My god...and they say French is the language of love! Clearly, they never heard someone speaking Finnish. I used to take online courses on Finnish, but I stopped...I'll go back to it! Man, this song is so awesome, someone should do a video with the English translations. Greetings from Romania! (that country where we hang out with Dracula and hunt werewolves for fun)
Here are the lyrics in Romania (by google translate) Dacă vrei, voi fi altcineva. Dacă vrei, fac o greșeală. Dacă vrei, voi fi acasă de Crăciun. Dacă vrei, nu voi mai merge la noi războaie. Dacă vrei, voi rămâne ca un câine de pază la uşă, sau îmi voi apăsa capul la soare. Dacă vrei, nu vei mai fi niciodată neliniştit. Dacă vrei, la fel e al meu. Dacă vrei, îți voi lua religia. Dacă vrei, e o minciună pentru mine. Dacă vrei, voi trece la cărțile din Andorra dacă mai pot să le văd acolo. Căci fără tine voi pieri noaptea, iar fără tine, bine. Fără tine, sunt la jumătatea iadului. Dacă doriți, nu vă voi repeta numele. Dar chiar dacă vrei, cred că îl voi șterge. Dacă vrei, voi veni prin stânci. Dacă vrei, atunci ceea ce te face fericit. Dacă vrei, te aduc în patul Tibetului Sau mă mut spre nord spre nord-vest și iar și iar soarele își amintește uneori că m-a sărutat. Dar fără iubire mă înec în nopți confuz și fără iubire, ei bine așa. Fără iubire, suntem la jumătatea drumului spre iad. Căci fără tine voi pieri noaptea, iar fără tine, bine. Fără tine, sunt la jumătatea iadului... dacă vrei... Dacă vrei... Dacă vrei...
The gist is "I will do anything you want, be anything you want me to be, but don't ask me not to love you, because without love I am lost in confused nights, without love we are halfway to hell".
Finland is a magical land full of mystery. I love this country, the culture, the people and mostly the landscapes, anyway this vid is to beautiful, what and black together finally the world is getting to understand the human value. I might not understand the lyrics, but the voice, the language and video explain everything. I love this song. Respect from Italy.
Lol, the movie was actually produced to counter racism. The song is a cover, and the lyrics don't even make sense; "If you want, I'll follow you to Andorra, convert to your religion and bring Tibet to your bed" etc. Wtf, who the hell would convert for a relationship, not to mention the last part?
(Summary translation:) If you want it so, i'll be someone else to you. If you want it so, i'm mistake that occurs. If you want it so, i'll come home for holidays If you want it so, i won't go to new wars If you want it so, i'll stay as a guard dog at your door, or lay my head on your bosom. If you want it so, you'll never be restless again. If you want it so, everything what's mine is yours. If you want it so, i'll take your religion, If you want it so, all your lies are true to me, If you want it so, i move to Andorra, if i can see you there again. Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well... without you i'm halfway to hell. If you want it so, i'll never say your name again. But even if you want it so, i won't wipe you off my memories. If you want it so, i'll come through mountains, If you want it so, what ever makes you happy. If you want it so, i'll bring Tibet in your bed, or move north to northwest, and again and again i'll remember that once you kissed me. But without love, i'll drown distorted nights, and without love, well... without love we're halfway to hell. Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well... without you i'm halfway to hell. If you want it so... if you want it so...
Tää on niin ihana. Mulle on aivan sama kuka tästä biisistä sanoo mitäkin mutta silti tää kuulostaa mun korvaan hyvältä ja tunnelmalliselta, aivan ihanalta. Oikein ihana rakkausbiisi
Jos sä TAHDOT niin... Ihmisen sydän ja tahto luo omaa todellisuuttaan. Jos näet ongelmia niin koet ongelmia. Jos näet rakkautta ja ihanan elämän aaltomaista arkea joka puolella niin elät jo taivaassa. *hali kaikille*
Actually in China, some unfacmous director also made similar movie, a love story between a nigirian and a Chinese girl. Actually I support them, All my best wishes for them.
