i still say this whenever people start bickering over team fights or roles lmao "y'all seriously gonna start the first team fight before the loading screen? gg if that's the case"
I like how the lyrics weren't all too blaming on the noobs. "I'm gonna carry you anyway" had a real nice vibe and the entire last verse is strangely.. touching. Exactly how I wish to be playing :)
plot twist: what if they are the ones having a bad day? losing bcuz of intentional feeders and not helping team mates can drive a person mad after a few lost games
If my whole team is already fighting in champion select, I serously just leave. I play this game to have fun, and I rather wait 5 minutes instead of being angry and disappointed for 40 other minutes...
+Satoshi Kun Lmao, you argue with your friends over a game, time to retire buddy, if you flame your friends, then it's probably worse with guys you are matched with, those poor souls. Not sure if you know this but flaming doesnt help anyone, guarantee you have played bad.
***** You're judging other people when your the one in the wrong. They cannot legally use the exact same music as the song they're parodying so they have to remake the music themselves.
***** instrumental and beat is 2 different things. l000l his asking for what kind of instrument they used to make the song different than the original. He didnt ask what beat this song is from. "kids these days" when your little ass doesnt even know a simple shit like this.
ahh those days. Instalok cleared a lot of my sadness after losing every tough rank game back in the day but atleast back then rank game are so fun even if u lose. i wish league was still like this :
10% lux, 20% swain,15% silver bolts from arrows of vayne, 55% MF, she's making it rain and 100% reason to surrender this game... or one that makes more sense 0% skill, 0% strat, 0% calling MIAs on the map, 50% noobies, 50% luck I'VE GOT 100% REASON TO STOP GIVIN' A crap... (both of these from plentakill)
This is the video that got me started with League. No joke. I had no idea what was going on in the video and my husband did, so I looked it up and now we've been playing in for a little over a year. ^^
ofc, you just have a big mouth, but in the game you are just like dat ryze on the video. u guys when you buy eBay gold account, or fall in gold tier by random ya think ur good but gold suck tbh just like bronze.
Viks League not that my problem Is I end up only denying some farm because I zone them then try to get my farm, which I am bad at so that could be a reason, but they usually are able to get farm when I end up making it push. Plus once they reach level 6, I end up running into the shoots immediately then they start attacking as well so I take big damage from all of that and if I able playing as able tank, I can usually stand that, but anything else and I pretty much die immediately
I love that last verse, I just wanna say. It's really how you start to treat the game once you make a choice to not be toxic anymore. It's like Poppy says, "If you're waiting for me to give up, you might be here a while." Or, "Sorry, but I'm playing the long game."
You always have that one person who thinks they are so good but are horrible and will either feed or AFK for the rest of the game. Or you have that person who will just push their lane all game and not join team fights.
1stly, Nice Work INSTALOK!!!! :D 2ndly, IK alotta ppl like 'Monkey D. Luffy.', are complaining about themselves losing cos their team are noobs.....well, the fact still remains that at least u shud try to encourage ur team. probably 10 - 20% of why u lost the game was cos u kept callin' ur team noobs or stupid.......The fact is that, ppl play more badly (does this word even exist?) than b4 if u keep blaming them or scolding them. But, they play 5 - 10 times better if u praise them a lot if like they get....1 kill, or kill dragon...something like that. So...yeah! Anyways, have fun in ur games and.....GUD LUK WINNING EVERYONE!!!! :D
It's pretty hard thou. If u carry ur first instinct would probably be scold the feeder, but if u can help team do things and moviate them to do things u will prob win, That's how I got to Silver V
bronze elo: ggwp u didn't ban blitz silver elo: ggwp u didn't ban braum gold elo: ggwp u didn't ban evelynn plat elo: oh wait im not plat yet i dont know what they spam
I'm in plat and to tell you the truth every elo has those players, you have to play smart and better. For example roam ward enemies buffs at 6:30, 12:00. If you are winning lane u can do that freely and team fight well
time2reflect The only way out is to get good a hard carry. Play mid and get fed as kat or something. Even with 4 idiots its hard to lose with a fed kat on your team
Tier Count Bronze 2,303,443 (29.26%) Silver 3,367,670 (42.78%) Gold 1,476,493 (18.76%) Platinum 549,012 (6.97%) Diamond 172,637 (2.19%) Challenger 1,985 (0.03%) Total 7,871,240 Gold is where under half of ranked players are so I don't think that it's counts as "lowelo"
Where do people get off saying that the work it takes to get to gold doesn't matter, gold is still noob? It's still hard to get into, and as Magezi^ here just said, Gold and up is less than half the playerbase (By a lot).
I don´t believe that, although im only G5, i play tons of normals to the point off getting Plat2>D1, and i gotta say, some can´t even do the same as some bronzes. This hole, " Judge by Tier" thingy lost its point after S3,ppl just get carried easily. Just a personal opinion but, when a Diamond loses its kinda expected to have them going defensive instead of doing trades ppl lose. Some advanced Diamond stats right there. Judge by game, not by tier.
