(SPOILERS FOR GFL AHEAD) My argument for RPK not being a true traitor

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • To punish humanity, the other gods created the first woman, the beautiful Pandora. As a gift, Zeus gave her a box, which she was told never to open. However, as soon as he was out of sight she took off the lid, and out swarmed all the troubles of the world, never to be recaptured. Only Hope was left in the box, stuck under the lid. Anything that looks ordinary but may produce unpredictable harmful results can thus be called a Pandora's box-
    RPK being named "Pandora" by Shaw was not a coincidence and what her true dream and desire may remain unclear. In mirror stage, the stages names bring up Pandora and many others mixing together and during one of the cutscenes, Gray mentions that they should not take to opening Pandora's box lightly. Implying that doing so would risk calamity but leaving hope. But for who? Paradeus? The commander? The world? Or it could just be hinting at RPK's inevitable betrayal. Either way RPK's name bringing unpredictable troubles and harmful results may be talking about what happened during and after with Paradeus from Dual randomness and beyond we know at least since then that RPK has been working to support them from the shadows but for what purpose?
    "I want to be human, Ange. I want to experience what only real humans can experience. I want to feel what only real humans can feel. Emotions. Life and Death. The future."
    Only the AR team was given real genuine emotions after all. They were created from real human data and feel quite literally on the verge of being so. RO being the closest of them all. Note and remember RPK questioning RO on her mod 3. That Persica made her base layer empty and was wondering why she made such a choice. Akin to giving humans the right and freedom to choose their path, their life and their deaths until the very end. Meanwhile "Pandora's" base layer was sealed up tight. Similar to how Pandora's box was made to be before it was opened by Pandora. And just like the theory suggests, alot of harmful results, trouble and destruction was shot out into the world but what remained was...hope.
    She also says when she fights M16A1 that she and her are quite alike and m16 cuts her off and denies it instantly. But if you truly look at her actions while she may have caused more death and destruction than m16 did outside of Belgrade (since she didn't cause that she just couldn't prevent it, a little too busy trying to follow orders) Her goals may actually be aligned with Ange and by extension, the commander and the wolf pack. After Ange was taken to Avernus and RPK soon after she proved her loyalty to the cause to Gray. So many things change and a storm rises for both sides. The Commander desperately trying to find leads on Ange to get her back no matter what. To the point where Paradeus started making more and more mistakes and rushing Ange out of Berlin. Morridow being captured (and bugged so they could follow her later)and Grig and Gray being pushed to the breaking point by just the Commander alone and even when the odds are against Griffin. Kryuger sends one last gift to help push the Commander further to do what needs to be done. Even if they ended up becoming defenseless because of it. It also exposes Nemhran (another nyto) who had been lurking as a Paradeus spy for sometime until Havier caught her attempting to leave for berlin. Sending M16 to mark and kill her until she slips away into the Dead Sea. Practically revealing Paradeus' secret base and location to them in the process of attacking Moscow and the Griffin base with the Military's help.
    So I truly believe especially with this cutscene and Koleda almost 100 percent being AK12. That after being captured by Paradeus due to RPK and the tragedies that befell Ange and those seeking her whereabouts as well as those who captured her as well suffering the same fate (Gray dying at the end of Fixed Point and the raid on the Paradeus base not long after that leads to its demise) And her being a apart of and reaching out to Ange when she is on the verge of Death. (A radiation bath was rising and slowly reaching Ange's room and it was very unlikely she was gonna survive in her current state) That the only thing she could offer to Ange and the Commander was...hope.
    Hope that "Angelia" would reach the destination she desired. (The fall of and capture of William and the one who was behind all of Paradeus as well as the fall of the organization, to catch and kill the one who took over Martner Meitner (Her teacher at school but who was originally a scientist head of Relic Research that was done in America) and had been killed and isn't her, but Laplace's Demon.
    Whether that comes to pass or not is up to MICA but I genuinely believe this ends with Paradeus falling apart and her wishes coming true and then perhaps RPK will repent with her life or fall after that. Letting both her and Ange truly rest in peace and RPK will get to feel what both life and death feels like alongside the emotions that come from them both.

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @DiabloOfGod
    @DiabloOfGod 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I got no ideia what game this is, but great video, thank you

  • @christo_reese
    @christo_reese 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    It's truly ambiguous. She is sent by Griffin to monitor Ange and to make sure William can be persuaded to join Rossartrism. RPK has her own goal- to be human, perhaps that is her condition to work as a spy inside DEFY for Griffin.
    As to what's next, it's up to everyone's guess. Ange now has two people inside her mind: her own and RPK. For now perhaps RPK is playing the role of Ange, but we can never be sure whether she will resurface or not in the future.
    Or perhaps this is RPK's true goal; to DEFY Griffin and make sure Ange's struggle continues. It all depends on what the players think of her.

  • @IloveBaguette
    @IloveBaguette 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    First of all, I think Koleda is soft confirmed to be AK-12. Dialogues like "she picked us over you (talking to RO who represents the AR team and Griffin)", "I can sympathize as a team leader", was present during singularity when ange received her wounds, and the eye.
    RPK i'm not going argue as a traitor or not but I will argue if she is a villain. She did constantly ask Ange before raiding the mansion, "are you sure about this", still trying to convince ange to back down. Her character concept, a doll who wanted to be a human with all of its disadvantages, is interesting and explores the gray area between the good and the bad.