Aluksi mä inhosin tätä biisiä jostain syystä... aina kun tuli Voicelta, niin telsusta lähti äänet hiljaselle :D Sitten kun kuulin tän pari kertaa radiosta, sit aloin tykkäämään
(Summary translation:) If you want it so, i'll be someone else to you. If you want it so, i'm mistake that occurs. If you want it so, i'll come home for holidays If you want it so, i won't go to new wars If you want it so, i'll stay as a guard dog at your door, or lay my head on your bosom. If you want it so, you'll never be restless again. If you want it so, everything what's mine is yours. If you want it so, i'll take your religion, If you want it so, all your lies are true to me, If you want it so, i move to Andorra, if i can see you there again. Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well... without you i'm halfway to hell. If you want it so, i'll never say your name again. But even if you want it so, i won't wipe you off my memories. If you want it so, i'll come through mountains, If you want it so, what ever makes you happy. If you want it so, i'll bring Tibet in your bed, or move north to northwest, and again and again i'll remember that once you kissed me. But without love, i'll drown distorted nights, and without love, well... without love we're halfway to hell. Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well... without you i'm halfway to hell. If you want it so... if you want it so...
The name of the movie is "Jos rakastat"( that is in English "If you love"). It's coming to the movie theatres on the 6th of January. The sountrack is published on the 13th of January in Finland.
If you want to improve, at least here's how to fix that up: "Pidän hyvin paljon tästä musiikista!" "Tähän" changed to "tästä", it's demonstrative form of the word "tämä" | "hyvin" + "paljon"; it's a saying corresponding to "very much" | "Pidän" is correct; it's the first person singular form of the verb "pitää", and in present tense. So is "musiikista"; it's the noun of "musiikki" with "-sta" suffix attached to it, it's the elative case, so it typically fits this type of sentence. There you go :)
Ihan tiedoks kaikille teille jotka tuota tummaihoista kammoatte, tämä musiikkivideo on yhdestä musikaalielokuvasta nimeltään Jos rakastat, ja hyvinhän toi mies näytteli : ) Ihana leffa ja ihana biisi < 3
Tulin juovuksiin, aika selittää minun on Tulin juovuksiin, on oloni niin levoton Tulin juovuksiin, Tule hakemaan mut kotiin Tulin juovuksiin, Jäin tänne putkaan minä jumiin Tulin juovuksiin, Tai maksaisitko sä kuskille, joka toisi mut perille
Tulin juovuksiin, Kutsui kaverini kaljalle Tulin juovuksiin, Kutsu kuului "tuu vain yhdelle" Tulin juovuksiin, Mulle kaikki tarjosi Tulin juovuksiin, Tuli illastani susi Tulin juovuksiin, Oli kossua raakana, ja jotain mustaakin shotissa
sillä ilman olutta nauraa muut mut kanveesiin ja ilman olutta, no niin ilman olutta joudun turvautumaan jäykempiin
Tulin juovuksiin, Lantrinkia kotiin jätä en mut vaikka juovuksiin, Raakanakin voin mä juoda sen Tulin juovuksiin, Loppui minultakin raha Tulin juovuksiin, Ei oo pieni laina paha Tulin juovuksiin, Voin painaa kasvoni kuohuvaan ja siirrän murheeni unholaan ja aina uudelleen ja uudelleen sut muistan joskus mua hakeneen...
mutta ilman keppanoita nauraa muut mut kanveesiin ja ilman keppanoita, no niin ilman keppanoita joudun turvautumaan jäykempiin
sillä ilman olutta nauraa muut mut kanveesiin ja ilman olutta, no niin ilman olutta joudun turvautumaan jäykempiin.. Tulin juovuksiin... Tulin juovuksiin... Tulin juovuksiin...
Great song about Love, meaning if u Love somebody u are ready to change, to sacrifice, to make ur love one happy. Whatever it needs to do. Meaning of message have to love and feel the emptiness without somebody. Song is from musical movie, original Hector. Great translation from internet: "If you want it that way, I'll be someone else for you If you want it that way, I'll be a mistake, those happen If you want it that way, I'll be home by Christmas If you want it that way, I won't venture to wars any more If you want it that way, I'll be a watchdog at your door, or lay my head on your chest If you want it that way, you'll be restless never more If you want it that way, all that is mine is yours If you want it that way, I'll adopt your religion If you want it that way, even your lie is the truth to me If you want it that way, I'll emigrate to Andorra, if I see you there yet again For without you, I get lost into dizzy nights, and without you, oh well Without you I'm halfway to hell If you want it that way, I won't repeat your name anymore Even though you want it that way, I won't erase your image off my mind If you want it that way, I'll emerge through the bedrock If you want it that way "what ever makes you happy" If you want it that way, I'll bring you Tibet to bed, or move North to Northwest, and yet again and again, I remember you having kissed me then But without love, I get lost into dizzy nights, and without love, oh well Without love we are halfway to hell If you want it that way... If you want it that way... If you want it that way... " Taken from
Ihmettelin että onpa hienon biisin osanneet tehdä nämä mutta kun raapaisi pintaa niin paljastui että tämä on Hectorin tekemä kappale. ...ja se että hän osaa tehdä hienoja kappaleita ei ole yllätys...
