Tradução Mountain breeze, my amazing country, my endless lake, What days await me as a soldier, You keep coming into my mind from time to time, My amazing homeland, where I was born and raised I wasn't riding, I was walking, Even slower than walking, Been strolling for 15 days In the direction of Omsk I'm at the age of two cycles, the year of the cow By the will of Fate, I went farther away Mountain breeze, my amazing country, you're left behind From the hollow field, we are the only ones I had parents, Of progressed age, Since this song was written, It's been 16 years. Mountain breeze, my amazing country, my endless lake, What days await me as a soldier
Otília DIMASH DEAR there are simespecific words in the song that can’t be translated, that you can feel the meaning but can’t be transferred to another language. Or may be its expression doesn’t exist in other languages or we aren’t aware of this world
Здравствуйте,Zeus, один из самых восторженных почитателей таланта ДИМАША. Что-то давно Вас не было слышно? Не пропадайте!!! ДИМАШ как всегда СУПЕР!!! Твёрдой поступью шагает по планете. Уже весь мир у его ног! 8-е Чудо света!!! Спасибо за реакцию!!!
Спасибо за теплую реакцию. От души идет тепло. Вы классный. Ну а Димаш. Димаш бесподобен. Он космос. Это казакская народная песня. У песни своя история. Димаш своим голосом донес нам всю боль и скрежет души
Вдали за Димашем изображены казахские ЮРТЫ ,где горит лучина казахского ОЧАГА.... очень красивая и в тоже время очень грустная песня о судьбе моего Народа!!!Так пронзительно исполнил ее ДИМАШ....
Ну, вот наконец то здравствуйте!!! Где вы пропали??? Спасибо за реакцию, я знаю что вы ,как и все мы, обожаете Димаша... И он не подвел нас ,как всегда исполнение великолепное!!!! Спасибочки!!!! Димашу Браво!!!!!
Инструмент это кобыз . Песня о казахском народа и о первой мировой войне когда казах гнали на войну вот иказахи идя на войну прощаются с родным краем впитывая все родные звуки зная что возможно невернутся живыми.
Hi Zeus love your reaction you needs to check Dimash singing duets with Lara Fabian and Andrea Bucelli and Aida. Garifullina it was amazing opera classic it was Igor Krutoy concert in Moscow .
How beautifully the song begins with the sounds of ancient Kazakh musical instruments, they convey to us all the sounds of the great Steppe, a virtuoso musician plays on a Kobyz and we hear the howl of a wolf, the ripples of water in the river, the rustle of reeds, the cry of a night bird, the tramp of hooves, the creak of a wheel, barking and whining dogs.... It is so real that we visualise all these sounds and before us unfolds a real movie about the real life of the great Steppe in the distant 1916. A powerful voice of the Dimash over the Steppe and the echo rolling through the mountains. This is the pain and sorrow of the great Steppe, which strikes an alarm in our heart, in the eyes of tears and rolls a lump in the throat so that it is impossible to breathe .... Steppe is crying from the grief of those distant times ..... We hear all the pain and wailing in Dimash's voice, and we are overcome by a sense of confusion .... The song has taken us prisoner, we are shocked and aware of the tragic share of people involved in the first world war.... We must not forget that war is a catastrophe for all people on Earth: a destroyed WORLD, orphans and old people mourning their dead children. Irreparable, crippled by war, the fate of people ....
Dimash is the ONLY singer on the planet that gives me tears, shivers, goosebumps, heart and breath stopping everytime I listen to him, he must be an angel as NO singer ever did that to me, he deserves a Grammy, Oscar and many more....
