desperate hope that you MIGHT be predestined for Paradise. Might. He can't even promise you that you WILL go to Paradise. Is that really merciful, I ask you?
@@TheObscureRambler yes that makes logic for me . We are been created by the almighty god for some purpose in this life . Our purpose is to worship him and 5 daily prayers gives us peace like you do your homework and you will be satisfied . And also your god wants you to just accept him to go to heaven it means you can sin murderr rapee etc this will destroy humanity that is why الله knows best Unlike your god concept who puts all non beleivers in heaven our god puts beleiver also if he is not a good man . Thats the most just also jesus never saud all these things Even i can make a god myself and send a false prophet like paul and make things easy lol
The love of Islamic god (no capitals) is conditional, he only loves those who love him, he does not love various kinds of people - for instance those who are proud, sinful, transgressor etc. And Jesus condemned this kind of love He said, "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:46-48) When I was a boy, quite young probably 10, my mother told me about the punishment in grave, she thought it was necessary to make me aware of these stuff. I still remember on that night I did not sleep properly, my heart sunk, you obviously are not strong enough to overcome those sorts of psychological fear in that young age, I wept until I fell asleep. Anyways concerning the voices of torment - Seems like the shrill voices of scream in the graves are beyond the audibility range of humans (i.e. more than 20000Hz). Desperate Muslims trying to find scientific miracles in the teachings of Muhammad, would rather say, "Hey look here what it says, it is talking about the audibility of human ears which is less than that of animals." And then they would say, "Who could have mentioned this 1400 years ago? When scientists have recently discovered this fact." In their own false desperation they would rather ignore everything, they would not care to think about mercy, forgiveness or love of Allah not even in the very least sense which is far more important than anything else. I mean how could you even hope for your salvation if your god is not merciful, forgiving or loving?
*Super User* Allah's love falls short of even human love. For those who've endured through their own children's' rebellion, we never withdraw our love, we don't retaliate, and believe me, at times, both of my kids were excellent candidates for abuse. ;-) Christ tells us in Matthew 5:16, ""For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?" So, Allah at the very bottom of the totem pole when it comes to "love".
+Betsy Ross Exactly. I couldn't control myself when you said _both of my children were excellent candidates for abuse._ Anyways I think we should invite +Kafir Linda Clark to this channel, I've seen her in the comment section of Acts17Apologetics many times. She is an active participant in commenting. I think she too will love this channel.
Hey Super User, I saw your comments on 1 of Acts17's videos recommending this channel, I would definitely encourage you "to invite others too"! God bless you brother! - Loris
I was considering Islam but I don't think I'll sign up. However, I will continue studying Islam so perhaps I can lead other to Christ. Thanks for your work and may the Lord bless and keep you and yours💖.
There are many ex muslims (they didn't convert into any religion) , that share videos, sadly they are in Arabic but i guess i can translate some if someone needed they are like really in depth about islam and how Muhammed is false prophet
Names best one siraj hayani. Others like kosay betar, shrief gaber (translated but it's like commic not very much info) These probably the best there are many more.
What is so appealing in Islam with all the information out there about it for anyone with a minimum effort can find out on their own. Anyone in his right mind wouldn't consider joining Islam, let alone telling the entire world that they ever considered such lunacy.
Wow! The flames of hell on that bridge? This is the first time hearing this for me. Poor Muslims! They can be forgiven of all their sins through Jesus, yet they reject him! Pray for Muslims!
*Kafir Linda Clark* The sirat is referenced in "Reliance" a few times, but unless you're looking for it, it's easy to overlook. Being involved in group study brought things to the discussion I might never have found on my own, because I'm certainly not going to wade through its 1200 mind numbing pages. Turn to the index in the back of the book for any topic you want. The book is based in the Quran, and hadith specialists, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, ibn Majah, Abu Dawud, ibn Kathir, Dhahabi, and Nawawi. That covers the luminaries of the Sahih Sittah, so there's no reason for Sunni Muslim to reject anything their law imposes. One cautionary directive simply says something like "It's offensive to stand while urinating". It doesn't say who's offended or why, but I suspect it's based on Muhammad squatting like a female when he urinated. He probably had severe hypospadias, so it's pretty stupid to impose a law based on a birth defect. _SMH_
@Slave of Allah Let me give you the Biblical perspective, and YOU need to remember that without the Bible, your religion would not exist. ALL the stories in your Qur'an are BASED on the Bible- Qur'an MISQUOTES the stories, but the Characters in your Qur'an are Biblical- Moses, David, Issa, Mary, Jibreel, etc. 1. Qur'an does not tell you God's NAME. 2. Qur'an denies the Biblical prophesies about Messiah. 3. Qur'an does not correctly define Messiah 4. The attributes of your god are different from the attributes of the God of the Bible.(for instance, MY God CANNOT LIE- He is not a DECEIVER EVER. My God does not hate disbelievers, he LOVES all of his creation. Your god even calls non believers "the worst of Creatures". How or why would Allah hate what he brought into existence?) 5. Islam has no consequences for evil deeds(sin). You aren't required to change your heart or the way you think about things in a bad way to cleanse your mind of bad thoughts. For instance- if you look at a woman and think sexual things about her,and she is not your wife, Jesus said that is a sin. THINKING can be sinful. Jesus DEMANDS I cause my mind and thoughts to become pure. Islam only demands you perform rituals to make your body clean (Wudu) and no where in Qur'an does your god tell you to make your THOUGHTS CLEAN. I can go on and on about the differences between Islam and Christianity. No, according to my Bible, Islam is totally opposite of my Biblical teachings. Your religion requires you to pray the same prayers, every day, five times a day. My Bible teaches me to be in CONSTANT prayer with God. And my God does not want repetitive words that are memorized- He wants to hear from my thoughts and heart. Islam has NO truths in it according to my Bible.
@@igormehinagic3708 Since when is INSULTING someone a crime? And you pay no attention to my statement of "Pray for Muslims". How profoundly sad that you can't see that I CARE about Muslims. Muslims come in all kinds of people Igy. Just the fact that my words offend you shows how small minded you are. I have the right, in America to say MUHAMMAD AND ALLAH SUCK! Why? Because I know Islam very very well. Muhammad said, "I have been made victorious through terror". And you're not offended by THAT? Muhammad said "I have been commanded to fight the Nations until all the people testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger". And you're not offended by THAT? Qur'an, Sura 9:29- Oh believers! Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the last day, nor forbid that which Allah and his messenger forbid, even if they are the people of the book(Jews and Christian's)until they pay the jizya and feel themselves subdued. I suggest you take the time to study Islam, like I have. Start with the Qur'an then venture into the Hadith's. I began studying Islam with the idea that Islam was good. I too was CHALLENGED to study, and I did. Now, the only way peace among Nations will happen is if Islam is ERADICATED.
Love your videos... I live in a Muslim Majority country, and I have heard Imams teaching with mentions of punishment in the grave made by Mohammad in their books and I have heard them so many times... (They use very loud speakers to not let anyone around that speaker sleep at night, brilliant! Islam? More brilliant!!)
youre just running away from the truth when the time comes you will wish you didnt take the matter lightly i cant stress how bad i feel for you you were so close yet so far the teachings of punishment is a reminder of what could happen if you disregard your creator why are you on this earth what is your purpose you cant disobey and expect to gain the best yet after disobeying sm he still didnt deprive your heart from beating another time, God Bless
Okay so I subscribed to you like a week or two ago and I’ve been videos like almost every day. This video really touched my heart because it differentiated the core character of Yahweh and Allah. How can someone like you who is knowledgeable in these fields have less than 20k subscribers? You are painfully underrated in the world of Christian apologetics and that shouldn’t go unnoticed. P.S. You’re also like really attractive! And on top of that your ASMR like-voice really calms my soul 😇
According to some Muslim friends; their torment started at the moment their bodies get laid inside the, there seems to be more torment in store for them 🤢 No wonder, they get more and more scared of death!
Allah: "Torture, torment, uncertainty in death, earn your way through works, maybe you`ll make it." - Quran Yahweh: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16.
The Greek of John 3:16 and the word “believe” also includes following jesus, not sola fide. Just as the Church Fathers taught that salvation is Faith & Work.
@@leibstandartess3315 Biblically, works are a RESULT of salvation. Stop believing that false doctrine. Check out Robert Breakers video how to get saved.
@@leibstandartess3315 Romans 11:6 “And if by grace, then is it NO MORE OF WORKS; otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more of grace; otherwise work is no more work” Romans 4:5 “But to him that WORKETH NOT but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” Romans 11:29 “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” Stop contradicting scripture you devil
Yes! When you mentioned a bridge, I remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man. In that story, Abraham explains to the rich man: "‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us'" (Luke 16:25-26). Some Muslims will listen to the synoptic gospels (Injil), of which Luke is a part.
This story of Lazarus' death and his subsequent comforts in heaven with Abraham is a parable; not to be taken literally. A parable is a made-up story (similar to Aesop's fables) designed to make ONE point/teach one lesson. In this case, the lesson is simple: make use of the opportunity you now have since there may not be another one. BTW, it is true that some Muslims may initially "listen" to Injil, but there are two great stumbling blocks in the path of Muslims to accept Injil in its entirety and still remain a Muslim. The foundation of Christianity is the atoning/vicarious death of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection approximately three days later. ALL Muslims totally deny/reject these.
