我也覺得不要來台灣念高中,台灣對國外的人來說還是偏陌生,感覺這個海外經驗不曉得加不加分。還有就是搬來台灣他就必須離開他現在的朋友。我的表弟也是美國台灣混血,他也是高中的時候因為他爸爸工作的關係必須搬家,他那時候最難過的就是要離開他的好朋友們。雖然現在email和FaceTime 很方便,可是還是跟每個週末可以一起打球、hang out 不一樣。還是再考慮一下吧!加油!
Allan is really from Taichung and introduces authentic Taichung food, but I don't eat it often😂It will be difficult for William to come to Taiwan to study in a public junior high school, but William seems very cheerful and will quickly integrate into life like his father👍
Great Recommendation for Food in Taichung, Especially Traditional Flavors, Thank U Allen, n Welcome Dottie, Hope U Enjoy More Than Enough of Everything Here, Have A Wonderful Trip & Memory in Taiwan, Home is Where Ur Dot Is!🤩❤😊
Really great way to talk about the culture difference! Using the cuisine and a beautiful lady as an interface to discuss such a serious topic, really smart way to make this video so enjoyable! Taiwan education culture is quite different from western one, we are trained there is a correct answer, students do not have a chance to discuss why the other answers could not be correct! So most of Taiwanese students were afraid to ask and ague in my days. But I found many young teachers have change their education way, they try to let students thinking and find more answers. This will help students to develop their logic thinking. Thanks for sharing this. Do hope Allan could find a good way for William’s education.
8:10 TW doesn't need more multicultural influence/change. The people just need to be more open to multiculturalism and eradicate prejudiced views. It doesn't mean that locals need to change their culture, otherwise everywhere in the world would start feeling the same... then there wouldn't really be a point for you to live in Taiwan...
About schools, my daughter did not like high school or senior high school. The teachers are also not trained enough to recognise autistic kids or kids with learning difficulties. We had to find out the hard way, and it was tough. Although, we managed to get through, and my daughter is now at Tamkang Univerisity, she is much happier, at least for now.
Local middle/high schools in Taiwan are going to be too hard for William. International schools may be a better choice. However, most kids who go to international schools aim to go to college overseas. Being exposed to a different culture is always a plus though.
It must be a very hard decision to whether or not to bring William to Taiwan to continue his education. I think the real question is, does he really want to come to Taiwan?
Having grown up in the US, I have heard the same comparison all my life that Taiwan's education system emphasizes rote and memory and the US emphasizes creativity and debate. That is simply not true. The US education system is no different. You are taught and asked to memorize the "correct" view, approach, methodology, answer, etc and if you don't regurgitate it the way it was taught, you will be marked incorrect on exams. The only subjects where you have an opportunity to express your creativity is in music and art classes. You are really not encourage to engage in spirited classroom debates until college, the exception may be the debate team.
I am confident to say that the parents' expectations determine what high school education is like in Taiwan. As long as you don't put too much pressure on William academically like other Taiwanese parents do, he may not feel overwhelmed studying in Taiwanese high school. I, for example, studied at Viator Catholic High School, which was regarded as one of the most rigorous high schools in Taichung, from 1993 to 1995. However, that was my favorite student period in my life since I really played a lot of sports, such as basketball, there. The competition in the curriculum was still there, but I just did what I wanted to do, which was sports. Hence, that is why I did not feel overwhelmed back then. In addition, Viator Catholic High School is pretty Western, as you can tell from its name, compared to other normal high schools. They will have some Western traditions in that school, such as an anthem contest for Xmas where students and families will be invited to the school to see the contest and mingle. Although the tuition of Viator is a bit pricier than normal high school, I think it is still much more affordable than international school.
I know you love to eat beef and meat. Eating beef is Western culture. In ancient East Asia not eaten beef, because cattle were very important in agriculture. And not everybody can eat meat, only the aristocracy and rich people can afford meat...... Monogamy is also Western culture. In ancient China, you could have concubines. Ancient China was not against gay sexual practices. Anti-gay is from Western Christian culture...... Emperor Wu of Han had many male lovers.
