Asking do you speak Arabic in Türkiye is as ignorant as asking do you speak Spanish in Brazil, or asking do you speak Chinese in Korea. Except these aren't even related linguistically.
Yes, but a Brazilian and a Spanish person can understand each other mostly , the same Latin letters, the same language family, but we dont understand anything from Arabic letters, we dont understand anything from conversations. It's ridiculous that people ask this. Only Arabs speak Arabic in Turkey. Unfortunately, their numbers are also increasing.
Actually even more different since theoretically Turkish belongs to Ural Altaic Family Languages while Arabic belongs to Semitic Languages. Two different folks borrowed words from each other since they've lived through same peninsula.
Turkiyede arapça'yı araplar konuşur tıpkı Kürtçeyi Kürtlerin, lazcayı Lazların konuştuğu gibi. Azınlıkların kendi etnik dilidir. Ancak Türkiye'nin resmi dili Türkçedir ve herkes sadece Türkçe ile anlaşabilir. Etnik diller aile arasında ya da kendi sosyal çevresi arasında iletişim için ancak yeterli olur
The official language of Türkiye is Turkish. And yes, we do not speak Arabic because we are not Arabs. In addition, there are many minority languages in our country, they can speak them to understand each other, but our official language is one.🇹🇷 Loves from Turkiye.💕
@@g.n.k2996 I simply agreed with you when you said "they can speak them to understand each other" cause in video she said it is 30 but it is actually just 1 language. Just people speak it a little different at the certain areas of Türkiye. (Also in china and in India there are whole different languages that people use inside the country)
@@greateacheronizuka Now I understand what you mean. You are talking about accent, but what I am saying is something very different. The languages I mentioned are languages that are very independent from Turkish. There are many minorities living in our country. The reason for this is that the Ottoman Empire, our previous state before Turkiye, was a large empire and had a multinational structure. After the War of Independence and the establishment of the Republic of Turkiye, some minorities still wanted to live with us. For example, we have a lot of trouble with Armenia and Greece as a state, but there are still Armenians and Greeks in our country because some Armenians and Greeks want to continue living with us. Or there are Kurds, Circassians, Laz, all of whom have their own languages other than Turkish. But the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey says: The official language of the Republic of Turkiye is Turkish. For this reason, everyone who is our citizen knows how to speak Turkish in common and should speak Turkish. Moreover, our constitution also states that everyone who is bound to the Republic of Turkiye through citizenship is a Turk. For this reason, minorities also consider themselves Turks.I was talking about this.
Greetings from Poland, my dear Turks. As a person from Poland I admire you. It was very nice to get to know more about you. Our flags have similar meanings !
CZEŚĆ ! Niech cię Bóg błogosławi! Allah oznacza po arabsku Boga Jedynego, Boga Abrahama, Mojżesza, Jezusa i wszystkich proroków i posłańców Bożych. My, muzułmanie, wierzymy w to: Nie ma boga prócz Allaha, Mahomet jest Wysłannikiem Allaha. Allah Miłosierny powiedział w Sura Al-Ikhlas: W imię Allaha, Najłaskawszego, Najmiłosierniejszego. 1. Mów [Muhammadzie]! Bóg jest jeden! 2. Jest on Bogiem do którego wszystkie jestestwa podnoszą głos w swoich potrzebach. 3. On nie rodził z siebie nikogo, i sam się nie rodził. 4. Nikt nie jest Mu równym ani podobnymiOnjest bez początku pierwszym, bez końca ostatnim!
Turks have never spoken Arabic at any time in history. Our language is Turkish. Since the Ottoman Empire is an Islamic state, it has adopted the Arabic alphabet, the language of the Qur'an. They wrote Turkish with Arabic alphabet. In addition, because we have been living in interaction under the auspices of the same state for centuries, words originating from Arabic are also used in Turkish. After the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, the alphabet changed and became the Latin alphabet. Personally, I would prefer to use our old göktürk alphabet preferably, but the Latin alphabet is a more universal option.
You explained it perfectly. I agree with everything you said. For the first time, I saw someone other than me who said preferred the Gokturk alphabet. Because Korea, China, Japan, Russia etc. Countries also use their own alphabets, but this has not affected their technology. If we wanted, we could use the Gokturk alphabet, but at that time, the Latin alphabet was more useful to better receive innovations. I also agree that it would choose more universal. It was logical that Ataturk chose the alphabet considering the conditions of the period.
Most countries accepted and used the Latin alphabet, but they never renounced their owns. Unfortunately, Turkey is the only country that made its people forget its own alphabet (Ottoman) with the alphabet revolution. I would also like Gokturkish to remain one of our national languages.
@@damma2067 nobody said anything about official language but about what language do the people of turkey speak and those living in Eastern turkey do speak Arabic damma hanim
Turks never spoke Arabic. The official language is Turkish and it has no similarities with Arabic. It's like going to Korea and asking "Do you speak Chinese?"
@@Lilyakhalid-wd5zuI don't know where you are from, but think of frequently asked questions about your country. And these questions are misconceptions about your country. Also, I don't understand how you could infer that Turks are angry from this comment? I guess you are young and you have hearsay information about the world. If you are not young, this is a big problem because it means that you are ignorant and do not know that you are ignorant.
@@elafalshahrani3174 Okay once upon a time we were written with Arabic alphabet, but maybe u know that ottoman empire times only %10 people are know writing and reading. And when we were live in central Asia, we were write own alphabet it's "Göktürk alphabet" and u texted to here Turkish languages has many Arabic words, if you search it you will find something in different words in Turkish language. For example Arabic words 6500, french is 5250.. so this is saying that anything about of Turkish language. Because Turkish language is coming totally different language family. Everything is different, words, adds, voices. Ah btw probably 100 years ago u can't read any Turkish sentences because in Ottoman Empire times our alphabet is similar Iranians, I hope u can understand something in this text
bu esmer abla ilk önce constantinopolie falan cart curt yunan saçması kelimeyi kullandı sonra arapça falan dedi sonra gezecek yer var mı ki diye aşağışamaya çalıştı ağzına vurasım geldi
To be honest, until the declaration of the Turkish republic, the city was officially called "Kostantiniyye" which means the same as the Greek "Konstantinopolis" You can see this in the coins forged in İstanbul during late 1800 and early 1900s. So it is not an insult to use the previous name used by the Ottomans for 470 years.
To be honest, until the declaration of the Turkish republic, the city was officially called "Kostantiniyye" which means the same as the Greek "Konstantinopolis" You can see this in the coins forged in İstanbul during late 1800 and early 1900s. So it is not an insult to use the previous name used by the Ottomans for 470 years.
It is truly tragicomic that an Indian from a British colony asks us if we know Arabic. Others there do not ask. An action to be expected from a complex nation.
EXACTLY! She did that on purpose! She kept doing the most ignorant and offensive comments. First she called İSTANBUL as constanblablabla, then she asked if we speak Arabic? What's wrong with her 😂 we are not arabs girly, also İSTANBUL is a Turkish city with a Turkish name?? She's so annoying
Çince ve Japonca konuşan birisini ayırt edip "bu Çinli bu Japon" diyebilir ve bunu dünyadaki her dil için söyleyebilir misin? Hayır tabikide. Nereden bilsinler Türkçe ve Arapça arasındaki farkı büyük ihtimalle daha önce hiç Arapça kelime duymamış, Türkçeyide 2dk önce ilk defa duymuş birisinin bunu sorması kadar normal bir şey yok. Şu kafadan çıkın. Tüm dünya pür dikkat Türkçenin okunuşunu öğrenmeye çalışmıyor, bambaşka bir kıtada yaşayan birisi Türkiyenin orta doğuda olduğu dışında ekstra hiçbir şey bilmiyor tabiki böyle bir cümle kuracak ne bekliyorsun, tüm dünya Türkiyeye karşı kompla için birleşmedi azıcık empati yapıp farklı açıdan bakın olaya azıcık mantık ile anlarsınız zaten.
@@srd895 ahahahah lutfen sempatizanlik yapmayin araplar ve türkler apayri bir irk ve su donemde zaten epey anlasilmasi lazim. Korede bir dizide yanlis hatirlamiyorsam turkiye arap ulkesi gibi gosterilmisti. Irkci bir insan degilim ama nasil ki onlar kendilerine japon denmesinden rahatsiz oluyorlarsa bizde kendimize arap denmesinden rahatsiziz. Asyadan degil de avrupadan bir ornek vereyim fransiza sen alman misin diye sorsan hakaret anlar. Ya da brezilyadaki bir insana sen ispanyolca mi konusuyorsun diye sorarsan sinirlenir. Su zamanlarda ulkemiz bu kadar gundemdeyken boyle sacma cahilce bir soruyu sormasi tabiki sinirlendirir. Dedigim gibi lutfen sempatizanlik yapmayin.
Niye araştırma yapsın ki. Umursamaz geçer. Dünyadaki herkes her şeyi bilmek ve umursamak zorunda değil. Ayrıca sende farkı bilmiyorsundur. Hiç düzeltmeye çalışma. Tüm dünyanın bize komplo kurduğu algısından çıkın şu alınganlığı bırakın. Sokağa çıksam 100 kişiye Çinin komşu ülkelerini sayın desem, Japonyadaki alfabeleri sayın desem, Çince ve Japonca dinletsem farkı sorsam anca 5 kişi buna cevap verebilir sizde büyük ihtimalle cevap veremezsiniz hiç yalan söylemeye gerek yok ve bu normal bir şey çünkü normal sıradan vatandaşın nerede olduğunu bile bilmediği bir ülkenin dili hakkında bilgiye sahip olmaması kadar normal bir şey yok. Arjantin ve Brezilya dillerinin farkınıda söyleyemezsin Nijerya dili hakkında da hiçbir şey bilmezsin. Çünkü niye bilesin. Niye nerede olduğunu bile bilmediğin ülkenin dili hakkında bir bilgin olsun ki? Şu alınganglığı "biz Arap değiliz" kompleksini bırakın, başkaları bizi Arapa sanacak normal Türkiye bir orta doğu ülkesi bu normal ama değiliz, Türkiyeyi 2 dk araştırarak olmadığımızı da öğrenirler ama şu alınganlığı bırakın sanki herkes her şeyi bilmeliymiş gibi davranıyorsunuz hayır ne onlar bizi ne de siz onları biliyorsunuz hiç de yalan söylemeyin ve bu utanılacak a normal bir şey bile değil. Sizin alınganlığınız yüzünden batıda bizimle dalga bile geçiliyor ama siz hala daha aşağılık kompleksine takılmış duruyorsunuz. @envytheleavs
@@srd895 ne alakası var? Doğu Asyalılara ve Güney Doğu Asyalılara Çince konuşuyor musunuz diye sormak baya ırkçı ve onların da sinirini bozan bir davranış bu arada. Ayrıca birçok Yunan, Fars(ki Farsalar da sevmiyor bunu), Kürt, İspanyol ve İtalyan da Araplara benziyor onlara bunun sorulduğunu duymadım hiç(Farslar dışında)? Hintli kız İstanbul'un eski adını bile biliyor ama Türkiye'de Türklerin Arapça konuşmadığını bilmiyor nedense, çok ilginç!!Bambaşka kıtalarda da değiliz, Hindistan da Türkiye de Asya'da?
@@fadilefilizoglu1525iranlılar iranca (Farsça) konuşuyor 😂 mısır'ın da tarihi açıdan kendilerine ait bir dili var ama araplaşmış oldukları için arapça konuşuyorlar
Let me defend the girl of our country, though i dont think you need any defending as you haven't said anything wrong. But since i know a bit why they are being s@lty, i will help you explain. Currently, turkeyyy is divided into two factions, the older generation and the younger generation. The older generation of people love their isl@miccc histroy and take pride in it, whereas the younger generation kinda h@t* it. They do not wanna associate with it and they wanna be whitee so baddd. They also h@t* that the country allows the intake of arabbb refuugeees and hence there h@t* against the arabss are increasing day by day. Also they are not kind towards people with darkerrr skinsss because they think of themselves as whitess. So ignore the bad comments, not worth your time. There are many sweet people in turkey and they would appreciate your curiosity. More love to you.
