Nicely done I was just about to point out you had left the AGS recon on airfields but you caught it at the last minute which shows you are more thorough than I often am :-)
I had not noticed that, but looking over the resolution again, yes, the Soviets suffered some losses from their intercept. Maybe those were armed recon planes line BF-110s or JU-88s. I could definitely see BF-100 recon planes shooting down enemy fighters.
very good drops.
A lot of work to do it manually but the proof is in the lower axis losses by around half. I will definitely have to look at doing this! Well done!
Nicely done
I was just about to point out you had left the AGS recon on airfields but you caught it at the last minute which shows you are more thorough than I often am :-)
I got lucky there. I only noticed it on the last recon mission I set up.
Your recon planes actually inflicted some air losses?
I had not noticed that, but looking over the resolution again, yes, the Soviets suffered some losses from their intercept. Maybe those were armed recon planes line BF-110s or JU-88s. I could definitely see BF-100 recon planes shooting down enemy fighters.