Absolute top bloke. Im not sure you realise how many blokes can relate to you and for that short amount of time you are on their screens, help them through some dark clouds. 💚
Absolutely agree. A Yorkshireman myself and a landscaper and same hobbies. Very relatable. And your videos really make you feel like ya know each other if that makes sense. Love that your back up in Yorkshire and back out again bud. Keep them coming
Paul, love your content and especially your commitment to speaking openly on mental health. I could literally see it in your eyes near the end when you started to struggle. You started looking sideways instead of directly at the camera. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has issues but most people don’t have the balls to talk about it. Hats off to you mate.
Mate you make these videos with so much heart. My da was a waller so respect to the chat you had with that chap. A lot of these guys live in their head most of their working lives and just to hear people give gratitude to their work is immense. Love the journey you always seem to bring us on!!
You are one of my favourite youtubers😁. Your style of presenting, sense of humour and enthusiasm is second to none. Your videos never fail to entertain, keep up the good work.👍
Yorkshireman of the Year Award. For showing Strength, Determination and sharing with the world, how beautiful and varied the landscape of Yorkshire is and for following a path travelled by your Grand Parents before you. Well done. 🙏
I thought...I havent got and hour and ten minutes now to watch this...........70 minutes later !!....Thanks Paul that was great mate. Hope youre feeling better in all ways after that marathon. And youve given me another reason to drink Guinness, like I needed one. Cheers.
Hazy......you are absolutely loved. What a great walk. I'm Scottish born and bred but York has seen my 21st, honeymoon, 30/35/40/45/50th birthdays plus loads of Dad & Wife landmarks.. You are absolutely brilliant mate. What a superb adventure you've posted. Life affirming joyousness❤❤❤❤
My claim to fame. I made the 999 call to the fire brigade on spotting the fire in the minster. Was staying at a mate’s house on the end of Stonegate. You’re welcome.
Haze mate your videos are a breath of fresh air and great to reset the old “noodle”. Hope to cross paths on trail one day! You are a men’s mental health champion and help so many of us! Big up lad. 💪👊
Hazey, thank you. I'm adrift in the centre of an ocean of depression at this point of my life. This video, this journey that you've shared, is the fair wind I needed to sail me onward. No point in turning back, might as well push on. Cheers mucker. Needed this today. 🤙🏻👌🏻
One of my favourite video's. Just listening to you just being you is so refreshing , no false facade just a yorkshire bloke on an adventure. You did the right thing dodging the cows lol I went to do an overnighter next to a river planning on doing some fishing and i got the tent up in a field next to the river bank ,made a bacon butty and and went for a reccy for a good spot to fish. I had to scramble under some barb wire to get up to the bank got to the top of the bank,looked to my right and a bloody huge cow was barrelling towards me less than 20metres away. I spun round to get out the way i came and crooked my ankle and just dropped to the floor in agony ...but i was back under that barb wire proper commander style 🤣 Ankle in agony i crawled through thistles and nettles got back to the tent and planned to just settle down ,chill and go to sleep. Well an hour later as dusk was settling i bottled it. All i kept thinking about was the bloody cows and the two rickety bits of barb wire that seperated us and i convinced myself that if i stayed id wake up to find myself in some Stepen King mad cow horror shit show 🤣🤣🤣.
This was epic, Hazey. Definitely a very spiritual journey, for both you, and myself. Never a dull moment, stunning scenery along with your daft but deep personality shining through in the narration. Fabulous. Thank you. Don’t stop doing what you do, it brings light to people who need it.
Don't really comment on your videos. But just wanted to say that as a bloke who has internal struggles with their thoughts, I'm really grateful for your content. Always an enjoyable watch and I love the beautiful quaint countryside villages we can view from your perspective. It really helps me and brings some peace. Thanks mate, keep strong. We all enjoy your videos more than you'll ever know 👍
I had pheasant eggs when my parents had a cock and 3 hens as pets when I was little, the pheasants egg yolk is much more orange than a hens egg and they taste delicious, really enjoyed this video, thank you for taking us on the journey with you 👍😊
First one was a dyers polypore wasn't it. Second one was either a past it cotw or a blackening polypore. I'm sure the first one was velvety and a dyers mate. 💜🤙🏽
Great video, my son attends York Uni, so I visit a lot and we hike around the city, so recognised a few places. A year or two ago we visited the pub, and church in Lastingham, it has an amazing crypt.
