Trying random stuff is always fun. me and my friends play league of random which is basicly by pick order, meaning 1st pick is top, 2nd pick is jungle and so on so on, and by one at a time clicking on random champ and going with whatever we end with. And some of the things that work, shouldn't. I have beaten a Cassiopeia with Mid Lane Braum, a Zed with Mid Lane Garen, a Syndra with Mid Lane Hecarim amongst other things that are just dumb XD. Meta is great but it's more important to have fun :) This being said you shoud never troll in ranked. Try out new things and comps in normals and play stuff like League of Random when you have a full team as to not troll innocent people.
XxXYTrinityYXxX True, to this day I still don't know how my garren solo bot managed to beat 2 gold players, I think one of them mentioned alcohol when we were organizing the fight, and I know the other smokes weed so..
Really, this song is maybe one of the best you've ever made. Original music is great, lyrics really make sense and audio balance is just great. Keep that way guys, you're awesome
"This ain't normals" XD I laughed so much at Chris' expression... I once tried an all-yordle team (Tristana, Teemo, Veigar, Poppy and I forgot the fifth XD) back in those days where there was no "adc/jungle/top" meta rule. They stepped on us midgets, but we had real fun XD
People playing normals like it doesn't matter. You can do anything you want just don't shoot yourself in the foot ruining a game for potentially 9 others .. There may be less at stake but the objective of the game doesn't change.
Unexard Iximarion It might be ''just a game'' but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't care about the outcome,or shouldn't get mad when you lose.Football is ''just a game'' but behind that game there are a LOT of money at stake.It isn't ''just a game''.It is a game,your rank(possibly),your time and your mood.Sure,you should try new builds,but as markedfang said,don't ruin the game for 9 others.
Unexard Iximarion If you're not playing to the games objective, you're playing a different game alltogether. Even though it's just a game, even if it's just casual fun. You should take it seriously enough to try to win, because you're actually ruining the game for others if you do. How awful of me to ask people to be considerate. Sure, go jungle Urgot. Bring an assassin Bot lane. If you want to play rediculously anti-meta bring friends. There are plenty of strategies and picks that can work that aren't meta, but if you pick something anti-meta and the rest of the team doesn't know or can't adapt to that, you're shooting yourself and your team in the foot. Games are lost in team select, aswell as on the rift.
Thanos Grivas Care however much you want about normals, but don't even start saying that normals are comparable to PRO football. Maybe compare the LCS to the NFL kind of thing, not normals though.
Brayden Rankin It doesn't have to be pro football.Even local matches have a lot of money bet on them.You can always have fun in a game but the goal of the game isn't to have fun,it's to win.You don't have to go to the extreme to win(ex.betray your friends)but neither should you be hiding behind the ''It's just a game''.In it's entirety that phrase is wrong.Just because YOU think that the game's goal is to have fun and you don't have to win doesn't mean that nobody has the right to get mad.In the same logic i can go to the extreme,and say ''It's just one man's life'' and kill you,or ''It's just 4.000$ and steal a bank''.
Brayden Rankin Normals are exactly like any football match you play with people on your neightbourhood, you should play to win, otherwise your teammates have the right to get mad at you.
I had a really funny moment in Season IV. I played Heimerdinger. Around half of the game our top laner wrote: "Wow, Heimer 0/0/19 best supp ever!" I played mid...
There is really no point in all that "play in the meta" thing. Most of these tryhard people a few months ago would flame at someone going soraka mid, and then claim its broken after some pros played her. HOW? She did not get a single change since the preseason 4 until the time she became popular. Same goes for Alistar top, Talon, Lucian, Zilean mid and many more. Srsly, play whatever you like and have the most fun with and never judge or offend someone just because he tries somenthing different (unless he is obviously trolling just to ruin your game).
as long as what you like works... for example akali júngle does work, but it has significant issues when counterjungled early, and cant gank till level 6... if you play her in jungle you need to know what her weaknesses are and need to beware of enemies abusing these... if you do that, yes you can play what you want, but first look where the strength and the weaknesses are... many people who play "troll-picks" (non-meta-picks) dont look at why pros dont play that, since there are reasons why pros pick and dont pick special champs, if you look at the pros and cons you can play it, if you know how to not be abused at your cons...
"Srsly, play whatever you like and have the most fun with and never judge or offend someone just because he tries something different (unless he is obviously trolling just to ruin your game)." So long as its not at the expense of other peoples enjoyment
***** im not flaming anyone for failing a lane once, and i dont flame or blame people for playing viktor, he is a lane bully and can snowball against many champs, the problem is, your fucked when you lose lane, and you are easy to gank, if you know your easy gankable, since you dont have real disengage, and ward out so you cant be "suprised" by junglers or other lanes its fine, but know the weakness of a champ and play around it, use and utilize the strength of a champ, in viktors case he is okay now, with the few changes they did, and he was and still is a lane bully, you should win lane most of the time with him, but you cant win every lane :D i didnt flame or offend people who play out of the meta at all, i just say know how to play to champs.... if played right poppy is pretty strong, but her lane sucks, so you need to pick her against weak laners like mundo... play what you want, but please know how to play that... and if you dont know exactly how to play it, play normals with it, therefore normals are made :D
One fun thingy I started to do was actually Support Yorick. My friends and I would get a 5 man queue call our roles first then click random. I wound up having a good time with Yorick as a support getting tear sightstone face of the mountain than going full tank. It was just an extremely fun thing to do and shockingly effective. Because of that day Yorick is my second best support (next to Morgana) and is a shockingly great counter to things like Thresh Blitz and Morg if you can predict their Qs.