Linda melodia, Dimash se orgulha des suas origens e de sua família, de vez em qdo homenageia , através de musícas que cantam as belezas de sua terra, fez uma música para avó a quem chama de Mamam. Adoro este menino pela voz e seus princípios
Thanks for your reaction !Samaltau is the name of the song, and it means moutain of wind. This a tresure song of kazakhstan and Dimash sing this like no one. The instruments is Kobiz. Greetings from a Mexican Dear! ❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️❤️🇲🇽🇰🇿🇰🇿
You wrote that the song "Samal Tau" about the fight against Soviet terror is a HISTORICAL MISTAKE, because in 1916 there was no Soviet Union, the Soviet Union arose in 1922. Then you write: "in 1897, there were 24 million Kazakhs in the first indicator of population. Later Dzungars attacked the Kazakh land, many died."Dzungars attacked the Kazakhs, but it was not after 1897, but in the period from 1643 to 1758, in 1759 the state of Dzungars (Dzungarian khanate or according to other sources Dzungaria) ceased to exist, as it was defeated by the Manchurian army. Russia did not attack the Kazakh lands in 1916, because the khans of the Kazakh zhuzes had earlier, starting in 1731, signed a Treaty with Empress Anna Ioanovna establishing a Russian protectorate. In 1873, all three Kazakh zhuzes were already part of the Russian Empire. And in 1916, Tsar Nicholas II issued a decree on mobilization in the army for rear work in connection with the protracted First world war. That's song about the mobilization of the army. The soldier sings about homesickness, that in 27 years he had to leave his old parents and he does not know what awaits him ahead .... War is a great sorrow for all Nations .... Dimash dreams of ending all wars, he wrote wonderful music for the song "War and peace". Translation of the song "SAMAL TAU": Samal Tau, my homeland , is an extraordinary sea. What days are waiting for me in the army ?? I think again and again about my Homeland, where I was born and grew up. I'm walking down the road ... Even slower (than walking). Fifteen days on foot. We are approaching the city of Omsk. My age is 27 years. Not by choice, I've come a long way. Samal Tau, the homeland is behind us. We are like a pack of horses torn from their homeland. My mom and dad are old...They were alone ... This song is about the misfortune of 1916. Samal Tau, my homeland, the great sea. What days are waiting for me in the army ???
біреулер бір нәрсені өйпедің бүйтпедің десе ешқандай көніл бөлме алға қарап кете бер жарық ботам олар сенің жеңісіңе ортақ болуға ақысы жоқ сен бутін дүниең бар ықылас бейнетіңмен ғарышқа аяқ басамын дегеніңде мамаң мен папаң сенің жаныңда иығын сүеп тұруыңа жаныңда олар сенің қолдаушың олар құдай жар болсын саған жол көрсетуші жан күерің басқалар боқ жепті бір ақыл айтып мындай бол ондай бол деуге ақысы жоқ өйткені олар қайда еді какото татар сені жерге кіргізіп басыңды көтеруге мұрша бермей тұрғанда жаным боташым балапаным қазақтың мәңдайына біткен жарық жұлдызы сол ешкім саған қақы жоқ оны өлең ғыл мыныу өлеңді айт деуге сен өзің алланың оң көзімен жеттің құдай ау аман жүргіз осы ботаны көбірақ дем ал аллах риза болып сені тіл көзден сақтасын аман бол қарапайым болып ғарыштап жүре бер текғана алға шаршама ауырып қалма амандық тілеймін саған
Шолпан Ертаевна Ой,шіркін даусыңнан айналайын осы Самалтау арқылы қазағымның көрген күндерін бүкіл дүние жүзіне танытшы балам! Өзің көзден тілден аиан жүрші, елің сен үшін тілектес.
Thanks, Emerson! What a sad and powerful song! Dimash does it full justice. Love the native instruments at the beginning mimicking the sounds of nature that go with the sweeping vista of the background. There is a YT vid with English subtitles, lyrics are sad and very powerful. Song is a folk song about the 1915 conscription of young Kahkak men into the Russian military and being forced away from their beloved homeland. ❤️😘😘 from your California DimashDear4Life !
Thank you, as always, a great reaction. At the beginning of the song, kobyz (folk instrument), drew the voices of the wolf in the steppe and the dog barking. Excellent performance and arrangement. Please make a reaction to Dimash from the GUESS THE MASKED SINGER contest in China, where he in the image of a golden eagle, a symbol of Kazakhstan
I can not view or listen to any Dimash recording without it affecting myself emotionally. There is no other artist in the world capable of doing this to myself. I have a background in singing & scratching the surface yrs.ago I go in spouts listening to him & must prepare. Just being honest.
