Not trying be rude here, but damn we need to leave the EU, if we let let's say 1000 refugees in the next day 2000 will show up to come over and we just can't take that.
+Tom Herbert Im guessing ur from the UK also ? we dont really have that much of an issue like these other countries thank fuck were an island and we can select when actual refugees come up not just adult males wanting an easy life.
I've watched Vice News for years, but since I've seen these biased "news" about refugee crisis I feel so disappointed. How come American news media dare to accuse us Europeans of solving this crisis poorly, even though the shitty situation in the middle-east is partly their fault.
The guy left his phone and money in the tent? Really? Nobody does that. Not even in the west. And then the other guy said he was at a bar? Wth lol Save your money man.
+Anomalous Cat Indeed, this camp is mostly populated by middle aged men who weren't prioritized by refugee programs centered around helping those who are truly in need, children and women. If they want freedom and human rights, they will have to fight for it!
+D0ntd0itlulZ There is a big difference in how men and women are treated in war-zone, because especially young, healthy men are seen as a potential fighter, a potential enemy. So it's much more likely for a man to get killed as a civilian if they stay to protect their home and family but don't want to kill other people, because both sides, or all sides like in Syria where there is at least 4 different armys, see them as potential enemy and might often kill them. Also, if everybody in this world were like these men, there wouldn't be any wars. If everybody refused to go to war and kill people, wouldn't the world be much better place? So I can't really understand why it is seen as a bad thing to not want to murder people, especially in war like Syria where there are multiple opponents from which many of are equally bad and the others are formed from certain ethnicity, so it isn't at all anything like defending your own country against oppressors and attacers. In Syria the goverment....
+... treats people just as bad as ISIS, so there is no reason for anybody in their right mind to defend it. These same old comments like 'why are the men fleeing' are quite silly for anybody who knows something about war in general or these particular crisis which have caused huge amount of refugees fleeing to Europe. Europians have had their part in creating the highly unstable situation in the Islamic world in the past but in the case of Syria it's USA and Russia who are mostly blamed, after the Syrian goverment and ISIS of course. Russia has supported the tyrannic, opressing leaders of Syria, USA made Iraq very unstable and created very much hostility there and USA also helped to create ISIS and other terrorist organisations with their actions in the Middle-East. Even though other western countrys have also done a lot harm to Islamic world in the history, in recent times they have mostly supported USA in their actions.
Le Hunt Not on europe...Why the fuck would i care i they invade eachother? do you think for one second that any of them would help Spain if it was invaded by france? or of norway invaded by sweden? it's not going to happen but think about it. i do not want my homeland to get Fucked up becouse they are dumb as religous fucktards. im sick of it
Why do these guys always have smirks on their faces when they talk about their losses and how they're refugees. It all seems a bit shady, you can be sure they're trying to work the system in their favour whether it's in the media or in reality. The fact the guy mentions his jungle hut as home and how they've become used to it is an example of how they're not realising the weight of the situation. They're becoming far to relaxed and feisty with local governments and people and as a result will eventually dig their own hole to sit in.
As demolition work enters its stride on day three of the evictions, VICE News returns to the Jungle to find out what life is like for those affected. Reporter Ben Ferguson talks to the man whose home was the first to be dismantled and witnesses a silent protest by a group who sew their lips together. Watch "Dunkirk’s Migrant Crisis: Breaking Borders (Dispatch 9)" -
Ya sure you left your phone and money in the tent with thieves, and desperate folks all around. What a liar......they knew long ahead of time what was gonna happen.
I guess we should give them all a villa and no work but infinite money supply for the rest of their lives and of course we should fly their family to Europe with business class tickets. Because their countries would do the same if they could and the situation was 180 degrees reversed.
Derp Ninja any dumbfuck with half a brain knows Islam has 1.6 billion followers and is the fastest growing religion on Earth. now i know you definitely get your info from facebook memes. you have much to learn about the relationship between belief and behavior.
Before I scrolled into the comments I already anticipated the majority of viewers representative of only themselves siding with borders and preservation of their own wealth over their fellow man. It shouldn't be like that, but it is. Why is that.
[when talking about stones being thrown at local French] "Let me be honest, if everyday you hit me, hit me, I answer back" Maybe the local community got tired of foreigners throwing stones at them and are actually the ones hitting back. But we won't know because we haven't heard a critical voice of any locals in any vice episode yet. I did see dispatch 8 where one of the locals got attacked by a mob of refugees. Also there was dispatch 9 that the refugees got help from locals. And then this guy says that the local French are so mean to him...