Ramesh, we all have different tafsir regarding parables. I encourage Muslims to at least read the synoptic gospels in their entirety once in their lives. It's even better to read the first covenant (old testament) to clarify the Messianic narrative spoken of in the new. If we want to discuss tenets of faith from there, please, by all means. If not, at least they will have an idea where we obtain our beliefs.
_"If We willed, We could take away that We have revealed to thee, then thou wouldst find none thereover to guard thee against Us...(Q17:86)_ This last example refers to a situation where Allah has commanded something. The Quran says that if he subsequently changed his will, the people who were following his earlier instructions would have no defense in pleading their case before him." Which God? by Mark Durie, pg. 123 Compare that to Yahweh who keeps his word, does not change, and does not lie.
Against the advice of my pastor, when I was about six months old in Christ, I was driven to study the Hebrew Bible. It was that study that undergirded my complete confidence in the God of the Bible. I remember how stunned I was when reading about all the Israelites/Jews rebellion and backsliding, and God's faithfulness to them. He judged and disciplined them, but never broke His covenant with them. That is a God I can trust, a God I can have complete confidence in. He is the God you can fall head over heels in love with. And aren't we most blessed because of His grace and mercy?
*CatoTheElder* And that's but empty speech, because it's quite clear that Allah values Christ far above Muhammad. I'm quite stunned that Muslims either can't see it, or they haven't bothered reading their Quran.
*CatoTheElder* Well, I think it's the pitiful Islamic slaves that live in an echo chamber, but that's just a moot point. I've talked with Muslim apostates who were forced to memorize the Quran, but never understood it, and were forbidden to ask questions. I'd rather listen to those who quote Shakespeare. Memorization has no salvific effect at all; it's just more busy work to keep Muslims too exhausted to think. Since Allah claims the Quran is a clear book (11.1; 12.1; 16.89; 27.75; 34.3; 36.12); easy to understand (44.58, 54.22, 54.32, 54.40); explained in detail (6.114); explaining everything (16.89) conveyed clearly (5.16, 10.15); with no doubt in it (2.1); with clear ordinances (98.3); decisive (86.13) of divine nature (10.37); and full of wisdom (2.32; 43.4; 36.2), even a perfunctory read exposes his makr. it lives up to NONE of those lofty claims. He knew no science, nor ancient history, nor even the Bible he claimed to have sent. Can you explain al Tariq 5 - 7 to me in a manner that would lead me to believe Allah is my creator? How 'bout al Mu'minun 12 - 14? Allah's teachings on all aspects of science, sound equally ignorant. Pick any science you want, and it will be wrong. Is stupidity a "divine" attribute? I say, "NO!"
I study at the seminary and we were only told about the bridge over the flame - Sirat. But it turns out that Muslims will also fight each other in front of the doors of paradise ?! That's terrible!!! Thank you for your research, which you always present with tact and visual material. I watch your videos from Russia using subtitles. Some apologists don't have an automatic subtitle feature. You have! Thanks!
@@zyzzimmortal1286 You're wrong, but even IF you were right, it's still better than what Allah has in store for you. Obviously you didn't watch the video, but that's okay. Keep serving the Slavemaster.
Hearing these things as a child absolutely traumatized me, my mom would tell me all the time how bad hell is, how bad the grave is, what happens in the grave, she mentions screams and yelling, the endless torture Over time i knew that i won’t be able to escape this horrible fate, and i lost my faith
But pls reflect again with the adult view of today and forget the fear which is maybe in you From a Young Age. Then you will insha Allah realize That its just fear but no real Arguments behind it. I think its always a matter of Point of view and how Allah Tells the Prophet „I am how my Servant thinks I am.“
I wonder if the Muslims who believe Allah is a loving & merciful God and live lives of virtue are really worshiping YHWH, even if they don't realize it. Your video makes me think of that passage by C. S. Lewis in the "Last Battle" where the Calormen who serves Tash ends up in the New Narnia and Aslan tells him it is because names don't matter. Any good deed done in the name of Tash is still service to Aslan. And any vile deed done in the name of Aslan is done in service to Tash.
No not really. Just because it is a different name, if they actually don't do the same things it is a different God. For example, YHWH says that we cannot do good deeds to go to heaven. But Allah says that is how you go to heaven. These are completely contradictory.
Dr. William Lane Craig in his debate with Shabir Ally "The Concept of God in Islam and Christianity" said that God could still punish his servants and love them at the same time just as a parent might punish his child and still love him. However, this analogy is fallacious. The parent punishes the child in order to discipline him and rehabilitate him to improve and avoid these mistakes in the future. The overall intent behind this is good. However, God is going to place the disbeliever in hell for eternity. Where is the discipline? The overall intent behind this is to ensure that the person being thrown in hell suffers and this is not good.
Isaiah 4:2-6 - The Branch of the Lord In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel.
Vita Thaïs Moi Moi!! I have many relatives in Finland! My aunt sings in a choir at Helsingin Saalemi. I met a woman on another channel whose brother knows my aunt! Terveisia Australiasta! 🇦🇺 🇫🇮
Actually according to Tafsir Tabari (the probably oldest Tafsir available) "Allahs mercy" consists of having "creaed us" NOT in having forgivness. "Rahman" is NOT defined as "Forgiving" according to Islam sources.
This video makes my heart go out to all those who are left with this terribly mean god called Allah. I so wish they would change their mind, and come into the following of Jesus Christ, and get all that they in their god-given revelation in their heart long for. Because it IS true that the true god is forgiving, merciful and loving... - but his name is NOT Allah. His name is found in the bible - where you have the revelation of who he truly is - a revelation that will fit with the god-shaped hole that is inside of all of us. Allah does not fit into that hole. The god of the bible, with the work of Jesus Christ fit that hole perfectly.
I am now convinced that it's not a matter of making up there mind. It's not an intellectual problem. Can't be. Anyone can see what kind of person muhamed was. This is a spiritual problem. Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This is why we see women advocating for the slaughtering of babies. And getting furious when the law gets overturned. How can someone get that angry over not being able to kill a baby? Something is spiritually wrong
Collin, I love your heart. You truly care about those who are lost and misled. I pray that many people will seek the truth via your channel. God bless, my brother.
When you talk about the Muslims punishing each other in death, I get mental images of Dark Knight Rises after Bane takes over Gotham and everyone turns on each other. Its just pure chaos.
Good channel. Nice vid. I like how you aren't afraid to call out all the nasty and illogical things about Islam. It doesn't make you hateful or an "islamaphobe," but simply observant on facts. Shame many Muslims don't own up to it.
Could you please do a video on Eden and the tree of life? I heard an objection to the Bible stating, "Why was there a tree of life in the garden of Eden if there was no death before Adam sinned?" You are the only one who I have heard speak about it. Thank you very much for your videos. I have learned quite a bit from them.
@@IslamCritiqued I appreciate your reply. I know you are probably quite busy. I did not see the context of his question. I saw a brief snippet of a youtube video where he asked the question and I have been studying and searching for the answer ever since. Gen. 3:19, 1 Cor. 15:21-22, and Rom. 5:12 say that sin and subsequently death came to the earth through Adam. So, if there was no death when the world was perfect, why was there a tree of life in the garden? Then, after death entered, they weren't allowed to eat from the tree so they wouldn't live forever in their sin. Any light you could shed on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Consider Romans 5:12 " death spread to all men." There is no mention of animals (as your statement above seems to indicate 'no death' including animals?) or the rest of created order, i.e. plants..etc. The context of these statements is mankind's position before God: "...sin entered the world through one man." Animals...etc are not in the discussion since they can't "sin", they have no moral culpability. "So, if there was no death when the world was perfect..." The text doesn't say the world was perfect, whatever one means by that, in Gen 1-3. The Tree of Life represents the presence of God: 'To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’ -Rev 2.7. Also, see the imagery of Eden restored in Rev 21-22. Where God is, there and only there, is the fullness of life. When mankind was expelled from the presence of God, they were separated from the source of their contingent life, and death followed. This is the condition we're all born in to, separation from God, unholiness, and sin follows naturally, Rom 5:12. "they weren't allowed to eat from the tree so they wouldn't live forever in their sin" God's decree took effect- Gen 2.17. Mankind's new found unholiness is incompatible with God's holiness and so they were removed from the presence of God, with a reminder of God's holiness (fire) as the reason for prohibiting reentry into God's presence: Gen 3.24. Hope that helps!
@@IslamCritiqued Thank you. That does help. I understand what you are saying about what the tree of life represents. However, if animals have no moral culpability, why was the serpent in Genesis punished after Satan used it to trick Eve? Also, would God create something that isn't perfect? I know plants "living" and "dying" would not be imperfect.