    • @tacticaldollsa1333
      @tacticaldollsa1333  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yeah they basically soft confirmed with a few of koleda's words and actions, ange's reaction to her and the fact that she was in contact with DEFY personally and the eyes looking like hers when they're open only slightly odd in that body. It's almost absolutely her. Also how would defy sneak into the Paradeus base undetected and avoid the bee sting system long enough that gray did not know they were gonna be this strong til AN94 paid her back for mirror stage.
      They're 100 percent in cahoots and I'm confident with her help they're gonna get Ange (whose mind has merged with RPK's) out of there. Ensuring her survival but if they're both cooperating then it would imply that RPK for all her horrible crimes is not completely on paradeus' side. Yes she wants to be human and yes paradeus technology will help with that. But I believe she saw something that ange didn't or rather. The entirety of ange's character is like a moth to a flame. If william and weitner are the flame then ange is the moth constantly drawn to chasing after them even if she gets burned and dies in the process. Sacrifices have always plagued her but at the point where we met her in the story. She was always the type of person to never back down and if she was to sacrifice herself because there was no other option. She'd do it in a way where she'd ensure her sacrifice wasn't in vain or someone would continue her fight (transferring sensitive data and information to the commander because she wasn't sure she was gonna make it out of the dirty bomb or not) which dragged the commander into this bigger conspiracy as well. She was fully committed to chasing william and whatever trail is left behind by him and paradeus even after so much loss, after ak12's sacrifice and even the pain of watching light die in front of her and RPK reprimanding her saying, "No ange, YOU could've saved him" bringing back the warning of asking her whether she wanted to go through with this or not. I think in RPK's mind if ange is so hellbent in running into the flame. She'd kill two birds with one stone since she already was selling out her friends to paradeus at the point of dual randomness and beyond. But I wonder if she thought that far ahead or was simply using this to her own advantage to gain their trust, get a human body eventually but also immediately selling them out while playing the perfect role of "traitor" in griffin and defy's eyes. Sacrificing J's men to prove her loyalty to the cause. Nothing was above getting that golden ticket into Avernus perhaps for this very moment. Where paradeus was about to be overrun sooner or later. Ange was barely alive and with the radiant bath approaching her there was no guarantee she would carry on and the only way to keep her going is for RPK to become her, carry on her wishes, her will and remember it, bearing her cross as if it was her own and truly learning what it is to be human. In a way, ange's sacrifice and willingness to make this choice, to sacrifice herself to the very end wasn't in vain. The main hub of paradeus is in flames and its only rising higher, they only have so many places left to run before they're found and we already know griffin (the man not the company) was attempting to take over Paradeus himself and thats what he was using the commander for. And that the old guy (von oberstein or something like that) is 100 percent confirmed to be in league with paradeus and anyone associated with them. Which I suppose was the long term goal for both of them during poincare recurrence was to get to their grand prize. The motive and end goal of the actions and william just seems like a lost child that can sometimes be a mature adult and then turn back into a raging, blubbering child when lunasia is brought up but is still very much a war criminal behind everything but I have a feeling even he was just being used by oberstein for his own ends. Perhaps the obsessions of his lost sister drove him to go so far. (sibling love is a hell of a drug lol)
      But yeah whether or not RPK is a villain or at least briefly an antagonist is not up for debate. She's done some fucked up shit, betrayed her friends, killed a bunch of innocent and non innocent people for her own ends and she's definitely a fucking evil pyscho mixed in with the lull of her words (Most people like evil people these days esp if they have a genuine reason and motive for them portraying themselves as a villain or becoming 'evil') But she is definitely not a true traitor and that was the argument I was making. Is that she may in be doing the funni metal gear triple agent bullshit and in fact redeem herself at the end either through dying along with Ange once her wishes are fulfilled, maybe even letting 15 do it all things considered. RPK16 turned into the m16 to AK15's m4 in that regard with them being teammates and partners specifically cuz she could not get along with ak12 and AN94 was considered a prototype in both shaw's and 15's eyes until ak12 took her as her own partner. And 15 promised to deal with RPK herself. But yeah her concept and personality of curiosity and wanting to be human and being named pandora by shaw was always an interesting thing I wanted to look into cuz we never learned shaw's intentions and maybe RPK will show us the true meaning of defiance at the end of her life. She is definitely exploring the moral gray (Irony lol) area between good and bad and I hope we don't get a cop out and also they show alot of more scenes that happened between all the medias res, flashbacks and jump backs cuz there's alot of stuff missing. Maybe in the chapter stories instead of story events?

    • @IloveBaguette
      @IloveBaguette 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@tacticaldollsa1333 This is such a good read. I am excited on where the writers will take RPK-16 as well. I still need to read DEFY's mod, I was waiting for AK-12 or even RPK-16's mod but it looks like I am missing some perspective.

    • @tacticaldollsa1333
      @tacticaldollsa1333  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I don't even know if AK12 and RPK will get a mod but if they did I'd be down for that, RPK could still come back from a server after everything is over tho not sure how I'd feel about that and we'd have to get a new ak12 or get her out of that nyto body afterwards. You'll get alot more perspective on both RPK and 15 through the defy mods as well as more info on shaw since that was the last time she was seen before supposedly disappearing. RPK was her supposed last creation. Her "Right to Defiance"@@IloveBaguette