Hogwarts Legacy - Ominis Gaunt Voice Clips/Audio Files

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 มี.ค. 2023
  • A total of 273 audio files extracted from "dialogue_ominisgaunt.bnk". I think there might actually be more Ominis lines (including his spellcasting lines and generic Hogwarts NPC student lines?) but I couldn't find them in this particular BNK file.
    Spreadsheet with a transcription of Ominis' voice clips (look at the bottom to switch sheets): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...
    The screenshot used in this video is my own, taken using NVIDIA Ansel.
    #HogwartsLegacy #OminisGaunt #Slytherin
    Ominis Gaunt
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  • @dtk1155
    @dtk1155 ปีที่แล้ว +241

    00:00 (sighs) It's ironic. When I left home, I vowed to leave the Dark Arts behind, yet here I am. Stand back.
    00:06 You might not want the ability to speak Parseltongue. It's often associated with Dark wizards.
    00:13 I'm a Parselmouth - I can hear and speak to snakes. Nearly all known Parselmouths are descended from Salazar Slytherin.
    00:22 It started when you repaired that relief. I hear a whisper saying, 'Speak to me.'
    00:26 I haven't spoken it in ages but I'd wager if I speak it now, the door will open.
    00:31 I'm hoping you're having second thoughts.
    00:34 The Headmaster? Here? What could he want?
    00:36 Professor Black! How are you, sir?
    00:39 I hope we're ready for this.
    00:40 Well, you'd be using it on clothing to be precise, Sebastian. You know it won't work on humans.
    00:47 It's why I said this could be dangerous. Aunt Noctua kept my father informed until she vanished.
    00:53 A-are you alright?
    00:54 Can't imagine how the other professors must be feeling after losing Professor Fig.
    00:58 Sebastian, please. Leave the relic alone. We can find another way to help Anne.
    01:02 You gave me no choice. I had to follow you.
    01:05 No, you're not. If you won't put it back, then I will!
    01:07 Poor Aunt Noctua.
    01:09 Don't get too cocky simply because you had one victory over Sallow. He never backs down from a fight.
    01:14 I can't agree. And I'll not say a word more. I'm sorry.
    01:18 Anything to do with the Dark Arts should be avoided. It's too risky.
    01:21 Imelda's quick, but not just on a broom. Glad you two have become friends.
    01:26 Try lighting the braziers more quickly, one after the other.
    01:29 Sebastian must not be in his right mind!
    01:32 Are you alright?
    01:33 (chuckles) Someone was actually listening.
    01:36 I heard you were quite the spectacle at Summoner's Court. You have some prowess.
    01:42 Perhaps all three braziers need to be lit at the same time.
    01:46 Aunt Noctua said the same. It may take practice to solve it.
    01:50 (sighs) Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us.
    01:53 This is where she died. This is where we'll die. I shouldn't have listened to either of you!
    02:00 Although Anne wanted to turn him in, I think now she's torn. I confess, I know how she feels. As much as we all wanted Sebastian to face the consequences of his actions.
    02:10 At first, he wouldn't believe it. Then he realised it all made sense. Unfortunately, his anger only grew - towards goblins and Dark wizards.
    02:20 She does. Sebastian was my best friend. I can't imagine Hogwarts, or anywhere without him.
    02:31 It will never be the same without him. Just standing here in the Undercroft without Sebastian feels wrong.
    02:39 I know you two had grown close. You were helping each other with more than just finding a cure for Anne. He never gave specifics but I know it was important.
    02:50 I hope so too.
    02:51 I know we had a bit of a rocky start, but you've proven yourself. As a friend.
    02:57 He's been expelled and will soon face trial at the Ministry.
    03:00 He meant - means a lot to us both. I hope we get the chance to tell him that one day.
    03:10 (sighs) We did. I just wished things had turned out differently.
    03:15 I was. Black let me talk to Sebastian before he left.
    03:18 Anne was shocked too - but in some sense, relieved to know the truth about who was responsible. I think it brought her some peace.
    03:25 That insufferable mouthpiece! About time Ferdinand's portrait is gone from The Three Broomsticks.
    03:32 Can't believe this!
    03:33 Hello Sebastian. Wait -
    03:36 We are all in your debt for stopping Ranrok and his Loyalists. Thank you.
    03:40 I know. She was my aunt.
    03:43 The spell won't work unless you mean it. That's true of all Unforgivables. If it must be done, then one of you must cast it.
    03:51 Yes, it is! I thought you knew me better!
    03:55 I can't believe I'm doing this.
    03:56 Revelio may help.
    03:58 This whole place is troubling, but for my aunt's sake we cannot stop now.
    04:02 Wait! Anne, please!
    04:04 You and Everett seem thick as thieves.
    04:05 There weren't this many Inferi before!
    04:07 Whatever lies ahead, we must face it together. That, I know.
    04:12 You sound surprised. We're in a maze designed by Salazar Slytherin.
    04:17 I'm pleased the bells are ringing again.
    04:19 As Anne and I frantically barricaded the Inferi to keep them from escaping, Sebastian kept mumbling about healing Anne.
    04:26 When she first saw the Inferi, she thought Sebastian was being attacked. But then he showed her the relic and said he'd learned how to use it.
    04:34 I need to get to Hogwarts. I must get to Professor Black first. Twist the story a bit, make him think it's a family fight.
    04:40 I'll be back as soon as I can. See if you can talk some sense into Sebastian.
    04:44 When Anne said she couldn't stay here, I didn't realise what she meant.
    04:47 Not exactly. He's controlling them. This is powerful Dark Magic. Creating Inferi is incredibly difficult but controlling them -
    04:57 I was so worried about Sebastian I didn't even realise Anne's gone to get Solomon.
    05:02 My Wiggenweld Potion's utter rubbish. Wish I could just replace it with one from J. Pippin's.