Obrigada desde Portugal. Samaltau é o nome da canção do folclore Kasak e é tambem o nome da Montanha que lhe dei o nome. O instrumento é Kobyz ou kyl-kobyz é um antigo instrumento de cordas cazaque. Possui duas cordas de crina de cavalo. A cavidade ressonante é geralmente coberta com couro de cabra. Tradicionalmente, os kobyzes eram instrumentos sagrados, de propriedade de xamãs e assados. Wikiped of my top favourite reactors!! You speak with your expressions and you feel as I do!! I believe Dimash keeps outdoing himself and it is such a joy to see a young man with such honour for his homeland and has not gone the way of many other singers!! Personally...I think he is not only a singer...he is music in everything he does!! His music has lifted me during my darkest moments!! He is a gift!! I so enjoy your love for him and your reactions bring me joy too!! Thank you!! Have a blessed day!!❤🎶🌹
It is a Kazakh folk song...Dimash wants to know if we would like an album of Kazakh folk songs. My thought...of course we would! Thank you for this reaction.
Zeus isnt he amazing? I got goose bumps like you and I've seen this many times and can't stop seeing him! He is incredible! I love Dimash. I'm a Dear forever. And Samaltau is a peace of art isn't it Zeus? By the way I just subscribed to your channel.
In June 25, 1916, a royal decree was published, according to which the entire non-Russian male population aged 19 to 43 years old had to be “requisitioned” for work on the creation of defensive structures in the area of the army and for rear operations.In 1916, the song "Samal Tau" was born. Like the song “Elim-ay”, which the Kazakh people composed during the years of the great disaster “Ataban shybyryndy”, the song “Samal tau” expressed the aspirations and difficult situation of the Kazakhs in the last years of the Russian Empire. At the center of the work is the tragedy of an individual against the backdrop of a general national disaster. The mournful bitter song of the Kazakh dzhigit, who does not understand why and why he leaves his native lands, tells the story of it.
Hello, thank u for ur reaction. And I wanna say something to u, if u know this song is sadness song, about Kazakh history, and those all instruments are national Kazakh instruments. But he sang it in one Chinese television show. And I want u to react more abou Dimash and Kazakhstan.
Самал тау , Елім-ай , Қара шал , қара кемпір , бозторғай (А.Қоразбай) бұлар әсем әнен гөрі , атам қайтыс болғанда апамның зарына ұқсайды. Ал егер бұл зарларды Димаш орындаса , евразия құрылығымен қоса, орталық африка негрлері де көз жасын тыя алмайтын шығар! Сөздерін түсінбесе де .
Translation of the song: Samal Tau, my homeland , is an extraordinary sea. What days are waiting for me in the army ?? (there is the first world war) I think again and again about my Homeland, where I was born and grew up. I'm walking down the road ... Even slower (than walking). Fifteen days on foot. We are approaching the city of Omsk. My age is 27 years. Not by choice, I've come a long way. Samal Tau, the homeland is behind us. We are like a pack of horses torn from their homeland. My mom and dad are old...They were alone ... This song is about the misfortune of 1916. Samal Tau, my homeland, the great sea. What days are waiting for me in the army ??? (there is the first world war)
Hi Emerson, did you know you where on Kazakh TV? Somewhere around 33.40 minutes your reaction to Samaltau is shown: Enjoy! Also the rest of the documentary 😊
Tradução Mountain breeze, my amazing country, my endless lake,
What days await me as a soldier,
You keep coming into my mind from time to time,
My amazing homeland, where I was born and raised
I wasn't riding, I was walking,
Even slower than walking,
Been strolling for 15 days
In the direction of Omsk
I'm at the age of two cycles, the year of the cow
By the will of Fate, I went farther away
Mountain breeze, my amazing country, you're left behind
From the hollow field, we are the only ones
I had parents,
Of progressed age,
Since this song was written,
It's been 16 years.
Mountain breeze, my amazing country, my endless lake,
What days await me as a soldier
Two cycles mean, he is 25 old. One cycle equals to 12 years
Otília DIMASH DEAR there are simespecific words in the song that can’t be translated, that you can feel the meaning but can’t be transferred to another language. Or may be its expression doesn’t exist in other languages or we aren’t aware of this world
@@mmoussen5349 He was 28.