You can translate serpent as a noun "serpent" (i.e. chaos creature) a verb "to deceive" or an adjective "shining one". There's nothing grammatically that requires any particular one of those. It could be one, or better, ALL of them: a triple entendre. The problem with a "serpent" is that people don't recognize that this is a chaos creature, a VERY common motif in the ancient near east, and entirely appropriate, given it represents the "chaos" that is against God's creative order ("you will be like God"). One who deceives, and of course a divine (supernatural) being (shining one) is an appropriate translation as well. When the text says, "The serpent was wiser than any other creature..." they wouldn't want you to imaging a talking snake. They would want you to realize that they've introduced a chaos creature and something big is about to happen- and it does. The fall.
How could/do people think that this man or anything he said or did is worthy of even consideration much more of following as the greatest moral example. Why would anyone want to serve a god like Allah. Why would they want to trust their eternal destiny base on this madness. Oh Jesus open the eyes of Muslims. 😢😢
Joseph Smith was exactly the same sort of religious dilettante. Whenever he came across an interesting religious artifact or an exotic belief he incorporated it into his religion. Of course he claimed to do so because he had received a revelation from God.
Really good video. This is only the 2nd one of yours I've watched. Subscribed. Keep it up! I WAS Muslim at one time, after 9/11, but quickly figured out that it wasn't what I thought it was. My two (grown) children are now especially ANTI-Muslim, ANTI-Islam. There are some parts of Islam that I still like, but I have an idea that you are going to change that for me. Love from ID USA
A unitarian God cannot love by definition, because love requires another. Since God is unchanging, (well, ok, perhaps not in Islam, but that is an islamic deficiency for another day) He could not love before creation, because there was nothing to love, and He could not love after creation, because He is unchanging. Only the Trinitarian God can both be Unchanging and loving at the same time.
Sounds like an intimidation tactic. If people didn't obey allah and his messenger their torment in the grave would be so severe that it would be audible! But wait...he couldn't say that because people would realize he was lying. But animals! Can't disprove that! So he said that animals could hear them. Muhammad would say things on many occasions that were unfalsifiable. Another example would be in a hadith where he claims that he could have tied Satan up until morning for all of the believers to see....but know...decided not to. But he could have!!!! Convenient. Claims that can't be tested can't be proven false (or true...but they don't have to be for a Muslim. Muhammad said it and that's good enough).
LOL so then by claiming the animals could hear is his way of verifying it's true? so he backs up his lies, with more lies. It's ingenious. Oh and with the tying Satan up part "I can do that, I just don't want to" - Muhammad
Probably something along the lines of "it's what goes bump in the night, makes cats arch their backs when there's nothing there, makes dogs howl, etc."
Actually most claims about scientific stuff from Quran are literally nonsense in arabic, i understand arabic and understand how what Muslims claims about scientific things doesn't carry any real meaning
by him in whose hands is my life, if you were not to commit sin Allah would sweep you out of existence, and he would replace you with people who would commit sin and would seek forgiveness from allah, and he would have pardoned them. Sahih Muslim 50:2. is this crazy or not, so he wants people to commit sin. and those that are sinless he would sweep out of existence. this hadith alone shows allah for whom he is.
im questioning whether allah really is the most merciful or am i praying to the wrong god, i been praying to allah for something for a long period of time but absolutely no reply to my prayers. what could i be doing wrong is the question that comes up to my mind......
Psalm 5:4-6 4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell. 5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence; you hate all who do wrong. 6 You destroy those who tell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors. Psalm 11:5 5 The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked and those who love violence his soul hates. Leviticus 20:23 23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them. Leviticus 26:30 30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you. Romans 9:13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
Yeah, God excercises punishment on those that forego the covenant with Him, that doesn't mean he is not loving. Can you show me where Allah is portrayed as (not called) loving in the Quran?
I didnt even have to bring up Hadiths! I simply mention the Bridge and and I cant get an answer of how Allah is Merciful! Al Sirat is a pariah in Muslim theology.
There will come a time, when you've to repeat (redo) these older videos but great videos, when you have more subscribers for the purpose of reaching a wider audience. The bridge over hell is a concept I don't hear about often, except on CP' videos, needs to be a common knowledge to all.
I take Genesis literally. Adam came from dust. The tree of Life (though also a metaphor) was an actual tree in the Garden. Great video, brother in Christ.
this is something which got me thinking after watching your video Allah is NOT Forgiving, Merciful or Loving And not All powerful it seems ! the thing he cant do is,born of a women or Allah cant have a son with out a consort.Allah cant be father,son,holy spirit.Allah cant die for humans and their sins.All in all he isnt What our Saviour is and can;t do what Yeshua Did... Please could you expound on it....
allah's love is conditional. The love of YAHWEH was given even when we hated him. He sent his only begotten son begotten not created to suffer for humanity. That is love not some god that hates. Christianity is true Islam is false. Jesus is LORD
Islamic theology reflects the mind and needs of a conqueror perfectly. You show mercy to your enemies, they'll come back later to bite you in the ass. I can see how a cruel man and pathologic liar would mistake submission for love as a way to justify his atrocities or because he simply doesnt know anything else. And the best tool to achieve submission is fear. I'm myself an atheist, so I don't believe you get to choose what is true ... but more so if you did - what a godawful choice islam is.
If only Muslims could study their texts and compare with Biblical God, they would apostatize en mass. Thank you bro for the informative research work. Commendable.
Tell that to the Amalekite children... "Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one the Lord sent to anoint you king over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the Lord. This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; *put to death men and women, children and infants* , cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." (1 Samuel 15) Why did Jesus command the killing of toddlers & babies???
I have already addressed this. Regarding killing children, you should examine your own worldview:
I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing the claim made by Patrick. P.S. Patrick, it ain't never gonna happen. Christianity is no threat to Islam, secular liberal atheism is.
@vengeful Avenger, do you have anything to say about the main post? You phony pseudonym keyboard jihadist like diverting debates. People are asking questions and abandoning Islam despite the threat of apostasy. The biggest threat to Islam in not atheism or Christianity, it is the truth. For apostate testimonies, find them here:
Oh Allah I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the grave. Ameen. Allah said : O My servants who have transgressed against themselves by sinning, do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Surah 39 :53
Ali Hassan you apparently didn’t watch the video. I know what the Quran says. Turns out, Allah’s “forgiveness” and “mercy” mean nothing. Enjoy your punishment in the grave, passing over the bridge through hell and retaliation upon each other to purify your sins. You can have your “merciful” Allah. Muhammad was the worst theologian in history.
I watch it 3 times. Not everyone will be punishment in the grave Sunnah shows us how to Protect yourself from the punishment in the Grave. The righteous people who do good deeds and ovoid evils their grave will be the best place.
So I can be evil person commit the sins I like and do horrible deeds and Just believing that Jesus died in the Cross then I will be forgiven ?? is that how I will be saved in Christianity ? is that What Jesus said ? where is the justice ??? Now you will tell me I have to repent which will contradict your theologian
Ali Hassan The same old objection. Come on, give me something new. Unfortunately the biblical writers already thought of your objection about 2000 years ago. Read Hebrews 6:4 and following. Very harsh judgement is reserved for people who “crucify Christ all over again” dragging his Name through the mud. If you read biblical texts as much as I’ve read Islamic texts you wouldn’t even be raising such a ridiculous objection.
Not only, that Allah is not merciful nor forgiving, he NEVER did anything! He is impotent. Well, he claimed (or Mohammed claimed), that he did all the deeds and miracles, attributed to Jehova, but Allah is not identical with Jehova. The only things Allah did are, cursing, promising something, threatening, order murder, raping, hate and other crimes. But he NEVER actually forgave someone.
I think you have decided to defeet Islam. Change your channel name to Islam hater . I am not challenging you but the challenge stand from the beginning and will stand till it complete. There is no power on earth that succeed against Islam. If you imagine you can defeat the creator of this universe then continue. Cheating people will not stop them entering Islam. Love is not introduced in religion, but submission. What our creator wants from us we follow. Our system is superior to all way of life. We start every thing in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful. Nothing could be greater than this. This is wrong idea, God is love, it becomes love is God this idea is good for drunkard and lust pleasures.
"Don't read your Bible like Zakir Naik and we'll get along just fine" = Islam hater? Interesting. You know, there could be some truth to that. When I look at your own Sahih I do hate Muhammad for the things he did. In that sense you could call me an "Islam" hater. But I love Muslims, this is why I have this channel and spend so much of my time working with them. All of your response is just rhetorical. In this video I'm simply asking Muslims to realize the Bible is in a different format, you cannot exegete it like the Quran.
Islam Critiqued , bible have been fashioned and changed everything according to what a man like to hear and cleverly designed few verses which you use to show love and go naked. I know the intention of a Christian they don't know what will happen to themselves after death and think better for others. Gentleman your religion has cruppted but you don't know you have opposite thinking of prophet Jesus. Unless you believe he was a man you can't find the truth. He was a Prophet and told his disciples about coming of other Prophet. And that prophet is Prophet Mohammad. Christians are entering Islam more than other faiths. Because we don't cheat.
roberto, If I am with others mentioned are lier we are blessed, Christians wholesale accepting yours so called lies. Jews say, there is nothing written in old testament about Muslims say Jesus foretold about prophet Muhammad. Do you walk from two sides front and back?
wait don't tell me ....Deuteronomy 18:18 or maybe Solomon 5:16....or wish to see Mohammad in the holy bible.........if that was the case Christians from all over the world would (and i say this with vile in my mouth) recognize Mohammad........the good news is that he is not.........mochmed is not Mohammad......Mohammad is not in the's just wishful thinking on your Jewish friends are easy dude............
roberto , believe Jesus son of Mary, if you say he was son of God and deny him to be son of Mary, that is horrible thing you say. You can't say I am son of only my father. If you accept son of God and Mary then there is relationships between God and Mary, that's the most horrible thing. If you want to solve the maze of trinity your is not enough to solve this idea. Where are you going?