    • @dtk1155
      @dtk1155 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      05:07 There's bound to be a match to the symbols.
      05:09 Between the two of us?
      05:10 That is cause for concern.
      05:12 Do you know what you're doing?
      05:14 The Dark Arts is not something to trifle with.
      05:17 None of that is tolerated around here.
      05:20 Careful. If you spend too much time with Amit, you'll start to like studying.
      05:23 Never imagined we'd attend a funeral for one of our professors.
      05:27 I only wish we could've done the same for Solomon Sallow. I need to go and see Anne soon.
      05:32 So, he cursed her. So cruel! Rookwood got what he deserved.
      05:39 Glad Weasley spoke for Fig. She honoured him. He'll be well-remembered.
      05:46 Thank you for telling me. Anne and Sebastian deserve to know, and it should come from me.
      05:52 As we discussed, I spoke with Black. Sebastian's with the Headmaster now but perhaps there's a way to get word to him. When I find out, I'll send an owl.
      05:59 I heard a rumour that he confronted you outside of Ollivander's. Sounds as if you faced quite a fight.
      06:05 This - this can't be. The night Anne was cursed, all she saw were goblins.
      06:10 Wait, what are you saying?
      06:12 Best news I've heard all day.
      06:13 Please, Sebastian.
      06:15 I meant what I said before. We swear right now never to engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again!
      06:23 Thank you for coming.
      06:24 (laughs) Yes, but I've never heard of a mermaid showing up outside our Common Room window.
      06:29 Not something I'm especially proud of, mind you. He was obsessed with blood status, a pureblood maniac.
      06:36 Well, it's good to have you in Slytherin. Do let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here.
      06:42 (chuckles) You're definitely in the right House.
      06:45 I'm sure. How horrible. I can only imagine.
      06:49 Pleasure was all mine. Don't be a stranger.
      06:51 It is fun to play along though. Been known to keep some first-years on the lookout for hours.
      06:56 Unfortunately, most of his descendants do not fall far from that tree.
      07:00 Ah! Based on all the chatter when you entered the Common Room, I'm guessing you're the new fifth-year. I'm Ominis. Ominis Gaunt.
      07:07 Well, you certainly had a memorable arrival.
      07:10 Do let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here - though I doubt you'll need it.
      07:15 Most certainly. My family on my father's side are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.
      07:22 Poor Sebastian.
      07:24 Honestly can't believe you won all three trials against Imelda. I didn't think she could be beat.
      07:29 I suppose after all this I am grateful to know what happened to her. Thank you.
      07:35 Hold on a moment.
      07:36 Sebastian, not now. We need to get to that scriptorium.
      07:39 Aunt Noctua described this place as a maze. Any detail might help to solve our way through.
      07:45 I hope Sebastian pursues this no further, but if you think he might, please let me know.
      07:52 That's why I can't understand Sebastian's recklessness. I practically lost Anne, I can't lose Sebastian too.
      08:00 Sebastian doesn't even realise it but he's as irresponsible and reckless now as his parents were years ago. It's why they died.
      08:08 Everything to do with Salazar Slytherin seems promising until it's too late.
      08:14 Their parents had crumpled to the floor. A defect with the lamp in the cellar caused the room to fill with an undetectable toxin.
      08:21 It is. That's why I can't understand Sebastian's recklessness. I've practically lost Anne, I cannot lose Sebastian too.
      08:29 Sebastian and Anne were helpless. They had no magic yet.
      08:33 Anne and Sebastian were upstairs when it happened. They heard a sudden crash and ran downstairs but it was too late.
      08:41 I appreciate you telling Sebastian not to keep this from me but going after that relic is not a good idea.
      08:46 Please, avoid anything to do with that spellbook.
      08:52 I'm glad you understand.
      08:53 I know what I heard! You knew I wouldn't agree with this. Going after that relic is not a good idea.
      08:59 Mr. and Mrs. Sallow were professors. Spent nearly every waking moment in the cellar library, noses buried in books.
      09:07 I am not letting this go.
      09:09 Heard you're defending Hogsmeade against trolls. You know there is such a thing as trying too hard.
      09:15 Something is very wrong with Professor Black. Dittany and Bubotuber Pus? Moustache paste?
      09:22 Certainly spending a lot of time with Sebastian, aren't you? Just don't get carried away.
      09:27 What's that smell? Is she growing Pungous Onion again?
      09:31 Painful. That's the part I'm wary of.
      09:34 Lucan Brattleby must've nearly wet himself when you won every single Crossed Wands battle.
      09:39 (speaking Parseltongue)
      09:44 Like a maze. Salazar Slytherin most likely wanted this to be difficult to solve.
      09:49 He told you about that?
      09:51 Of course not. I only know about it because of my favourite aunt Noctua. She thought like I do. Didn't agree with the family on the use of Dark Magic.
      10:00 What is it? What have you and Sebastian been up to now?