Казахская культура занимает особую нишу и не перестаёт восхищаться, особенно после того как мы пресытились своими звёздами пустышками.
В России много народов и культур , попробуйте вытащить их в свет.Думаю удивятся многие
Обсолютно точно.
Здравствуйте,Zeus, один из самых восторженных почитателей таланта ДИМАША. Что-то давно Вас не было слышно? Не пропадайте!!! ДИМАШ как всегда СУПЕР!!! Твёрдой поступью шагает по планете. Уже весь мир у его ног! 8-е Чудо света!!! Спасибо за реакцию!!!
Не перестаёт Димаш нас удивлять,голос небесный неповторимый,песня- история
Воь именно, история...
Спасибо за теплую реакцию. От души идет тепло. Вы классный. Ну а Димаш. Димаш бесподобен. Он космос. Это казакская народная песня. У песни своя история. Димаш своим голосом донес нам всю боль и скрежет души
Жанат, кешіріңіз, казахская дұрысы.
Вдали за Димашем изображены казахские ЮРТЫ ,где горит лучина казахского ОЧАГА.... очень красивая и в тоже время очень грустная песня о судьбе моего Народа!!!Так пронзительно исполнил ее ДИМАШ....
Ну вот и Вы, наконец-то)). У Димаша уже столько новинок, наверстывайте упущенное)))
Очень рада Вам Zeus . И сегодня красивая казахская песня . Спасибо .
Ну, вот наконец то здравствуйте!!! Где вы пропали??? Спасибо за реакцию, я знаю что вы ,как и все мы, обожаете Димаша... И он не подвел нас ,как всегда исполнение великолепное!!!! Спасибочки!!!!
Димашу Браво!!!!!
Инструмент это кобыз . Песня о казахском народа и о первой мировой войне когда казах гнали на войну вот иказахи идя на войну прощаются с родным краем впитывая все родные звуки зная что возможно невернутся живыми.
Спасибо Вам за знание истории и фольклора Казахстана! Мира и добра Вашему дому!
Samaltau, bravo, super!
Көп рақмет сізге. Самалтау Дайдидау сияқты қазақтың қасіретті кезеңінен туындаған ән.
Hello! Посмотрите выступление в Москве, ВТБ-Арена 3 ноября 2019.
Небесный голос казахский Степной голос мы любим тебя кровинушка наша
Ваши реакции на Димаша великолепны😊😍👌👏👍🌷💟💖
Thank you Zeus ! This instrument is " kobyz", kazakh national instrument. This song is kazakh folk song ( 1916 ) Dimash is genius !
Kazakh musical instrument - Kobyz
Kyl kobyz если быть точнее
This instrumen name is "Kyl kobyz"
Loved your reaction to Samal Tau (Mountain of Spring Winds). You can find the English lyrics on my website:
Greetings from Amsterdam.
Dimash Kazakstan 🙌🙌👏👏👍👍
Спасибо за реакцию 👍🏿👍🏻👍🏿👍🏻
👍👍👍👍💯💯💯❤️ДИМАШ АЛҒА
Dimash never fails us he is getting phenominal as ever.
Hi Zeus love your reaction you needs to check Dimash singing duets with Lara Fabian and Andrea Bucelli and Aida. Garifullina it was amazing opera classic it was Igor Krutoy concert in Moscow .
Мало не смогли мы с автором утолить музыкальную жажду
How beautifully the song begins with the sounds of ancient Kazakh musical instruments, they convey to us all the sounds of the great Steppe, a virtuoso musician plays on a Kobyz and we hear the howl of a wolf, the ripples of water in the river, the rustle of reeds, the cry of a night bird, the tramp of hooves, the creak of a wheel, barking and whining dogs.... It is so real that we visualise all these sounds and before us unfolds a real movie about the real life of the great Steppe in the distant 1916. A powerful voice of the Dimash over the Steppe and the echo rolling through the mountains. This is the pain and sorrow of the great Steppe, which strikes an alarm in our heart, in the eyes of tears and rolls a lump in the throat so that it is impossible to breathe .... Steppe is crying from the grief of those distant times ..... We hear all the pain and wailing in Dimash's voice, and we are overcome by a sense of confusion .... The song has taken us prisoner, we are shocked and aware of the tragic share of people involved in the first world war.... We must not forget that war is a catastrophe for all people on Earth: a destroyed WORLD, orphans and old people mourning their dead children. Irreparable, crippled by war, the fate of people ....