So, if muslims believe that they will be harshly punished for any and all small sins, I get it that they cannot take any form of critique, as that would be an instant confirmation that they might have sinned and thus would have to live with the knowledge that their punishment is ever growing. The other day I had to ask a (very religious) muslim who wants to be my friend, to stop being disrespectful to me. Almost every time we meet she tries to persuade me to eat stuff I'm allergic to, and after a few months of trying to be nice about it and calmly tell her I get sick, I finally snapped and told her to stop nagging and not ask again. She got really upset and the next day she just did not turn up for our meeting, nor did she text to inform me of absence until very late, telling me she was terribly ill. From this video, I think I can start to understand where she's coming from. I thought she was angry with me, but she's probably scared stiff.
How does this guy not have 100,000+ subscribers? He is in the top 0.5%w of knowledgeable people on Islam / Old Testament studies. He understands Hebrew, has read the commentaries/hadiths/quran. Wish I had the mind to study this well...Oh well.
I'll keep sharing what I know with anyone who takes the time to watch!
@@IslamCritiqued thank you!!!!
@@IslamCritiqued 👍 contine. I don't care how old the video is.
@forsenCD You are exactly the type of person he warns and talks about. Clearly he does know his stuff.
Agreed 100 percent, this channel is fantastic, we should copy some of his video links into Apostate Prophet's channel so his (AP's) subscribers can see this channel! Let's get the numbed of subscribers up!
A humble person does not assert repeatedly that he is humble; he demonstrates it in his words and deeds. A wise person does not assert repeatedly that he is wise; he demonstrates it in his words and deeds. An intelligent person does not assert repeatedly that he is intelligent; he demonstrates it in his words and deeds. Without the supporting evidence, the claims are hollow, no better than propaganda.
The Qur'an assert repeatedly that Allah is merciful, wise, forgiving, etc... Where is the supporting evidence?
Well put.
I've noticed that pretty much all references to Allah's mercy, love, etc. are strictly _invocational._ It was common among ancient Near Eastern traditions to try through prayers to magically manipulate gods and demons into doing something for a petitioner via _flattery,_ typically attributing qualities to the entity that one _wishes them to have._ Tellingly, gods in this tradition tend to be amoral, capricious, and prone to violent mood swings.
These aren't attributes of Allah, they're hopeful entreaties/tacit begging for love and mercy.
@@Xbalanque84 Excellent observation! There is praising God for the qualities that He has consistently demonstrated, and there is asking Allah for favor by attributing to him qualities that he only demonstrates capriciously, if at all (flattery). e.g., "And Allah is merciful" = "Allah, be merciful toward me [despite your history of not showing mercy]."
Not that anyone ever accused Muhammad of being manipulative...
😂😂😂😂by the way... I find the repetition in the Quran verses very childish and immature and embarrassing.
I very strongly agree with your assertions.
it makes me so mad. because Ramadan is approaching the buses are plastered with "for the love of allah". i shake my head because it just doesn't exist. this is a great video. may God bless all of you and your hard work
GodsWordSaves 7 thanks for your comment!
Also, where do you live? You mentioned the slogans on busses.
Islam Critiqued my guess would be London. They do a lot of advertising (propaganda) over there.
@@chrissierestall5952 😂 you're right. Swarm of Muslims Here in London. You don't wanna debate most of them, they wouldn't even give you the light of day, just want to talk all over you..
@@igormehinagic3708 Where is your comment? What do you mean discriminate other religions? Is it wrong to critique a religion? Is that not how we stop dangerous ideas from being spread?
I watched this video for the first time today and it is much different than your usual videos - more like a sermon than an academic critique. BUT, I really like it. Perhaps your best video even. You really got to the heart of the difference between Islam (and every other religion I'm aware of) and Christianity, and did so in a poweful way.
Christianity teaches that God is love and we are to place our trust is *His* righteousness. Islam teaches we should place our trust in our own righteousness, do a bunch of rituals, and hope it is enough to please an unfeeling god. Every other man made religion is essentially the same - trust in yourself (and maybe give us some money to know how to do this). No thanks! I know myself well enough to not trust in my own perfection; instead I will place my trust in the true God, as revealed in Jesus Christ.
Thanks for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed!
Excellent point !
And the "rituals" part as well - I have heard of Muslims eating at daytime during Ramadan, but doing so secretly, trying not to be seen from other Muslims. But then one can ask: Doesn't Allah see who is observing and who is not? Do those people hope to escape from Allah's gaze?
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски Ignorance is a bliss.
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски we're talking about the same Allah who vouched that the Qur'an would be divinely preserved - and wasn't powerful enough to keep a farm animal from devouring some of the pages. I imagine it's fairly easy to hide whether you do or don't eat in the daytime during Ramadan from a deity that weak, no?
Crazy to find a comment of yours that is this old!! Would it be older than your first upload?
Exmuslim here. Muslim-born in an Islamic society, unwillingly, and a Christian by own choice. And whenever a turmoil happens in my head or life, whenever someone or something tries to put seeds of doubt in me, or whatever f feel sad and hopeless and alone, among other essential things (for example listening Bible, especially the Gospel prevented me from suicidal thoughts. Prayers and talks with Jesus give me feel that I am still a human, who is loved), I just listen you brother. The fruits of thy are that type of fruits that replace the seeds of doubt with hope, love and faith.
Keep it always up, please! Your speaks about the true nature of Islam is absolutely eye-opening for those who fall into the joint propaganda of both rich muslim politicians and the Left "activists" all within the Western Judeo-Christian civilization. And it is not a good practice to generalize all and entire, butbat least from my perspective I can say that the most Muslims don't need this as they know their stuff and very well aware of it, so the main reasons that they still stick to this are two: 1st fear of beheading, they would like quit the religion of atrocities but can't because of fear, 2nd because well who are those who behead others and cast fear and terror into the hearts of non-Muslims? Those who love Evil. So these two main types of Muslims and they're well aware of and about the religion of atrocities. An eye-opening revelations about it need more the Western people - until it is too late, as once a fire hyena burns a green grass to the ground it will never recover again - fire hyena here is Islam, and the green grass is Christian cities Antiochia in Syria, Alexandria in Egyp and Constantinople. Nowadays invitation for islam to freely pass over the West is not telling about getting the lessions from the history of the fate of former major Christian cities, and population, after islamic take over. You're doing the best job on opening the eyes about true nature of islam, of the thing that we openly and freely let it to flood into our communities. For now your work is heavily underrated but believe me what you're doing is has a very serious historical matter! And the fact that many exmuslims, as the insiders, are supporting this, makes Islam getting maximum angry and hateful, which proves itself.
Our heavenly Father, the one true God, He is merciful, loving, ever long suffering and wholly just. One must believe in God, in God incarnate through Yeshua and in the Holy Spirit, to be saved, to be reconciled back to the Creator. All power, all honor and all glory be His, for He is truly worthy of all praise.
“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness...”
@@IslamCritiqued Mmm. ..Yet by no means clearing the guilty.
Protestants who insist on scripture and not tradition continually condemn Islam for what's in their Hadith; a collection collected hundreds of years later in the service of empire and domination of 'all enemies domestic and foreign'. Then of course Purgatory is a bed of roses or that sinner in the hands of an angry god is just dancing not writhing.
Protestant Atonement Theology is premised on the idea that God has tortured his Son or himself in the Person of his Son depending on how you make sense of the Trinity either way PAT doesn't actually demonstrate a merciful God but rather one that suits the sadist. You know the kind of thing : look someone's bombed our temples of commerce so lets bomb a defenceless society in recompence and hey as we're Christian oh golly gosh it's even better that they're innocent - WWJD.
Scripture insists that you fear the God who can destroy both soul and body in (if you're traditional) hell, that indeed the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever so it's hard to see the difference between the Orthodox God and Allah here, the actual religious texts insist behave or fry and don't get too cocky as to be self-righteous or worse a Republican Christian. California Uber Alles
Yes so you know the concept of الله . Allah is the heavenly father youre talking about basically الله = god and your father = god
@@zyzzimmortal1286 according to your prophet Allah is a father to no one. So you just went against your prophet
@@atvgapologetics8583 according to jews and muslim god is not father so you went against your early prophets
I've noticed that pretty much all references to Allah's mercy, love, etc. are strictly _invocational._ It was common among ancient Near Eastern traditions to try through prayers to magically manipulate gods and demons into doing something for a petitioner via _flattery,_ typically attributing qualities to the entity that one _wishes them to have._ Tellingly, gods in this tradition tend to be amoral, capricious, and prone to violent mood swings.
