Thanks for this being online. I prayed this for years but got sick and tend to fall asleep before I pray. I'll be dead in a couple of years at most and it's hard sometimes to pray but I can listen to this. Thanks. May God grant you mercy.
Keep praying, even if it's hard we all believe you. You will never die, just keep staying with God and you will be granted eternity in Heaven, and god listens to every prayer and if you keep praying you won't die. I will pray for you)))
I also have been struggling with my prayer life for 60 years!! Praying is one of the best things in life. It helps us in all aspects of our life. One of my priests said it’s OK if you fall asleep before you pray, that’s your nap. When you wake up again or even if you wake up in the middle of the night you can say your prayers then.
Such humility is rarely found in modern prayer. Blessed be God, blessed be His Holy name, blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy mother of God, blessed be God in His holy angels and saints, both now and forever and to ages of ages. Amen.
Im blessed by your voice. Its sound reaches my heart bc i sense youre not j u s t concentrating on making it a perfect chanting form, but in form and tone of deep repentance bc you know that the Almighty God is merciful to us sinners... believe the Love of God is given to you and all of mankind. His grace is sufficient and full of mercy... even though we are unworthy. Yet, God so loved the world He gave His Only Begotten Son that WHOSOEVER shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!! I pray for all to have everlasting life w i t h our beloved Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! Singing His praises
Convert in north Atlanta Georgia USA. Great grandparents were Russian Orthodox. Glory be to God. Praying especially today for Sine Die - the final day of the legislature - everywhere present filling all things 🙏 Holy Mighty our elections need Your protection. Government rests upon the shoulders of Your Son. Lord have mercy on Georgia 🇺🇸 🙏
Praying with this allows me to forget my struggles on earth. Brings me to a peaceful state of mind like nothing else on this earth can do. Kyrie Eleison
I only just found it while doing my nighty Rosary in Latin with Pope John Paul II other night but the Orthodox evening Prayer's I found sounded very robotic and cringe worthy then found this channel which is real Voice don't no if it is Priest or some other Religious Ordained person or just normal person with Orthodox Faith to me it seems much like Catholic Rosary Prayer's with all the repeated sayings just could be me but it does have the Holy Rosary feel to it albeit in Orthodox way I didn't no they did these Prayer's, Chanting in background is beautiful and not so overwhelming almost so Peaceful and beautiful it sends shivers down my spine with warm Euphoric feeling in positive way. I Meditate to Greek Byzantine, Orthodox, Russian Chanting something so moving just listening to it I use to have CDs that I used in my personal CD player as its no distraction and Light Of the mobile as its so much better done in almost dark as its more helpful in removing distraction of this maybe if you have personal CD player and get it have the CDs I highly recommend it if you love the good old fashioned Congregational singing and Organ music I really also very highly recommended Hymn Makers Gold 3 CD set its free in TH-cam as well most Catholic shops online sell it but try save up for all that you need to get free standard delivery as delivery can be costly the 3 CDS set I got for relative recently was £12 delivery was free as I got them other stuff free delivery varies from Catholic shops usually between £40 to £60 spent before free standard delivery hope this is of interests to you. God Bless you may the Most Merciful Lord God and his Blessed Mother Mary guide and comfort you with there warm loving embrace
0:17 Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth 1:00 Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name 1:14 Troparia - 6 th Tone 2:04 Prayer I, of St. Macarius the Great (Eternal God and King of all creation) 5:07 What shall I offer Thee 7:45 Prayer VII, of St. John Chrysostom 10:51 Kontakion to the Theotokos
Beautiful ♡. Orthodox prayers are prayed quickly so we don't allow our minds to wonder of fantasy while we pray. Thank you for this prayer. I have not been able to get to church as much due to life but this helped me so much. God bless.
It is good that the things of this world fall away when prayers are offered up to Jesus of Nazareth. How sweet the friendship and understanding of the God that came unto us to put on flesh and live as men are made to live, and to die as innocent men are forced to die.
