I live in Michigan. We have the great lakes, Michigan, Superior, Huron and Ontario. Some of the largest deposits of freshwater on the planet, yet we had tens of thousands of people poisoned with lead from the pipes. We have some of the greatest freshwater resources in the world and yet we still had poison in our water. Clean fresh drinking water is a scarce resource even here in Michigan surrounded by huge lakes of fresh clean water.
Ammonia absorption locomotive which was used as a pre-electric smokeless engine demonstrates that you can get mechanical energy back out of refrigeration system still getting cold out of the system. You can use a pneumatic engine made from a water-cooled internal combustion engine to drive an electrical generator using an internal combustion engine to drive the compressor. When you combine the fresh water, air conditioning/refrigeration, and electricity/mechanical energy the efficiency is pretty good and we should remember also we can get hot water from the engine and air compressor. It is just a matter of getting it all working together.
Just a note on using CaCl2, apparently a portion of the chemical reacts wit CO2 which would require eventual replacement. Don't know how using Konjac gum solves the problem, assuming it does.
My wife tried for several years to grow flowers and plants with very little luck. She was just about ready to give up when one day I placed her watering can under our air conditioning unit to stop the water from dripping on our balcony and when the can would get full I emptied it into her many flower pots and in a short time the plants and flowers began to flourish. We live in the city and she had been watering her plants from the municipal water supply.
Hello Robert, I would like for you to look at the "Thunderstorm generator" I have seen these past few weeks' and let me know if this is a viable type of generation. You immediately came to mind when i watch the video of its operation. thank you for everything you do.
as a person who lives in a low humidity state, NM, a cold soda in our air will leave a puddle on the table in minutes. I love that you did this cause i have thought of this for years now doing something like this for off grid or for cities to do this. Alos i have that exact mini fridge
Another passive way-put different style aluminum cooler on top so air passing around sides helps cool hot side of Peltier device. Then use a cooling tower design to draw air in from bottom and since heat rises may start flow of air upwards. Drawing warmer air past condensing fins and cooling hot side at same time.??🤔
Mr Smith, you could try an ongoing experiment , using a sturdy plastic sheet , weighted in centre , to direct the water to plastic bin , placed underneath . To collect water ....and take a measurement ,of water collected ,daily or weekly and use a hydrometer and chart results into a graph ??
14:10 That water collecting bottle, it ended up as something like this. A countertop device, that runs on main😏 Turns out, they could not minimize it further, while collecting any water at all and they especially could not get it unplugged.
Is there a way to combine the sand battery experiment with the Peltier device and this experiment and device to be able to knock out 2 birds with one stone? Harnessing energy and pulling water from the atmosphere at the same time? Using solar, wind, hydro or the rocket stove to or a combination with back up options to feed the sand battery?
I have a passive airwell concept I'd like to test that should work in more arid environments. It should work well in colder environments where the air tends to shed its humidity. It would also work to desalinate with a simple adjustment. We'll see, eventually. LOL
hello! big fan from flint mi, to this day our tap water is still not drinkable. i love the ideas you shared, if our local government wasn't so corrupt maybe they would look into some solutions like these.
Dear Robert, thank you for next great video. What do you think will happen if we use globaly the technology of "sucking" the water from the air" in a large scale. Would this negatively influnece the environment and climate if no water available to create the clouds?
What about using that new super-white-reflective paint on as a means to create much cooler, lower than dewpoint, temperatures? There's a couple of videos about how to make that paint which, apparently can drop a fair amount below ambient.
What about coupling a wind turbine to a Stirling engines for cooling. The wind tower would harvest water from the air? I know... I'll try it myself! 😊👍
hmmm the adsorption method seems to be the most energy efficient of all, the major problem I see is that all the common desiccants used for this water harvesting are rigid and, the only possible metod to recover the water out of them is by heating up, so that makes the process, overall less efficient. So what if instead of using rigid brittle materials like zeolites or silica gel, we use some kind of soft sponge?, so that to recover de water out, we just could have to squeeze the material?, no heating needed. I have tested the cellulose-made sponges used for electronics soldering, and that material can absorb until 20% it's own weight of water, in a 40-50% RH air, but unfortunately this is not enough to get the water out by squeezing it, so maybe an improvement in the chemical composition or an additive could do the job.