These aren't attributes of Allah, they're hopeful entreaties/tacit begging for love and mercy.
Along with that, I would also suggest they're formulaic. Muhammad's "revelations" were oral traditions that he linked together during his live performances. So he needed these fixed phrases to link his narratives together.
Not to mention convenient revelations... Aisha even noticed that allah seemed to want to please muhammed with his wishes....
@@IslamCritiqued The "Allah does not love x" is indeed formulaic, and I would suggest it's there partly also to remind Muslims what God's laws are. There is a legalistic aspect in this, a menace, if you will, not like the loving God we trust in, but like some sort of maffioso.
@@zyzzimmortal1286 Yes, he is most merciful. He went willingly to his death and carried YOUR sins upon him. He loved YOU so much that he was willing to die for you, and rose from the dead, to give YOU the CHOICE to accept him, the freedom to accept him, and in accepting him be forgiven, no conditions, no extra work required.
Meanwhile, you follow a god that demands you do good deeds in the desperate hope that you MIGHT be predestined for Paradise. Might. He can't even promise you that you WILL go to Paradise. Is that really merciful, I ask you?
@@TheObscureRambler yes that makes logic for me . We are been created by the almighty god for some purpose in this life . Our purpose is to worship him and 5 daily prayers gives us peace like you do your homework and you will be satisfied . And also your god wants you to just accept him to go to heaven it means you can sin murderr rapee etc this will destroy humanity that is why الله knows best
Unlike your god concept who puts all non beleivers in heaven our god puts beleiver also if he is not a good man . Thats the most just also jesus never saud all these things
Even i can make a god myself and send a false prophet like paul and make things easy lol
The love of Islamic god (no capitals) is conditional, he only loves those who love him, he does not love various kinds of people - for instance those who are proud, sinful, transgressor etc.
And Jesus condemned this kind of love He said, "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:46-48)
When I was a boy, quite young probably 10, my mother told me about the punishment in grave, she thought it was necessary to make me aware of these stuff. I still remember on that night I did not sleep properly, my heart sunk, you obviously are not strong enough to overcome those sorts of psychological fear in that young age, I wept until I fell asleep.
Anyways concerning the voices of torment - Seems like the shrill voices of scream in the graves are beyond the audibility range of humans (i.e. more than 20000Hz). Desperate Muslims trying to find scientific miracles in the teachings of Muhammad, would rather say, "Hey look here what it says, it is talking about the audibility of human ears which is less than that of animals." And then they would say, "Who could have mentioned this 1400 years ago? When scientists have recently discovered this fact."
In their own false desperation they would rather ignore everything, they would not care to think about mercy, forgiveness or love of Allah not even in the very least sense which is far more important than anything else. I mean how could you even hope for your salvation if your god is not merciful, forgiving or loving?
*Super User* Allah's love falls short of even human love. For those who've endured through their own children's' rebellion, we never withdraw our love, we don't retaliate, and believe me, at times, both of my kids were excellent candidates for abuse. ;-)
Christ tells us in Matthew 5:16, ""For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?"
So, Allah at the very bottom of the totem pole when it comes to "love".
+Betsy Ross
I couldn't control myself when you said _both of my children were excellent candidates for abuse._
Anyways I think we should invite +Kafir Linda Clark to this channel, I've seen her in the comment section of Acts17Apologetics many times. She is an active participant in commenting. I think she too will love this channel.
*Super User* Yes, Linda is never shy to speak her mind, and I think she'd benefit greatly from this channel's efforts. Good idea!!
+Betsy Ross
Yeah, and I'll try to invite others too, those I think are critical and honest and not hate mongers.
Hey Super User, I saw your comments on 1 of Acts17's videos recommending this channel, I would definitely encourage you "to invite others too"!
God bless you brother!
- Loris
I was considering Islam but I don't think I'll sign up. However, I will continue studying Islam so perhaps I can lead other to Christ. Thanks for your work and may the Lord bless and keep you and yours💖.
So glad you decided to stay with Jesus 💕
There are many ex muslims (they didn't convert into any religion) , that share videos, sadly they are in Arabic but i guess i can translate some if someone needed they are like really in depth about islam and how Muhammed is false prophet
Names best one siraj hayani.
Others like kosay betar, shrief gaber (translated but it's like commic not very much info)
These probably the best there are many more.
What is so appealing in Islam with all the information out there about it for anyone with a minimum effort can find out on their own. Anyone in his right mind wouldn't consider joining Islam, let alone telling the entire world that they ever considered such lunacy.
@@yekatyaap548 how is your lord jesus when he was born and eats food...
Wow! The flames of hell on that bridge? This is the first time hearing this for me. Poor Muslims! They can be forgiven of all their sins through Jesus, yet they reject him! Pray for Muslims!
*Kafir Linda Clark* The sirat is referenced in "Reliance" a few times, but unless you're looking for it, it's easy to overlook. Being involved in group study brought things to the discussion I might never have found on my own, because I'm certainly not going to wade through its 1200 mind numbing pages. Turn to the index in the back of the book for any topic you want. The book is based in the Quran, and hadith specialists, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, ibn Majah, Abu Dawud, ibn Kathir, Dhahabi, and Nawawi. That covers the luminaries of the Sahih Sittah, so there's no reason for Sunni Muslim to reject anything their law imposes.
One cautionary directive simply says something like "It's offensive to stand while urinating". It doesn't say who's offended or why, but I suspect it's based on Muhammad squatting like a female when he urinated. He probably had severe hypospadias, so it's pretty stupid to impose a law based on a birth defect. _SMH_
@Yes Yes I believe in ONE God who manifests himself in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Just like Jesus taught.
@Slave of Allah Let me give you the Biblical perspective, and YOU need to remember that without the Bible, your religion would not exist. ALL the stories in your Qur'an are BASED on the Bible- Qur'an MISQUOTES the stories, but the Characters in your Qur'an are Biblical- Moses, David, Issa, Mary, Jibreel, etc.
1. Qur'an does not tell you God's NAME.
2. Qur'an denies the Biblical prophesies about Messiah.
3. Qur'an does not correctly define Messiah
4. The attributes of your god are different from the attributes of the God of the Bible.(for instance, MY God CANNOT LIE- He is not a DECEIVER EVER. My God does not hate disbelievers, he LOVES all of his creation. Your god even calls non believers "the worst of Creatures". How or why would Allah hate what he brought into existence?)
5. Islam has no consequences for evil deeds(sin). You aren't required to change your heart or the way you think about things in a bad way to cleanse your mind of bad thoughts. For instance- if you look at a woman and think sexual things about her,and she is not your wife, Jesus said that is a sin. THINKING can be sinful. Jesus DEMANDS I cause my mind and thoughts to become pure. Islam only demands you perform rituals to make your body clean (Wudu) and no where in Qur'an does your god tell you to make your THOUGHTS CLEAN.
I can go on and on about the differences between Islam and Christianity. No, according to my Bible, Islam is totally opposite of my Biblical teachings. Your religion requires you to pray the same prayers, every day, five times a day. My Bible teaches me to be in CONSTANT prayer with God. And my God does not want repetitive words that are memorized- He wants to hear from my thoughts and heart.
Islam has NO truths in it according to my Bible.
@@igormehinagic3708 Islam is not a race goof ball.
@@igormehinagic3708 Since when is INSULTING someone a crime? And you pay no attention to my statement of "Pray for Muslims". How profoundly sad that you can't see that I CARE about Muslims. Muslims come in all kinds of people Igy. Just the fact that my words offend you shows how small minded you are. I have the right, in America to say MUHAMMAD AND ALLAH SUCK! Why? Because I know Islam very very well. Muhammad said, "I have been made victorious through terror". And you're not offended by THAT? Muhammad said "I have been commanded to fight the Nations until all the people testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger". And you're not offended by THAT? Qur'an, Sura 9:29- Oh believers! Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the last day, nor forbid that which Allah and his messenger forbid, even if they are the people of the book(Jews and Christian's)until they pay the jizya and feel themselves subdued. I suggest you take the time to study Islam, like I have. Start with the Qur'an then venture into the Hadith's. I began studying Islam with the idea that Islam was good. I too was CHALLENGED to study, and I did. Now, the only way peace among Nations will happen is if Islam is ERADICATED.
Love your videos...
I live in a Muslim Majority country, and I have heard Imams teaching with mentions of punishment in the grave made by Mohammad in their books and I have heard them so many times... (They use very loud speakers to not let anyone around that speaker sleep at night, brilliant! Islam? More brilliant!!)
@@farahsiddique6702 hahaha what kind of drugs are you taking?
youre just running away from the truth when the time comes you will wish you didnt take the matter lightly i cant stress how bad i feel for you you were so close yet so far the teachings of punishment is a reminder of what could happen if you disregard your creator why are you on this earth what is your purpose you cant disobey and expect to gain the best yet after disobeying sm he still didnt deprive your heart from beating another time, God Bless
@@ZaakirahLorgatdude, use punctuation.