I am very grateful to be able to listen to Orthodox evening prayers. Thank you so much. I would ask that the reader please slow down; by the time I grasped a sentence, the dear reader was on the next before I had time to absorb what he was saying. Even he seemed to have to stop intermittently to catch his breath. It felt as if he were rushing to catch a plane or a train. That was very distracting to this listener. ☦️
Dear Johanna, sometimes prayer isn’t about grasping every word but rather to listen and discern what God is showing and telling you. Or just receiving His Divine grace and blessings. There are different forms of prayer this is more of a chant. And since the prayers took 18 minutes slowing down people might not have time for 30 minutes. I appreciate your response and perhaps with Gods blessing I can make another version. Thank you for your comment and may God bless you.
Frequently I hear and pray with you at night. Thank you very much, and please pray for the translation of a Prayer Book to portuguese, and for the Ortgodoxy in Brazil.
God bless you for doing this. It is so peaceful to listen to and really Centers me at the end of the day. Your voice is calming and the background chant is perfect for helping me focus. The prayers are beautiful and pertinent to all of us. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much. I love my prayers via Eastern Orthodox. My mom used to fall asleep when I played video of this prayer. This is a blessing . Nice to take a break from reading and sometimes listen. This is from my own church in Jordanville, NY Monastery/Seminary/Church (Katherine) Fr Cyprian, honorary god-father and husband's god-father and Fr Luke, spiritual father.
Please pray for my grandchildren who live in England- Damian, Nikolas and Rebekah. 12, 11, and 10 years old.They were baptized 4 years ago here in the USA. Pray they start attending Liturgy and embrace the Faith.
I would love for you to do a version of this that is slower more articulate and less mumbly, there is gravel in your voice and it might help if you have some water and a little Olive oil for your vocal cords. However I want you to know how much this blesses me in I fall asleep to this every night
Hi Don. I am planning to do some of the canons and perhaps akathist and will try to reach this level. Part of the reason I put these out was actually for myself bc I suffer from chronic illness. Hense why I might not be as clear and strong as a healthy person. But will do my best.
Great job with this video and thank you for producing it. Your accompanying Morning Prayers video is considered "made for kids". Please change the status of that video with TH-cam, so that we may save it to playlists. I have this one saved to a prayer playlist for my family to use and would like to add your Morning Prayers vid too!
Thank you this is so beautiful. Please make a morning prayer. I know every pray may be equal but you’re is my favorite one on TH-cam. Please keep this up we need you
Hey Chris! It’s Tammie from Joy (friend of Michael Theophan’s and the group). I stumbled upon your video when I was looking for the evening prayer video I usually listen to before bed. Nicely done! As for those that think he’s a bit fast on reading the prayer, I believe St Seraphim of Sarov said that it’s not the speed of the prayer. I believe Fr John mentioned that when someone had made the same comment about Michael reading the prayers in church. Of course, I’m faster 😂🤷🏼♀️ Anyway, good to hear the video from a familiar voice. Hope you’re doing well. I’ll pray for you during Lent. God bless 🙏🏻
Hey Tammie. So nice to hear from you. Last I saw you with double wide strollers 😂...I hope you’re doing well with all that’s gone on in the world and your family and children are growing up healthy and strong. Maybe you could put your prayers up on TH-cam also just an 💡 . Would love to listen to them! Keeping you and the “group” in prayers. Blessed lent! PS send my best to Ftr John and Matushka!
Would you please kindly pray for me , I feel a wound at the position of my heart , which seems breaking from inside itself, my heart aches from time to time.
I live remote from a parish in an island surrounded by a vast lake, I have no transportation.,.. attendance at my parish is impossible...the priest contacts me on the web... I am 67, isolated. Thank you for reading this.
I have an extra one in good condition but used. If you pay shipping I’ll send it to you. Otherwise you can find it new on Jordnaville Holy Trinity Monastery with a quick google search.
