The Social Construction of Gender
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- This is a Learning Material for #emefdy #GEC123. This video lecture allows every student the chance to access and view any time the connectivity is at its best, especially among those with connectivity difficulties in the Lanao provinces.
The Video is entertaining and accurate. I really like the way Mark Gungor discussed this topic, the way of his discussion is effective and wise. It shows and explained the differences of men and women in a short period of time. How women reacts to everything and how men don't care at all or how they deal things in a simple and easy way. I never know it was a thing or called "Nothing box" until I watched the clip. This happens all the time especially with my mother. There was a time when she is giving instructions and I was just sitting there and doing nothing. Completely blank, starring, doesn't know what I was thinking or where I was looking at, until she raised her voice and ask me if I was listening and I was just like "Yeah, got it... Wait, what?" I literally don't know, not even a single word. Then there she is, scolding and nagging me, saying stuff as if I was living with my ancestors. Same goes to my sister who act like a paranoid psycho. I just don't get her, Everytime she ask me to do something or what, she gets irritated if I don't do it in a split second and starts to nag, talking like a heavy machine gun and I don't even know where is it all coming from, acting like she's in her menopausal. And just like my friends, letting me speak and yet none of them are listening. The video has taught me to understand the women more and adjust/have patience if they start acting in whatever way, in every positive possible way because as what in the video mention, women are emotional than men. This also test men how strong they are. You can tell or say that a man is strong if he knows how to handle his anger. And women plays a big role on that.
- AGA-123Mn
AGA-123Mn, nice explanation.
As for me, the speaker was very funny and entertaining. He speaks so well that we can understand the topic he was discussing.
The "Nothing Box" was about the difference of men's and women's brain. And as i have watched the video, everything the speaker was discussing was very true. Men and women have different mindset. Just like my father, he neither talk a lot or sermon us. He wasn't so showy, so we thought that he don't care about what's happening in his surroundings. Unlike my mother who is very talkative. She is always getting angry to us (children) even it is a little thing.
So that concludes, that men and women has a lot of different. So, we must not judge each other.( Men and women).
(JIL- 123Dd)
JIL- 123Dd, agree.
This video is very entertaining, it implies that women and men brain is very different, I agree with it, because women we do care on everything even if it nonsense or not, unlike men they only focus on what really is going on, they are very straightforward person in other word, one word is enough for them. All I can say about a person who is nothing in the box is that, they're so straightforward and it takes less talk to make a decision and do a next move. One of a great example is my father, when dad says he will shut us off, he mean it and another one is that they didn't want to break everything they say because it will break they're reputation as a straightforward person.
( SAM-123Ff )
SAM-123Ff, Ohh I see.
What I can say about the nothing box in relation to my father is that he has always multiple solutions in every one problem and he never show us that he is actually tired and hurt. Maybe that is what Mr. Gungor refers to nothing box- man choose to be calm in every situation because they know that they are capable of doing right solutions without rushing things. (ALM-123Dd)
ALM-123Dd, that's great!
The discussion of the "nothing box" is quite funny yet realistic. We all know that women tend to care about everything, it doesn't matter how big or small. Men and women has a large differences when it comes to thinking, because girl has a what so called "mood swings and sometimes, men doesn't understand it at all.
CMT-GEC123Dd, okay.
The video was very relevant, it gives us the idea of what are the deferences of men and women brains. After watching this video I realized that it was true that women's brains are made up of a big ball of wire, that everything is connected to everything. And it is my first time knowing that Nothing box do exist, I believe in Gungor's idea that men's brain are made of little boxes and these boxes don't touch. Perhaps most of the men's sometimes cannot cope up with the subject for instance. (ANA-123MN)
ANA-123MN, wow.
This vedio is effective, it is easy to understand the difference of sex and gender. And about the discussion of Mr. Mark Gunger it is shows the reality how he described the men.
NDC -GEC123MN, okay.