Despite the crescent and the star are a widespread motif in Muslim-countries, it is not Islamic in origin. Unlike the cross in Christianity, crescent and stars hold no importance in Islam. But as crescent-and-star appeared on the flag of the Ottoman Empire, many sultanates of its contemporaries around the world who look up to the empire began to adopt the symbol as well. This was how the crescent and the star became a symbol of Islam by association. But of course the crescent and the star combo is not Islamic in origin nor it is exclusive to Islam. Even Singapore, which is not an Islamic country nor a Muslim-majority one, has the crescent and the star on their flag and emblem.
@@07etoo56 müslümanlıkta sembolizm kullanılmaz hatta sevilmez bile Ay ve YIldız kullanılmasının müslümanlıkla alakası yok bayrağın kökeni aslında Bizans'a dayanıyor 'Constantinople/Byzantium Flag' olarak geçer. İstanbul fethedilmeden önce bile şehrin bayrağı şuanki kullandığımız bayrağa çok benzer. Şuan Müslüman olan bazı ülkelerin kullanmasının ve müslümanlıkla bağdaştırılmasının sebebi hilafeti elinde bulunduran Osmanlı'nın bu bayrağı kullanması ama dediğim gibi gerçekte İslam'la alakası yok İslam'da sembolizm hatta resim çizmek bile hoş karşılanmıyor İslamic terör örgütlerinin bayraklarına bakarsan genelde sadece yazı kullanırlar herhangi bir sembol içermez.
I am armenian but even I was insulted by question : "Do you speak arabic in Turkye?"🙄😣😓 BTW, it is great that you have included all other ethnicities in the Turkye.
@@ThatoneTurkishgirl I’m sure some turks do, maybe just the religious ones because I’ve met turks in Europe who have even learnt arabic for Quran etc. And theres a large arab population in turkey so maybe some have learnt from them, plus of course people not from that side of the world think turkey is an arab country. Just like they think my country speaks arabic and turks also think my country speaks arabic when we dont.
Let me defend the girl of our country, though i dont think you need any defending as you haven't said anything wrong. But since i know a bit why they are being salty, i will help you explain. Currently, turkey is divided into two factions, the older generation and the younger generation. The older generation of people love their islamic histroy and take pride in it, whereas the younger generation kinda Hate it. They do not wanna associate with it and they wanna be white so bad.They also hate that the country allows the intake of arab refugees and hence there hate against the arabs are increasing day by day. Also they are not kind towards people with darker skins because they think of themselves as whites. Truly disheartening
This is what happens when u choose to be ignorant and uneducated in 2024, but at least she’s up to date what was going on on earth over 500 yrs ago, LMAO
@@LucyRennnI will try to explain it with my broken english. Hope that you will understand It better in that way It is related to a lot of things actually. Firstly Türkiye don't gained easily. There is a lot of blood and honor in the every piece of the country and it is already have an beautiful name. Why there will be need to use other names when it is already have one . Secondly there is still have some idiotic thought like Turkiye must be seperated for different counties etc. For example some of Greeks ( not all of them but it is kinda a politic idea , in our day it is not that commen I think ) want to create Bizans Empire again and claim that İstanbul is belonged to them. In the east it is same problem with Armenia. So with all this politich thoughs it triggers people. So on long period it create a sensation for Turkish peoples. So after the past thing happen when they saw the people that still using the old name of Istanbul they feel kind of attackted. As I say before I don't think it really commen idea for Greek in now days. So I dont think there will be a lot of assult come from there. But still I will wait respect to Turkish people and how they wish it to called.
I really love this country's history, food, culture, language, courage, everything and of course its geographical structure Ahh Türkiye, you are a wonderful country.
Türkiye does not speak Arabic!!! But unfortunately, some people still ask even though they know. Türkiye always speaks Turkish, only some Arab immigrants or minorities from foreign countries. Apart from that, Türkiye always speaks Turkish!!! (*´˘`*)♡ The video is very nice, thank you very much 💖
@@Kpssci2025 Kesinlikle bilinçli yapıldığını düşünüyorum. 2024 yılındayız ve hala aynı saçma soru. Hiçbir şey olmasa dahi o kadar çok Türk dizisi satılıyor ki farklı ülkelere Arap olmadığımızı Arapça konuşmadığımızı bilmeme imkanları yok:)
Var. Sen Çince ve Japonca arasındaki farkı anlayabiliyor musun? Hayır. Onlar da Türkçe ve Arapça arasındaki farkı o kadar kolay anlayamıyorlar, Türkçe ve Arapça okunuş olarak çok farklı olsa da genede doğu Asya dillerinde birisi aradaki farkı kolay kolay anlayamayabilir çünkü bilmiyordur aynı durum bizim içinde geçerli Çince ve Japonca arasındaki farkı çoğu kişi anlayamıyor çünkü bilmiyor bu da çok normal. Haritaya bakınca da ne kadar inkar etmek istesende Türkiye orta doğu bölgesinde, Suriye ve Irakla komşu, zamanında Osmanlı alfabesi Arapçaydı ve tüm tarihi eserlerde özellikle Camilerde yazılar hep Arapça. Türkleri çok takip etmeyen birisinin bunu demesi kadar normal bir şey yok niye elin yabancısı bunu umursasın ki. @@Zel.956
You never ruled 3 continents. You ruled a very small and weak part of europe, the weakest part of asia and africa. Everything else the ottoman werent good enough. And 600 years bro...
@envytheleavs I corrected him. Because turks are always too proud about ottoman like this guy and they tell too many misinformation even though the ottoman were too weak for central asia and central europe
Ermenilerin en azından ne halt olduğunu biliyoruz. Araplar ise dost görünüp en savunmasız anında sırtından bıçaklayacak kadar kalleş bir millet. Bu da biz Türklerin gözünde Arapları Ermenilerden hiç farklı kılmıyor ve hatta daha da alçalmış vaziyetteler çünkü Ermeniler müslüman değil ve bu nedenle müslüman bir topluma saldırmaları beklenirdi. Ancak Araplar sözde müslüman ve ona rağmen Türklere kalleşçe ihanet ettiler. @@incumbentvinyl9291
Turkey has nothing to do with Arabs, we are just similar in religion. It's getting annoying that Arabs are mentioned in every topic where Turkey is mentioned.
7 หลายเดือนก่อน
to be fair there are simularities in culture. That dance where everyone dances in a circle, Turks call it halay and syrians/lebanese call it dabke. In many arab countries shawarma is very popular which is basically like turkish döner or rolling grape leaves and filling it, turks call it sarma and in arabic there is a simular dish. Kebab or baklava are all eaten as traditional food in the levant. Even some of the music in lebanon or syria is simular to that of anatolia. Yes, the arabs of yemen or saudi arabia are not simular to turks but those who border turkey and lived with the turks for 600 years during the ottoman empire do share some things.
Galata Tower was originally built by the Genoese when that part of İstanbul hosted a Genoese Colony named Pera in the Byzantine Period. The district name Beyoğlu is derived and adapted into Turkish from the title Bailo/Balyoz because the Venetian Bailo/Ambassador resided on the grounds of Pera. Beyoğlu is also referred to as Pera due to the expansion of the Genoese Colony in time; however,after the fall of Constantinople, the Genoese gave up on the colony but went on with their trades as before. There are remains of Genoese walls in the Galata area. The original tower was built in Romanesque style but had to be restored several times to repair the damages mostly due to fires.
There is a moon and star motif on the coin of the Turkic Khaganate, a Turkish state that existed in the years 552-744 before the islamization of the Turks.
Ay ve yıldız aslında Bizansa ait semboldür. İlk olarak Emeviler ay ve yıldız sembolünü Bizans'tan almış o dönemden itibaren İslam dünyasında kullanılmıştır. Osmanlı da diğer İslam hilafetlerinde kullanılan ay yıldızlı sancağı sürdürmüştür.
@@mustafasamil477 Ay ve yıldız kimseye ait değildir. Niye bir şeyi birilerine ait olarak göstermeye çalışıyorsun ki? Ay ve yıldız motifi binlerce yıldır çeşitli milletlerce kullanılan bir motif. Kimseye ait değil. Hatta bayraklarda hilalin şekli farklıdır. Bunun sebebide o milletin yaşadığı enlemde gördüğü ay şekli farklıdır ve buna göre bayraklarında sembol olarak kullanırlar. Osmanlı hilafetten sonra sadece hilal motifini kullandı. Emeviler ve Abbasiler ayyıldızı nerede kullanmış? Hiç duymadım. Yarım saattir de araştırıyorum ama hiçbir şey bulamadım.
@@mustafasamil477 ayın simgesinin değerini türk mitolojilerine baktığımızda bile görebiliyoruz ki bu asırlar öncesine dayanıyor. Hala nasıl böyle düşünebiliyordunuz merak ediyorum
@@Leset01 Ay ve yıldız sembolü Mezopotamya mitolojisinde vardır. Bizansa da buradan geçmiştir. Türkiye'de Türk kültürünü ideolojik nedenlerle Orta Asya'ya dayandırma uğruna zorlama tarihsel spekülasyonlar yapılır. Osmanlı devlet ve kültürü veya günümüz Anadolu Türklüğü üzerinde Orta Asya'nın tesiri hayli zayıftır. Anadolu kültürünü tabii olarak çevresindeki Mezopotamya Yunan ve Pers medeniyetleri etkilemiştir.
2:07 that was the Battle of Kosovo in 1448, which ended in a victory for the Ottoman Empire. It's said that when one of the Ottoman commanders was looking about the war-torn field, they saw a reflection of a really bright star (but which was the Venus) and crescent in a pool of blood. A flag literally made out of the blood of the Turks.
Osmanlı'da Günümüz Türkiye bayrağının benzerinin kullanım tarihi ama 13. 14. yüzyıllardan ziyafe 17. 18. 19. yüzyıllara dayanıyor diye biliyorum. iki google alıntısı (Google doğru bilgi veriyor demiyorum, Tarihçilerin dedi yazdığı varsa onu kabul eebilirim.) Türk bayrağının rengi neden kırmızı? Efsaneye göre bayraktaki al, kan kırmızısıdır ve şehitlerin dökülen kanlarını temsil eder. Gece yarısı bu kanların üzerine yansıyan hilâl biçimindeki ay ve bir yıldızla beraber Türk bayrağının görüntüsü oluşur. Bu efsanenin 1389 yılında meydana gelen I. Kosova Muharebesi'nde gerçekleştiği söylenmektedir. Al renkli zemin üzerinde beyaz hilâl ve yıldız ile oluşmuş bayrak ilk olarak 1844 yılında Abdülmecid dönemindeki Tanzimat sürecinde kabul edilmiş, Cumhuriyet döneminde 29 Mayıs 1936'da 2994 Sayılı Türk Bayrağı Kanunu ile Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin ulusal bayrağı olarak kanunlaşmıştır.
I hope this video reaches everyone who associates Türkiye with the wrong concepts and misunderstands Türkiye. We are Turks, our mother tongue is Turkish, our flag is shaped by the blood of our soldiers and the reflection of the sky as described in the video and Türkiye is a secular country. Greetings from Türkiye :) 🇹🇷❤️🤍
😂that's a big lie , crescent and star was symbol of city of Constantinople in Roman Times, Turkic traditional color is light blue , red is traditional color of Romans
@e.v3832 Not blue, turquoise. The protocol color of the Republic of Türkiye is turquoise. I am not a big liar, but you may be a little ignorant. Btw I can't remember who the Romans, constantinople were. They must have disappeared centuries ago. 🤔
Bayrağın ilk halinin 1389 Kosova Savaşı'nda şekillendiğini, bu savaşta şehitlerin kan birikintisine ay ve yıldızın yansıdığını ve buradan esinlenildiğini biliyorum.
