Judaism approach to animals by Rabbi Weisblum Parashat Eikev פרשת עקב צער בעלי חיים הרב ויסבלום

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • פרשת השבוע פרשת עקב תורה בר מצווה שעור יהדות צער בעלי חיים שמע ישראל זוהר קבלה Judaism approach to גמרא משנה מסכת מסכתות cruelty to animals Parsha of the week Parsha Eikev Bar Mitzvah Torah class What does Judaism say about animal cruelty Mitzvot Shema Israel Yisroel Animal and people in Jewish Law Animal Shelters do we allow to beat animal up like horses or donkeys can you curse an animal who takes priority in eating and drinking is there a difference between the two does the pet eat first or the person first Talmud Tractate Brachot page 40 refers to the Shema and ritual of Hamotize dinning table compared the holy alter Tzar Balei Chayim Book of number Talmud Tractate Taanit Moses Aaron and Miriam Yalkut Shimoni Jacob Book of Samuel King Saul Vayikra Raba What is considered as a Hefsek when we do Hamotzie Rebecca Eliezer Isaac Perek Shira Talmud Tractate Gitttin Book of Leviticus Tractate Eruvin Learning how to act from animals, modesty, sharing, loyalty and much more sages Harmban dove and pigeon how do they act sin offering G-D and the nation of Israel Guide for the perplex Maimonides Book of Exodus Talmud Tractate Baba Metzia Yehunathan Ben Uziel book of Deuteronomy Ibn Ezra you can not afflict emotional suffering on the animals Midrash Tanchuma Parsha Balak Bilam and his donkey Rabbi Yeahuda Hanassie reincarnations Torah bible Kabblah Karma Parshat Eikev פרשת עקב צער בעלי חיים Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Moshe Weisblum, PhD - Parshat Eikev - Treatment of Animals שעור תורה פרשת עקב הרב ד"ר משה ויסבלום
    Ten Sefirot as process of Creation, Human soul, Tzimtzum, Shevirah and Tikun Mystic elements of the Torah mystical interpretation scripture traditional canon. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and spiritual realization. Gilgul - Reincarnation of the soul. Jewish thought and kabbalists often use classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are thus held by followers in Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature. Shinto (神道, Shintō) Gilgul

    הרב ד"ר משה ויסבלום הוא מחנך מוכר ארצית, מנהיג דתי, סופר, מרצה ומוסיקאי. בין ספריו:
    Rabbi Moshe Weisblum, PhD is a nationally recognized educator, religious leader, author, lecturer and musician. His books include:
    -Table Talk: Biblical Questions & Answers
    -Ruth Talk: Questions & Answers on the Book of Ruth
    -The Hermeneutics of Medieval Jewish Thoughts: Understanding the Linguistic Codes of Rashi and Nachmanides
    -Explanation of the word "Clomor" by Rashi in the Talmud
    -ביאורי ה"כלומר" ברש"י על הש"ס
    -Heartfelt Melodies (music CD)
    הצטרפו עכשיו לערוץ היוטיוב של הרב ויסבלום, צפו והאזינו להרצאות, לשיעורים, לתפילות ולשירים נוספים:
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