    • @dtk1155
      @dtk1155 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      10:03 Hmm. I see what you've done here, and I confess, you've convinced me. I didn't think it possible.
      10:10 In fact, she'd hoped to convince my family that there was more to Salazar Slytherin than worshipping pureblood status.
      10:17 She wrote regularly to my father about her efforts to gain access, and then she simply vanished. No one else ever tried to enter.
      10:25 Very well. I shall tell you what I know. Fetch Sebastian, I'll wait.
      10:29 (sighs) I suppose that makes sense. It's just Sebastian's been pestering me lately about something and I'm frustrated with him.
      10:36 Yes, well. He seems to think it contains the answer to saving Anne. I think it's likely full of Dark Magic that is best left untouched.
      10:43 Aunt Noctua went down this path with good intentions and lost her life. I don't want the same to happen again.
      10:50 She'd heard of this scriptorium and thought its contents might shed some light on him. She even found the secret entrance in this very corridor.
      10:59 Farewell for now. I shall be in touch.
      11:02 We've both heard that before.
      11:03 Before I had time to talk to Black, I heard from Anne. I rushed to Feldcroft and found her with Solomon's body.
      11:10 We'd only be punishing Anne as well. I hope we're doing the right thing.
      11:15 Very well. Leave it to me. I'll tell the Headmaster.
      11:20 I'll talk to Anne. If it comes from me, she'll agree with this decision.
      11:23 I - I understand what you're saying. Perhaps you're right. As much as I believe that Sebastian should pay for his actions -
      11:32 What a mess. I can't believe it. After I last saw you, I went straight to Hogwarts.
      11:38 I don't want to lose Sebastian, but I don't think we have a choice.
      11:44 She was beside herself with grief. Part of her wants Sebastian to face the consequences, another part can't bear the thought of it.
      11:53 Wish I hadn't been. If we do this, we may never see Sebastian again.
      12:00 Be careful!
      12:00 Careful!
      12:01 Watch where you're going there!
      12:02 You again?
      12:03 It's two heads are better than one.
      12:05 Opening the entrance has something to do with threes.
      12:08 I was hoping we'd get a moment to speak.
      12:10 Merlin's - I hope not!
      12:12 That must be the voice I hear.
      12:14 Anne's worried. She said Sebastian promised her that I would be there if she went to meet him in the catacomb. But now he's asking her to join him immediately and to come alone. She says he doesn't sound himself. Meet us at the catacomb as soon as you can. I hope that my quill has conveyed my message clearly.
      12:31 I have news about Sebastian. Meet me in the Undercroft as soon as you can.
      12:35 You don't know when to stop, do you?
      12:37 I'll decide what's for my own good.
      12:39 You're a liar, Sebastian. I heard everything. You swore you'd never engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again.
      12:46 I can't believe we found ourselves trapped in that scriptorium. Never again.
      12:50 We're about to face worse. Let's find Sebastian quickly.
      12:54 Where did you and Natty disappear to? Cressida's been trying to track her down.
      12:58 I hope I - we don't regret this.
      13:01 Search each corridor. It may not be obvious which leads where.
      13:05 I can't believe we're here.
      13:07 I'm glad you came to Hogwarts.
      13:09 Is time a factor? Try lighting all three braziers with Confringo before any have gone out.
      13:15 What are you doing here?
      13:17 You two go ahead. Let me know what's in it. I'll wander around a bit.
      13:20 Pleased Poppy found a friend in you. She won't let you down.
      13:23 I think I shall delay my next trip to Hogsmeade. What with mad trolls on the loose and all.
      13:29 Perhaps not all dials are the same. There may be a different set of symbols for each.
      13:33 All of this could've been avoided.
      13:35 Look in a mirror, Sebastian.
      13:37 Seems Slytherin liked to play games.
      13:39 Unforgivable Curses won't work unless you really mean them. I had to want to cause pain and for that, I shall never forgive myself.
      13:49 I was taught the Cruciatus Curse as a child. My family's tradition involved torturing Muggles.
      13:56 That spell is the reason I have no family left. You and Sebastian will need to sort out another solution.
      14:02 If you witnessed suffering like that at your own hands, you'll never forget it.
      14:09 I'm as guilty as the worst of my family.
      14:12 When I refused, I tasted the agony of the curse myself. Eventually, I did what my family asked.
      14:20 I overheard you and Sebastian and I won't do it. The Cruciatus Curse is pure torture, I would know.
      14:26 Salazar Slytherin did. He's to blame for many unimaginable things.
      14:32 I should've known he would've told you. And one always has a choice.
      14:37 Ferdinand's portrait ended up in The Hog's Head? They'll likely adore the little toadstool over there.
      14:43 The voice is ancient. Sinister.
      14:46 It's a wonder Professor Fig has time to teach a class at all. He never seems to be in the castle.
      14:52 Everything. I heard you encourage Sebastian to take the relic.
      14:57 This is insanity! I can't believe you'd ask this of me.
      15:00 Remember, this is what I was telling you about the Dark Arts. They come with a cost. You may well regret making this choice.