Fantastic video. "Glorious Whitby!!" Love the longer video. No one can banter like you Paul. Watched from beginning to end. Love the chat with the waller and genuine interest. Sending love and big hugs. PJ (Pauline) and Henry my doggy. 🎉❤
Now then fella. A very enjoyable film, and in an area I regard as my extended back yard. You had my lad laughing out loud so many times during this, I think you have another fan. Al
Well done Haze - as you might have said; it was as long as it needed to be; appreciate that you go there... to the hard places in the mind and share it openly! When you visit these places I have been to myself like York Minster and Skye and ... love it! Keep it up; we are all looking forward to the next one and think of the treks you have done as we walk our flood control urban jungles and wish we were there! Cheers Haze for all you do.
Another great, unpretentious, down to earth account of your experience. Particularly enjoyed the very short but knockout Shadowfax scene. Worth the watch just for that! Keep plodding and posting. It brings a smile.
Loved the video, particularly the conversation with the dry stone waller. Your videos always make me laugh and provide inspiration for my next adventure. If you ever get down, think about how much joy you bring to others. Thank you! 😊
Great stuff mate. So many epic little bits in there. The shed in the garden, the guy building the wall, and the bit about meditation. As someone who has struggled with mental health for decades, and to a degree still does. Meditating definitely helps! You’re making a difference mate. Just know that!
Absolutely loved this. I didn’t even know there was this walk. From the best city in the world to the best seaside town in the world. Defo gonna do this. Still miss seeing you running on the cycle track in tang hall.
Mr Haze, fab video as usual. Great content, funny in parts, inspiring and fantastic scenery. The drystone waller, what a superb piece of work, to be appreciated. Pleased ankle held up and noggin in a good place. TGO is the best medicine for mind and body....as you say, tough at times....but is worth it. The beers were well deserved. Thanks again for the time, effort in producing, editing and putting these videos out there. All the best, keep strong.
Great video pal and gave me some inspiration to do this walk. We all have a few dark thoughts, some more than others but achievements like this make it easier. Love your channel from a fellow yorkshireman.
Loved that Hazy. From the 'Theresa May running through a field of wheat.....' recreation right to the bit where you bottled it when confronted by a young heifer 🤣😂
Just discovered your channel, I’m hooked! I’m from Harrogate and love York & Whitby and would ADORE doing this but I’m disabled. I’ll never get the chance so I can enjoy watching you have all the fun 😂
As always you are a pleasure to watch. You've deffo inspired me to get out more, me and a friend are doing the coast to coast next month which I'm soo giddy for. Any tips will be appreciated buddy. Big love you beautiful badger from me all the way down in glorious Cornwall x
I’ve had a laugh and a cry with this one. From Shadowfax’s bosted brother, through to the 5p pint. Makes me wish I could give a vid more than one thumbs up.
Loved this one!! So rare to see someone be honest like this, appreciate that so much! Sometimes lots of time alone or doing big hikes alone IS tough on your mind, doesnt mean overall its not been class! The walk down the fairy trail and beyond towards haxby is one of my fave in york, so mint to know i could keep going all the way to whitby! Might have to try this one when all the cows are back indoors 😅
Another amazing vid Hazey! You never fail to cheer me up “if you were hunting me this is where you’d get me” 😂😂😂 I also appreciate that you make me feel it’s ok to feel a bit crap sometimes. Take care mate.
Nah then, ey up me duck. Really enjoyed this one me owd. I was adopted as a baby and I'm sure my birth father was a Yorkshireman, always felt an odd affinity for the place. You're absolutely nob on about going with your gut instinct. 58-years-old and I reckon my gut instinct has pretty much always been right. Ay a good'un fella 🤜🤛💚
Reminds me of my first day of the Cumbria way. Cows started getting aggy and I ended up on top of a drystone wall shouting "I've got the upper ground! Why don't you just Eff off!" 😂
What a beautiful way to spend an evening well done Paul what an amazing adventure, laughing along with you all the way. When I'm out rambling I have a dog who joins me them cow fields and farm yards are extra worrying for me 😂 the heart does race some times , big thanks for sharing with us
enjoyed this so much. I am planning to walk from my mother' in laws in York to her aunts in Burniston by combining sections of the Whiby Way, Cleveland Way, and Lyke Wake Walk. I wasn't really sure about getting out of York and onto the moors but this video has convinced me its feasible. Brilliant work very entertaining and informative. Thanks!
