The Aschen were such good villains. Methodical, powerful and patient. A race of psychopaths who played the long game. Their episodes were some of the best in the whole series.
It is one of the worst kind of enemies! Soooo sinister, so devoted to their sick plan, so determined that even the flow of time does not change the way of thinking to stop its evil path.
By human standards they are certainly evil psychopaths, but aliens might have different motivations and thought processes we may not be able to understand. Some humans treat animals and even other humans badly. Not defending Aschens, only pointing out that aliens may be incomprehensible. Some might consider things we do puzzling.
Exactly, aschen we're basically a trade planetarian corporation/confederation mostly in using worlds resources to mass production like a business just the way I like it big mega space corporation lol 😎
i couldnt entirely apreciate it at the time, but the aschen are one of the more interessting enemys in scify. their aproach to conquest is really cool and aparently succseful. they had to resort to timetravel to beat it.
It would work until it didnt. It works for small isolated worlds that didnt get news about it. That said the Aschen biosynthetic plague weapon could be used to wipe out their enemies.
@@jonreese7066 As a result of the war, Teal'c said "very few Jaffa were loyal to the Tau'ri", the Ashen had apparently orchestrated events s that Earth would be isolated from their allies such as the Tollan, Tok'Ra or Asgard
@@wood9670 It would explain why Teal'c said "very few Jaffa remain loyal to the Tau'ri since the war". The Ashen would have no real incentive to ensure the Jaffa had a way to remove their dependency on larvae Goa'uld
Yet we got to know nothing about them. Some smart dudes out at a farm. What was their society about? Did they have cities? These ones they used twice in the series but yet i dont get it?
The story arc of the Aschen was truly sinister, and enjoyed seeing how it popped up in different timelines. In the first, 10 years has past and the Aschen have allied themselves with us, all seems nice, diplomatic parties are thrown and enjoyed, and yet O'Neill and the team eventually realize the disastrous consequences impacting the human population via the virus the Aschen have introduce to our biosphere. Through some time travel gate science, SG1 manages to get a note sent back 10 years to convince the SGC to *erase* the last 10 years. DONE. And yet, there they are years later, visiting a planet who has recently unearthed their gate, and *bam* it's a planet stuck in the Aschen Federation and so SG1 comes into contact with the Aschen once again from a tangent. This is great story--telling. Tasha Yar Romulan Commander / Nemesis level story-telling. I love this stuff.
*Impartially & unbiasedly speaking as God I say to everyone, based solely upon the Hebrew Yisraelite scriptures & history the "Aschen" are identical in too many ways to the descendants of Esau Edom aka the Caucasus mountains so-called Caucasians.*
I believe the Aschen story line was my favorite, for many reasons, but mostly because we finally got to see what all those technologies the Stargate Program was amassing would look like in the real world, like they kept promising but never did.
They did mentioned how the Stargate Program was slowly disseminating technology at a rate that would seem believable and had a public demonstration of holographic technology (though that was to cover their own ass). Trying to think myself what sort of technology I'd expect to see in the public by around season 10, it's pretty limited. Medical technology, communications maybe. Would have made sense if we saw SG-1's gear get a bit more sci-fi, but all they really did was carry zat'nik'tels. The SG teams still used basically the same radios for example (outside of Atlantis), but I suppose you could make the argument for reliability, knowledge of their own gear and potential security, given that noone else really seems to use radios. And of course the SG Medical facilities never seemed to use any of the alien tech, outside of plot or members recovering from wounds incredibly fast.
@@LordRunty All sci-fi that portrays humans as the underdogs have the same problem, how to balance the power discrepancy. Like Brad Wright said (in an old interview that I can't, for the life of me, find again) when asked why they used the UAV's and Gate Missiles so sparsely, he said the writer's room always had discussions that involve not making the good guys too powerful or risk making them seem boring and people losing interest. Of course, that is a problem of their own making, in order to have a story at all, right from the start they had to hold the aliens back and come up with reasons why they didn't squash humanity like a bug as their technology certainly would have allowed them to, e.g. a single current smartphone could break any password encryption from the 90s in mere seconds, and a relatively tame virus just stopped the whole world 2 years. It's precisely because they held the aliens back early on, that later on they had to hold the humans back to the point where it became obvious to us fans.
The Aschen were always creepy to me. Their methodical, calculated, and patient approach were brilliantly executed to lull you into a false sense of security. This made them fantastic antagonists for the series. It is a shame they weren't utilized more.
*Impartially & unbiasedly speaking as God I say to everyone, based solely upon the Hebrew Yisraelite scriptures & history the "Aschen" are identical in too many ways to the descendants of Esau Edom aka the Caucasus mountains so-called Caucasians.*
I wish they would’ve done a follow-up episode to 2001. A story of encountering the Aschen again, with the Aschen trying to get revenge for those bad gate addresses would’ve been great.
i could see it, they figured out how to get past the black hole, use the list of gate addresses like the tauri used the list at Abydos and calculate how to compensate for stellar drift and go about conquering worlds. could even make an interesting big bad to drive a new season.
James Swallow wrote a novel called Relativity, which is all about the Aschen attacking Earth after their homeworld was destroyed by the black hole that Jack O'Neill gave them.
I’d have preferred the Ori allying with the Aschen as the main faction allied to the Ori before the supergate was operational. With the Aschen ships and bio weapons proving powerful weapons for the Ori before and after the supergate opened. Considering their failure to recruit the Jaffa through Gerak and the Sodan
2010 and 2001 were the best episodes about time travel.The Aschen were proof that true evil is patient. As we'd seen 2010 we knew the path Earth had taken and the pain that came from trusting the wrong ally. So later when we saw 2001 we couldn't help screaming, "NO! Don't believe them!' The bittersweet ending of 2001 was necessary to save the world from what 2010 would have become.
Hopefully because they're quite upset about the loss of their homeworld to a blackhole sucking it through the event horizon of an active stargate they couldn't shut down.
@@R4hdoo07 I think that's where you're wrong. You _can't_ see the results, for definitions of "you" that consist of the average person. If they could see the results, they'd know these people are crazy corrupt and fight tooth and nail to rip them away from the ability to inflict more harm. But if they sound like they're on your side and they can manage to just say what you want to hear while serving their real constituents … well, that's just a win-win for them, isn't it? That problem isn't even partisan. Every faction and "side" is doing it.
@@kingt.hawkings32 I know richard dean anderson is a big fan of the Simpsons, watched a few clips of the Simpsons on youtube and I could not believe how pro vaccine that cartoon is. So glad that Stargate SG1 had great writers and explored what could be happened today in 2021.
@@Mangomesh *Are you addressing someone **#Mango_mesh**❓ I can’t see their comment or question on here, and how did you **#highlight_their_address** for **#TH-cam** on here❓*
@@jamesfcarlton6890 GateWorld is moderating the comments, basically offtopic comments will be deleted. All I'm going to say is that 2001 and 2010 are my favorite episodes of all time.
@@ericpowell4350 I don't think that has anything to do with it. It worked because it had interesting character development, it quickly abandoned the 'planet of the week' model for a developing story and the camaraderie and rapport between the cast was strong.
The Aschen remind me somewhat of the theory behind Author David Jacob's supposed grey aliens. They patiently craft alien/human hybrids who are loyal to the greys, then slowly introduce them to our society and with their enhanced intellect infiltrate our society, slowly taking over. No shots fired, no expensive military build-up, no scorched Earth. One day, they simply take over.
An abductee that I personally know who was the last to work with Dr. Jacobs before he retired has confirmed that the j ab program is in fact "their" creation. She was told by her main hybrid handler that it's because "there are too many of you," and also told to "prepare for loved ones to die." We've been talking a lot about this over the past year/year and a half on our Gab feeds. They're already among us, with thousands more in the wings, and when they fully-FULLY emerge they will present much like what you see here with the Ashen. White, emotionally reserved, logical, in control, and offered up as our personal saviors, here to fix the mess that humans supposedly created.
??? Why the hell would grey aliens want to take over *your* shitty society? If they're so advanced and willing to invest that many resources crafting "hybrids" while waiting that patiently, it'd be so much easier to just colonize one of the billions of unoccupied planets out there. Like, do you see a colony of chimps and think to yourself "Eyy, time to infiltrate this less technologically advanced species so I can have their grub-eating action all to myself"???