Not sure I'd want to drink too much of it, as it's distilled water and by the nature of being distilled does not contain any electrolytes like potassium and other minerals your body needs. So as these are often pushed for use in poor areas there is a good chance that they have a poor diet as well, so I think they should come with a supply of electrolytes. Best to just wait for it to rain. Now if it stops the rain in the UK I'm all for it.
@@goiterlanternbase did you not see the bit about where there is a poor water supply there is normally an associated poor diet, so they might be lacking the electrolytes requirements in their diet in the first place.
@@brainretardant Funny that I was told in school that it also used to rain before jets were invented. Well every little rain drop has a little partial of dirt inside. 🙂
I'm producing my water this way too, no need for high priced city water! We can turn 100% humidity ocean air into drinking water! Also lakes air, creek air, pond air, and river air, there is no need to touch ocean water with high prices reversed osmosis filters!
Smaller towns & cities further south of New Orleans are having an issue with this right now, because the Missiori & ississippi rivers are both lower than they have ever been, which is causing the salty water from the gulf of mexico to backfeed into the riverbed. It is expected that within the next few months it will affect New Orleans's water as well.
Nope- you need to go back to science class cause you have that backwards- In fact Robert has already stated as much in at least one of his video's. There are only 4 ways to desalenate water. However only 3 are used because the other one is too impractical -centrifugal force- . 1) Normal Reverse-Osmosis: . This requires using a pool of "sacrificial" water, like Grey or urine/waste water & using an osmosis filter setup to migrate the salinity from one to the other. The problem is it requires twice the volume of water to "absorb" the saline as the original volume with the salt in it. In addition it can take days or even months depending on the initial volume of water, it's salinity & the ambient temperature . 2) Distillation: Requires removing as many solid particulates from the water as possible, usually by mechanical or methods similar to a waste-treatment facility. Then heating the salinated water to boiling, & then to fully turn it to steam- the higher saline content the longer & more heat is required to boil & turn it to steam. The boiling point of normal water is 100°C or (212°F) The boiling point of a saturated salt solution (seawater) is 108.7°C (227.7 °F). It takes 2,260,000 Joules (2,260 KiloJoules) to convert 1 kg of liquid water at one atmosphere to 1 kg of steam at at one atmosphere to 100 ºC. (that's not factoring in teh saline content) Then that steam will need to be condensed in some way, usually also requiring refrigeration. So it's already 2-3x as inefficiant & energy intensive as an air conditioner. 3) Forced Reverse-Osmosis: This requires both quite cold & high pressure conditions. The eutectic point(Just above freezing) for saline saturated water is -21.12°C (-6.02°F) This is listed because it cannot freeze. It would nornally be (0°C/32°F) to freeze. Not only must it be kept at this temperature but must be under pressure of At least 10-30 atmosphere's greater than at sea level, which requires very heavy commpressor stages & equipment. It is capable of making the highest volume of drinkable water in the shortest time. But is the most energy intensive. You have apparently never heard of a simple process called condensation. You can take a 45°F cup from your fridge & pull aprox 1/4th to 2/3rds of the same volume of water in the cold cup from the air by the time the cold cup cools- with no added energy. you can use an air-conditioner setup to get water out of the air in just a few minutes, For example, in a room where the air is (27°C/80°F) and the relative humidity is 75%. Any object with a temperature of (22°C/71°F) or lower will become covered by condensation. I have a I have an Ice maker that makes 8 Large Ice cubes in one cycle (9 minutes) or 8 small ones in just under 5 minutes. So in one hour that's 48 Ice cubes, if all it needed to do was pull water from the air- it will start to frost over in seconds after it starts pumping freon. I also have a 11,000BTU (1500 Wattperhour) portable air conditioner, that after about 2 hours (in about 80-85% humidity) it collects almost 5 liters in it's condensation tank. If I don't dump it every night, the next time I run it, it will overflow. @@kensmith5694
This video reminded me of something I saw a number of years ago. They buried a container and directed ambient air down into the container. The difference in temperature caused condensation and the container collected the water. They could extract the water from the container with a small pump. It worked well in hot climates because the difference in temperature underground compared to the ambient temperature above ground was enough to cause condensation. I'm sure that the pump could be powered by a small solar cell. It was very interesting.