Кытай елине улкен Рахмет! Димашымызды керемет сахналарымен карсы алады.
Реальная реакция
Dimash is the ONLY singer on the planet that gives me tears, shivers, goosebumps, heart and breath stopping everytime I listen to him, he must be an angel as NO singer ever did that to me, he deserves a Grammy, Oscar and many more....
Linda melodia, Dimash se orgulha des suas origens e de sua família, de vez em qdo homenageia , através de musícas que cantam as belezas de sua terra, fez uma música para avó a quem chama de Mamam. Adoro este menino pela voz e seus princípios
Thanks for your reaction !Samaltau is the name of the song, and it means moutain of wind. This a tresure song of kazakhstan and Dimash sing this like no one. The instruments is Kobiz.
Greetings from a Mexican Dear! ❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️❤️🇲🇽🇰🇿🇰🇿
You wrote that the song "Samal Tau" about the fight against Soviet terror is a HISTORICAL MISTAKE, because in 1916 there was no Soviet Union, the Soviet Union arose in 1922. Then you write: "in 1897, there were 24 million Kazakhs in the first indicator of population. Later Dzungars attacked the Kazakh land, many died."Dzungars attacked the Kazakhs, but it was not after 1897, but in the period from 1643 to 1758, in 1759 the state of Dzungars (Dzungarian khanate or according to other sources Dzungaria) ceased to exist, as it was defeated by the Manchurian army. Russia did not attack the Kazakh lands in 1916, because the khans of the Kazakh zhuzes had earlier, starting in 1731, signed a Treaty with Empress Anna Ioanovna establishing a Russian protectorate. In 1873, all three Kazakh zhuzes were already part of the Russian Empire. And in 1916, Tsar Nicholas II issued a decree on mobilization in the army for rear work in connection with the protracted First world war. That's song about the mobilization of the army. The soldier sings about homesickness, that in 27 years he had to leave his old parents and he does not know what awaits him ahead .... War is a great sorrow for all Nations .... Dimash dreams of ending all wars, he wrote wonderful music for the song "War and peace".
Translation of the song "SAMAL TAU":
Samal Tau, my homeland , is an extraordinary sea.
What days are waiting for me in the army ??
I think again and again about my Homeland, where I was born and grew up.
I'm walking down the road ...
Even slower (than walking).
Fifteen days on foot.
We are approaching the city of Omsk.
My age is 27 years.
Not by choice, I've come a long way.
Samal Tau, the homeland is behind us.
We are like a pack of horses torn from their homeland.
My mom and dad are old...They were alone ...
This song is about the misfortune of 1916.
Samal Tau, my homeland, the great sea.
What days are waiting for me in the army ???
Kupidon Lili I’m so sorry. This is an information send me and copy for this song. I will check. And thanks.
Irina Ivanova Ирина молодец такая
Love the sound of the wolves and Dimash sounds spectacular!
біреулер бір нәрсені өйпедің бүйтпедің десе ешқандай көніл бөлме алға қарап кете бер жарық ботам олар сенің жеңісіңе ортақ болуға ақысы жоқ сен бутін дүниең бар ықылас бейнетіңмен ғарышқа аяқ басамын дегеніңде мамаң мен папаң сенің жаныңда иығын сүеп тұруыңа жаныңда олар сенің қолдаушың олар құдай жар болсын саған жол көрсетуші жан күерің басқалар боқ жепті бір ақыл айтып мындай бол ондай бол деуге ақысы жоқ өйткені олар қайда еді какото татар сені жерге кіргізіп басыңды көтеруге мұрша бермей тұрғанда жаным боташым балапаным қазақтың мәңдайына біткен жарық жұлдызы сол ешкім саған қақы жоқ оны өлең ғыл мыныу өлеңді айт деуге сен өзің алланың оң көзімен жеттің құдай ау аман жүргіз осы ботаны көбірақ дем ал аллах риза болып сені тіл көзден сақтасын аман бол қарапайым болып ғарыштап жүре бер текғана алға шаршама ауырып қалма амандық тілеймін саған
Шолпан Ертаевна Ой,шіркін даусыңнан айналайын осы Самалтау арқылы қазағымның көрген күндерін бүкіл дүние жүзіне танытшы балам! Өзің көзден тілден аиан жүрші, елің сен үшін тілектес.
