Heads up! I forgot to adjust part of the text for the thumbnail we use IN the video, it is suppsoed to say EX-07 not BT-17. However the youtube thumbnail is correct! Apologies folks! - TJ
Matchups into the hybrid decks feel impossible, especially if they don't leave anything on board. Trying Quartz to deal with the tamers. Also Pomu may be worth considering to try and slow down Imperial!
It's not great -- but it has some neat mechanics and has potential with the right support. It can be fun to play casually as well just definitely not much of a contender at the moment
Heads up! I forgot to adjust part of the text for the thumbnail we use IN the video, it is suppsoed to say EX-07 not BT-17. However the youtube thumbnail is correct! Apologies folks! - TJ
"We like DP" was wild to say lmao
Matchups into the hybrid decks feel impossible, especially if they don't leave anything on board. Trying Quartz to deal with the tamers. Also Pomu may be worth considering to try and slow down Imperial!
Great tips! I’ll keep em in mind, thank you! - TJ
lol yeah there’s definitely other green lvl 3’s you can run, I just happen to have them for future Tyranno plans 👀 - TJ
Why no Promo Gale?
I don’t have any, even if I did though I’m not sure I’d run them. - TJ
This deck honestly sucks
It's not great -- but it has some neat mechanics and has potential with the right support. It can be fun to play casually as well just definitely not much of a contender at the moment