утренняя молитва - гугл перевод с африкаанс В Твой момент мы хотим восхвалять Тебя, о чудесный, святой и всемогущий Бог. Отец Сын и Святой Дух. Господи, Ты один вечный, премудрый, вездесущий и похвальный и по милости Твоей и любви Твоей и благодати Твоей устроил, чтобы мы в составе тех, кто есть Ты, прежде сотворения неба и земли, да в сером прошлом вечность избрала знать и служить Тебе, и в Иисусе Христе благодаря непрекращающейся работе Святого Духа может стать единым с Тобой в Твоем Сыне и может разделить и наслаждаться Твоей славой на всю вечность. Господи, благодарим Тебя за веру, которую мы получили от Тебя, что позволяет нам понять тот факт, что Ты уже в нас и что мы в Тебе - Господь, на одном дыхании и исповедовать, что это осознание и знание через нас ежедневное бытие втоптанных в грязь, игнорируемых в угоду собственному греховному и мятежному упрямству - как мы хотим называть себя, нашей упрямой тоске по идолам, которых мы делаем и подаренных нам этим миром, нашим похотям и эгоизму и полному отсутствию милосердия, нашей мало веры. Господь, мы признаем, что мы ежедневно блудодействуем за идолами вдали от Тебя, и что мы недостойны Тебя, и что только через Твою благодать и любовь возможны отношения между нами. Господи, мы благодарим Тебя, что если бы не Ты, Который сжимает и держит нас за руки, мы бы упали в яму, которую вырыли бы для себя и других, и навсегда запутались бы в сетях сатаны, и ад приземлился бы перед нами. Господи, но теперь Ты имеешь неизреченную волю, чтобы мы могли заснуть и открыть глаза и быть довольными Твоим ликом - и это каждое мгновение дня или ночи навсегда. Мы, Твои дети, можем вечно вкусить Твою полноту и Твое совершенное присутствие. Господи, чтобы мы могли наслаждаться, восхвалять и прославлять Тебя в сокровенной гармонии Твоего существа навеки - это мысль и реальность, которые слишком велики и слишком высоки для нас, которые не могут быть охвачены словами и воображением. Господи, помоги нам осознать каждый день, что мы нуждаемся в Твоем хлебе и воде, чтобы расти, не только в крохе, упавшем на землю здесь и там, но в полной трапезе, которую Ты приготовил для нас в слове Иисуса Христа. вечная трапеза. Помоги нам взирать на Иисуса Христа и быть в состоянии сидеть с Тобой, полностью отдаваясь брачной трапезе, которую Ты приготовил для нас и к которой мы предназначены, и прости нам наше постоянное бормотание и непостижимое желание вернуться к рвота нашего прошлого, грязь и слизь, тьма наших скрытых грехов и обстоятельств; и зная, что мы дети Света, Господи, прости нас. Господи, дай нам, пожалуйста, мудрости, силы и ума, чтобы во всем, что мы делаем, воплощать Твою волю, от самых простых житейских личных потребностей, где мы думаем, что находимся сами по себе и в тайне, где мы с другими, вместе с нашими друзьями, детей, супругов, сотрудников, любимых и да, особенно между теми, кто ненавидит нас и Тебя. Господи, пожалуйста, даруй нам способность различать, что есть Твоя воля, и ложь всего, что вне Твоей воли. Помоги нам сиять, отражать и нести Твой свет. Пожалуйста, помоги нам возвеличить и представить Твоё имя - ибо Господь, нет времени и места, где было бы неуместно или так называемо политически некорректно не жить своей идентичностью во Христе. Прости, пожалуйста, наши жалкие извинения за то, что мы пытаемся скрыть Бога, живущего в нас, и таким образом предаем и плюем тебе в лицо - мы делаем это ежедневно, чтобы жить своей жаждой утешения, Господи, мы признаем это к нашему искреннему стыду. Господи, благодарю Тебя, Твое великое и вечное имя, Твою милость и верность, Твое спасение в Иисусе Христе и Твою силу в нас, Святого Духа. Сделай нас полезными и достойными Твоих вечных обетований, потому что не нам, но Твоему имени воздай славу, за Твою милость, за Твою верность. Во имя Иисуса Христа. Аминь 🙌
God Jesus CHRIST, please hear my all prayers guide me and I need miracle God please touch your hand my Francis Ezembah to come my life please loving me for the rest of my life, I love him so much God I want everlasting love and happiness joyfully Success marriage life please .thank you so much God I love you more and more AMEN 🙏🙏🙏💗❤💗💑⛪💗❤💗💐🌻🌹🥀🥀🌹🌻💐🌷🌷⚘
Thank you for your effort to making this available, but it is very hard to pray with the hymn singing in the background. Sadly, the hymn has nothing to do with the evening prayer. If you were saying prayers in church, you would not have someone else singing in the background - it is uncanonical because you would have two prayers going on at the same.
