Absolutely perfect. Superb singer. A proms audience is the most forgiving and fun-loving. The Kiwi's response to it is exactly what would have happened in London. Perfect. Music like this is democratic - don't even have to know the words. La La'ing in tune means anyone can participate.
OMG! Surely that's in the Auckland Town Hall? I used to sing in that creaky old place myself: What wonderful music it's heard in its lifetime! But I've been away so long this is the first time I've heard this splendid young singer. What a voice she has! And I think the LaLaLa at the end is just a Last night joke ;o)
...i love Her!
superb performance - love it!
This Ladie is a great singer! :)
Absolutely perfect. Superb singer. A proms audience is the most forgiving and fun-loving. The Kiwi's response to it is exactly what would have happened in London. Perfect. Music like this is democratic - don't even have to know the words. La La'ing in tune means anyone can participate.
Very Cool!!!
5:28 - i love that. So cool! :)
OMG! Surely that's in the Auckland Town Hall? I used to sing in that creaky old place myself: What wonderful music it's heard in its lifetime! But I've been away so long this is the first time I've heard this splendid young singer. What a voice she has! And I think the LaLaLa at the end is just a Last night joke ;o)
What a great singer she is! And see what a charming solution she has when she forgets the tekst! What is the problem? No problem!
Good enough to take the lead for this song at the Albert Hall in London - can anyone arrange it? Superb.