++As what the speaker discussed the difference between menn's brain and a women's brain and how they are different from each other. This topic was totally awesome and quietly interesting that all of us agree. I personally experience that the men's brain are accurately very unique rather than the women's brain. If you have brothers or any other male in the house you'll know it. For men the "nothing box" represent a secret box or private stuff that only men understand. Nevertheless the women's Brain are amazing just like a big box wire that only women's understand. And I agree to Mark Gungor that women's brain connect everything and that's the difference between men. This gives me an idea that there's an inequalities between men and women.
(JBA -123pq)
JBA -123pq, well done.
In regards to this video, it was a good thing knowing the idea of "nothing box". And the funny thing is that it relates to us and it is a nice video to learn and watch.
AMS-123MN, good!
I never heard the word "nothing box", It remind me of my kuya and father😄 and now I experienced it with my husband, everytime he used his money for the thing I can't relate and I'm nagging him then he just say 'ah' 😂😂 GEC123-MN
GEC123-MN, oh my.
The speaker is so funny and interesting, he all said are usually true to the both gender. When he tackle the nothing box about man i remember my friend of mine in my senior highschool time that when i tell him something he always said "yes" without explanation in a few minutes. I know that he had that nothing box.
JPP - 123Dd.
JPP - 123Dd, seems like your friend loves the word yes.
To be honest, it is my first time to hear about "nothing box" but I already know that mostly of men do not overthink. Compares to women, I usually overthink everything but men only do nothing.
jjm-123pq, okay.
++ The video is very good and interesting. I could relate Nothing Box to my very intimate classmates way back on our Senior High School days, and I could even detect how "Nothing Box" works for him. During the moment where my classmates is in the state of nothingness, I thought he was oblivious. However, after watching this video it became certain to me that "Nothing Box" for Men is pretty Normal. I've always had this kind of double standard feeling on my classmates not until knowing the said nothing box.
Fortunately, today I became aware of how Brain Functioning works differently in both Male and Female and thus enabling me to rectify my old perception.
I could clearly remember the time, I've asked him for our back to back assignment, projects and reports. Asking him if ever he had already finished our projects as well as our report and it was at this moment, He doesn't care for what I'm talking to him. I'm pretty sure that I have an audible voice for him to hear but strong voice never interrupts him for scrolling something on Facebook over and over again. This experience somehow makes me stressful as if my Classmate has no attention for our academic endeavor. After twice time asking him and patting him in shoulder if he already finished our reports and projects then it was at that moment where his consciousness came into effect. His "Nothing Box" lasted for almost one minute.
Therefore, I can say that Nothing Box do really works just as my Happy "Nothing Box" experience happens to my classmate.
ASM-123MN, that's good.
++ Enlightened my eyes to see the difference of men and women and the nothing box in relation to someone that I know. Is just like my father, he only care and focus on one thing (Money) to sustaining us the financial of what we need. Not just like my mother cares everything and everywhere. (DDI-133Ff)
DDI-133Ff, that's good.
The video enlighten me how/why women and men acts or think differently. So, the nothing box in relation to someone I know is my grandfather because he's only focused and care on his prayer(Salah) eventhough everyone is messed around or eventhough he's busy, he didn't miss one single prayer (Salah).(HMB-123Dd)
HMB-123Dd, wow.
++ For my own opinion, i absolutely sure that not all men are defined as "nothing box" and not all the women has a big box, it's just Mark Gungor elaborated that the majority of men has nothing box and majority of women has a big box, it's just how you communicate to a specific person, but speaking of experience with someone i know about nothing box, i remember my boy cousin, i shared to him all my problems just to make myself feel that someone is listening to my rants and problems but the thing that made me annoyed is when he responded "Ah".
MMH-GEC123MN, that's okay
++Even though its a very brief discussion about The social construction of gender, i can say that it is very knowledgeable especially on the part where the man discussing about the difference of men and women’s brain where he uses figurative words for us to understand his point humorously and easily. Also hoping to have more topics and discussion like this. (FSD-MN)
FSD-123MN, okay
Actually, I've never heard about this word "nothing box", but it reminds me when we have a family problem, such as financial income, work, and other problem, then when I ask for my father about this, then my father didn't aswer and nothing to do but to say god is always there' , god is the onlyone solution for our problems, . Yes, god will guide you but you will do something to answer your problem, and use the guide of god.