It's very funny that your friend from India gave another name to Istanbul. I think they forgot that they spent years as a British colony. We were always free . 😅
easy there!! we are not taught much abt Türkiye in our country. all we know abt it is from the turkish dramas. may be sm ppl mi8 knw... ps i still didn't get what did she say wrong? (no offense i just didn't get it)
@@Saisha-shukla they just hate arab and when the indian girl said you speak arabic they got mad . they have seemlier word to us in meaning and pronunciation.
@@KB-ln4vcWe think the Indian girl did it on purpose. How can a person who knows the name of Istanbul in the Byzantine empire and who knows Turkish politics ask do you speak Arabic? I think Because pakistan and Türkiye friendship . Tpical indian . But there is one thing you should not forget: We didnt live as a British colony for years. We were always free
@@Saisha-shukla it’s 2024 , stop being ignorant, it’s not about what u get taught, it’s about being open minded in the world u live in now. No one teaches at school that there is a city called Constantinople without mentioning right afterwards how it’s called now. Don’t blame Turkish series for your lack of knowledge, also since when is the historical naming of ancient cities a complex topic in those series? Smfh
The star and crescent is not an islamic symbol, while it was also used before by many, the current meaning is just due to the ottoman influence, and doesn't symbolise anything specific unlike the cross. Some muslim groups tried to use it as a symbol though (like the Pakistani flag?), but it's symbolised because of whose flag used it, not vice versa (relation of association)
It would be wiser to explain things this way because that's the whole concept rather than being barbaric and cracking on her it is the responsibility of turkish representative to say these things obviously not everyone knows it just like not everyone in turkey know everything about us even if yukta know it would be same from other Indians so her asking it is not hateful rather some could have correct her and improve our understanding
About ten years ago, 🇫🇮 I posted some photos on Facebook. A few days or weeks later, a 🇹🇷 Turkish friend of my 🇫🇮 friend liked many of my photos. I was a little bit surprised, because I didn't know that person. My friend told me that the Turks are very curious. 😃 That friend (he studied the basics of Turkish at the uni) of mine organized a trip to Istanbul for the other fellow students of Spanish, but I lived in 🇪🇸 Spain then, so I missed that chance. 🙃 As a flightsimmer, I could have named some other Turkish places & airports, e.g. İzmir, Alanya (my mind draws a blank though). 😉
Turkey is not a country that can be described in 1 or 2 words. It is a country where many civilizations, cultures and people live and still continue. My advice to foreign friends is that you should not come for a trip without doing a good research on Turkey. It is a country with 81 cities
I loved this video! You can tell that the turkish lady loves her country! Maybe they could have mentioned Cappadocia one of the most beautiful place on earth, definitely in my bucket list. I would love to see a video about turkish cuisine though. By the way the indian lady has a beautiful aura around her and she seems so smart and kind
Tr 🇹🇷 Türkiye'yi ve Türkleri, Sömürgeci Avrupa ülkelerine ve dünyanın geri kalanına çok iyi şekilde tanıttığın için çok teşekkür ederim Elina! Türk halkı sana minnettar 🇹🇷♥️ En🇺🇲 Thank you very much, Elina, for introducing Turkey and the Turks to the Colonial European countries and the rest of the world! Turkish people are grateful to you 🇹🇷♥️ De🇩🇪 Vielen Dank, Elina, dass Sie die Türkei und die Türken den europäischen Kolonialländern und dem Rest der Welt vorgestellt haben! Die Türken sind Ihnen dankbar 🇹🇷♥️
@@ALEYNALEYNA23seninle gurur duyuyorum çünkü ^^ bide şu iranlı bir kız vardı ya herşey iranın Türkiyenin değil diyen ajshhd ona haddini bildirsen de ülkecek rahatlasak 😅😅
As a Turk, I would like to give you different information. Turkey is a Eurasian country. It is connected to both Europe and Asia. We are from the world, you cannot limit us to a continent. It is surrounded by seas on 3 sides. We have many beaches. It is one of the 3 countries in the world that has not been colonized. This is one of the reasons why our English is bad. Others The reason is the state's national feeling and the feeling of putting our own language at the forefront. Another reason is that we do not want it. We are a secular country. Whoever wants to wears a miniskirt, whoever wants to wear a hijab. Religion depends on people's preferences, not the state. Alcohol is sold freely everywhere. Even though it says "Muslim" on the ID card, it doesn't sound very Muslim. We are open-minded. Of course, there are those of us who live their religion as Muslims. We have no relations with Arabs. Only the religion is the same. According to Asians, we are Europeans, and according to Europeans, we are Asians. Our red line is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and our flag. Since there are many uncivilized Arab refugees in our country, the people we hate the most are They are Arabs.Our leader never reflects the ideas of the Turkish people.If we look at the world agenda;I love both Israel and Palestine.I don't support anyone in this war.What happens is happening to babies.. We always want the African people to develop.We don't know why😂I feel closer to Indian Hindus than to Indian Muslims. Ukraine and Russians are the same people in our eyes.Indonesians are so sweet. They look so innocent and baby-like. I want to love them like babies😁Azerbaijani ,Turkic people are our own brothers, our own nation. South Korea, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina are also our brothers. As a Turk, this is my perspective and the perspective of the place I live.And finally, as a Turkish girl who was a victim of the earthquake, we will not forget the countries that helped us during the earthquake. Turkish people never forget the good deeds done. Thank you.
India needs someone like kemal ataturk ,we are being represented by religious fanatics on world stage, that's embarrassing for us too,majority of Indians are not like trolls on social media who spread hate.
6% of Turkish citizens are hard core islamic, sharia lovers. 30% müslims 40% secular muslims. So human being is same in everywhere. Every type of believers you can find in a neighbourhood or even a country. @@drjagritisingh6569
@@drjagritisingh6569 My dear Indian friend, first of all, I would like to thank you for the earthquake solidarity called Operation Dost.I understand you very well.I have an Indian friend. After meeting him, I realized that we have the same worldview as Indians.You also have problems with radical groups.You have a high national consciousness, like us.We are actually people who can get along well, except for the people in charge. Except for the Indian girl in the video. (She didn't say Istanbul. She made us look like Arabs and made us Islamists.)
Video ne zaman çekildi bilmiyorum ama son olaylardan sonra ya da bilmiyorum bence mümkün değil sosyal medya kullanan biri her türlü bilir ayrıca İstanbul'a Konstantinopolis demesi falan da zaten kasıtlı sorulmuş gibi duruyor.
ne oldu oglum, alama. o kiz hic birsey yanlış söylemedi. anladin mi? she clarified in the comments section, go and look. aptal gibi konusma then u wonder why people dont like turks, sensitive crybabies
@@cigsafterjen Zaten Hindistanlı kız pakistan ile Türkiyenin dostluğundan'da bahsetti keşmir bölgesindeki gerginlikte Türkiyeninde parmağının olduğunu düşünüyor olabilir buyüzden kasıtlı olarak yaptığını düşünüyorum
Thank you for having me. It was such a knowledgeable experience for me especially because i find the language Turkish really beautiful. Teşekkürler Aleyna and Awesome World ♥️🥰 Just to clarify a few things about people calling me a hater or what not in the comment, 1) I just knew that during the Roman Empire Istanbul was called Constantinople. It was however renamed in the early 1900s. I mentioned it simply as something I was aware of to answer the question they asked related to what do you know about Turkey/ Istanbul? 2) I am aware that the national language is Turkish. I am also aware that Modern Day Turkish is influenced by Ottoman Turkish which took in Arabic influences. India has many languages and even multiple countries in Asia speak multiple languages even though they do have their official language. I was just curious if Turkey had Arabic speakers too because I truly didn’t know and was genuinely curious. I apologize if it has caused a hate train, or come off as ignorant. I didn’t do it on purpose and I hope y’all understand that it was my first time learning more about Turkey. Yes I do know about politics but only present day politics because of the area I specialize in. I don’t know everything so it would be nice if y’all could be kind in the comments.
Because of the immigrant syrians, pakistanis or arabs in Turkey, our cultural identity is ruining so we don’t want to be associated with them. That’s why they are triggered.
@@borandenizyaz7211ya orada bunu diyen avrupali degildi ki, avrupa ne alaka simdi ki kiz orada etnik dillerden bahsediyor ve ulkede arapca konusanlarin olup olmadigini soruyor. siz hemen alinip tam tersi oyleymisiz de kuzey afrikalilar gibi bize arap demeyin diye baglantimiz varmis gibi oluyor. merak etmeyin az bilgisi olan birisi bile turkleri bilir, ha sen sirf alfabelerinden falan iranlilari mesela arap saniyorsan ya da levant arabiyla korfez arabi farkini bilmiyorsan baska insanlardan da genel kultur bekleme, senin yerinde olsam bu basit bilgiyi bile bilmeyen ne avrupaliya ne turke bir seyler aciklamaya calisirim
The name of the city is İstanbul for centuries. Not accepting this fact only shows your ignorance. And that girl said "is there any place to visit in istanbul?" İstanbul is an extremely popular touristic destination, it has too many culturel and historical places to visit, its like in top 10 in the world. oh she also asked "do u speak arabic" reallyyyy? Turkish people speaks turkish. its also very logical, isnt it ;) she choose to be an ignorant and she doesn't hesitate to show it
5:25 - Interesting take. Earlier this year I was in Turkey for over two weeks and the only local residents that I heard speaking anything other than Turkish among themselves were Arabs in the slums of Konya. I suspect that you'd have to go to rather specific villages, or tour the south east, to get any of what was mentioned.
Bro why are you people in the comments so mean to her She only asked if we have our own version of arabic Wich is a realy good quation We have our own version of Turkic wich is turkish 😅 Own version of Kurdish wich has many turkish words ofc. we lived 1000 years togheter its normal And I dont know about arabic But i think the most speak the syrian dialect i think its the same for the arabs who live in southern Turkiye who lived there for many centuries 72 nation 1 country love you Türkiye ❤
And it's more frustrating that a turkey representative was there but can't explain nicely and destroy misconception right was that hard for her to do or should everyone from turkiey know about entire world it should be representative responsibility to destroy these barriers not vice versa right
There were many things to be said about Galata tower, which the Turkish lady failed to explain. Galata is a place in Genoa too. Galata tower was built by Genoa merchants based in Konstantinopolis, to watch the sea to see if their merchandise is coming, and rush to the port to receive it before the competition. During the siege of Konstantinopolis by the Ottomans, the Genoans were neutral while the Venetians were fighting on the Konstantinopolis side. So after the conquest, the Venetians got the boot, but the Genoans stayed and continued business as usual. Their tower built to follow arriving ships lives today as a tourist attraction, and a restaurant.
I speak as a turkish girl, people may not know much about the country,but I dont like people think turks are speaking arabic language,Look, I'm not a racist. I don't think it's right to bully people because of their ethnicity, which they didn't choose. But it bothers me that my race is considered a different race just because of the religion accepted by most of the people..
Yukta if its of india🇮🇳 ...add Lakshadweep and (andaman and nicobar islands)🇮🇳 many people dont know about it...and north east🇮🇳 india also cz its underrated.... Funfact: india has islands, himalayas, desert..(also known as mini world)..india is not the way its shown
Moon and star is symbol of Turks, not Muslims. We Turks had used to use the moon and star symbol on our coins before we became Muslim. Muslim countries have taken the symbol after Ottomans and Seljuks had conquered their lands.
Please know that the language of the Turks is Turkish, many Arabs come to our country so people thinks Arabic is spoken as a mother tongue, but its an insult to Turkey. The language of Turks is Turkish. I dont want my country to known like that. (I'm not saying this specifically for Arabic)
You misunderstood it, almost everyone knows the language of Turkey is Turkish... she just meant "other than turkish, do you speak arabic in minorities?"