Thank you for your thoughts and your concern. The prayers in the background are in a different language but add layering to the prayers being said in English. I’m not sure it is uncanonical however the prayers have reached almost 100k views and help many in times of need, hurt, pain and suffering which is why I created them to help heal myself. I understand they are not for everyone as some have commented the prayers are being read to fast. My only hope is they reach those who connect with them and help them. May God bless us all.
Thanks for this being online. I prayed this for years but got sick and tend to fall asleep before I pray. I'll be dead in a couple of years at most and it's hard sometimes to pray but I can listen to this. Thanks. May God grant you mercy.
May God bless you and grant you complete healing of soul and body Kyril. You are in my prayers.
Keep praying, even if it's hard we all believe you. You will never die, just keep staying with God and you will be granted eternity in Heaven, and god listens to every prayer and if you keep praying you won't die. I will pray for you)))
I also have been struggling with my prayer life for 60 years!! Praying is one of the best things in life. It helps us in all aspects of our life. One of my priests said it’s OK if you fall asleep before you pray, that’s your nap. When you wake up again or even if you wake up in the middle of the night you can say your prayers then.
God bless you, Kyril!!!
God bless you 🙏
I'm proud to be christian ☦✝️☦ , greeting from africa to all my brothers in christ around the world
Such humility is rarely found in modern prayer. Blessed be God, blessed be His Holy name, blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy mother of God, blessed be God in His holy angels and saints, both now and forever and to ages of ages. Amen.
Im blessed by your voice. Its sound reaches my heart bc i sense youre not j u s t concentrating on making it a perfect chanting form, but in form and tone of deep repentance bc you know that the Almighty God is merciful to us sinners... believe the Love of God is given to you and all of mankind. His grace is sufficient and full of mercy... even though we are unworthy. Yet, God so loved the world He gave His Only Begotten Son that WHOSOEVER shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!! I pray for all to have everlasting life w i t h our beloved Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! Singing His praises
❤God bless you
Convert in north Atlanta Georgia USA. Great grandparents were Russian Orthodox. Glory be to God. Praying especially today for Sine Die - the final day of the legislature - everywhere present filling all things 🙏 Holy Mighty our elections need Your protection. Government rests upon the shoulders of Your Son. Lord have mercy on Georgia 🇺🇸 🙏
Are you possibly talking about Saint Mary of Egypt?
Convert to Orthodoxy in West Texas. Love this! Thanks for doing it
God bless you Paul
Pray for me! I am TTU alumnus! I pray for you.
lord have mercy on me im a sinner!
I love you Lord Jesus Christ ❤ love kurt James
Praying with this allows me to forget my struggles on earth. Brings me to a peaceful state of mind like nothing else on this earth can do. Kyrie Eleison
I’m Greek Orthodox born in Sydney Australia n love this 👍🏼🙏🏽♥️
My parents live there. God bless you
Listening now as I have stomach pains and bad anxiety. Praise God.
I just downloaded this prayer for me to play every evening thanks
I am Roman Catholic i love the orthodox prayers and hymns.thank you for this .i wish where i live had Orthodox churches.
I only just found it while doing my nighty Rosary in Latin with Pope John Paul II other night but the Orthodox evening Prayer's I found sounded very robotic and cringe worthy then found this channel which is real Voice don't no if it is Priest or some other Religious Ordained person or just normal person with Orthodox Faith to me it seems much like Catholic Rosary Prayer's with all the repeated sayings just could be me but it does have the Holy Rosary feel to it albeit in Orthodox way I didn't no they did these Prayer's, Chanting in background is beautiful and not so overwhelming almost so Peaceful and beautiful it sends shivers down my spine with warm Euphoric feeling in positive way.
