Laus Los Tseem Zoo Nkauj. 1/5/2025
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Laus Los Tseem Zoo Nkauj.
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Maiv vang koj hais tau zoo heev thiab tus siab kawg li os ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Zoo siab tshaj plaws ua tseem muaj ib tug txiv neej txawj xav thiab txawj hlub pojniam li koj yog muaj tseeb nawb. May God bless you both and may you forever be loved by your wife and children the same way you have love your wife.
....A good man with values!
What’s a lovely story!
Brother you are the best man ever, sorry for you mom😢😢
Guy of the story: Ntuj/God bless you and thank you for loving your wife and proving to us that there are still good husbands in this world, very few but there are still some.
You did good for loving your wife as you promised and vow to be different from your father. 👍👍👏👏
We need more guys like you.
I love to hear hmong men like this, loving and valuing their wife. You have a good heart brother. Xav tau ib tug neeg zoo li no uas hlub yuv. Feem ntau tsis muaj txiv neej zoo li no. Pab tu siab rau koj tus poj niam muaj mob tab sis koj tseem hlub nws ces tsis muaj dab tsi piv zoo tshaj qhov ntawd lawm. Pab thov kom neb ob leeg muaj txoj sia nyob ua ke ntev ntev.. ❤️🙏 bless your heart.
Tus me txiv tsev koj yog tus neeg lub siab zoo tshaj li os thov qhuas koj os
True love here😢
Glade that you didn’t follow your evil dad’s footsteps, and love your wife and care for her…love is to be there for each other until the end…👍🤠!
This is one of the best story I have heard! Mloog zaj neej neeg no cas es yuav Tu siab ua luaj li os lawv aw. But praise the husband in this story for having such a heart of Gold!💛 What a wonderful loving husband you are! God bless your heart for being such a Great husband!🙏🙏
Qhov tu siab tshaj hauv lub qab ntuj no yog qhov no tiag, tsam muaj ib hnub twg es yus cia li tsis nco qab/tsis paub tus neeg yus hlub los yog yus tej menyuam. May god continues to bless you to have patience to care for your wife, Mr.🙏🙏🙏
Yog txiv neej txawj hlub peb poj niam yeej txawj zoo
Yog txiv neej txawj hais zoo peb poj niam yeej txawj hwm
Xav kom kúv tus txiv zoo li ko thiab os cas zaj neej neeg nó es tự siab thiab zoo ưa luaj li os
Super romantic couple, you are the best man ever!! May God blessed you and your wife for many more years of happiness.
Brother aw zoo siab rau koj, koj hlub koj tus poj niam thiab koj tus poj niam ntxim kawg nawb.
Makes me sad and happy. You’re such a good person who has such a good heart! You can’t buy morals and loyalty, not only that you’re not a follower and let these ignorant people influence you to mistreat your wife! There’s not too many like you anymore!
Good story
Cov txiv neej hlub nws tus poj niam zoo li no ntshe muaj tsawg heev.
Thaub no paub poj niam tsawg, but great story.
Cov neej zoo li koj txiv npam kiag thiaj tau nej niam yau muab nws ntau pauj. I like nej niam yau style. She won't let him beat her only.
What a life your mother and your siblings have to go through.
Yog tus phem txij nkawm ces yog txhob hlub yus tej me nyuam ces xum Tuag thiaj li dim txoj kev lwj siab o hmoob
Thank you god for bringing a wonderful man to this beautiful woman. May god be with you and your lovely wife. If it was you in her shoe, she would do the same too. She love you like you love her. ❤
Very good story. Zoo kawg ua koj hlub hlub koj tu poj niam es tsis zoo li cov txiv neej hmoob siab phem. Thov hlub koj tu poj niam li koj hais tau nws.
Ua lub neej nyob ces sawv daws yeej ntshaw txoj kev. hlub tseeb zoo li zaj no xwb tiag tab sis nyias niam muaj nyias siab nyias ntsws es tsis Xav ib Yam ces tus tau qhov zoo li cas los muaj tag tib si li nrog khub no zoo siab thiab nawv mog neb txawj sib hlub ces pauj tau neb txoj kev txij nkawm cog lus thaum hluas ho cov tsis txawj sib hlub ces lub neej lwj siab nrog nraim yus mus ib sim neej xwb lauj peb cov me niam tsev aw
Tug me txiv tsev aw...cas txoj Kev zoo lub siab zoo txoj Kev hlub es lub ntuj niam muab sau hlo pub rau koj ib leeg lawm xwb os. Cas hais tàu ntxim hlub thiab ho tu siab thiab txaus hlub ua luaj .