Guys please chill :D u see im from finland and its so damn cold there... almoust im frozen just kidding. Draga luna dont be afraid to the islamist. many of these are nice ppls.
Mitä tulee tähän biisiin, tämä on koskettavin biisi vielä 11 vuoden jälkeenkin. Aina tulee kuollut mummo ja faija mieleen tätä kuunnellessa 😖😭 Edit: Nyt äitikin kuoli vuosi sitten. Rauha hänenkin sielulle😔
People, I want to remind you all that this is actually just a cover of Hector. This song is also good, but in my opinion doesn't stand a chance against Hector's original one. To any foreigners I strongly advice that you'd start listening to Hector if you want those good chills ;D (I recommend songs like Mandoliinimies, Olen nielaissut kuun, Tähän vuodenaikaan, Uushiljaisuus, Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen, Timantti ja ruoste and of course Jos sä tahdot niin).
Kävin kattoon tää leffa kaks päivää sitten, oli muuten tosi hyvä. Nauroin, itkin, ja mulle heräs voimakkaita tunteita. Biisit on tosi hyviä. Paras kotimainen elokuva koskaan!
Jippu & Samuli Edelmann - Jos sä tahdot niin (= If you wish it so) If you wish it so I'll be someone else completely for you. If you wish it so I'll be mistake which happens. If you wish it so I'll come home for Christmas, if you wish it so. Won't go into new wars, if you wish it so. I'll stay as a guard dog by your door or press my head upon your bosom. If you wish it so You won't be restless ever again. If you wish it so Everything what's mine is yours as well. If you wish it so I'll take your religion, if you wish it so Even your lie is a truth to me, if you wish it so. I'll move to Andorra if it means I can still see you there. Because without you, I'll drown into tangled nights. And without you... Ah, well. Without you, I'm halfway to hell. If you wish it so I won't repeat your name again. But even if you wish it so I won't erase the picture of you from my mind. If you wish it so I'll make it through solid rock, if you wish it so. 'Whatever makes you happy', if you wish it so. I'll bring Tibet to your bed, or move north to northwest. And again and again, I'll remember you kissed me, once. But without love, I'll drown into tangled nights. And without love... Ah, well. Without love, we're halfway to hell. Because without you, I'll drown into tangled nights. And without you... Ah, well. Without you, I'm halfway to hell. If you wish it so. If you wish it so. If you wish it so.
Kyl mä tahdoin niin... Hei, kyyneleet valu isolla miehellä. Jippu, Samuli, kiitos! Upeeta, toivottavasti te hyvän äänen omaavat tyypit teette vielä tuotantoa yhdessä.
Jos sä tahdot niin on Hectorin säveltämä, sanoittama ja esittämä musiikkikappale. Kappale julkaistiin albumilla Varjot ja lakanat vuonna 1988 ja singlenä samana vuonna. Kappaleesta ovat esittäneet levytetyn cover-version Sir Elwoodin hiljaiset värit (vuonna 1996), Mari Rantasila (vuonna 2008) ja Jippu sekä Samuli Edelmann (vuonna 2009). @wikipedia :)))
HEY ! SUPER HEA LAUL ! Olen soovitanud tuttavatel aeg maha võtta ja kuulata , kui siiralt oskavad meie soome naabrid lihtsate sõnadega südamesse tungida. SUPER ! KIITOS Jippu & Samuli. Teille on paika virolaisten sydamessa. Syvälla.
On kyllä aivan mahtava biisi! Ekaks ku kuulin, aattelin, ettei ihan mun makuun, mutta kun nyt pariin otteeseen olen kuullut, niin olen aivan kuumana tähänkin... AIVAN MAHTAVA!
Näillä sinun burgeritasoilla ja älyllisellä osaamisellasi sinusta tulee varmasti tulevaisuuden myyntitykki McDonaldsille. Muista! Minulle ilman suolakurkkuja.
t h e d o n n I know an Irish person who learned it fluently in a year and a half. Well, he’s really smart and actually wanted to learn the language. He had a Finnish gf, worked at a bar, and studied a degree in business here all at the same time. Amazing. The relationship with his girlfriend ended but he decided to stay because “it’s the same shit everywhere”. I was his teacher in accounting and he’s the best in the class (no, I didn’t know him then yet). I happened to meet him years later at a bar and people looked at us funny because he spoke English and I Finnish and we went bar hopping and kept on conversating and both understood each other perfectly.
If Hector had been born in Britain or US, his songs would be world famous. A treasure of Finland.