There are many types of noobs in LoL. The ones that play really badly and lose 70% of their games becouse they are not skilled (more rare then you think) The ones who think they are top pro players becouse they got a pentakill and went 25/2/1 a few games ago and refuse to admit mistakes and come to youtube to say "I can't carry games, I only lose becouse my team" The ones that troll even in rank becouse they just dont give a fuck and forguet that LoL is a team game The ones that just started badly in lane and got raged by their team so they feel bad and lose even harder even if they could win with a little help. Casual gamers that play for fun and can't stand against more prepared players and also sufer from rage from their team Players on a losing spree We all have been some of these players at some point, and some still are, but is hard to admit we made mistakes, even if they didn't directly lead to our death becouse we are so full of pride. The real pros take losing to improve and allways admit their mistakes, thats why the dont repeat them and play so good
they are also the player who are new to some situations, let it be matchup, baron at lvl 10 (but the pros can do it!) or how to splitpush at the right time with the champion (reminds me of that leona that was "splitpushing" all the game after laning phase)
I see a lot of new players listen to instaloks songs. That's funny, because just over a year ago, listening to this song actually got me into league. One year later I am in silver 1 on my promos to gold, mostly thanks to what instaloks songs taught me when I was just starting out.
The only one with very little trolls is Diamond and Challenger and that's because you have to try very hard to get into it, and wouldn't toss it away for 1 joke.
"Division doesn't mean anything" "I lose coz of my teams" Yeah, i was saying this kind of things when i was Bronze. If you are Bronze then you should train in normal, try Zed / Yasuo / Lee (skilled champs) and if you destroy ennemis every game start ranked with op champs like amumu / maokai / rammus. (Sry for my bad english but i think you can understand my point :D)
You are right with the second one, just because League is a team game, but the first one is actually true. Unless you are diamond 1 or 2 of course. Not played ranked this season so this may be outdated but I always see good bronze players and bad gold/plat players. Another important aspect is the number of wins. Most low silver players with over 1000 wins can easily beat plat players with just 300 wins or less. At least that is how I am experiencing it right nie. Didn't play much solo or duo queue overall (low gold in season 3),but much team ranked (high plat currently). And much normal games.
TheMan21 then you saw boosted "plat players". show me one of your bronze players, and watch how i rip them apart .. sorry but holy fuck is that not true ..
TheMan21 Nope. That is really wrong. A silver with 1000+ wins means that they have 1000+ losses (or else the woouldnt be in silver) which means they cant carry. And if they can "easily" beat a plat then the plat is boosted. And i cant see how thats outdated because same thing last season. The important aspect isnt "the number of wins" , it's the win/loss ratio. a bronze with 1000 wins and 1000+++ (since they're bronze) losses is bad.
Bob Phan Tanf666 not necessarily, while the plat player is better in the long run if they did a game of 1v1 that doesn't really show how good of a player you are "1v1 me bro"... "i'd rather not show you the strength of my 1v1 in a game that is about 5v5, which is completely different'. ALSO the silver coud have a great game against that plat because teammates of higher elo, 1 good plat can't carry a bad team against 4 good plats and a decent silver(by decent silver i mean knows how to ward and group up)
brendan louis The Platinum could carry harder and is more likely to. Ina 5v5 the plat can handle ganks while the silver is less likely to. The plat has better teamfighting, and decision making. I wasnt JUST bringing up the plat's mechanics. A plat is better in everything. That;s why a pla is plat and a silver is silver. And the example you made up doesnt prove your point. OF course the silver would win. They have 4 plats... And you're assuming that the plat would have low elo teammates? Your example proves my point of platinums being better.
Instalock can you please change the type of music you use for the most of you videos, because it's always pop music and we want another types of music like the rap.. ^^
akear1 yeah rap these days is just trash plain and simple, all about money, girls and how much swag they got and all the drugs they do, seriously we get it, no one fucking cares, rap was good in the 90s and early 2000's, but its just garbage now, theres no meaning to it anymore.
Flandre Scarlet Exactly. If you have 60 ranked wins and 300 normal wins and you're in Platinum you're probably not that good. You're probably just lucky. It's the amount of games that you've played that matters.
WoW is way worse than LoL. I basically couldn't do any 85 dungeons in cata because my character kept getting kicked for being undergeared, when that was the whole reason I needed to do dungeons!
The fact that league doesn't have a built in voice chat system is the main cause of toxicity the other cause is the anonymity of the Internet the fact that other people can say whatever they because you can't do anything to them irl and they have 0 consequence except maybe a chat restriction so they just keep raging and being toxic :/ it's not a good community but the fact it's league isn't the problem....people are just dicks sometimes
Hahahaha "our first teamfight was in champ select" lolz so funny but so freakin' true O.o !!! Love ya instalok keep on the good work i always look forward to some new songs of yours!
The problem is that a lot of casual gamer, plays to League of Legend, so now there is a lot of noob. This is what happens to games that have gained increasing popularity, now the game is for everyone. Thereby Riot creates noob champs, easy to play and too OP, plus it, it has become too easy to be classified Silver, I know some unskilled player, who do not merit the Silver level (at least, the level that I know since season 3) but they has access to Silver with 4W/6L. To summarize League of Legend was destroyed by his new community of casual gamer, at least that's what brought down the level.