It's exactly the same like when I go Maokai support or Galio mid. They instantly call me a troller, and if we win they still report me for "trolling". Man, I love Silver so very fucking much >.
***** yeah, I like Galio in both mid and support, probably why some of my favorite songs so far have been We Are The Supports, and Pick Anyone =P... So many good champs you can play in support, I usually just end up picking something more standard and versatile though, have had some hard times with counter picks against some of the crazier stuff =P
"My friends and I would get a 5 man queue call our roles first then click random" That's brilliant...that sounds like so much fun. It's like Aram with out the All Mid.
For me, winning is fun. I guess that's just a difference of opinion though. As long as everyone tries their best even with the wackiest builds I'm fine with it. I think for most it's just difficult to establish a mind-set like that when all you want to do is win, especially when the non-meta person is feeding.
I got matched with two players that both wanted to be support in my provisional. In the end top got a support aswell as me and we had no jungle. Top absolutely obliterated in lane causing their jungle to just babysit top so our jungle was safe, then we had a 4 man bot push and took two towers together. In the end we won with 4 dragons and 2 barons, with a team that had no smite. It was not the team comp I would have liked but it was a hell of a lot of fun
Tnx for this song, it reminded me how fun was playing league without ranked or training for ranked in normals. From now on draft is for training. In normals I'm going back to full yolo mode:)
Instalok: "We can try different strategies, there's more than one way of playing League" Riot: "No." *Riots banned a gm Teemo supp mid, a singed supp that counter jungles, etc*
i played blukong for the first time some days ago. i was 19/3 at the end of the game (5 assists) after we won enemy udyr said "wukong worst build ever" LOL
Somerandomgamer Stinus I'm probably overreacting, but I ALWAYS get annoyed when somebody says that :D I mean, If I buy 6 phantom dancers and i carry the game, how the fuck is my build bad? You just got beaten by the guy who actually had that build xD (6 phantom dancers is probably a very bad example, but you get the idea ;) )
Pero Peric Sure, you might have played against people far worse than you, but for example, let's say you're both in same division, and both of you play equally well
Meta's i have not seen yet (not sure if did) that i did that proved other players my experementing of meta's not a waste of time -AD Vladimir -full attack speed YI -AP Trynda -Tank YI -AD Velkoz -AP Jax -Spellbader Kat (semi AD/AP Kat in long :3) -AP WW/AP tank WW -full AD WW -AP ka6 (more like spellbader but i evolve R then go AP :3 so every passive count big dmg brings out) -AD akali -AP ashe (howling abyss) actually alot more.. but i forgot some :3 try some...if u want ^^
I don't know about ad akali, but I played ap attack speed starting with hextech, then going into nashors and wits end. I probably would have built a guinsoo's, but I got a pentakill in top lane and they surrendered :(
if ur premade thats so true once we had a 5er premade and a zac + everyone tp xD in 30th min or something zac jumped in 1v5 and all tp´ed to his blubs xD
MuchitoRamiCP There are some people doing that unfortunately .. but is it only me or do i win more often if i play for fun and improvement rather then playing for straight wins?
1:31 Astronaut Teemo top left under "No!". Actually wasn't expecting one to be hidden with an Astro-Teemo already being in the video a few times just not ver hideden...
Hunterpie79 Please no... But actually maybe a wit's end/nashors/lich bane/rabadons/abyssal/cdr boots could make something bad, but still doing something.
There is no such thing as Elo hell, I was in bronze 1 , now I'm in silver 3 and still climbing. Many times I get bad teammates, but the most important part is to keep your cool and focus on what you can do to help your team, and usually, if your teammates feed and you dont, and if you don't flame at them, then they will listen to your calls like all mid, or force drag or push bot. Another way to help a lot after you win lane is to roam, that's why I play support because with mobi boots I can go mid very fast and give my midlaner a kill with an unexpected pull. Also, not being greedy and dodging games is very important. Losing 3 Lp is no big deal, and usually that eliminates all trolls from your games
Not In American Server,in brazilian Bronze V is the elo hell,one guy in there have 10 accounts,all in bronze five and he feed all ranked match he play,so in brazil Bronze V is the hell,once you enter in there you can never leave.
I want to feel better: So we all know there is this: I wrote mid first so I go mid! Yeah, okay, no problem. Let's say we have this in ranked: Bot premade, mid, jung. So everybody except of me (I pref adc/mid) has their prefered lanes. I am a bad toplaner, SORRY! You think now, that I lost my lane and my team won theirs, because they can't suck with their prefs, right? WRONG! I played 2/1/1, had more cs and I even destroyed 1 turret without losing one by myself. Pretty neutral, isn't it? Now comes the thing I hate the most: The rest of my team f*cked up so greatly, that I was not able to do anything. My enemy in the toplane didn't even leave the lane a single time and he even got some ganks by their jungler. I reported all 4 of them for Intentionally Feeding, "Takes my prefered lane and loses it IN RANKED -.-" Okay, okay. I usually lose my prefered lane every ~40 games. It is absolutely okay if you lose sometimes, but it is impossible, that all 4 people in my team had that 40th time. And if you lose your prefered role, the role you have the best performance with, more often than every ~10th game, then I ask you:"How did you get to this league with such a bad skill? And that is your main?". Success! I feel better now. Who cares if haters comment :D
Every game is at least 20 minutes and has literally thousands of interactions between 10 different people in that span of time. It's not as simple as "I didn't get to play my preferred role, that's why we lost!" Have a little humility :/ if you feel that bad about losing a game (with 4 people that are arbitrarily assigned to your team and you can't necessarily count on), you probably should just take a break or not play..because that's pretty much the whole point of the game.
