This storyline was portrayed soooooo realistically...Lisa Goldstein Kirsch REALLY nailed it. Such a talented, pretty, AMAZING actress...I feel like she was underrated. She didn't get the praise/attention/publicity that she deserved. So some people will never know WHO she is, and just WHAT she brought to the table. Which was an actress with the ability to dive so deep into her character, that you actually FEEL for her character, Millie. I've seen coke addiction storylines on plenty of prime-time dramas, and Lisa's is by far one of the best I've ever seen. Her and Jenni Garth. Jennie Garth from the original 90210. (Who did a coke addiction storyline with her character, Kelly) 💯%!
This storyline was portrayed soooooo realistically...Lisa Goldstein Kirsch REALLY nailed it. Such a talented, pretty, AMAZING actress...I feel like she was underrated. She didn't get the praise/attention/publicity that she deserved. So some people will never know WHO she is, and just WHAT she brought to the table. Which was an actress with the ability to dive so deep into her character, that you actually FEEL for her character, Millie. I've seen coke addiction storylines on plenty of prime-time dramas, and Lisa's is by far one of the best I've ever seen. Her and Jenni Garth. Jennie Garth from the original 90210. (Who did a coke addiction storyline with her character, Kelly) 💯%!
I loved Millie’s storyline
John's best buy Zack
Joyce Have your Zack