Non le vrai problème c'est que tout le monde s'énerve pour 1 lose sur leurs 500 games et au lieu d'essayer de s'améliorer disent "je perds car j'ai tout le temps des noobs teammates ou je me fais camp" etc (I talk french cuz I talk to him :3)
***** No i just play since the beginning of the S3 and I noticed the level's decadence, day after day as the game became more popular and most played... Many troll began to appear in my game.
I needed to share this. Who knows NICKTRON, but these words: Failing that flaaaash 1:06 sounded like his voice :DDDD i am crying cause Nicktron is a kid :D
Had a Jungler Master Yi in a game once. I kept calling for ganks, but nothing ever came. I kept doing it, spamming ping and saying bot was getting lost and to please gank. After a while I realized he was literally only targeting the enemy's jungler. I asked if he knew what ganking was, and he said it was his first time doing jungle. So instead, Aatrox had to leave top to gank bot for me. I then asked the Jungler what he was doing, he said "trying to get kills, I'm not just jungler I am support" I said "Supports don't tend to require much kills, as their main goal is to protect the carry" he said "Supports need kills so we can win". Worst jungler ever... Didn't even get Blue or Red, nor did he target drag when he was capable of taking it with me.
Wait, so Aatrox, who was at top, HAD to go to your lane at bot, to gank, while the freaking Yi was...? I mean, if he didn't get neither Blue nor Red, target Dragon, not ganking (At least bot), what the hell was he doing then? And where the hell did the "Supports need kills so we can win" shit come from? K then let the AD Carry starve might as well go ahead and take his f*cking Minions too!
Arrow Sith Lord i mean, that the toplaner goes bot to gank is a good thing, really. It kinda sucks coz they can see it coming more easily but still... I like to gank when i'm top.
kenshila Yeah, That itself is a good thing, but it was Aatrox ONLY (and maybe mid), the Yi wasn't doing jackshit, so yeah. The Aatrox ganking, then kudos to him. The Yi? Erm... sudok to him.
Arrow Sith Lord Reasons he wasn't "the worst" -First timer -He was actually honest about what he was doing, instead of telling you to go fuck yourself or make excuses -Supports need money, not kills necessarily, but he was the jungler so he definitely required kills, not to mention that he's playing as Yi who is utterly useless if he gets no kills -You could have taken those buffs, I definitely would take them if the jungler doesn't -Protected the carry, many people don't even bother doing this. Also, he was probably implying he wasn't good enough to carry, which is MUCH better than the usual arrogant dickface that's 0/10 and says he "can carry" Also, why didn't mid gank bot? Aatrox should have ganked mid quickly to kill/send enemy mid to base and return to top so mid would have time to gank bot. I don't know why he didn't take the buffs if he was the jungler, but hey, when I'm playing lanes I often HOPE for the jungler to not take blue, so that was actually a positive that you people ignored.
What i like about this song is the line "I'll carry you anyway, no matter how bad you play" It gets on my nerve when I'm having a bad play and people are all "OMG U SUKK SO HARD! U SHUD UNISTALL!!!" and then they don't bother helping me. They just keep complaining rather than helping a player get better.
This is why sometimes, bronze player are actually better then the gold.. maybe its bcuz the bronze player cant rank up cuz of the teammates noob, and them gold kids just got carried
I love how the comments are all about personal lol experiencies and debates on champs and stuff but nobody says anything about the awesomnes of this song. Great job guys GGWP :D
"our first team fight was in champ select" is still one of the greatest LoL jokes after 5 years.
i still say this whenever people start bickering over team fights or roles lmao "y'all seriously gonna start the first team fight before the loading screen? gg if that's the case"
2021 still the same :)
lmao true xD
Make it seven, lol
@@walkertheshadow7195 yyyyyep
I like how the lyrics weren't all too blaming on the noobs.
"I'm gonna carry you anyway" had a real nice vibe and the entire last verse is strangely.. touching. Exactly how I wish to be playing :)
My favourite lines:
"Should go to work, but ill play instead
I gotta get Gold ll"
Haha its so true
Noobs doesn't annoy me so much, but the blamers sure do. Everyone may have bad days and matches, but swearing others just for a game..
plot twist: what if they are the ones having a bad day? losing bcuz of intentional feeders and not helping team mates can drive a person mad after a few lost games
I actually like noobs of how powerful they are, In Mortal Kombat.
le tika I always mute them, not everyone does that. Usually they just fight against them, instead of fighting against the enemy team.
so you are a n00b....
le tika You could teach them. Be helpful.
If my whole team is already fighting in champion select, I serously just leave. I play this game to have fun, and I rather wait 5 minutes instead of being angry and disappointed for 40 other minutes...
So true ;D
You are wise man, im gonna try that too
I just drag the chat box below my screen when we're playing
Yup, I did that a few times LOL
lost 1000lp on that every lp worth imo
Mundo with essence reaver? Mundo builds what he pleases
+Ace Knight ikr?
111th like!
now, it's op to build essence reaver on him.