How to loose ur best lane? hmm Playing against the best ennemy lane and he got ur counter or if he is better than you ^^ If u are at ur rank it is normal to loose (a bit) ur lane once every 5 game (depends on the champ too) You can't flame anyone for being bad, if u do this u can surrend because he won't try anything. How to win in LoL? Be positive and don't flame anyone.
+Cade Windsor (Sir Spooky) I need another jungler when I play kha'zix or the toplaner coming with me to tank, his really bad lately even worse now .___.
play normals then bro lol. ladder is for serious play. but then again doesn't matter who you have on your team. if its you or some pro. so easy to carry if you're in a rank you don't belong. :)
It's not only a normal game, but team builder cause it's made in the new summoners rift which is only avaible in team builder as of when this song came out.
i would rather wait 20min in que to have a full tryhard meta team, instead of a quetime of 10sec with 2 junglers, a jarvan support and an ap urgot mid... rito pls give tryhard que, waiting is worth for me. ty
I once saw a movespeed Jarvan. He was scary. Very scary. Tanky as hell, lots of damage and movespeed. I was playing Xerath with movespeed stuff too. I stunned him, over and over and he chased me down to kill me. I don't wanna ever see that again.
If you had that you would regret saying that ;). I've been challenger almost all season peaking at rank 2.. I've surely had more than 20 minute queues... Not exactly much fun
The word filthy means "dirty", basically a discriminating word in this sense; casual refers to a "not so serious way of doing things." Putting two and two together, you basically get the meaning "disgusting people who don't play to win." Just a figure of speech though~
If you play normals like casuals I don't care, but please don't bring your double jungle into a ranked game, unless you're a smurf and you know what you're doing :)
Alejandro Pina double jungle XD i have done duo top with a strategy of snowballing that worked against the meta but duo jungle is just as retarded as duo adc mid. The only time i play ap shaco or galio supp is when i have played least 5 bot games and practiced in multiple ways until i understand them.
Always report your team !!! There are too many reasons why always report your team 1. surrender- Everything can happen maybe someone in their team can disconect and you easily win 2. When you are support you cant carry game and you have retarded team only you have good score and your adc and many more
***** supports are no doing big damages you cant make pentakill as supp because your damage isnt too high wehn you have more damage then your adc you are useful support
GlášaTV This is what you do, get a bigger championpoll, try to counter their team with a support eks: If they pick Vi, pick morg, if they pick nami, pick braum, if they pick thresh/blitz pick morg, if they pick jinx pick braum, if they don't have allot of escapes eks, jinx, ww, syndra, etc pick morgana or thresh and possibly blitz, nami aswell. Zilean got nerfed so he isn't as strong as he used to be, but you can pick him if you want to in diffrent comps/for your adc if you can trust him/her. I have carried multipile games as an support. If you pick thresh go full cdr, you get 2 sec on hook if you hit, and you're gonna be so usefull in teamfights if you manage to hook. Braum, just stay in frontline and take all the damage like a boss If you pick nami you have to rely on your team a little bit, you can try to hit Q, but it's pretty hard if you are new to her, but if you manage to hit a perfect ult you might be able to turn around the game or just stay in backline if you have those on cd and heal your adc/the most useful Blitz, there isn't much he can do maybe flash in to the team and ult so they all get silenced, that or try to hook their adc, if they have banshees ask your team to try to pop it. Zilean, is more useful if you have eks, Twitch or Rengar on your team. But you have to tell them what is going on before the game starts or if he is your duo partner Morgana, try to catch people off with binding, and flash into their whole team with zhonyas and ult.
XD LOL that plot twist at the end. I guess I'm a casual cause I like to do random things like veigar jungle but then my team would rage and they complain yet they don't get wards sigh
Lol a friend and I made a blitz, heimer bot strat for norms that we went 42-1 with no joke 42 wins 1 loss. There were several games we carried 4 v 5. Some odd strats can work in norms if you just communicate and plan well. It tends to beat two random people going meta :P
IN 2014 he predicted the meta of 2018 '' who ever said that we need an ad ?'' ( there are only few adc in the current meta) " we could both jungle just you and me " ( boosting strategies nunu+karthus or yi+taric )
Elo hell, this exists. When darius see's enemy team taking baron, flashes away, then walks back in after they're done, when you ping to take nexus tower but your team turns and goes back for the first tower at botlane, when you see kat and ping to cc her but WW ult's the thresh for no reason. When you go to engage, and your team is so bust arguing that they can't react to an engage because they were flaming eachother in another language, whilst telling you to shut up. THAT - is elo hell.
I have same ;/ my friends always say "what is that build noob", then i got quadra but they still flame on me because i dont build like people from LCS ;/ I love u guys u makes very good job. greetings from Poland guys, never stop what u doing now !
i dont know i just like them, in real life they are awesome but in game all of us have new life u know i dont like to take my personal things into game :)
Here is a fun build: Orianna with Nashors, Wit's End, Red Devourer (take smite). Kinda bad early but late game you should 6 shot people with 2.5 attack speed :D
I love switching it up. A few friends and I all went yordals, and we butchered them. It was Heim, tristana, veigar, rumble, and Poppy. It was amazing. Even though we still won, I believe it was one of the most fun games I have ever played/
"Who ever said we need an AD?"