@@mogheanil no turks dont🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ there is a lots of arabs and especially syrians in Turkey so they do talk arabic. Im sick of this.. I do not want Syrians to represent my country
Saying to a Turk, "Hey, do you speak Arabic in Turkey?" is literally rude. Just as it's unpleasant to say to a Korean, "Hey, do you speak Chinese or Japanese?" or to an Irishman, "Hey, you're British, aren't you?" is a very unpleasant gesture, that's what it means to us. Let's say this question was asked, and the team that edited and edited this section found this question quite normal and did not cut it. I couldn't rationally understand, or rather I didn't want to make sense, why you were doing such a thing instead of bringing people from different cultures and geographies together and having a very decent and useful cultural exchange.
This program is to break misconceptions about countries. Your turkish girl should say something. Not the whole world knows about your litle country people have limited information.
5:34 There are minorities in Turkey who speak their own language, but the only official language of Turkey is Turkish and Turks do not speak or understand ethnic languages. Most of them think that we speak Arabic due to the perception of foreign media, but we do not know Arabic, our language is Turkish because we are Turks.
Öncelikle güzel video olmuş tebrikler...Ama Bayrağımızın; şehitlerimizin kanı üzerinde ay ve yıldız yansıması sonrası oluşması anlatımı tamamen romantizm maalesef:)evet kulağa hoş geliyor ama Bayrağımızı yüceltmek için çok ekstra 'hikayelere'de ihtiyacımız yok...Tabii ki şehitlerimiz çok ama çok kıymetli hepsine minnettarız ve ebeden öyle olacaktir...İşin aslı ise Kırmızı zemin üzerine ay ve yıldız 1800'lerden bu yana Osmanlı Devlet armasinda kullanılıyordu zaten...Tek fark yanlış hatırlamıyorsam o yıldız bugünku halinde değildi 8 köşeliydi sanırım...Tekraren güzel olmuş video👏
During the Ottoman Empire, Turkish language was actually written in the Arabic script. But came Ataturk who "modernized" Turkey and changed the writing system to Roman letters.
@@KB-ln4vc yet it was Turkish that was spoken, not Arabic. It was an attempt at trying to write the Turkish language via Arabic letters Ignorance is a disease, get well soon 💋
But because of that literacy rate was around 13% for men and 4% for women since Turkish language is not suitable to be written in Arabic script. After the adaptation of Latin alphabet, this rate went up to 30, 40, 50... and 90% over the years. Thanks to the great Ataturk. And yes this was one of the many "modernization" attempts by him which worked :)
All turks here start to attack “ oo no we don’t speak arabic etc “ chill out men Yes we dont speak arabic but in places like Mardin, Siirt there are people who speak Arabic and they are originally arabic she should have mentioned about that when she said we have many languages etc. Why you guys become so racist when you hear Arabic language question
Fun fact about Galata Tower: That part of İstanbul and the tower gets it's name from Celtic people. Galata, Galego, Galician, Galaecian etc. these words are all to define a certain Celtic people. Which is quite interesting to imagine that place has a connection to Galicians living in the North West of Spain and all other people from Celtic descent.
@@fadilefilizoglu1525 Hiç de bile. Korece ve Japoncanın ve iki dilin ülkesinin de varlığı Türkiye'de yaygın olarak biliniyor. Kime "Japonya'da ne konuşulur?" diye sorsan herkes "Japonca" der. Senin dediğine en yakın olay anca Çinli, Koreli ve Japon birini fiziksel görünüşlerine bakarak nereli olduklarını ayırt edememek olur.
@@togon5185 People are not taught about the specifics of your country 🤦♂️. Are u so stupid? You border syria and iran. You were ruled by ottomans. Why won't the people assume you speak arabic. She never said you are arabic. Turkish girl said there are 30 languages in turkey. So she asked if turkish had an arabic version. And you all whinning
In India we were taught about the ancient city of Constantinople which is now Istanbul. She doesn't mean in an insulting way. Also a lot of people in India thinks that people in Turkey speak Arabic because they're muslim and are surrounded by Arabic countries just like a lot of Turkish people thinks that people in India speak "Hindu" or "Indian". But ofc let's bash a girl for not knowing everything about Turkey.
5:32 Turks don't speak Arabic. But there are many Arabs living in -Eastern of- Türkiye. I'm not talking about the refugees. Talking about local citizens. Especially my city "Şanlıurfa". Also Mardin, Batman etc. This cities has Kurds, Arabs and Zaza. I'm a Zaza from Türkiye. 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 I love my country and awesome world ❤😊
Hello!! It’s Aleyna here. I had fun talking about Türkiye and our culture. Everyone in the video was so respectful and eager to learn. ❤️🤍 see you on next videos;)
@@hydragaming4265 It is not nice for everyone to persistently think that we are a race that we are not, just because some of our people have the same religious affiliation. And turkey is also not a muslim country either
@@_amphitrite_well I respect your explanation but it would be more nice if in the video I can know about it rather than people hating on yukta because not everyone knows about it and turkish representative should and can explain that simply
@@MelisaDilsiz-k1wTurkey is a secular country and any language spoken in a city does not determine the religion, religion or race of that country. Also, it is rude to ask Turks if Arabic is spoken in their country
It is a good enough video, but you should have added more places and background information. For example, she could have said that Galata Tower was built by the Genoese, who set up colonies across the Mediterranean and Black Sea shores.
Asking do you speak Arabic in Türkiye is as ignorant as asking do you speak Spanish in Brazil, or asking do you speak Chinese in Korea. Except these aren't even related linguistically.
Bu soruyu soranlarin hepsi cevabini zaten biliyorlar.. bilincli olarak yapiyorlar yani... gülüp gecmek lazim...cevap vermeden..
Yes, but a Brazilian and a Spanish person can understand each other mostly , the same Latin letters, the same language family, but we dont understand anything from Arabic letters, we dont understand anything from conversations. It's ridiculous that people ask this. Only Arabs speak Arabic in Turkey. Unfortunately, their numbers are also increasing.
Actually even more different since theoretically Turkish belongs to Ural Altaic Family Languages while Arabic belongs to Semitic Languages.
Two different folks borrowed words from each other since they've lived through same peninsula.
@@BenTRengFR Güneyde Arapça konuşan TC vatandaşları var ama tabii konu bu değil (Suriyeli sığınmacıları kastetmiyorum).
spanish brasil indo eu languages wake up we are altaic arabs speak semitic no connection!!!
Turkiyede arapça'yı araplar konuşur tıpkı Kürtçeyi Kürtlerin, lazcayı Lazların konuştuğu gibi. Azınlıkların kendi etnik dilidir. Ancak Türkiye'nin resmi dili Türkçedir ve herkes sadece Türkçe ile anlaşabilir. Etnik diller aile arasında ya da kendi sosyal çevresi arasında iletişim için ancak yeterli olur
Bu yorumu arıyordum, eline sağlık 🇹🇷
Sonunda biz Türkiye Araplarının varlığını kabul eden bir yorum.
Evet ve Türkiye’de başka halk arasında konuşulan bir dik yok. Sadece Türkçe
@@Lampey22 Siz bilmiyorsunuz diye yok olmuyor.
The official language of Türkiye is Turkish. And yes, we do not speak Arabic because we are not Arabs. In addition, there are many minority languages in our country, they can speak them to understand each other, but our official language is one.🇹🇷 Loves from Turkiye.💕
yeah thats why she said ethnic languages and not official
yes but it's more like a way you speak the language not like indian and chinese dialects whole different things
@@greateacheronizuka Sorry, I didn't understand what you want to say.
@@g.n.k2996 I simply agreed with you when you said "they can speak them to understand each other" cause in video she said it is 30 but it is actually just 1 language. Just people speak it a little different at the certain areas of Türkiye. (Also in china and in India there are whole different languages that people use inside the country)
@@greateacheronizuka Now I understand what you mean. You are talking about accent, but what I am saying is something very different. The languages I mentioned are languages that are very independent from Turkish. There are many minorities living in our country. The reason for this is that the Ottoman Empire, our previous state before Turkiye, was a large empire and had a multinational structure. After the War of Independence and the establishment of the Republic of Turkiye, some minorities still wanted to live with us. For example, we have a lot of trouble with Armenia and Greece as a state, but there are still Armenians and Greeks in our country because some Armenians and Greeks want to continue living with us. Or there are Kurds, Circassians, Laz, all of whom have their own languages other than Turkish. But the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey says: The official language of the Republic of Turkiye is Turkish. For this reason, everyone who is our citizen knows how to speak Turkish in common and should speak Turkish. Moreover, our constitution also states that everyone who is bound to the Republic of Turkiye through citizenship is a Turk. For this reason, minorities also consider themselves Turks.I was talking about this.
Greetings from Poland, my dear Turks. As a person from Poland I admire you. It was very nice to get to know more about you. Our flags have similar meanings !
Love from İstanbul.❤️🙌
Im Turkhs (yanlış yazdım dimi)
@@EN-7a Evet😂😂😂🤭
@@ilbilgehatun278 ln nası yazılıo unuttum
CZEŚĆ ! Niech cię Bóg błogosławi!
Allah oznacza po arabsku Boga Jedynego, Boga Abrahama, Mojżesza, Jezusa i wszystkich proroków i posłańców Bożych.
My, muzułmanie, wierzymy w to: Nie ma boga prócz Allaha, Mahomet jest Wysłannikiem Allaha.
Allah Miłosierny powiedział w Sura Al-Ikhlas:
W imię Allaha, Najłaskawszego, Najmiłosierniejszego.
1. Mów [Muhammadzie]! Bóg jest jeden!
2. Jest on Bogiem do którego wszystkie jestestwa podnoszą głos w swoich potrzebach.
3. On nie rodził z siebie nikogo, i sam się nie rodził.
4. Nikt nie jest Mu równym ani podobnymiOnjest bez początku pierwszym, bez końca ostatnim!
Turks have never spoken Arabic at any time in history. Our language is Turkish. Since the Ottoman Empire is an Islamic state, it has adopted the Arabic alphabet, the language of the Qur'an. They wrote Turkish with Arabic alphabet. In addition, because we have been living in interaction under the auspices of the same state for centuries, words originating from Arabic are also used in Turkish. After the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, the alphabet changed and became the Latin alphabet. Personally, I would prefer to use our old göktürk alphabet preferably, but the Latin alphabet is a more universal option.
You explained it perfectly. I agree with everything you said. For the first time, I saw someone other than me who said preferred the Gokturk alphabet. Because Korea, China, Japan, Russia etc. Countries also use their own alphabets, but this has not affected their technology. If we wanted, we could use the Gokturk alphabet, but at that time, the Latin alphabet was more useful to better receive innovations. I also agree that it would choose more universal. It was logical that Ataturk chose the alphabet considering the conditions of the period.
Most countries accepted and used the Latin alphabet, but they never renounced their owns. Unfortunately, Turkey is the only country that made its people forget its own alphabet (Ottoman) with the alphabet revolution.
I would also like Gokturkish to remain one of our national languages.
but some turks do speak arabic , so that automatically makes arabic one of the languages of turkey
@@mogheanilwell many of us speak english, german and french too, does that make those an official language??? No.
@@damma2067 nobody said anything about official language but about what language do the people of turkey speak and those living in Eastern turkey do speak Arabic damma hanim
Turks never spoke Arabic. The official language is Turkish and it has no similarities with Arabic. It's like going to Korea and asking "Do you speak Chinese?"
y’all are weird, she just said that out of curiosity, I’ve been always saying Turks have anger issues and y’all just proofed it lol
@@Lilyakhalid-wd5zuI don't know where you are from, but think of frequently asked questions about your country. And these questions are misconceptions about your country. Also, I don't understand how you could infer that Turks are angry from this comment? I guess you are young and you have hearsay information about the world. If you are not young, this is a big problem because it means that you are ignorant and do not know that you are ignorant.
