I remember when I used to think, "once i get to higher ranks I wont be with brand new players, but be with people with experience" heh, that was a good dream.
my thought was i wouldnt be bottom tier anymore. because i have to confess,.. i am not a great player, id say average at best, and being bottom tier then, doesnt help my case :)
Here's the thing ... if your team is going to huddle like ducklings in a bucket, and you are a reasonably skilled player, you know that if you go out alone, you're going to get trapped in a crossfire and have a very short, sad, life. This just isn't a game where, unless the situation is VERY unusual, you're going to carry - you either get pushed out to the edge, or you get splattered from 2 or 3 directions. So, you stay back with the rest of them and try to farm what you can before you die. ... and then you go play a different game.
not to mention all the nerfs to IJN DDs. its the only DD at T10 that doesnt have something to help, some have hydro, some have heal, the IJN has .... not a damn thing.
I was thinking the same. The enemy team could have had several good players who thought "I'm surrounded by idiots, I'm not going to stick my neck out and die, I'll just farm damage".
And that is boring as hell and not worth the time invested. I can't tell you how many times I held a cap on my own just to watch the snobs chat away and leave me hanging to die. Why even log on?
I was playing my Cleveland yesterday, and at the start of the match on Neighbors (domination) , I headed for C with a friendly DD, only to realize a minute later that the rest of our team, all 10 ships, had headed to A. When I said in Chat that someone should cap B because the enemy had only two DDs who were contesting A and C, a Mutsuki player told me to 'STFU Noob!'. I survived for three more minutes against 7 enemy ships, most of them BBs and an Algerie, then died having done about 70k. I, the guy who died in the first 5 minutes of the match, was the top scorer on my team, who never managed to cap A after all. Some days....
Had a similar experience where someone on the team essentially shouted Leroy Jenkins...the whole team went charging into the ambush and I desperately tried to help them with my Omaha, but wasn't crazy enough to YOLO...and got lambasted for trying to 'snipe'...when all I really was trying to do was retreat to a position of cover that wasn't already impossible because we were being slaughtered.
i sat behind an island and got 250K damage in my north Carolina.... just fucking chillin and killin.... un-spotted, in cover....i can shoot them, and they cant shoot me, even if i was spotted called "afk behind an island" in all chat...... i was the last dude alive with 800 more XP than anyone else on the team.... i just noticed early on that our team split was fucked.... so i parked about half way to the caps, and loaded the AP fuck it
kain hall if we're talking stories, I just got a new one. I'm in a Shchors, on Two Brothers Domination. A Fushun and I are the only two left on the A cap side, so I start falling back towards B. We're being pursued by a Graf Spee, a Colorado and a Fuso. I've set fires on the Colorado, and I'm pounding the Spee, meanwhile, my Fushun sits behind me, far side from the enemy, and is constantly spamming chat saying I'm a coward. I'm kiting and juking for my life, and I set a fire on the Spee that is sure to kill him, when I get the torp alert. To my horror, friendly torps from the Fushun come in and finish me off. To compound it, he tells both teams to report me for being a coward. I complain and tell them that he teamkilled me intentionally. After the match, I receive a notification saying I'm chat banned due to multiple reports of chat misbehavior. Me. Both teams reported me. That last part especially really ticked me off.... GG Humanity.
With the other players on the team how can you blame the Fletcher? Number of times I go to a cap and my team do not follow, do not set themselves up to fire on the cap or shot someone else because their concentration is too short. But the other team? They have radar there, they are all waiting and then the kick the shat out of my ship. This game attracts morons, you have to decide if they are worth risking your ship for.
Yep, that red team is most of the green teams I get - and I end up being that Khab or Moskva at that point either determined to try and make something happen or just end the suffering. And when it is reversed - yeah, I get green teams that mop them up before I can do much if anything, especially in CV's. Have had some so fast I launch, strike, recover, and get in one more before the game is over.
I love ships with a passion (over 500 1/700 ship models at my house) and as fun as WOW can be it is still WOT in water. My favorite map is still open ocean with no islands for thousands of miles. That is how naval warfare has been 99.999999% of history. I guess I just want more reality and less gaming. Arggg...I am such a kiljoy yes? Every time I see a massive battleship BACK up behind an ISLAND my heart sinks. Every time I hear someone disparage showing your broadside (which is PRECISELY what all captains for hundreds of years were desperately trying to do in order to win) I want to quietly weep. Okay...good and fun to watch and a well done video. Thanks but..well you know. Happy gaming all.
George King ha. Turn broadside when more than 40% of your guns have elevation and only few ° of traverse. So yeah... Well, that is only in gunpowder era. Before there was not broadside but T-boning enemy's rowing ship. Broadsiding 99.999999%... noob!
Jutland....100% trying to get those broadsides open. Surigao Strait the exact same. Tsushima the same. Dogger Bank the same. By the by at 65 years old with a degree in history being called a noob just bounces like a small, insignificant shell noob... By the way ALL guns of this era as well as sail had elevation (check your dictionary for meaning of word.) Additionally modern guns ALSO use gunpowder...just a more powerful form. So your point was?
Also, look up the word traverse. Virtually all guns on modern (post sail) warships have some degree of traverse even if they only face one direction like most secondaries. You need to learn how NOT to make yourself such an easy target for someone who knows his history.
In game after game this last weekend I found myself on potato teams just like the reds in this video. It's become very common to drop with a group of players who don't know the maps or how to play them, to the point of everything becoming very frustrating. It's no use trying to help them - they just swear in chat and continue what they're doing.