Hector is a Finnish singer-songwriter. This is his song originally.
Tapani Ronni Im from Finland and I didn't know that...oops
Dont forget Mandoliinimies
@@Catinkontti Ja niin uudelleen ja uudelleen...
My god...and they say French is the language of love! Clearly, they never heard someone speaking Finnish. I used to take online courses on Finnish, but I stopped...I'll go back to it! Man, this song is so awesome, someone should do a video with the English translations. Greetings from Romania! (that country where we hang out with Dracula and hunt werewolves for fun)
@@sarasuvanto4256 Onko näin?
@@sarasuvanto4256 Noniin..
Thank you for your kind words Eric. Greetings from Finland to Romania to you 🤗
Here are the lyrics in Romania (by google translate)
Dacă vrei, voi fi altcineva. Dacă vrei, fac o greșeală. Dacă vrei, voi fi acasă de Crăciun. Dacă vrei, nu voi mai merge la noi războaie. Dacă vrei, voi rămâne ca un câine de pază la uşă, sau îmi voi apăsa capul la soare. Dacă vrei, nu vei mai fi niciodată neliniştit. Dacă vrei, la fel e al meu. Dacă vrei, îți voi lua religia. Dacă vrei, e o minciună pentru mine. Dacă vrei, voi trece la cărțile din Andorra dacă mai pot să le văd acolo. Căci fără tine voi pieri noaptea, iar fără tine, bine. Fără tine, sunt la jumătatea iadului. Dacă doriți, nu vă voi repeta numele. Dar chiar dacă vrei, cred că îl voi șterge. Dacă vrei, voi veni prin stânci. Dacă vrei, atunci ceea ce te face fericit. Dacă vrei, te aduc în patul Tibetului Sau mă mut spre nord spre nord-vest și iar și iar soarele își amintește uneori că m-a sărutat. Dar fără iubire mă înec în nopți confuz și fără iubire, ei bine așa. Fără iubire, suntem la jumătatea drumului spre iad. Căci fără tine voi pieri noaptea, iar fără tine, bine. Fără tine, sunt la jumătatea iadului... dacă vrei... Dacă vrei... Dacă vrei...
Finland is the best country in the world, period. I had a privilege to live there for a while. It was something surreal. Amazing people
I'm from Nepal , i don't know what song says but it is one of the best foreign song i've ever heard.
The first Finnish song I heard in my life. amazing!!!
I am from brazil and i have no idea about they speak but i love this song . awesome
Somos dois haha
somos 3 haha
The gist is "I will do anything you want, be anything you want me to be, but don't ask me not to love you, because without love I am lost in confused nights, without love we are halfway to hell".
this is exactly what i feel for her... i love this song... great voice, music and lyrics...
Finland is a magical land full of mystery. I love this country, the culture, the people and mostly the landscapes, anyway this vid is to beautiful, what and black together finally the world is getting to understand the human value. I might not understand the lyrics, but the voice, the language and video explain everything. I love this song. Respect from Italy.
Lol, the movie was actually produced to counter racism. The song is a cover, and the lyrics don't even make sense; "If you want, I'll follow you to Andorra, convert to your religion and bring Tibet to your bed" etc. Wtf, who the hell would convert for a relationship, not to mention the last part?
@@SA-121 The point went like fifty meters over your head
God bless you and stay safe
@@SA-121 Ever heard of symbolism? 🤔 Poems don't exactly make sense either.
"Ilman sinua, olen puolitiessä Helvettiin" Niin totta! Ihana kipale! ♥
Rakkaus pitää meidät laidalla tiellä.
minä olen kotoisin serbiasta myös, ja minakin rakastan paljon suomen musiikki, se on hyvin kaunis ;)
Tervitused Eestist ! Väga kaunis laul, inimesed ja teostus ! Ma armastan Teid Soome !
Eesti Eesti, rakastan sua perkeleesti!
I don't understand a word but I absolutely love this song!
(Summary translation:)
If you want it so, i'll be someone else to you.
If you want it so, i'm mistake that occurs.
If you want it so, i'll come home for holidays
If you want it so, i won't go to new wars
If you want it so, i'll stay as a guard dog at your door, or lay my head on your bosom.
If you want it so, you'll never be restless again.
If you want it so, everything what's mine is yours.
If you want it so, i'll take your religion,
If you want it so, all your lies are true to me,
If you want it so, i move to Andorra, if i can see you there again.
Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well...
without you i'm halfway to hell.
If you want it so, i'll never say your name again.
But even if you want it so, i won't wipe you off my memories.
If you want it so, i'll come through mountains,
If you want it so, what ever makes you happy.