Most of the foreign words in your language are of Arabic origin. Your numbers are Arabic. Your ancestors used the Arabic alphabet until 80 years ago.😂
@@elafalshahrani3174 Our anchestors were Arabic? Don't make me laugh you sick mind
Okay once upon a time we were written with Arabic alphabet, but maybe u know that ottoman empire times only %10 people are know writing and reading. And when we were live in central Asia, we were write own alphabet it's "Göktürk alphabet" and u texted to here Turkish languages has many Arabic words, if you search it you will find something in different words in Turkish language. For example Arabic words 6500, french is 5250.. so this is saying that anything about of Turkish language. Because Turkish language is coming totally different language family. Everything is different, words, adds, voices. Ah btw probably 100 years ago u can't read any Turkish sentences because in Ottoman Empire times our alphabet is similar Iranians, I hope u can understand something in this text
As a Norwegian, I love Turkey very much. There are excellent holiday destinations, Istanbul is beautiful
Norway is one of my favorite countries on the world!
As a Turk, I love Norway very much. I've heard Norway referred to as a cold paradise.
Türklerin arapça konuştuğunu düşündüğünü söyleyen kızı görünce başım koptu ve koreye uçtu.
Aynen 🤦♀️
Aynı valla xjsjs
Çünkü zamanında bu algı vardı ve çoğu yabancı bunu düşünüyor☠️
Senin yoruma kimse bise dememis ben aynisini yazinca kiziyorlar ae
@glacieg2640 'in yorumu okuyun, hintli kız aptalca bir şekilde kendini savunmaya çalıştı
bu esmer abla ilk önce constantinopolie falan cart curt yunan saçması kelimeyi kullandı sonra arapça falan dedi sonra gezecek yer var mı ki diye aşağışamaya çalıştı ağzına vurasım geldi
harbi gıcık oldum şuna
yea all i know saying Istanbul with the old names of the city is insulting Turkiye people, i know that from my dad
@@LucyRennn That´s true. And i´m sure she were aware of that and did it on purpose.
To be honest, until the declaration of the Turkish republic, the city was officially called "Kostantiniyye" which means the same as the Greek "Konstantinopolis" You can see this in the coins forged in İstanbul during late 1800 and early 1900s. So it is not an insult to use the previous name used by the Ottomans for 470 years.
To be honest, until the declaration of the Turkish republic, the city was officially called "Kostantiniyye" which means the same as the Greek "Konstantinopolis" You can see this in the coins forged in İstanbul during late 1800 and early 1900s. So it is not an insult to use the previous name used by the Ottomans for 470 years.
aynen ben de tilt oldum ortadakine :d
hindistn sokak lezzetleri çarpmışş bunu belii :DD
dimi türkiyenin eski adına kadar biliyor ama arapça konuştuklarını düşünüyor. çok saçma beraber yollayabiliriz hitli şahsiyeti
Ben de geliyorm
It is truly tragicomic that an Indian from a British colony asks us if we know Arabic. Others there do not ask. An action to be expected from a complex nation.
Bitanesinn krall beğenin bari cahiller görüp de kültürlensinler
EXACTLY! She did that on purpose! She kept doing the most ignorant and offensive comments. First she called İSTANBUL as constanblablabla, then she asked if we speak Arabic? What's wrong with her 😂 we are not arabs girly, also İSTANBUL is a Turkish city with a Turkish name?? She's so annoying
@@yumihara14 she’s ignorant and uneducated
Arapca konusuyor musunuz sorusunu duyunca beynim patladi bu soru kesinlikle kasitli abi
Çince ve Japonca konuşan birisini ayırt edip "bu Çinli bu Japon" diyebilir ve bunu dünyadaki her dil için söyleyebilir misin? Hayır tabikide. Nereden bilsinler Türkçe ve Arapça arasındaki farkı büyük ihtimalle daha önce hiç Arapça kelime duymamış, Türkçeyide 2dk önce ilk defa duymuş birisinin bunu sorması kadar normal bir şey yok. Şu kafadan çıkın. Tüm dünya pür dikkat Türkçenin okunuşunu öğrenmeye çalışmıyor, bambaşka bir kıtada yaşayan birisi Türkiyenin orta doğuda olduğu dışında ekstra hiçbir şey bilmiyor tabiki böyle bir cümle kuracak ne bekliyorsun, tüm dünya Türkiyeye karşı kompla için birleşmedi azıcık empati yapıp farklı açıdan bakın olaya azıcık mantık ile anlarsınız zaten.
@@srd895 ahahahah lutfen sempatizanlik yapmayin araplar ve türkler apayri bir irk ve su donemde zaten epey anlasilmasi lazim. Korede bir dizide yanlis hatirlamiyorsam turkiye arap ulkesi gibi gosterilmisti. Irkci bir insan degilim ama nasil ki onlar kendilerine japon denmesinden rahatsiz oluyorlarsa bizde kendimize arap denmesinden rahatsiziz. Asyadan degil de avrupadan bir ornek vereyim fransiza sen alman misin diye sorsan hakaret anlar. Ya da brezilyadaki bir insana sen ispanyolca mi konusuyorsun diye sorarsan sinirlenir. Su zamanlarda ulkemiz bu kadar gundemdeyken boyle sacma cahilce bir soruyu sormasi tabiki sinirlendirir. Dedigim gibi lutfen sempatizanlik yapmayin.
Niye araştırma yapsın ki. Umursamaz geçer. Dünyadaki herkes her şeyi bilmek ve umursamak zorunda değil.
Ayrıca sende farkı bilmiyorsundur. Hiç düzeltmeye çalışma. Tüm dünyanın bize komplo kurduğu algısından çıkın şu alınganlığı bırakın.
Sokağa çıksam 100 kişiye Çinin komşu ülkelerini sayın desem, Japonyadaki alfabeleri sayın desem, Çince ve Japonca dinletsem farkı sorsam anca 5 kişi buna cevap verebilir sizde büyük ihtimalle cevap veremezsiniz hiç yalan söylemeye gerek yok ve bu normal bir şey çünkü normal sıradan vatandaşın nerede olduğunu bile bilmediği bir ülkenin dili hakkında bilgiye sahip olmaması kadar normal bir şey yok. Arjantin ve Brezilya dillerinin farkınıda söyleyemezsin Nijerya dili hakkında da hiçbir şey bilmezsin. Çünkü niye bilesin. Niye nerede olduğunu bile bilmediğin ülkenin dili hakkında bir bilgin olsun ki?
Şu alınganglığı "biz Arap değiliz" kompleksini bırakın, başkaları bizi Arapa sanacak normal Türkiye bir orta doğu ülkesi bu normal ama değiliz, Türkiyeyi 2 dk araştırarak olmadığımızı da öğrenirler ama şu alınganlığı bırakın sanki herkes her şeyi bilmeliymiş gibi davranıyorsunuz hayır ne onlar bizi ne de siz onları biliyorsunuz hiç de yalan söylemeyin ve bu utanılacak a normal bir şey bile değil. Sizin alınganlığınız yüzünden batıda bizimle dalga bile geçiliyor ama siz hala daha aşağılık kompleksine takılmış duruyorsunuz. @envytheleavs
@@srd895 haklisin, senin gibi turk var mi? guzel
@@srd895 ne alakası var? Doğu Asyalılara ve Güney Doğu Asyalılara Çince konuşuyor musunuz diye sormak baya ırkçı ve onların da sinirini bozan bir davranış bu arada. Ayrıca birçok Yunan, Fars(ki Farsalar da sevmiyor bunu), Kürt, İspanyol ve İtalyan da Araplara benziyor onlara bunun sorulduğunu duymadım hiç(Farslar dışında)? Hintli kız İstanbul'un eski adını bile biliyor ama Türkiye'de Türklerin Arapça konuşmadığını bilmiyor nedense, çok ilginç!!Bambaşka kıtalarda da değiliz, Hindistan da Türkiye de Asya'da?
italians speak italian. french people speak french. turks speak turkish. it's that simple. of course we don't speak arabic
Just like Belgians who speak belgian , or the united states speaking united statian? Oh I don't even mention South American countries.
Mısırllılar mısırca mı konuşuyor ya da suriyeliler süriyece mi konuşuyor İranlılar iranca mı konuşuyor
@@fadilefilizoglu1525iranlılar iranca (Farsça) konuşuyor 😂 mısır'ın da tarihi açıdan kendilerine ait bir dili var ama araplaşmış oldukları için arapça konuşuyorlar
@JanekRozmanowski mısırlılar dediğim gibi araplaşmış bir halk yoksa coptic diye geçer
Let me defend the girl of our country, though i dont think you need any defending as you haven't said anything wrong. But since i know a bit why they are being s@lty, i will help you explain. Currently, turkeyyy is divided into two factions, the older generation and the younger generation. The older generation of people love their isl@miccc histroy and take pride in it, whereas the younger generation kinda h@t* it. They do not wanna associate with it and they wanna be whitee so baddd. They also h@t* that the country allows the intake of arabbb refuugeees and hence there h@t* against the arabss are increasing day by day. Also they are not kind towards people with darkerrr skinsss because they think of themselves as whitess. So ignore the bad comments, not worth your time. There are many sweet people in turkey and they would appreciate your curiosity. More love to you.
Despite the crescent and the star are a widespread motif in Muslim-countries, it is not Islamic in origin. Unlike the cross in Christianity, crescent and stars hold no importance in Islam. But as crescent-and-star appeared on the flag of the Ottoman Empire, many sultanates of its contemporaries around the world who look up to the empire began to adopt the symbol as well. This was how the crescent and the star became a symbol of Islam by association.
But of course the crescent and the star combo is not Islamic in origin nor it is exclusive to Islam. Even Singapore, which is not an Islamic country nor a Muslim-majority one, has the crescent and the star on their flag and emblem.
Saçmalamışsın. Hilal Müslümanlığı, yıldız Muhammed'i temsil eder.
@@07etoo56 müslümanlıkta sembolizm kullanılmaz hatta sevilmez bile Ay ve YIldız kullanılmasının müslümanlıkla alakası yok bayrağın kökeni aslında Bizans'a dayanıyor 'Constantinople/Byzantium Flag' olarak geçer. İstanbul fethedilmeden önce bile şehrin bayrağı şuanki kullandığımız bayrağa çok benzer. Şuan Müslüman olan bazı ülkelerin kullanmasının ve müslümanlıkla bağdaştırılmasının sebebi hilafeti elinde bulunduran Osmanlı'nın bu bayrağı kullanması ama dediğim gibi gerçekte İslam'la alakası yok İslam'da sembolizm hatta resim çizmek bile hoş karşılanmıyor İslamic terör örgütlerinin bayraklarına bakarsan genelde sadece yazı kullanırlar herhangi bir sembol içermez.
@@07etoo56Türkler müslüman olmadan önce de hilali kullanıyorlardı yalnız hilal Göktürklerde Tanrıyı simgeliyordu
@@07etoo56Ufak at 😂😂
@@kevserkementt Türklüğün sembolü bozkurttur
I wish this video was longer with more interesting facts and places to visit not only in Istanbul but in whole Turkey. Can we have the second part?
Yes, next we can focus on the common vocabulary between Turkish and Arabic
I am armenian but even I was insulted by question : "Do you speak arabic in Turkye?"🙄😣😓
BTW, it is great that you have included all other ethnicities in the Turkye.
based armenian
Im sure people do speak arabic in turkey considering arabs live there as well
@@HA-jq1mu yeah Arabs speaks it but we Türks don't
@@ThatoneTurkishgirl I’m sure some turks do, maybe just the religious ones because I’ve met turks in Europe who have even learnt arabic for Quran etc. And theres a large arab population in turkey so maybe some have learnt from them, plus of course people not from that side of the world think turkey is an arab country. Just like they think my country speaks arabic and turks also think my country speaks arabic when we dont.
i hate how people from other nationalites think we are ''arabic''.
Then why you guys are acting like arab...
Stop pretending to be flag bearer of islam..