I love how this "Modern Art" explores the duality of mankind. It is truly fullfilling to see the soul layed bare and exposed for what it fears itself to be.
I was just about to start up another HOI4 game actually. Game is a ton of fun, especially if you turn off historical AI and/or use a few mods. Hilarious stuff can happen.
HOI4 is a broken, unfinished game. AI is shit, research is dumbed down and broken, and there are a ton of basic features missing. The frontline system is a god awful mess too. Troops will leave critical dug in positions to ship themselves INTO Dunkirk like situations.
Me before watching: Wait why is this here? Me after one minute in: Ahhhhhhh. That game where Germany cancels the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and Germany declares war on everyone even if they're losing?
The game where germany invades russia without producing a single anti tank gun. The game where the enemy just throws men at your lines until the entire country is dead.
How do people get tier 10s and 9s and be this bad? Referring to the enemy team of course ... I've seen better game play at tier 4 lol. I really believe a lot of high tier players just convert xp to rush up lines without having bothered learning to play... This level of gameplay is more common then you'd think sadly ...
You can stumble your way into Tier 9 and Tier 10 just by playing enough games. Then you have Operations and 200% XP weekends pushing players into tiers faster than what they probably are capable of. I know that stat shaming is bad news bears, but after checking out that Minotaur player's stat lines it is pretty clear that he should spend some more time at lower tiers working things out.
dcpetemoss I've looked up a currywursts stats once after he literally rushed the middle of the map, died within the first two minutes or so, and proceeded to spend the rest of the game berating the rest of the team. He literally had less then 5 games in each German BB going up the line and something like 7k in a tirpitz with God awful stats in that ship. I can only figure he just failed around in the premium ship and threw money at wargaming to get his shiny tier 10. But that's the way it is nothing will change cause he made wargaming a ton of money lol
The problem is not that people convert XP or buy high tier permium ships. The problem is that it is possible to fail your way up to tier 10 no matter how bad you are, it just takes longer. One player on the EU server "played" 22701 matches only in 2017. If he had played properly he would have played more than 12 hours a day every day of the year. About 2 years ago we had a large amount of bots grinding through the US BB line. They only rushed towards the enemy, turned broadside on and fired 2-3 salvos until they got sunk. And they farmed credits with tier 5 cruisers. And their stats are better than those of many players. Overall 43% win rate (40% in the Iowa), 672 average XP (910 in the Iowa).
It's because wargaming doesn't punish poor play. Weather you win or lose, contribute a lot or very little, you get credits and experience. No matter what, you're going to make it to tier 10. And that's the problem. The game rewards you if your team carries your sorry ass. I've always said there needs to be a certain amount you have to contribute in order to gain anything, and it you don't meet that standard, you start losing credits, experience, and player rank.
Wargaming uses the "septic tank" method of player progression. Why do I call it "septic tank"? Simple. Given enough time, even the biggest, worst, most appalling shit will float to the top. Cheers
Fletcher actually did a very good job by going wide and then eliminating and spotting the resistance at A. His team wasn't going to advance until he did so, he obviously saw this and did his part to get his team to push. Yet, you laugh at his contribution which for a moment gave them a ship advantage.
I noticed one thing, lemming trains usually form when new or incompetent players hide behind a player they think they know what their doing to hide how noob they are.
Very entertaining replay and commentary iCG! Keep them coming. I like the new surly Chase. No-one can accuse you of being a sycophant. Your viewership can depend on getting the straight goods from you. Thumbs up.
I had a game in Hearts of Iron 4 as italy recreating the Roman empire. Germany got rekt by internal issues, they were at war with both france and UK over Czechoslovakia and were at a stalemate. This triggerd an event where Hitler got assassinated and Germany plunged into a civil war.
Minotaur Guide lesson 1: don’t get shot. Lesson 2: If you are being shot, don’t be broadside. Lesson 3: Seriously, don’t get shot, that’s why you have smoke and the speed to get behind islands.
I love HOI4. Multyplayer with friends is fun. Best moment i had is when Tibet managed to take control of most of asia. Even to the point of getting Japan Capitulate.
Oh so the meta has changed in Asia server? Because what I have seen in the past was everyone not moving further than one square from their spawn point and they camp there 18 minutes and maybe then one team starts to push..
It seems there are certain constants in this universe. The speed of light, and the retarded player base in World of Warships. Every time I see a replay like this, it reminds me the reason why I quit this game and the stupdity of the majority of it's players. Insane... how do they even operate a PC?
This circus replay looks like 98% of my high tier games. Sometimes I can do enough to compensate most of the time the team snowballs down a hill within two minutes and it doesn't matter how much damage, caps, kills and defense ribbons I pump out.
I’ve had this issue with my recent games, and I’m from 2021. They will pre cap camping, and then they refuse to push up. It’s crazy, and there’s nothing you can say to make them do the right thing.
I wonder how did they manage to grind all the way up to tier 10 with such incompetence... they must be really stubborn. From tier 4 onward you must be fighting well, otherwise you would need thousands of battles to advance one tier.
I've had an HOI3 game where America joined the Axis. I've had several where Japan defeats China before WW2. Had one where Germany goes to war without any allies (Axis is never formed). Had one where WW2 never breaks out and Germany and Japan just keep slowly gobbling up countries. HOI3 is an interesting "what if" but some of the things that happen are really weird.