I feel terrible for these people, I wish them the best in this journey we all call life. This really humbles me & makes me realize how awesome I have & how small my problems are.
+VICE News - Shouldn't you as a reporters be objective, instead of showing just one side of this coin? You are not doing any judgements and that's good, but the overall feeling of this material is VERY subjective.
Well for one they shouldve stayed with their families, here or there. But no, theres plenty of refugee camps that are being funded, and theres plenty of legal avenues of getting to europe ESPECIALLY as a refugee.So its their fault for entering illegally.
+KHK14 If they stayed with their families there Isis would have kidnapped their families and used the children as soldiers .Thank God they are leaving,besides the legal ways are hard since thousands are already trying to register those ways they have no choice.
+Just Focus and Observe yet the great USA is helping to kill ISIS ,As a Muslim I love the USA on the war that are fighting Isis and each person who runs away from Isis is one less fighting with Isis .
Prefect example, cancer patients and people with illnesses that cannot get treatments in their own nation have an easier time of coming legally to the EU. So your example makes no sense. Also, its not going to happen in Europe, our governments don't oppress us, neither do people become terrorists. So that makes no sense too, and even if that was to happen, you bet that people would do it legally. Each person running away from ISIS, is another ISIS soldier in hiding.
@1:00 there is no way in hell that these refugee's weren't given a timely notice to vacate the area/property... I'm sure they didn't decide at 6 in the morning that at 12 p.m. that same day they were going to demolition that camp, right? I mean a refugee situation is never good and they have no where to go +80% of the time, but spinning the truth into a story isn't acceptable for anyone looking for the truth, just so maybe I could help on a small scale. my best wishes to you and your family / those affected by this bs we call a war / confrontation. we're the only people affected by this are the children....smfh
+Renaldo Smith They are not willing to go through the proper channels. They want a free life paid for by other people, this is why they only want to go to certain countries like Sweden, Germany and the UK where they think they will get the free life they are looking for. They also give hard working immigrants who did go through the proper channels a bad name.
+Abe E if you did know me. you would know I am a Canadian. we actually accepted many people from Syria even though the majority of Canadians rather not. don't let my skin colour think me and you are on the same level. when you do get a chance to see the world you will see that a person is judge by what he or she has done.
So much hate and xenophobia in this comment section. You all should be ashamed of the horrible things you say to people in need. Just imagine if you were in their situation, I sure as hell wouldn't like people telling me I can't enter a country because of my background.
+VintageViking maybe they should go and fight for the home country and not run away strange how they are all fighting age men...what would you say 20-40s?
the young men which is 95% should not be so weak and defend their country not run when it gets tough. what happens when it get tough in europe they going to run again, then where they going to run to?
I feel bad for these people but they are clearly not political refugees. They are from India , Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran. Those countries although difficult to live are not dangerous, at least not severely to live. They differently have come to take advantage of West's liberal social welfare system.
you meant Vlad the impaler. Europe is depressing why would anyone wish to live there. Been there, all hype. The Caribbean lifestyle of real freedom is far superior. we're also less than 1% Muslim, that helps
You have had all your property destroyed and taken by the government and you don't know what to do? Your rights have been violated so you should fill the court system with your pleas for remedy. France has a legal OBLIGATION, that they created and agreed to themselves, to care for the men and women in their jurisdiction. Have you never read the laws that govern the land you stand on the Constitution of the Fifth Republic? Above and beyond that is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of which France is party to and again legally OBLIGATED to uphold or be in violation of International Law. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights PART II Article 2 1. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
I just can't find any sympathy for them. You have reached a safe haven once you entered the EU and yet you chose to continue onwards to cherry pick which country you wanted to live in. They could do themselves a favour by going on record and claiming asylum in France and then beginning the legal process of entering the UK. All I see here is a clash of cultures between the annoying French (Believe me they are I'm British) and middle eastern refugees. Some of the story's I've seen are just bizarre, from the charity worker who was a "witch" trying to give them poisoned food to the incident in cologne. I just feel like they need to be given an education on what has changed now that they are in the west.
UNsubing (where it can have the most effect) - I have no issue with your opinion, just your hypocrisy. Much like Vatican City who has the same sqm as New York does but only seems to be able to fit 780 people in it. Maybe you can do a story on how many people the rich Vice News editors house with their families? Leave my guilt alone.
