I also think it's about expectations from loved ones or societal beliefs."Before you put that crown on my head",like you said,he's basically saying:"Before you give your trust to me".The same with "What do you see in me",as if they were handing him the power to do something but he doesn’t believe he can do it. Also,USURPER,the title of the song,is a person that has stole something they don't deserve or has something they don't have the right to.
It could be meaning some thing about taking responsibility, usurping the responsibility that society or his loved ones or whatever situation he’s speaking on needs him to take. They need him to take the responsibility and take control, but he doesn’t believe that he can do it. he doesn’t know why people think he should and that’s why he says “before you put the crown on my head” What do you see in me? Why do you believe in me,?”
This has such a religious feel to it. Not only due to his reference to needing an angel, the crown (of thorns is what I gather) but a huge hint towards my thought due to him being baptized in the video. Any thoughts? I'm very curious what others think of this
That's a good/interesting analysis. Have a +1 internet point sir. Suspect the term, you were searching for is 'Pretender sydrome' where someone doesn't feel qualified or worthy to do what they do (and likely well).
At the end he changes and says: "They need an angel, so I'll take the sword"
Let's get this channel Poppin! Bro has taste and a pool of fresh ideas for the lyrics. Great content man.🙏
I also think it's about expectations from loved ones or societal beliefs."Before you put that crown on my head",like you said,he's basically saying:"Before you give your trust to me".The same with "What do you see in me",as if they were handing him the power to do something but he doesn’t believe he can do it.
Also,USURPER,the title of the song,is a person that has stole something they don't deserve or has something they don't have the right to.
Well a usurper is someone that's stolen the crown... they have no right to the crown but take it anyway..
It could be meaning some thing about taking responsibility, usurping the responsibility that society or his loved ones or whatever situation he’s speaking on needs him to take. They need him to take the responsibility and take control, but he doesn’t believe that he can do it. he doesn’t know why people think he should and that’s why he says “before you put the crown on my head” What do you see in me? Why do you believe in me,?”
Yep, or maybe he feels like a “false prophet” when he asks “Do you believe in me? What do you see in me?”
Yo you did a great job reading into the lyrics.
This has such a religious feel to it. Not only due to his reference to needing an angel, the crown (of thorns is what I gather) but a huge hint towards my thought due to him being baptized in the video. Any thoughts? I'm very curious what others think of this
This song hits different as a soon to be father
Wow that was actually a really good analysis
This is the reaction I am looking for ❤
God Bless this band!
You are pretty smart dude, big up
That's a good/interesting analysis. Have a +1 internet point sir. Suspect the term, you were searching for is 'Pretender sydrome' where someone doesn't feel qualified or worthy to do what they do (and likely well).
I’ve heard it as “imposter syndrome”
@@benebacher2470 Yeah, you're right, that's the correct term for it.
Wow, GREAT work.
Good job Bro. you was not reaching.
That's a sister sanging if you know you know 🎉