If you want it so, i'll bring Tibet in your bed, or move north to northwest, and again and again i'll remember that once you kissed me.
But without love, i'll drown distorted nights, and without love, well...
without love we're halfway to hell.
Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well...
without you i'm halfway to hell.
If you want it so... if you want it so...
A beautiful song and beautiful voices!
Whish meens?
yeliaeson If You want so, our live will be beautiful.
When i visited your country before 2 years i loved it so much... Now i love your music too !! Greetings from a small Greek island =)
Tää on niin ihana. Mulle on aivan sama kuka tästä biisistä sanoo mitäkin mutta silti tää kuulostaa mun korvaan hyvältä ja tunnelmalliselta, aivan ihanalta. Oikein ihana rakkausbiisi
Just spent 6 months in the beautiful country of Finland! Love this song!
Jippu ja Samuli Edelmann kimppabiisit ovat hunajaa korville.❤❤❤ Lisää samanlaista,please toivoo 63-vuotias mummeli
Ikävä hyviä vanhoja aikoja...
This song makes me cry... so beautiful!!!
this is something better than never seen... Jippu,s voice is so beautifull and Samuli has such great voice too..
Greetings from srilanka ❤lovely voice
I love finnish songs.
Nää on näitä kappaleita ,joita vain kuuntelemalla voi ymmärtää. SUPER
Moi Argentiinasta!!! Opiskelen teidän kielenne ja siitä rakastan
gracias pero por que lo necesitas? :)
Kiva että joku löytää vanhat paremmat biisit toisinkun jotain nyky biisejä.
Se kirjoitetaan näin:
Moi Argentiinasta!!! Opiskelen teidän kieltänne ja rakastan sitä.
@@Jontsku93 No lo necesito en absoluto pero es un idioma hermoso, tanto en sonido como en estructura 😍
It is very nice filing. For me it is a very great pleasure to see and hear this song.
Kuunteleeko kukaan enään miun lisäks vuon 2025?
Tää on vaa nii ihana. En muuten kuuntele paljon tota suomalaista musiikkii mut mun on pakko myöntää et tää on ihan vitun hieno biisi.
en koskaan kyllästy tähän. jotain niin kaunista ja niin koskettavaa. Uskomattoman mahtava versio!
ihana laulu. soi koko päivän eile päässä ku kuulin tän aamul kerra voicelt...
ihanat sanatki
I feel several emotions, listening to this song
suomessa tehdään maailman paras musiikki. :)
saa mut aina itkeen. tää on niin ihana ja kaunis biisi.
it always makes me cry. this is such a lovely and a beautiful song
Kiitos paljon :) Vaikkakin taisi jäädä yksi säe välistä ja meni luode ja koillinen sekaisin mutta tokkopa tuo niin kovin paha :)
I simply love it! It makes love this language as well!!! And of course it makes me want to learn finnish!!!! thanks for posting!
Jos sä TAHDOT niin... Ihmisen sydän ja tahto luo omaa todellisuuttaan. Jos näet ongelmia niin koet ongelmia. Jos näet rakkautta ja ihanan elämän aaltomaista arkea joka puolella niin elät jo taivaassa. *hali kaikille*
Actually in China, some unfacmous director also made similar movie, a love story between a nigirian and a Chinese girl. Actually I support them, All my best wishes for them.
SUPER SONG ! greetings from Estonia !
Samuli on nii herkkä tulkitsija :) ihana!
Hectorin biisi
Aluksi mä inhosin tätä biisiä jostain syystä... aina kun tuli Voicelta, niin telsusta lähti äänet hiljaselle :D Sitten kun kuulin tän pari kertaa radiosta, sit aloin tykkäämään
Now I understand what they sing, I love this song even more... :)
This version of Love talk is beautiful
(Summary translation:)
If you want it so, i'll be someone else to you.
If you want it so, i'm mistake that occurs.
If you want it so, i'll come home for holidays
If you want it so, i won't go to new wars
If you want it so, i'll stay as a guard dog at your door, or lay my head on your bosom.
If you want it so, you'll never be restless again.
If you want it so, everything what's mine is yours.
If you want it so, i'll take your religion,
If you want it so, all your lies are true to me,
If you want it so, i move to Andorra, if i can see you there again.
Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well...
without you i'm halfway to hell.
If you want it so, i'll never say your name again.
But even if you want it so, i won't wipe you off my memories.
If you want it so, i'll come through mountains,
If you want it so, what ever makes you happy.
If you want it so, i'll bring Tibet in your bed, or move north to northwest, and again and again i'll remember that once you kissed me.