    • @dtk1155
      @dtk1155 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      15:09 (sighs) Go then. Leave with the relic. I'll not say a word more.
      15:14 Fine. If I trust him on this, I'm trusting you too. The Dark Arts seem harmless until it's too late.
      15:21 We need to stand together. Convince Sebastian this is wrong.
      15:25 Something has to. I need your help.
      15:28 Remember, this is what I was telling you about the Dark Arts. They come with a cost. You may well regret making this choice.
      15:37 Good, we're agreed. We don't allow him to leave here with the relic.
      15:41 This is insanity! I can't believe you would ask this of me.
      15:45 I'm sorry. My mind is made up.
      15:48 I'm - I - fine. This is unfathomable. But I suppose if you want that responsibility, it may just save what is left of my friendship with Sebastian.
      16:00 What are you suggesting?
      16:02 What in the world are you suggesting? Imperio?
      16:05 Do what you have to do. Cast it. Before I change my mind.
      16:09 I'm - I - fine. This is unfathomable. But I suppose if you want that responsibility, it may just save what's left of my friendship with Sebastian.
      16:24 I will.
      16:25 I might be. How could I choose to stand by and watch him do this?
      16:29 I feel that's what we agreed to in the scriptorium. I'm being taken for a fool.
      16:34 Everything. I was glad to hear you tell Sebastian to leave the relic.
      16:38 Sebastian makes things sound easy when they could be impossible or dangerous. We need to stop him.
      16:43 That sounded promising.
      16:45 Impressive. Nice work.
      16:47 Sebastian is going to get an earful about this.
      16:49 Sebastian, Anne can't bear the thought of turning you in but -
      16:54 I'll give you some time to think, Sebastian.
      16:56 She's devastated. She just buried your uncle alone.
      17:01 I can't believe it was Rookwood all along.
      17:05 Doubt mermaids find us that interesting.
      17:07 It would mean a lot.
      17:09 We were lucky. We could've died! We must swear never to do this again.
      17:14 No comment.
      17:15 These braziers grant access to the scriptorium.
      17:17 It wasn't you who told me what I needed to hear.
      17:20 Hope I don't regret this.
      17:23 Breaking in, are we?
      17:25 What is it that you're up to?
      17:26 You're quite a covert little thief, aren't you? Well done.
      17:30 She did. And she was my favourite person in the world for it.
      17:34 Then look closely at each gate for clues.
      17:36 I recognize that voice! Heard you talking to Garreth Weasley in Potions class. You're the new fifth year.
      17:42 That rat!
      17:44 I recognize that voice. You're the new fifth-year.
      17:47 You breathe a word about this place to anyone, and not even your precious Professor Fig would be able to help you.
      17:52 I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend, thank you very much.
      17:57 Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?
      18:01 Why should I trust you? You just betrayed Sebastian.
      18:05 Don't lie to me. No one stumbles upon that room. Sebastian told you, didn't he?
      18:12 I know what you meant! Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble. He doesn't need your help.
      18:18 My father is friends with the Headmaster, and I'm not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to.
      18:25 You there! I can hear you!
      18:27 You breathe a word about this place to anyone, not even your precious Professor Fig would be able to help you.
      18:33 My father is friends with the Headmaster. I'm not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to.
      18:40 I should think Professor Garlick would be more careful with her Mandrakes.
      18:43 Go and see Sebastian, before I change my mind.
      18:46 What are you playing at?
      18:48 Be careful, won't you?
      18:49 No one around here is going to stand for that!
      18:51 What in the - what are you trying to do?
      18:54 I imagine the speeds vary and symbols differ for every dial.
      18:57 I've been getting an uneasy feeling about this place. We shouldn't linger here. Let's find a way out, please.
      19:02 Heard you and Sebastian traversed a mountain in Loyalist territory. You know that sort of thing could've got you both killed?
      19:08 Just ahead, in the great room.
      19:10 Taking out your frustrations, are you?
      19:12 Have you broken something?
      19:13 Not sure you need to be quite so destructive.
      19:16 Seems Ranrok's threat was even greater than the most pessimistic I was expected.
      19:21 If you cast Crucio, you will regret it forever.
      19:26 Can't believe Ferdinand's portrait's back in The Three Broomsticks. I thought we were rid of him for good.
      19:31 I'm glad you're here.
      19:32 For the moment. I thought we've gone too far before, but Sebastian is in real trouble now.
      19:38 The place is crawling with Inferi.
      19:40 Stop. You did what you had to do and I agreed. It might well have salvaged my friendship with Sebastian for the moment.
      19:48 (sighs) I should've stopped him before. Sebastian's in real trouble now.
      19:52 Stop! You swore you wouldn't let Sebastian take this one step further. Yet here we are.
      19:58 Inside the catacomb. Frankly, I was surprised you weren't with him.
      20:02 I'm going back into the catacomb to find him. Anne's right, he and the entire hamlet are in danger.
      20:08 Our focus now needs to be Sebastian. He's in trouble.
      20:12 You'll see. We need to hurry!
      20:15 I beg your pardon, sir. I'm simply on my way outside.
      20:18 I - I have to write twenty inches on Dittany and its uses. I was heading to the greenhouse.
      20:23 Are you feeling alright, sir? You don't seem yourself.
      20:27 That didn't sound good.

    • @badlotusxo
      @badlotusxo ปีที่แล้ว +22

      I love the way he said "Are you alright"

  • @kittyjeany
    @kittyjeany ปีที่แล้ว +101

    Meet a boy with the epic name ominis, who is a descendant of salazar slytherin, and you actually meet the nicest and purest soul i could listen to forever

  • @covalinekoya2058
    @covalinekoya2058 ปีที่แล้ว +100

    Sometimes there is this fine shiver in his voice... Amazing voice actor.