I don't know if it's considered canon but in the sg-1 novels it was revealed through Aschen survivors that the Aschen did dial up the black hole gate and they're homeworld was destroyed so all that's left of the Aschen as a people are a bunch of vengeful fringe groups.
That bothered me a bit. If you remember the episode where they encountered the Black Hole, the time dilated away team were trying to dial home but the connection was timing out and their codes were frequency shifted but as the SGC had their home built DHD which ignored many safeguards, they were able to dial the tine dilated gate from Earth and contact the frequency shifted MALP and got a picture of the scared team and the black hole in the sky. The Aschen would have to also ignore the safeguards to dial that blackhole gate, now that might be true as they appear to also have made their own DHD hence their limited use of the stargate technology as they had few addresses and had yet to account for stellar drift but they were also a lot more advanced then us and that agricultural world where the SGC made their second first contact had an actual DHD so they would've had the opportunity to study the technology properly. There's really no reason to believe the Aschen would've been as foolish to contact the black hole gate as the SGC had.
A race as calculating as them wouldnt have trusted gate addresses from people who ended up seeing through their con. No black hole was dialed, guys. Maybe from an offworld site far from their homeworld.
@@johnwang9914 They wouldn't have known the danger until there was a connection but by then it would have been too late. Even using a MALP they were doomed. Unless they did their exploring from off world, but in their huge arrogance I don't see them doing that. Doomed, and rightly so.
@@matthewdavies2057 Yet there are safety processes in the DHD that are circumvented by the Stargate's replacement (this has been mentioned in several episodes of SG1) so there is no reason to believe the Aschen would've actually had a DHD that would allow them to dial a Stargate near a Black hole. Besides the time dilation and tidal effects of a black hole are far closer to it's center of mass than the surface of an equivalent mass star. If our Sun turned into a Black hole, we would not have any more time dilation or tidal effects than we already do. There is no reason to believe a technologically superior civilization would fall for the same Black Hole problem that Stargate command did not would such a risk even be consistent with our theories of black holes. The only way the black hole address would've been a threat is if the Aschen had an equally inferior home grown DHD as Stargate Command had.
One concern about the list of addresses the Aschen were given is if any of them allowed them to retrieve a DHD, it would be really bad news for the galaxy. The Aschen were so good at bio-engineering plagues and just sociopathic enough to do so, that if they wanted they could sanitize the galaxy of life and remake it in their own image. That really puts them on par with Anubis or the Ori, in terms of how much of a potential threat they could pose.
If you think about it, it really is a logical way to conquer a civilization rather than guns and ships. You don't put yourself at risk the only trade off is it just takes longer.
It takes longer, but if you're doing it to hundreds, or even thousands, of civilizations, you'll see returns on investment over time as each one falls over time.
A certain ideology has it written in their texts, th y did it to Turkey 10/ or so years ago, bow it is the West they are conquering and will likely do it in the next 30-50 years at current progress.
@@james194zt you sound like a conspiracy theorist. Care to expand on who or what is doing the conquering? And how? Don't we deserve to know? Unless you're the conqueror 🤷🏻♀️ and don't want to tell us.
The Aschen episodes provide a glimpse of what a new series could be like, with the Stargate program public knowledge now Earth in a technological renaissance with new colonies being developed and disparate worlds of humans being brought in as allies in a greater Tauri sphere of influence alongside the Free Jaffa Nation. The Aschen could be brought back as a primary antagonist considering the amount of worlds they have, the technology they possess and the antagonistic nature of their past interactions with Earth. Add the Lucian alliance into the mix, a continued if diminished Wraith war and any potential new and developing enemies it could provide the basis for an incredible new series.
I could never understand how huge the Aschen homeworld must be to need entire WORLDS of resources dedicated to supporting them, either that or they had set up a situation where their own people had to do literally zero work with all resources being supplied by the planets they subdued.
Honestly, my main gripe was that they used the Stargates to transport the materials. Given the limited capacity of the Stargate, it would make more sense to load up vast ships full of produce and ship it back via FTL. Then the scale of agriworlds providing for a central world would make more sense. Tbf, then you don't get the cool seen of the Stargate grain conveyor.
@@BlackMasterRoshi Problem with that is trying to dial from more than one gate in the same address area becomes very wonky. I think there was an episode of SG-1 organization where this happened. The shadow group dedicated to stealing advanced tech acquired their own stargate but used it from Earth, which interfered with SGC's stargate,
I'd love to have seen an episode where the Aschen opened the Gate to a black-hole and it devastated their planet, so they came to Earth for revenge but by the time they got here Earth had a bunch of Daedalus-class ships.
@@VladtheInhaler Especially since the only reason the SGC knew how to stop it, was the Antarctica Incident. Without the knowledge that a sufficient burst of energy makes an outgoing wormhole jump to a nearby gate, the Aschen would definitely have been boned.
To anyone interested in a literary SF story that's similar in feel to the twists involving the Aschen, or similar to the episodes with the Langarans, or similar to the season eight and nine episodes Icon and Ethon (with the two warring factions), read Alastair Reynolds' novella Minla's Flowers. It's from a loose series of his short fiction, involving a wandering space traveler, where said protagonist stumbles upon a forgotten planetary colony, settled by humans long ago, but now technologically quite backward (an early 1900s style society, similar to Langara or Tegalus). He learns of a certain local issue that poses a threat and tries to convince some of the locals that the whole planet needs to cooperate on the effort. The plot thickens from then on.
It's downright terrifying that a race would be willing to patiently wait centuries to conquer another planet. ...and no wonder Kinsey was president of a slowly doomed Earth in that timeline. Almost wish there'd been another episode that showed what happened to the Aschen after their plot was exposed to (supposedly) the rest of the galaxy?
reminds me of when I was playing Medieval 2 Total War, I found it so much more effective just to buy cities rather than spending armies to conquer them
It would have been entertaining to see what Aschen would try against post-asgard-core and post-Atlantis Tauri with ships that could obliterate their planet with ease.
Maybe. The Ashen portrait themselves as a race that lost initiative. They expand slowly, conquer by clever attrition. They think they cannot compete in battle-fought wars or race for resources, so it wouldn't be an action packed season. It fits a cloak and dagger series of missions where a mutual suspicion is unveiled, a baited Earth wants the deal, the Aschen doing their best PR, but SG is tasked with covert missions to unveil the truth.
They were actually capable of battle, as the story as goes, they actually defeat the Goa'uld within 10 years of their alliance with the Earth. We're not exactly sure how they beat them, we just know that they do.
I loved the Ashen's way of slow, methodic subjugation of other civilizations. They were like a virus that spreads undetected and slowly destroys everything.
@@azerdraco3146 seriously, to the point where I don't even think I'd care if the aschen came to conquer earth. I mean I'm never having kids anyway, pls gimme extended life and advanced tech.
@@tylermech66 Question 1) What makes you think they aren't? Question 2) What makes you think that YOU will be one of those that gets the life and tech?
@@barkasz6066 Actually, there were LOTS killed ... but it was all due to "a natural pandemic" that the "benevolent Aeschen" brought "medicine" to "cure".
It's kind of unsettling when you consider how many advanced human cultures that SG1 have encountered often turned out to have darker motives whereas some of the more primitive cultures were much more honorable.
if only that one ex from when we were 17 knew she ignited a lifelong obsession with Stargate. so happy youtube finally recommended you! you've got a new sub mate
I really wanted an episode where the Aschen showed up, only to discover earth has Asgard tech now, and it's oh those are some nice war ships, and if you want to keep them you will turn around right now.
I have read that there was a 3rd episode in the Aachen storyline. Where they tried to take earth to Galactic court. For repetitions because they used some of the gates and it cost them entire planet. It would of been nice to see the episode aired in the last season.
I remember rewatching 2001 and 2010 and thinking the exact same thing. The newspaper that Daniel Jackson finds reminds me of the worldwide protests going on today.... I am astonished that Stargate predicted 2020 and 2021 so accurately.