The upside down crow 😅😅 I’d be freaked out medic They would be coffee shop worker these days 😂😂😂😂 made my day only Haze could come out with that banter galore ❤
Mate, I had to stop and comment after you nearly made cider come out of nose with that bedraggled-looking llama !! 🤣Top drawer vid........loving it....great Haze vibes
I must admit walking paths over farm land I tend to carry pruners to cut back branches, bramble etc especially around stiles and gates. enjoyed your video
Prefer the long ones, would rather watch a 1hr10 journey than the same journey separated into three 20 minute parts. Keep up the great work. Your editing has definitely gotten better, nice and sharp and snappy.
Absolute top bloke. Im not sure you realise how many blokes can relate to you and for that short amount of time you are on their screens, help them through some dark clouds. 💚
That really helps me mate thank you 🙏
Well said.
Amen to that. Take care Hazy. Much ❤
I second that
Absolutely agree. A Yorkshireman myself and a landscaper and same hobbies. Very relatable. And your videos really make you feel like ya know each other if that makes sense. Love that your back up in Yorkshire and back out again bud. Keep them coming
Tom (the wall builder) is committed old school, a job is done properly no matter how long it takes, what a great guy ❤
Agreed mate. I hope he’s getting paid his worth 🙏
That wall will be there longer than any of us! A good man!
Still makes me chuckle every time he shouts medic lol the joy of a joke that keeps giving 😂
The best notification on TH-cam! A new Hazy. Let's bat on ...
Bat on brother…. Bat on
@@HazeOutdoors bat on ...or stop for a Guinness and a night in a Wendy House. Either way, it's the right decision 😎
@@HazeOutdoors we need a new Haze Outdoors t-shirt old sock. 'Leave no trace...and bat on' Alternatively, simply 'keep batting on'.
Paul, love your content and especially your commitment to speaking openly on mental health. I could literally see it in your eyes near the end when you started to struggle. You started looking sideways instead of directly at the camera. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has issues but most people don’t have the balls to talk about it. Hats off to you mate.
Hear Hear, Perfectly put :)
Brilliant, poignant , heart felt, warm and supporting, whilst expressing doubts and vulnerability. Best hour of the internet this week for sure.
😂 loving the pan around to the Llama....."what the......" pure comedy moment 😂.
That was a disabled horse
@@HazeOutdoors the stunning Shadowfax would look at home on a Stubbs, where as the 'disabled horse' 👍resembled a 2 year olds sketch of a Great Dane 😂
@@HazeOutdoors hahahha😅
Mate you make these videos with so much heart. My da was a waller so respect to the chat you had with that chap. A lot of these guys live in their head most of their working lives and just to hear people give gratitude to their work is immense. Love the journey you always seem to bring us on!!
Man: "Are ya camping then?...."
Hazy: " Yeah . . . . ." (didnt tell him he had a 4 course lamb feast and a cozy cabin the night previous!!!!)
You are one of my favourite youtubers😁. Your style of presenting, sense of humour and enthusiasm is second to none. Your videos never fail to entertain, keep up the good work.👍
Very kind mate thank you 🙏
One top man/ video, would love to join you on a walk
Yorkshireman of the Year Award. For showing Strength, Determination and sharing with the world, how beautiful and varied the landscape of Yorkshire is and for following a path travelled by your Grand Parents before you. Well done. 🙏
‘Wouldn’t mind getting in a few more miles so it’s less of a nightmare’ 😂
I thought...I havent got and hour and ten minutes now to watch this...........70 minutes later !!....Thanks Paul that was great mate. Hope youre feeling better in all ways after that marathon. And youve given me another reason to drink Guinness, like I needed one. Cheers.
Best 1:10:22 times I've had in quite a while. Thanks Haze!😊
You are just a bloody natural on camera. Love your videos nearly as much as being out on a walk myself.
Stay strong and keep smiling Paul. I feel blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being you.