We supported Muslims. We gave Afghanistan We again supported We gave Pakistan, Now they want Azzad Kashmir. Plus Muslims and Govt of Pakistan took off rights of Ahmadi community and burned their Mosques. Now what all they want Allah will give them. Only thing they need to be pure and patient.
Sorry, I think if were to take in any refugees it should be from the camps in Syria not from Calais, were not dealing with any problem with this short termist attitude and letting them in would mean sending a message to the people traffickers to send another batch. And these halfwits sowing their lips up, come on do me a favour! The people there have been through countless safe countries to get here. So just leave the cynical heart string pulling were not idioms.
Hahahaha, I was just looking through these vids and suddenly I remembered by I unsubbed from this channel. The ignorant propaganda on this is so strong.
3:40 London calling 😂😂😂... These people want to live in lit city only wtf... They don't know that disaster waiting them in UK.. Boris bout kick their ass out of planet..
***** I'm glad you chose to spare me the details that you obviously lack. Honestly if you gave a damn you would understand that Trump has zero reasons to support the lower or middle class. He has repeatedly proven that he doesn't give a damn about anyone who isn't the 1% and has repeatedly shown that he will lower taxes for the wealthiest in the country. But no i'm the moron who wants to vote for someone who actually gives a shit and is ONLY supported by the people. Call me an ass all you want, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to support the guy who has my best interests in mind rather than a business tycoon who can't even run a business.
Alfredo Perez No it's because i remember when vice used to sneak into north korea but now they just suck refugee cock and i was right the video was a bunch of shit i am glad i disliked it.
Hunter Sterling They're just only pointing out issues that are happening around the world that are only being quiet in the media, what's wrong with that? If you don't like vice then unsubscribe and don't let the door hit you on your way out
Am I suppose to feel bad because they are stupid enough to self mutilate?
He had a lot of time to remove his stuff, he knew it was going to happen. It was planned for weeks.
He apparently went to get lunch without his phone, or wallet/money....
Wait a second, what the hell is a refugee doing visiting a bar? Wtf dude shouldn't you be working?
Here's a crazy idea, apply for asylum in the dozens of countries you passed through!!
I want free housing, European cars, etc. Stop wasting my tax money on these bums!
Totally forgot bout the New Year's incident, but yeah, throw that in as well lol
Not trying be rude here, but damn we need to leave the EU, if we let let's say 1000 refugees in the next day 2000 will show up to come over and we just can't take that.
+Tom Herbert Im guessing ur from the UK also ? we dont really have that much of an issue like these other countries thank fuck were an island and we can select when actual refugees come up not just adult males wanting an easy life.
+fpsc0and0stuf The situation is tense , sooner or later they will get injured in riots .
+fpsc0and0stuff lol its funny to think of people from the UK as island dwellers
Because their homeland is shit
Few things are more disgusting than someone who supports their own demographic replacement.
''They think you smell because you are not french!''
Quality reporting as usual.
I've watched Vice News for years, but since I've seen these biased "news" about refugee crisis I feel so disappointed. How come American news media dare to accuse us Europeans of solving this crisis poorly, even though the shitty situation in the middle-east is partly their fault.
+Onki vapa vice is canadian and if you dony like it then fuck off
+Onki vapa dont
The guy left his phone and money in the tent? Really? Nobody does that. Not even in the west. And then the other guy said he was at a bar? Wth lol Save your money man.
Couldn't find footage of a child this time I see. Keep searching, I'm sure there's one or two out there somewhere if you look hard enough.
+Anomalous Cat Indeed, this camp is mostly populated by middle aged men who weren't prioritized by refugee programs centered around helping those who are truly in need, children and women. If they want freedom and human rights, they will have to fight for it!
send them back
I see only men
+Jay Wankhade There is alot more men than women that are able to flee and migrate...its a fact..Fucked up is what it is.. cowardly men if you ask me
+D0ntd0itlulZ There is a big difference in how men and women are treated in war-zone, because especially young, healthy men are seen as a potential fighter, a potential enemy. So it's much more likely for a man to get killed as a
civilian if they stay to protect their home and family but don't want to kill other people, because both sides, or all sides like in Syria where there is at least 4 different armys, see them as potential enemy and might often kill them. Also, if everybody in this world were like these men, there wouldn't be any wars. If everybody refused to go to war and kill people, wouldn't the world be much better place? So I can't really understand why it is seen as a bad thing to not want to murder people, especially in war like Syria where there are multiple opponents from which many of are equally bad and the others are formed from certain ethnicity, so it isn't at all anything like defending your own country against oppressors and attacers. In Syria the goverment....