Hoi 4. I played Brazil and started taking over my South America neighbors. 2 years later the Americans and the Germans had allowed military access to each other. Another 2 years Stalin breaks the Molotov Ribentrove pact and sweeps up Europe. North and South America have been United into a single country. And that was with historical AI focus. GG. AI
Look if someone has like 39% in a CV maybe they shouldnt be in ranked because I was the lucky recipient of just a nice guy who wanted to un wind in ranked RANKED its not for ppl who prefer randos oh and the cv on the other team shy of being super unicum. You can imagine what happened
Held the Flank. Popped smoke for a BC. Told him it's time for us to go. He proceeded to let me know my smoke wasn't asked for and wasn't needed. He went POP about a minute and a half later while begging for support.
Geez. Those reds looked like most of the teams I've had in my (brief) return. Can't convince them to take a risk and push up but they won't back up the ships that are pushing. Nope, its always hide in the back waiting for someone else to poke their nose out and thus draw the other sides fire so they can pop out to fire one ineffective salvo before scurrying back to safety. The cowardice in this game has reached a level that really makes one question if playing with a team of bots would be better.
Fletcher played well by not capping. It was plain suicide to cap in front of 2 radar ships and a Minotaur. He probably played the best on the enemy team, he was simply dealt a really bad hand. Lemming train to untouchable A and the other flank has a Gearing with support. He did the only sensible thing which was to move forward, spot the enemies for his lemmings and try to torp. The friendlies also played badly by sailing into that lemming train.
Good example of everything I hate about hi tier play. "Smart" cruiser play is camping in cover, no one pushes, everyone afraid to do anything, as many or more potatoes than in mid tiers, and generally just unfun gameplay.
Played a match in a t3 DD yesterday and got 5 kills with only torps and managed to survive the whole round bc the whole enemy team rushed past the objectives to try and take out our only carrier
That fletcher holy crap... which is more annoying? The fletcher this game or that Yugumo that rammed a CV point blank and threw the whole game in points on Notser's video?
Historical focus on. Play as axis power. Turn USA facist make em join axis n watch world tension hit 200% n have random countries declare war conquer everyone. Hearts of iron is a hoot. Try some of the mods they r fun
You know, the Red team in this game, led in kills the entire game. They fully believed they were winning with what they were doing. What is the percentage of games in WoWS that are won by annihilate vs winning by points vs winning by time out ahead on points?
The red team was bad but the green team died a lot also. There's no need to push when you have a cap advantage. WoWs can be very frustrating when one is matched up like this. Wins and losses seem to be dictated by the match maker so I use kill/death ratio as a measure of how well I play.
Here is a question; what day of the week was this? Seems like weekend teams suck pond water badly, and I probably have more kraken's on weekends than any other time (holidays even more so)
Of course Kevin, it happens to us all. But it stands to question if that is the right time to make a video. Because I for one don't enjoy watching a video in which people get told off the majority of the time. And I have noticed that this channel has become more bitter. When the channel started there was none of that.
You're not wrong, the tone is negative against people playing the game with seemingly little regard for winning. But are they doing it on purpose? Of course not, they are just inexperienced. I enjoy Ichase because he can also be critical. I Didn't here him calling them names though. He is just pointing out bad play without insulting people so we can all learn. That is why I come here.
You're not wrong, the tone is negative against people playing the game with seemingly little regard for winning. But are they doing it on purpose? Of course not, they are just inexperienced. I enjoy Ichase because he can also be critical. I Didn't here him calling them names though. He is just pointing out bad play without insulting people so we can all learn. That is why I come here.
I have been having a rough time of it too in WoWS. A lot of it starts with MM giving the reds a DD advantage and our DD's end up killed in the stupid cap circles. Once you get behind in caps, lose your remaining DD's the game is already over. Even in games with even DD's or even a DD advantage, they end up not capping. Part of it is probably the missions providing perverse incentives over winning. I know I am more interested in completing a mission and getting some goodies far more than winning. I never managed to get around to HoI IV, but in HoI III I annexed China to Japan and got General Chenault in the mix. I put him in charge of some Japanese naval bombers and used him against the USA. In another game I was Japan and my friend was the UK. I allied with Ireland and they let me put troops in their country. My friend detected them and had a WTF moment. I sang a bar of "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" with a Japanese accent.
This is the game WG wants. CA's hiding behind every island blind firing. BB's all the way in the back trying to load into someone elses game. and DD's torp/smoke spamming their hearts out in the middle. Don't worry too much about the current META, just check the premium shop for the next power creep ship.
ppl still complain about Des Memes positioning behind islands? If he sailed on the open he would be dead in one volley, no matter how he angles, that ship is paper and gets citadelled left right and center.
That Fletcher: 44% win rate with 21.4k average damage across 694 games in the Fletcher. DM knew what they were doing, much of the rest of the roster (including a good chunk of friendlies) didn't. Not exactly new, is it?
I've had my own fair share of incompetence. It's to be expected. But I don't use chat. Mostly I play WOS Blitz. And one thing that really pisses me off is if I'm playing a DD or CA and we're pushing a cap and there are a couple of ships with me. Suddenly I find myself with my ass hanging out because the heroes all bugged out. That said, once in a while it's fun to try and go for the enemy carrier all on your lonesome.
Gosh I never get that lucky. If that would be me, the first salvo he gets would have double citadelled me followed by another with the already in the air second salvo.
I spent houndreds of hours playing HoI 1 and 2, wanted to try HoI 3, but I quickly realised there's no point unless I put in a few hours just to learn everything that's new (and there's a lot of it), so I passed, because I was looking for something more digestive at the time, if you know what I mean. ANYWAY! Recently one of my fav WW2 channels started streaming HoI 4 and I was WOWed by the evolution of this title, the game is so much more than I remember, and it was a fun game nonetheless. I'd defo watch ur gameplay just for educational commentary from you, sir.
as a professional bad player I can say. While I am incompetent (and I actually am now starting to watch these videos in order to reverse that). NO ONE should be as stupid as the enemy team.