"Our first teamfight was in Champ select" omg How did I miss this back then xD
That ending is so touching.
You think his team made most of the mistakes because you're a feeder
Unfed Kitten mundo whit essence reaver xD
Humanity restored.
SoloQ = Match me with Bronze V in Plat V
DuoQ = Match me with 3 feeders + 1 that i won't blame.
Then is. your hidden mr so bad
***** Already did.
+Satoshi Kun Lmao, you argue with your friends over a game, time to retire buddy, if you flame your friends, then it's probably worse with guys you are matched with, those poor souls. Not sure if you know this but flaming doesnt help anyone, guarantee you have played bad.
Yolo Swaggns Yeah worse player ever
+Quantum HD Lea approves :(
94% loss cause of horrible teamate, 3% from AFK, 2% from troller, and 1% from pro enemies!
If you've got a 94% loss rate you might want to consider uninstalling / playing against bots again.
XFrozenAshX I think he meant that 94% of all of his losses were from bad teammates
That is what I meant.
Mine is 80% because of BOTLANE, 10% because of the rest, 4% afks, 3% trolls, 2% Rito servers, 0'99999% pro enemies, 0'00001% myself.
so not your fault? At all?
The ending hit me with so much feels.
"Onward my friends.. let's give it one more go!" *DEFEAT*
its so good with the blue buff part xD
+FLEXX you dont need blue buff anyways ~Kappa Once Again
Did you guys make the instrumental? :D Sounds good. -UGD
Woot, The Yordles!
***** You're judging other people when your the one in the wrong. They cannot legally use the exact same music as the song they're parodying so they have to remake the music themselves.
***** instrumental and beat is 2 different things. l000l
his asking for what kind of instrument they used to make the song different than the original.
He didnt ask what beat this song is from.
"kids these days" when your little ass doesnt even know a simple shit like this.
do it if it get 100 likes but no me the yordles!
You did win internet today! Here's cake for you. I:^^^:I
And when you are the only one doing well on your team everyone else calls you a tryhard for trying to win. :/
True, but in normals that's normally how it goes for me.
Alexander Mcgregor do it like me, play normals only when you play with friends
Kien Shion Don't have any friend :'(
Kien Shion I usually do it opposite from you: only play wit friends in ranked and occasionally 1 friend in normals.
Alexander Mcgregor Because that's how it is... no-one in their right mind plays normals to win...
ahh those days. Instalok cleared a lot of my sadness after losing every tough rank game back in the day but atleast back then rank game are so fun even if u lose. i wish league was still like this :
Reason why i win is cuz of 10% luck , 20% skill , 15% concentrated power of will , 5% pleasure 50% pain. That's a 100% reason why i win my game!!!
I hope you
remember he name :)
Cut, copy, print put on wall. Best quote from a LoL player since Season 2
Every time some1 says i lucked u quote this song :P
oh hell no you just didn't do that
10% lux, 20% swain,15% silver bolts from arrows of vayne, 55% MF, she's making it rain and 100% reason to surrender this game... or one that makes more sense
0% skill, 0% strat, 0% calling MIAs on the map, 50% noobies, 50% luck I'VE GOT 100% REASON TO STOP GIVIN' A crap...
(both of these from plentakill)
"Here's a trophy for the worst duo"
I died when that trophy popped up
This is the video that got me started with League. No joke. I had no idea what was going on in the video and my husband did, so I looked it up and now we've been playing in for a little over a year. ^^
99 % of loss because i have Noobs(horrible)/Troll/AFK in my team and 1% because the enemy team played well.
See? people like you are in my team.
ofc, you just have a big mouth, but in the game you are just like dat ryze on the video.
u guys when you buy eBay gold account, or fall in gold tier by random ya think ur good but gold suck tbh just like bronze.
I've watched One Piece 7 times, and i decide what i want to name myself dawg.
are you just talking to yourself?.
6 years later and this stuff STILL happens
You would've guessed that this song doesn't stand true 6 years later... You'd be wrong
Your best song in a while.
Death mark was decent
Christopher Romanin Really? Deathmark was a good parody, but for Instalok I found it to be lower standard. This one was great imo.
It's supporting the mentality that all of your losses are because of your team mates. Hardly sounds like a good idea for a song to me.
Frozen Eagles No, it isn't.
Jontman42 Yes, it is. Maybe you have to read the lyrics again.
Why you gotta be so ruuude? Don't you know we're wooden II?
I'm crying xD
get out kid im in paper V
Years passed, and i am watching this video 'till now.
omg so much memories :(
I expected the lyrics to be like "why you gotta be so noob~"
Same here but I also got
-I'm gonna carry you anyway
lol yea
HERE'S A TROPHY FOR THE WORST DUO. I will now buy that trundle skin and play him always, just so I can do that once I get a fail bot.
My thoughts exactly :p
im already doing tht :P
I'm telling you that was the best gaming parody in my life thanks you so much subbed
random people: TEMMO SOOO OP WTF NERF HIM.
Me: Just Focus Him They Did Not Make Him Squishy For Nothing.