‘zap my plum!’😂
Just loved this video after a hard day welding and felt a long day got home got a cold beer and just watched this brilliant nice one thanks
Hazey, that was absolutely magnificent. I can’t thank you enough for spending your time making videos like that. You are an inspiration. Much love
Really enjoyed this one Paul, loved the WTF moment when the llama made an appearance.
Thanks for the upload mate.
Great video Mr Haze you are one of this worlds most wonderful creatures
Hazy......you are absolutely loved. What a great walk. I'm Scottish born and bred but York has seen my 21st, honeymoon, 30/35/40/45/50th birthdays plus loads of Dad & Wife landmarks.. You are absolutely brilliant mate. What a superb adventure you've posted. Life affirming joyousness❤❤❤❤
This was one of your best videos! Thanks for letting us tag along. ❤
If you want a cozey cabin and a few scoops,do it and F ‘‘em All.Great channel mate!
My claim to fame. I made the 999 call to the fire brigade on spotting the fire in the minster. Was staying at a mate’s house on the end of Stonegate.
You’re welcome.
When I see you have dropped a new video I get a huge smile on my face as I know I am in for a treat!!!
Haze mate your videos are a breath of fresh air and great to reset the old “noodle”. Hope to cross paths on trail one day! You are a men’s mental health champion and help so many of us! Big up lad. 💪👊
Hazey, thank you. I'm adrift in the centre of an ocean of depression at this point of my life. This video, this journey that you've shared, is the fair wind I needed to sail me onward. No point in turning back, might as well push on. Cheers mucker. Needed this today. 🤙🏻👌🏻
Loved that video. Loads of waffling, mushrooms, getting lost and smiles. Love that out of you 🫵🏻👌🏻⛺️
One of my favourite video's. Just listening to you just being you is so refreshing , no false facade just a yorkshire bloke on an adventure.
You did the right thing dodging the cows lol I went to do an overnighter next to a river planning on doing some fishing and i got the tent up in a field next to the river bank ,made a bacon butty and and went for a reccy for a good spot to fish. I had to scramble under some barb wire to get up to the bank got to the top of the bank,looked to my right and a bloody huge cow was barrelling towards me less than 20metres away. I spun round to get out the way i came and crooked my ankle and just dropped to the floor in agony ...but i was back under that barb wire proper commander style 🤣 Ankle in agony i crawled through thistles and nettles got back to the tent and planned to just settle down ,chill and go to sleep. Well an hour later as dusk was settling i bottled it. All i kept thinking about was the bloody cows and the two rickety bits of barb wire that seperated us and i convinced myself that if i stayed id wake up to find myself in some Stepen King mad cow horror shit show 🤣🤣🤣.
This was epic, Hazey. Definitely a very spiritual journey, for both you, and myself. Never a dull moment, stunning scenery along with your daft but deep personality shining through in the narration. Fabulous. Thank you. Don’t stop doing what you do, it brings light to people who need it.
Don't really comment on your videos. But just wanted to say that as a bloke who has internal struggles with their thoughts, I'm really grateful for your content. Always an enjoyable watch and I love the beautiful quaint countryside villages we can view from your perspective. It really helps me and brings some peace. Thanks mate, keep strong. We all enjoy your videos more than you'll ever know 👍
I really appreciate you commenting mate. I helps me more than you know 🫡💚
There is only one word that suits you Paul, you my friend are a LEGEND
Those moors are enchanted--wish we had 'em in the States! Thanks for sharing!
If your partner looks at you the way Hazey looks at a lock and latch, you’ve got a keeper!
Mate that was brilliant, didn't want it to end, I'm hoping to do this walk next year thank you and all my best wishes
Dont usually comment on any youtube videos. But just wanted to say i love your content and keep fighting them demons... x love x
I really so appreciate that mate and do my best 🩵
I had pheasant eggs when my parents had a cock and 3 hens as pets when I was little, the pheasants egg yolk is much more orange than a hens egg and they taste delicious, really enjoyed this video, thank you for taking us on the journey with you 👍😊
Thanks for that. I wonder why we don’t see them in fancy restaurants 🤔
First one was a dyers polypore wasn't it. Second one was either a past it cotw or a blackening polypore.