2:09 - Two things. One: Expert loader, two: I forgot to smoke. 3:12 - *LEMMING TRAIN!* 4:23 - Here is a Missouri who must've played for a while and a Yamamoto who must have played for a long time. 4:28 - Okay that's just mean. *You probably* wouldn't realise that, maybe the Mo wanted to push the A cap. 5:03 - And need I mention that this DM is stationary with 3 people targeting them? Okay, two, but still... 5:12 - RNG dictates that you do not get citadeled twice. 5:22 - Come ON... 5:32 - WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? YOU LEMMINGED! PUSH A YOU R3T4RD(s)! 6:32 - This guy has more damage than my record(s). Granted, he is two tiers higher and in a DM, though. 6:56 - Look at the green team. Montana and Missouri fighting, Yamato Bow-tanking, Moskva in a bad position IMO, camping Iowa, Minotaur and Ognevoi near the (camping) DM, Montana and Gearing flanking. 7:38 - New Orleans ran into an island and is deleted-ed. 8:09 - AP? 8:14 - AP. 9:08 - Also, here's that bottom-of-the-map Missouri being stealthy and MAYBE going somewhere he should've been 3-5 minutes ago. 9:25 - I don't fancy the friendly Minotaur's chances when his smoke runs out. 9:37 - Isoroku Yamato shells incoming. 9:41 - ...for the guy who isn't this specific player. 9:50 - I totally agree with you on this. 10:14 - What.BURN 11:20 - If we see the enemy team make this DM's team lose some points, we could see a game with >400000 damage. 11:26 - I said I didn't fancy his chances. 13:14 - Again, you may be being a bit too harsh here. Hindsight is a powerful thing. 13:28 - And here I'd be deleted. 14:02 - Also, that Missouri flanked a Moskva and pushed a DM into the open, as well as capping A. Kudos. 14:42 - Hit T, man... 16:31 - Closer to 130k. 17:54 - Ooh look. It's slowing Down. That Iowa should get Dreadnought. 18:07 - Shipgirl mod #364575686 19:09 - FIVE of the enemy team broke the 1000 EXP mark. Heck, a Yamato played exceptionally well.
HOI4 Mods you must try: Kaiserreich - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=809903394&searchtext= Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699709023&searchtext= Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=719416488&searchtext= The Road to 56 - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820260968&searchtext=
This is NA all the time lately. It's frustrating with all these people who have absolutely no idea how to play and don't want to listen to anyone who knows what they're doing.
I remember when I used to think, "once i get to higher ranks I wont be with brand new players, but be with people with experience" heh, that was a good dream.
my thought was i wouldnt be bottom tier anymore. because i have to confess,.. i am not a great player, id say average at best, and being bottom tier then, doesnt help my case :)
Here's the thing ... if your team is going to huddle like ducklings in a bucket, and you are a reasonably skilled player, you know that if you go out alone, you're going to get trapped in a crossfire and have a very short, sad, life. This just isn't a game where, unless the situation is VERY unusual, you're going to carry - you either get pushed out to the edge, or you get splattered from 2 or 3 directions. So, you stay back with the rest of them and try to farm what you can before you die. ... and then you go play a different game.
not to mention all the nerfs to IJN DDs. its the only DD at T10 that doesnt have something to help, some have hydro, some have heal, the IJN has .... not a damn thing.
I was thinking the same. The enemy team could have had several good players who thought "I'm surrounded by idiots, I'm not going to stick my neck out and die, I'll just farm damage".
And that is boring as hell and not worth the time invested.
I can't tell you how many times I held a cap on my own just to watch the snobs chat away and leave me hanging to die.
Why even log on?
You know you are in a tier 10 games, when your team explores the map edges and ignores the caps.
I was playing my Cleveland yesterday, and at the start of the match on Neighbors (domination) , I headed for C with a friendly DD, only to realize a minute later that the rest of our team, all 10 ships, had headed to A. When I said in Chat that someone should cap B because the enemy had only two DDs who were contesting A and C, a Mutsuki player told me to 'STFU Noob!'. I survived for three more minutes against 7 enemy ships, most of them BBs and an Algerie, then died having done about 70k. I, the guy who died in the first 5 minutes of the match, was the top scorer on my team, who never managed to cap A after all. Some days....
Had a similar experience where someone on the team essentially shouted Leroy Jenkins...the whole team went charging into the ambush and I desperately tried to help them with my Omaha, but wasn't crazy enough to YOLO...and got lambasted for trying to 'snipe'...when all I really was trying to do was retreat to a position of cover that wasn't already impossible because we were being slaughtered.
Cleveland is in the current meta again? Sorry haven't played in quite some time.
On neibours i´ve seen the whole team in the ocean outside A (seen it several times)
i sat behind an island and got 250K damage in my north Carolina....
just fucking chillin and killin....
un-spotted, in cover....i can shoot them, and they cant shoot me, even if i was spotted
called "afk behind an island" in all chat......
i was the last dude alive with 800 more XP than anyone else on the team....
i just noticed early on that our team split was fucked.... so i parked about half way to the caps, and loaded the AP
fuck it
kain hall if we're talking stories, I just got a new one. I'm in a Shchors, on Two Brothers Domination. A Fushun and I are the only two left on the A cap side, so I start falling back towards B. We're being pursued by a Graf Spee, a Colorado and a Fuso. I've set fires on the Colorado, and I'm pounding the Spee, meanwhile, my Fushun sits behind me, far side from the enemy, and is constantly spamming chat saying I'm a coward. I'm kiting and juking for my life, and I set a fire on the Spee that is sure to kill him, when I get the torp alert. To my horror, friendly torps from the Fushun come in and finish me off. To compound it, he tells both teams to report me for being a coward. I complain and tell them that he teamkilled me intentionally. After the match, I receive a notification saying I'm chat banned due to multiple reports of chat misbehavior. Me. Both teams reported me. That last part especially really ticked me off.... GG Humanity.