@UCj5fDIrm80rbFyrp3rbVZ9g if you're an investor, you'd want to do what the inside traders are doing since they have knowledge you don't. Who are the inside traders in covid? Doctors! Doctors have a 96% vaccination rate. Even if the doctors are solely self serving doesn't a 96% vaccination rate among them tell you something?
@@marksparks8852 Seems like I could name more than a few Republicans to whom that would apply as well. I mean, you're not wrong, I just think you're letting some pretty lousy "representatives" distract you by convincing you to watch someone else while they do some pretty shady crap. Not much integrity to be found in politics, it seems.
I would have liked to see 3 batlecruisers popping into the ashen homeworld system to see what happened and if necessary deploy some horizon weapon systems
One thing the show wasn't always great at communicating, especially as it jumped to intergalactic events, is that the galaxy is really freaking big, and the Goauld had a habit of simply ignoring anyone too powerful so long as they stayed out of their business (thus the conflict with Earth, both weak enough (seemingly) and bothersome enough to smack down. The Goauld feifdoms only covered a fraction of the inhabitable worlds, and only did so over a period of thousands of years, while the Ancients had a couple million to seed humanform life.
First, it is Goa'uld. Second, I agree they may be the darkest enemy Earth could face. Like the Lanteans 10.000 years ago, they thought small, rather than big. Their defence and offense could be a series of virus delivery systems that could cripple their enemy, like the Ori disease.
@@westrim The Goa'uld did not have the Milky Way Galaxy completely modelled or discovered. They probably had a fraction of a single percent discovered.
2020 was THE ASCHEN exemple in real life, not saying against something, but i can see the opportunity in the solution for what happened in the last 2 years.
Stargate had so many interesting ideas and villains. The Aachen story would have been on those that could have been a movie or series arc on its own. Maybe something to think about for potential future series.
I always wondered what happened them, did they dial the black hole? Did their space ships have a run in with the ori or the replicators when they were taking over all the goa'uld territory?
@@bighands69 Oh they definitely would have kicked the Ashen's collective asses. The ships that the Asgard had could barely stand against the Ori warships, and it took a last major technological push of their entire civilization to develop and effective weapon. The priors were more than capable of creating plagues, just like the Ashen. Not to mention the Ori as a faction had the ascended beings to back them up. The Ori would have crushed them pretty easily.
@@bighands69 I assume you mean the Ashen could. And sure. If the priors somehow let them get a disease through the gate, and the ascended beings did nothing to stop the disease, and the priors themselves did nothing to fight the disease. Comparing the Ashen to the Ori is like comparing the Goa'uld to the Replicators. Not to mention, how would they do it? Their ships are *barely* capable of interstellar travel, being limited to near-by star systems. Their knowledge of the gate network is incredibly limited. Meanwhile, in order to attack the Ori on home turf, they would have to dial out of the super gate. Ignoring the question of how they get there and how they get past the priors and Ori fleet to do so, they would have no way of dialing the supergate. The Ashen would never have a chance of beating the Ori. They wouldn't be able to beat their fleets, they wouldn't be able to infect the Ori, any illness they create can likely be cured by the prior's powers, and they would never be able to attack the Ori home galaxy. At best, maybe, and I mean *maybe*, the Ashen might be able to make a plague that they spread throughout the milkway to kill native human and jaffa populations faster than priors can visit worlds to stop the plague, out of spite.
Some scary mother f'ers. But one of my favorite episodes. The under-the-ground city gave me Return to Planet of the Apes vibes (where the people who worship the bomb live)
Yes very interesting parallels to our earth realm today. Perhaps we were once attacked long ago by an advanced race but we managed to fight them off. The defeated enemy realized that their strategy was wrong so their next attack was slow and methodical taking many decades if not centuries to complete. Hence our current situation with the rona and the jaba-jaba-doo. Just speculating of course but still ...
@@dpt300 Yes, AIs or AI assisted race would win easily against feodal Goa'ulds and with some effort against any other force from the canon. But that would be less entertaining so plot armor. SG universe also doesn't have cyborgs and implants. Again, how could SG teams fight cyborgs...
@@ImperativeGames it does... Anubis elite warriors , then this stupid, I think it was a glove thing, that made sg1 nearly invincible but killed slowly, the duplicate androids ...I'm sure there are more
@@lannik_0 yes, the gloves are good example of more powerful tech. They used nanotechnology to enhance biological humans. Imagine billions of such fast and powerful warriors, created and controlled by equally fast AI general. Cloned and brainwashed into serving in the hundreds of ininhabitable systems simultaneously. Biological so Asgards couldn't make magical device that turns off all robots. Ground invasion of Earth would be impossible to stop, but that's if the AIs are merciful. AIs can produce millions of ships undetected on planets without oxygen and only then attack everyone at once.
I always wondered what happened in their past that they turned out to be that way. Perhaps some catastrophic war which clearly started because of emotions? And their solution was to suppress emotions similarly to what was done in the movie Equilibrium.
They don't come across as being truly human, beyond even the most extreme cultural differences. Other civilisations like the Tollan, Genii, Eurondans etc. all come across very human, with some traits accentuated. Arrogance, paranoia, bigotry for those three. The Aschen lacked all our human impulses. That patient, centuries long approach to problems is alien to humanity, I wish we actually behaved like that, without the whole genocide thing of course. I wondered if their evolution had diverged or if they have genetically manipulated themselves towards this.
We can surmise that they were also slaves from earth as Aschen Prime's address is present on the Abydos cartouche and the fact they had a buried Stargate, suggesting they rebelled at some point. I like to think that they overthrew their system lord in some similar fashion, becoming the monster in the process.
The Aschen arc has been on my mind a lot since 2020. If we really are in contact with aliens, this would likely be how it went down if their intentions were malevolent.
With testerone levels being super low and birthrates also in decline. Who is to say that we haven't already met then in real life? Currently we have super farming techniques and GMO crops and just recently with Covid we are now trying RNA vaccine or some sort. Crazy world isn't it?
Actually there was more to the Ashen after the second episode although it was only covered in a book iirc. The Ashen did indeed dial a black hole and lost their homeworld, some of the Ashen survived and planned their revenge against the Tau'ri with a sterility virus 2.0, however the virus would mutate and slowly eradicate all life on earth. In the book O'Neils daughter and some other alien would travel back through time and stop the plot.
Not just Earth. The virus was spread to thousands of worlds, and between that, Anubis, and the Replicators, humanity in the entire galaxy was nearly extinct.
Aschen are truly the more terrifying in the same way the pink teacher in hogwarts is. Because theyre real and weve all come across these types in our living memory. Its why fantasy stories are so important they give social commentary and warnings that we often overlook otherwise. Thats why books and ideas they give or popularise change the world.
2:50 Funny thing is even back in 1997 we are able to take blood from a male human host and take the bits needed to fertilize an egg. Cancer cure was made this past week. Also people use fenben and tumeric spice to cure cancer.
In my "head cannon" the Aachen dial the black hole world, suffer the same consequences as SG-1 did, but get out of it by using their ships and tractor beams to move the gate out into space. It's in orbit in their solar system, useless unless and until it eventually closes. The Aachen suffered a pretty severe "supply side recession" as they lost easy access to their colony worlds. They simmer away, awaiting the chance to use their gate again, or hoping to develop better star drive technology.
The Ashen would exist on more than one planet and also they would technology that is extremely advanced. So even if their homeworld was destroyed they could easily set up on another planet.
Shame we only had two episodes of these as they could have easily made some more episodes especially later on maybe a few series down the road. They were a brilliant enemy especially as they would have wiped almost everyone if we weren't able to time travel.
Their home world getting destroyed would have very little impact on them as a civilization. They are technologically advanced and could easily rebuild or reposition.
@@bighands69 absolutely, thats possible. Even though the black hole would prevent any evacuation, and god save them, if they open a stargate to one of they world...we all saw, how close was earth to destruction just because the gate was open to a world being consumed by black hole
@@tiborinna Earth at that time did not have any real means to move the stargate. The Ashen have ships and could easily move the Stargate by tractor beams as they have that.
@@bighands69 absolutely, but who knows, if that would work considering the space time distortion close to the gate. Another reason why thiscwould be a great story.