This line aged like wine
mmm season 11 go brrr
@@mademoiselleria1412 Playing a mage botlane and no ADC at all was a season 9 phenomenon
@@iwersonsch5131 yeah but adcs are useless now
@@mademoiselleria1412 not really, the botlane meta still consists basically completely of ADCs, such as Jhin, Ezreal, Kaisa, Samira, Miss Fortune...
Adc in 2021 hahahaha good joke
Trying random stuff is always fun. me and my friends play league of random which is basicly by pick order, meaning 1st pick is top, 2nd pick is jungle and so on so on, and by one at a time clicking on random champ and going with whatever we end with. And some of the things that work, shouldn't. I have beaten a Cassiopeia with Mid Lane Braum, a Zed with Mid Lane Garen, a Syndra with Mid Lane Hecarim amongst other things that are just dumb XD. Meta is great but it's more important to have fun :) This being said you shoud never troll in ranked. Try out new things and comps in normals and play stuff like League of Random when you have a full team as to not troll innocent people.
I was about to write an essay with all that, but I may simply rate your comment as it states what I exactly think about it! :D
The elo in things like that is important. When you are better than som1 the champ doesnt count much
XxXYTrinityYXxX True, to this day I still don't know how my garren solo bot managed to beat 2 gold players, I think one of them mentioned alcohol when we were organizing the fight, and I know the other smokes weed so..
Liarra Sigla Hahahaha n1
XxXYTrinityYXxX well, they did spend about 3 minutes having a ward battle with me, so I can only assume the worst.
Chris: "I don't know why I have to try every time in Normals."
Patrick: "...This ain't Normals..."
Legends never die
Your maroon 5 parodies are always SO good, the voices are just perfect and flow so nicely! Love this one guys!
1:00 Reported the video for Harming an innocent ice cream
AchtungFreud HIS ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+OptimusPrime .
He was like "Hell No !!!!" hahahahahaha
+AchtungFreud that mustve been fokin cold
so fuckingg
Really, this song is maybe one of the best you've ever made. Original music is great, lyrics really make sense and audio balance is just great.
Keep that way guys, you're awesome
It makes my day when I see a new Instalok video :D. Great song as per usual :)
Are u still alive?
"This ain't normals" XD I laughed so much at Chris' expression...
I once tried an all-yordle team (Tristana, Teemo, Veigar, Poppy and I forgot the fifth XD) back in those days where there was no "adc/jungle/top" meta rule. They stepped on us midgets, but we had real fun XD
Yordle Comp Stomp? your mid has to be the bomb, that's him
People playing normals like it doesn't matter. You can do anything you want just don't shoot yourself in the foot ruining a game for potentially 9 others ..
There may be less at stake but the objective of the game doesn't change.
Unexard Iximarion It might be ''just a game'' but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't care about the outcome,or shouldn't get mad when you lose.Football is ''just a game'' but behind that game there are a LOT of money at stake.It isn't ''just a game''.It is a game,your rank(possibly),your time and your mood.Sure,you should try new builds,but as markedfang said,don't ruin the game for 9 others.
Unexard Iximarion
If you're not playing to the games objective, you're playing a different game alltogether. Even though it's just a game, even if it's just casual fun. You should take it seriously enough to try to win, because you're actually ruining the game for others if you do.
How awful of me to ask people to be considerate.
Sure, go jungle Urgot. Bring an assassin Bot lane. If you want to play rediculously anti-meta bring friends.
There are plenty of strategies and picks that can work that aren't meta, but if you pick something anti-meta and the rest of the team doesn't know or can't adapt to that, you're shooting yourself and your team in the foot.
Games are lost in team select, aswell as on the rift.
Thanos Grivas Care however much you want about normals, but don't even start saying that normals are comparable to PRO football. Maybe compare the LCS to the NFL kind of thing, not normals though.
Brayden Rankin It doesn't have to be pro football.Even local matches have a lot of money bet on them.You can always have fun in a game but the goal of the game isn't to have fun,it's to win.You don't have to go to the extreme to win(ex.betray your friends)but neither should you be hiding behind the ''It's just a game''.In it's entirety that phrase is wrong.Just because YOU think that the game's goal is to have fun and you don't have to win doesn't mean that nobody has the right to get mad.In the same logic i can go to the extreme,and say ''It's just one man's life'' and kill you,or ''It's just 4.000$ and steal a bank''.
Brayden Rankin Normals are exactly like any football match you play with people on your neightbourhood, you should play to win, otherwise your teammates have the right to get mad at you.
I had a really funny moment in Season IV. I played Heimerdinger. Around half of the game our top laner wrote: "Wow, Heimer 0/0/19 best supp ever!" I played mid...
ScarecrowLP | Let's Plays mit der Vogelscheuche i feel ya
I really like how your voice sounds in this one. Its actually really pretty, and the lyrics fit the rhythm. Good job.