Hentai is art? i see he's a man of culture and wisdom
I certainly hope it's not a man into that.
With the other players on the team how can you blame the Fletcher?
Number of times I go to a cap and my team do not follow, do not set themselves up to fire on the cap or shot someone else because their concentration is too short.
But the other team? They have radar there, they are all waiting and then the kick the shat out of my ship.
This game attracts morons, you have to decide if they are worth risking your ship for.
Yep, that red team is most of the green teams I get - and I end up being that Khab or Moskva at that point either determined to try and make something happen or just end the suffering. And when it is reversed - yeah, I get green teams that mop them up before I can do much if anything, especially in CV's. Have had some so fast I launch, strike, recover, and get in one more before the game is over.
Saw the title and was all "not about me, please not about me". Happy to report it was not about me.
number51oco my exact thoughts.
That happens when the failed Call of Duty players discover another online game and don't realize there's more than deathmatch out there.
I love ships with a passion (over 500 1/700 ship models at my house) and as fun as WOW can be it is still WOT in water. My favorite map is still open ocean with no islands for thousands of miles. That is how naval warfare has been 99.999999% of history. I guess I just want more reality and less gaming. Arggg...I am such a kiljoy yes? Every time I see a massive battleship BACK up behind an ISLAND my heart sinks. Every time I hear someone disparage showing your broadside (which is PRECISELY what all captains for hundreds of years were desperately trying to do in order to win) I want to quietly weep. Okay...good and fun to watch and a well done video. Thanks but..well you know. Happy gaming all.
Hmmm...Atlantic Fleet.
George King ha. Turn broadside when more than 40% of your guns have elevation and only few ° of traverse. So yeah...
Well, that is only in gunpowder era. Before there was not broadside but T-boning enemy's rowing ship. Broadsiding 99.999999%... noob!
Jutland....100% trying to get those broadsides open. Surigao Strait the exact same. Tsushima the same. Dogger Bank the same. By the by at 65 years old with a degree in history being called a noob just bounces like a small, insignificant shell noob... By the way ALL guns of this era as well as sail had elevation (check your dictionary for meaning of word.) Additionally modern guns ALSO use gunpowder...just a more powerful form. So your point was?
Also, look up the word traverse. Virtually all guns on modern (post sail) warships have some degree of traverse even if they only face one direction like most secondaries. You need to learn how NOT to make yourself such an easy target for someone who knows his history.
Oh and the degree is military history. Taught it at University. You?
In game after game this last weekend I found myself on potato teams just like the reds in this video. It's become very common to drop with a group of players who don't know the maps or how to play them, to the point of everything becoming very frustrating. It's no use trying to help them - they just swear in chat and continue what they're doing.
Hentai is art... Indeed... Indeed...
I'm especially fond of tentacles ;)
I love how this "Modern Art" explores the duality of mankind. It is truly fullfilling to see the soul layed bare and exposed for what it fears itself to be.
Only for the sexually frustrated.
blk jet Sexual frustration: the comment
bacc no it just means that he is “also a man of culture”...
Assuming you know that anime meme...
I was just about to start up another HOI4 game actually. Game is a ton of fun, especially if you turn off historical AI and/or use a few mods. Hilarious stuff can happen.
HOI4 is a broken, unfinished game. AI is shit, research is dumbed down and broken, and there are a ton of basic features missing. The frontline system is a god awful mess too. Troops will leave critical dug in positions to ship themselves INTO Dunkirk like situations.
Me before watching: Wait why is this here?
Me after one minute in: Ahhhhhhh. That game where Germany cancels the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and Germany declares war on everyone even if they're losing?
The game where germany invades russia without producing a single anti tank gun.
The game where the enemy just throws men at your lines until the entire country is dead.
Ever played Kaiserreich?
Omg! Turning off historical AI focus makes some funny shit happen! Like when Poland invades fascist Germany because Germany got bogged down in France.
Enemy team? Very similar to my teams on EU during the weekends. Very.
xD sure ^^ always our team ^^
all the fucking days is a week end day
lemming tard team for u
Both teams are exaclty like my games
How do people get tier 10s and 9s and be this bad? Referring to the enemy team of course ... I've seen better game play at tier 4 lol. I really believe a lot of high tier players just convert xp to rush up lines without having bothered learning to play... This level of gameplay is more common then you'd think sadly ...
You can stumble your way into Tier 9 and Tier 10 just by playing enough games. Then you have Operations and 200% XP weekends pushing players into tiers faster than what they probably are capable of.
I know that stat shaming is bad news bears, but after checking out that Minotaur player's stat lines it is pretty clear that he should spend some more time at lower tiers working things out.
dcpetemoss I've looked up a currywursts stats once after he literally rushed the middle of the map, died within the first two minutes or so, and proceeded to spend the rest of the game berating the rest of the team. He literally had less then 5 games in each German BB going up the line and something like 7k in a tirpitz with God awful stats in that ship. I can only figure he just failed around in the premium ship and threw money at wargaming to get his shiny tier 10. But that's the way it is nothing will change cause he made wargaming a ton of money lol
The problem is not that people convert XP or buy high tier permium ships.
