khas banget ya bandai getas, palagi yang jadul sebenernya ini wishlist, tapi nih kit banyak peer karena jadul, gak undergate, warna inner frame gak enak dipandang dan harus direpaint, budget malah digempur sama PO2 baru yang lebih menarik
Masih belom berani ke MG masih nahan di RG dan alhamdulillah kesampeannpunya Unicorn pengen OO Qant karena OO Raisermya udah punya RGnya hehe... Semangat bang
I just want to tell you some thing synes YOURE AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥because your the one who inspired me to collect gunpla and look at me now 2 MG 6HG 1Rg and 2sd im still collecting gunpla till this day because of you! Thank you synes for inspiring me!
Thank you synes for inspiring me im 11 years old i live in the phillippines also can i get a shout out by any chance? If yes then i would appreciate that😊
Don't you file down or polish the nipper cut areas of the pieces, before assembling the model kit parts? By the way, what work and time you put into editing the video. Excellent.
Don't get me wrong the 00 kits are pretty cool, but they have a bad habit of eventually becoming so loose that they can't even stand up anymore, especially the MG 00 kits. There is a way to remedy this, simply buy the metal inner frame parts for this kit. Of course the one drawback is you would have to take the 00 Raiser apart and swap out the plastic frame for the metal one. Also, be ready for your fingers to take a beating because these parts are tight, best to have either a small vice grip or needle nose pliers. Its a lot of work but in the end you end up with your own custom metal build 00 Raiser. My advice is to build the kit from the ground up and put in the metal parts the first time around, that way you can avoid any breaks.
Gantenggggggggggg *add to wishlist
Tambahin lagi oo qant pasti suka bang🥶
Jangan lupakan exia
Seri 00 emang cakep cakep designya bang 👌
Master grade bagus ga buat pemula?
Coba rakit MG Qan T Full Saber, koh
Such a sweet model kit, Just love every detail since the show
khas banget ya bandai getas, palagi yang jadul
sebenernya ini wishlist, tapi nih kit banyak peer karena jadul, gak undergate, warna inner frame gak enak dipandang dan harus direpaint, budget malah digempur sama PO2 baru yang lebih menarik
Keren abis dah gundam ini wajib di beli, tunggu kau gajian nanti
Semoga tercapai bang🤲🏻🫡
Masih belom berani ke MG masih nahan di RG dan alhamdulillah kesampeannpunya Unicorn pengen OO Qant karena OO Raisermya udah punya RGnya hehe... Semangat bang
gua suka 00 Exia avalanche untuk desainnya
Pinguin seluncur meluncurrrr
bagus tapi rada ringkih buat full accessories, gampang copot
I just want to tell you some thing synes YOURE AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥because your the one who inspired me to collect gunpla and look at me now 2 MG 6HG 1Rg and 2sd im still collecting gunpla till this day because of you! Thank you synes for inspiring me!
Good bro🔥🔥
Thank you synes for inspiring me im 11 years old i live in the phillippines also can i get a shout out by any chance? If yes then i would appreciate that😊
Don't you file down or polish the nipper cut areas of the pieces, before assembling the model kit parts? By the way, what work and time you put into editing the video. Excellent.
Clean edit bang muantab👍
Silahkan di nikmati🫡
damn, it looks badass!
ganteng banget ya allahh
Astaga Ganteng bet dahh🔥🔥....full decal boleh kali bang wkwkwk
Dikit aja soalnya gk dapet WD
Daban eclipse with the backpacl :3
Sekali2. Bang rakit figure rise😊
Masih ku pantau . Belum ku co😂
request MG Virtue/Nadleeh bang😁
masuk list🫡
Semangat mas, aku tunggu post astray lagi! 😁👍
Oke bang mo co Rgnya
Duh, wishlist yg belom kesampean wkwk
Moga tercapai bang di era gempuran harga pada naik🤲🏻
@@Synesgarage ntar deh exia dulu buat nemenin dynames wkwk
I just got this, and then this video was posted XD
Coincidence? Maybe :3
But anyways, I LOVE the 00 Raiser and just had to get the MG
Oii nippon
@@muhdizai コメントありがとう Thank you so much
Tinggal pg rg ama sd nya nih biar lengkap
btw itu kang jualan masuk ae suaranya 😂
Hmmm menarik nih cuman kurang RG
Bang sori telat nonton solnya aku lupa nonton chanel abang😅
Aman cuy simpen dalam kulkas juga bisa😂
Kece parah.... ❤
can you build Amazing Exia or Exia dark matter pls 👍
Next request 1/100 bael bg
tutor rakit sama alat"nya dong bang, mau beli takut gabisa ngerakit
I just Ed bought the RG OO QanT
I have MG ver
@@Synesgarage I will get mine next year after Chinese New Year
Next 00 Qan[T] Full saber bang 😅
Ada cuman yg biasa
Coba model kit soul yanmie bang
Hi there, what Nippers do you recommend? I am just starting out :)
10:57 moment yang mengerikan 😨
makan makan!
Bro does it has issue on standing with full raiser on its back?