2:03 the name of blitzcrank omfg :O
So I'm watching this in 2022, and my favourite part is that Urgot is not an actual support played in High ELO
There is really no point in all that "play in the meta" thing. Most of these tryhard people a few months ago would flame at someone going soraka mid, and then claim its broken after some pros played her. HOW? She did not get a single change since the preseason 4 until the time she became popular. Same goes for Alistar top, Talon, Lucian, Zilean mid and many more. Srsly, play whatever you like and have the most fun with and never judge or offend someone just because he tries somenthing different (unless he is obviously trolling just to ruin your game).
as long as what you like works... for example akali júngle does work, but it has significant issues when counterjungled early, and cant gank till level 6... if you play her in jungle you need to know what her weaknesses are and need to beware of enemies abusing these... if you do that, yes you can play what you want, but first look where the strength and the weaknesses are... many people who play "troll-picks" (non-meta-picks) dont look at why pros dont play that, since there are reasons why pros pick and dont pick special champs, if you look at the pros and cons you can play it, if you know how to not be abused at your cons...
"Srsly, play whatever you like and have the most fun with and never judge or offend someone just because he tries something different (unless he is obviously trolling just to ruin your game)." So long as its not at the expense of other peoples enjoyment
im not flaming anyone for failing a lane once, and i dont flame or blame people for playing viktor, he is a lane bully and can snowball against many champs, the problem is, your fucked when you lose lane, and you are easy to gank, if you know your easy gankable, since you dont have real disengage, and ward out so you cant be "suprised" by junglers or other lanes its fine, but know the weakness of a champ and play around it, use and utilize the strength of a champ, in viktors case he is okay now, with the few changes they did, and he was and still is a lane bully, you should win lane most of the time with him, but you cant win every lane :D i didnt flame or offend people who play out of the meta at all, i just say know how to play to champs.... if played right poppy is pretty strong, but her lane sucks, so you need to pick her against weak laners like mundo...
play what you want, but please know how to play that... and if you dont know exactly how to play it, play normals with it, therefore normals are made :D
Actually Alistar got huge buff to his ultimate (more % reduction) and both of his CC skills' mana cost.
months ago soraka was viable in mid
I play this game far too much but I break the meta all the time? Does that mean I'm a casual?
yup, and you think out side the box, (keep it up)
play bots. its not our fault you play so much
Who said it's a bad thing?
Especially in the pre-season patch everything will be flipped upside down
roxrir rokras can I have my virus in rainbows?
Instalok PLS make a parody of "MC Hammer - Can't touch this" called: Can't dodge this! :D
featuring Morgana binds.
and Thresh/Blitz-Hooks ;)
Awesome idea
As well as Nidalee's Javelin.
Everyone is off complaining about the Death of the Ice Cream when i'm just LMAO At the Ending
Wow you guys have gotten really good with your parodies over time. Keep it up!
One fun thingy I started to do was actually Support Yorick. My friends and I would get a 5 man queue call our roles first then click random. I wound up having a good time with Yorick as a support getting tear sightstone face of the mountain than going full tank. It was just an extremely fun thing to do and shockingly effective. Because of that day Yorick is my second best support (next to Morgana) and is a shockingly great counter to things like Thresh Blitz and Morg if you can predict their Qs.
Try out veigar supp with face of the mountain for q stacks and j4 supp vs botlanes not having poke comb
It's exactly the same like when I go Maokai support or Galio mid. They instantly call me a troller, and if we win they still report me for "trolling".
Man, I love Silver so very fucking much >.
Yorick anywhere works, he's pretty ridiculous atm. He's just useless lategame without proper cashmoneys.
***** yeah, I like Galio in both mid and support, probably why some of my favorite songs so far have been We Are The Supports, and Pick Anyone =P... So many good champs you can play in support, I usually just end up picking something more standard and versatile though, have had some hard times with counter picks against some of the crazier stuff =P
"My friends and I would get a 5 man queue call our roles first then click random"
That's brilliant...that sounds like so much fun. It's like Aram with out the All Mid.
bro 8 years....
Damn this song makes so sense on season 8 and 9 :D
Changing the meta is a lot of fun. Sorry but I play the game for fun. Seems everyone plays normal like its a ranked promo game.
Yep. It's a game that's made to be played for fun. Not raging at your teammates for a simple mistake. People need to understand that.
For me, winning is fun. I guess that's just a difference of opinion though. As long as everyone tries their best even with the wackiest builds I'm fine with it. I think for most it's just difficult to establish a mind-set like that when all you want to do is win, especially when the non-meta person is feeding.
I got matched with two players that both wanted to be support in my provisional. In the end top got a support aswell as me and we had no jungle. Top absolutely obliterated in lane causing their jungle to just babysit top so our jungle was safe, then we had a 4 man bot push and took two towers together. In the end we won with 4 dragons and 2 barons, with a team that had no smite. It was not the team comp I would have liked but it was a hell of a lot of fun
I take Relic Shield with Janna in normal and everyone and their nasus lose their mind.
Tnx for this song, it reminded me how fun was playing league without ranked or training for ranked in normals. From now on draft is for training. In normals I'm going back to full yolo mode:)
Instalok: "We can try different strategies, there's more than one way of playing League"
Riot: "No."