Dude - even the international schools in Taiwan are seriously academically oriented. There's very little balance as most students are from Asian homes with equally or greater expectations for their kids (especially since the parents are paying so much). Leave your son where he is. Even at university level, only NTU can match South Africa's top universities in the global rankings.
英國叔叔所謂的多元文化和台灣網友反對的其實是不太一樣的東西!如果你去到世界各大城市,如:紐約、倫敦、雪梨,很多人戲稱你很難遇到一個真正的當地人!因為很多外來移民!但這就是牽扯到你怎麼定義何謂「當地人」,是要從小在此出生,父母的血緣是白種人才算?還是有拿到當地的國籍才算?同樣的道理,什麼叫美國文化?英國文化?就算從歷史來看,人類因戰爭或生活匱乏產生的大遷徙早已把各種文化帶到世界各地,並相互交融,文化是相護融合的過程,很難定義所謂最原始純粹的文化!越多移民的地方,就有越多元的文化存在,這是一件自然而然的事,台灣如果歡迎各地的外來訪客,卻又期待在文化上封閉排外,本質上是矛的又荒謬的吧! 灣美說的很貼切,心有戚戚焉,亞洲的教育方式比較是單向式,老師給個正卻答案,學生害怕犯錯,覺得丟臉,這也反映在學習語言上,亞洲人較羞於開口!在職場上亞洲文化也不鼓勵員工有太多想法,照做就是!西方較育確實較開放和具創造力!我其實也比較贊同如果有選擇的空間,在西方接受教育,等大學畢業再來台灣過gap year ,或當交換學生!
Loved being a part of this Allan! 謝謝你介紹台中美食~太好吃啦🤗
Welcome come back to Taiwan. 😊
台灣的國中生是人格發展期間最重要的一段成長過程,長大會不會變8+9就看這個時候了。 當然,跟學區關係也很重要
Wow thank you!!!!
我也覺得不要來台灣念高中,台灣對國外的人來說還是偏陌生,感覺這個海外經驗不曉得加不加分。還有就是搬來台灣他就必須離開他現在的朋友。我的表弟也是美國台灣混血,他也是高中的時候因為他爸爸工作的關係必須搬家,他那時候最難過的就是要離開他的好朋友們。雖然現在email和FaceTime 很方便,可是還是跟每個週末可以一起打球、hang out 不一樣。還是再考慮一下吧!加油!
Allan is really from Taichung and introduces authentic Taichung food, but I don't eat it often😂It will be difficult for William to come to Taiwan to study in a public junior high school, but William seems very cheerful and will quickly integrate into life like his father👍
I love your sense of humor Alan, and the way you guys riff of each other is the most entertaining part of the video.
I now your son william im his friend Alco love your vids
Hello Alco! Such a good friend to William!
@@lifeintaiwanhi the sewage smell bad here be careful
Comfortable 😂😂 Allan 很愛這個字耶😂😏😙
Allan enjoys your stay in Taiwan!
如果是國中高中 我會比較希望小孩在國外
Great Recommendation for Food in Taichung, Especially Traditional Flavors, Thank U Allen, n Welcome Dottie, Hope U Enjoy More Than Enough of Everything Here, Have A Wonderful Trip & Memory in Taiwan, Home is Where Ur Dot Is!🤩❤😊
Really great way to talk about the culture difference! Using the cuisine and a beautiful lady as an interface to discuss such a serious topic, really smart way to make this video so enjoyable!
Taiwan education culture is quite different from western one, we are trained there is a correct answer, students do not have a chance to discuss why the other answers could not be correct! So most of Taiwanese students were afraid to ask and ague in my days. But I found many young teachers have change their education way, they try to let students thinking and find more answers. This will help students to develop their logic thinking.
Thanks for sharing this. Do hope Allan could find a good way for William’s education.
If you have any questions about the junior high school issues,I can tell you. I am a retired teacher from junior high .
麻薏湯 大麵羹 艾倫真的是道地台中人ㄟ...!!
在台灣讀小學之後,在國外會是數學高手 !