I Meditate to Greek Byzantine, Orthodox, Russian Chanting something so moving just listening to it I use to have CDs that I used in my personal CD player as its no distraction and Light Of the mobile as its so much better done in almost dark as its more helpful in removing distraction of this maybe if you have personal CD player and get it have the CDs I highly recommend it if you love the good old fashioned Congregational singing and Organ music I really also very highly recommended Hymn Makers Gold 3 CD set its free in TH-cam as well most Catholic shops online sell it but try save up for all that you need to get free standard delivery as delivery can be costly the 3 CDS set I got for relative recently was £12 delivery was free as I got them other stuff free delivery varies from Catholic shops usually between £40 to £60 spent before free standard delivery hope this is of interests to you. God Bless you may the Most Merciful Lord God and his Blessed Mother Mary guide and comfort you with there warm loving embrace
Putting grandkids to bed with this tonight. So beautiful!
Mary Jo, I am too. We are raising 4 young grandgirls. Are you rasing your grandchildren?
No, but im blessed to live nearby and have then over often ( 10 grandkids now!)@@tagp
Kyrie Elaison Kyrie Elaison Kyrie Elaison 🙏🏻
Pray for me and my friend
0:17 Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth
1:00 Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name
1:14 Troparia - 6 th Tone
2:04 Prayer I, of St. Macarius the Great (Eternal God and King of all creation)
5:07 What shall I offer Thee
7:45 Prayer VII, of St. John Chrysostom
10:51 Kontakion to the Theotokos
Beautiful ♡. Orthodox prayers are prayed quickly so we don't allow our minds to wonder of fantasy while we pray. Thank you for this prayer. I have not been able to get to church as much due to life but this helped me so much. God bless.
This is beautiful to listen to. Praise to uord Jesus Christ forever and ever
It is good that the things of this world fall away when prayers are offered up to Jesus of Nazareth. How sweet the friendship and understanding of the God that came unto us to put on flesh and live as men are made to live, and to die as innocent men are forced to die.
Thank you my brother in Christ. This prayer helps me unwind at night. Im so thankful that orthodoxy is alive and well.
I pray for blessings for my frIend Who I love
I absolutely love that icon of Christ.
I am very grateful to be able to listen to Orthodox evening prayers. Thank you so much. I would ask that the reader please slow down; by the time I grasped a sentence, the dear reader was on the next before I had time to absorb what he was saying. Even he seemed to have to stop intermittently to catch his breath. It felt as if he were rushing to catch a plane or a train. That was very distracting to this listener. ☦️
Dear Johanna, sometimes prayer isn’t about grasping every word but rather to listen and discern what God is showing and telling you. Or just receiving His Divine grace and blessings. There are different forms of prayer this is more of a chant. And since the prayers took 18 minutes slowing down people might not have time for 30 minutes. I appreciate your response and perhaps with Gods blessing I can make another version. Thank you for your comment and may God bless you.
Very spiritual! God’s presence can be felt through these prayers !
God bless you! I listen to your prayer with my kids every night. May the lord God be with you always!
Lord bless!
Thankyou for your prayer
i love the icon of Christ you have chosen for the video
Glory to God
Bow Wow thank you friend. Grace and peace
Wonderful, wonderful, magnificent, thank you 🙏.
I love this prayer so much. God bless you
This is beautiful with the music added in the background. Thank you so much! God bless.
Glory to God! Thank you for these beautiful prayers!
Thank you for this and your morning one. I have listened countless times. May God bless you🙏☦️🙏
God bless you all!
I love this prayer and really enjoy following it with my prayer book. Blessings to you and all Orthodox Christians☦️
such a beautiful prayer, beautifully read, with beautiful, heavenly music in the background. Thank you seems insignificant.