Who Agrees :)
CyclonicOcean I would say I agree but I am still new to the game so when I lane against a Teemo, even if I focus him, I usually lose lane
ponsoke is there anyone else to focus then on the lane ? xD
Viks League not that my problem Is I end up only denying some farm because I zone them then try to get my farm, which I am bad at so that could be a reason, but they usually are able to get farm when I end up making it push. Plus once they reach level 6, I end up running into the shoots immediately then they start attacking as well so I take big damage from all of that and if I able playing as able tank, I can usually stand that, but anything else and I pretty much die immediately
Viks League Minions???
it's still 2014 and nobody can prove me wrong
Man, i remeber when they had these graphics and the environment quality of the map. I marvel every time i see the map evolution
I love that last verse, I just wanna say. It's really how you start to treat the game once you make a choice to not be toxic anymore.
It's like Poppy says, "If you're waiting for me to give up, you might be here a while."
Or, "Sorry, but I'm playing the long game."
Im the only 1 from 2024😢.
No, still listen to it 😂❤
@@samiravogt4645same xD
Nah man
Sometimes these tunes just come to my mind
No im here too
I love how everything was all new and caught up but the map is old
You always have that one person who thinks they are so good but are horrible and will either feed or AFK for the rest of the game. Or you have that person who will just push their lane all game and not join team fights.
What about the Jungler that stays in Jungle all game and Refuses to push or Team fight?
Ohhh yeah I hate them the most of all
Tevin Strachan and now you rewatch the video and see, that it can also be your fault :)
I main support and jungle...I accept all blame when i do something wrong
Tevin Strachan Having a better let them blame me or we'll lose mindset?
League needs more people like you.
-*picks Ezreal*
+Reipiaru kk silver nob
Im A Man
bronze > silver, gold...
im gold 1 and cant get to plat becuase more boosted noobs are in gold then in bronze
Tell me about it.
+Im A Man this guy knows the struggle
This mv is really inspirational for me, whenever im losing ranked, i would listen to this, even tho chances are really low
Life was so much simpler then...
1stly, Nice Work INSTALOK!!!! :D
2ndly, IK alotta ppl like 'Monkey D. Luffy.', are complaining about themselves losing cos their team are noobs.....well, the fact still remains that at least u shud try to encourage ur team. probably 10 - 20% of why u lost the game was cos u kept callin' ur team noobs or stupid.......The fact is that, ppl play more badly (does this word even exist?) than b4 if u keep blaming them or scolding them. But, they play 5 - 10 times better if u praise them a lot if like they get....1 kill, or kill dragon...something like that. So...yeah! Anyways, have fun in ur games and.....GUD LUK WINNING EVERYONE!!!! :D
This guy gets it
It's pretty hard thou. If u carry ur first instinct would probably be scold the feeder, but if u can help team do things and moviate them to do things u will prob win, That's how I got to Silver V
PheonixTails In plat/dia the forbbiden word is "Ebay" just say that to any teammate and you have a guaranteed afk/troll. Yhea i know its pretty salty.
Ebay?? Wow! Haha! I got to Diamond 5 juz by encouraging my teamates and askin them to try harder every time they died :D
Your name on lol?
Oh god the good old times of league.I remember listening to this while i was eating/playing league.
bronze elo: ggwp u didn't ban blitz
silver elo: ggwp u didn't ban braum
gold elo: ggwp u didn't ban evelynn
plat elo: oh wait im not plat yet i dont know what they spam
They afk after they duel their laner with a full wave of minions attacking them and they blame the jungle. :)
@@ZelGirl113 sounds like a Gold player to me
@@Zard0n accurate actually
Ah how I miss the good Ol' days
Hey instalock! Good job on your music,I really like it! No matter what they say just keep doing what you're good at. Making awesome parodies :)
Should go to work but ill play instead, gotta get that wood 2...
After 3 years and this song still Amazes me
Some friend of me tell me i have the level of a Gold but when i go ranked my team feed and i loose my game... So now i'm bronze 1... Thx noob
Should switch friends out... they lie :P
I know you're pain... I have a Plat friend who doesn't understand why I'm in Bronze. I win lane and get fed, my team loses lanes and feeds
I'm in plat and to tell you the truth every elo has those players, you have to play smart and better. For example roam ward enemies buffs at 6:30, 12:00. If you are winning lane u can do that freely and team fight well
time2reflect The only way out is to get good a hard carry. Play mid and get fed as kat or something. Even with 4 idiots its hard to lose with a fed kat on your team
time2reflect Ever tried roaming? Seems to be very effective...
In the fact all of us was a noob once. As we try and play we will get better.
BigcliftyTC i'm Zed main and i ussually playing fine, but last game 2/7/5 :D
"Look at this Teemo, he's 8/0. YOU MADE THIS MONSTER."
I think that's my favorite line in any of your songs XD
Why you playing like a noob? -gold. thats the answer. gold is lowelo
dunno, u are like 80% better than other players so i wouldnt call it ''low elo''
Tier Count
Bronze 2,303,443 (29.26%)
Silver 3,367,670 (42.78%)
Gold 1,476,493 (18.76%)
Platinum 549,012 (6.97%)
Diamond 172,637 (2.19%)
Challenger 1,985 (0.03%)
Total 7,871,240
Gold is where under half of ranked players are so I don't think that it's counts as "lowelo"
Where do people get off saying that the work it takes to get to gold doesn't matter, gold is still noob? It's still hard to get into, and as Magezi^ here just said, Gold and up is less than half the playerbase (By a lot).