NAC-123Dd, good.
The video was very effective for us to understand the gender and brain and as well as the Nothing box in which we usually don't know, it is very interesting fact that men can do that, that they can have a nothing box, or having a time when they do not have anything in their mind. it shows how different women and men in terms of thinking, personally i can relate to the differences because as a woman i really tend to think a lot of things when i am doing nothing and sometimes there is such details that we notice and stayed in our minds and keeps on bothering us. This is a very interesting topic for us to understand each other despite of differences. ++AMM-123-Dd
AMM-123-Dd, good.
I admire the speaker the way he discuss the topic, may be it is the way to get the attention of his audience which is verry effective all through out his discussions. I really agree for what the speaker says that the women brain's is like a wire because it is connected to everything, which is true because based on my experience, I have a lot of friends and most of them are girls, Everytime we go out for bonding, they always have concerns/problem when it comes to their friends, nature, ex boyfriend and girlfriend and especially in their academic, I don't know why. While the boys is verry chill, no sign of problem that you can see in their faces hahaha, what ever their grades is INC or fail, they still see the beauty of it hahaha😂
(ALG- GEC123Ff)
ALG- GEC123Ff, good.
++The nothing box by mark Gungor really shows how men and women are difference in so many ways, one is example is that when men want something they like they don't talk about it because the next time you see them they already got it. But when women want something specifically they won't stop talking about it all day. Men is very straightforward unlike women. Women has alot to say than men.
ACM-123PQ, okay.
Ladies, if you have been in a relationship for three months or longer, you have probably asked your guy, “What are you thinking about?” And, you’ve probably received this answer more than once, “Nothing.” The majority of women immediately think their man is hiding something or avoiding a conversation. If guys are being serious when they say that they are thinking about nothing, why do women have such a hard time believing them? Well, the main reason women don’t believe that men can be thinking about nothing is because women are never thinking about nothing.
SMR-GEC123Ff, well done.
Frankly speaking, the discussion about the women’s brain and men’s brain really made me laugh and at the same time I realize things, women and men really differ from way of thinking, of both sexes do, and what their brains suggest. This made me think that women tend to think of what a particular thing or individual is doing, like she wanna be part of it in ways that this triggers her to know something, but in contrast, men are just thinking as time is being counted, the moment comes, the moment they will think, they will just go with current situation presented. In my personal experience, I know someone, probably a woman who is conscious of everything her man does, she wanna know what he does, who’s with him, and what he plays, and that ends her up thinking everything. This video made me think and realize something that women and men are connected, but there might be difference that is how they act they gender role. (jmi-123pq)
JMI-123PQ, good.
++ i find it very funny and entertaining while his talking about the box relating to the BRAIN. his right. Boys and girls have different Mind set. When it comes to everything. Boys tends to focus on one thing while girl make it more complicated. All of his statement was funny because all of them as Facts which are true and everyone can relate to it. Hi hit those points and made it more understandable so that his audience could relate and at the same time they can enjoy watching from him. I also find it entertaining as well as understand his points. (JMA-123PQ)
JMA-123PQ, good!
The nothing box is literally a reality. Just like how my brother talk less or even do nothing everytime our elder sister is lecturing him for being a troublesome.
SMM-123Dd, I see.
The nothing box really exist and i understand now why my older brother talk less, he usually doesn't care about everything like he was just chill in and doesn't think too much.
JMM-123Dd, good.
What I can say about the Nothing Box in relation to someone I know is none other than my father 😊. (rhd-123MN)
RHD-123MN, okay.
First of all, let us appreciate the speaker of this video. I was so impressed for how he delivered the topic which is the "difference of men and women" now I know, why am I so bothered with my brothers knowing that they have this called "NOTHING BOX". It makes me laugh while watching this because it reminds me of how my brothers act the same way as to this video. I always encountered this kind of scenario all the time. Like for example, my brothers sleeping whole day, not until someone wakes them up. They can also do whatever they want because of having plenty of time. As to me, I can't do what I want to do because of not having the time to do it.