*Riots banned a gm Teemo supp mid, a singed supp that counter jungles, etc*
i played blukong for the first time some days ago. i was 19/3 at the end of the game (5 assists) after we won enemy udyr said "wukong worst build ever" LOL
Somerandomgamer Stinus I'm probably overreacting, but I ALWAYS get annoyed when somebody says that :D
I mean, If I buy 6 phantom dancers and i carry the game, how the fuck is my build bad? You just got beaten by the guy who actually had that build xD (6 phantom dancers is probably a very bad example, but you get the idea ;) )
Pero Peric Sure, you might have played against people far worse than you, but for example, let's say you're both in same division, and both of you play equally well
"once i play some champ and got fed" doesnt mean its good
tank nunu with triforce is meta now
Tomatoe Studios After so long time
Ranked : tryhard
Normal : fuck it do whatever you want (this is what i am doing when i'm 5 premade)
I just cant stop listening to your song everyday I login to see if there is a new one
Meta's i have not seen yet (not sure if did)
that i did that proved other players my experementing of meta's not a waste of time
-AD Vladimir
-full attack speed YI
-AP Trynda
-Tank YI
-AD Velkoz
-AP Jax
-Spellbader Kat (semi AD/AP Kat in long :3)
-AP WW/AP tank WW
-full AD WW
-AP ka6 (more like spellbader but i evolve R then go AP :3 so every passive count big dmg brings out)
-AD akali
-AP ashe (howling abyss)
actually alot more..
but i forgot some :3
try some...if u want ^^
ill see through that :)
Krimzon depota
Ad mordekaiser, Q when a target is alone is half hp atleast
ill try also :3
I don't know about ad akali, but I played ap attack speed starting with hextech, then going into nashors and wits end. I probably would have built a guinsoo's, but I got a pentakill in top lane and they surrendered :(
AD pretty works tho...
well maybe spellbader if u want
having frozen mallet and TF can be a chase :3
Teemo isnt for casuals, Teemo is for Captains!!!
i hope you dont honestly believe that
Neither is Veigar, The Tiny Master of Evil should be treated with respect!
fuck u satan
Going back to this, I still laughed my ass off at his realization that it wasn't normals. XD
Thanks for making a song about us ;)
But seriously, your songs are amazing! Good job!
Haha. Me and my friend never play serious XD It's so much funnier even if we lose. But we still laugh and have fun so it doesn't matter! C:
if ur premade thats so true once we had a 5er premade and a zac + everyone tp xD in 30th min or something zac jumped in 1v5 and all tp´ed to his blubs xD
Thats the right way to play normals, always have fun, even if you lose! :)
yeah.. but don't you dare to come and play rankeds "just for fun"
MuchitoRamiCP There are some people doing that unfortunately .. but is it only me or do i win more often if i play for fun and improvement rather then playing for straight wins?
Teemo under NO! at 1:31
i dont understand the league stuff but i like the songs so i keep watching :D
Then play it ,
ofc you dont.. you play minecraft
It's free bro
Go play it! :D
Copyof Legos Yea, it's free... [spent 100 Euro after a year]
TheOMGHe well you should go here and see how much time you already wasted ^^ i got ~1450 hours :D
1:31 Astronaut Teemo top left under "No!".
Actually wasn't expecting one to be hidden with an Astro-Teemo already being in the video a few times just not ver hideden...
I've tried nasus morgana bot lane. It's pretty fun if the snares land. The snares, withers, tormented soils and spirited fire ending with a nasus Q.
*No IceCreams Were Harmed While Recording*
Whenever I play I'm okay with someone doing something off the meta unless.. it's like really dumb... seriously no AP Yasuo ;-;
AP Garen happened too...
ISpaceGhost9I AP Zed incoming
Please no... But actually maybe a wit's end/nashors/lich bane/rabadons/abyssal/cdr boots could make something bad, but still doing something.
ISpaceGhost9I :)
My ap yasuo is totally legit. -.-
There is no such thing as Elo hell, I was in bronze 1 , now I'm in silver 3 and still climbing. Many times I get bad teammates, but the most important part is to keep your cool and focus on what you can do to help your team, and usually, if your teammates feed and you dont, and if you don't flame at them, then they will listen to your calls like all mid, or force drag or push bot. Another way to help a lot after you win lane is to roam, that's why I play support because with mobi boots I can go mid very fast and give my midlaner a kill with an unexpected pull. Also, not being greedy and dodging games is very important. Losing 3 Lp is no big deal, and usually that eliminates all trolls from your games
Not In American Server,in brazilian Bronze V is the elo hell,one guy in there have 10 accounts,all in bronze five and he feed all ranked match he play,so in brazil Bronze V is the hell,once you enter in there you can never leave.
Kisame_Gamer I leaved bronze V in 1 day.
Kisame_Gamer if you get to bronze 5, you deserve to stay there or carry your way out.
in not bronze and not just like that easy,in league of legends you need you team
what people realize is that all divisions are elo hell
Great video. Oh and, when do you make one more Q & A?
Love it when he says "Now I'll spice it up with a triforce nunu" lol
Pick Anyone is like a response to this song if you think about it.
Ice cream was wasted in this song
I want to feel better:
So we all know there is this: I wrote mid first so I go mid!
Yeah, okay, no problem. Let's say we have this in ranked:
Bot premade, mid, jung.
So everybody except of me (I pref adc/mid) has their prefered lanes. I am a bad toplaner, SORRY!
You think now, that I lost my lane and my team won theirs, because they can't suck with their prefs, right?
WRONG! I played 2/1/1, had more cs and I even destroyed 1 turret without losing one by myself. Pretty neutral, isn't it?
Now comes the thing I hate the most:
The rest of my team f*cked up so greatly, that I was not able to do anything. My enemy in the toplane didn't even leave the lane a single time and he even got some ganks by their jungler.
I reported all 4 of them for Intentionally Feeding, "Takes my prefered lane and loses it IN RANKED -.-"
Okay, okay. I usually lose my prefered lane every ~40 games. It is absolutely okay if you lose sometimes, but it is impossible, that all 4 people in my team had that 40th time. And if you lose your prefered role, the role you have the best performance with, more often than every ~10th game, then I ask you:"How did you get to this league with such a bad skill? And that is your main?".
