w fr everyone should watch this video and watch it all the way through. in fact, put it on .25 speed, start playing it, turn loop video on, and walk away
doing rn already made it 10 seconds in at .25 speed and it's really good, i plan to keep it looping the entire night while I sleep cause this is so good
this is the best piece of music that i have ever played. however, the first trumpet part was difficult. whoever plays it is the best trumpet players in the world.
w fr everyone should watch this video and watch it all the way through. in fact, put it on .25 speed, start playing it, turn loop video on, and walk away
doing rn already made it 10 seconds in at .25 speed and it's really good, i plan to keep it looping the entire night while I sleep cause this is so good
this is the best piece of music that i have ever played. however, the first trumpet part was difficult. whoever plays it is the best trumpet players in the world.