Islam is a arabic religion dont try to claim it.
Let me defend the girl of our country, though i dont think you need any defending as you haven't said anything wrong. But since i know a bit why they are being salty, i will help you explain. Currently, turkey is divided into two factions, the older generation and the younger generation. The older generation of people love their islamic histroy and take pride in it, whereas the younger generation kinda Hate it. They do not wanna associate with it and they wanna be white so bad.They also hate that the country allows the intake of arab refugees and hence there hate against the arabs are increasing day by day. Also they are not kind towards people with darker skins because they think of themselves as whites. Truly disheartening
stop crying
@@ossamakalimi7295"i am not arab waaa waaa" stop crying ofc u aren't arabs or middle easterners you are asians or Mongolians from central asia.
@@ossamakalimi7295Stop crying
Is it joke that she said Costantinople 😂 Dude like come onn There is even a song for that to explain it is İstanbul not costantinople
This is what happens when u choose to be ignorant and uneducated in 2024, but at least she’s up to date what was going on on earth over 500 yrs ago, LMAO
yea all i know saying Istanbul with the old names of the city is insulting Turkiye people, i know that from my dad
@@LucyRennnI will try to explain it with my broken english. Hope that you will understand It better in that way
It is related to a lot of things actually. Firstly Türkiye don't gained easily. There is a lot of blood and honor in the every piece of the country and it is already have an beautiful name. Why there will be need to use other names when it is already have one . Secondly there is still have some idiotic thought like Turkiye must be seperated for different counties etc. For example some of Greeks ( not all of them but it is kinda a politic idea , in our day it is not that commen I think ) want to create Bizans Empire again and claim that İstanbul is belonged to them. In the east it is same problem with Armenia. So with all this politich thoughs it triggers people. So on long period it create a sensation for Turkish peoples. So after the past thing happen when they saw the people that still using the old name of Istanbul they feel kind of attackted. As I say before I don't think it really commen idea for Greek in now days. So I dont think there will be a lot of assult come from there. But still I will wait respect to Turkish people and how they wish it to called.
@@gucci_j8637 i understand, my father is turkish
she 100% did it on purpose!
I really love this country's history, food, culture, language, courage, everything and of course its geographical structure Ahh Türkiye, you are a wonderful country.
Türkiye does not speak Arabic!!! But unfortunately, some people still ask even though they know. Türkiye always speaks Turkish, only some Arab immigrants or minorities from foreign countries. Apart from that, Türkiye always speaks Turkish!!!
(*´˘`*)♡ The video is very nice, thank you very much 💖
turks dont speak arabic but a lot of people speak arabic in turkiye. Syrians , tourists , local arabs from south part of turkiye etc.
Yabancı insanların İstanbul dedikten sonra Konstantinopolis olarak eklemeklerini anlamıyorum yani neden..
kuyruk acısı
Kasıtlı yapılan bir hareket.
Gerçekten ben de dikkat ettim saygısızca
@@Kpssci2025 Kesinlikle bilinçli yapıldığını düşünüyorum. 2024 yılındayız ve hala aynı saçma soru. Hiçbir şey olmasa dahi o kadar çok Türk dizisi satılıyor ki farklı ülkelere Arap olmadığımızı Arapça konuşmadığımızı bilmeme imkanları yok:)
Var. Sen Çince ve Japonca arasındaki farkı anlayabiliyor musun? Hayır. Onlar da Türkçe ve Arapça arasındaki farkı o kadar kolay anlayamıyorlar, Türkçe ve Arapça okunuş olarak çok farklı olsa da genede doğu Asya dillerinde birisi aradaki farkı kolay kolay anlayamayabilir çünkü bilmiyordur aynı durum bizim içinde geçerli Çince ve Japonca arasındaki farkı çoğu kişi anlayamıyor çünkü bilmiyor bu da çok normal. Haritaya bakınca da ne kadar inkar etmek istesende Türkiye orta doğu bölgesinde, Suriye ve Irakla komşu, zamanında Osmanlı alfabesi Arapçaydı ve tüm tarihi eserlerde özellikle Camilerde yazılar hep Arapça. Türkleri çok takip etmeyen birisinin bunu demesi kadar normal bir şey yok niye elin yabancısı bunu umursasın ki. @@Zel.956
You never ruled 3 continents.
You ruled a very small and weak part of europe, the weakest part of asia and africa.
Everything else the ottoman werent good enough.
And 600 years bro...
@envytheleavs I corrected him.
Because turks are always too proud about ottoman like this guy and they tell too many misinformation even though the ottoman were too weak for central asia and central europe
Turkey is cigarette country 😂
And now you barely have money to buy food
@@darkshinigami9438u mad
İstanbul was Con*tantinople now it’s İstanbul not Con*tantinople, Been a long time…Listen to this song maybe you realize somethings.
Why the * ?
@@gigiatlas2364 may i ask your nation ?
yea all i know saying Istanbul with the old names of the city is insulting Turkiye people, i know that from my dad
Yes we dont like calling with old name to istanbul
@@lamia.123 *Constantinople
Calling a Turk and Arab is like the worst insult ever in Turkiye :D
Worse than calling you an Armenian? Haha!
Ermenilerin en azından ne halt olduğunu biliyoruz. Araplar ise dost görünüp en savunmasız anında sırtından bıçaklayacak kadar kalleş bir millet. Bu da biz Türklerin gözünde Arapları Ermenilerden hiç farklı kılmıyor ve hatta daha da alçalmış vaziyetteler çünkü Ermeniler müslüman değil ve bu nedenle müslüman bir topluma saldırmaları beklenirdi. Ancak Araplar sözde müslüman ve ona rağmen Türklere kalleşçe ihanet ettiler. @@incumbentvinyl9291
Istanbul is not our only city on the European side. Edirne, Tekirdağ and Kırklareli cities are also located on the European continent.
ve çanakkalenin bir kısmı
i think she said that only for a city that is in both europe and asia
Turkey has nothing to do with Arabs, we are just similar in religion. It's getting annoying that Arabs are mentioned in every topic where Turkey is mentioned.
to be fair there are simularities in culture. That dance where everyone dances in a circle, Turks call it halay and syrians/lebanese call it dabke. In many arab countries shawarma is very popular which is basically like turkish döner or rolling grape leaves and filling it, turks call it sarma and in arabic there is a simular dish. Kebab or baklava are all eaten as traditional food in the levant. Even some of the music in lebanon or syria is simular to that of anatolia. Yes, the arabs of yemen or saudi arabia are not simular to turks but those who border turkey and lived with the turks for 600 years during the ottoman empire do share some things.
Türkye cumhuriyeti türk lerindir ❤🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Şsmwğqöwp benim milliyetçilik vatanseverlik seviyesi
Doğru kardeşim ama en azından yazmayı öğren
De toutes façons la Turquie est un Pays a visiter !
Jamais fait mais j'espère le faire dans les prochaines années.
Bienvenue avec plaisirs...
Galata Tower was originally built by the Genoese when that part of İstanbul hosted a Genoese Colony named Pera in the Byzantine Period. The district name Beyoğlu is derived and adapted into Turkish from the title Bailo/Balyoz because the Venetian Bailo/Ambassador resided on the grounds of Pera. Beyoğlu is also referred to as Pera due to the expansion of the Genoese Colony in time; however,after the fall of Constantinople, the Genoese gave up on the colony but went on with their trades as before. There are remains of Genoese walls in the Galata area.
The original tower was built in Romanesque style but had to be restored several times to repair the damages mostly due to fires.
10 minutes it is not enough to talk about Turkiye. We have so many beautiful things. Thanks for the video
There is a moon and star motif on the coin of the Turkic Khaganate, a Turkish state that existed in the years 552-744 before the islamization of the Turks.
Ay ve yıldız aslında Bizansa ait semboldür. İlk olarak Emeviler ay ve yıldız sembolünü Bizans'tan almış o dönemden itibaren İslam dünyasında kullanılmıştır. Osmanlı da diğer İslam hilafetlerinde kullanılan ay yıldızlı sancağı sürdürmüştür.
@@mustafasamil477 Ay ve yıldız kimseye ait değildir. Niye bir şeyi birilerine ait olarak göstermeye çalışıyorsun ki? Ay ve yıldız motifi binlerce yıldır çeşitli milletlerce kullanılan bir motif. Kimseye ait değil. Hatta bayraklarda hilalin şekli farklıdır. Bunun sebebide o milletin yaşadığı enlemde gördüğü ay şekli farklıdır ve buna göre bayraklarında sembol olarak kullanırlar.
Osmanlı hilafetten sonra sadece hilal motifini kullandı. Emeviler ve Abbasiler ayyıldızı nerede kullanmış? Hiç duymadım. Yarım saattir de araştırıyorum ama hiçbir şey bulamadım.
@@mustafasamil477 bu doğru değil. Bizanstan çok önce de vardı ay yıldız simgesi
@@mustafasamil477 ayın simgesinin değerini türk mitolojilerine baktığımızda bile görebiliyoruz ki bu asırlar öncesine dayanıyor. Hala nasıl böyle düşünebiliyordunuz merak ediyorum
@@Leset01 Ay ve yıldız sembolü Mezopotamya mitolojisinde vardır. Bizansa da buradan geçmiştir. Türkiye'de Türk kültürünü ideolojik nedenlerle Orta Asya'ya dayandırma uğruna zorlama tarihsel spekülasyonlar yapılır. Osmanlı devlet ve kültürü veya günümüz Anadolu Türklüğü üzerinde Orta Asya'nın tesiri hayli zayıftır. Anadolu kültürünü tabii olarak çevresindeki Mezopotamya Yunan ve Pers medeniyetleri etkilemiştir.
Galata district was a Genoese colony in the 13rd century. The watch tower was built by the Genoese. Thats why it is medieval italian style.
2:07 that was the Battle of Kosovo in 1448, which ended in a victory for the Ottoman Empire. It's said that when one of the Ottoman commanders was looking about the war-torn field, they saw a reflection of a really bright star (but which was the Venus) and crescent in a pool of blood. A flag literally made out of the blood of the Turks.
Osmanlı'da Günümüz Türkiye bayrağının benzerinin kullanım tarihi ama 13. 14. yüzyıllardan ziyafe 17. 18. 19. yüzyıllara dayanıyor diye biliyorum.
iki google alıntısı (Google doğru bilgi veriyor demiyorum, Tarihçilerin dedi yazdığı varsa onu kabul eebilirim.)
Türk bayrağının rengi neden kırmızı?
Efsaneye göre bayraktaki al, kan kırmızısıdır ve şehitlerin dökülen kanlarını temsil eder. Gece yarısı bu kanların üzerine yansıyan hilâl biçimindeki ay ve bir yıldızla beraber Türk bayrağının görüntüsü oluşur. Bu efsanenin 1389 yılında meydana gelen I. Kosova Muharebesi'nde gerçekleştiği söylenmektedir.
Al renkli zemin üzerinde beyaz hilâl ve yıldız ile oluşmuş bayrak ilk olarak 1844 yılında Abdülmecid dönemindeki Tanzimat sürecinde kabul edilmiş, Cumhuriyet döneminde 29 Mayıs 1936'da 2994 Sayılı Türk Bayrağı Kanunu ile Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin ulusal bayrağı olarak kanunlaşmıştır.
can you tell me why there was the war?
I hope this video reaches everyone who associates Türkiye with the wrong concepts and misunderstands Türkiye. We are Turks, our mother tongue is Turkish, our flag is shaped by the blood of our soldiers and the reflection of the sky as described in the video and Türkiye is a secular country. Greetings from Türkiye :) 🇹🇷❤️🤍
😂that's a big lie , crescent and star was symbol of city of Constantinople in Roman Times, Turkic traditional color is light blue , red is traditional color of Romans
@e.v3832 Not blue, turquoise. The protocol color of the Republic of Türkiye is turquoise. I am not a big liar, but you may be a little ignorant. Btw I can't remember who the Romans, constantinople were. They must have disappeared centuries ago. 🤔
Bayrağın ilk halinin 1389 Kosova Savaşı'nda şekillendiğini, bu savaşta şehitlerin kan birikintisine ay ve yıldızın yansıdığını ve buradan esinlenildiğini biliyorum.