Kobiz kazakh traditional insturment
His voice IS beautiful always. But when Hi Sing in his language , its superlative! 😍😍😍😍😍😍Brillant
Thanks, Emerson! What a sad and powerful song! Dimash does it full justice. Love the native instruments at the beginning mimicking the sounds of nature that go with the sweeping vista of the background.
There is a YT vid with English subtitles, lyrics are sad and very powerful. Song is a folk song about the 1915 conscription of young Kahkak men into the Russian military and being forced away from their beloved homeland. ❤️😘😘 from your California DimashDear4Life !
Zeus dear, greetings from Qazaqstan ! Nice to see you, i'm happy with you, love you emotions,reaction, bless you
Una Maravilla de canción!!💝💝💝
Thank you, as always, a great reaction. At the beginning of the song, kobyz (folk instrument), drew the voices of the wolf in the steppe and the dog barking. Excellent performance and arrangement. Please make a reaction to Dimash from the GUESS THE MASKED SINGER contest in China, where he in the image of a golden eagle, a symbol of Kazakhstan
I like it !!!!!!
I can not view or listen to any Dimash recording without it affecting myself emotionally. There is no other artist in the world capable of doing this to myself. I have a background in singing & scratching the surface yrs.ago I go in spouts listening to him & must prepare. Just being honest.
Me parece o lamento cantado pelo guerreiro Dimash
Спасибо что слушаете казахскую песню .
Obrigada desde Portugal.
Samaltau é o nome da canção do folclore Kasak e é tambem o nome da Montanha que lhe dei o nome.
O instrumento é Kobyz ou kyl-kobyz é um antigo instrumento de cordas cazaque. Possui duas cordas de crina de cavalo. A cavidade ressonante é geralmente coberta com couro de cabra. Tradicionalmente, os kobyzes eram instrumentos sagrados, de propriedade de xamãs e assados. Wikiped
Great reaction Zeus!!! Thank you!!!🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🌷🌹🌹👍👍👋👋🇰🇿🇰🇿
The song ripped my heart apart. It is very beautiful. of my top favourite reactors!! You speak with your expressions and you feel as I do!! I believe Dimash keeps outdoing himself and it is such a joy to see a young man with such honour for his homeland and has not gone the way of many other singers!! Personally...I think he is not only a singer...he is music in everything he does!! His music has lifted me during my darkest moments!! He is a gift!! I so enjoy your love for him and your reactions bring me joy too!! Thank you!! Have a blessed day!!❤🎶🌹
Love your comment, Debbie, and totally agree!! ❤️
Raxmet!!! Keremet!!! Alga tek Alga!!! 👍😎😍🖐☝️🌎🌍🌏🌎🇰🇿
It is a Kazakh folk song...Dimash wants to know if we would like an album of Kazakh folk songs. My thought...of course we would! Thank you for this reaction.
Espectacular !!
👍 👍 👍
First sounds means different animals sounds, such as dog, wolfs, swans etc
It is for sure that your friend Karoline has a good taste of music! This is so powerful!
great reaction! let's say it like dimash sa-malt-tawu😚😄
Казахи реп пели 100лет назад припев послушайте😁😁😁
Thanks for the response. Good luck.
Zeus isnt he amazing? I got goose bumps like you and I've seen this many times and can't stop seeing him! He is incredible! I love Dimash. I'm a Dear forever. And Samaltau is a peace of art isn't it Zeus? By the way I just subscribed to your channel.