Okay so I subscribed to you like a week or two ago and I’ve been videos like almost every day. This video really touched my heart because it differentiated the core character of Yahweh and Allah. How can someone like you who is knowledgeable in these fields have less than 20k subscribers? You are painfully underrated in the world of Christian apologetics and that shouldn’t go unnoticed.
P.S. You’re also like really attractive! And on top of that your ASMR like-voice really calms my soul 😇
I just do what I can, I'm glad you're enjoying!
Islam Critiqued Ah! You noticed me! 😱 And you’re welcome 😇
@@zyzzimmortal1286 Interesting how He has a more important role in Islam compared to Muhammad
@@Ash_Queen16 jesus is most merciful that he throws all disbeleivers to hell 👏🏻 and you complain allah
@@zyzzimmortal1286 Complain about what?
According to some Muslim friends; their torment started at the moment their bodies get laid inside the, there seems to be more torment in store for them 🤢 No wonder, they get more and more scared of death!
Us Christians should not and do not fear death. We are assured of hope thanks to our Saviour
Almost everyone is scared of death. Death is the end of life here.
@@williamjames4031 But by no means the end
@@Alextheginger093 read my comment properly I said "Here". After your death you will not be here. You will either be in heaven or hell.
@@williamjames4031 Ah my bad sorry
I love IC. How sincere he is when it comes to Truth. How the fire burns in his heart. May God bless IC more and more.
Allah: "Torture, torment, uncertainty in death, earn your way through works, maybe you`ll make it." - Quran
Yahweh: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16.
The Greek of John 3:16 and the word “believe” also includes following jesus, not sola fide. Just as the Church Fathers taught that salvation is Faith & Work.
@@leibstandartess3315 Biblically, works are a RESULT of salvation. Stop believing that false doctrine. Check out Robert Breakers video how to get saved.
Romans 11:6
“And if by grace, then is it NO MORE OF WORKS; otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more of grace; otherwise work is no more work”
Romans 4:5
“But to him that WORKETH NOT but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness”
Romans 11:29
“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance”
Stop contradicting scripture you devil
@@Navii-05you’re as wrong as he is. Pls read my other comment
@@phineas8532 Explain how was I wrong.
Yes! When you mentioned a bridge, I remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man. In that story, Abraham explains to the rich man: "‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us'" (Luke 16:25-26). Some Muslims will listen to the synoptic gospels (Injil), of which Luke is a part.
This story of Lazarus' death and his subsequent comforts in heaven with Abraham is a parable; not to be taken literally. A parable is a made-up story (similar to Aesop's fables) designed to make ONE point/teach one lesson. In this case, the lesson is simple: make use of the opportunity you now have since there may not be another one. BTW, it is true that some Muslims may initially "listen" to Injil, but there are two great stumbling blocks in the path of Muslims to accept Injil in its entirety and still remain a Muslim. The foundation of Christianity is the atoning/vicarious death of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection approximately three days later. ALL Muslims totally deny/reject these.
Ramesh, we all have different tafsir regarding parables. I encourage Muslims to at least read the synoptic gospels in their entirety once in their lives. It's even better to read the first covenant (old testament) to clarify the Messianic narrative spoken of in the new. If we want to discuss tenets of faith from there, please, by all means. If not, at least they will have an idea where we obtain our beliefs.
@@zyzzimmortal1286 child lover huh! I see you in every message like a troll. How much are the paying you?
Well said! So glad I follow a God of love, forgiveness and mercy! Praise Jesus for giving his life for me!
_"If We willed, We could take away that We have revealed to thee, then thou wouldst find none thereover to guard thee against Us...(Q17:86)_
This last example refers to a situation where Allah has commanded something. The Quran says that if he subsequently changed his will, the people who were following his earlier instructions would have no defense in pleading their case before him." Which God? by Mark Durie, pg. 123
Compare that to Yahweh who keeps his word, does not change, and does not lie.
Against the advice of my pastor, when I was about six months old in Christ, I was driven to study the Hebrew Bible. It was that study that undergirded my complete confidence in the God of the Bible. I remember how stunned I was when reading about all the Israelites/Jews rebellion and backsliding, and God's faithfulness to them. He judged and disciplined them, but never broke His covenant with them. That is a God I can trust, a God I can have complete confidence in. He is the God you can fall head over heels in love with. And aren't we most blessed because of His grace and mercy?
*CatoTheElder* And that's but empty speech, because it's quite clear that Allah values Christ far above Muhammad. I'm quite stunned that Muslims either can't see it, or they haven't bothered reading their Quran.
*CatoTheElder* Well, I think it's the pitiful Islamic slaves that live in an echo chamber, but that's just a moot point.
I've talked with Muslim apostates who were forced to memorize the Quran, but never understood it, and were forbidden to ask questions. I'd rather listen to those who quote Shakespeare. Memorization has no salvific effect at all; it's just more busy work to keep Muslims too exhausted to think.
Since Allah claims the Quran is a clear book (11.1; 12.1; 16.89; 27.75; 34.3; 36.12); easy to understand (44.58, 54.22, 54.32, 54.40); explained in detail (6.114); explaining everything (16.89) conveyed clearly (5.16, 10.15); with no doubt in it (2.1); with clear ordinances (98.3); decisive (86.13) of divine nature (10.37); and full of wisdom (2.32; 43.4; 36.2), even a perfunctory read exposes his makr. it lives up to NONE of those lofty claims. He knew no science, nor ancient history, nor even the Bible he claimed to have sent.
Can you explain al Tariq 5 - 7 to me in a manner that would lead me to believe Allah is my creator? How 'bout al Mu'minun 12 - 14? Allah's teachings on all aspects of science, sound equally ignorant. Pick any science you want, and it will be wrong. Is stupidity a "divine" attribute? I say, "NO!"
@@FreeRadical7118 i am so confused are you a Christian or muslim?
"I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, even though he dies, he will live" - John 11:25
Sounds like 100% grade A bull crap. The solution is to be against all mass murdering religious cults.
I study at the seminary and we were only told about the bridge over the flame - Sirat. But it turns out that Muslims will also fight each other in front of the doors of paradise ?! That's terrible!!!
Thank you for your research, which you always present with tact and visual material. I watch your videos from Russia using subtitles. Some apologists don't have an automatic subtitle feature. You have! Thanks!
@@zyzzimmortal1286 You're wrong, but even IF you were right, it's still better than what Allah has in store for you.
Obviously you didn't watch the video, but that's okay. Keep serving the Slavemaster.
Very informative and it's true. Great work!
Hearing these things as a child absolutely traumatized me, my mom would tell me all the time how bad hell is, how bad the grave is, what happens in the grave, she mentions screams and yelling, the endless torture
Over time i knew that i won’t be able to escape this horrible fate, and i lost my faith
I sincerely hope you will find faith, mercy and love in Christ Jesus.
He is never far from those who call on Him to save them.
Did you ever get it back?
those are the tortures of the disbelivers you can escape the horrible fate
@@musahyles8443 you're a damned liar and you know it
But pls reflect again with the adult view of today and forget the fear which is maybe in you From a Young Age. Then you will insha Allah realize That its just fear but no real Arguments behind it. I think its always a matter of Point of view and how Allah Tells the Prophet „I am how my Servant thinks I am.“
God Bless you! I see deep sympathy for Muslims in your eyes when you speak on this subject. God Bless You! This was an important message!
I wonder if the Muslims who believe Allah is a loving & merciful God and live lives of virtue are really worshiping YHWH, even if they don't realize it. Your video makes me think of that passage by C. S. Lewis in the "Last Battle" where the Calormen who serves Tash ends up in the New Narnia and Aslan tells him it is because names don't matter. Any good deed done in the name of Tash is still service to Aslan. And any vile deed done in the name of Aslan is done in service to Tash.
@borrowed tomb well I grew up as a Muslim and 10 commandments of Moses played a greater role than "Sahih Bukhari". So basically... maybe?
No not really. Just because it is a different name, if they actually don't do the same things it is a different God. For example, YHWH says that we cannot do good deeds to go to heaven. But Allah says that is how you go to heaven. These are completely contradictory.
I love the way you explained things. God bless you, brother.
Jesus is messenger, allah is god
@@zyzzimmortal1286 you didn’t watch the video did you?
Dr. William Lane Craig in his debate with Shabir Ally "The Concept of God in Islam and Christianity" said that God could still punish his servants and love them at the same time just as a parent might punish his child and still love him. However, this analogy is fallacious. The parent punishes the child in order to discipline him and rehabilitate him to improve and avoid these mistakes in the future. The overall intent behind this is good. However, God is going to place the disbeliever in hell for eternity. Where is the discipline? The overall intent behind this is to ensure that the person being thrown in hell suffers and this is not good.
Isaiah 4:2-6 - The Branch of the Lord
In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel.
Never knew this channel's old videos are this great!
Started off great and got better lol
8:00 "Muhammad was a horrible theologian." Great line and so true.
Yup , so true.
This is amazing video. I’ve seen several of your videos and commented on them, but this I think takes the cake well done!
New to this channel but it's my new fave ❤❤ you and dr david woods do a fantastic job. Love from liverpool✌
Allah loves Humans in very twisted way.