    • @Gapetz
      @Gapetz 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      got me acting up

  • @epcza13
    @epcza13 ปีที่แล้ว +217

    Ominis is the nicest Slytherin ever 🥺

    • @vintage1520
      @vintage1520 ปีที่แล้ว +58

      He is nice but he is also very fierce, He wont let anybody step over him.

    • @notoriousalien
      @notoriousalien ปีที่แล้ว +8

      literally the only slytherin i actually like fr

    • @sherryemerson98
      @sherryemerson98 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@vintage1520 Except Sebastian and MC, lol

    • @vintage1520
      @vintage1520 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@sherryemerson98 Nah, he put us on our place too.

    • @iconodule3938
      @iconodule3938 ปีที่แล้ว

      Except maybe Professor Ronen

  • @BigFanOfManyThings
    @BigFanOfManyThings ปีที่แล้ว +77

    The way he shows such affection in his voice for Sebastian. The breathy soft emotional way he says he was his best friend and can’t imagine life without him ❤ such an amazing voice actor. I’d listen to a whole big finish audiobook on the relationship between ominis, Sebastian and OC.

  • @NoaxElyria
    @NoaxElyria ปีที่แล้ว +87

    The order of these kills me XD He's ranting and lamenting about Sebastian and dark magic, then the next line "Revelio may help! :D"

    • @gingergamer3270
      @gingergamer3270 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And then that really emotional line right before how he sucks at potions lol

  • @ChangingPersonality1
    @ChangingPersonality1 ปีที่แล้ว +147

    I love his voice! I wish there was more of it! Ominis is one of the most intriguing characters to me in a long time, and I wish we could have dived further into his backstory or at least gotten a side quest. I was excited when we went into the catacombs together, and then when he said he had to go two seconds later, I was like "excuse me?!"

    • @yestheriverknows4542
      @yestheriverknows4542 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      this is why i use the companions mod, dude needs to get out of the castle fr

    • @Midnight0Mistress
      @Midnight0Mistress ปีที่แล้ว +14

      me too. He's so kind and sweet and has a incredible voice

  • @Robotman
    @Robotman ปีที่แล้ว +150

    Jacob Edwards’ voice is so good ♥️🙏

    • @spinoraptor7776
      @spinoraptor7776 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Mm good to see a fellow Edwards made a mark

  • @3_8Shana
    @3_8Shana ปีที่แล้ว +28

    That "I´m glad you came to Hogwarts" was the cutest thing I´ve ever heard, my heart melted. The voice actor is amazing

  • @VagrantButterfly
    @VagrantButterfly ปีที่แล้ว +225

    you've done us a marvelous service

  • @gianghuynh9570
    @gianghuynh9570 ปีที่แล้ว +138

    Ominis is an indicator of how much the game was cut. He was set up to be such an interesting character but we got so little exposure to him. I always thought that he would have his own involvement in the main story and his own relationship side quest, but naw. Also I was quite shocked to find out that you can join him and Seb in finding Slytherin scriptorium and relics as student from other houses. It would only make sense to do so as a Slytherin and I had assumed the other houses would have their own way of learning the Unforgivables, but naw. Somehow the contents of this game is surprisingly heavier on the Slytherin side. Playing as a Ravenclaw would be the weirdest because none of your house mate has a storyline, and instead you hang out with the snaky boys all the time. And imagine, putting two Weasleys in a game, one being a student and their involvement is lightweight at best.

    • @BldElfPrince
      @BldElfPrince ปีที่แล้ว +21

      I definitely think they had this massive plan and a deadline hit and they cut it off. It really sucks because I definitely agree! Ominis would have been the most amazing and probably best character in the game, and the plot with Sebastian ended so rapidly. As did the main plot.

    • @KeikoLysea
      @KeikoLysea ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I played the game as a Ravenclaw and I have to agree with you. I was so ready for some Ravenclaw buddy action but we got nothing. It doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy the other side stories, but I was a bit disappointed. Ominis became the only reason why I finished the whole Sebastian's crazy adventure, he is really the best and God I wish we had more interactions with him...

    • @annaavertho4944
      @annaavertho4944 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@KeikoLysea Amit? But I also think there was a big plot for Everett and Ravenclaw planned out. It’s hinted that his family is poor and the ending cut scene showed him so much..but we do not get to see what he’s actually most afraid of.
      He also is a great flyer but there is generally something off about why he is a ravenclaw but hates studying and has a general „George and Fred“ vibe.
      There is also something between him and Imelda, they do not get along but there is a bit of respect there as well.

    • @BigRiceEnergy
      @BigRiceEnergy 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@BldElfPrincesomeone on Reddit posted the game files a couple months ago and Ominis was supposed to have his own storyline that was cut

    • @nellekx
      @nellekx 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@BigRiceEnergy we got robbed! an ominis storyline would have been amazing

  • @Gapetz
    @Gapetz ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Omg what accent is this, and why is it so damn attractive, and his voice omg

    • @ComedyLoverGirl
      @ComedyLoverGirl ปีที่แล้ว +30

      His accent is Upper Received Pronunciation, which is possibly the poshest British accent around. Hardly anyone even speaks in that accent naturally, people who speak that way rarefy their accent intentionally. Hence why it comes off so upperclass and refined. Makes sense since the Gaunts are a posh old family. Plus, Ominis is so soft-spoken and breathy, which just makes his voice and accent cuter! Lol.