Evet ben de kötü bi şey demiyorum zaten 🤷🏻♀️
You could ask what place in Turkey 🇹🇷 is the same name as a superhero ? The answer is Batman 😊😂
yeah :D
hahahahahaha that would have been funny
İts so hard for foreign and ı know your Turkish
It's very funny that your friend from India gave another name to Istanbul. I think they forgot that they spent years as a British colony. We were always free . 😅
easy there!! we are not taught much abt Türkiye in our country. all we know abt it is from the turkish dramas. may be sm ppl mi8 knw...
ps i still didn't get what did she say wrong? (no offense i just didn't get it)
@@Saisha-shukla they just hate arab and when the indian girl said you speak arabic they got mad . they have seemlier word to us in meaning and pronunciation.
@@KB-ln4vcWe think the Indian girl did it on purpose. How can a person who knows the name of Istanbul in the Byzantine empire and who knows Turkish politics ask do you speak Arabic? I think Because pakistan and Türkiye friendship . Tpical indian . But there is one thing you should not forget: We didnt live as a British colony for years. We were always free
@@Saisha-shukla it’s 2024 , stop being ignorant, it’s not about what u get taught, it’s about being open minded in the world u live in now. No one teaches at school that there is a city called Constantinople without mentioning right afterwards how it’s called now.
Don’t blame Turkish series for your lack of knowledge, also since when is the historical naming of ancient cities a complex topic in those series? Smfh
All are dum asses who think yourself all knowing knowledgeable person .
Asking a Turk "Do you speak Arabic" Is samr as Asking a Korean, That "Do you speak Japanese"
The star and crescent is not an islamic symbol, while it was also used before by many, the current meaning is just due to the ottoman influence, and doesn't symbolise anything specific unlike the cross.
Some muslim groups tried to use it as a symbol though (like the Pakistani flag?), but it's symbolised because of whose flag used it, not vice versa (relation of association)
Türk Bayrağı'ndaki hilal İslamiyeti, yıldız ise Türklüğü temsil eder. Kırmızı renk ise toprağa karışan kanı temsil eder.
It would be wiser to explain things this way because that's the whole concept rather than being barbaric and cracking on her it is the responsibility of turkish representative to say these things obviously not everyone knows it just like not everyone in turkey know everything about us even if yukta know it would be same from other Indians so her asking it is not hateful rather some could have correct her and improve our understanding
@@ll4873 Mhm, we have comments
About ten years ago, 🇫🇮 I posted some photos on Facebook. A few days or weeks later, a 🇹🇷 Turkish friend of my 🇫🇮 friend liked many of my photos. I was a little bit surprised, because I didn't know that person. My friend told me that the Turks are very curious. 😃 That friend (he studied the basics of Turkish at the uni) of mine organized a trip to Istanbul for the other fellow students of Spanish, but I lived in 🇪🇸 Spain then, so I missed that chance. 🙃 As a flightsimmer, I could have named some other Turkish places & airports, e.g. İzmir, Alanya (my mind draws a blank though). 😉
İzmir 1990 yılında kalmış ve gelişmemiş bir şehir 😂 keşke İstanbul'a gelseydin
@@neonmrl1827 her boka konsam altımdan kalkamazdın
Turkey is not a country that can be described in 1 or 2 words. It is a country where many civilizations, cultures and people live and still continue. My advice to foreign friends is that you should not come for a trip without doing a good research on Turkey. It is a country with 81 cities
I loved this video! You can tell that the turkish lady loves her country! Maybe they could have mentioned Cappadocia one of the most beautiful place on earth, definitely in my bucket list. I would love to see a video about turkish cuisine though.
By the way the indian lady has a beautiful aura around her and she seems so smart and kind
Her fluency is amazing
Türkçe alt yazı ekleyebilir misiniz. Videonun devamını bekliyoruz 😇
Tr 🇹🇷 Türkiye'yi ve Türkleri, Sömürgeci Avrupa ülkelerine ve dünyanın geri kalanına çok iyi şekilde tanıttığın için çok teşekkür ederim Elina! Türk halkı sana minnettar 🇹🇷♥️ En🇺🇲 Thank you very much, Elina, for introducing Turkey and the Turks to the Colonial European countries and the rest of the world! Turkish people are grateful to you 🇹🇷♥️
De🇩🇪 Vielen Dank, Elina, dass Sie die Türkei und die Türken den europäischen Kolonialländern und dem Rest der Welt vorgestellt haben! Die Türken sind Ihnen dankbar 🇹🇷♥️
yapıcı olmayan bir tavır
Not yukta and that guy endup being cute till the last lmao😂
Canım Aleyna’m yine çok güzel bir şekilde tanıtmışsın♥️♥️
O kadar güzel yorumlar yapıyorsun kiii çok teşekkür ederim ❤
@@ALEYNALEYNA23seninle gurur duyuyorum çünkü ^^ bide şu iranlı bir kız vardı ya herşey iranın Türkiyenin değil diyen ajshhd ona haddini bildirsen de ülkecek rahatlasak 😅😅
@@klarapatra djshdjd sıra ona da gelicek merak etmeyin 😃
@@ALEYNALEYNA23Can Aleyna❤❤
Ya kız daha Ingilizce konuşamıyor. Sude diye bir kız vardı keşke onu koysalardı. Türkiye'de o kadar yer var yok Galata Kulesi'de Galata Kulesi.
As a Turk, I would like to give you different information. Turkey is a Eurasian country. It is connected to both Europe and Asia. We are from the world, you cannot limit us to a continent. It is surrounded by seas on 3 sides. We have many beaches. It is one of the 3 countries in the world that has not been colonized. This is one of the reasons why our English is bad. Others The reason is the state's national feeling and the feeling of putting our own language at the forefront. Another reason is that we do not want it. We are a secular country. Whoever wants to wears a miniskirt, whoever wants to wear a hijab. Religion depends on people's preferences, not the state. Alcohol is sold freely everywhere. Even though it says "Muslim" on the ID card, it doesn't sound very Muslim. We are open-minded. Of course, there are those of us who live their religion as Muslims. We have no relations with Arabs. Only the religion is the same. According to Asians, we are Europeans, and according to Europeans, we are Asians. Our red line is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and our flag. Since there are many uncivilized Arab refugees in our country, the people we hate the most are They are Arabs.Our leader never reflects the ideas of the Turkish people.If we look at the world agenda;I love both Israel and Palestine.I don't support anyone in this war.What happens is happening to babies.. We always want the African people to develop.We don't know why😂I feel closer to Indian Hindus than to Indian Muslims. Ukraine and Russians are the same people in our eyes.Indonesians are so sweet. They look so innocent and baby-like. I want to love them like babies😁Azerbaijani ,Turkic people are our own brothers, our own nation. South Korea, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina are also our brothers. As a Turk, this is my perspective and the perspective of the place I live.And finally, as a Turkish girl who was a victim of the earthquake, we will not forget the countries that helped us during the earthquake. Turkish people never forget the good deeds done. Thank you.
Daha güzel anlatılamazdı 👏
India needs someone like kemal ataturk ,we are being represented by religious fanatics on world stage, that's embarrassing for us too,majority of Indians are not like trolls on social media who spread hate.
en beğendiğim yorum oldu. çok geçmiş olsun ben de van depremini yaşadım. umarım şu an daha iyisindir❤
6% of Turkish citizens are hard core islamic, sharia lovers.
30% müslims
40% secular muslims.
So human being is same in everywhere. Every type of believers you can find in a neighbourhood or even a country. @@drjagritisingh6569
@@drjagritisingh6569 My dear Indian friend, first of all, I would like to thank you for the earthquake solidarity called Operation Dost.I understand you very well.I have an Indian friend. After meeting him, I realized that we have the same worldview as Indians.You also have problems with radical groups.You have a high national consciousness, like us.We are actually people who can get along well, except for the people in charge. Except for the Indian girl in the video. (She didn't say Istanbul. She made us look like Arabs and made us Islamists.)
Hintli kızda benim basim egilmedi koptu, videoyu kapattim…
ARAPÇA KONUŞUYOR MUSUNUZ NE DEMEK?Çok cahilce, evet bilmiyor olabilir ama bari sormayın.
Bunu bir hintli'nin söylemesi daha da trajikomik yapıyor durumu. ☺diğerlerinden beklerdim.zaten bu cümleye sinir oluyorum.
Video ne zaman çekildi bilmiyorum ama son olaylardan sonra ya da bilmiyorum bence mümkün değil sosyal medya kullanan biri her türlü bilir ayrıca İstanbul'a Konstantinopolis demesi falan da zaten kasıtlı sorulmuş gibi duruyor.
@glacieg2640 'in yorumu okuyun, hintli kız aptalca bir şekilde kendini savunmaya çalıştı
ne oldu oglum, alama. o kiz hic birsey yanlış söylemedi. anladin mi? she clarified in the comments section, go and look. aptal gibi konusma then u wonder why people dont like turks, sensitive crybabies
@@cigsafterjen Zaten Hindistanlı kız pakistan ile Türkiyenin dostluğundan'da bahsetti keşmir bölgesindeki gerginlikte Türkiyeninde parmağının olduğunu düşünüyor olabilir buyüzden kasıtlı olarak yaptığını düşünüyorum
"Interesting vid, learned a lot about Turkye! 🌍👏"
Turkiye, not Turkye
Korean guy would definitely get extra hospitality in here :)
Olum la bu kız Türklerin arapca konuştuğunu düşündüğü kızsen kimsin la hayırdır ...:HePiMiZ aYnIyIz IrKçIlıK yApMayınn✨✨
Galata Kulesi'ni restoran gibi anlatması müthiş olmuş gerçekten, işte aradığım sığlık
Thank you for having me. It was such a knowledgeable experience for me especially because i find the language Turkish really beautiful. Teşekkürler Aleyna and Awesome World ♥️🥰
Just to clarify a few things about people calling me a hater or what not in the comment,
1) I just knew that during the Roman Empire Istanbul was called Constantinople. It was however renamed in the early 1900s. I mentioned it simply as something I was aware of to answer the question they asked related to what do you know about Turkey/ Istanbul?
2) I am aware that the national language is Turkish. I am also aware that Modern Day Turkish is influenced by Ottoman Turkish which took in Arabic influences. India has many languages and even multiple countries in Asia speak multiple languages even though they do have their official language. I was just curious if Turkey had Arabic speakers too because I truly didn’t know and was genuinely curious. I apologize if it has caused a hate train, or come off as ignorant. I didn’t do it on purpose and I hope y’all understand that it was my first time learning more about Turkey. Yes I do know about politics but only present day politics because of the area I specialize in. I don’t know everything so it would be nice if y’all could be kind in the comments.
We know you didn't have any bad intention Don't worry girl👍 ❤
Because of the immigrant syrians, pakistanis or arabs in Turkey, our cultural identity is ruining so we don’t want to be associated with them. That’s why they are triggered.
We know you didn't do it on purpose.. The topic just seems to be really sensitive to them
yeah sure😅
turkey is such an underrated country (it's not really underrated, it still deserves more attention in my opinion)
Turkey is most touristy. One of the most visited country. I don't know why you are saying it as underrated .
We are only on the defensive because the Europeans think that we are an Arabic-speaking country that always rides a camel
next time read everything i've written and then reply@@santhoshv3028
@@borandenizyaz7211ya orada bunu diyen avrupali degildi ki, avrupa ne alaka simdi ki kiz orada etnik dillerden bahsediyor ve ulkede arapca konusanlarin olup olmadigini soruyor. siz hemen alinip tam tersi oyleymisiz de kuzey afrikalilar gibi bize arap demeyin diye baglantimiz varmis gibi oluyor. merak etmeyin az bilgisi olan birisi bile turkleri bilir, ha sen sirf alfabelerinden falan iranlilari mesela arap saniyorsan ya da levant arabiyla korfez arabi farkini bilmiyorsan baska insanlardan da genel kultur bekleme, senin yerinde olsam bu basit bilgiyi bile bilmeyen ne avrupaliya ne turke bir seyler aciklamaya calisirim
Neden Türkçe altyazı yok.