Brilliant work! Blessings to you!
Only just seen this for the first time. Thank you for doing it live. It's deeply moving 😥💔🙏🥰
Give me a break! Lol this story is rather disturbingly funny.
Thank you for doing God’s work. I salute you.
@@zyzzimmortal1286 Jesus loves you may God bless you Zyzz
What a great video. Fantastic work! Praying for all Muslims that they may see the light and truth that is only found in Christ. Amen
wow, you are doing the Lord's work and I really appreciate it that you do you research and read all the sources. Blessings to you, viewer from Finland
Vita Thaïs thanks for saying hi!
Vita Thaïs Moi Moi!! I have many relatives in Finland! My aunt sings in a choir at Helsingin Saalemi. I met a woman on another channel whose brother knows my aunt! Terveisia Australiasta! 🇦🇺 🇫🇮
Actually according to Tafsir Tabari (the probably oldest Tafsir available) "Allahs mercy" consists of having "creaed us" NOT in having forgivness. "Rahman" is NOT defined as "Forgiving" according to Islam sources.
This video makes my heart go out to all those who are left with this terribly mean god called Allah. I so wish they would change their mind, and come into the following of Jesus Christ, and get all that they in their god-given revelation in their heart long for. Because it IS true that the true god is forgiving, merciful and loving... - but his name is NOT Allah. His name is found in the bible - where you have the revelation of who he truly is - a revelation that will fit with the god-shaped hole that is inside of all of us. Allah does not fit into that hole. The god of the bible, with the work of Jesus Christ fit that hole perfectly.
I am now convinced that it's not a matter of making up there mind. It's not an intellectual problem. Can't be. Anyone can see what kind of person muhamed was. This is a spiritual problem. Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This is why we see women advocating for the slaughtering of babies. And getting furious when the law gets overturned. How can someone get that angry over not being able to kill a baby? Something is spiritually wrong
Amazing job brother.
Agree 👍
Wow. This is a great video. I’m going to share this with as many people as I can. More people NEED to see this.
Collin, I love your heart. You truly care about those who are lost and misled. I pray that many people will seek the truth via your channel. God bless, my brother.
(15:56) Abraham said: "Who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except the misguided?"
started getting goosebumps at 13 when you started talking about the real God. bless you
Awesome video! Keep up the great work and God bless!
Plz add subtitles of most majority muslim countries such as Indonesia and Arabs...
God bless you
@Islam Critiqued thank you very much. I loved it and will watch again and take notes. God bless you brother
When you talk about the Muslims punishing each other in death, I get mental images of Dark Knight Rises after Bane takes over Gotham and everyone turns on each other. Its just pure chaos.
Good channel. Nice vid. I like how you aren't afraid to call out all the nasty and illogical things about Islam. It doesn't make you hateful or an "islamaphobe," but simply observant on facts. Shame many Muslims don't own up to it.
Could you please do a video on Eden and the tree of life? I heard an objection to the Bible stating, "Why was there a tree of life in the garden of Eden if there was no death before Adam sinned?" You are the only one who I have heard speak about it. Thank you very much for your videos. I have learned quite a bit from them.
Thanks for your comment!
I guess I would have to understand where "if there was no death before Adam sinned" is coming from.
@@IslamCritiqued I appreciate your reply. I know you are probably quite busy. I did not see the context of his question. I saw a brief snippet of a youtube video where he asked the question and I have been studying and searching for the answer ever since. Gen. 3:19, 1 Cor. 15:21-22, and Rom. 5:12 say that sin and subsequently death came to the earth through Adam. So, if there was no death when the world was perfect, why was there a tree of life in the garden? Then, after death entered, they weren't allowed to eat from the tree so they wouldn't live forever in their sin. Any light you could shed on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Consider Romans 5:12 " death spread to all men." There is no mention of animals (as your statement above seems to indicate 'no death' including animals?) or the rest of created order, i.e. plants..etc. The context of these statements is mankind's position before God: "...sin entered the world through one man." Animals...etc are not in the discussion since they can't "sin", they have no moral culpability. "So, if there was no death when the world was perfect..." The text doesn't say the world was perfect, whatever one means by that, in Gen 1-3.
The Tree of Life represents the presence of God: 'To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’ -Rev 2.7. Also, see the imagery of Eden restored in Rev 21-22. Where God is, there and only there, is the fullness of life. When mankind was expelled from the presence of God, they were separated from the source of their contingent life, and death followed. This is the condition we're all born in to, separation from God, unholiness, and sin follows naturally, Rom 5:12.
"they weren't allowed to eat from the tree so they wouldn't live forever in their sin" God's decree took effect- Gen 2.17. Mankind's new found unholiness is incompatible with God's holiness and so they were removed from the presence of God, with a reminder of God's holiness (fire) as the reason for prohibiting reentry into God's presence: Gen 3.24. Hope that helps!
@@IslamCritiqued Thank you. That does help. I understand what you are saying about what the tree of life represents. However, if animals have no moral culpability, why was the serpent in Genesis punished after Satan used it to trick Eve? Also, would God create something that isn't perfect? I know plants "living" and "dying" would not be imperfect.
You can translate serpent as a noun "serpent" (i.e. chaos creature) a verb "to deceive" or an adjective "shining one". There's nothing grammatically that requires any particular one of those. It could be one, or better, ALL of them: a triple entendre. The problem with a "serpent" is that people don't recognize that this is a chaos creature, a VERY common motif in the ancient near east, and entirely appropriate, given it represents the "chaos" that is against God's creative order ("you will be like God"). One who deceives, and of course a divine (supernatural) being (shining one) is an appropriate translation as well.
When the text says, "The serpent was wiser than any other creature..." they wouldn't want you to imaging a talking snake. They would want you to realize that they've introduced a chaos creature and something big is about to happen- and it does. The fall.
Islam appears to have special definitions of mercy, justice, love, hate...etc
How could/do people think that this man or anything he said or did is worthy of even consideration much more of following as the greatest moral example. Why would anyone want to serve a god like Allah. Why would they want to trust their eternal destiny base on this madness. Oh Jesus open the eyes of Muslims. 😢😢
Very clear and concise! Great video
Joseph Smith was exactly the same sort of religious dilettante. Whenever he came across an interesting religious artifact or an exotic belief he incorporated it into his religion. Of course he claimed to do so because he had received a revelation from God.
Really good video. This is only the 2nd one of yours I've watched. Subscribed. Keep it up! I WAS Muslim at one time, after 9/11, but quickly figured out that it wasn't what I thought it was. My two (grown) children are now especially ANTI-Muslim, ANTI-Islam. There are some parts of Islam that I still like, but I have an idea that you are going to change that for me. Love from ID USA
Prove the evidence for Allah. Muhammad created Allah.
A unitarian God cannot love by definition, because love requires another. Since God is unchanging, (well, ok, perhaps not in Islam, but that is an islamic deficiency for another day) He could not love before creation, because there was nothing to love, and He could not love after creation, because He is unchanging. Only the Trinitarian God can both be Unchanging and loving at the same time.
May Allah give him guidance to the truth, Ameen
Tell me are your sins forgiven on Judgement Day
I have been subscribed to you for two years with all notifications turned on and this JUST came across my feed. Just a heads up.
What would be the purpose of the animals hearing the torment of people?
Sounds like an intimidation tactic. If people didn't obey allah and his messenger their torment in the grave would be so severe that it would be audible! But wait...he couldn't say that because people would realize he was lying. But animals! Can't disprove that! So he said that animals could hear them.
Muhammad would say things on many occasions that were unfalsifiable. Another example would be in a hadith where he claims that he could have tied Satan up until morning for all of the believers to see....but know...decided not to. But he could have!!!! Convenient. Claims that can't be tested can't be proven false (or true...but they don't have to be for a Muslim. Muhammad said it and that's good enough).
LOL so then by claiming the animals could hear is his way of verifying it's true? so he backs up his lies, with more lies. It's ingenious. Oh and with the tying Satan up part "I can do that, I just don't want to" - Muhammad
Probably something along the lines of "it's what goes bump in the night, makes cats arch their backs when there's nothing there, makes dogs howl, etc."
A very compelling video, Colin. I am sure any Muslim watching this will spend sleepless nights in bed.
Keep up the good work brother Colin.
Muslim : “ but did you read it in Arabic ??”
Actually most claims about scientific stuff from Quran are literally nonsense in arabic, i understand arabic and understand how what Muslims claims about scientific things doesn't carry any real meaning
by him in whose hands is my life, if you were not to commit sin Allah would sweep you out of existence, and he would replace you with people who would commit sin and would seek forgiveness from allah, and he would have pardoned them. Sahih Muslim 50:2. is this crazy or not, so he wants people to commit sin. and those that are sinless he would sweep out of existence. this hadith alone shows allah for whom he is.
Also hell asks Allah for more fuel (ie people)
This channel is a gem 💎
im questioning whether allah really is the most merciful or am i praying to the wrong god, i been praying to allah for something for a long period of time but absolutely no reply to my prayers. what could i be doing wrong is the question that comes up to my mind......
Well what is it that you’re praying for?