    • @Gapetz
      @Gapetz ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ComedyLoverGirl thank you soo much!!

  • @joonstuff
    @joonstuff ปีที่แล้ว +22

    There’s something about his voice that keeps me coming back for more. What a great voice actor!

    • @uniyppy
      @uniyppy 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Me too, but not only for the voice. It’s also because of emotions he is able to express and also for that fine, aristocratic upper class dialect. The way he pronounces his words is perfection.

  • @elid3630
    @elid3630 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    I can’t bring myself to turn Sebastian in. Even though I get why what he did was wrong, he’s just a desperate kid. So to hear Ominis talk about Seb being turned in breaks my heart because on the new kids suggestion we just sent Ominis’s best friend to, what might as well be considered literal hell, where he’d probably die rather quickly given how it’s described.

    • @l_288
      @l_288 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      I replied as a hufflepuff and went to azkaban it literally is hell I knew I made the right decision to not turn him in

    • @elid3630
      @elid3630 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      @@l_288 right? People are treating him like he’s a death eater from the original series.
      You can really mean to do something one minute and then once you get what you want regret it immensely.
      I think he truly thought he was protecting Anne by killing his uncle, only to realize after how incorrect he was.

    • @kittycat5972
      @kittycat5972 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Ominis is the only reason why I didn’t turn his ass in (also because I was hufflepuff) guess I’m not one to be easily charmed because the fool manipulated and weasel his way against the wishes of not only the MC, Ominis, and his uncle but Anne as well until he finally went too far.
      Boy was I really tempted to turn his ass in but Ominis convinced me otherwise because who would Ominis have left? Us? The new kid?
      That boy ain’t right, gotta keep an eye on his crazy ass.

    • @SwordmaidenGwen
      @SwordmaidenGwen ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I agree that Sebastian doesn't deserve Azkaban. His uncle was a needlessly cruel and aggressive man. I'd have killed him myself if it was allowed, spare poor Sebastian the guilt and emotional scarring that killing a family member causes.
      There is no excuse for child abuse. I can kind of forgive lazy parenting, neglectful parenting but Solomon crushing his nephew's soul repeatedly for no good reason, gaslighting Sebastian and making him feel guilty for Anne's pain when she says it's random. That's not forgivable.
      If Solomon's years in traumatic service as an auror made him like this then he shouldn't have accepted guardianship of the twins or at least had someone help him. It is irresponsible to take out your frustrations on children.
      That Solomon wasn't in jail is a testament to the corruption in the wizarding world that is present all the way from Harry Potter. The Dursley couple deserved worse.

    • @aferret5
      @aferret5 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@SwordmaidenGwen Thank you! I was cussing at Solomon the moment I heard him talk to Sebastian that way.

  • @ogpattyz2349
    @ogpattyz2349 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I wish Ominis was real

  • @heresfrankbetches921
    @heresfrankbetches921 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    This is perfect, thank you. Unfortunately there are to few of them. I hope we'll get more Ominis in the sequel

  • @Kl8ver
    @Kl8ver ปีที่แล้ว +49

    This is a real service to the community 💚👄💚🔥✨💛 #LoveOminisGaunt

  • @birdsrneat
    @birdsrneat ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Ominis was literally abused as a child when he didn't want to use the curses, they used crucio on him KSSKSKSOWNWKW I need to fight whoever was responsible

  • @GrandTheftDiamonds
    @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Spreadsheet with transcription: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18rxF48P_Wbhn6D92-9tRDee7RX8Z_i2jarBJmZvIgWw/edit?usp=sharing
    If you want to help edit the spreadsheet, contact me.
    Some interesting timestamps:
    05:20 - “Careful. If you spend too much time with Amit, you'll start to like studying.”
    09:22 - “Certainly spending a lot of time with Sebastian, aren't you? Just don't get carried away.”
    09:40 - Speaking Parseltongue
    12:54 - “Where did you and Natty disappear to? Cressida's been trying to track her down.”
    13:20 - “Pleased Poppy found a friend in you. She won't let you down.”

  • @ss-zg7gf
    @ss-zg7gf ปีที่แล้ว +124

    That "don't get carried away" line @ 9:22 both intrigues and confuses me. I wonder if it's meant to be taken as "don't get so carried away that you think you can spend all your time with Sebastian," (in which case, he's implying he's jealous) or "don't get so carried away you do something reckless that nearly gets the both of you killed" (which also makes sense given how the MC has zero qualms about getting into dangerous situations). Thoughts?

    • @coolcat6452
      @coolcat6452 ปีที่แล้ว +48

      Hmm I think it could be both. How I interpret it when he said "certainly spending a lot time with Sebastian aren't you?", he was jealous of us. And then the "just don't get carried away", he was worried and reminding us to not be reckless, because he knew MC and Sebastian both had a propensity for trouble.

    • @ss-zg7gf
      @ss-zg7gf ปีที่แล้ว +19

      ​@@coolcat6452 You are definitely right, it could be both -- which is why it intrigues me so much. The tone of his voice definitely doesn't read to me as being antagonistic in any way, so I'm inclined to believe his concern for their safety is also coming through despite him feeling jealous (and understandably so, considering Sebastian is his oldest friend and the only one he has left at that point). I only wonder why they chose to cut it from the game, and in what scenario it was meant to come up.