@@oildalestar I didn't see anyone selling it, I just watched a video showing how it was supposed to work. The idea seemed fairly sound. I never attempted to try it, but with a difference of 30-40F, I would think some condensation would occur. How much, who knows. But, people who use geothermal cooling for green houses have to use perforated tubing because solid tubing does collect water.
@@davidglynnguitars8119 The idea *IS* a fraud. It doesn't work. Very quickly, the air warms the soil above dew point. It is one of those things of physics that condensing water gives up an awful lot of heat. Soil isn't very thermally conductive.
I wonder if someone used the wind catcher that directs volatile wind into a single direction, like we've seen on this channel, then we wouldn't need a fan...
@@jsoswell Interesting idea. One of the geothermal greenhouses I like was by LDSPrepper here on YT. He used a fan to pull air through the piping, if I remember correctly. It's worth a look, if you're interested.
Another idea is building a giant Orgone accumulator which have been said they are colder on the inside than the outside, and maybe it could condense air into water?
I had a little fridge like that, just a bit large, it stopped working, after i destroyed it, I found the only thing wrong with it. The fan stopped working! 😆, I thought it was a vapor compression fridge, if you can't cool the hot side the cool side isn't going to be cool , this is why mine stopped working!
If you did the thing that is basically collecting dew, you wouldn't remove enough water to matter. If you use a heat pump to get water then you will increase the net energy demand with the usual effect of that.
Mate a while ago I was messing around with Keshe plasma technology, and I accidentally made something with caustic soda and gans that I cant replicate, and it was able to attract water ,any idea what it could have been?
I don't want to sound out there, but what about the quantum memory of water? It has its own "memory" and "register" every place and emotion it went through.
@@goiterlanternbase I remember he said for how long it takes to fill with water power by solar, your body would most certainly need more than that by then, so he called it debunked.
Rob... I think you're going to take me for a Mythomaniac if I write to you that I've already thought about this subject or that I've even already made an assembly with a peltier element and a solar panel... I even thought about taking an old refrigerator, turning it horizontally above a tank and connecting it to solar panels to collect the condensed water...
The main problem is cost and purity of the water I have looked into this most deserts have very low humidity takes a lot of power and they have to have large collection areas that air well in France was a copy of air wells in Turkey the one in France was a complete failure there have been many scams with wild claims the Israeli army made one but you needed a lot of power there are locations that take advantage of nature to gather water but a cheap solution available to the world still needs to be found
If you have ice and a cup it will condense on the outside of the cup. Now there are dew catchers. I thought of a 3d mesh screen and cooling that using the dew point of air to condense water. But instead of ice you could use a metal that is slow to change its temperature. So freezing that could cool air to condense water. If it is lead or steel, or bismuth you could put it in a copper pipe. Freeze it and put it in a aero gel to condense water.
so if there is so much water in the air could you call it light water or how much water and what is the lower amount air water can we get to or hydrogen and oxygen since they are not water separately would in be the chase of hydro and oxygen being the acid and the material is what ever the water is running over or through creating the gas oxygent hydrogent
Distilled water being dangerous is a myth. The difference between distilled and regular water is just few ppm of salts and minerals and that is barely enough to affect the taste unless you stop eating and only drink distilled water for a week. Granted, being stranded in a desert with no food is the kind of situation where people would likely use these devices to get water, but in that case you need supplements anyway so the slight difference is not as important as staying hydrated.