I don´t believe that, although im only G5, i play tons of normals to the point off getting Plat2>D1, and i gotta say, some can´t even do the same as some bronzes. This hole, " Judge by Tier" thingy lost its point after S3,ppl just get carried easily. Just a personal opinion but, when a Diamond loses its kinda expected to have them going defensive instead of doing trades ppl lose. Some advanced Diamond stats right there.
Judge by game, not by tier.
it is low
There are many types of noobs in LoL.
The ones that play really badly and lose 70% of their games becouse they are not skilled (more rare then you think)
The ones who think they are top pro players becouse they got a pentakill and went 25/2/1 a few games ago and refuse to admit mistakes and come to youtube to say "I can't carry games, I only lose becouse my team"
The ones that troll even in rank becouse they just dont give a fuck and forguet that LoL is a team game
The ones that just started badly in lane and got raged by their team so they feel bad and lose even harder even if they could win with a little help.
Casual gamers that play for fun and can't stand against more prepared players and also sufer from rage from their team
Players on a losing spree
We all have been some of these players at some point, and some still are, but is hard to admit we made mistakes, even if they didn't directly lead to our death becouse we are so full of pride. The real pros take losing to improve and allways admit their mistakes, thats why the dont repeat them and play so good
I am in D2 and I play for fun, why else would I play this GAME if I'm not having fun?
they are also the player who are new to some situations, let it be matchup, baron at lvl 10 (but the pros can do it!) or how to splitpush at the right time with the champion (reminds me of that leona that was "splitpushing" all the game after laning phase)
I think you forgot the toxic adc's who feed and blame the supports when they didn't do anything wrong
i love these lyrics xD have never heard "...rude..." ever since this song
LOL in 0:14 there was instalok patrick in champ select
Pls do not say all that was a plan
i told it already >.< they do teledisks with FRIENDS not RANDOMS
duo Q maybe? -.-
ofc they plan it... what do you think... its like a normal music video, its not like they film everything and then make a song to it... wow
pepsikorken Btw Nefarix Is Diamond.. So I Think Welp He Is Plat now i think i didnt check but lol xD
Ofc it's a plan lol. If they went into game and rushed GA on Graves it wouldn't be very fair on people playing properly would it?
God i miss these times😞
I see a lot of new players listen to instaloks songs. That's funny, because just over a year ago, listening to this song actually got me into league. One year later I am in silver 1 on my promos to gold, mostly thanks to what instaloks songs taught me when I was just starting out.
How the fuck do you feed a teemo as ryze? is that even possible? XD
you would feed teemo 100 %
L Lawiet lol no
don´t you know this quote?:,,I can carry this!"--someone who cannot carry this
kinda similar to your statement
SkillerFiftyOne hmmm... yeah lol players are retarded and think this game is a life so everyone should be good in their teams
First time hearing this, I aprove of what he is saying.
this was my era, after being inactive for a half decade, i could say that this game made lots of changes. i really miss this
Patrick's reaction at 0.33 :ooooo
Onward my friends lets give it one more go !!!
As soon as I heard the original on the radio I immediately knew "carry you anyway" would be in an instalock vid soon :)
2:15 "Dying to drake" LOL
i wish more ppl in lol had that mindset "I shouldve trusted in my team and if we lose i tried" that would make the community so much better.
this parody of magic is better than the dota's one. Although its LoL, I can still relate. hats off my friend!
The songs are best than the real songs! You have to upload them to Spotify please! Really!
Is this song realy based on a gold elo game ?
The song is based on every Bronze-Gold game ;)
there are noobs in Gold n Platinum too dude :D
tbh, Gold is just as bad as bronze, when it comes to trolls/bads/quitters/etc.. So yea, it's quite right
I'm Gold, it's sometimes bad but not like this
The only one with very little trolls is Diamond and Challenger and that's because you have to try very hard to get into it, and wouldn't toss it away for 1 joke.
1:56 "and i've lost mind" you forgot "my" ^^ keep doing songs like this !
Basically... I'm the noob they are talking about! Just started to play the game yesterday 😂
You mean 3 years ago
@@berkeerdeniz9373 XD
"Division doesn't mean anything" "I lose coz of my teams"
Yeah, i was saying this kind of things when i was Bronze. If you are Bronze then you should train in normal, try Zed / Yasuo / Lee (skilled champs) and if you destroy ennemis every game start ranked with op champs like amumu / maokai / rammus.
(Sry for my bad english but i think you can understand my point :D)
You are right with the second one, just because League is a team game, but the first one is actually true. Unless you are diamond 1 or 2 of course. Not played ranked this season so this may be outdated but I always see good bronze players and bad gold/plat players. Another important aspect is the number of wins. Most low silver players with over 1000 wins can easily beat plat players with just 300 wins or less. At least that is how I am experiencing it right nie. Didn't play much solo or duo queue overall (low gold in season 3),but much team ranked (high plat currently). And much normal games.