I'm sure the first one was velvety and a dyers mate. 💜🤙🏽
Great video, my son attends York Uni, so I visit a lot and we hike around the city, so recognised a few places. A year or two ago we visited the pub, and church in Lastingham, it has an amazing crypt.
Brilliant video Hazy mate.
I love Whitby, we go every year. It holds a very special place in my heart.
Fantastic video. "Glorious Whitby!!" Love the longer video. No one can banter like you Paul. Watched from beginning to end. Love the chat with the waller and genuine interest.
Sending love and big hugs.
PJ (Pauline) and Henry my doggy. 🎉❤
Now then fella. A very enjoyable film, and in an area I regard as my extended back yard.
You had my lad laughing out loud so many times during this, I think you have another fan.
Well done Haze - as you might have said; it was as long as it needed to be; appreciate that you go there... to the hard places in the mind and share it openly! When you visit these places I have been to myself like York Minster and Skye and ... love it! Keep it up; we are all looking forward to the next one and think of the treks you have done as we walk our flood control urban jungles and wish we were there! Cheers Haze for all you do.
Another great, unpretentious, down to earth account of your experience. Particularly enjoyed the very short but knockout Shadowfax scene. Worth the watch just for that! Keep plodding and posting. It brings a smile.
Love you hazy, too real. Your videos really help my head, thank you for doing what you do and sharing what you share, it means an awful lot.
Another great hike mate, top man, so relatable and honest, spreading great vibes. Happy hiking.
Few prettier places in the world than Whitby. Stunning. (Lovely tent)
Loved the video, particularly the conversation with the dry stone waller. Your videos always make me laugh and provide inspiration for my next adventure. If you ever get down, think about how much joy you bring to others. Thank you! 😊
Superb watching. Cheers and stay well!
wonderful video! the random llama killed me lol. Hope you're doing ok
Great stuff mate. So many epic little bits in there. The shed in the garden, the guy building the wall, and the bit about meditation. As someone who has struggled with mental health for decades, and to a degree still does. Meditating definitely helps!
You’re making a difference mate. Just know that!
What a great vid this is. That bloke doing the wall - that’s what it’s all about man. Meeting interesting folks like that. Love it ❤
Stunning that Paul absolutely stunning. Well done and big respect 🙌🙏
Thanks again, That Drystone Wall was a work of Art, Phill
Thank you for the medicine when I needed it most. 🐝💪
Absolutely loved this. I didn’t even know there was this walk. From the best city in the world to the best seaside town in the world. Defo gonna do this. Still miss seeing you running on the cycle track in tang hall.
I've now completed the C to C and the Herriot way, both inspired by your good self. I'm adding this one to my bucket list. Excellent video, as always.
Enjoy mate!
Mr Haze, fab video as usual. Great content, funny in parts, inspiring and fantastic scenery. The drystone waller, what a superb piece of work, to be appreciated. Pleased ankle held up and noggin in a good place. TGO is the best medicine for mind and body....as you say, tough at times....but is worth it. The beers were well deserved.
Thanks again for the time, effort in producing, editing and putting these videos out there.
All the best, keep strong.
So good. Never doubt your ability to engage with us.
Great video pal and gave me some inspiration to do this walk. We all have a few dark thoughts, some more than others but achievements like this make it easier. Love your channel from a fellow yorkshireman.
A classic ! One of your best!
Great lines, bants, chats & thoughts. Thank-you.
What’s better than a Hazey half hour? 2 of them back to back! Thanks for bringing us along mate. Lovely stuff as always!
Outstanding mate, classic Hazey! Unbelievable Jeff ... I nearly choked on me bourbon cream, haha. Totally superb from minute one.
Loved that Hazy. From the 'Theresa May running through a field of wheat.....' recreation right to the bit where you bottled it when confronted by a young heifer 🤣😂
You can’t beat the Yorkshire country side,Great walk Mr Haze,enjoyed that.
"Shadowfax! Stunning specimen... What the f -"
I sprained myself.
Poor alpaca
You are amazing, thank you for taking us along, I loved it 👏👏👏To you.