But without love, i'll drown distorted nights, and without love, well...
without love we're halfway to hell.
Because without you, i'll drown distorted nights, and without you, well...
without you i'm halfway to hell.
If you want it so... if you want it so...
Tätä kappaletta on niin kiva kuunnella.. vitsillä!! Saa hyvät naurut
Hieno käännös, upea coveri Hectorista, todellakin täysin erilainen ja voimakkaampi, säväyttävämpi. Esitin tämän parhaan ystäväni häissä.
The name of the movie is "Jos rakastat"( that is in English "If you love"). It's coming to the movie theatres on the 6th of January. The sountrack is published on the 13th of January in Finland.
Kaunis kappale❤
The most beautiful song i have ever heard. Very nice!
ah😻 why do I love Finland so much?
En tiedä mikä tässä on, mutta tämä vetää min ut hiljaiseksi. Upeaa!!!!!!!!
Such a beautiful song, I'll never get tired of it
Tää on kyllä jotain niin täydellistä.. Kaikki sopii hyvin yhtee, sanat tempo laulajien äänet. Hieno biisi!
Pidän hyvin tähän musiikista ! Kommentti ranskalta (anteeksi minun suomen)
Ceci est un message de Finlande (google traducteur)
If you want to improve, at least here's how to fix that up:
"Pidän hyvin paljon tästä musiikista!"
"Tähän" changed to "tästä", it's demonstrative form of the word "tämä" | "hyvin" + "paljon"; it's a saying corresponding to "very much" | "Pidän" is correct; it's the first person singular form of the verb "pitää", and in present tense. So is "musiikista"; it's the noun of "musiikki" with "-sta" suffix attached to it, it's the elative case, so it typically fits this type of sentence. There you go :)
Ihan tiedoks kaikille teille jotka tuota tummaihoista kammoatte, tämä musiikkivideo on yhdestä musikaalielokuvasta nimeltään Jos rakastat, ja hyvinhän toi mies näytteli : )
Ihana leffa ja ihana biisi < 3
Tulin juovuksiin, aika selittää minun on
Tulin juovuksiin, on oloni niin levoton
Tulin juovuksiin, Tule hakemaan mut kotiin
Tulin juovuksiin, Jäin tänne putkaan minä jumiin
Tulin juovuksiin, Tai maksaisitko sä kuskille, joka toisi mut perille
Tulin juovuksiin, Kutsui kaverini kaljalle
Tulin juovuksiin, Kutsu kuului "tuu vain yhdelle"
Tulin juovuksiin, Mulle kaikki tarjosi
Tulin juovuksiin, Tuli illastani susi
Tulin juovuksiin, Oli kossua raakana, ja jotain mustaakin shotissa
sillä ilman olutta nauraa muut mut kanveesiin ja ilman olutta, no niin
ilman olutta joudun turvautumaan jäykempiin
Tulin juovuksiin, Lantrinkia kotiin jätä en
mut vaikka juovuksiin, Raakanakin voin mä juoda sen
Tulin juovuksiin, Loppui minultakin raha
Tulin juovuksiin, Ei oo pieni laina paha
Tulin juovuksiin, Voin painaa kasvoni kuohuvaan
ja siirrän murheeni unholaan ja aina uudelleen ja uudelleen sut muistan joskus mua hakeneen...
mutta ilman keppanoita nauraa muut mut kanveesiin ja ilman keppanoita, no niin
ilman keppanoita joudun turvautumaan jäykempiin
sillä ilman olutta nauraa muut mut kanveesiin ja ilman olutta, no niin
ilman olutta joudun turvautumaan jäykempiin.. Tulin juovuksiin... Tulin juovuksiin... Tulin juovuksiin...
Toimii!! :''DD Koitin laulaa ton.
MrBattlerat mä onistuin ton laulamisessa 😈
That's very wrong translate of this song, info for english peoples :D
ja kuinkas monta tuntia elämästäsi käytit tuonkin tuhertamisen ideointiin?
I'm from Peruvian and I like this song
the dude is the voice actor for shrek in finnish. thank you.
Tää biisi on ihanan koskettava
I can not understand the music but I can feel it
+José Neto If you want to check the lyrics then here is a link. :)
+Elli Brocke Thank you ! :)
+José Neto No problem. I always help if someone wants to understand my homecountrys language or anything. I'm from Finland, like this music. 😊
Helping others is to help yourself. It would be lovely to visit Finland. beautiful country, amazing songs !
tää on aivan ihana! kuulin tän biisin radiosta aamulla nii oli pakko tulla ettii täält tää♥
Great song about Love, meaning if u Love somebody u are ready to change, to sacrifice, to make ur love one happy. Whatever it needs to do. Meaning of message have to love and feel the emptiness without somebody. Song is from musical movie, original Hector.