FAM-123Dd, okay.
The video is very interesting and at the same time funny while knowing the truth. The nothing box is like some men i know and i agreed on what the speaker discussed about the difference between men's brain and women's brain. Men don't care everything while women tend to care everything and still remember everything that's why sometimes men's response is not connected to your question. Just what i observed, women got easily irritated while men don't care. That's why women and men are so different and knowing the truth will help us to realize it.
JPC-123Ff, okay.
++ Its my first time to hear the word " nothing box" now I know. I can relate it when Im asking brother what happen in the outside but he always saying that I dont know it and don't know them so dont ask. Its frustrating because how can I know what happen if you dont want to tell. Also my brother is always facing TV and cellphone doing not but to watch. They dont think that there is a things that is more important than watching TV. HMP-PQ
HMP-PQ, I see.
++The topic being presented was very informative and the voice was very calm. As for the "Nothing Box" it is the first time I've heard of it. I can't stop laughing on the things that the man being discussed because somehow it's really happening in real life, I never knew there is a nothing box inside the brains of man. I can relate when he said that it drives a woman crazy whenever man's do nothing because whenever my parents argue, it seems like my father never bother of it or it's like they never had a fight with my mother and it really bothers me. My brother is also like that because whenever someone in our family share very funny stories, I thought he's listening but I can see in the end that it's like he didn't hear anything because we all laugh while he isn't and it's kind of awkward sometimes because you thought he's paying attention on what you're saying but not.
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I edited it now ma'am, sorry po.
I just discover about the nothing Box in this video, and about someone I know, I don't think I notice that he has a nothing Box. He is always active. I don't know someone with nothing Box.
(dam-gec123 pq).
DAM-GEC123PQ, it's okay.
I liked how the speaker demonstrate the brain differences of men and women. It is so funny to know the truth since I personally experience this kind of situation where I tend to care everything and the one I am talking to which I treated as my someone doesn't care at all, it is all because of using the nothing box which is literally his favorite and now I can finally say that it is really normal to men to care and talk less during argument and we, women tend to connect everything even it doesn't need to talk about, we tend to open up situations from the past that makes the argument more complicated and made us women over think for we are making a little issue to a big deal and that drives us crazy, funny to tell but it is really true. I found this video as a funny one but this help me realize and found the truth of the differences of men and women's brain. (RHGBF-123pq)
RHGBF-123pq, well done.
++ The video is interesting, informative and the speaker discussed the topic based on reality which is I find it funny because he explains well the differences and similarities of men and women when it comes to understanding or how the mind works and all he said is true. Women was like many connected wires, they never forget and emotion and feelings came first with them unlike for men that they act like they don’t care, pretend that it is nothing and move forward. Let’s get to the point on what he discussed, it is true that we men/women have many different/particular things in their mind its either its in the past, present or in the future. As for the Nothing Box, I can say that it is true for some reason, an example is my Father, he is a man with few words, direct to the point, he don’t talk too much except for serious and important discussions but I know that he have many thoughts running on his mind but he tend to act like there’s nothing going on. I never see him arguing with my mother, they may fight over little things but they’ll be okay later on. He don’t share his problems and kept it all by himself. He loves to do different kind of household work and he passionately exert time and effort to what he was doing but sometimes I can see him spacing out or like thinking deeply for few minutes when he is resting and with eyes closed but when I asked him “what’s going on?” he was just going to smile and pat my head then he’d get back to his work.
SHCM-123Ff, I see.
Now, I understand my cousin, when I asked him what is his problem, then he said nothing even though I felt it was that he had a problem, he always said nothing. Now I understand my cousin as well as nothing box.😅😅😅
DDI-123PQ, okay.
