None of the jock is funny at all. What surprised me most, almost all of the joker wane be Ware big main stream brand T. Shirt and act uncool. Yastawekale... Hulum gezetew yelebesute... Ke bonda/2nd hand (selebaje) indehone yastawekale. Ke lijochu gare andum atehedem.
ዱባ ራስ 😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂 አልቻልኩም
Ymechish ✌️😂
None of the jock is funny at all. What surprised me most, almost all of the joker wane be Ware big main stream brand T. Shirt and act uncool. Yastawekale... Hulum gezetew yelebesute... Ke bonda/2nd hand (selebaje) indehone yastawekale. Ke lijochu gare andum atehedem.
Thank you for your comment and I will try to fix it።