Success! I feel better now. Who cares if haters comment :D
I was expecting more spelling mistakes from someone trying to vent :P
Every game is at least 20 minutes and has literally thousands of interactions between 10 different people in that span of time. It's not as simple as "I didn't get to play my preferred role, that's why we lost!" Have a little humility :/ if you feel that bad about losing a game (with 4 people that are arbitrarily assigned to your team and you can't necessarily count on), you probably should just take a break or not play..because that's pretty much the whole point of the game.
I quit LoL since the season is over. I'm glad WoW WoD is out, so I go something to do instead of LoL^^
This comment is so sadly enough so true...
How to loose ur best lane? hmm
Playing against the best ennemy lane and he got ur counter or if he is better than you ^^
If u are at ur rank it is normal to loose (a bit) ur lane once every 5 game (depends on the champ too)
You can't flame anyone for being bad, if u do this u can surrend because he won't try anything.
How to win in LoL?
Be positive and don't flame anyone.
Got a bit worried for a sec about the song, but u put that end part :) I'm all for having fun in normals, but ranked.....
Pantheon supporting Annie is a great combo. Me and a friend loves this combo, Leona supporting Gnar is also a favorite ^^
Better than the real song...
I'm sorry, but Maroon 5 Animal Original is better than this parody
+DeathFray your opinion bro
+Skydoes Bg ik
DeathFray i think the parody is better as well
+Skydoes Bg Your opinion dude
Yeah people, games weren't meant to be fun, just stressful competition, geez.
+therisj Yes it's fun but not when it's really stressful. Double jungle actually works though, I don't get why people get all salty about it :/
+Cade Windsor (Sir Spooky) It didn't a year ago. As well, at least.
+Cade Windsor (Sir Spooky) I need another jungler when I play kha'zix or the toplaner coming with me to tank, his really bad lately even worse now .___.
play normals then bro lol. ladder is for serious play.
but then again doesn't matter who you have on your team. if its you or some pro. so easy to carry if you're in a rank you don't belong. :)
Why isn't this song "boosted animals"
Zinthros this
the term "boosted animals" wasn't around back then. fits perfectly tho!
guys you are awesome.keep making videos!
It's so fun a lot of the champs that are "casual" in this video were some of the top pics in last season xD
I think its kinda funny that all the 'bad' champs are good now
Except veigar :P
pontus virdebrant rito nerfed e so now he isnt that useful anymore
Catlover 123 It's even easier to play with him now...if you can't reach someone you just place it and if they get through it you have them trapped!
shoulda been boosted animals
Oh boy, I'll miss that Poppy.
It's not only a normal game, but team builder cause it's made in the new summoners rift which is only avaible in team builder as of when this song came out.
2024... Casuals still are filthy!
i would rather wait 20min in que to have a full tryhard meta team, instead of a quetime of 10sec with 2 junglers, a jarvan support and an ap urgot mid... rito pls give tryhard que, waiting is worth for me. ty
I once saw a movespeed Jarvan. He was scary. Very scary. Tanky as hell, lots of damage and movespeed. I was playing Xerath with movespeed stuff too. I stunned him, over and over and he chased me down to kill me. I don't wanna ever see that again.
for rankeds you're right, but normlas? normals are just for pure funzies
You must be a bronze
If you had that you would regret saying that ;). I've been challenger almost all season peaking at rank 2.. I've surely had more than 20 minute queues... Not exactly much fun
This song was fun... until Riot decided to kill all these things.
Hey, I'm not english and I'm very bad in english... Then what does casual mean plz?
Sry I meant what does filthy casual mean? ^^
celasvictoria360 Oh thx I think I totally missed the point of the video before lol
The word filthy means "dirty", basically a discriminating word in this sense; casual refers to a "not so serious way of doing things." Putting two and two together, you basically get the meaning "disgusting people who don't play to win." Just a figure of speech though~
he says he doesnt speak english very good and you shove all these words on his face ;p
Glad to have helped~
2:21 they is JAck Black, from what movie is it ? Or maybe video to music ?
I played singed adc in ranked games. U mad bro?
nah do what you want and if it worked keep doing it
What a waste of your Q and passive... Oh wait, muramana >:)
Do "all about tha jayce " !
"Because you know im all about that Jayce, bout that Jayce, no Trundle !"
If you play normals like casuals I don't care, but please don't bring your double jungle into a ranked game, unless you're a smurf and you know what you're doing :)
I agree.
320oathkeeper for a second there i thought your name was 420gatekeeper
Alejandro Pina double jungle XD i have done duo top with a strategy of snowballing that worked against the meta but duo jungle is just as retarded as duo adc mid. The only time i play ap shaco or galio supp is when i have played least 5 bot games and practiced in multiple ways until i understand them.
Glad to see I'm not the only person who plays ADC Yi. Also, i played lulu top before it was mainstream XD
Hahaha love the ending. Love your videos! You guys rock! :D
listen to the song in 2.0 speed xDDDDDDDDD
Umm how do you do that?
go at options on video then u can see speed i think cause my youtube its in pt-br then u click and u can see 6 options then click on 2.0
Lol. Aren't you already a casual if you play League in general?
I play DOTA 2, Dark Souls, and League, does that make me a casual?
Mumbominatio N I play DotA 2, Smite, LoL, GW2, ArcheAge, and many little single-player-games.