Koj yog ib tug txiv siab zoo heev li os kav tsij hlub2 koj tus niam tsev xwb os mog peb poj niam ces ntshaw2 ib tug txiv siab zoo li koj no xwb os me nus aw...
Lub ntiaj teb no es ntuj puas tseem tsim tàu ib tug txiv zoo zoo li koj tseg cia nyob rau qhov twg os. Txawm tsi tàu yuav los xav pom ib muag xwb tiag lawv. Vim lub neej tu tu siab li os.
Yaiv….yaiv…!… kuv rov qhuas yus thiaj tsim nyog.
Yus txiv phem yus thiaj paub hlub. Ua tsaug koj txawj xav, pauv hlub koj tus pojniam. Change starts with you men. 🫡
TOS peb cov poj niam hmoob meka ntxub cov niag hmoob nplog los zoo li no lawv yeej tsis Hlub peb thiab
Zoo os tus txiv ntxawm koj hlub hlub koj tus poj niam ea tsis ua li koj txiv os
Haiv neeg muaj haiv neeg tsim
Tug mi nus koj niam zaj dab neeg no hai tau tu siab tshaj plwg li 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Good work sis 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Hmong li neej tsuj neej qhau ces thaum twg yuav tau nyiaj ces lawv mam ua ntuj liab teb ntsuab kom tau nyiaj las mas, tsis yog neej tsa li os. Tsis hais cov thaum ub los cov nim no. Thaum twg ntxim yuav tau nyiaj ces lawv tshwm pliah liab vog. Tsis li ces tus tuag tseem muaj zaum tshwm hauv npau suav, cov neej pau ciaj ntawd ntiag tshaj tuag
Txiv neej Hmoob lub siab lim hiam os lawv aw!!!
Sim neej no cas peb yuav muaj ib co poj niam raug tsim txom npaum no.
I love your videos so much my friend 🥰🥰❤️❤️🥰🥰
Uncle, god just testing you.
Kuv mlog koj tham mas tug siab heev 😭😭😭😭
Tus me txiv tsev thov kom lub ntuj lub teb pob puas es kom koj tus me niam tsev rov qab nco qab li qub xwb. Thiab thov kom lub ntuj muab txog kev zoo pub rau koj mog
Luag tias heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim na has
Ntxub Hmoob lub neej uas pheej muab ntxhais yuam yuav tus txiv ntxhais tsis nyiam los tseem raug luag tsimtxom. Vim Hmoob muab nyiaj saib muaj nqis tseem ceeb tshaj lub neej txojsia.
Peb ua neegnyob ce poj niam txiv neej lo thaum sib sau tuav te lo ua ib yig neejlawm ce ob leeg twb koob noj ib lauj kaub mov lawm ce zoo phem lo txob pub yu tu txij nkawm xav e nyia xav nyia e ua qhov zoo xwb ce twb txau lawm o😢txob cia khuv xim qhov zoo tsi tau ua o
Tuag los zoo los mas cov neeg siab phem li koj txiv na Cas yuav tsis txawj tuag li es tuav tuag qeeb ua luaj Cas koj ho tsis xuas riam tua kiag Kom tuag mus na nyob nhyav2 daim av koj txiv na muab tshuaj rau koj txiv noj Kom tuag tshua2 mus mas
Cas kuv mloog zaj neej neeg no kuv tu2 siab vim kuv zoo li tus niam tais no nim tsis muaj tus tu kuv txiv twb tso nws tseg lawm.kuv los kua muag li os...cov txiv txawg2 xav li koj ntshe tsawg leej heev os yawm txiv 1 sim niam txiv es yuav tsum ua li koj ua no thiaj yog os mog.😢😢😢
Koj txiv npam tsawg & tuag sai dhau. Tsimnyog niamyau ntaus rho hluas taws hlawv nws 2 ceg kub nyhiab tag mam tuag.
This is f up. No body help her
Oh she had Dementia..take care of ur love