Of course if you could convert the warmth in the air into electricity, the by product would be water or t'other way round. If all you want is the water it would be pointless to worry about the limited power production. Say for instance by magic a material was found that would extract heat from the air convert it into electricity that powers the fan on top warm moist air could be pushed down a tube from the ceiling exiting at floor level chilled and dry providing water and air con. A dream I know but think of the knock on effects folk living in the tropics would need blankets on their beds and water to drink to fend off dehydration if it were sufficiently cold it would reduce Malaria infection rates. We all know the tec has been around for decades to convert heat into power Surely someone could come up with a passive system that once built require no input. it occurs such devices could be inserted into the cavities of block wall construction. Think I better make myself a coffee and wake up.
Nope. I see nothing thereof. When you can't afford a broad spectrum of food, your drinks are of poor quality too. I especially have a bottled table water, that is rich on Ca and Mg, but it is disregarded by any guest of mine, to having a off taste. I do it, because it not only is a source of minerals, but also a relief for the teeth. The thing is, i know what i do and 99,9% of people don't. Minerals can be provided by food as well and for the most of people they are. Whole grain flour contains more minerals than water can hold.
They can produce rain whenever they want by using chemtrails also known as geo-enginering.. google it The lines form in a grid like pattern and this then forms a dull grey blanket above us (see it loads of times in the uk just keep looking up).... sulfur in the atmosphere is known to cause rain... but on a deeper level water can also be electrically charged which is why rain clouds form in the first place ... when the really fine mist particles become charged they bond together eventually forming dark grey clouds and when the water has bound together enough it becomes more dense which eventually leads to the raindrop becoming more dense and falls to earth because ground is where it discharges... Theirs nothing we dont know that they dont already know.. Earth is ground Sun is positive Moon is neutral Im not saying god was an electrician but he knew alot about electromagnetism and electromagnetic circiuts and the effects tthey can have on certain things.... We have been given the bullshit science to keep us en-slaved...
Glad to see a cromulent argument for a change, particularly given the ruminquentially staflication of the debate. Aspinentically yours, The King of Abragetitlassiansmurchilania.
If you paint the aluminum heatsinks towards cold side of the peltier with hydrophobic pain then you can get more water in short time.
I live in Michigan. We have the great lakes, Michigan, Superior, Huron and Ontario. Some of the largest deposits of freshwater on the planet, yet we had tens of thousands of people poisoned with lead from the pipes. We have some of the greatest freshwater resources in the world and yet we still had poison in our water. Clean fresh drinking water is a scarce resource even here in Michigan surrounded by huge lakes of fresh clean water.
Condesated watter its just good for emergency use, but for long therm is not healthy for body. Its just "dead watter" . Not minerals etc
I live in west Texas and we do have water shortages so I thank you for the info and idea
ROBERT, you have the worlds sweetest imagination. This planet is a water bubble.
The "self refilli8ng water bottle" doesn't gather enough water to make it worth carrying. The energy demand of that method makes it impractical.
Ammonia absorption locomotive which was used as a pre-electric smokeless engine demonstrates that you can get mechanical energy back out of refrigeration system still getting cold out of the system.
You can use a pneumatic engine made from a water-cooled internal combustion engine to drive an electrical generator using an internal combustion engine to drive the compressor. When you combine the fresh water, air conditioning/refrigeration, and electricity/mechanical energy the efficiency is pretty good and we should remember also we can get hot water from the engine and air compressor. It is just a matter of getting it all working together.
Just a note on using CaCl2, apparently a portion of the chemical reacts wit CO2 which would require eventual replacement. Don't know how using Konjac gum solves the problem, assuming it does.