Great translation from internet:
"If you want it that way, I'll be someone else for you
If you want it that way, I'll be a mistake, those happen
If you want it that way, I'll be home by Christmas
If you want it that way, I won't venture to wars any more
If you want it that way, I'll be a watchdog at your door, or lay my head on your chest
If you want it that way, you'll be restless never more
If you want it that way, all that is mine is yours
If you want it that way, I'll adopt your religion
If you want it that way, even your lie is the truth to me
If you want it that way, I'll emigrate to Andorra, if I see you there yet again
For without you, I get lost into dizzy nights, and without you, oh well
Without you I'm halfway to hell
If you want it that way, I won't repeat your name anymore
Even though you want it that way, I won't erase your image off my mind
If you want it that way, I'll emerge through the bedrock
If you want it that way "what ever makes you happy"
If you want it that way, I'll bring you Tibet to bed,
or move North to Northwest, and yet again and again, I remember you having kissed me then
But without love, I get lost into dizzy nights, and without love, oh well
Without love we are halfway to hell
If you want it that way... If you want it that way... If you want it that way... "
Taken from
siis mäkin kuulin tän leffassa ennen uusikuuta. ja leffa vaikuttaa todella hyvältä.
tää kappale on tosi ihana ♥
: Jos Rakastat is the name of the movie !! its amazing !!
This is what they call a perfect love song 🧡
A fact: The guy acted in Mission Impossible 4.
Toi Leffa oli NIIN paras suosittelen!!Tää on paras laulu koko leffasta.
mikä leffa kyseessä
Greetings from Morocco
Minäkin voisin luvata, kuten tämä kaksikko. Ihan mahtavaa.
Whoever said French is the language of love has clearly never heard anybody speaking Finnish. Beautiful song!
Je ne suis pas d'accord :)
Tää on aivan älyttömän kaunis.
Ihmettelin että onpa hienon biisin osanneet tehdä nämä mutta kun raapaisi pintaa niin paljastui että tämä on Hectorin tekemä kappale. ...ja se että hän osaa tehdä hienoja kappaleita ei ole yllätys...
Ennakkoluulosesti suhtauduin tähän pariin. Mutta oli hyvä! Erittäin hyvä!
The whole population of Finland watched this :D
+Draga Lună Oh wait? Why u are there to fuck with other peoples please just relax and enjoy what u have :)
Guys please chill :D u see im from finland and its so damn cold there... almoust im frozen just kidding. Draga luna dont be afraid to the islamist. many of these are nice ppls.
+Pösömiäs But when ISIS strikes Fnland, ALL HELL BRAKES LOOSE!
En tahdO sinua enää
Löytyy kaikkea kivaa minultakin, musiikista urheiluun!
Mitä tulee tähän biisiin, tämä on koskettavin biisi vielä 11 vuoden jälkeenkin. Aina tulee kuollut mummo ja faija mieleen tätä kuunnellessa 😖😭
Edit: Nyt äitikin kuoli vuosi sitten. Rauha hänenkin sielulle😔
Mä otan osaa. Paljon.
Otan osaa.
ihanan kuulas ääni Jipulla, tosi touching.
People, I want to remind you all that this is actually just a cover of Hector. This song is also good, but in my opinion doesn't stand a chance against Hector's original one. To any foreigners I strongly advice that you'd start listening to Hector if you want those good chills ;D (I recommend songs like Mandoliinimies, Olen nielaissut kuun, Tähän vuodenaikaan, Uushiljaisuus, Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen, Timantti ja ruoste and of course Jos sä tahdot niin).
Samaa mieltä. C-kasettisoittimen 1972 että voisin kuunnella; lumi teki enkelin eteisiin. Sen jälkeen kaikki Hector...
Kävin kattoon tää leffa kaks päivää sitten, oli muuten tosi hyvä. Nauroin, itkin, ja mulle heräs voimakkaita tunteita. Biisit on tosi hyviä. Paras kotimainen elokuva koskaan!
mikä tää leffa on
Jippu & Samuli Edelmann - Jos sä tahdot niin (= If you wish it so)
If you wish it so
I'll be someone else completely for you.
If you wish it so
I'll be mistake which happens.
If you wish it so
I'll come home for Christmas, if you wish it so.
Won't go into new wars, if you wish it so.
I'll stay as a guard dog by your door
or press my head upon your bosom.
If you wish it so
You won't be restless ever again.