TheMan21 then you saw boosted "plat players". show me one of your bronze players, and watch how i rip them apart .. sorry but holy fuck is that not true ..
TheMan21 Nope. That is really wrong. A silver with 1000+ wins means that they have 1000+ losses (or else the woouldnt be in silver) which means they cant carry. And if they can "easily" beat a plat then the plat is boosted. And i cant see how thats outdated because same thing last season. The important aspect isnt "the number of wins" , it's the win/loss ratio. a bronze with 1000 wins and 1000+++ (since they're bronze) losses is bad.
Bob Phan Tanf666 not necessarily, while the plat player is better in the long run if they did a game of 1v1 that doesn't really show how good of a player you are "1v1 me bro"... "i'd rather not show you the strength of my 1v1 in a game that is about 5v5, which is completely different'. ALSO the silver coud have a great game against that plat because teammates of higher elo, 1 good plat can't carry a bad team against 4 good plats and a decent silver(by decent silver i mean knows how to ward and group up)
brendan louis The Platinum could carry harder and is more likely to. Ina 5v5 the plat can handle ganks while the silver is less likely to. The plat has better teamfighting, and decision making. I wasnt JUST bringing up the plat's mechanics. A plat is better in everything. That;s why a pla is plat and a silver is silver.
And the example you made up doesnt prove your point.
OF course the silver would win. They have 4 plats...
And you're assuming that the plat would have low elo teammates?
Your example proves my point of platinums being better.
I was listening to the radio today and "Rude" came on, started singing the lyrics to this song instead. :D
Every ranked game
Instalock can you please change the type of music you use for the most of you videos, because it's always pop music and we want another types of music like the rap.. ^^
***** It's not easy to learn grammar. "to made a rap".
Check out their Monsters parody :)
If they start rapping on Instalok I will stop watching. Rap is the trashiest 'music' if it is even possible to call it music.
akear1 yeah rap these days is just trash plain and simple, all about money, girls and how much swag they got and all the drugs they do, seriously we get it, no one fucking cares, rap was good in the 90s and early 2000's, but its just garbage now, theres no meaning to it anymore.
if you look really close at 3:04 you will notice trundle randomly moving to the wall after chomping. also note how patrick was the blitz that game
2023 still listen
0:43 Found that teemo
I Love this instrumental. >.<
So chill...
They are noobs Bronze -> Gold and they are the good player > Platinium and better...
i think the real good players are in Diamond IV and higher :P
EverFail97 they are better but in every game you have one person at least to troll cuz they don't give fucks xD
EverFail97 they are better but in every game you have one person at least to troll cuz they don't give fucks xD
There are better players in Bronze than in Plat.. And Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond doesn't mean anything.
Flandre Scarlet Exactly. If you have 60 ranked wins and 300 normal wins and you're in Platinum you're probably not that good. You're probably just lucky. It's the amount of games that you've played that matters.
I'm just like this Blitz ;D
Lmao I love this video, nice song match and lyrics, absolute awsome
I swear the LoL community is the most toxic of them all. I love LoL but the community is worse than cod
Have you ever met the kids that play CoD. It's a nightmare listening to the words that come out of their mouths.
WoW is way worse than LoL. I basically couldn't do any 85 dungeons in cata because my character kept getting kicked for being undergeared, when that was the whole reason I needed to do dungeons!
The fact that league doesn't have a built in voice chat system is the main cause of toxicity the other cause is the anonymity of the Internet the fact that other people can say whatever they because you can't do anything to them irl and they have 0 consequence except maybe a chat restriction so they just keep raging and being toxic :/ it's not a good community but the fact it's league isn't the problem....people are just dicks sometimes
Why are u looking at the bronze-gold chat (players). Look at plat-challenger there is the real game
CJ FarmForLife Because i'm not ranked
still a classic
the end was wholesome!
I want to be like this guy.
No, really
Playing instead of go to work lel
This is how 80% of Moba players view their losses.
The good ones actually realize their mistakes
Hahahaha "our first teamfight was in champ select" lolz so funny but so freakin' true O.o !!! Love ya instalok keep on the good work i always look forward to some new songs of yours!
I have to carry every time (-__-; )
Du u kruy evrri taim?
i hate it when someone who is doing the worst in the game telling everybody what to do
Ikr I went 15/7/10 as jinx but we still lost
my friend have to do that too. But because of his summer job and a lot more the last games we've played has been terrible as he can't focus.
Raymond Chow umadbro i 43/4 but still lost
The problem is that a lot of casual gamer, plays to League of Legend, so now there is a lot of noob. This is what happens to games that have gained increasing popularity, now the game is for everyone. Thereby Riot creates noob champs, easy to play and too OP, plus it, it has become too easy to be classified Silver, I know some unskilled player, who do not merit the Silver level (at least, the level that I know since season 3) but they has access to Silver with 4W/6L.
To summarize League of Legend was destroyed by his new community of casual gamer, at least that's what brought down the level.
I'm sorry for my english level i'm French.