It's interesting they did not have a dialer. It makes me wonder if someone came and retrieved it, feeling they did not deserve it or were toxic, or if someone high up in their own civ long ago hid it so well they forgot about it (not wanting off world interference with their plans and likely paranoia about off world civs).
Or if not having a dialer is a ruse, or just their way of saying "keep out". And also, "No one leaves unless we think it's a good idea." I mean they are clearly a military regime glossed over with what passes as fascism at best.
Tbh a new show could establish these guys as a main villain. While the SGC has all that sweet Asgard tech now, if the Aschen did attempt to dial the black hole address or any of the others, and got devastated as a result, they could use that to turn galactic opinion against Earth. They might find willing partners in the Lucian Alliance, which SGU had already somewhat established as a threat due to their numerical superiority, while the SGC still only has about half a dozen ships.
The Ashen probably had more than one planet available to them. The main issue the Ashen had was they could not crack the Stargate as they did not have the resources to do it.
Id love to see a story line about how left over rogue elements of the Asgard in the Pegasus galaxy steal Asgard tech from the tauri thus leaving earth near defensless. Then a storyline could be set up wear earth learns the ashchen have isolated earths "home systems" in the milky way. Still so much untapped pottential within Stargate lore.
For all the Go'auld's faults, they were at the very least VERY transparent about their evil. They laid all their cards on the table to see, and laid out their intentions the moment you saw them. There'd be no negotiations, no friendship. You either accepted your new fate as slaves, or risked destruction and enslavement anyways. That's assuming you got lucky, and the system lord didn't immediately come out shooting. Their intentions were clear and you knew all you needed to know from the first meeting. The Aschen, however, are much more insidious. They'd pretend friendship, a mutual "cooperation" for the sake of both your and their benefit. But you'd only find out the truth when it was too late, when the Aschen took all they needed and left your race, which had unknowingly signed their own warrant of destruction, to die out. All without the need for violent conquest. Where the Go'auld are parasites whom act as predators with teeth bared, the Aschen are predators who act as parasites wearing the mask of friendship. The Aschen are perfect example of a race hostile to your very existence, and are not megalomaniac worms with glowing eyes.
I always wonder what would happen if the Aschen encountered other powerful races that wouldn't take there shit lightly, like say the Goa'uld, The Humanoid Replicators, The Wraith or the Ori.
What makes the Ashen unique among them is that they developed their own technology and science independently like earth has. The Goa'uld are technology parasites and create very little and are not really that creative, The Ori are powerful but extremely stupid at the same time and really not built for warfare, The replicators would be the biggest challenge but for all we know the Ashen may find a way of unlocking them or even using replicator technology for their own end.
@@bighands69 What about the Wraith? On top of that the "good" powerful races like the Tollan, the Nox and the Asgard. And What if the Tok'ra found the Aschen before the SGC and uncovered their plot how/what would the Tok'ra deal with the Aschen? Small scale assassinations or go strait to planet or star busting?
@@janis2280 Well in that case I'm sure they are all happy followers of Origin. They don't seem the type to fight for freedom of religion, nor have large religious convictions. Death or Conversion? sure. Hallowed are the Ori.
The Aschen were such good villains. Methodical, powerful and patient. A race of psychopaths who played the long game. Their episodes were some of the best in the whole series.
I thought so too I started seeing similar tactics going on in our world today.
It is one of the worst kind of enemies! Soooo sinister, so devoted to their sick plan, so determined that even the flow of time does not change the way of thinking to stop its evil path.
By human standards they are certainly evil psychopaths, but aliens might have different motivations and thought processes we may not be able to understand. Some humans treat animals and even other humans badly. Not defending Aschens, only pointing out that aliens may be incomprehensible. Some might consider things we do puzzling.
@@mattrhodes3963 I find the similarities with pandemics and vaccines interesting.
@@randystegemann9990 still they are human race right?
This is what you get for dealing with an entire planet of accountants lol
I can't trust anyone named "Melon".
Then that makes Ben Affleck their emperor
@@circuitsandcigars1278 he would make an amazing Aschen
Exactly, aschen we're basically a trade planetarian corporation/confederation mostly in using worlds resources to mass production like a business just the way I like it big mega space corporation lol 😎
@@tylersoto7465 sort of like the World Economic Forum.
i couldnt entirely apreciate it at the time, but the aschen are one of the more interessting enemys in scify. their aproach to conquest is really cool and aparently succseful. they had to resort to timetravel to beat it.
It would work until it didnt. It works for small isolated worlds that didnt get news about it.
That said the Aschen biosynthetic plague weapon could be used to wipe out their enemies.
Killing Earth's population growth rate by 90% in one generation was excessive - although it makes for a better story.
@@jonreese7066 As a result of the war, Teal'c said "very few Jaffa were loyal to the Tau'ri", the Ashen had apparently orchestrated events s that Earth would be isolated from their allies such as the Tollan, Tok'Ra or Asgard
@@seriascannain6675 The Aschen bioweapon probably targeted Gaould symbiotes, meaning entire worlds were genocided, Jaffa and System Lord alike.
@@wood9670 It would explain why Teal'c said "very few Jaffa remain loyal to the Tau'ri since the war". The Ashen would have no real incentive to ensure the Jaffa had a way to remove their dependency on larvae Goa'uld
The Aschen were the most terrifying faction to me because of their methodical, calculating ways. They care only about advancement.
@@damienrobbie5974 *#Indeed**‼️*
Yet we got to know nothing about them. Some smart dudes out at a farm. What was their society about? Did they have cities? These ones they used twice in the series but yet i dont get it?
@@damienrobbie5974 That can’t be the sole motivator. Human lives need to come first, and interfering with reproduction in any way is abhorrent.
@@jamesfcarlton6890 Anyone with basic morals can see the problem with that line of thinking.
@@Pellkot I wish we could’ve learned more about the inner workings of their society.
The story arc of the Aschen was truly sinister, and enjoyed seeing how it popped up in different timelines. In the first, 10 years has past and the Aschen have allied themselves with us, all seems nice, diplomatic parties are thrown and enjoyed, and yet O'Neill and the team eventually realize the disastrous consequences impacting the human population via the virus the Aschen have introduce to our biosphere. Through some time travel gate science, SG1 manages to get a note sent back 10 years to convince the SGC to *erase* the last 10 years. DONE.
And yet, there they are years later, visiting a planet who has recently unearthed their gate, and *bam* it's a planet stuck in the Aschen Federation and so SG1 comes into contact with the Aschen once again from a tangent. This is great story--telling. Tasha Yar Romulan Commander / Nemesis level story-telling. I love this stuff.
*Impartially & unbiasedly speaking as God I say to everyone, based solely upon the Hebrew Yisraelite scriptures & history the "Aschen" are identical in too many ways to the descendants of Esau Edom aka the Caucasus mountains so-called Caucasians.*
@@hebrewyisraeliteyahawadahite Projection.
@@hebrewyisraeliteyahawadahitenew season approaching, go get your booster + flu shot.
I believe the Aschen story line was my favorite, for many reasons, but mostly because we finally got to see what all those technologies the Stargate Program was amassing would look like in the real world, like they kept promising but never did.
imagine if they did a stargate series centered on the on the Aschen race developing their spaceship tech and taking over the allied races
They did mentioned how the Stargate Program was slowly disseminating technology at a rate that would seem believable and had a public demonstration of holographic technology (though that was to cover their own ass). Trying to think myself what sort of technology I'd expect to see in the public by around season 10, it's pretty limited. Medical technology, communications maybe.
Would have made sense if we saw SG-1's gear get a bit more sci-fi, but all they really did was carry zat'nik'tels. The SG teams still used basically the same radios for example (outside of Atlantis), but I suppose you could make the argument for reliability, knowledge of their own gear and potential security, given that noone else really seems to use radios. And of course the SG Medical facilities never seemed to use any of the alien tech, outside of plot or members recovering from wounds incredibly fast.
@@LordRunty All sci-fi that portrays humans as the underdogs have the same problem, how to balance the power discrepancy. Like Brad Wright said (in an old interview that I can't, for the life of me, find again) when asked why they used the UAV's and Gate Missiles so sparsely, he said the writer's room always had discussions that involve not making the good guys too powerful or risk making them seem boring and people losing interest.