++Salamualaicum , as we all know people may be different from gender , culture and perception to the world. We were raised differently resulting to different behavior , way of interacting and making decision for oneself. We were affected by the society and the environment were in that's why men and women has different edges. In the video that was shown , it tackles how both men and woman are the same on some aspects and different on other aspects such as the way of thinking. I am glad that this kind of subject is in talk because not much people would pay attention to this kind of topic due to its sensitivity because both gender were the subject and in terms of differences it might be sensitive to others. It was good that the speaker diverted the topic into an entertaining one , if he was serious in delivering his speech some audience might feel attacked by his words but since it was an act of informational comedy their minds were attracted to 'just comedy" action. "Nothing box" describe how men are sometimes unconscious of their environment , they have the time were it is blank and empty compared to women who are over thinker and has complex decision and ideas to make. The speaker emphasizes that men are more direct to the point and focus however they are unconscious to other things which needs consideration while on the other hand women are more complex in terms of making decision. They tend to consider many things which is not yet to happen. They act in advance which result to confusion or dilemma which makes them uncertain of their decision. In my experience , i always tend to ask for some advices to both of my men and women friends for the reason that i want to know how they decide if they were me. It turns out that they both have different answer and it surprised me because it shows that the rationality of women can be overcomed by their emotion due to much consideration while men are rational and direct to the point which makes their decision less complex but sometimes ineffective due to lack of consideration.
NAM-123MN, well done.
As I watched the video it ended up me thinking how comes it happened in man's brain and does nothing box can really happened in real for men? 🤭 The video is actually very informative and funny it is very interesting because the spokesman really hit the stage. After I watched the video I now totally understand why men sometimes didn't get your instructions literally due to the fact that they have these so called nothing box. I have this brother simply asking what? Huh? How? When I finished discussing all the instructions to him but he ended up saying huh? absolutely he really listening to me but how on earth he didn't get my point despite I ended up repeating my discussion to him so that he can understand.
(GEC123- PQ)
GEC123- PQ, So how many times do you repeat it for him?
++Nothing box relating to someone I know? Actually, this is my first to know this nothing box, and I actually amazed and I think it is true that men have that nothing box, because my father is always like that. It's like he didn't hear my mother after what my mother saying when she is complaining and my father is just get out of the house then nothing, he just there outside sitting in the bench or etc. Now, I know. Women is actually emotional and that nothing in box is the strategy of men to ignore or to do not overact with women because women brain set is "EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED" and I guess it's true. (sap-123pq)
SAP-123PQ, okay.
For me the nothing box is simply like the thoughts of the particular person without even thinking other things. He/she only focuses on that particular things. Maybe he/she is conscious with his/her surroundings but particularly he/she is very focuse on what was he/she is thinking. I know a friend who's thingking just like a nothing box thing accordingly to Mark Gungor's discussion. My friend only focused on one thing that she truly loves to do like solving math problems. Although we are communicating to each other while she was solving math things but honestly speaking she was not listening to me. The funny thing is that I am disturbing her sometimes when she's not listening to what I am saying to her. I'm just empress with that kind of person that only focuses on one particular things in the world. It makes me realize that there are some person whose thinking is just like a nothing box.
NDT-GEC123_Dd, okay.
The vedio is very interesting in terms of different between women and men brains there are opposite what our society have, however I really was related being what inside in the box and so funny the way he demonstrate while he discussed but it is totally truth in our reality, however as what I understand Women tend to remember everything and also men brain that nothing in the box so that I noticed that some of men are they are actually only listen but not to react its seems like ultimately nothing brain, but women we know that can't avoid of being everything to happened tend to remember or more advance but women is very crucial to help what men brain because not all the time the women have the ability to do.
(NLM- GEC123-Ff)
NLM- GEC123-Ff, okay.
++ The video shown the difference on how do women and men think or how do their brain work. Now, I know everytime I asked my brother on something he just answered me different with what I've asked for. It is because men do have this "nothing box" where technically, they don't mind on everything unnecessary.
SMO-GEC123 MN, okay.
++ the nothing box reminds me of my friend 🤷♀️ he was like "if it means to happen then be it" or "if I can't have it then I can't" it feels like he doesn't care about everything, just chill. (NGB- 123MN)
NGB- 123MN, such a chill friend.
