25 Giving it away” means to give something for free, so it’s about giving something without expecting anything in return. If the answer suggests that money is expected, then it could be a misunderstanding or misinterpretation. 27 The sentence “You can see great sights even on the bus” means that you can experience wonderful views while you’re on the bus, implying that you need to be on the bus to see those sights
Untuk part B, saran saya pak harus dipercepat bagian lembar jawabannya ketika soundnya sementara diputar sesuai jumlah soal yang di cover, soalnya gak bisa kebaca pas soundnya diputer.
Very helpful with free service. You saved our time and our little money
Appreciate you
Saya belajar melalui video ini beberapa jam sebelum jam pelaksanaan tes. Makasih kak video nya, sangat membantu 🙏
thanks a lot. i am waiting next video
makasih banyak, sangat senang bisa berlatih
25 Giving it away” means to give something for free, so it’s about giving something without expecting anything in return. If the answer suggests that money is expected, then it could be a misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
27 The sentence “You can see great sights even on the bus” means that you can experience wonderful views while you’re on the bus, implying that you need to be on the bus to see those sights
Nice analyzing
34:19 Answer Keys
Provided there
I"ll check soon. Thanks
@NadaNada-jm3jg welcome
maaf kualitas audionya jelek, ada beberapa percakapan yang terputus-putus dan ter-skip, menjadikan soal sulit untuk dijawab
Terimakasih atas pelatihan videonya, sangat membantu
The audio is damaged at several different parts it is not a good for practice
Thank for your attention 🙏
Untuk part B, saran saya pak harus dipercepat bagian lembar jawabannya ketika soundnya sementara diputar sesuai jumlah soal yang di cover, soalnya gak bisa kebaca pas soundnya diputer.
Terimakasih maaukannya👍👍
Benar pak
Videonya banyak yg terpotong sekitar 1-2 sec. Putus2. Jadi bkin konsentrasi buyar.
Sorry for that🙏✌
16:20 PArt B
1:20 good video
Thank for your support
46/50 alhamdulillah padahal putus putuss audionya
Thank you for the excercise I got 39/50
It's great.
thank you 💖
How can I know the correct answer?
The answer keys are provided there
Terima kasih, Kak
Sama sama. Smoga dimudahkan urusannya
@@inggrisfun Aamiin
Apakah ada part listening satunya y? Boleh minta di share juga. Terima kadih
Sudah tersedia di channel saya 🙏
Dari bagian ini saya kurang tahu apakah bisa dimasukkan apa itu bagian dari struktur dan bacaan untuk dipelajari dan bisa dipraktikkan.
Utk latihan n lengkap dg transkripnya ad di video yg lain. Silahkan masuk ke channel bro nandar. Dan pilih vidio sesuai kebutuhannua.
31 a 32 d 33 b
8 march 2024
First try: 45/50 👍🏻
Terima kasih banyak pak
jawaban no 1-10 min
Ad d video
mas ada audio yang di removed ya? padahal aku lagi belajar dari audio itu tp disearch udah ga ada :( bisa upload lg kah
Iya mb. Terkena copyright jd hrs d hapus🙏
any idea how to look for it mas? @@inggrisfun
mas kalo minta via email apakah masih ada filenya mas
? @@inggrisfun
File g tersimpan. Ni lg order yg br tp agak lama. Biasa shipping agak jauh. Insyallah klo dah siap sgera d upload. ✌
where is the answer? to know the correct answer this test
Just watch till the end, you will find them then.
buen video
Ini soal & kunci yg bakalan keluar di jalur online toefl itp kak ?
2:13 16:48 24:54
soal yg lain ada ka?
Silahkan masuk channel bro Nandar, ad banyak pilihan🙏
Kalau toefl itp online apa sama model
Sama kak,
How can I know my level? Its 33 correct answers
Just see the table of the score.
@@inggrisfun where is it? Can u send it to me?
@zulyakahhorova9929 you can search on the internet. Knowing your lever by score.
Maaf izin tanya, Kunci jawabannya ada dimana yah?
Silahkan tonton sampai habis, nanti kunci jawaban akan trlihat
Dec 12th, 2023
Great, just need more practice👍👍
halo kak, buat ikut ujian toefl itp nya dmn ya
Banyak kak., bs d ugm, uns, dll
Where is the keys?
Justru watch till the end, you will find them
Nais broo
Thank a lot
where are the answers?
Watch till the end, you will find them
Videonya agak tersendat-sendat
Itu biasanya terkendala jaringan.
@@inggrisfun Video original anda memang yang tersendat pak
Aku lemahnya di listening 😢. Bagaimana to improve y?
Trus brlatih
yo latihan kak .....
Practice makes perfect, trust the process
awabannya mana kak
Silahkan tonton sampai hbs, kunci jawaban akan trlihat
pembahasan jawabannya dimana ya ?
Untuk kunci jawaban tersedia divideo, utk pembahasan blm tersedia
Where's answers
Watch till the end, you find them
It is great
ga ada kunci jawabannya kak
Kunci jawaban sudah tersedia, silahkan tonton n pelajarin sampai habis.
do you have a script?
Sorry. I don't have it🙏
Kunci jawabannya dimana ya ka?
Ad d video kak, tonton sampai habis
@@inggrisfun terhalang dengan iklan sampeyan yg berikutnya om. Bisa di ketik disini aja kah.
kunci jawabannya di mana ya kak
How can I find the answers?
Watch till the end
Where is the answer? please
Just watch till the end, you get them
Where is the answers?
There ia, just watch till the end
@@inggrisfun please can you show me?
In the minute 34:21-34: 25
@@inggrisfun thank you now i see
where is the answers?
Final vidio
Watch till the last second