Of course, that is a problem of their own making, in order to have a story at all, right from the start they had to hold the aliens back and come up with reasons why they didn't squash humanity like a bug as their technology certainly would have allowed them to, e.g. a single current smartphone could break any password encryption from the 90s in mere seconds, and a relatively tame virus just stopped the whole world 2 years.
It's precisely because they held the aliens back early on, that later on they had to hold the humans back to the point where it became obvious to us fans.
The Aschen were always creepy to me. Their methodical, calculated, and patient approach were brilliantly executed to lull you into a false sense of security. This made them fantastic antagonists for the series. It is a shame they weren't utilized more.
*Impartially & unbiasedly speaking as God I say to everyone, based solely upon the Hebrew Yisraelite scriptures & history the "Aschen" are identical in too many ways to the descendants of Esau Edom aka the Caucasus mountains so-called Caucasians.*
I wish they could of siced Anubis on them, that'd be a good fight. See the sociopathic evil vs. the G'ould psycho evil.
@jorejaha literalmente USA. Read about its territories. Same ways.
I wish they would’ve done a follow-up episode to 2001. A story of encountering the Aschen again, with the Aschen trying to get revenge for those bad gate addresses would’ve been great.
i could see it, they figured out how to get past the black hole, use the list of gate addresses like the tauri used the list at Abydos and calculate how to compensate for stellar drift and go about conquering worlds.
could even make an interesting big bad to drive a new season.
James Swallow wrote a novel called Relativity, which is all about the Aschen attacking Earth after their homeworld was destroyed by the black hole that Jack O'Neill gave them.
@@Delosian Wish they turned that into an episode, sounds like it would be awesome to see. Guess I’ll have to settle for reading it.
I’d have preferred the Ori allying with the Aschen as the main faction allied to the Ori before the supergate was operational. With the Aschen ships and bio weapons proving powerful weapons for the Ori before and after the supergate opened. Considering their failure to recruit the Jaffa through Gerak and the Sodan
I suspect a DHD would automatically lock out the black hole gate due to time dilation messing with its feedback, unfortunately.
2010 and 2001 were the best episodes about time travel.The Aschen were proof that true evil is patient. As we'd seen 2010 we knew the path Earth had taken and the pain that came from trusting the wrong ally. So later when we saw 2001 we couldn't help screaming, "NO! Don't believe them!' The bittersweet ending of 2001 was necessary to save the world from what 2010 would have become.
If a new Stargate series ever materializes, I hope they come back as a villain.
Hopefully because they're quite upset about the loss of their homeworld to a blackhole sucking it through the event horizon of an active stargate they couldn't shut down.
I love the quiet malevolence imbued by the Aschen. We rarely if ever see that in our fictitious works.
They resemble our political leaders. All calm and smiling, promising us better living standards while the results... You can see the results.
@@R4hdoo07 I think that's where you're wrong. You _can't_ see the results, for definitions of "you" that consist of the average person.
If they could see the results, they'd know these people are crazy corrupt and fight tooth and nail to rip them away from the ability to inflict more harm. But if they sound like they're on your side and they can manage to just say what you want to hear while serving their real constituents … well, that's just a win-win for them, isn't it?
That problem isn't even partisan. Every faction and "side" is doing it.
Because it's too close to our real ruling classes.
Man they are really a good antagonist.
@@kingt.hawkings32 I know richard dean anderson is a big fan of the Simpsons, watched a few clips of the Simpsons on youtube and I could not believe how pro vaccine that cartoon is. So glad that Stargate SG1 had great writers and explored what could be happened today in 2021.
@@Mangomesh *Are you addressing someone **#Mango_mesh**❓ I can’t see their comment or question on here, and how did you **#highlight_their_address** for **#TH-cam** on here❓*
@@Mangomesh *OH I went and checked out that channel of @Stephen King T. Hawkings and they have a lot of **#Stargate_SG1** videos.*
@@jamesfcarlton6890 GateWorld is moderating the comments, basically offtopic comments will be deleted. All I'm going to say is that 2001 and 2010 are my favorite episodes of all time.
*#Darren** and **#David_Read** are much better host **#Mango_mesh**‼️*
Nicely done. Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of the Stargate community. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for watching, Margery!
I sooooo miss this show, I need more
It worked because it wasn't as woke as Hollywood is now. If they tried to do it now, it would be Uber woke.
So why not just make an Uber parking lot of it all :P
It is one of the biggest tragedy in the series world that we have no longer Stargate continuation! 😱😫😭😭
@@ericpowell4350 I don't think that has anything to do with it. It worked because it had interesting character development, it quickly abandoned the 'planet of the week' model for a developing story and the camaraderie and rapport between the cast was strong.
The Aschen remind me somewhat of the theory behind Author David Jacob's supposed grey aliens. They patiently craft alien/human hybrids who are loyal to the greys, then slowly introduce them to our society and with their enhanced intellect infiltrate our society, slowly taking over. No shots fired, no expensive military build-up, no scorched Earth.
One day, they simply take over.
not one day. slowly. Like boiling a toad. They won't panic. Won't even notice.
An abductee that I personally know who was the last to work with Dr. Jacobs before he retired has confirmed that the j ab program is in fact "their" creation. She was told by her main hybrid handler that it's because "there are too many of you," and also told to "prepare for loved ones to die." We've been talking a lot about this over the past year/year and a half on our Gab feeds. They're already among us, with thousands more in the wings, and when they fully-FULLY emerge they will present much like what you see here with the Ashen. White, emotionally reserved, logical, in control, and offered up as our personal saviors, here to fix the mess that humans supposedly created.
??? Why the hell would grey aliens want to take over *your* shitty society? If they're so advanced and willing to invest that many resources crafting "hybrids" while waiting that patiently, it'd be so much easier to just colonize one of the billions of unoccupied planets out there. Like, do you see a colony of chimps and think to yourself "Eyy, time to infiltrate this less technologically advanced species so I can have their grub-eating action all to myself"???
Extend that to modifying the climate to their liking. Maybe climate change is intentional.
And depending on what their plans are, maybe they should.
I don't know if it's considered canon but in the sg-1 novels it was revealed through Aschen survivors that the Aschen did dial up the black hole gate and they're homeworld was destroyed so all that's left of the Aschen as a people are a bunch of vengeful fringe groups.
They had ships and tractor-beam tech. Bad writers. Lmao.
That bothered me a bit. If you remember the episode where they encountered the Black Hole, the time dilated away team were trying to dial home but the connection was timing out and their codes were frequency shifted but as the SGC had their home built DHD which ignored many safeguards, they were able to dial the tine dilated gate from Earth and contact the frequency shifted MALP and got a picture of the scared team and the black hole in the sky. The Aschen would have to also ignore the safeguards to dial that blackhole gate, now that might be true as they appear to also have made their own DHD hence their limited use of the stargate technology as they had few addresses and had yet to account for stellar drift but they were also a lot more advanced then us and that agricultural world where the SGC made their second first contact had an actual DHD so they would've had the opportunity to study the technology properly. There's really no reason to believe the Aschen would've been as foolish to contact the black hole gate as the SGC had.
A race as calculating as them wouldnt have trusted gate addresses from people who ended up seeing through their con. No black hole was dialed, guys. Maybe from an offworld site far from their homeworld.
@@johnwang9914 They wouldn't have known the danger until there was a connection but by then it would have been too late. Even using a MALP they were doomed. Unless they did their exploring from off world, but in their huge arrogance I don't see them doing that. Doomed, and rightly so.
@@matthewdavies2057 Yet there are safety processes in the DHD that are circumvented by the Stargate's replacement (this has been mentioned in several episodes of SG1) so there is no reason to believe the Aschen would've actually had a DHD that would allow them to dial a Stargate near a Black hole. Besides the time dilation and tidal effects of a black hole are far closer to it's center of mass than the surface of an equivalent mass star. If our Sun turned into a Black hole, we would not have any more time dilation or tidal effects than we already do. There is no reason to believe a technologically superior civilization would fall for the same Black Hole problem that Stargate command did not would such a risk even be consistent with our theories of black holes. The only way the black hole address would've been a threat is if the Aschen had an equally inferior home grown DHD as Stargate Command had.