My wife tried for several years to grow flowers and plants with very little luck. She was just about ready to give up when one day I placed her watering can under our air conditioning unit to stop the water from dripping on our balcony and when the can would get full I emptied it into her many flower pots and in a short time the plants and flowers began to flourish. We live in the city and she had been watering her plants from the municipal water supply.
Hello Robert, I would like for you to look at the "Thunderstorm generator" I have seen these past few weeks' and let me know if this is a viable type of generation. You immediately came to mind when i watch the video of its operation. thank you for everything you do.
as a person who lives in a low humidity state, NM, a cold soda in our air will leave a puddle on the table in minutes. I love that you did this cause i have thought of this for years now doing something like this for off grid or for cities to do this. Alos i have that exact mini fridge
Another passive way-put different style aluminum cooler on top so air passing around sides helps cool hot side of Peltier device. Then use a cooling tower design to draw air in from bottom and since heat rises may start flow of air upwards. Drawing warmer air past condensing fins and cooling hot side at same time.??🤔
Mr Smith, you could try an ongoing experiment , using a sturdy plastic sheet , weighted in centre , to direct the water to plastic bin , placed underneath .
To collect water ....and take a measurement ,of water collected ,daily or weekly and use a hydrometer and chart results into a graph ??
14:10 That water collecting bottle, it ended up as something like this. A countertop device, that runs on main😏
Turns out, they could not minimize it further, while collecting any water at all and they especially could not get it unplugged.
Is there a way to combine the sand battery experiment with the Peltier device and this experiment and device to be able to knock out 2 birds with one stone? Harnessing energy and pulling water from the atmosphere at the same time? Using solar, wind, hydro or the rocket stove to or a combination with back up options to feed the sand battery?
I have a passive airwell concept I'd like to test that should work in more arid environments. It should work well in colder environments where the air tends to shed its humidity. It would also work to desalinate with a simple adjustment. We'll see, eventually. LOL
hello! big fan from flint mi, to this day our tap water is still not drinkable. i love the ideas you shared, if our local government wasn't so corrupt maybe they would look into some solutions like these.
Dear Robert, thank you for next great video. What do you think will happen if we use globaly the technology of "sucking" the water from the air" in a large scale. Would this negatively influnece the environment and climate if no water available to create the clouds?
River water in Portugal seems to be in excess of what falls from the sky. I suspect it is dew forming on trees.
What about using that new super-white-reflective paint on as a means to create much cooler, lower than dewpoint, temperatures? There's a couple of videos about how to make that paint which, apparently can drop a fair amount below ambient.
What about coupling a wind turbine to a Stirling engines for cooling. The wind tower would harvest water from the air? I know... I'll try it myself! 😊👍
You might want to take a look at vortex cooling
but their too expensive.
hmmm the adsorption method seems to be the most energy efficient of all, the major problem I see is that all the common desiccants used for this water harvesting are rigid and, the only possible metod to recover the water out of them is by heating up, so that makes the process, overall less efficient. So what if instead of using rigid brittle materials like zeolites or silica gel, we use some kind of soft sponge?, so that to recover de water out, we just could have to squeeze the material?, no heating needed. I have tested the cellulose-made sponges used for electronics soldering, and that material can absorb until 20% it's own weight of water, in a 40-50% RH air, but unfortunately this is not enough to get the water out by squeezing it, so maybe an improvement in the chemical composition or an additive could do the job.
Not sure I'd want to drink too much of it, as it's distilled water and by the nature of being distilled does not contain any electrolytes like potassium and other minerals your body needs.
So as these are often pushed for use in poor areas there is a good chance that they have a poor diet as well, so I think they should come with a supply of electrolytes.
Best to just wait for it to rain. Now if it stops the rain in the UK I'm all for it.
Those electrolytes are plentiful in your food. You are fine, just drinking pure water.
@@goiterlanternbase did you not see the bit about where there is a poor water supply there is normally an associated poor diet, so they might be lacking the electrolytes requirements in their diet in the first place.
