If you look closely at the wizard's prepared spells, you can see that under "Effect," some of the spells are labelled "contaminated." I love the attention-to-detail, but I hope that you can also set the player's conditions with contamination levels similar to exhaustion.
Preorder Dungeons of Drakkenheim: dndbeyond.link/yt_drakkenheim_newspells
Long time fan of the Dungeon Dudes, but this video is what convinced me to pre-order the book.
If you look closely at the wizard's prepared spells, you can see that under "Effect," some of the spells are labelled "contaminated." I love the attention-to-detail, but I hope that you can also set the player's conditions with contamination levels similar to exhaustion.
Harbinger: “assuming direct control”
Thank you for your information video