The episodes "2010" and "2001" are among my ALL-TIME FAVOURITE SG-1 episodes, as the Aschen are so EVIL and INSIDIOUS, and above all, INTERESTING.
Interesting...for accountants I guess.
One concern about the list of addresses the Aschen were given is if any of them allowed them to retrieve a DHD, it would be really bad news for the galaxy. The Aschen were so good at bio-engineering plagues and just sociopathic enough to do so, that if they wanted they could sanitize the galaxy of life and remake it in their own image. That really puts them on par with Anubis or the Ori, in terms of how much of a potential threat they could pose.
If you think about it, it really is a logical way to conquer a civilization rather than guns and ships. You don't put yourself at risk the only trade off is it just takes longer.
the americans uk france and china have done this to many times in real life
Until they encounter a stronger enemy that has no problem using force like Anubis, Replicators and the Ori.
It takes longer, but if you're doing it to hundreds, or even thousands, of civilizations, you'll see returns on investment over time as each one falls over time.
A certain ideology has it written in their texts, th y did it to Turkey 10/ or so years ago, bow it is the West they are conquering and will likely do it in the next 30-50 years at current progress.
@@james194zt you sound like a conspiracy theorist. Care to expand on who or what is doing the conquering? And how? Don't we deserve to know? Unless you're the conqueror 🤷🏻♀️ and don't want to tell us.
I like that this plot was later used for the Hartle SCP.
I had to check which SCP that was, before instantly recognizing it as the interdimensional glory hole lmao.
@@kryzethx wait what scp is that
@@cia5649 SCP-1322, which I first saw as a video which titled it as "Glory Hole". That name kinda just stuck with me lmao
This was the most chilling and memorable episode for me.
Most dangerous Stargate enemy ever.
@@martinsoukup562 Aschen were successful though.
The Aschen episodes provide a glimpse of what a new series could be like, with the Stargate program public knowledge now Earth in a technological renaissance with new colonies being developed and disparate worlds of humans being brought in as allies in a greater Tauri sphere of influence alongside the Free Jaffa Nation. The Aschen could be brought back as a primary antagonist considering the amount of worlds they have, the technology they possess and the antagonistic nature of their past interactions with Earth. Add the Lucian alliance into the mix, a continued if diminished Wraith war and any potential new and developing enemies it could provide the basis for an incredible new series.
When I think of covid..I always think of this 5
I could never understand how huge the Aschen homeworld must be to need entire WORLDS of resources dedicated to supporting them, either that or they had set up a situation where their own people had to do literally zero work with all resources being supplied by the planets they subdued.
Also they could be using land for industry do less land on their world is needed for basic needs.
Honestly, my main gripe was that they used the Stargates to transport the materials. Given the limited capacity of the Stargate, it would make more sense to load up vast ships full of produce and ship it back via FTL. Then the scale of agriworlds providing for a central world would make more sense.
Tbf, then you don't get the cool seen of the Stargate grain conveyor.
@@delrunplays2903 did they maybe use multiple stargates, dialing them up at different times for different grain shipments?
@@BlackMasterRoshi Problem with that is trying to dial from more than one gate in the same address area becomes very wonky. I think there was an episode of SG-1 organization where this happened. The shadow group dedicated to stealing advanced tech acquired their own stargate but used it from Earth, which interfered with SGC's stargate,
The Aschen performed an example of what we now call 'Long-Horizon' planning and we're absolutely scared shitless of our AI learning to do this too.
I'd love to have seen an episode where the Aschen opened the Gate to a black-hole and it devastated their planet, so they came to Earth for revenge but by the time they got here Earth had a bunch of Daedalus-class ships.
if they opened the gate to the black hole I'm pretty sure their entire planet is getting sucked through that gate
Not to mention the “Asgard’s Legacy-empowered” Odyssey
@@VladtheInhaler Especially since the only reason the SGC knew how to stop it, was the Antarctica Incident. Without the knowledge that a sufficient burst of energy makes an outgoing wormhole jump to a nearby gate, the Aschen would definitely have been boned.
To anyone interested in a literary SF story that's similar in feel to the twists involving the Aschen, or similar to the episodes with the Langarans, or similar to the season eight and nine episodes Icon and Ethon (with the two warring factions), read Alastair Reynolds' novella Minla's Flowers. It's from a loose series of his short fiction, involving a wandering space traveler, where said protagonist stumbles upon a forgotten planetary colony, settled by humans long ago, but now technologically quite backward (an early 1900s style society, similar to Langara or Tegalus). He learns of a certain local issue that poses a threat and tries to convince some of the locals that the whole planet needs to cooperate on the effort. The plot thickens from then on.
Now I would’ve loved to have seen how the Aschen would fair in a war against one of the System Lords…..
It's downright terrifying that a race would be willing to patiently wait centuries to conquer another planet.
...and no wonder Kinsey was president of a slowly doomed Earth in that timeline.
Almost wish there'd been another episode that showed what happened to the Aschen after their plot was exposed to (supposedly) the rest of the galaxy?
They were the only villains in SG1 that I was genuinely frightened by. The only ones that little me actually had nightmares about. 🙊
Perhaps the reason they are so frightening is because of the very real parallels they have to enemies we face today.
Senator Kinsey is the only one who ruins my sleep. He made the Goa'uld look like teddy bears by comparison.
like cartman dreaming of chinese olympics
reminds me of when I was playing Medieval 2 Total War, I found it so much more effective just to buy cities rather than spending armies to conquer them
It would have been entertaining to see what Aschen would try against post-asgard-core and post-Atlantis Tauri with ships that could obliterate their planet with ease.
I truly feel the Aschen could be a great enemy for a series war arc
Great observation
Maybe. The Ashen portrait themselves as a race that lost initiative. They expand slowly, conquer by clever attrition. They think they cannot compete in battle-fought wars or race for resources, so it wouldn't be an action packed season. It fits a cloak and dagger series of missions where a mutual suspicion is unveiled, a baited Earth wants the deal, the Aschen doing their best PR, but SG is tasked with covert missions to unveil the truth.
Assuming they weren't genocided by the black hole...
@@gregkelly2145 they had ship's and limited gate travel, so off world survivor, who are pissed at Earth is a real likelyhood
They were actually capable of battle, as the story as goes, they actually defeat the Goa'uld within 10 years of their alliance with the Earth.
We're not exactly sure how they beat them, we just know that they do.
I loved the Ashen's way of slow, methodic subjugation of other civilizations.
They were like a virus that spreads undetected and slowly destroys everything.
That's the problem. They didn't destroy anything if they could help it.
What they couldn't get through diplomacy, they took through duplicity.
@@azerdraco3146 yeah that is the scary part. No one was killed or oppresses in any way.
@@azerdraco3146 seriously, to the point where I don't even think I'd care if the aschen came to conquer earth.
I mean I'm never having kids anyway, pls gimme extended life and advanced tech.
Question 1)
What makes you think they aren't?
Question 2)
What makes you think that YOU will be one of those that gets the life and tech?
Actually, there were LOTS killed ... but it was all due to "a natural pandemic" that the "benevolent Aeschen" brought "medicine" to "cure".
It's kind of unsettling when you consider how many advanced human cultures that SG1 have encountered often turned out to have darker motives whereas some of the more primitive cultures were much more honorable.
Fingers crossed that the priors jacked em up.
That would make a lot of sense.
Either that or dialing the black hole from the home world. I wonder what "and it gets worse after that" would be though.
For some reason, I now really want to see an encounter between the Aschen and the Ori.
there is eu novels
@@Cyberlisk the aschen wouldn't stand a chance
if only that one ex from when we were 17 knew she ignited a lifelong obsession with Stargate.
so happy youtube finally recommended you!
you've got a new sub mate
2010 is my favorite épisode from season 4
I really wanted an episode where the Aschen showed up, only to discover earth has Asgard tech now, and it's oh those are some nice war ships, and if you want to keep them you will turn around right now.
“The first one being a Black Hole... they get progressively darker from there.” Okay, what’s worse than a black hole?!
Rewatch the episodes "Message in a Bottle", "Bane", "Watergate" and "Entity".
How about the gate on a Wraith hive ship for starters? Lunch time!