The name of the city is İstanbul for centuries. Not accepting this fact only shows your ignorance. And that girl said "is there any place to visit in istanbul?" İstanbul is an extremely popular touristic destination, it has too many culturel and historical places to visit, its like in top 10 in the world. oh she also asked "do u speak arabic" reallyyyy? Turkish people speaks turkish. its also very logical, isnt it ;) she choose to be an ignorant and she doesn't hesitate to show it
İt’s Turkiye not Turkye please edit it, thank you
The Galata Tower built by the Genoese, a point of reference when I visited Istanbul
Gerçekten bu kanalın ülke genişliği ne bayılıyorum
sayfanızı yeni keşfettim ama ingilizcemi geliştirme açısından çok yararlı oldu ve olmaya devam ediyor. teşekkür ederim.
Gerçekten bu kanala bayılıyorummmmmm
5:25 - Interesting take.
Earlier this year I was in Turkey for over two weeks and the only local residents that I heard speaking anything other than Turkish among themselves were Arabs in the slums of Konya.
I suspect that you'd have to go to rather specific villages, or tour the south east, to get any of what was mentioned.
Bro why are you people in the comments so mean to her
She only asked if we have our own version of arabic
Wich is a realy good quation
We have our own version of Turkic wich is turkish 😅
Own version of Kurdish wich has many turkish words ofc. we lived 1000 years togheter its normal
And I dont know about arabic
But i think the most speak the syrian dialect i think its the same for the arabs who live in southern Turkiye who lived there for many centuries
72 nation 1 country love you Türkiye ❤
Çanakkale also is a city that have borders Asia and Europe :) 3:00
Göktürk paralarında ay yıldız yer almaktadır.İslam öncesi de hilal ve yıldız Türk sembolüdür.
It's so frustrating that people are so ignorant about Türkiye.
And it's more frustrating that a turkey representative was there but can't explain nicely and destroy misconception right was that hard for her to do or should everyone from turkiey know about entire world it should be representative responsibility to destroy these barriers not vice versa right
How many times do we have to say this to this channel? Why are there no Turkish subtitles in Turkish content? Can you explain why not?
There were many things to be said about Galata tower, which the Turkish lady failed to explain. Galata is a place in Genoa too. Galata tower was built by Genoa merchants based in Konstantinopolis, to watch the sea to see if their merchandise is coming, and rush to the port to receive it before the competition. During the siege of Konstantinopolis by the Ottomans, the Genoans were neutral while the Venetians were fighting on the Konstantinopolis side. So after the conquest, the Venetians got the boot, but the Genoans stayed and continued business as usual. Their tower built to follow arriving ships lives today as a tourist attraction, and a restaurant.
Abla Türkiye ile ilgili videolarında Türkçe altyazı yok. Diğer diller var. Neden?
I speak as a turkish girl, people may not know much about the country,but I dont like people think turks are speaking arabic language,Look, I'm not a racist. I don't think it's right to bully people because of their ethnicity, which they didn't choose. But it bothers me that my race is considered a different race just because of the religion accepted by most of the people..
Yukta if its of india🇮🇳 ...add Lakshadweep and (andaman and nicobar islands)🇮🇳 many people dont know about it...and north east🇮🇳 india also cz its underrated....
Funfact: india has islands, himalayas, desert..(also known as mini world)..india is not the way its shown
Yes many foreigners dont know about our Lakshadweep and other places
Damn india have island too
Moon and star is symbol of Turks, not Muslims. We Turks had used to use the moon and star symbol on our coins before we became Muslim. Muslim countries have taken the symbol after Ottomans and Seljuks had conquered their lands.
Please know that the language of the Turks is Turkish, many Arabs come to our country so people thinks Arabic is spoken as a mother tongue, but its an insult to Turkey. The language of Turks is Turkish. I dont want my country to known like that. (I'm not saying this specifically for Arabic)
but some turks do speak arabic , so that automatically makes arabic one of the languages of turkey
You misunderstood it, almost everyone knows the language of Turkey is Turkish... she just meant "other than turkish, do you speak arabic in minorities?"
@@mogheanil no turks dont🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ there is a lots of arabs and especially syrians in Turkey so they do talk arabic. Im sick of this.. I do not want Syrians to represent my country
@@vvi6426 i hope so..
@@mogheanilnot like that... Don't say lie... 🚽
Saying to a Turk, "Hey, do you speak Arabic in Turkey?" is literally rude. Just as it's unpleasant to say to a Korean, "Hey, do you speak Chinese or Japanese?" or to an Irishman, "Hey, you're British, aren't you?" is a very unpleasant gesture, that's what it means to us. Let's say this question was asked, and the team that edited and edited this section found this question quite normal and did not cut it. I couldn't rationally understand, or rather I didn't want to make sense, why you were doing such a thing instead of bringing people from different cultures and geographies together and having a very decent and useful cultural exchange.
This program is to break misconceptions about countries. Your turkish girl should say something. Not the whole world knows about your litle country people have limited information.
A lot of ppl think the same about Turkiye. Especially in Asia coz they have never visited or heard about Turkish culture
@@damanshukla9005 then how do they assume, that we are Arab!? Do you imagine, everyone you don't know as Arab!?
5:34 There are minorities in Turkey who speak their own language, but the only official language of Turkey is Turkish and Turks do not speak or understand ethnic languages. Most of them think that we speak Arabic due to the perception of foreign media, but we do not know Arabic, our language is Turkish because we are Turks.
2ci qızın danışanda göz teması qurmayıb axmaq suallar vermesi esebleşdiricidir
Öncelikle güzel video olmuş tebrikler...Ama Bayrağımızın; şehitlerimizin kanı üzerinde ay ve yıldız yansıması sonrası oluşması anlatımı tamamen romantizm maalesef:)evet kulağa hoş geliyor ama Bayrağımızı yüceltmek için çok ekstra 'hikayelere'de ihtiyacımız yok...Tabii ki şehitlerimiz çok ama çok kıymetli hepsine minnettarız ve ebeden öyle olacaktir...İşin aslı ise Kırmızı zemin üzerine ay ve yıldız 1800'lerden bu yana Osmanlı Devlet armasinda kullanılıyordu zaten...Tek fark yanlış hatırlamıyorsam o yıldız bugünku halinde değildi 8 köşeliydi sanırım...Tekraren güzel olmuş video👏
Türkiye ile ilgili video olup türkçe alt yazı olmaması 😂 hiç yakıştıramadım, ne konuştular meraktan çatlıyorum jsjsjsjjs
India loves Istanbul! So many Bollywood movies and shows have been shot there!
During the Ottoman Empire, Turkish language was actually written in the Arabic script. But came Ataturk who "modernized" Turkey and changed the writing system to Roman letters.
bless you ,and thats the history they don’t want shown .
and we love Atatürk so much for that 👏 what a great man
@@KB-ln4vc yet it was Turkish that was spoken, not Arabic. It was an attempt at trying to write the Turkish language via Arabic letters
Ignorance is a disease, get well soon 💋
But because of that literacy rate was around 13% for men and 4% for women since Turkish language is not suitable to be written in Arabic script. After the adaptation of Latin alphabet, this rate went up to 30, 40, 50... and 90% over the years. Thanks to the great Ataturk. And yes this was one of the many "modernization" attempts by him which worked :)
Atatürk modernized Turkiye. What a big man🇹🇷🌹
All turks here start to attack “ oo no we don’t speak arabic etc “ chill out men
Yes we dont speak arabic but in places like Mardin, Siirt there are people who speak Arabic and they are originally arabic she should have mentioned about that when she said we have many languages etc. Why you guys become so racist when you hear Arabic language question
actually video is good to understand people's mind . i like it .
Fun fact about Galata Tower: That part of İstanbul and the tower gets it's name from Celtic people. Galata, Galego, Galician, Galaecian etc. these words are all to define a certain Celtic people. Which is quite interesting to imagine that place has a connection to Galicians living in the North West of Spain and all other people from Celtic descent.
Hala Arapça konuştuğumuzu zannetmelerinden bıktım artık 🙄
E bizim insanımız da Koreli ve Japonların çince konuştuğunu sanıyor
@@fadilefilizoglu1525 Hiç de bile. Korece ve Japoncanın ve iki dilin ülkesinin de varlığı Türkiye'de yaygın olarak biliniyor. Kime "Japonya'da ne konuşulur?" diye sorsan herkes "Japonca" der. Senin dediğine en yakın olay anca Çinli, Koreli ve Japon birini fiziksel görünüşlerine bakarak nereli olduklarını ayırt edememek olur.
Zannetmiyor, kız bilerek bunu dedi maksat provalatiflik
@@togon5185 People are not taught about the specifics of your country 🤦♂️. Are u so stupid? You border syria and iran. You were ruled by ottomans. Why won't the people assume you speak arabic. She never said you are arabic. Turkish girl said there are 30 languages in turkey. So she asked if turkish had an arabic version. And you all whinning
İnadına yaptı kevaşe Pakistan ile Türkiye dost ya
I love how even caption is mistook the name of the country 💀
In India we were taught about the ancient city of Constantinople which is now Istanbul. She doesn't mean in an insulting way. Also a lot of people in India thinks that people in Turkey speak Arabic because they're muslim and are surrounded by Arabic countries just like a lot of Turkish people thinks that people in India speak "Hindu" or "Indian". But ofc let's bash a girl for not knowing everything about Turkey.
you forgot to introduce where everyone is from
5:32 Turks don't speak Arabic. But there are many Arabs living in -Eastern of- Türkiye. I'm not talking about the refugees. Talking about local citizens. Especially my city "Şanlıurfa". Also Mardin, Batman etc. This cities has Kurds, Arabs and Zaza. I'm a Zaza from Türkiye. 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 I love my country and awesome world ❤😊
It is 2024 learn its TRUE NAME, Istanbul.
Neden türkçe çeviri koymuyorsunuz?
Hello!! It’s Aleyna here. I had fun talking about Türkiye and our culture. Everyone in the video was so respectful and eager to learn. ❤️🤍 see you on next videos;)
Sizinle gurur duyuyoruz aileniz sizi çok iyi yetiştirmiş 🙏🌸
🌍 Interesting to see how much the world knows about Turkye! 🇹🇷
For the second question Istanbul isn't the only city which has lands in Europe and Asia, The other city is Canakkale.
It's disgusting when people say we speak Arabic
Why y’all whining so much
@@hydragaming4265 It is not nice for everyone to persistently think that we are a race that we are not, just because some of our people have the same religious affiliation. And turkey is also not a muslim country either
@@_amphitrite_well I respect your explanation but it would be more nice if in the video I can know about it rather than people hating on yukta because not everyone knows about it and turkish representative should and can explain that simply
@@_amphitrite_ it is a Muslim country and a lot of people speak arabic like in Mardin
@@MelisaDilsiz-k1wTurkey is a secular country and any language spoken in a city does not determine the religion, religion or race of that country. Also, it is rude to ask Turks if Arabic is spoken in their country
What was the joke ..where alexender said to yukti that i m going with you to glata tower..and they all were laughing...why i did not get the joke😅
I love turkey a lot from 🇵🇰 💕🇹🇷
Aleyna çok iyisin Türkiye hakkında konuşmakta 🤍
It is a good enough video, but you should have added more places and background information. For example, she could have said that Galata Tower was built by the Genoese, who set up colonies across the Mediterranean and Black Sea shores.
Türkiyeyi görünce reklam bitmeden like atip qbone oldum😅