My rain water is full of electrolytes thanks to contrails
@@brainretardant Funny that I was told in school that it also used to rain before jets were invented. Well every little rain drop has a little partial of dirt inside. 🙂
Air compressors do this too. Compressing air and cooling it will produce a lot of water.
The plastic bag on a tree branch is an interesting one.
The other one I watched today was a solar still.
Then your's pops up! :-)
I'm producing my water this way too, no need for high priced city water!
We can turn 100% humidity ocean air into drinking water! Also lakes air, creek air, pond air, and river air, there is no need to touch ocean water with high prices reversed osmosis filters!
Smaller towns & cities further south of New Orleans are having an issue with this right now, because the Missiori & ississippi rivers are both lower than they have ever been, which is causing the salty water from the gulf of mexico to backfeed into the riverbed. It is expected that within the next few months it will affect New Orleans's water as well.
Desalination would be the lowest energy way to fix that problem. Taking salt out of water takes less energy than taking water out of air.
@@kensmith5694I’m not sure that’s true.
@@mikebond6328 it is a thing you ca look up
Nope- you need to go back to science class cause you have that backwards- In fact Robert has already stated as much in at least one of his video's. There are only 4 ways to desalenate water. However only 3 are used because the other one is too impractical -centrifugal force- .
1) Normal Reverse-Osmosis: . This requires using a pool of "sacrificial" water, like Grey or urine/waste water & using an osmosis filter setup to migrate the salinity from one to the other. The problem is it requires twice the volume of water to "absorb" the saline as the original volume with the salt in it. In addition it can take days or even months depending on the initial volume of water, it's salinity & the ambient temperature .
2) Distillation: Requires removing as many solid particulates from the water as possible, usually by mechanical or methods similar to a waste-treatment facility. Then heating the salinated water to boiling, & then to fully turn it to steam- the higher saline content the longer & more heat is required to boil & turn it to steam.
The boiling point of normal water is 100°C or (212°F)
The boiling point of a saturated salt solution (seawater) is 108.7°C (227.7 °F).
It takes 2,260,000 Joules (2,260 KiloJoules) to convert 1 kg of liquid water at one atmosphere to 1 kg of steam at at one atmosphere to 100 ºC. (that's not factoring in teh saline content)
Then that steam will need to be condensed in some way, usually also requiring refrigeration. So it's already 2-3x as inefficiant & energy intensive as an air conditioner.
3) Forced Reverse-Osmosis: This requires both quite cold & high pressure conditions.
The eutectic point(Just above freezing) for saline saturated water is -21.12°C (-6.02°F)
This is listed because it cannot freeze.
It would nornally be (0°C/32°F) to freeze.
Not only must it be kept at this temperature but must be under pressure of At least 10-30 atmosphere's greater than at sea level, which requires very heavy commpressor stages & equipment. It is capable of making the highest volume of drinkable water in the shortest time. But is the most energy intensive.
You have apparently never heard of a simple process called condensation. You can take a 45°F cup from your fridge & pull aprox 1/4th to 2/3rds of the same volume of water in the cold cup from the air by the time the cold cup cools- with no added energy.
you can use an air-conditioner setup to get water out of the air in just a few minutes,
For example, in a room where the air is (27°C/80°F) and the relative humidity is 75%. Any object with a temperature of (22°C/71°F) or lower will become covered by condensation.
I have a I have an Ice maker that makes 8 Large Ice cubes in one cycle (9 minutes) or 8 small ones in just under 5 minutes. So in one hour that's 48 Ice cubes, if all it needed to do was pull water from the air- it will start to frost over in seconds after it starts pumping freon.
I also have a 11,000BTU (1500 Wattperhour) portable air conditioner, that after about 2 hours (in about 80-85% humidity) it collects almost 5 liters in it's condensation tank. If I don't dump it every night, the next time I run it, it will overflow.
Well, I guess this winter I will prepare a self running water feeder for birds to use it next summer.
Do you get dew on the ground in the morning on the days the birds need the water? If not, you won't make enough water without a huge investment.