In June 25, 1916, a royal decree was published, according to which the entire non-Russian male population aged 19 to 43 years old had to be “requisitioned” for work on the creation of defensive structures in the area of the army and for rear operations.In 1916, the song "Samal Tau" was born. Like the song “Elim-ay”, which the Kazakh people composed during the years of the great disaster “Ataban shybyryndy”, the song “Samal tau” expressed the aspirations and difficult situation of the Kazakhs in the last years of the Russian Empire. At the center of the work is the tragedy of an individual against the backdrop of a general national disaster. The mournful bitter song of the Kazakh dzhigit, who does not understand why and why he leaves his native lands, tells the story of it.
Hello, thank u for ur reaction. And I wanna say something to u, if u know this song is sadness song, about Kazakh history, and those all instruments are national Kazakh instruments. But he sang it in one Chinese television show. And I want u to react more abou Dimash and Kazakhstan.
Димаш әлемге Қазақ елін тілін мәдениетін танытып жүр ал біздікілер өзге тілде жауап жазып әлек болып жүр.
Өте дұрыс айтасыз
Samaltau... it’s folk kazakh song.
Request “Show must go on”. SW Florida
This is an uprising that swept the entire Kazakh steppe. 1916 Kazakhs protested against the Russian empire.
Самал тау , Елім-ай , Қара шал , қара кемпір , бозторғай (А.Қоразбай) бұлар әсем әнен гөрі , атам қайтыс болғанда апамның зарына ұқсайды. Ал егер бұл зарларды Димаш орындаса , евразия құрылығымен қоса, орталық африка негрлері де көз жасын тыя алмайтын шығар! Сөздерін түсінбесе де .
Заман ай. Аралдан ушкан аккударды.да аныратса гой.
Translation of the song:
Samal Tau, my homeland , is an extraordinary sea.
What days are waiting for me in the army ?? (there is the first world war)
I think again and again about my Homeland, where I was born and grew up.
I'm walking down the road ...
Even slower (than walking).
Fifteen days on foot.
We are approaching the city of Omsk.
My age is 27 years.
Not by choice, I've come a long way.
Samal Tau, the homeland is behind us.
We are like a pack of horses torn from their homeland.
My mom and dad are old...They were alone ...
This song is about the misfortune of 1916.
Samal Tau, my homeland, the great sea.
What days are waiting for me in the army ??? (there is the first world war)
Thank you 🙏🇰🇿♥️🌹
Ракмет коп
Үлкен-Рахмет!.Шын ниетіңізбен, көңіл қойып тыңдағаныңызға.👌🎵🎶🎼🎵🎶🌎🌏🌍
Please check out the latest Dimash song- trio with Lara Fabian and Aida Gariffulina
If would you understand this music... but for it you need to be born a kazakh... so many hurt in this music
Samal taý,qaıran elim, shalqar kólim,
Ne bolar soldat bolyp kórgen kúnim,
Esime qaıta-qaıta túse berdiń,
Kir-jýyp, kindik kesken qaıran jerim Atty emespiz, jaıaýmyz,
Jaıaýdan da baıaýmyz,
On bes kúndeı júrgende,
Omby jaqqa taıaýmyz.
Jasym bar qos músheldeı, jylym - sıyr
Taǵdyrdyń aıdaýymen kettim qıyr
Samal taý, qaıran jerim artta qaldy
Adasqan órisinen biz bir úıir
Atty emespiz, jaıaýmyz,
Jaıaýdan da baıaýmyz,
On bes kúndeı júrgende,
Omby jaqqa taıaýmyz.
Áke-sheshem bar edi,
Jasy jetken kári edi,
Osynaý ánge saldyrǵan,
On altynyń zary edi...
But Elvis couldn't sing like Dimash or nobody.......
Мырза бұл ән орыстардың қазақтарға берген қорлығы.Кино бар ЗҰЛМАТ соны қараңыз Сонда түсінесің.
Hi Emerson, did you know you where on Kazakh TV? Somewhere around 33.40 minutes your reaction to Samaltau is shown:
Enjoy! Also the rest of the documentary 😊
Hi Nashid, Thanks for letting me know about this, cheers!!
Душа плачеть за предки, слёзы только так текут😭
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