    • @elid3630
      @elid3630 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      I think a little of both as well. However, the latter portion is a bigger reason than the jealousy, for me, since going back to what Ominis says to us when we’re coming out of the undercroft for the first time, “Sebastian gets himself into enough trouble he doesn’t need your help”. Us spending so much time with Sebastian and both of our propensities to running into danger and the encouragement the mc and Seb give to one another are definitely stronger reasons to say “don’t get carried away” than just jealousy alone.

    • @epcza13
      @epcza13 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@elid3630 that makes me realize that Sebastian and the mc are horrible together. Reminds me of my husband and his best friend hyping each other up to do stupid shit while I’m the one who has to be the voice of reason. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like that’s what ominis does.

    • @elid3630
      @elid3630 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@epcza13 oh Ominis is definitely the voice of reason! He’s had first hand experience with the dark arts and has to stand by while his best friend and the new kid go down a dark path. Granted, we can choose to not side with Sebastian but that also means actively choosing not to help him attempt to cure Anne. And by god did we give it the old Slytherin try.

  • @NicoleRees-pw5gg
    @NicoleRees-pw5gg 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Oh Ominis I’m always love you 💚🐍💚

  • @Jedi_With_Aesthetic
    @Jedi_With_Aesthetic 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Theory: his family intentionally blinded him so he could be immune to the basilisk gaze at birth he was groomed to be the original heir to Slytherin and release the basilisk onto the school however due to his feelings towards dark magic I feel like his family will cast the Imperius Curse on him in an attempt to unleash the basilisk using him obviously this attempt has to fail but that is how they could include a mission that involves the chamber of secrets in a sequel

  • @yestheriverknows4542
    @yestheriverknows4542 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    y’all thought it was over? ominis being babygirl
    4:17 bbg likes the bells make them ring year round rn
    9:09 sass 🙄
    9:22 jealous jealous jealous boyyy
    9:34 the way he says this 😭hype man fr
    13:07 🥺
    17:42 that RAT!!!
    19:10 we stress him out

  • @rowinchester5952
    @rowinchester5952 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Ominis speaking Parseltongue 🐍🐍
    Enjoyed the video/audio.
    I'm so glad we got 2 great Slytherins and not just blood supremacists and villains like before. Sebastian and Ominis are the best characters in Hogwarts Legacy, hands down!

  • @gerardovicentemartinezsala4088
    @gerardovicentemartinezsala4088 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    First a life full of Slytherin brats and blood supremacists… and then Hogwarts Legacy gives Ominis and Sebastian.

    • @ComedyLoverGirl
      @ComedyLoverGirl ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's awesome they did. They gave us characters who are Slytherins for very good reasons, but are not villainous.

  • @clarice666
    @clarice666 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    3:51 this was so good!! So emotional and well acted! Too bad they took those lines out...

  • @tatsianaantukh2262
    @tatsianaantukh2262 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    One of the best voice actors of the game. He did so great job❤
    Thank you for sharing it to us~

  • @ss-zg7gf
    @ss-zg7gf ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Bless you for compiling this for us ~ ❤

  • @ComedyLoverGirl
    @ComedyLoverGirl ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This is a great collection. I can't believe he only has 20 minutes of lines. We need so much more time with Ominis.

  • @noratokunaga7333
    @noratokunaga7333 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I had lots of cutscenes running through my mind while hearing this😂 it was like in a speedy flashbacks😂 LOVE IT! Thank you!

  • @user-qb1xd4mt4k
    @user-qb1xd4mt4k 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    thank you so mush❤

  • @Chaotelicon
    @Chaotelicon ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I'd really love a compilation of enemy voice lines. I'm done spending hours juggling every enemy around and figuring every special line.

  • @Gapetz
    @Gapetz ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you for making these!!! Jacob edwards voice i so good, hope you make mire of his characters

  • @thesoulofdark
    @thesoulofdark ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Dude i have a strong urge to protect

  • @tailtwitch4581
    @tailtwitch4581 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Could listen to his voice for hours ngl

  • @mercurymoon16
    @mercurymoon16 ปีที่แล้ว +8


  • @julpflaumi7591
    @julpflaumi7591 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I want more Ominis content 😔✋️

  • @thewinner7382
    @thewinner7382 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Ugh there's so many voice lines not used. Wish the game was much more expansive and immersive 😭

  • @captaintweet4221
    @captaintweet4221 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you, great hero.

  • @ominisxxx
    @ominisxxx ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you Dear 😍😍😍

  • @fuhue
    @fuhue หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    im pleased the bells are ringing again ^_^

  • @AviliLeahya
    @AviliLeahya ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Anyone else stumble on Ominis talking about having a little sister starting as a first year? He was talking to a Ravenclaw about it and its all I can think about now.

    • @GrandTheftDiamonds
      @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Those are actually generic NPC lines, because his voice actor also happens to voice the generic NPC students: th-cam.com/video/zctGum3Z0T0/w-d-xo.html

    • @AviliLeahya
      @AviliLeahya ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@GrandTheftDiamonds Its curious tho, since I had actually followed Ominis up to that Ravenclaw. Thank you, I shall now check out this link!🤔

  • @vintage1520
    @vintage1520 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I love him so much!!!!!!!!!!! My king.