+... treats people just as bad as ISIS, so there is no reason for anybody in their right mind to defend it. These same old comments like 'why are the men fleeing' are quite silly for anybody who knows something about war in general or these particular crisis which have caused huge amount of refugees fleeing to Europe. Europians have had their part in creating the highly unstable situation in the Islamic world in the past but in the case of Syria it's USA and Russia who are mostly blamed, after the Syrian goverment and ISIS of course. Russia has supported the tyrannic, opressing leaders of Syria, USA made Iraq very unstable and created very much hostility there and USA also helped to create ISIS and other terrorist organisations with their actions in the Middle-East. Even though other western countrys have also done a lot harm to Islamic world in the history, in recent times they have mostly supported USA in their actions.
***** that only the men get to escape..
Le Hunt Not on europe...Why the fuck would i care i they invade eachother? do you think for one second that any of them would help Spain if it was invaded by france? or of norway invaded by sweden? it's not going to happen but think about it. i do not want my homeland to get Fucked up becouse they are dumb as religous fucktards. im sick of it
Why do these guys always have smirks on their faces when they talk about their losses and how they're refugees. It all seems a bit shady, you can be sure they're trying to work the system in their favour whether it's in the media or in reality. The fact the guy mentions his jungle hut as home and how they've become used to it is an example of how they're not realising the weight of the situation. They're becoming far to relaxed and feisty with local governments and people and as a result will eventually dig their own hole to sit in.
The opening of the video....
Yeah, yeah. MENA REGION inhabitants characteristics: 1. Violent 2. Entitled and impudent. 2. Drama queens.
As demolition work enters its stride on day three of the evictions, VICE News returns to the Jungle to find out what life is like for those affected. Reporter Ben Ferguson talks to the man whose home was the first to be dismantled and witnesses a silent protest by a group who sew their lips together.
Watch "Dunkirk’s Migrant Crisis: Breaking Borders (Dispatch 9)" -
Ya sure you left your phone and money in the tent with thieves, and desperate folks all around. What a liar......they knew long ahead of time what was gonna happen.
+Angel Dunne
of course.. they see us as naive and gullible, and hope to guilt us in to giving them money/benefits
I guess we should give them all a villa and no work but infinite money supply for the rest of their lives and of course we should fly their family to Europe with business class tickets. Because their countries would do the same if they could and the situation was 180 degrees reversed.
+Moonchild1607 Why not, they do it for the bankers.
+David Scott Thank god I am not alone in this tragedy!
refugee hating comments in 3.....2.....1....
wait, they already here lel
+Fabian ray PC/SJW think illegal migrants are refugees.Too funny. Crush any puss with that comment?
+Derp Ninja please tell us more, and let me ask, do you get all your info from poorly vetted facebook memes?
Florg McGlorpkin No, it's been proven that Muslims have the biggest numbers compared to other religions. You must love Fox News.
Derp Ninja any dumbfuck with half a brain knows Islam has 1.6 billion followers and is the fastest growing religion on Earth. now i know you definitely get your info from facebook memes. you have much to learn about the relationship between belief and behavior.
Why the hell in the thumbnail does the so called ''Refugee'' has armani glasses? Correct me if I'm wrong but there around £150 plus?
Before I scrolled into the comments I already anticipated the majority of viewers representative of only themselves siding with borders and preservation of their own wealth over their fellow man. It shouldn't be like that, but it is. Why is that.
TRUMP 2016
They are fighting more here than in their own countries. Lol
[when talking about stones being thrown at local French] "Let me be honest, if everyday you hit me, hit me, I answer back"
Maybe the local community got tired of foreigners throwing stones at them and are actually the ones hitting back. But we won't know because we haven't heard a critical voice of any locals in any vice episode yet.
I did see dispatch 8 where one of the locals got attacked by a mob of refugees.
Also there was dispatch 9 that the refugees got help from locals.
And then this guy says that the local French are so mean to him...
Vice news I want you to know I have no pity for these people.