Psalm 5:4-6
4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
with you the wicked cannot dwell.
5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
you hate all who do wrong.
6 You destroy those who tell lies;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
the LORD abhors.
Psalm 11:5
5 The LORD examines the righteous,
but the wicked and those who love violence
his soul hates.
Leviticus 20:23
23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them.
Leviticus 26:30
30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you.
Romans 9:13
Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated
Proverbs 6:16-19
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
Yeah, God excercises punishment on those that forego the covenant with Him, that doesn't mean he is not loving. Can you show me where Allah is portrayed as (not called) loving in the Quran?
Kudos to you Islam Critiqued. This is an insightful and logical essay.
I love to listen to his voice 😍
Very powerful and beautiful effort in bringing the truth forward
Praise lord Jesus Christ for dying for me on the cross for my sins so there is no punishment
Jesus loves you
Jesus never died on cross , jesus is messenger, allah is god
@@zyzzimmortal1286 he died for you too
I didnt even have to bring up Hadiths! I simply mention the Bridge and and I cant get an answer of how Allah is Merciful! Al Sirat is a pariah in Muslim theology.
That was straight out of heaven. Amazing truth.
Excellent work! Shared publicly on Gab and vk (Facebooks competitor)
There will come a time, when you've to repeat (redo) these older videos but great videos, when you have more subscribers for the purpose of reaching a wider audience.
The bridge over hell is a concept I don't hear about often, except on CP' videos, needs to be a common knowledge to all.
Being burned just for one minute is not merciful.
Good job brother I just subbed
I take Genesis literally. Adam came from dust. The tree of Life (though also a metaphor) was an actual tree in the Garden. Great video, brother in Christ.
this is something which got me thinking after watching your video
Allah is NOT Forgiving, Merciful or Loving
And not All powerful it seems !
the thing he cant do is,born of a women or Allah cant have a son with out a consort.Allah cant be father,son,holy spirit.Allah cant die for humans and their sins.All in all he isnt What our Saviour is and can;t do what Yeshua Did...
Please could you expound on it....
The doctrine of Allah's omnipotence is certainly inadequate, I agree! Thanks for your comment.
allah's love is conditional. The love of YAHWEH was given even when we hated him. He sent his only begotten son begotten not created to suffer for humanity. That is love not some god that hates. Christianity is true Islam is false. Jesus is LORD
Religion of fear
Islamic theology reflects the mind and needs of a conqueror perfectly. You show mercy to your enemies, they'll come back later to bite you in the ass. I can see how a cruel man and pathologic liar would mistake submission for love as a way to justify his atrocities or because he simply doesnt know anything else. And the best tool to achieve submission is fear. I'm myself an atheist, so I don't believe you get to choose what is true ... but more so if you did - what a godawful choice islam is.
If only Muslims could study their texts and compare with Biblical God, they would apostatize en mass. Thank you bro for the informative research work. Commendable.
Thank you for your comment!
Tell that to the Amalekite children...
"Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one the Lord sent to anoint you king over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the Lord. This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; *put to death men and women, children and infants* , cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." (1 Samuel 15)
Why did Jesus command the killing of toddlers & babies???
I have already addressed this.
Regarding killing children, you should examine your own worldview:
I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing the claim made by Patrick.
P.S. Patrick, it ain't never gonna happen. Christianity is no threat to Islam, secular liberal atheism is.
@vengeful Avenger, do you have anything to say about the main post? You phony pseudonym keyboard jihadist like diverting debates. People are asking questions and abandoning Islam despite the threat of apostasy. The biggest threat to Islam in not atheism or Christianity, it is the truth. For apostate testimonies, find them here:
I’ll be using this thank you
Oh Allah I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the grave. Ameen. Allah said : O My servants who have transgressed against themselves by sinning, do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Surah 39 :53
Ali Hassan you apparently didn’t watch the video. I know what the Quran says. Turns out, Allah’s “forgiveness” and “mercy” mean nothing. Enjoy your punishment in the grave, passing over the bridge through hell and retaliation upon each other to purify your sins. You can have your “merciful” Allah. Muhammad was the worst theologian in history.
I watch it 3 times. Not everyone will be punishment in the grave Sunnah shows us how to Protect yourself from the punishment in the Grave. The righteous people who do good deeds and ovoid evils their grave will be the best place.
Ali Hassan If you want to know what it’s like to have a truly loving, merciful and forgiving God, come on over to Christianity sir.
So I can be evil person commit the sins I like and do horrible deeds and Just believing that Jesus died in the Cross then I will be forgiven ?? is that how I will be saved in Christianity ? is that What Jesus said ? where is the justice ??? Now you will tell me I have to repent which will contradict your theologian
Ali Hassan The same old objection. Come on, give me something new. Unfortunately the biblical writers already thought of your objection about 2000 years ago. Read Hebrews 6:4 and following. Very harsh judgement is reserved for people who “crucify Christ all over again” dragging his Name through the mud. If you read biblical texts as much as I’ve read Islamic texts you wouldn’t even be raising such a ridiculous objection.
Could you give me references for the Quran?
Not only, that Allah is not merciful nor forgiving, he NEVER did anything! He is impotent.
Well, he claimed (or Mohammed claimed), that he did all the deeds and miracles, attributed to Jehova, but Allah is not identical with Jehova.
The only things Allah did are, cursing, promising something, threatening, order murder, raping, hate and other crimes.
But he NEVER actually forgave someone.
Mohd married ayesha a 6 year old -- and they idiolize him ... Pls make a video on this subject,
Lord Jesus Have Mercry
Κύριε Ιησού Ελέησον
יהוה ישוע חנני
Beautiful. Bless you brother finish the race strong iam praying for you.
Thank you Jesus.
I just finished watching a video where Muhammed was quoted saying that nobody knows the future... How did they know this prediction?
Amen. Jesus is the King.
Some of the greatest moments in Judaic history revolves around Jewish women trolling Mohammad.
Do you have a podcast??
I think you have decided to defeet Islam. Change your channel name to Islam hater . I am not challenging you but the challenge stand from the beginning and will stand till it complete. There is no power on earth that succeed against Islam. If you imagine you can defeat the creator of this universe then continue. Cheating people will not stop them entering Islam. Love is not introduced in religion, but submission. What our creator wants from us we follow. Our system is superior to all way of life. We start every thing in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful. Nothing could be greater than this. This is wrong idea, God is love, it becomes love is God this idea is good for drunkard and lust pleasures.
"Don't read your Bible like Zakir Naik and we'll get along just fine" = Islam hater? Interesting. You know, there could be some truth to that. When I look at your own Sahih I do hate Muhammad for the things he did. In that sense you could call me an "Islam" hater. But I love Muslims, this is why I have this channel and spend so much of my time working with them.
All of your response is just rhetorical. In this video I'm simply asking Muslims to realize the Bible is in a different format, you cannot exegete it like the Quran.
Islam Critiqued , bible have been fashioned and changed everything according to what a man like to hear and cleverly designed few verses which you use to show love and go naked. I know the intention of a Christian they don't know what will happen to themselves after death and think better for others. Gentleman your religion has cruppted but you don't know you have opposite thinking of prophet Jesus. Unless you believe he was a man you can't find the truth. He was a Prophet and told his disciples about coming of other Prophet. And that prophet is Prophet Mohammad. Christians are entering Islam more than other faiths. Because we don't cheat.
roberto, If I am with others mentioned are lier we are blessed, Christians wholesale accepting yours so called lies. Jews say, there is nothing written in old testament about Muslims say Jesus foretold about prophet Muhammad. Do you walk from two sides front and back?
wait don't tell me ....Deuteronomy 18:18 or maybe Solomon 5:16....or wish to see Mohammad in the holy bible.........if that was the case Christians from all over the world would (and i say this with vile in my mouth) recognize Mohammad........the good news is that he is not.........mochmed is not Mohammad......Mohammad is not in the's just wishful thinking on your Jewish friends are easy dude............
roberto , believe Jesus son of Mary, if you say he was son of God and deny him to be son of Mary, that is horrible thing you say. You can't say I am son of only my father. If you accept son of God and Mary then there is relationships between God and Mary, that's the most horrible thing. If you want to solve the maze of trinity your is not enough to solve this idea. Where are you going?
Our faith is so amazing. Praised be our triune God full of mercy 🙏🏻✝️✝️❤️
Thank you brother. It was just wonderful!! 🙏🇮🇳
So, if muslims believe that they will be harshly punished for any and all small sins, I get it that they cannot take any form of critique, as that would be an instant confirmation that they might have sinned and thus would have to live with the knowledge that their punishment is ever growing.
The other day I had to ask a (very religious) muslim who wants to be my friend, to stop being disrespectful to me. Almost every time we meet she tries to persuade me to eat stuff I'm allergic to, and after a few months of trying to be nice about it and calmly tell her I get sick, I finally snapped and told her to stop nagging and not ask again. She got really upset and the next day she just did not turn up for our meeting, nor did she text to inform me of absence until very late, telling me she was terribly ill. From this video, I think I can start to understand where she's coming from. I thought she was angry with me, but she's probably scared stiff.