@@kensmith5694 Yes, fortunately.
This video reminded me of something I saw a number of years ago. They buried a container and directed ambient air down into the container. The difference in temperature caused condensation and the container collected the water. They could extract the water from the container with a small pump. It worked well in hot climates because the difference in temperature underground compared to the ambient temperature above ground was enough to cause condensation. I'm sure that the pump could be powered by a small solar cell. It was very interesting.
What you need to know is that was a proven fraud never produced anything except money for the scammer
@@oildalestar I didn't see anyone selling it, I just watched a video showing how it was supposed to work. The idea seemed fairly sound. I never attempted to try it, but with a difference of 30-40F, I would think some condensation would occur. How much, who knows. But, people who use geothermal cooling for green houses have to use perforated tubing because solid tubing does collect water.
@@davidglynnguitars8119 The idea *IS* a fraud. It doesn't work. Very quickly, the air warms the soil above dew point. It is one of those things of physics that condensing water gives up an awful lot of heat. Soil isn't very thermally conductive.
I wonder if someone used the wind catcher that directs volatile wind into a single direction, like we've seen on this channel, then we wouldn't need a fan...
@@jsoswell Interesting idea. One of the geothermal greenhouses I like was by LDSPrepper here on YT. He used a fan to pull air through the piping, if I remember correctly. It's worth a look, if you're interested.
I've done this with a 1L frozen water bottle and blow air across it. I get about a 1/4 cup of water about the time it thaws.
Another idea is building a giant Orgone accumulator which have been said they are colder on the inside than the outside, and maybe it could condense air into water?
I had a little fridge like that, just a bit large, it stopped working, after i destroyed it, I found the only thing wrong with it. The fan stopped working! 😆, I thought it was a vapor compression fridge, if you can't cool the hot side the cool side isn't going to be cool , this is why mine stopped working!
This does .make me wonder , if enough of us did ,this ....
Would it affect the weather cycles ?
If you did the thing that is basically collecting dew, you wouldn't remove enough water to matter. If you use a heat pump to get water then you will increase the net energy demand with the usual effect of that.
Mate a while ago I was messing around with Keshe plasma technology, and I accidentally made something with caustic soda and gans that I cant replicate, and it was able to attract water ,any idea what it could have been?
I don't want to sound out there, but what about the quantum memory of water? It has its own "memory" and "register" every place and emotion it went through.
And you don't want to sound "out there"?
Pretty sure sunlight resets it?
MOF'S are also very suitable for water harvesting.
Thunderfoot debunked the waterbottle product,
determining in full sunlight all day
it had produced 100-150mL of water at 50-75% humidity.
Really that much? Or was it the countertop model they ended up with?
@@goiterlanternbase I remember he said for how long it takes to fill with water power by solar,
your body would most certainly need more than that by then,
so he called it debunked.
Rob... I think you're going to take me for a Mythomaniac if I write to you that I've already thought about this subject or that I've even already made an assembly with a peltier element and a solar panel... I even thought about taking an old refrigerator, turning it horizontally above a tank and connecting it to solar panels to collect the condensed water...
So you get the water out of the atmosphere and then drip it over some aluminium and produce power out of it ? 👍🏻
The main problem is cost and purity of the water I have looked into this most deserts have very low humidity takes a lot of power and they have to have large collection areas that air well in France was a copy of air wells in Turkey the one in France was a complete failure there have been many scams with wild claims the Israeli army made one but you needed a lot of power there are locations that take advantage of nature to gather water but a cheap solution available to the world still needs to be found
Do you know about The Moses West Foundation and his Water Machine?