++ In this video, I must say that it gives us a realtalk about the difference of womens and men's brain. how they're very different from each other. Nothing box is somehow an idea that refers to how men's are way of thinking. like my brother, even though there is happening in our home like arguing such thing. my brother be like, huh? so?okay. like he don't care about everything. he don't mind on unnecessary thing. in short, men don't pressure themselve in such thing. that's the Nothing box. (MMG- GEC123Dd)
MMG- GEC123Dd, I see.
Well, as for my father when he was alive, Nothing box is real, knowing that my dad has that box. You know, he's just like "Yeah, you good?" And absolutely not talking for the next second. One thing that i can say he was hanging or one who has nothing box was that, when they have an argument with my mom. The chills on him was still there, like nothing really happening at that time. And that was epic, because after my mom argues to him he just basically explaining the fact that the two of them are both wrong and apologized. I found that cool because Men don't really care about everything, but sometimes they have a solution on it.
NAD-GEC123-MN, Ooh I see.
It was really the first time I heard about "nothing box" now I know why some people are just focusing on what they are doing although there's some barriers that might break their concentration. Now I understand why Most of the times my brother and I argue on something but he just don't care like I'm so emotional but he just doing what he does like I'm not in his side arguing with him, I'm just like arguing on my own self 😂
NMD-123MN, Haha I see.
++ In my own perspection about the module 1, I think it talks about the idea of men and women differences and their similarities at the some point. And in regards of Nothing Box, I totally agreed to what the speaker discussed because as I had once encountered with my boy peers when we argued on some things and then he doesnt big deal about it unlike me I have a lot of argue about that things we argued on. So, I think boys tend to say that one word is enough.
(HRF- 123 PQ)
HRF-123PQ, okay.
The video that is being presented is very informative and it will give you a realtalk of everyone’s possess characteristics. In the nothing box that being one of the focal topic about men; where I understand why some of them that I encountered most of the time they did nothing but to listen and without giving any reactions about it. They literally looking at you but absolutely absent minded that is what I understand about the nothing box. They have the place in their characteristics that they can do nothing but still they are breathing and that is irritating as a women, because we intended to always think and connect with other circumstances of our existence. At some point, it enlighten me as a women that not all the time that we push every men to talk and to do things in life because its their nature to have the ability to remain silent and to do nothing and the only thing that we could help about it and to avoid conflict is to be considerate and understandable to them.
SMM-123Ff, good.
The things that i can say about the nothing box in relation to someone I know is he doesn't care for everything likewise he is not thinking anything.
AZB-123Mn, okay.
The idea of nothing box about the men brain from the explanation of Mark Gungor in his video was definitely true. As I have observed from my brothers attitude that every time my mom’s calling one of them they won’t respond rather continue what they are doing, they act like they heard nothing but when they noticed that our mom was angry or irritated that’s the time they will respond to it. Sometimes I just think if my brothers had lack of respect to our parents or they just don’t like to care what’s happening around them. We cannot judge a person especially men by how he act because we didn’t even know what is exactly in their minds.
FSA-123Ff, I see.
I will set an example with the relation between my little brother and the nothing box. As an older sister, of course I would sometimes make my brother do things and he will always complain about doing a pile of work. In result, I got to realize that I can only ask favors from him from time to time and that he wants a huge amount of free time in between his works. There's also chances where he would just stare at something and just be lost with his thoughts that I probably don't know about.
(NRS- 123Ff)
NRS- 123Ff, I see.
Honestly, this is the first time I hear about "nothing box". Now, I understand my brother. 😂 I remember everytime he watched tv then he doesn't care to everything I say. He's just looking at me. 😂😂 that time his having his "nothing box".
AAI-GEC123MN, haha
The vedio is very Interesting. Its very true and quitely funny. All of us can relate to this vedio. Its talk about the brain of a mEn and women and why men anD women think differently. The men's brain filled with boxes, many box. A box that is inside to his brain thinK about abSolutely noThinG. A men discussed and fucosed only to a particular box while women tend to remind everything and thinks a lot. That's why women's brain is very different because everything is connected to everything.