8:10 TW doesn't need more multicultural influence/change. The people just need to be more open to multiculturalism and eradicate prejudiced views. It doesn't mean that locals need to change their culture, otherwise everywhere in the world would start feeling the same... then there wouldn't really be a point for you to live in Taiwan...
台灣人很愛蘇格蘭威士忌,或是各種酒,這是一門好生意,領身分證後可以開設貿易公司,為台灣進口英國的精品,買車 辦公用品 加油 購買台灣生活用品都能開統一編號,公司老闆的優惠政策,英國很多書籍的版權可以為台灣談嗎?尤其是DK的百科
good! i am living in Taizng now.
台灣的教育國中前在台灣受教育的確是不錯的選擇.學習基礎比較扎實.進入高中個人覺得國外的教育比較能接受發揮創意對未來就職的方向能有較大的幫助 艾倫如果想給兒子來台灣就讀公立國中以下的學費並不貴.雖然課業相較國外重.這也讓孩子學習能承受較多的抗壓力.中文基礎數學等到要進入高中在回到西方就讀這些方面能有較大的競爭力
About schools, my daughter did not like high school or senior high school. The teachers are also not trained enough to recognise autistic kids or kids with learning difficulties. We had to find out the hard way, and it was tough. Although, we managed to get through, and my daughter is now at Tamkang Univerisity, she is much happier, at least for now.
ㄜ剛打了一堆有上傳成功,但怎麼不見了?!😅 anyway這次簡單說好了😂 現在除了國際學校,還有偏向西方教育方針的「實驗學校」(可上台中市實驗教育網站了解)和「在家自學」這兩個新興選項可以加入考慮,Allen若有興趣了解的話,可向台中市教育局洽詢,或許還能拍「外國孩子在台上學學前準備」影片,讓台灣家長也藉此機會多認識別的教育選項!
Local middle/high schools in Taiwan are going to be too hard for William. International schools may be a better choice. However, most kids who go to international schools aim to go to college overseas. Being exposed to a different culture is always a plus though.
wow Allen 比我更了解台中!
高中在台灣上…. 我覺得他會受不了,國際學校可能另當別論,但local的高中我覺得外國人應該會受不了。
It must be a very hard decision to whether or not to bring William to Taiwan to continue his education. I think the real question is, does he really want to come to Taiwan?
台灣人保留台灣人優秀的文化特色,或英國人保留英國人優秀的文化特色……美國人保有美國人優秀的美國人文化特色,都是很正當的國家地區人文獨立主權,對其他國家非侵害性文化也能理解包容,都可以同時互相自由存在於台灣、英國……美國,不應該如西方人這樣認為其他地區沒有捨棄自己所有優質文化,全盤照西式文化思想灌輸發展,就任意給人貼上種族主義原罪式標籤,世界上每一個個人都有權保有其獨特人格特質和天賦特長,每一個國家也有權保有自己國家文化主權特色,西方強迫世界其他國家全複製成西方文化特色,沒有全照西式文化思想灌輸就貼種族主義標籤的強迫式觀念,不霸道很平和很溫和很正確嗎?若反過來東方亞洲要西方國家全盤灌輸東方文化,西方沒有完全接受東方文化複製,是不是也是犯了種族主義原罪呢?西式文化觀念灌輸等於無條件絕對性完全正確嗎?世界上其它國家應該都被西方文化塑造複製成同一種文化人文版本嗎?是至高神的神旨嗎?😂😂😂 ,若哪一天西方綜合實力不比東方亞洲綜合實力強多少時,那時世界各國的人類觀念,還會認為西方文化等於完全正確完美的文化嗎?😂😂😂目前是哪位神下旨說西方文化等於完美正確的文化 ?不全盤複製套用就是錯誤呢?我個人觀點是不斷學習各國優秀文化特長,添加在自己優秀文化特長上,互相對照進化修改才是較為正確進步的方式,而不是誰應該完全複製成誰?沒有可能要大家全都成為第一,也沒有可能大家都成為第二……或是大家都成為最後!😂😂😂
Thanks for watching
我也建議如果來台灣念書只是念一般國中 那就不建議了 現在台灣教育資源都用在一些弱勢身上 而所謂真的弱勢以台灣收入來說 比例很少 都是家長觀念偏差造成的弱勢居多 ..