Am I casual-god?
not like league is one of the most competitive games right now feel me my "nigga"
not like league is one of the most casual games right now
edmund rodriguez Thumb wars can get pretty competitive when you play for that last onion ring.
Silly instalok, you can't make a song that criticizes League, it attracts the Dota elitists.
The best song in quite a while. Good job.
After 6years I'm still scrolling down to Instalok memory lane
League is a game for filthy casuals... want to compete, move to DOTA and get on my level scrubs!
Obvious Troll is really obvious.
Copyof Legos Obvious Peasant is Obvious.
Dreadnaught1985 Says the peasant :P
8 year old spotted :P
Always report your team !!!
There are too many reasons why always report your team
1. surrender- Everything can happen maybe someone in their team can disconect and you easily win
2. When you are support you cant carry game and you have retarded team only you have good score and your adc
and many more
***** supports are no doing big damages you cant make pentakill as supp because your damage isnt too high wehn you have more damage then your adc you are useful support
Yea maybe Zilean or Morgana but I am Braum player I play him almost every game
Surrender truly isnt a reason to report, I mean, if it was there wouldnt be a button for it....
Carmelo Steban Anthony da Silva its asisting enmy team you give them free victory
GlášaTV This is what you do, get a bigger championpoll, try to counter their team with a support eks: If they pick Vi, pick morg, if they pick nami, pick braum, if they pick thresh/blitz pick morg, if they pick jinx pick braum, if they don't have allot of escapes eks, jinx, ww, syndra, etc pick morgana or thresh and possibly blitz, nami aswell. Zilean got nerfed so he isn't as strong as he used to be, but you can pick him if you want to in diffrent comps/for your adc if you can trust him/her.
I have carried multipile games as an support. If you pick thresh go full cdr, you get 2 sec on hook if you hit, and you're gonna be so usefull in teamfights if you manage to hook.
Braum, just stay in frontline and take all the damage like a boss
If you pick nami you have to rely on your team a little bit, you can try to hit Q, but it's pretty hard if you are new to her, but if you manage to hit a perfect ult you might be able to turn around the game or just stay in backline if you have those on cd and heal your adc/the most useful
Blitz, there isn't much he can do maybe flash in to the team and ult so they all get silenced, that or try to hook their adc, if they have banshees ask your team to try to pop it.
Zilean, is more useful if you have eks, Twitch or Rengar on your team. But you have to tell them what is going on before the game starts or if he is your duo partner
Morgana, try to catch people off with binding, and flash into their whole team with zhonyas and ult.
XD LOL that plot twist at the end. I guess I'm a casual cause I like to do random things like veigar jungle but then my team would rage and they complain yet they don't get wards sigh
that no at the end is just perfect!
ps. sneaky kitty at 0:15
I love your songs. This one has a great flow.
I was about to see if they have made a parody of Animals, and I just found this being uploaded 12 hrs ago, awesome.
Lol a friend and I made a blitz, heimer bot strat for norms that we went 42-1 with no joke 42 wins 1 loss. There were several games we carried 4 v 5. Some odd strats can work in norms if you just communicate and plan well. It tends to beat two random people going meta :P
IN 2014 he predicted the meta of 2018
'' who ever said that we need an ad ?'' ( there are only few adc in the current meta)
" we could both jungle just you and me " ( boosting strategies nunu+karthus or yi+taric )
Elo hell, this exists. When darius see's enemy team taking baron, flashes away, then walks back in after they're done, when you ping to take nexus tower but your team turns and goes back for the first tower at botlane, when you see kat and ping to cc her but WW ult's the thresh for no reason. When you go to engage, and your team is so bust arguing that they can't react to an engage because they were flaming eachother in another language, whilst telling you to shut up.
THAT - is elo hell.
after a few times of watching this video i finnely saw the story to this parody ansd its really cool :D
The ending is the best, nice job guys!
I have same ;/ my friends always say "what is that build noob", then i got quadra but they still flame on me because i dont build like people from LCS ;/
I love u guys u makes very good job. greetings from Poland guys, never stop what u doing now !
Why are they your friends if they're being assholes?
i dont know i just like them, in real life they are awesome but in game all of us have new life u know i dont like to take my personal things into game :)
I just love you guys vids and songs
0:17 cat behind patrick haha so cute
Still listening to this banger 2020
I play Full AD WW top lane... I've done Trundle support, Yorick jungle, Shaco top, Twitch top, Twitch Jungle, Trundle support, Nasus support, Volibear support, I've done tons of troll games, Poppy support, Veigar Jungle.
Best parody yet. TY instalok!
Wowowow... Watching this for the first time and I actually played Jungle Akali today... because I couldn't top... Woaw
wow dragon looked REALLY pissed you were fighting in his house 2:45
The Nacho Libre reference was amazing XD
*pauses at 2:02 *, comes back and sees Blitzcrank's name... U WOT M8
I played ap Blitz in bot lane with two of my other friends which played as Thresh and Nautilus.
I have listened to this song so much that when I hear the actual one on the radio I think that one is the parody.
Here is a fun build: Orianna with Nashors, Wit's End, Red Devourer (take smite). Kinda bad early but late game you should 6 shot people with 2.5 attack speed :D
I can,t believe that you guys wasted ice cream at 0:58 fot this vid
I love switching it up. A few friends and I all went yordals, and we butchered them. It was Heim, tristana, veigar, rumble, and Poppy. It was amazing. Even though we still won, I believe it was one of the most fun games I have ever played/