If you have ice and a cup it will condense on the outside of the cup. Now there are dew catchers. I thought of a 3d mesh screen and cooling that using the dew point of air to condense water. But instead of ice you could use a metal that is slow to change its temperature. So freezing that could cool air to condense water. If it is lead or steel, or bismuth you could put it in a copper pipe. Freeze it and put it in a aero gel to condense water.
if get plastic bag and put bag around lot of leafs like tree it collect the water from the leafs
Hi, I believe you meant "water from air" not air from water, but cloud you pull air from water?
so if there is so much water in the air could you call it light water or how much water and what is the lower amount air water can we get to or hydrogen and oxygen since they are not water separately would in be the chase of hydro and oxygen being the acid and the material is what ever the water is running over or through creating the gas oxygent hydrogent
One has to be pretty cautious when drinking that, basically distilled water.
It needs to be slightly salted to not draw salt from your body reserves
Distilled water being dangerous is a myth. The difference between distilled and regular water is just few ppm of salts and minerals and that is barely enough to affect the taste unless you stop eating and only drink distilled water for a week. Granted, being stranded in a desert with no food is the kind of situation where people would likely use these devices to get water, but in that case you need supplements anyway so the slight difference is not as important as staying hydrated.
do you eat food?
They you sue that water to generate electric?
It should stay local i think, imagine if this because industrial how it would screw the water cycle.
I wonder why that mini fridge was end of life product, as all the components look to be working. Could have just taken apart a dehumidifier.
Those gat nasty beyond cleaning or just crack. It is a body of cheap plastic after all. Also they suck, not just balls, but power😏
The Fremin on Arakis, the desert planet, used humidity water collectors.
airco also makes water :)
Of course if you could convert the warmth in the air into electricity, the by product would be water or t'other way round. If all you want is the water it would be pointless to worry about the limited power production. Say for instance by magic a material was found that would extract heat from the air convert it into electricity that powers the fan on top warm moist air could be pushed down a tube from the ceiling exiting at floor level chilled and dry providing water and air con. A dream I know but think of the knock on effects folk living in the tropics would need blankets on their beds and water to drink to fend off dehydration if it were sufficiently cold it would reduce Malaria infection rates. We all know the tec has been around for decades to convert heat into power Surely someone could come up with a passive system that once built require no input. it occurs such devices could be inserted into the cavities of block wall construction. Think I better make myself a coffee and wake up.
And then you give it back to the water company lol
would it turn my farts into water?
this arrived 20 minutes ago.....you crossed the eithers.....
it is the solution i was looking for....the peltier device.
Steht so in der Kanalbeschreibung. Die Frage ist, isses überhaupt Robert, oder nur jemand der hofft mit seinem Namen bisschen Geld abzugreifen.
Nope. I see nothing thereof. When you can't afford a broad spectrum of food, your drinks are of poor quality too.
I especially have a bottled table water, that is rich on Ca and Mg, but it is disregarded by any guest of mine, to having a off taste. I do it, because it not only is a source of minerals, but also a relief for the teeth.
The thing is, i know what i do and 99,9% of people don't.
Minerals can be provided by food as well and for the most of people they are. Whole grain flour contains more minerals than water can hold.
Keep it don't give it back
They can produce rain whenever they want by using chemtrails also known as geo-enginering.. google it
The lines form in a grid like pattern and this then forms a dull grey blanket above us (see it loads of times in the uk just keep looking up).... sulfur in the atmosphere is known to cause rain... but on a deeper level water can also be electrically charged which is why rain clouds form in the first place ... when the really fine mist particles become charged they bond together eventually forming dark grey clouds and when the water has bound together enough it becomes more dense which eventually leads to the raindrop becoming more dense and falls to earth because ground is where it discharges...
Theirs nothing we dont know that they dont already know..
Earth is ground
Sun is positive
Moon is neutral
Im not saying god was an electrician but he knew alot about electromagnetism and electromagnetic circiuts and the effects tthey can have on certain things....
We have been given the bullshit science to keep us en-slaved...
Poor one. That memetic disease got you thick. Now you try to find solace in belittling others😔
Glad to see a cromulent argument for a change, particularly given the ruminquentially staflication of the debate. Aspinentically yours, The King of Abragetitlassiansmurchilania.