When a women get hurt she remember it forever and Its opposite to men. Men doesn't care
SMS-GEC123Ff, okay.
"nothing box" by Mark Gungor enlightened our eyes to see the different brains had the men and women. It was funny tho but it shows the reality. I have a lot of close friends both men and women and while I am watching the video I also imagine on how the men and women I know that respond to a certain situation and I in my mind I said that "oh it's absolutely true 😂" Mostly, men discuss only on the main topic but women discusses topic with sub- topic so do I. I agree also to what he said that " Women tend to care everything and remember everything" because personally, I easily remembered everything even if it's happened on last 3 years I think . (JAL-123pq)
JAL-123PQ, wow.
++ The topic being discussed was really in real life based on the discussion and the information that the speaker was speaking. Particularly in the difference and semilarities of men and women mindset. For the nothing box, for me I can say that it is true an example for me is my younger brother he is a man that has a few words he may not talk too much, but when he talk it has sense or direct to the point on the topic being discussed with.
ABD-123Pq, I see.
++ The discussions on the Nothing Box was very accurate, it was very well discussed and at the same time it was very entertaining. I can relate the Nothing Box to my brother, because there was a situation where I was very excited telling him a story about something interesting (or I guess interesting just for me hahaha), for a minute I thought he was catching up to what I was saying because he was just on his phone and clearly he can hear me, but as soon as I finished talking and see his reaction... I was dumbfounded to know that he wasn't paying attention at all, not even a single response I recieved from him. Now, upon watching this video particularly on the discussions about Nothing Box, I realized that indeed men don't really care about everything, especially those they think nonsense. Not like women, who do care about everything even those simplest/nonsense things. But I guess, that's just how men and women are.
JAS-123PQ, okay.
++The Nothing Box in relation to some men that someone I know, it is because men have great for status and independence and orientation toward life tends to be outward while women have needs for intimacy and connection, motivated when they feel special or cherished and have perspective tends to be more inwardly directed.
CCSC-123MN, interesting.
@@annsocialnurse8933 Thank you 😍❤
Nothing Box is real, at the first i thought that nothing box was just normal the blood of our family until i watched this video and make me said that it was just not in our family but to all of a women. Me and my brother always do the same thing as Mark Gungor mentioned. All the word that he mentioned was all true, because that always happens to me. and also that "Men have the ability to think about nothing and still Breathing" was true. because i always do that.
M.A.M. - GEC123-Ff
MAM-GEC123-Ff, okay.
Lets get into the fundamental point, as I watched the ‘nothing box’, it brought me to the idea that there is an inequality in general between men and women where in fact, if we are going to clearly see the reality, there should not have any differences since we are all human who have the same mind and heart but since it became our nature that men are more likely to do hard things and women are more likely responsible for many things, people - us, got used to see things in a separate ways. Like for example, my boy bestfriend, we are too close with each other to the point that we treat one another as siblings. I observed that, since we are in opposite gender, we do not have that much common likes in life. He used to just play LAN and online games and chilling out while me got used to handle my study, family problem and house chores. Men do not tend to think of many things in life while women do. (DDI-123Ff)
Isn't your code HMC-123Ff?
I personally like how he discussed the difference of a woman's brain to a man's brain, it was humorous but at the same time informative. As for the Nothing Box, I personally believe that it is true, though I don't understand how it happens. I believe it's true because I have male siblings that sometimes when I discuss something to them, they just stare at me, and I assume they're following, but after I finish discussing to them, they say "ha?" or "huh?" So I have to explain again, but sometimes I tend to get irritated and walk out, and let them understand it on their own. Hahaha.
AMT-GEC123Dd, Haha I see.
I'm regard to this video, I can say that "nothing box" really exist between man and woman. Man and woman really thinks differently specially that most women are always concern with everything around them. As he delivers about the nothing box, it is funny but literally true.