The problem is that it is possible to fail your way up to tier 10 no matter how bad you are, it just takes longer.
One player on the EU server "played" 22701 matches only in 2017. If he had played properly he would have played more than 12 hours a day every day of the year.
About 2 years ago we had a large amount of bots grinding through the US BB line. They only rushed towards the enemy, turned broadside on and fired 2-3 salvos until they got sunk. And they farmed credits with tier 5 cruisers.
And their stats are better than those of many players. Overall 43% win rate (40% in the Iowa), 672 average XP (910 in the Iowa).
It's because wargaming doesn't punish poor play. Weather you win or lose, contribute a lot or very little, you get credits and experience. No matter what, you're going to make it to tier 10. And that's the problem. The game rewards you if your team carries your sorry ass. I've always said there needs to be a certain amount you have to contribute in order to gain anything, and it you don't meet that standard, you start losing credits, experience, and player rank.
Wargaming uses the "septic tank" method of player progression.
Why do I call it "septic tank"? Simple.
Given enough time, even the biggest, worst, most appalling shit will float to the top.
Fletcher actually did a very good job by going wide and then eliminating and spotting the resistance at A. His team wasn't going to advance until he did so, he obviously saw this and did his part to get his team to push. Yet, you laugh at his contribution which for a moment gave them a ship advantage.
dynamic high tier gameplay. everyone sitting in one spot pretty much the whole match
I noticed one thing, lemming trains usually form when new or incompetent players hide behind a player they think they know what their doing to hide how noob they are.
Very entertaining replay and commentary iCG! Keep them coming. I like the new surly Chase. No-one can accuse you of being a sycophant. Your viewership can depend on getting the straight goods from you. Thumbs up.
After watching this video for a minute and I half, I realized the video is only about the dork who made it.
I had a game in Hearts of Iron 4 as italy recreating the Roman empire. Germany got rekt by internal issues, they were at war with both france and UK over Czechoslovakia and were at a stalemate. This triggerd an event where Hitler got assassinated and Germany plunged into a civil war.
That massive irrational cathedral on that small rocky island should collapse part by part under the shellfire so the cover would get smaller.
Minotaur Guide lesson 1: don’t get shot. Lesson 2: If you are being shot, don’t be broadside. Lesson 3: Seriously, don’t get shot, that’s why you have smoke and the speed to get behind islands.
I love HOI4. Multyplayer with friends is fun. Best moment i had is when Tibet managed to take control of most of asia. Even to the point of getting Japan Capitulate.
This is sadly normal stuff nowadays on both EU and NA :-/
ClydeThaMonkey so true, every idiot died his way to tier X. The incompetence is alive
ClydeThaMonkey Not in Asian server where everyone just completely charges Kamikaze style shit and Rams anyship they spot lol😂😂
Oh so the meta has changed in Asia server? Because what I have seen in the past was everyone not moving further than one square from their spawn point and they camp there 18 minutes and maybe then one team starts to push..
It seems there are certain constants in this universe. The speed of light, and the retarded player base in World of Warships. Every time I see a replay like this, it reminds me the reason why I quit this game and the stupdity of the majority of it's players. Insane... how do they even operate a PC?
iChase if you want to make HOI4 content I'd recommend seeing how iSorrowProductions's videos on it for inspiration
yep, defenitly a good game and iSorrow is also a good channel, but if iChase would do it, it would be good too, be cause he is so different from him
FeedbackGaming also puts out some good videos as well when it comes to HOI 4.
This circus replay looks like 98% of my high tier games. Sometimes I can do enough to compensate most of the time the team snowballs down a hill within two minutes and it doesn't matter how much damage, caps, kills and defense ribbons I pump out.
Hearts of Iron 4, you say?
*Chuckles as the US splinters and Idaho invades Italy*
I’ve had this issue with my recent games, and I’m from 2021. They will pre cap camping, and then they refuse to push up. It’s crazy, and there’s nothing you can say to make them do the right thing.
Dude, awesome videos. Love this channel (Even tho I just subscribed yesterday :D)
This is the sort of game you take a page from Jingles and call him Dave.
Looking back, our problems were so small.
If the enemy team had gotten just 1 more hit into the Iowa, this guy would've picked up Solo Warrior.
I wonder how did they manage to grind all the way up to tier 10 with such incompetence... they must be really stubborn. From tier 4 onward you must be fighting well, otherwise you would need thousands of battles to advance one tier.
I've had an HOI3 game where America joined the Axis. I've had several where Japan defeats China before WW2. Had one where Germany goes to war without any allies (Axis is never formed). Had one where WW2 never breaks out and Germany and Japan just keep slowly gobbling up countries. HOI3 is an interesting "what if" but some of the things that happen are really weird.
*This is Typical game in NA, why is this even a thing?* /s
best player base NA kappa
Wait, I thought EU tier X was bad. You're telling me it's even worse on NA!?
on the odd case its fucken shit on the NA sever this match was what happens in the odd case
KopaZ Maymay ikr
Hoi 4. I played Brazil and started taking over my South America neighbors. 2 years later the Americans and the Germans had allowed military access to each other. Another 2 years Stalin breaks the Molotov Ribentrove pact and sweeps up Europe. North and South America have been United into a single country. And that was with historical AI focus. GG. AI
The theme song for this video should be, Weird Al forgive me, Lemming Train to Hell... In 3-D!