Brilliant vid...this bloke is a true legend
Just discovered your channel, I’m hooked! I’m from Harrogate and love York & Whitby and would ADORE doing this but I’m disabled. I’ll never get the chance so I can enjoy watching you have all the fun 😂
Thank for that mate. Harrogate is a lovely place too 🫡
I'm in Harrogate too lol,small world as they say!!!!😊
Back to what you're good at Mr Haze🍻
As always you are a pleasure to watch. You've deffo inspired me to get out more, me and a friend are doing the coast to coast next month which I'm soo giddy for. Any tips will be appreciated buddy. Big love you beautiful badger from me all the way down in glorious Cornwall x
Great video pal don't under estimate what walking 24 miles can do to your brain it's bloody challenging an emotional roll acoaster 😊
Great stuff, up in God’s county.
Happy to see you out doing what you love mate. You’re an inspiration.
Shadowfax and the 5p man, highlights for me. What a walk!
A proper journey. For the mind and the soul. Stay good 👍
I’ve had a laugh and a cry with this one. From Shadowfax’s bosted brother, through to the 5p pint. Makes me wish I could give a vid more than one thumbs up.
Loved this one!! So rare to see someone be honest like this, appreciate that so much! Sometimes lots of time alone or doing big hikes alone IS tough on your mind, doesnt mean overall its not been class!
The walk down the fairy trail and beyond towards haxby is one of my fave in york, so mint to know i could keep going all the way to whitby! Might have to try this one when all the cows are back indoors 😅
Has coast to coast vibes love it!!! Life long fan, latch and locks fan, Paul Haze fan...Joey D fan...love your work
I love you mate! Thank you
Another amazing vid Hazey! You never fail to cheer me up “if you were hunting me this is where you’d get me” 😂😂😂 I also appreciate that you make me feel it’s ok to feel a bit crap sometimes. Take care mate.
Byland Abbey now that's brought back memories, I did alot of work on there on renovation stunning place the ale house is very very nice.
Nah then, ey up me duck.
Really enjoyed this one me owd. I was adopted as a baby and I'm sure my birth father was a Yorkshireman, always felt an odd affinity for the place.
You're absolutely nob on about going with your gut instinct. 58-years-old and I reckon my gut instinct has pretty much always been right.
Ay a good'un fella 🤜🤛💚
You walk right past our house on that walk 👍👍
Bloody great video fella. Got this Whitby lad right in the feels. Big love to ya!
Reminds me of my first day of the Cumbria way. Cows started getting aggy and I ended up on top of a drystone wall shouting "I've got the upper ground! Why don't you just Eff off!" 😂
Also, I watch em all but particularly enjoyed this one 🙏🏼
That was great, just what I needed, a bit of company for an hour! Thank you mate
Just found the channel and wow am I glad. What a Journey and hopefully I’ll be here for the rest.
What a beautiful way to spend an evening well done Paul what an amazing adventure, laughing along with you all the way. When I'm out rambling I have a dog who joins me them cow fields and farm yards are extra worrying for me 😂 the heart does race some times , big thanks for sharing with us
enjoyed this so much. I am planning to walk from my mother' in laws in York to her aunts in Burniston by combining sections of the Whiby Way, Cleveland Way, and Lyke Wake Walk. I wasn't really sure about getting out of York and onto the moors but this video has convinced me its feasible. Brilliant work very entertaining and informative.
Fair play the haze master 👍🏻
The upside down crow 😅😅 I’d be freaked out medic
They would be coffee shop worker these days 😂😂😂😂 made my day only Haze could come out with that banter galore ❤
In a world of uncertainty, you can be certain Haze is hiking
Think this is my favourite yet... Jam packed with lols 🤣❤
Thanks mate 🫡
Mate, I had to stop and comment after you nearly made cider come out of nose with that bedraggled-looking llama !! 🤣Top drawer vid........loving it....great Haze vibes
I must admit walking paths over farm land I tend to carry pruners to cut back branches, bramble etc especially around stiles and gates. enjoyed your video
Prefer the long ones, would rather watch a 1hr10 journey than the same journey separated into three 20 minute parts. Keep up the great work. Your editing has definitely gotten better, nice and sharp and snappy.
I love you so much! I recently just found your kislux and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
Just finished the TMB and bonded with another hiker about your videos! Loved this one and thank you as always for your videos, well appreciated!
A great watch. Some amazing scenery.