Frequently I hear and pray with you at night. Thank you very much, and please pray for the translation of a Prayer Book to portuguese, and for the Ortgodoxy in Brazil.
go to you will find prayers and more in Portuguese, Spanish and Russian
Thank you.
Ask the Ukrainian constistory in Bound Brook, NJ, to get you in touch with clergy in Brazil.
I am studying Portuguese.i speak Spanish.
Im pround to be an Orthodox Christian from Holt Trinity Orthodox Philippines. Can you share w us the guise of evening prayers. Lord have mercy
Hello from the US. You can take a look at this link which has the book.
God bless you for doing this. It is so peaceful to listen to and really Centers me at the end of the day. Your voice is calming and the background chant is perfect for helping me focus. The prayers are beautiful and pertinent to all of us. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much. I love my prayers via Eastern Orthodox. My mom used to fall asleep when I played video of this prayer. This is a blessing . Nice to take a break from reading and sometimes listen.
This is from my own church in Jordanville, NY Monastery/Seminary/Church (Katherine) Fr Cyprian, honorary god-father and husband's god-father and Fr Luke, spiritual father.
Are you really a orthodox.
Do you go to church.
Thank you for bringing these prayers to me when this was exactly what I was looking for.. praise be to God 🙏🏻☦️
Bóg zapłać
Thank you.
Nice. Well spoken. Good voice. I was tired of hearing my own recorded voice for these.
Thank you and God Bless and keep you in His Grace always 🙏☦️
Very nice, thank you! I will visit often and pray with you.
Mary-Josette Dukas Thank you Mary and God bless and keep you! 🙏
I too will pray nightly with you. Deus Vult - Canada.
Please pray for my grandchildren who live in England- Damian, Nikolas and Rebekah. 12, 11, and 10 years old.They were baptized 4 years ago here in the USA. Pray they start attending Liturgy and embrace the Faith.
Update: God hears our prayers. We've had all 3 here for the past 5 summers and they've gone to orthodox summer camp and to church with us.
Pomóż mi Boże Święty zwyciężyć tą walkę...
Amen 🙏
Blessws Memory eternal
Thank you for posting this! God bless you.
Thank you very much, dear brother!
God bless!
I would love for you to do a version of this that is slower more articulate and less mumbly, there is gravel in your voice and it might help if you have some water and a little Olive oil for your vocal cords. However I want you to know how much this blesses me in I fall asleep to this every night
Hi Don. I am planning to do some of the canons and perhaps akathist and will try to reach this level. Part of the reason I put these out was actually for myself bc I suffer from chronic illness. Hense why I might not be as clear and strong as a healthy person. But will do my best.
@@christopheraaronbaker Got it! Sorry if I came off critical. Blessings and Merry Christmas.
@dongriffin none whatsoever just try to give context where and when I can. Much appreciated. May God bless you abundantly!
Thank you so much! This helps me in my prayers !🙏
Thanks brother!
Deus o meu caminho da esperança da vida do meu coração ❤ do viver amém aleluia
Great prayers my Brother. Thank you.
Great job with this video and thank you for producing it. Your accompanying Morning Prayers video is considered "made for kids". Please change the status of that video with TH-cam, so that we may save it to playlists. I have this one saved to a prayer playlist for my family to use and would like to add your Morning Prayers vid too!
So it will promote it to kids in TH-cam so they can also pray the youth needs to turn to Christ at these times
Odeus que nós livres de todo mal amém
Thank you this is so beautiful. Please make a morning prayer. I know every pray may be equal but you’re is my favorite one on TH-cam. Please keep this up we need you
E bendito aquele que vêm em nome do Senhor Jesus Cristo amém Jesus
Amen amen amen 🙏🇪🇹
A minha vida tem centido quando estou pensado em tir Senhor Jesus Cristo amém
Pray to God for us
Lord have mercy!
Use these all the time
Que Deus nos ilumine sempre amém
Thank you bro ❣️
I love this video , a bit too fast to understand everything clearly but it’s the only one with the chants in the background.