If you wish it so
Everything what's mine is yours as well.
If you wish it so
I'll take your religion, if you wish it so
Even your lie is a truth to me, if you wish it so.
I'll move to Andorra
if it means I can still see you there.
Because without you, I'll drown into tangled nights.
And without you... Ah, well.
Without you, I'm halfway to hell.
If you wish it so
I won't repeat your name again.
But even if you wish it so
I won't erase the picture of you from my mind.
If you wish it so
I'll make it through solid rock, if you wish it so.
'Whatever makes you happy', if you wish it so.
I'll bring Tibet to your bed,
or move north to northwest.
And again and again,
I'll remember you kissed me, once.
But without love, I'll drown into tangled nights.
And without love... Ah, well.
Without love, we're halfway to hell.
Because without you, I'll drown into tangled nights.
And without you... Ah, well.
Without you, I'm halfway to hell.
If you wish it so.
If you wish it so.
If you wish it so.
Kyl mä tahdoin niin... Hei, kyyneleet valu isolla miehellä. Jippu, Samuli, kiitos! Upeeta, toivottavasti te hyvän äänen omaavat tyypit teette vielä tuotantoa yhdessä.
2:29 - whatever makes you happy?
"If it's how you want" :)
Or "If you want it so" :)
Jos sä tahdot niin on Hectorin säveltämä, sanoittama ja esittämä musiikkikappale. Kappale julkaistiin albumilla Varjot ja lakanat vuonna 1988 ja singlenä samana vuonna. Kappaleesta ovat esittäneet levytetyn cover-version Sir Elwoodin hiljaiset värit (vuonna 1996), Mari Rantasila (vuonna 2008) ja Jippu sekä Samuli Edelmann (vuonna 2009).
@wikipedia :)))
Kocham to ♥
(Rakastan sitä ♥) Kisses from Poland :)
Oisipa rakkaus oikeasti tuollaista ja pysyvää. Harmi ettei niin ole.
Tää kuvaa Tosirakkautta niin.. hyvin ^_^
Siar M Mosa isis?
Boi.. :D
Olen soovitanud tuttavatel aeg maha võtta ja kuulata , kui siiralt oskavad meie soome naabrid lihtsate sõnadega südamesse tungida. SUPER !
KIITOS Jippu & Samuli. Teille on paika virolaisten sydamessa. Syvälla.
Meiile tuli ero!! niin tahdottiin !!
+tuula kariniemi Tunsitko muuten Elokuvan tuosta Taustalta?
+Jere Ruotsalainen jos rakastat
Fantastinen ja tosi tosi ihana biisi.
Kyyneleet valui silmäkulmasta,JA TUNTUI
can't wait to move out of america and go to somewhere like finland or iceland.
amber w I don’t know why but it’d be our win
Voih, herkkää ja aivan ihanaa, ihanaa ihanaa
hlevetin hyvä biisi!!!!
On kyllä aivan mahtava biisi!
Ekaks ku kuulin, aattelin, ettei ihan mun makuun, mutta kun nyt pariin otteeseen olen kuullut, niin olen aivan kuumana tähänkin... AIVAN MAHTAVA!
Näillä sinun burgeritasoilla ja älyllisellä osaamisellasi sinusta tulee varmasti tulevaisuuden myyntitykki McDonaldsille. Muista! Minulle ilman suolakurkkuja.
Kyllä tää on sitten upea..ihana ihana biisi ..upeuden huippu!
I want learn Finnish language, but someone said that Finnish was the most difficult language ever. Is it right?
Yeah u right bro.. Its not so easy To learn
1 after mandarin china
t h e d o n n I know an Irish person who learned it fluently in a year and a half. Well, he’s really smart and actually wanted to learn the language. He had a Finnish gf, worked at a bar, and studied a degree in business here all at the same time. Amazing. The relationship with his girlfriend ended but he decided to stay because “it’s the same shit everywhere”. I was his teacher in accounting and he’s the best in the class (no, I didn’t know him then yet). I happened to meet him years later at a bar and people looked at us funny because he spoke English and I Finnish and we went bar hopping and kept on conversating and both understood each other perfectly.
Mä rakastan tota leffaa!!
toi Samulin ääni on taivaasta
Hitto kun täst tulee aina mieleen poikaystävä.. Nytkin hirvee ikävä kun kuuntelee ((:
Onneks tänään taas nähään
3:06 there's a UFO above her head ;)
Täytyy sanoa, että tosi urpoja kommentteja täällä. Hillittömän hieno sovitus hienosta laulusta. Leffa on ehdottomasti 'must' nähtäviä.