At this point I think you; the channel owner, should explain that these people are going to have some sort of blindness in the future because of their stupidity of looking directly at the light when welding. You are *literally* watching them make themselves go blind. Not to mention the other side effects like headaches from severe nerve damage. *They will 100% end up with blindness of some degree.* I don't understand how you can watch them do it, even recording it happening. How are they planning to support their families when they can no longer see?!
Those are nice welds for using a stick.
Post apocalyptic Mad Max style country.
Первый раз вижу такой способ заточки резца.
Nice quick change tool post.
At this point I think you; the channel owner, should explain that these people are going to have some sort of blindness in the future because of their stupidity of looking directly at the light when welding. You are *literally* watching them make themselves go blind. Not to mention the other side effects like headaches from severe nerve damage. *They will 100% end up with blindness of some degree.* I don't understand how you can watch them do it, even recording it happening. How are they planning to support their families when they can no longer see?!
This is a post apocalyptic living
Этим ребятам пофиг сопромат и рак кожи. В остальном красавчики)
Crap arch welding without hood is nuts.
Чувак варит без маски !!! Реально суровый ремонт
Я тоже могу смотреть на сварку [ правда через экран монитора ]. А если серьёзно то соблюдение ТБ на нуле.
Bom trabalho 🇧🇷👍👍👍
Well stick welding is still used to hold the latest submarines together, so a little ol' truck wheel is easy ;-)
Hey that old man can weld good.
Очки бы одел лопух, стружка летит, а этот щурится, писец....
Very good content which video editors do you use brother
Work place safety dosent exist in certain countries. Western nations have moved on .
Судя по следам сварки, прошлый ремонт был такой же. Точность - плюс-минус одна трамвайная остановка.
Ха ха , смешные вы люди. Саратов наши дни показали и решили удивить.
Cataracts waiting to happen
Just insane they deal with life in those conditions
Not very safe I presume.