Thank god they are cracking down on this problem
The French police uniforms look dope
I cannot get over the fact that they actually sewed their lips shut😦. People need to pay attention
They had established their own shops, cafés and even a school and nursery. Who said these people arent entrepreneurs? lol
No outsider has rights in another man's country. Only in their motherland
Half these people are from Turkey or other safe places
A makeshift home in a country you invaded. Nobody owes you anything.
How can the police demolish their house and their personal property which they have built with so much hard work!!!?
I feel terrible for these people, I wish them the best in this journey we all call life.
This really humbles me & makes me realize how awesome I have & how small my problems are.
Make Europe Great again!! #Trump2016
Finally VICE viewers showing some humanity in disliking this terrible decision by the French authorities to destroy innocent people houses and future.
Well, they didn't end the settlement. It will just spring up somewhere else.
+VICE News - Shouldn't you as a reporters be objective, instead of showing just one side of this coin? You are not doing any judgements and that's good, but the overall feeling of this material is VERY subjective.
"Its my fault because im a refuge" no its your fault because you entered illegally :)
Or they could stay In Syria with their families and suffer rather than get help from their human brothers across the water.
Well for one they shouldve stayed with their families, here or there. But no, theres plenty of refugee camps that are being funded, and theres plenty of legal avenues of getting to europe ESPECIALLY as a refugee.So its their fault for entering illegally.
+KHK14 If they stayed with their families there Isis would have kidnapped their families and used the children as soldiers .Thank God they are leaving,besides the legal ways are hard since thousands are already trying to register those ways they have no choice.
+Just Focus and Observe yet the great USA is helping to kill ISIS ,As a Muslim I love the USA on the war that are fighting Isis and each person who runs away from Isis is one less fighting with Isis .
Prefect example, cancer patients and people with illnesses that cannot get treatments in their own nation have an easier time of coming legally to the EU.
So your example makes no sense. Also, its not going to happen in Europe, our governments don't oppress us, neither do people become terrorists. So that makes no sense too, and even if that was to happen, you bet that people would do it legally.
Each person running away from ISIS, is another ISIS soldier in hiding.
@1:00 there is no way in hell that these refugee's weren't given a timely notice to vacate the area/property... I'm sure they didn't decide at 6 in the morning that at 12 p.m. that same day they were going to demolition that camp, right?
I mean a refugee situation is never good and they have no where to go +80% of the time, but spinning the truth into a story isn't acceptable for anyone looking for the truth, just so maybe I could help on a small scale.
my best wishes to you and your family / those affected by this bs we call a war / confrontation.
we're the only people affected by this are the children....smfh
not taking vice news seriously anymore
I'm sitting here eating my subway sandwich in my nice warm house and I couldn't give a toss about these people.
illegal is illegal. do it the right way. paid the fees and go thru the process and the proper channels.
+Renaldo Smith They are not willing to go through the proper channels. They want a free life paid for by other people, this is why they only want to go to certain countries like Sweden, Germany and the UK where they think they will get the free life they are looking for. They also give hard working immigrants who did go through the proper channels a bad name.
+Abe E if you did know me. you would know I am a Canadian. we actually accepted many people from Syria even though the majority of Canadians rather not. don't let my skin colour think me and you are on the same level. when you do get a chance to see the world you will see that a person is judge by what he or she has done.
+Григорий Александров I think new rules as birth rights may change in alot of countries going forward.
Remember people gadaffi said if I fall the whole of North Africa will migrate to Europe.
wait is this district 9?
There is only one solution: Festung Europa
Did everyone hear what that terrorist said at 3:45?
Brain Activity Here we have and example of a SJW calling everyone racist.
Didnt they have like a few days to get their stuff. It is not like they didnt know they were gonna break up the camp
So much hate and xenophobia in this comment section. You all should be ashamed of the horrible things you say to people in need. Just imagine if you were in their situation, I sure as hell wouldn't like people telling me I can't enter a country because of my background.
+VintageViking maybe they should go and fight for the home country and not run away strange how they are all fighting age men...what would you say 20-40s?
I really feel for these people.. no one should have to live like that.
Vice is really the voice of people, keep good working
2:58 I have no problem with that solution, look he gave us permission too.
They are not refugee since Turkey
the young men which is 95% should not be so weak and defend their country not run when it gets tough. what happens when it get tough in europe they going to run again, then where they going to run to?
I feel bad for these people but they are clearly not political refugees. They are from India , Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran. Those countries although difficult to live are not dangerous, at least not severely to live. They differently have come to take advantage of West's liberal social welfare system.