.而父母偏差的觀念正影響他的小孩乃藉由小孩而去影響別人的小孩 成了一個大染缸....這也導致了 台灣多數有錢或有點錢的 會把小孩送到私立雙語或國際學校就讀的原因
別看台灣少子化嚴重 這雙語私校與國際學校這兩種學校 一直都不缺學生
...台灣國際學校不比外國差..我兩個姪子 一個面試上英國的醫學院由於學制相同目前在澳洲念醫因為英國治安令她害怕 另一個在羅德島念建築 都是出自國際學校 學費不便宜就是了...但不要以為國際學校就會比較輕鬆 其實相反 壓力更大 但國際學校的好處是 獨立教育 你所要的未來 是你自己要求的 你必須給自己壓力 對自己負責
So surprised, barley soup my favorite dish!
Having grown up in the US, I have heard the same comparison all my life that Taiwan's education system emphasizes rote and memory and the US emphasizes creativity and debate. That is simply not true. The US education system is no different. You are taught and asked to memorize the "correct" view, approach, methodology, answer, etc and if you don't regurgitate it the way it was taught, you will be marked incorrect on exams. The only subjects where you have an opportunity to express your creativity is in music and art classes. You are really not encourage to engage in spirited classroom debates until college, the exception may be the debate team.
I am confident to say that the parents' expectations determine what high school education is like in Taiwan. As long as you don't put too much pressure on William academically like other Taiwanese parents do, he may not feel overwhelmed studying in Taiwanese high school. I, for example, studied at Viator Catholic High School, which was regarded as one of the most rigorous high schools in Taichung, from 1993 to 1995. However, that was my favorite student period in my life since I really played a lot of sports, such as basketball, there. The competition in the curriculum was still there, but I just did what I wanted to do, which was sports. Hence, that is why I did not feel overwhelmed back then. In addition, Viator Catholic High School is pretty Western, as you can tell from its name, compared to other normal high schools. They will have some Western traditions in that school, such as an anthem contest for Xmas where students and families will be invited to the school to see the contest and mingle. Although the tuition of Viator is a bit pricier than normal high school, I think it is still much more affordable than international school.
@@wbk5wbk 好幾次飛進我房間怎麼沒有?
諷刺的是只要稍微碰到中國文化 某些人就會立刻起乩!
@@九五智尊 台美混血兒啊。
@@飛魚1 所以?
@@九五智尊 你自己想吧。
@@飛魚1 喔!
蔴薏湯、幼嫩的大麻芽、YES,大麻。發音是 ㄇㄨˉㄚˉ ㄧˉㄧㄩˋ “ mua -ah you “
I know you love to eat beef and meat.
Eating beef is Western culture. In ancient East Asia not eaten beef, because cattle were very important in agriculture. And not everybody can eat meat, only the aristocracy and rich people can afford meat......
Monogamy is also Western culture. In ancient China, you could have concubines.
Ancient China was not against gay sexual practices. Anti-gay is from Western Christian culture......
Emperor Wu of Han had many male lovers.
Is this American Girl single?
其實 如果不考慮讓威廉在台灣讀高中...
雖然美國看似更多元 更開方,但霸凌事件 種族歧視 不會比台灣少... 更別提"鎗支"問題,
Dude - even the international schools in Taiwan are seriously academically oriented. There's very little balance as most students are from Asian homes with equally or greater expectations for their kids (especially since the parents are paying so much). Leave your son where he is. Even at university level, only NTU can match South Africa's top universities in the global rankings.
灣美說的很貼切,心有戚戚焉,亞洲的教育方式比較是單向式,老師給個正卻答案,學生害怕犯錯,覺得丟臉,這也反映在學習語言上,亞洲人較羞於開口!在職場上亞洲文化也不鼓勵員工有太多想法,照做就是!西方較育確實較開放和具創造力!我其實也比較贊同如果有選擇的空間,在西方接受教育,等大學畢業再來台灣過gap year ,或當交換學生!
Speak too much