Deus está em nós todos instante amém Jesus
Bendito aquele que vem em nome do Senhor Jesus Cristo amém
This is a beautiful prayer. It's unfortunate that he makes so many mistakes. He needs to pay closer attention to the text.
Deus o nosso pai glorioso amém aleluia
Hey Chris! It’s Tammie from Joy (friend of Michael Theophan’s and the group). I stumbled upon your video when I was looking for the evening prayer video I usually listen to before bed. Nicely done!
As for those that think he’s a bit fast on reading the prayer, I believe St Seraphim of Sarov said that it’s not the speed of the prayer. I believe Fr John mentioned that when someone had made the same comment about Michael reading the prayers in church. Of course, I’m faster 😂🤷🏼♀️ Anyway, good to hear the video from a familiar voice. Hope you’re doing well. I’ll pray for you during Lent. God bless 🙏🏻
Hey Tammie. So nice to hear from you. Last I saw you with double wide strollers 😂...I hope you’re doing well with all that’s gone on in the world and your family and children are growing up healthy and strong. Maybe you could put your prayers up on TH-cam also just an 💡 . Would love to listen to them! Keeping you and the “group” in prayers. Blessed lent! PS send my best to Ftr John and Matushka!
Thank you for this brother!
Would you please kindly pray for me , I feel a wound at the position of my heart , which seems breaking from inside itself, my heart aches from time to time.
thank you
It’s beautiful
Is there a prayer book where I can find these prayers? The music is divine. 😇 thank you for putting this video together.
Yes here is the link to the prayer book I’m glad the prayers are supportive to your spirtual life. God bless you.
@@christopheraaronbaker thank you
Thank you so much. However, the music is distracting and not good for praying the prayers.
I live remote from a parish in an island surrounded by a vast lake, I have no transportation.,.. attendance at my parish is impossible...the priest contacts me on the web... I am 67, isolated. Thank you for reading this.
Christopher dear in The Orthodox CHRIST I would like to buy This Jordanville Prayer Book ROCOR can you tell Me how do I go about it?
I have an extra one in good condition but used. If you pay shipping I’ll send it to you. Otherwise you can find it new on Jordnaville Holy Trinity Monastery with a quick google search.
Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo
gratidão pela saúde e tudo de bom que Deus abençoe amém
Jesus Cristo está sempre amém
Que Deus abençoe sempre amém
Deus é o meu caminho a minha luz
what is the name of the background music ?
I love this icon of Christ! Where did you find it?
утренняя молитва - гугл перевод с африкаанс
В Твой момент мы хотим восхвалять Тебя, о чудесный, святой и всемогущий Бог. Отец Сын и Святой Дух. Господи, Ты один вечный, премудрый, вездесущий и похвальный и по милости Твоей и любви Твоей и благодати Твоей устроил, чтобы мы в составе тех, кто есть Ты, прежде сотворения неба и земли, да в сером прошлом вечность избрала знать и служить Тебе, и в Иисусе Христе благодаря непрекращающейся работе Святого Духа может стать единым с Тобой в Твоем Сыне и может разделить и наслаждаться Твоей славой на всю вечность.
Господи, благодарим Тебя за веру, которую мы получили от Тебя, что позволяет нам понять тот факт, что Ты уже в нас и что мы в Тебе - Господь, на одном дыхании и исповедовать, что это осознание и знание через нас ежедневное бытие втоптанных в грязь, игнорируемых в угоду собственному греховному и мятежному упрямству - как мы хотим называть себя, нашей упрямой тоске по идолам, которых мы делаем и подаренных нам этим миром, нашим похотям и эгоизму и полному отсутствию милосердия, нашей мало веры.
Господь, мы признаем, что мы ежедневно блудодействуем за идолами вдали от Тебя, и что мы недостойны Тебя, и что только через Твою благодать и любовь возможны отношения между нами. Господи, мы благодарим Тебя, что если бы не Ты, Который сжимает и держит нас за руки, мы бы упали в яму, которую вырыли бы для себя и других, и навсегда запутались бы в сетях сатаны, и ад приземлился бы перед нами.