  • @RanattaYnon
    @RanattaYnon ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thanks for the angelic lullaby 😌💕 I hope we can find more. I remember when I heard him say "Greeting" for the first time I thought he said to the MC but he just said to a random student 😂 But I really love the tone of his voice saying that. idk it sounds posh to me somehow. Sadly, I can't find it. Anyway, for Sebastian he will say sth like "How are you doing?" if I remember it correctly?

  • @beatleslove27
    @beatleslove27 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you so much

  • @jusp2900
    @jusp2900 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    18:51 when playing - the bombarda & confrigo-ing the boxes and crates in the undercroft all over Ominis after talking to him had me LOL for ages 😁

  • @devilsdeckofcards
    @devilsdeckofcards ปีที่แล้ว +7

    the lines sound less dramatic without background boss music lol

  • @ceres.42
    @ceres.42 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you so much for these videos! I would love to see one for Aesop Sharp too 😊😊

    • @GrandTheftDiamonds
      @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Your wish has been granted: th-cam.com/video/fKtfKoJWXRE/w-d-xo.html

  • @FrancineLi
    @FrancineLi ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you

  • @ruaiori
    @ruaiori 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I accidentally heard a line which he warned peeves not to burn his robe while playing that fire mischief, but i cannot find the line here. I wonder if there are some more hidden lines in the game?

  • @roxannedeguzman9258
    @roxannedeguzman9258 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The 09:22 😭🤭😭❤

  • @ladydarlings
    @ladydarlings 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you ❤

  • @21songwriter
    @21songwriter 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    oh our soft snake 🥺

  • @hayima
    @hayima ปีที่แล้ว +30

    This is really great thanks! I’m wondering if you’ll do something similar for Poppy and Natty?? ☺️

  • @amelia.swanson
    @amelia.swanson ปีที่แล้ว +5

    weird question but can this be done w the player character's voice lines as well? obviously there would be way more so it's daunting but i'm just wondering!

  • @platzstarlight
    @platzstarlight ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I played this game for 100 hours but I didn't know Ominis sounded like this. I played it in Japanese and his voice is deeper than this and without the accent.

    • @thewinner7382
      @thewinner7382 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      His voice is lovely and delicate in the English version.

  • @serpentiaS
    @serpentiaS ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can you tell me how can you extract to get these audio files and what program you use to extract it (QwQ)

  • @victoriapiva3467
    @victoriapiva3467 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @ComedyLoverGirl
      @ComedyLoverGirl ปีที่แล้ว

      Haha I read that in the voice of the snake who spoke to Harry in the zoo.

  • @victoriapiva3467
    @victoriapiva3467 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Ominis has some lines when he talks with other box students something about toads and beautification potions. Could you post it too please? Thanks

    • @GrandTheftDiamonds
      @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +23

      I think you mean this one? th-cam.com/video/w_HX2N4F3-c/w-d-xo.html
      I don't count them as Ominis' lines though. They're not listed as part of the 273 audio files compiled in his BNK (which is actually named "dialogue_ominisgaunt.bnk") - if they were, I would've included them here. I couldn't even find which file directory or BNK those files are located in. They're just generic NPC chatter that you can also hear other Hogwarts students saying.

    • @victoriapiva3467
      @victoriapiva3467 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@GrandTheftDiamonds yah thanks really

  • @kkajihara321
    @kkajihara321 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There’s something about the way he pronounces consonants, like he sounds so sultry.

  • @ominisxxx
    @ominisxxx ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can you make another video Mod Ominis or Amit please 😢

  • @deadlyponys8096
    @deadlyponys8096 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    When i first played, i entered it with a mindset of "I hope there will be at least one Slytherin character that i'll like" because i never liked any Slytherins as a child, but when i met Sebastian i almost kissed that hope goodbye, (I know there are A LOT of people that love him, and that's fine, i just personally didn't find the charm in him)
    But when i met Ominis i was thrown completley off guard. Of course, during the first meeting i was like "This guy's a jerk" since he yelled and threatened me (For understandable reasons, i know) but later on he really grew on me, perhaps a bit too much then the game expected because all i actually wanted was to hang out with Ominis and not Sebastian. And his voice? Man i could listen to him talk all day!

  • @ultra6795
    @ultra6795 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Imelda is quick and not just on a broom????

    • @VagrantButterfly
      @VagrantButterfly ปีที่แล้ว +21

      quick wit

    • @rootEnginear
      @rootEnginear ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @minamina6112
      @minamina6112 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Quick with her snarky mouth

    • @spinoraptor7776
      @spinoraptor7776 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      There’s something more than a guardian Angel when it comes to Ominous

  • @zemoi
    @zemoi ปีที่แล้ว +4

    1:21 😭😂

  • @Babys-Interior
    @Babys-Interior ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Aaaaaand here I go with ai voice ^_^

  • @johnsteadman9002
    @johnsteadman9002 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I still can't believe this is sebastian croft from heartstopper

    • @joanneparkin5389
      @joanneparkin5389 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This isn't Sebastian croft it is Jacob Edwards. Sebastian croft is the male voice of the player character

    • @johnsteadman9002
      @johnsteadman9002 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@joanneparkin5389 ohh

    • @joanneparkin5389
      @joanneparkin5389 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@johnsteadman9002 thank you

    • @johnsteadman9002
      @johnsteadman9002 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@joanneparkin5389 for??

    • @joanneparkin5389
      @joanneparkin5389 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@johnsteadman9002 nevermind i haven't played the game but i have researched it