Waduh nippernya patah 😰
Kesalahan tanganku bang . Agak emosi masalah luar gunpla
@@Synesgarageoch that’s a proper break RIP god hand nippers you weren’t hurt I hope 🤞
@@Synesgarage kalau lagi emosi tenaga yang dikeluarin semakin besar ya 😂
Bg nitip pedang🗡 besok gw ambil🗿👍
Btw next langsung rakit pg atau di simpen sampe 100k
Nunggu giliran . Kalau pun gk nyampe ttp build🫡
Gilaa menyala abangkuhh, oya bang kepalanya letoy gak mereng kiri kanan nya?? Punyaku gitu soalnya
Can you show your gundam collection? PLEASE
Maybe later🫡
@@Synesgarage Thanks!! I wait for it
dari pengalaman punya mg qant paling ganggu itu ball joint wiest nya yang karna qant gk simetris jadi miring sebelah kanan
Punyaku ku ganjel bang kuat
Aku liat konten abang sambil disuapin mama aku:v
Lah😂😂 enak bet
Hi. What is the stand you used for this?
@@hysterios3732 stand wing zero ver ka
@@Synesgarage thank you!!
Bumi no 3 terlihat😱
Don't get me wrong the 00 kits are pretty cool, but they have a bad habit of eventually becoming so loose that they can't even stand up anymore, especially the MG 00 kits. There is a way to remedy this, simply buy the metal inner frame parts for this kit. Of course the one drawback is you would have to take the 00 Raiser apart and swap out the plastic frame for the metal one. Also, be ready for your fingers to take a beating because these parts are tight, best to have either a small vice grip or needle nose pliers. Its a lot of work but in the end you end up with your own custom metal build 00 Raiser. My advice is to build the kit from the ground up and put in the metal parts the first time around, that way you can avoid any breaks.
dah langka yg 00 QANT, sed
Tinggal pakein jetpack XN-Raiser auto jadi ganteng tampan menawan
Gk punya xn😂
Ini yang saya tunggu2 btw ini yang di upload Ig kan bang?
hg mighty strike freedom gundam pls
Waiting in indonesia
Kece parah
Bang cobain avalanche exia dong …
The hg one is kinda better but yeah
Waduh spoiler next kit I saw
Kit cebol😂
Is beautiful, but those knee joints drive me crazy, that abnormal articulation could be done better.
req zoids iron kongs
Mg seven sword gan sekalian
Masuk list🫡
Mantap tapi kasihan nipper oof😢
next mg gyan bg
Njir baru tau orang indo😂
Waduh padahal ordal😂
Tumben akhir2 ini no daban2 lagi wkwkwk
No daban tapi niper kenak mental😂
Bang tinggal di kota mana bang
Kota Banjarmasin tapi daerah pedalaman aku nya
nipper warna biru entry nipper nya bandai bukan?
Godhand doble
Mg exia udh mg 00 udh mg qant nya kapan 😁 btw next nya bakalan earthre kah bg?
Aduh MG qant lebih cool lagi🥶
Nipper darurat to the rescue
Mayde mayde😂
did i just see bro's hand shaking before the unboxing😅
signifikan ga bang hasil potong dari nipper manwah ke dspiae
Iyu bang lebih tajam
Wah hidangannya
Btw kenaapa bg ampe nipper nya patah?
Masalah pribadi di luar build
Samlekom bang
Wa’alaikumussalam wr wb saya yg bertanda tangan di bawah ini terima kasih
Bang rakit MG 00 Seven Sword bang :)
Masuk list nanti🫡
narrative verka bangg
Nunggu ready di indo
Can someone please tell me where E16 goes on the 00 raiser I can't find it on the instructions and it isn't marked as not used. 😭😭😭😭
Bg ada niatan mau rakit mg daban 8822 GK?
Aku punya yg Mg bandai bang
Bang beli kat mane?
@@Synesgarage tapi kok gak ada ya?
bang, Tolong seri MG Kyrios Bagus gak?
Pengambilan video.a pakai hape apa bang.. Atau kamera?
bael bang
Nice 😂
Mg 00 seven sword plss😢😢😢
Masuk list🫡
Bang alat yg warna hitam buat motong noobmark itu namanya apa ya? 😅
Single blade
kesepoiler next earthree gundam di 17:40
Ya itu yakult😂
Link pembelian ada?
Cek unicorn toys
Mgex xunxin yg lagi viral dong min
Kok bisa patah gitu sih bg😂😂
Untung bukan yg dspiae
Motongnya kelewat tenaga padahal bagus tuh nipper wkwk
Gunpla sekuat itu rupanya, matahin nipper
gk bang itu salah tangannku kekencengan neken
SMP power ranger ato RG Gaogaiger bang
Mo nyari megazord gao ranger susah😭
11:07 MEDICCCC......
Call 911
@@Synesgarage sorry we lost him
Ajir sampai patah nippernya 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Terlalu semangat😂
bang ga ada niatan rakit perfect grade kah 😂
Ni gundam setaun mejeng di backlog belum dirakit wkwk
Bulan ramadhan kemaren juga belinya ini baru di build😂
so this is what it feels to hear someone say "Chai Tea" or "ATM Machine"
00 Raiser "Gundam"
Bang beli Gundam yang bisa berubah jadi pesawat dong
gila sekelas godhand bisa patah, emang paling bener double blade pake plato
kesalahan jari bang bukan nippernya
Dpt di harga brp mas?
What’s the dimensions on it??
Wishlist banget.. Tapi harga MG nya diatas sejuta 😭
Naik tros🗿
Orang indo om?
Gk tau🤪
7:01 its actually GN Sword III not GN Sword Buster mate
Abg gw ada kayak gini tapi malah di rosakkin jadi godzilla🗿
Di modif ape gimana😂
Gaktau gw gak liat😂 tapi yang gw tau di cairkan🗿
Gak ada niat di jual kah 🤭🤭🤭🤭