@@savagebear4374 the thing is, I seriously doubt they would try any other gate addresses if they tried the first one and it was a black hole.
What an eerie set of villains, letting their prey comfortably drift carefree to extinction in their care.
I have read that there was a 3rd episode in the Aachen storyline. Where they tried to take earth to Galactic court. For repetitions because they used some of the gates and it cost them entire planet. It would of been nice to see the episode aired in the last season.
Changing Jupiter into another star would have catasthropic consequences for us.
This serial in every form could become immortal.. The maker team found a niche that is able to exist for a very long time...
J'aime beaucoup les épisodes sur les aschens !🤗
Et merci pour votre travail acharné !🤗👍
I forgot all about them! Fantastic villains!
Am i the only one who would have loved to see Earth and the Aschen go to war? 😂😂😂. I think that would have been a good series.
The Aschen are a very topical race to go over right now. With everything that's going on.
I remember rewatching 2001 and 2010 and thinking the exact same thing. The newspaper that Daniel Jackson finds reminds me of the worldwide protests going on today.... I am astonished that Stargate predicted 2020 and 2021 so accurately.
@UCj5fDIrm80rbFyrp3rbVZ9g if you're an investor, you'd want to do what the inside traders are doing since they have knowledge you don't. Who are the inside traders in covid? Doctors! Doctors have a 96% vaccination rate. Even if the doctors are solely self serving doesn't a 96% vaccination rate among them tell you something?
@@Mangomesh it would be accurate if the covid vaccine actually caused infertility...
@@vuvuzela691 *#Indeed** **#Mr_President_Roosevelt**‼️* 🧵
@@vuvuzela691 *And who was that first character you were addressing in this thread❓* 🪡
Makes me wonder, what was in it for Kinsey to sell out his own planet?
I've wondered that about Carter, Clinton, Obama, & Biden. I figured it out, they're all democrats.
@@marksparks8852 Seems like I could name more than a few Republicans to whom that would apply as well. I mean, you're not wrong, I just think you're letting some pretty lousy "representatives" distract you by convincing you to watch someone else while they do some pretty shady crap. Not much integrity to be found in politics, it seems.
he's a politician, it probably didn't take much.
Turns out the ashen are more effective earth Politian's.
I would have liked to see 3 batlecruisers popping into the ashen homeworld system to see what happened and if necessary deploy some horizon weapon systems
I always thought that they could reboot the series with them as the main antagonist, they were more powerful than the gould
One thing the show wasn't always great at communicating, especially as it jumped to intergalactic events, is that the galaxy is really freaking big, and the Goauld had a habit of simply ignoring anyone too powerful so long as they stayed out of their business (thus the conflict with Earth, both weak enough (seemingly) and bothersome enough to smack down. The Goauld feifdoms only covered a fraction of the inhabitable worlds, and only did so over a period of thousands of years, while the Ancients had a couple million to seed humanform life.
dont you mean antagonists?
@@hulmhochberg8129 true, I dont proof read
First, it is Goa'uld. Second, I agree they may be the darkest enemy Earth could face.
Like the Lanteans 10.000 years ago, they thought small, rather than big. Their defence and offense could be a series of virus delivery systems that could cripple their enemy, like the Ori disease.
The Goa'uld did not have the Milky Way Galaxy completely modelled or discovered. They probably had a fraction of a single percent discovered.
They would have made a good return villain for the later seasons or if there is a show revival
2020 was THE ASCHEN exemple in real life, not saying against something, but i can see the opportunity in the solution for what happened in the last 2 years.
Love everything you do
I always wonder what happened to the ambassador shortly after Carter went through the gate and he got stuck with the Aschen.
I love the episodes with them. I wish we saw more
Stargate had so many interesting ideas and villains. The Aachen story would have been on those that could have been a movie or series arc on its own. Maybe something to think about for potential future series.
The Ashen play a significant role in the later episodes of the fanfiction work called Stargate Return of the Ancients.
You know what, the aschen really do remind me of a certain group.
Qui? Qui? Qui?
Consume feces.
Psychopaths? Politicians? But I repeat myself...
I thought it like this too.
Stargate 2025, a F-308 travels to the Aschen homeworld and finds they were razed by the Ori for their stance on abortion.
Love all Stargate and thanks for the great update on it
Honestly the fact that Earthens weren't sent to live in polluted reservations was a mercy
i hope they bring them back someday
Not going to happen.
I hope they just bring back Stargate at this point. Best sci-fi series.
I always wondered what happened them, did they dial the black hole? Did their space ships have a run in with the ori or the replicators when they were taking over all the goa'uld territory?
I think its a safe bet that the black hole did them in, and the ori did the rest.
There is no guarantee that the Ori could beat the Ashen or even that the Ori discovered them.
@@bighands69 Oh they definitely would have kicked the Ashen's collective asses. The ships that the Asgard had could barely stand against the Ori warships, and it took a last major technological push of their entire civilization to develop and effective weapon. The priors were more than capable of creating plagues, just like the Ashen. Not to mention the Ori as a faction had the ascended beings to back them up. The Ori would have crushed them pretty easily.
The Ori could wipe out the vast majority of the population that the Ori needs to survive. They cannot exist without humans.
@@bighands69 I assume you mean the Ashen could. And sure. If the priors somehow let them get a disease through the gate, and the ascended beings did nothing to stop the disease, and the priors themselves did nothing to fight the disease. Comparing the Ashen to the Ori is like comparing the Goa'uld to the Replicators.
Not to mention, how would they do it? Their ships are *barely* capable of interstellar travel, being limited to near-by star systems. Their knowledge of the gate network is incredibly limited. Meanwhile, in order to attack the Ori on home turf, they would have to dial out of the super gate. Ignoring the question of how they get there and how they get past the priors and Ori fleet to do so, they would have no way of dialing the supergate.
The Ashen would never have a chance of beating the Ori. They wouldn't be able to beat their fleets, they wouldn't be able to infect the Ori, any illness they create can likely be cured by the prior's powers, and they would never be able to attack the Ori home galaxy. At best, maybe, and I mean *maybe*, the Ashen might be able to make a plague that they spread throughout the milkway to kill native human and jaffa populations faster than priors can visit worlds to stop the plague, out of spite.
This is the same idea that Bill Gates have suggested how we solve overpopulation. That’s why we should be very careful about vaccines.
Some scary mother f'ers. But one of my favorite episodes. The under-the-ground city gave me Return to Planet of the Apes vibes (where the people who worship the bomb live)
The Aschen are an amazing enemy that could not be made today.
How so?
Yes very interesting parallels to our earth realm today. Perhaps we were once attacked long ago by an advanced race but we managed to fight them off. The defeated enemy realized that their strategy was wrong so their next attack was slow and methodical taking many decades if not centuries to complete. Hence our current situation with the rona and the jaba-jaba-doo. Just speculating of course but still ...
@@sarek8472 Because critiquing vaccine in any way = unacceptable for some reason.
Slow and methodical... The population would not notice until it was too late.
@@Mangomesh *Are you commenting on every statement or question on here today❓*
After getting technology from the Asgard, the Aschen wouldn’t stand a chance against Stargate Command.
Asgard probably would have still died off in the other timeline
@@dpt300 Yes, AIs or AI assisted race would win easily against feodal Goa'ulds and with some effort against any other force from the canon.
But that would be less entertaining so plot armor.
SG universe also doesn't have cyborgs and implants. Again, how could SG teams fight cyborgs...
@@ImperativeGames it does... Anubis elite warriors , then this stupid, I think it was a glove thing, that made sg1 nearly invincible but killed slowly, the duplicate androids ...I'm sure there are more
@@lannik_0 yes, the gloves are good example of more powerful tech.
They used nanotechnology to enhance biological humans. Imagine billions of such fast and powerful warriors, created and controlled by equally fast AI general.
Cloned and brainwashed into serving in the hundreds of ininhabitable systems simultaneously. Biological so Asgards couldn't make magical device that turns off all robots.
Ground invasion of Earth would be impossible to stop, but that's if the AIs are merciful.
AIs can produce millions of ships undetected on planets without oxygen and only then attack everyone at once.
The Aschen are super advanced and would not be easily beaten by Asgard technology.