Riot op nerf pls.
Non le vrai problème c'est que tout le monde s'énerve pour 1 lose sur leurs 500 games et au lieu d'essayer de s'améliorer disent "je perds car j'ai tout le temps des noobs teammates ou je me fais camp" etc (I talk french cuz I talk to him :3)
***** No i just play since the beginning of the S3 and I noticed the level's decadence, day after day as the game became more popular and most played...
Many troll began to appear in my game.
I needed to share this. Who knows NICKTRON, but these words: Failing that flaaaash 1:06 sounded like his voice :DDDD i am crying cause Nicktron is a kid :D
Is this dota or dota 2
sitaks lahe
League of legends
dota 3
Super Mario
Had a Jungler Master Yi in a game once. I kept calling for ganks, but nothing ever came. I kept doing it, spamming ping and saying bot was getting lost and to please gank. After a while I realized he was literally only targeting the enemy's jungler. I asked if he knew what ganking was, and he said it was his first time doing jungle. So instead, Aatrox had to leave top to gank bot for me. I then asked the Jungler what he was doing, he said "trying to get kills, I'm not just jungler I am support" I said "Supports don't tend to require much kills, as their main goal is to protect the carry" he said "Supports need kills so we can win".
Worst jungler ever... Didn't even get Blue or Red, nor did he target drag when he was capable of taking it with me.
Wait, so Aatrox, who was at top, HAD to go to your lane at bot, to gank, while the freaking Yi was...? I mean, if he didn't get neither Blue nor Red, target Dragon, not ganking (At least bot), what the hell was he doing then? And where the hell did the "Supports need kills so we can win" shit come from? K then let the AD Carry starve might as well go ahead and take his f*cking Minions too!
Arrow Sith Lord i mean, that the toplaner goes bot to gank is a good thing, really. It kinda sucks coz they can see it coming more easily but still... I like to gank when i'm top.
kenshila Yeah, That itself is a good thing, but it was Aatrox ONLY (and maybe mid), the Yi wasn't doing jackshit, so yeah. The Aatrox ganking, then kudos to him. The Yi? Erm... sudok to him.
Real Original User Name agreed, it was a 4v5
Arrow Sith Lord
Reasons he wasn't "the worst"
-First timer
-He was actually honest about what he was doing, instead of telling you to go fuck yourself or make excuses
-Supports need money, not kills necessarily, but he was the jungler so he definitely required kills, not to mention that he's playing as Yi who is utterly useless if he gets no kills
-You could have taken those buffs, I definitely would take them if the jungler doesn't
-Protected the carry, many people don't even bother doing this. Also, he was probably implying he wasn't good enough to carry, which is MUCH better than the usual arrogant dickface that's 0/10 and says he "can carry"
Also, why didn't mid gank bot? Aatrox should have ganked mid quickly to kill/send enemy mid to base and return to top so mid would have time to gank bot. I don't know why he didn't take the buffs if he was the jungler, but hey, when I'm playing lanes I often HOPE for the jungler to not take blue, so that was actually a positive that you people ignored.
What i like about this song is the line "I'll carry you anyway, no matter how bad you play"
It gets on my nerve when I'm having a bad play and people are all "OMG U SUKK SO HARD! U SHUD UNISTALL!!!" and then they don't bother helping me. They just keep complaining rather than helping a player get better.
Vengo por morro y me seguirán otra oleada :v
Gonzalo Leiva Wegkje prowe we wrjewrwb kölköq oeiur nynnne :v
Silvio Ortiz mill no k kill kk I
Best feel in Leauge is when you carry a game like this to victory!
I'm sure this comment will not receive any like :(
Seems like your reverse psychology worked on 5 ppl ggwp. :D
TheGm85 10* xd
DashSlash 13*
Kisheekare 14* :D
marshall lawton 18
This is why sometimes, bronze player are actually better then the gold..
maybe its bcuz the bronze player cant rank up cuz of the teammates noob, and them gold kids just got carried
nah i've seen not once a bronze guy stucking there and playing better as gold and if there was one he get gold easy
DaraxorLP what i mean dat "bronze" guy is better then the gold guy like in the vids.... the noob-gold..
ofc this plays are planned in normals
bronze people are easier to carry thats why bronze is easier then gold
a bronze player can do better than a gold player in a game you saw, but that doesn't mean they are a better player
I love how the comments are all about personal lol experiencies and debates on champs and stuff but nobody says anything about the awesomnes of this song. Great job guys GGWP :D
That's why i'm still in silver...
Sorry dude :)
Don't blame your other teamates,
this shit happens about 1/10 games, if you play as well as you do usually, you should win 9/10 the games.
BlackDudeGaming are you black?
I were also stuck in silver for MANY months even though I won most of my games.
but at the promotion games both ME and my TEAMMATES played BAD.
this is only one way out
delete this game and enjoy your life !
Sorry, I just got into playing it and I carried my team with a 25-2 under my belt with Garen.
i got 23/4/8 with chogath :D
+Sans The Dog I was playing with Graves and I got
I think it's good
Probably one of my fav songs form instalok
liek iff u cri ervyteim