Happen everyday in SEA , BBabies camp all the way back not pushing up ... and blame the Cruiser and DD not doing their job
Hearts of Iron 4 is okay. but better with mods.
I’ve played hoi4 and I’ve gotten England and the USA to join the axis
Blam the cv blam the cv o yea we have to find another scape goat
Look if someone has like 39% in a CV maybe they shouldnt be in ranked because I was the lucky recipient of just a nice guy who wanted to un wind in ranked RANKED its not for ppl who prefer randos oh and the cv on the other team shy of being super unicum. You can imagine what happened
Held the Flank. Popped smoke for a BC. Told him it's time for us to go. He proceeded to let me know my smoke wasn't asked for and wasn't needed. He went POP about a minute and a half later while begging for support.
lost respect for Des Moines, look on chat he freaking cares about kill steal.
I tried Hearts of Iron 4. Prepared everything for fight Germany and then Germany became democratic... :D
ive been noticing allot of players have fallen in love with reverse, even destroyers.
Geez. Those reds looked like most of the teams I've had in my (brief) return. Can't convince them to take a risk and push up but they won't back up the ships that are pushing. Nope, its always hide in the back waiting for someone else to poke their nose out and thus draw the other sides fire so they can pop out to fire one ineffective salvo before scurrying back to safety.
The cowardice in this game has reached a level that really makes one question if playing with a team of bots would be better.
Your opening sounds like a news channel...wait...kinda accurate.
Fletcher played well by not capping. It was plain suicide to cap in front of 2 radar ships and a Minotaur. He probably played the best on the enemy team, he was simply dealt a really bad hand. Lemming train to untouchable A and the other flank has a Gearing with support. He did the only sensible thing which was to move forward, spot the enemies for his lemmings and try to torp.
The friendlies also played badly by sailing into that lemming train.
Typical high tier gameround, seems for me.🐇
I'm always the one who goes in and attacks and gets shot by everyone because "Oh hes closer, I might be able to kill him"
Only one note. WW2 starts 1939 and ends 1945. The US joined the war end of 1941 (Pearl Harbor).
Good example of everything I hate about hi tier play. "Smart" cruiser play is camping in cover, no one pushes, everyone afraid to do anything, as many or more potatoes than in mid tiers, and generally just unfun gameplay.
I want what their smoking
Almost all of my games when I'm not playing with friends, except I usually die first because RNG or I want my suffering to end.
Yeah, high damage, but not worth the crappy trash talk.
Used to think that the Des Moines was the most op and annoying ship in the game with that 5.5 sec reload but then came the Minotaur with the 3.3
Played a match in a t3 DD yesterday and got 5 kills with only torps and managed to survive the whole round bc the whole enemy team rushed past the objectives to try and take out our only carrier
The mystery is why people continue playing this game to tier 10 without getting even decent at playing it.....
That fletcher holy crap... which is more annoying? The fletcher this game or that Yugumo that rammed a CV point blank and threw the whole game in points on Notser's video?
B-but ramming is fun! That's the point of a game!
yo ichase what did you got from that 15 day mission those two big containers
I wonder what it is about A that attracts lemming trains on every map :/
The Fletcher is my favorite boat in WOWS, so seeing it played that poorly is just painful.
Historical focus on. Play as axis power. Turn USA facist make em join axis n watch world tension hit 200% n have random countries declare war conquer everyone. Hearts of iron is a hoot. Try some of the mods they r fun
You know, the Red team in this game, led in kills the entire game. They fully believed they were winning with what they were doing. What is the percentage of games in WoWS that are won by annihilate vs winning by points vs winning by time out ahead on points?
I just think of the "I am Potato" song.......
it really just looks like any othere passive game
Love the slow clap for the Fletcher.
The red team was bad but the green team died a lot also. There's no need to push when you have a cap advantage. WoWs can be very frustrating when one is matched up like this. Wins and losses seem to be dictated by the match maker so I use kill/death ratio as a measure of how well I play.
When you deserve the "solo warrior" but rules say no.
Here is a question; what day of the week was this? Seems like weekend teams suck pond water badly, and I probably have more kraken's on weekends than any other time (holidays even more so)
Unbelievable T10 Red Team performance. Not surprising, this shit happens on SEA regularly.
I remember you being a lot more mellow and forgiving a couple of months ago.
What a load of crap. How nice can you be when the rest of your team are determined to throw the game?
Kelkschiz Everyone gets tired of shenanigans sometimes.
Of course Kevin, it happens to us all. But it stands to question if that is the right time to make a video. Because I for one don't enjoy watching a video in which people get told off the majority of the time. And I have noticed that this channel has become more bitter. When the channel started there was none of that.
You're not wrong, the tone is negative against people playing the game with seemingly little regard for winning. But are they doing it on purpose? Of course not, they are just inexperienced. I enjoy Ichase because he can also be critical. I Didn't here him calling them names though. He is just pointing out bad play without insulting people so we can all learn. That is why I come here.
You're not wrong, the tone is negative against people playing the game with seemingly little regard for winning. But are they doing it on purpose? Of course not, they are just inexperienced. I enjoy Ichase because he can also be critical. I Didn't here him calling them names though. He is just pointing out bad play without insulting people so we can all learn. That is why I come here.
I have been having a rough time of it too in WoWS. A lot of it starts with MM giving the reds a DD advantage and our DD's end up killed in the stupid cap circles. Once you get behind in caps, lose your remaining DD's the game is already over. Even in games with even DD's or even a DD advantage, they end up not capping.
Part of it is probably the missions providing perverse incentives over winning. I know I am more interested in completing a mission and getting some goodies far more than winning.