Господи, но теперь Ты имеешь неизреченную волю, чтобы мы могли заснуть и открыть глаза и быть довольными Твоим ликом - и это каждое мгновение дня или ночи навсегда.
Мы, Твои дети, можем вечно вкусить Твою полноту и Твое совершенное присутствие. Господи, чтобы мы могли наслаждаться, восхвалять и прославлять Тебя в сокровенной гармонии Твоего существа навеки - это мысль и реальность, которые слишком велики и слишком высоки для нас, которые не могут быть охвачены словами и воображением.
Господи, помоги нам осознать каждый день, что мы нуждаемся в Твоем хлебе и воде, чтобы расти, не только в крохе, упавшем на землю здесь и там, но в полной трапезе, которую Ты приготовил для нас в слове Иисуса Христа. вечная трапеза.
Помоги нам взирать на Иисуса Христа и быть в состоянии сидеть с Тобой, полностью отдаваясь брачной трапезе, которую Ты приготовил для нас и к которой мы предназначены, и прости нам наше постоянное бормотание и непостижимое желание вернуться к рвота нашего прошлого, грязь и слизь, тьма наших скрытых грехов и обстоятельств; и зная, что мы дети Света, Господи, прости нас.
Господи, дай нам, пожалуйста, мудрости, силы и ума, чтобы во всем, что мы делаем, воплощать Твою волю, от самых простых житейских личных потребностей, где мы думаем, что находимся сами по себе и в тайне, где мы с другими, вместе с нашими друзьями, детей, супругов, сотрудников, любимых и да, особенно между теми, кто ненавидит нас и Тебя.
Господи, пожалуйста, даруй нам способность различать, что есть Твоя воля, и ложь всего, что вне Твоей воли. Помоги нам сиять, отражать и нести Твой свет.
Пожалуйста, помоги нам возвеличить и представить Твоё имя - ибо Господь, нет времени и места, где было бы неуместно или так называемо политически некорректно не жить своей идентичностью во Христе. Прости, пожалуйста, наши жалкие извинения за то, что мы пытаемся скрыть Бога, живущего в нас, и таким образом предаем и плюем тебе в лицо - мы делаем это ежедневно, чтобы жить своей жаждой утешения, Господи, мы признаем это к нашему искреннему стыду.
Господи, благодарю Тебя, Твое великое и вечное имя, Твою милость и верность, Твое спасение в Иисусе Христе и Твою силу в нас, Святого Духа. Сделай нас полезными и достойными Твоих вечных обетований, потому что не нам, но Твоему имени воздай славу, за Твою милость, за Твою верность.
Во имя Иисуса Христа.
Аминь 🙌
Jesus is God Jesus is the father of all!
What is the name of this icon?
God Jesus CHRIST, please hear my all prayers guide me and I need miracle God please touch your hand my Francis Ezembah to come my life please loving me for the rest of my life, I love him so much God I want everlasting love and happiness joyfully Success marriage life please .thank you so much God I love you more and more AMEN 🙏🙏🙏💗❤💗💑⛪💗❤💗💐🌻🌹🥀🥀🌹🌻💐🌷🌷⚘
Ого, и вы вечернее правило Американцы или кто вы там читаете?
Thank you for your effort to making this available, but it is very hard to pray with the hymn singing in the background. Sadly, the hymn has nothing to do with the evening prayer. If you were saying prayers in church, you would not have someone else singing in the background - it is uncanonical because you would have two prayers going on at the same.
Thank you for your thoughts and your concern. The prayers in the background are in a different language but add layering to the prayers being said in English. I’m not sure it is uncanonical however the prayers have reached almost 100k views and help many in times of need, hurt, pain and suffering which is why I created them to help heal myself. I understand they are not for everyone as some have commented the prayers are being read to fast. My only hope is they reach those who connect with them and help them. May God bless us all.
What is the name of this icon of Christ?
What chant is this in the background?
Hi Joshua I don’t recall off hand but if you search orthodox chants your likely to stumble across it! Blessed lent!
I think this one
Iya, mana mas angga, marah gak mas angga
The Speaker is Choked up. ???