We need another Ivan the Terrible if you ask me.
you meant Vlad the impaler. Europe is depressing why would anyone wish to live there. Been there, all hype. The Caribbean lifestyle of real freedom is far superior. we're also less than 1% Muslim, that helps
It was never great in the first place
France come on, seriously?
Dudes, that's civil war!
They are more interested in the freebees in the UK not safety .
You have had all your property destroyed and taken by the government and you don't know what to do? Your rights have been violated so you should fill the court system with your pleas for remedy. France has a legal OBLIGATION, that they created and agreed to themselves, to care for the men and women in their jurisdiction. Have you never read the laws that govern the land you stand on the Constitution of the Fifth Republic? Above and beyond that is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of which France is party to and again legally OBLIGATED to uphold or be in violation of International Law.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 2
1. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
I just can't find any sympathy for them. You have reached a safe haven once you entered the EU and yet you chose to continue onwards to cherry pick which country you wanted to live in. They could do themselves a favour by going on record and claiming asylum in France and then beginning the legal process of entering the UK. All I see here is a clash of cultures between the annoying French (Believe me they are I'm British) and middle eastern refugees. Some of the story's I've seen are just bizarre, from the charity worker who was a "witch" trying to give them poisoned food to the incident in cologne. I just feel like they need to be given an education on what has changed now that they are in the west.
Seeing that guy with his lips sewn shut reminded me of a book I once read called Ship of Theseus by V.M. Straka.
Go back. That happens when storming uninvited into a country.
french cops in riot gear look like helghast
UNsubing (where it can have the most effect) - I have no issue with your opinion, just your hypocrisy. Much like Vatican City who has the same sqm as New York does but only seems to be able to fit 780 people in it. Maybe you can do a story on how many people the rich Vice News editors house with their families? Leave my guilt alone.
We supported Muslims.
We gave Afghanistan
We again supported
We gave Pakistan,
Now they want Azzad Kashmir.
Plus Muslims and Govt of Pakistan took off rights of Ahmadi community and burned their Mosques.
Now what all they want Allah will give them. Only thing they need to be pure and patient.
Sorry, I think if were to take in any refugees it should be from the camps in Syria not from Calais, were not dealing with any problem with this short termist attitude and letting them in would mean sending a message to the people traffickers to send another batch. And these halfwits sowing their lips up, come on do me a favour! The people there have been through countless safe countries to get here. So just leave the cynical heart string pulling were not idioms.
Fuck it must be cold as balls there...
If you want to represent guilty people go film at the prisons
not all of them are bad some are trully gratefull remember that :/
Toxic comments... Toxic people.. Resembles CSGO community
thts fucked up
Hahahaha, I was just looking through these vids and suddenly I remembered by I unsubbed from this channel. The ignorant propaganda on this is so strong.
I think the guy in the thumbnail is wearing the mask wrong... it goes OVER your nose and mouth bruh.
3:40 London calling 😂😂😂... These people want to live in lit city only wtf... They don't know that disaster waiting them in UK.. Boris bout kick their ass out of planet..
This comments section is cancer. It definitely explains why Trump is winning in America.
***** I'm glad you chose to spare me the details that you obviously lack. Honestly if you gave a damn you would understand that Trump has zero reasons to support the lower or middle class. He has repeatedly proven that he doesn't give a damn about anyone who isn't the 1% and has repeatedly shown that he will lower taxes for the wealthiest in the country. But no i'm the moron who wants to vote for someone who actually gives a shit and is ONLY supported by the people. Call me an ass all you want, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to support the guy who has my best interests in mind rather than a business tycoon who can't even run a business.
This is bull crap
Dislikes without watching because vice.
+Hunter Sterling That's because you like judge a book by it's cover really fast
Alfredo Perez No it's because i remember when vice used to sneak into north korea but now they just suck refugee cock and i was right the video was a bunch of shit i am glad i disliked it.
Hunter Sterling Shouldn't you be disliking yourself as well while your at?
Hunter Sterling They're just only pointing out issues that are happening around the world that are only being quiet in the media, what's wrong with that? If you don't like vice then unsubscribe and don't let the door hit you on your way out
Engineered migration curtesy of the United States
আল্লাহ্ বিচার করবেন 😭😭😭🤝🏽🤲🤲
there one time have see in arab this people very sturborn you can not come to somebody land stay acting by force
# je suis charlie hebdo.