I never managed to get around to HoI IV, but in HoI III I annexed China to Japan and got General Chenault in the mix. I put him in charge of some Japanese naval bombers and used him against the USA. In another game I was Japan and my friend was the UK. I allied with Ireland and they let me put troops in their country. My friend detected them and had a WTF moment. I sang a bar of "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" with a Japanese accent.
I have no idea how t10 players often still don't know how important caps are....
yeah when i see 2 yamato's together in an american cruiser i back the fuck up too
This is the game WG wants. CA's hiding behind every island blind firing. BB's all the way in the back trying to load into someone elses game. and DD's torp/smoke spamming their hearts out in the middle. Don't worry too much about the current META, just check the premium shop for the next power creep ship.
Read the title, thought for sure someone submitted the last ranked game I was in.
hahahah Dat golf clap... xD
world of warships=CAMPING SIMULATOR
only Des Moines = Kemping Simulator. lolol
ppl still complain about Des Memes positioning behind islands? If he sailed on the open he would be dead in one volley, no matter how he angles, that ship is paper and gets citadelled left right and center.
lol we said the same thing when he joined the Haifuri Community lol.
Why I never have such enemy teams ? :D
That Fletcher: 44% win rate with 21.4k average damage across 694 games in the Fletcher.
DM knew what they were doing, much of the rest of the roster (including a good chunk of friendlies) didn't.
Not exactly new, is it?
I had a guy call me a noob because I wouldn’t push into the cap with my Yamoto
some guys just can't learn a basic rule when lemming train is happening... Then you push ,and don't stop
Shomy4u exactly.
chase..........to be fair, what it takes to be a super-unicum is to "not make mistakes"............
Sooo unlucky. :(
280 HP away from a solo warrior. Boy that would have been epic. :(
I've had my own fair share of incompetence. It's to be expected. But I don't use chat. Mostly I play WOS Blitz. And one thing that really pisses me off is if I'm playing a DD or CA and we're pushing a cap and there are a couple of ships with me. Suddenly I find myself with my ass hanging out because the heroes all bugged out.
That said, once in a while it's fun to try and go for the enemy carrier all on your lonesome.
Gosh I never get that lucky. If that would be me, the first salvo he gets would have double citadelled me followed by another with the already in the air second salvo.
I can understand that Moskva, wouldnt want to keep playing this match either and rather just move on :D
I spent houndreds of hours playing HoI 1 and 2, wanted to try HoI 3, but I quickly realised there's no point unless I put in a few hours just to learn everything that's new (and there's a lot of it), so I passed, because I was looking for something more digestive at the time, if you know what I mean. ANYWAY! Recently one of my fav WW2 channels started streaming HoI 4 and I was WOWed by the evolution of this title, the game is so much more than I remember, and it was a fun game nonetheless. I'd defo watch ur gameplay just for educational commentary from you, sir.
as a professional bad player I can say. While I am incompetent (and I actually am now starting to watch these videos in order to reverse that). NO ONE should be as stupid as the enemy team.
actually i really like strategy games like hearts of iron, total war and civilization
2:09 - Two things. One: Expert loader, two: I forgot to smoke.
4:23 - Here is a Missouri who must've played for a while and a Yamamoto who must have played for a long time.
4:28 - Okay that's just mean. *You probably* wouldn't realise that, maybe the Mo wanted to push the A cap.
5:03 - And need I mention that this DM is stationary with 3 people targeting them? Okay, two, but still...
5:12 - RNG dictates that you do not get citadeled twice.
5:22 - Come ON...
6:32 - This guy has more damage than my record(s). Granted, he is two tiers higher and in a DM, though.
6:56 - Look at the green team. Montana and Missouri fighting, Yamato Bow-tanking, Moskva in a bad position IMO, camping Iowa, Minotaur and Ognevoi near the (camping) DM, Montana and Gearing flanking.
7:38 - New Orleans ran into an island and is deleted-ed.
8:09 - AP?
8:14 - AP.
9:08 - Also, here's that bottom-of-the-map Missouri being stealthy and MAYBE going somewhere he should've been 3-5 minutes ago.
9:25 - I don't fancy the friendly Minotaur's chances when his smoke runs out.
9:37 - Isoroku Yamato shells incoming.
9:41 - ...for the guy who isn't this specific player.
9:50 - I totally agree with you on this.
10:14 - What.BURN
11:20 - If we see the enemy team make this DM's team lose some points, we could see a game with >400000 damage.
11:26 - I said I didn't fancy his chances.
13:14 - Again, you may be being a bit too harsh here. Hindsight is a powerful thing.
13:28 - And here I'd be deleted.
14:02 - Also, that Missouri flanked a Moskva and pushed a DM into the open, as well as capping A. Kudos.
14:42 - Hit T, man...
16:31 - Closer to 130k.
17:54 - Ooh look. It's slowing Down. That Iowa should get Dreadnought.
18:07 - Shipgirl mod #364575686
19:09 - FIVE of the enemy team broke the 1000 EXP mark. Heck, a Yamato played exceptionally well.
HOI4 Mods you must try:
Kaiserreich - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=809903394&searchtext=
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699709023&searchtext=
Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=719416488&searchtext=
The Road to 56 - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820260968&searchtext=
This is NA all the time lately. It's frustrating with all these people who have absolutely no idea how to play and don't want to listen to anyone who knows what they're doing.
OMG thank you ichase for the replay :D
Awesome Vid chase :) anymore know your ships coming our way ?
It is worse on ranked even at the higher levels people do not work as a team and stuff it up for the lot of us, mainly to the dds speaking to.