I like how the speaker explain about the nothing box tho.... I laughed so hard it was all true haha.. I remember my boy best friend he is the type of guy so speaks less and care less... He is really the type of person who just don't care about everything... maybe that's the reason why we click him as positive and me as negative... Most of the time I overthink everything... Me as super emotional and overthinker and him as chill carefree guy... I have nothing to say but to agree about mark gungor speech haha girls are undeniable difficult to handle sometimes because of how we think... As mentioned girls brain is like a wire everything is connected to everything else haha... Nothing box as mens favorite box... I also like the shared idea about "men have the ability to think absolutely nothing but still breath " I find it witty tho but I wish I have that traits also so less stress... (JAL-gec123PQ)
JAL-gec123PQ, you're lucky to have a friend like him.
++ the video is actually quite funny and entertaining. Entertaining in a way that everything that the speaker says is totally true. I can relate this situation to my mom and to my dad. My mom really loves to nag. I don't know if she really loves to nag or she just used to it because everytime she saw saw my dad lying in the couch or just lying in the bed it makes her so irritated. It's not just actually in my dad's but in us too. When my mom saw us doing nothing and just using phone all day she starts to nag us and it won't end in just a day 🤣. My father just go outside and return home when he wants to eat and as for us we just don't mind to use our phone in order for us to have a peaceful day without nagging and I realized that women got irritated easily to see someone do nothing and I feel the same way too. 😅
(RTL-123 MN)
RTL-123 MN, good.
++ The video is so interesting the way that it is informative and entertaining. It emphasis the difference between men and women brain. That the women brain is everything connected to everything, they're thinking of everything. While the men are called to be nothing box, nothing inside the box or in their brain. They do not think about everything happens. In conclusion, women are much more stressed than men, women care about everything that resulted them to think everything happens, unlike men that they just focus on what is happening or what they are actually doing, like they do not think on what will happen next or after. However, men are actually caring/thingking about everything but it is hidden like a nothing box that when you open the box you can't see because men are secretive people unlike women that they are much showy of their emotions that causes them to think everything and act like a buzzz daily.
AAH-123Pq, good analyzation!
++ The Nothing box is just like some men I know, it is because men don’t care other things not like women that cares everything and even the smallest thing will become a big deal for us. women stress so much and men don’t stress too much. (HabibaB.Mangontong- 123Ff)
HBM-123Ff, okay.
++Nothing Box in relation to someone i know is my uncle who is addicted to playing the popular game the Mobile Legend, when he play that game he doesn't care to anyone or anything. He always scold by my second uncle who is eldest to him.
NPC-123MN, Okay.
Nothing box is real based on my observation, as I observe in my older brothers that sometimes they have thoughts that are ‘out of the world’ like I just ask myself that ‘how they thought of that ?or how they got that idea?’and that I realized that nothing box really exists, men are wide -minded. But of course women are also wide-minded but it always make sense but sometimes men are wide-minded but not always make sense.
nmm- 123mn
NMN-123MN, okay.
Nothing box for me is somehow an idea that refers to the secret things that a man used to do whenever he fells the attraction that is normally a feeling of a man to inter act with a particular idea that will satisfy his day. This is the need of a man that needs to be fullfil due to its actually a satisfaction that everyone cannot explain. Hence, a man satisfaction must be fullfil in order for him to be more than a man he or anyone's expectations.
MMD-GEC123Ff, I see.
Nothing box do really exist, when you often ask men about something they always tend to reply "huh". I too, frequently do that and encounter a lot in our class discussion. Our teacher ask one of my classmate about our lesson but he replied "huh".
IDM-GEC123Ff, What a classmate.
@@annsocialnurse8933 men will always be men ma'am hehehe
It was really the first time I heard about "nothing box" now I know why some people are just focusing on what they are doing although there's some barriers that might break their concentration. Now I understand why Most of the times my brother and I argue on something but he just don't care like I'm so emotional but he just doing what he does like I'm not in his side arguing with him, I'm just like arguing on my own self 😂
NMD-123MN, that's fine.