  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2024
  • The project is named #Usahihi #Expressway, a 4-6 lane #dualcarriageway of approximately 500km.
    Who is doing the project?
    #Everstrong Capital, a #US-based company, will lead a consortium of investors to design, finance, build and operate the road for 30 years.
    What are the components?
    • Expected to reduce travel time between #Nairobi and #Mombasa from 10 hours to 4.5 hours.
    • Include safe overtaking lanes, rest areas, wildlife crossings and solar-powered toll plazas.
    • A 400-kilometer tree line planted alongside the road.
    What benefits are expected?
    • Improved travel times and reduced traffic congestion.
    • Safer travel with designated overtaking lanes and rest areas.
    • Creation of over 5,000 jobs during construction.
    • Potential for economic growth in the region.
    • More environmentally friendly with features like solar power and reduced emissions.
    Challenges to building the road?
    • The project has been delayed for years due to funding issues.
    • Financing of $3.6 billion is complex and securing investment is risky.
    • Competition from existing railway and roads could reduce toll revenue.
    • Tolls may be unpopular with Kenyans.
    • Lack of transparency in the selection of Everstrong Capital raises concerns.
    The American government factor and influence?
    • US government seems supportive of the project
    Signing of Project development agreement?
    • Signing the agreement is a step forward but doesn't guarantee completion.
    • There are concerns about the project's viability due to the reasons mentioned above.
    Competition from other means of transport?
    • The Standard Gauge Railway (#SGR) already offers a faster way to travel between the cities.
    • The existing road, although not as modern, is still functional.
    Has competition from other means of transport along the way been considered?
    • The project acknowledges the existence of SGR and existing road but focuses on its own benefits like safety and reduced travel time.

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