I wonder how they fared against the Replicators or the Ori, from what we see the were never seen or heard from again.
Didn't they also mandate vaccines?
I always wondered what happened in their past that they turned out to be that way. Perhaps some catastrophic war which clearly started because of emotions? And their solution was to suppress emotions similarly to what was done in the movie Equilibrium.
Mmm . . . sounds very Vulcan to me. Live long and prosper
They don't come across as being truly human, beyond even the most extreme cultural differences. Other civilisations like the Tollan, Genii, Eurondans etc. all come across very human, with some traits accentuated. Arrogance, paranoia, bigotry for those three.
The Aschen lacked all our human impulses. That patient, centuries long approach to problems is alien to humanity, I wish we actually behaved like that, without the whole genocide thing of course. I wondered if their evolution had diverged or if they have genetically manipulated themselves towards this.
We can surmise that they were also slaves from earth as Aschen Prime's address is present on the Abydos cartouche and the fact they had a buried Stargate, suggesting they rebelled at some point. I like to think that they overthrew their system lord in some similar fashion, becoming the monster in the process.
Non-show lore suggests the Aschen did in fact attempt to dial the addresses in the laptop, and their homeworld was destroyed by the black hole.
The Aschen arc has been on my mind a lot since 2020. If we really are in contact with aliens, this would likely be how it went down if their intentions were malevolent.
Wow finally stumbled upon StarGate content❤
With testerone levels being super low and birthrates also in decline. Who is to say that we haven't already met then in real life?
Currently we have super farming techniques and GMO crops and just recently with Covid we are now trying RNA vaccine or some sort. Crazy world isn't it?
Actually there was more to the Ashen after the second episode although it was only covered in a book iirc. The Ashen did indeed dial a black hole and lost their homeworld, some of the Ashen survived and planned their revenge against the Tau'ri with a sterility virus 2.0, however the virus would mutate and slowly eradicate all life on earth. In the book O'Neils daughter and some other alien would travel back through time and stop the plot.
Not just Earth. The virus was spread to thousands of worlds, and between that, Anubis, and the Replicators, humanity in the entire galaxy was nearly extinct.
Aschen are truly the more terrifying in the same way the pink teacher in hogwarts is. Because theyre real and weve all come across these types in our living memory.
Its why fantasy stories are so important they give social commentary and warnings that we often overlook otherwise. Thats why books and ideas they give or popularise change the world.
2:50 Funny thing is even back in 1997 we are able to take blood from a male human host and take the bits needed to fertilize an egg.
Cancer cure was made this past week. Also people use fenben and tumeric spice to cure cancer.
In my "head cannon" the Aachen dial the black hole world, suffer the same consequences as SG-1 did, but get out of it by using their ships and tractor beams to move the gate out into space. It's in orbit in their solar system, useless unless and until it eventually closes. The Aachen suffered a pretty severe "supply side recession" as they lost easy access to their colony worlds. They simmer away, awaiting the chance to use their gate again, or hoping to develop better star drive technology.
The Ashen would exist on more than one planet and also they would technology that is extremely advanced. So even if their homeworld was destroyed they could easily set up on another planet.
But Aachen is a Vity in germany :D
Hmmm Sci-Fi? or Current / Future warning lol
Shame we only had two episodes of these as they could have easily made some more episodes especially later on maybe a few series down the road. They were a brilliant enemy especially as they would have wiped almost everyone if we weren't able to time travel.
Another good topic to make a new SG movie. Aschen looking for revenge, as the blackhole decimated they world, and they barely survived...kind of thing
Their home world getting destroyed would have very little impact on them as a civilization. They are technologically advanced and could easily rebuild or reposition.
@@bighands69 absolutely, thats possible. Even though the black hole would prevent any evacuation, and god save them, if they open a stargate to one of they world...we all saw, how close was earth to destruction just because the gate was open to a world being consumed by black hole
Earth at that time did not have any real means to move the stargate. The Ashen have ships and could easily move the Stargate by tractor beams as they have that.
@@bighands69 absolutely, but who knows, if that would work considering the space time distortion close to the gate. Another reason why thiscwould be a great story.
I would love to see the Replicators kicking the ass of the Aschen in the season 8
It's interesting they did not have a dialer. It makes me wonder if someone came and retrieved it, feeling they did not deserve it or were toxic, or if someone high up in their own civ long ago hid it so well they forgot about it (not wanting off world interference with their plans and likely paranoia about off world civs).
Or if not having a dialer is a ruse, or just their way of saying "keep out". And also, "No one leaves unless we think it's a good idea." I mean they are clearly a military regime glossed over with what passes as fascism at best.
I would love to see how they were effected by the Ori and the aftermath.
They remind me of an actual group irl lol
Tbh a new show could establish these guys as a main villain. While the SGC has all that sweet Asgard tech now, if the Aschen did attempt to dial the black hole address or any of the others, and got devastated as a result, they could use that to turn galactic opinion against Earth. They might find willing partners in the Lucian Alliance, which SGU had already somewhat established as a threat due to their numerical superiority, while the SGC still only has about half a dozen ships.
The Ashen probably had more than one planet available to them. The main issue the Ashen had was they could not crack the Stargate as they did not have the resources to do it.
Id love to see a story line about how left over rogue elements of the Asgard in the Pegasus galaxy steal Asgard tech from the tauri thus leaving earth near defensless. Then a storyline could be set up wear earth learns the ashchen have isolated earths "home systems" in the milky way. Still so much untapped pottential within Stargate lore.
that was a great one
I forgot the ashen are probably crushed at the centre of a black hole now.
For all the Go'auld's faults, they were at the very least VERY transparent about their evil. They laid all their cards on the table to see, and laid out their intentions the moment you saw them. There'd be no negotiations, no friendship. You either accepted your new fate as slaves, or risked destruction and enslavement anyways. That's assuming you got lucky, and the system lord didn't immediately come out shooting. Their intentions were clear and you knew all you needed to know from the first meeting.
The Aschen, however, are much more insidious. They'd pretend friendship, a mutual "cooperation" for the sake of both your and their benefit. But you'd only find out the truth when it was too late, when the Aschen took all they needed and left your race, which had unknowingly signed their own warrant of destruction, to die out. All without the need for violent conquest.
Where the Go'auld are parasites whom act as predators with teeth bared, the Aschen are predators who act as parasites wearing the mask of friendship. The Aschen are perfect example of a race hostile to your very existence, and are not megalomaniac worms with glowing eyes.
In other words the Aschen are Darth Sidious while the Go'auld are your typical power hungry Sith from the Old Republic timeline.
These guys were really cool bad guys playing out the long game to get what they want
And how things are going in the world things are happening
The Aschen should have been kept around as rivals of Stargate...
These are probably the most evil faction in the series
I always wonder what would happen if the Aschen encountered other powerful races that wouldn't take there shit lightly, like say the Goa'uld, The Humanoid Replicators, The Wraith or the Ori.
What makes the Ashen unique among them is that they developed their own technology and science independently like earth has.
The Goa'uld are technology parasites and create very little and are not really that creative, The Ori are powerful but extremely stupid at the same time and really not built for warfare, The replicators would be the biggest challenge but for all we know the Ashen may find a way of unlocking them or even using replicator technology for their own end.
@@bighands69 What about the Wraith? On top of that the "good" powerful races like the Tollan, the Nox and the Asgard. And What if the Tok'ra found the Aschen before the SGC and uncovered their plot how/what would the Tok'ra deal with the Aschen? Small scale assassinations or go strait to planet or star busting?
when dialing black hole planet.tempory shield is active like shepard do in atlantis gate when attero device is active.
Open question: how Aschen handled Ori?
You assume they survived opening a gate to a black hole
@@musicalaviator Could have. SG did survived. And they have space ships. And many planets.
@@musicalaviator If I would be suspicious, I wouldn't use main planet to test gate.
@@janis2280 Well in that case I'm sure they are all happy followers of Origin. They don't seem the type to fight for freedom of religion, nor have large religious convictions. Death or Conversion? sure. Hallowed are the Ori.
They accepted the origin or get destroyed...Ori ships was stronger than other ships...
"hidden in plain sight"
Image this happening in the later seasons once the SGC finally had capable ships with asgard upgrades